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tv   Campaign 2024 New Jersey 3rd Congressional District Democratic Debate  CSPAN  June 2, 2024 1:26am-2:35am EDT

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and that when i am ho, to spend time with my two beautiful kids. i'm so thankful i get to represent the place that i love so much. thank you all for participating and for this immense, incredible opportunity. laura: that concludes new jersey debate night. i'd like to thank the candidates, robert menendez and robbie bala for their time and responses. thank you also to the new jersey globe for producing this debate. and thanks to c-span for this debate. we invite you to stay tuned because immediately following the debate we will have a conversation with our panelists. let's talkw]■0 about this debatd get their reactions and insight. primary election day in new
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the state's early june.
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herb conaway will go second and joe, we'll go third. we have gone over the rules i want to keep in mind our timeline to cover as many topics as possible. we will dive into opening statements and i could tell that first, so we will come back to her and go to our second persons opening statement. you have 90 seconds.
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>> thanks to this body for giving us this opportunity. i was born and raised in maryland county. and then off to princeton, then down to philadelphia to go to medical school at jefferson medical college. i was a captain at mcguire air force in a medical corps on the base. to residency in internal medicine and was fortunate enough to be elected to the general assembly. i have been leadership for most of that time. i have taken on the bigi have ar middle-class districts.
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i brought obamacare to new jersey. this election is probably the most important, the first time we have a major candidate - cand he will be a dictator of and go after public institutions. we have seen women's rights under attack in this country, i have been fighting for reproductive freedom, i am a practicing physician. i know what happens in the exam room, the tough decisions. i have talked to women about reproductive rights and health care. politicians have no business being of the examination room. i asked for your consideration. this is a historic time that i will be the first black person elected on the first african-american to represent south jersey.
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i look forward to your questions. thank you for the forum. >> our next candidate while we still work on those technical issues for miss murphy. >> i am not a politician, i'm a civil rights attorney. living in southern new jersey for the last 16 years in a small farm for the last 10, i have advocated for civil rights. during my 20 years as a lawyer for the aids law project, the aclu and the fou rights, i haven issues that matter to democrats. legislators that are blue, purple and dark red. last year i led a successful campaign against a desantis to back bill in florida that would've rolled back rights. congress needs people with mice or whites --'s my civil rights
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background. we cannot afford to let the polarization continue because it, andpresident placed our demy in danger. are a civil liberties, like the right to choose, on the chopping block. we must restore faith in government. it starts by having a congress leaves are focused on solving our problems rather than waging culture wars to drive us apart. ensuring all americans have quality health care, saving social security, getting the wealthiest to pay their fair share to fund universal pre-k, addressing the border, fighting climate change and reestablishing a federal right to reproductive freedom. i want to thank tonight's sponsors for moderating in my opponents were sharing the stage. we hope to earn your vote on
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june 4. technical issues ironed out, over to you. [applause] >> thank you and good evening. [indiscernible] >> we are still having technical issues with carol murphy, what we will do is jump to our panelists for their questions. a'once we work that out we will make sure she gets her time. david, you■ are first, you havea question? >> you are seeking to replace
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andy kim as the u.s. house of representatives from the third district of new jersey. what positions have you taken or he has takenwould seem to emulate as the successor■" ad are there any votes he has castro positions he has taken where you don't share that view and we do something differently? andy kim has big shoes to fill because he has been a fantastic representative for us here in the third congressional district. what i share most in common with him is our shared commitment to trying to deal -- do everything we can to build bipartisan support. i admire him a tremendous, great deal. i thought he did the right thing in voting to approve the aid to
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taiwan, israel and ukraine while castth i share the same voting record on that. i don't know where he would stand on other civil liberty issues that i would advance. i'm a proponent of criminal justice reform. in free speech protection. thank you for the question. >> dr. conway, 45 seconds for your response. dr. c andy kim has been my representative now for almost six years. i voted for him every time and campaign for him. there is work to do, and doing the work for people here in the
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seventh district. i support him. you many people at the phone. i think he has been doing a fantastic job constituent servin fantastic. i can't think of anything off the top of my head with which i disagree except maybe on the tiktokote. i listen to a program just and i think there is a very well taken concern about china's involvement in tiktok. i want to keep tiktok in in china out. >> do we have carol murphy? did you hear the question? do you want me to repeat it, or shall i? >>7 what issues has he taken tht
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you would like to continue if you are his successor in are there any votes you have taken since joining congress that you would've voted differently? >> i would like to say it would be an honor to replace andy kim in congress and work with him as he moves to the senate. the anti bill, i would have voted for that bill. i would have continued moving forward and worked with our congressional delegation to make sure to see that through. one thing i do agree on is the fact we have to sell tiktok and bennett from the u.s. china should sell that. we have to protect our children and we have to continue with andy kim. he was an advocate on reproductive rights. that is one thing we will continue working together on. >> michael, you have a question
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for dr. conway. >> you are a doctor and physician. what is your position on sponsoring universal health care in the house, and what do we need to do as far as the national policy on nursing staff levels and issues we are having? dr. conway: universal health care means, as you put it, a single plate -- single-payer health plan, then i don't agree. i don't think they are here for a government run assistant. every time the government runs into an issue, they cut health ith medicare cuts now. now you want the federal government to control the entire health care system.
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i don't think the people want that and i don't support that. i have done that here in new jersey and i am the sponsor and volunteer in new jersey and expanding health care access and improving health careta thati'me to buy down medicare. in all of the other state revisions that go to expanding health access helping with that in the federal level. >> next response goes to miss murphy. >> i want to say that health care is a human right, its not a privilege, it's a human right. in protecting medicare and moving■ towards universal health care is extremely important. not only for me, but for those in new jersey. and i strongly stand with --
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to protect nurses and patients and doctors and hospitals to assure we have a balanced staff that will be able to provide access to health care. >> our next response. >> first, i think it's important to get as many people insured as we can. it should not be determined by one's wealth. @g i would make sure that medicare was an option available tall. not the only option, but i would eliminate the age restriction so anyone could choose to tv on medicare. we need to make sure we control the cost of prescription drugs. we need to have a formula for when we have a drug on the list for something that could be negotiated for price. wies levels, i think we need to provide -- continue to provide -- for those who go into nursing and we need
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to do everything that we can to encourage for those going into the nursing profession because whether it's nursing or long-term care, we have a■g problhen we can't attract people to those jobs. >> our next ques micah, your question is going to >> murphy. you keep an active -- >> you keep an active legislative agenda. what is the appeal of joining a body that members are retiring from from inwhy do you think yor serve the district in the region in the house then you can in the assembly? >> thank you for that, micah. i do a very good job serving in the assembly, and i do think -- i do keep an active schedule. me proactive, that's what makes me effective, keep moving and keep involving,
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investing in what we do. not only in legislation, but also in my constituency and the people of new jersey. once we >> moving us forward is a huge responsibility. i can tellhb■ you i will bring e same tenacit, working to follow constituents to have a way to stay in new jersey. collins, your response? mr. collins: really the reason i joined congress is people need to bring people together. we have a national security threat. we need people with the skill
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set and termination -- determination to stop treating governance like an us versus them contest. i spent the last 20 years trying to bring people together to bring progress and even where republicans have the power, that is what we need is people who will navigate that situation. host: you have 45 seconds. >> i love my country. i want to serve. served in the military and i have prepared to work with the nation. i have spoken to look for common
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ground. we have a great deal of commonality and people focusing on what is important for the american people, we want a congress that functions the way it should. i will take that spirit to the congress. >> you are up next. >> i think election -- looming over any election is the democratic powerbroker. has mr. norcross been a force for good? >> i do not know mr. norcross,
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but we cannot have politics go through one person no matter who they are. we need a situation where voters alone determine who leaders are and that is why i was proudfh fr the lawsuit to challenge. i invited my opponents to join me in a statement saying the race should be handled on an even level. and that is why we need to get back to the basics of the work that brings us together. host: carol murphy, you have 45 seconds. mrs. murphy: i worked to support
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south. i am independent from the democratic. it gives me the ability to be independent or my constituents, but member of the south jersey delegation. ■,we worked to pass bills for everyone including pay equity, reproductive rights. those are things we have done. [no audio] and i stand with -- >> ok, upper conaway, you have 45 seconds. would you like me to repeat the question? >> has george norcross been a
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force for good south jersey? >> he is the head of a thriving business, a driving force behind cooper university hospital for e underserved. he has been a force for good and the answer is yes. host: we are going to go back to you now. back to you now with a question for herb conaway. >> the south jersey democratic delegation passed a law. something that past was a bill that hobbles the open public records act, so i will not ask if you oppose it, but should
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there be consequences for legislators who supported it? candidate: the voters e in the driver's seat and can decide, i will leave that to them. they took their votes based on the facts and i can only say for myself i listen to constituents and it was overwhelming that my constituents wanted a no vote. anything can be reformed, this vehicle was not the reform they wanted so i will let the voters pass judgment which is their right.
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hpt: -- host: joe, over to you. >> the voters will have their say and they will be unhappy with the members who vote -- back the protections. you cannot have democracy functioning well without get transparency w ways. the bill is a serious problem, voters are angry, there will be accountability. it's a shame not have to be that way. host: carol murphy, 45 seconds to respond.
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miss murphy: while we have to protect our transparency, consequences we will see, not those who voted for the bill, they have a right tothe way they feel is important and they feel that works. the consequence is not this bill, but other bills. e consequences. not just because we vote yes or no, how does this bill stand up to the test of time? as a person who can tell you where the consequence will, is whether it works or not. . >> energy depends on
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mining essential materials. what restrictions should be placed on the supply chain for electric car batteries. in some cases they come from the congo or seabed mining. they can disrupt aquatic life and ecosystems. >> absolutely. one of the things i take pride in his i have been a champion for clean energy, clean water and electric vehicles. making sure offshore wind plays a part during this bad time of climate change which is a crisis in the u.s..
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you should never have child labor. we should never have that, nor ocean floor mining. we are accomplish what we need to do, offshore wind, clean water, clean air. it is a right for people to have and he should not have child labor. &lhost: your response? >> talking about, i think this needs to be taken on a case-by-case basis, batteries for cars will change the mix of materials we need anda climate .
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no one is labor. need to respect natural resources. we are going to innovate our way to a clean and healthy economy for the world. it is an important responsibility and i will continue that leadership in congress. >> collins, you have 45 seconds. mr. collins: child labor and slave labor, we need to provide incentives for those using those labor sources to eliminate them. that might requireer prices until innovations are real.
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we have the responsibility to use the carrot to enurwe need et diversifies and uses as much clean energy as possible. i have developed a plan for solar panels one space pursue, making governments de host: you. cohen. >> thi is a question for farmer cohen. the farm bill is important in congress. how important is it to bolster what is left of agricultural heritage and how do you do that with development pressure? >> i■a part that is a
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rural street only five minutes fromminutes away from philadelp. we have to keep our open spaces open and preserve as much as possible. fighting to make sure that the agricultural world is not left behind. it is true, my view is a bill worth fighting for because we cannot go back once we developed. host: next response goes to herb conaway. >> there is an agricultural space. i served 10 or 12 years and to
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preserve open space is critical and intensely popular areas, we have a great farming economy. if that means protecting access from overdevelopment, preserving open space, preserve the farm. in that case, we need to make sure they use every bit of the lands and maintain farms and make sure there is a pathway for families to take forms over. i recognize we are in a great place. host: ok. carol murphy? 45 seconds.
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murphy: our farming community is important to our to start expansion. of our investment in farms protect our food supply. these are under the bill and that is why we have to remember if we don't have fresh fruit and bles we are not serving residents well and i will be a strong voice for farmers in burlington and mercer county. >> david, you're next in y tiffl gaza taking over college campuses across the country and in new jersey. how can the first amendment rights of swith academic concerd
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reputational concerns of higher education. >> you mention those concerns. we live in a free country that says you have a right to free speech and protest. organizing needs protection. there is a right of students to go to school in a safe environment free from the anti-semitism, islamic phobia and hate speech across the country that was spurred by donald trump. what we have seen is when
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administrationse people are coming from, bill bradley's grandmother said do not look down on some when you do not understand. administrations need to ease tensions and find a pathway to allow peaceful protestnd to not allow the interference in access to students abilities. host: carol murphy, your next. ms. murphy: part of the first amendment right of free speech, protesters are using their voice for free speech. it should not be violent, we should not allow agitators on the campus to bring chaos and violence to the protesters.
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everyone has a right to education whether they agree or not and there should be a way to live together when there are protests that are within our realm ofusing our voice to get e across, not just chaos and violence. my time is up. host: you are next. mr. cohen? i have dedicated my career fighting for the rights of students in faculty and let me make one thing clear, the first amendment never protects violence in schools need to draw that line. does not protect property
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destruction at all under the first amendment. administrators should allow as much speech as possible. everyone has the right to go to hout being discriminated against. there are instances where students occupied buildings they do not have the right to occupy and schools need to balance rights. host: we will have to stop you there, time is up, i apologize. joey fox you are up next with a question for miss mary. joey fox: the house is voting on a bill to override a biden
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administration decision to pause a shipment to israel over humanitarian concerns. would you support th? ms. murphy: to override is a difficult question. i do not know the bill, but never do you override any president's decision on foreign x>policy, especially a president with so much experience to assure we are able to move our country and protect our allies. i would be in a position where i would not vote for that. >> over to joan now. >> i am jewish, i support israel, i think it is crucial that the united states back israel to provided timely support and weapons. i do not have a problem with
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withholding a particular weapon if they think it is inappropriate because of the damage it would cause. they are providing weapons that they think are more appropriate. and i knew enough about what is being withheld and what is offered. that is how i would analyze the question. host: over to herb for your response? mr. conaway: i am focused on preserving life. let's go back to first principles. i am a supporter of the u.s. involvement in israel. the united states is a guarantor of israeli security and israelis have a right to defend themselves.
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hamas attacked the jewish people as the president reminded us. i want to see people have a break in the action to move people to fe and shelter and hostages to be retrieved. oh i joined with others asking so they can understand what the president knows and make a decision. >> next step david and a question for mr. cohn. >> the third district, both parties have made sure they protect major contributors to south jersey's economy. the joint base mcguire.
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speaking on the armed services committee, we protect your district? >> absolutely. host: we will go on to carol murphy for hms. murphy: thank y. absolutely that is on my list to pick up. i'm in assemblywoman and daughter of a master sergeant. i can tell you i work on the base with base commanders and other folks. we also made the same commitment on the military affairs committee to work■ñl2 on militay
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issues, not only in new jersey. one of the biggest ones we have [indiscernible] >> were going to go to herb conaway, we are working to address feedback so we are aware of that. to you. mr. conaway? >> i have treated people who are part of the veterans community. i know how important bases are to veterans and national security. i seek to serve on the committee and the general assembly and on the veterans affairs committee legislation to make things
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better for our military michael. you have a question for dr. conaway. >> you voted with democrats in support of chris christie's proposals to increase contributions of public employees includs and first responders and health care pensions. when steve collaborated with chris christie you supported those measures. were you enabler of his most memorable priorities and do you regret that? >> i took on chris chrtihe trie. and i supervised the veto. i fought against the
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administration. so look, even -- i'm not saying he is right. but to say i was in enabler, i have fought against the administration, things that are critical to women, i understand this -- that health care -- is a relationship between the patient and her health care provider, physician and family and i will continue to fight for that. host: we're going to let you chime in. >> i do not think that -- that collaboration is always a dirty word, but it should never be at the expense of workers so we
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need to make sure moving forward that pensions are protected fully, no matter what we are doing in collaboration with people we disagreeo our principy for the working class, to have what they need, to have affordability for their lives, we need to make sure the richest are paying their fair share, that would be my priority. ■>>phy, over to you. miss murphy: i'm going to answer that directly. i can tell you one thing, i was chief of staff and i stood on the streets of trenton when they had a big bulletin board and a microphone talking about how to chapter 17 is going to hurt our
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teachers, our schools and istooe bill did not go through. it did, but myself and the mercer, we stood together fighting and i could not have a prouder moment. >> time has come to let candidates ask a question of one opponent. you have 30 seconds to ask, one minute to answer any 30 second response. one question per opponent. ms. murphy, your first. ms. murphy: conaway, you criticized me for campaigning on identity politics. another distinction between me and my opponent is my refusal to run on identity politics. talking about women's issues is
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identity politics? can you explain what you meant? >> what i meant was and say, one's sex or race should not be the principal driver of the campaign. i am a person of color who represents a majority of a white district and i have governed in a way that -- irrespective of sex, race, gender, any distinction one might have. sohost: carol murphy, you have 0 seconds to respond. ms. murphy: my experience as a woman is relevant and thinking otherwise is why we've never let a woman into congress.
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anyone if you think women's issues and representations are identity politics, how can women trust you to protect our rights? this is not trivial. rights are being taken away and i will not stop talking about women's rights. >> keep about women's rights. i've been there and i have done that in my practice and life as an elected official in defense of equal rights. so i stand second to none. protecting their ability to live freely. >> conaway, your next. >> miss murphy, you announce
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that you were running for assembly and you are supporting andy kim in his quest to the se.[indiscernible] you changed -- you changed -- you change yourn. so when you say i will do such and such, will you do that? can people count on you to stand for the things you say you will do? or when it is politicallhost: ni thought the next question would be conaway to joe. he is a member of our campaign and has supported would not
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mind. host: do you have a question? do you have a question for joe? >> that is not my understanding of the rule. i asked a question in the format. >> ok, ok.(x miss murphy, i will let you have 30 seconds to respond. >> i've supported andy kim we had breakfast making everyone
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possible, i never flip-flopped. i told him i support him. so to about flip-flopping is inaccurate. i've always supported andy and i voted for andy. >> read the globe print. >> now we will move on to joe with the next question for carol. >> assemblyman murphy, under my plan to help the next generation save for retirement, children' s parents could purchase a bond that matures when the child turns 67 and would be worth 240 $8,000 per parents.
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they would get a credit on taxes. what is your plan to help the next generation save? >> i have been a strongól for pensions, preserving pensions and social security. and making sure we focus on child care while we support our children. they are an investment in as we move forward i can only imagine what it will be like if social security is cut. if donald trump gets elected, he will cut out social security, not we have to focus on them today in order to preserve tomorrow because our future is uncertain and are pensions are essential.
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>> before we go to the last round, joe you have 30 seconds to respond. >> there is more we can do. we need to make social security solvent because we will run out and we need to take action by raising the cap so people can earn more contributing more. we need to do more because social security does not cover people to have meaningful retirement and that is why am thinking about how we can >> we■; have time for new more questions -- two more questions. >> you have identified protecting the prime l
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opportunity. what are some ways that a lawmaker can advance protections? what are the needs today? >> think that one of the things we need to do is to make sure the federal government is giving enough money to environmental protection to enforce rules. we need to give grants for municipalities to purchase open space lands because that is critical and we need to work with local nonprofits like the preservation alliance to get
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3good advice because they are plugged in on what needs are, whether it is deciding whether you're doing building or other projects, we need to prioritize making sure that the epa is ready and has the resources to turn away development. >> herbal, you are next. >> iran on preservation when i was governor and so i'm all about preserving that. we have to raise the battle on climate. we are surrounded by an ocean on one side and we need■@ to draft
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climate policy to keep saltwater intrusion from damaging the aquifer. i've lead on this issue of climate change and meeting on infrastructure and addressing it createsú jobs. so getting after climate, putting people to work is one way. it will help preserve a natural resource for new jersey. host: carol murphy, your next. supporter. a few years ago, i went with the agricultural com tour the prime lands and i can tell you one of the things we need to focus on is forestry to assure forrester's and police are able
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to continue keeping them strong. we need to protect clean air and water and it's important for the ecosystem and it makes not only south jersey but new jersey a great place because we have those lands for people to go and have recreations. if we don't have strong forrester's and strong rules and regulations to protect the climate, forest and woods, we will not be successful. host: one more question, joey you are up with a question for herbert conaway. moderators havt mentioned,■/ lgbt rights, abortion, marijuana. these are topics the three of you would agree on.
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but if you are elected to this republican congress what would you do to implement your policies on these issues chris? are >>■q you have to know how to deal with this. i hope on my tombstone you will hear there is a reason that people can make an argument. i have been right on the issue of marriage, looking to build a our acquisitions to understand what is happening. some of the issues around smoking, big tobacco, they're targeting vulnerable groups. i convened with my experience to
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inform my steps. people, you be reasonable with them, understand where they are coming from, look for commonality and get things done. that's what i'm doing. host: murphy? miss murphy: thank you. first of all, you have to have investment from those who it impacts. let's how i come about making my policy is speaking with those directly impacted. part of book conference for legislators that i sat on in the committee as well as a cochair with the republican senator from montana. we did talk on the policy about issues and how to resoe them in washington and issues that
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impact all of my folks, not just one side. and i were to get legislation passed in states, these are organizations as well as the national foundation of women's legislatures and i can tell you -- post: your time is up. joe, final thoughts? >> i've been working on civil liberties my whole career fighting for gay marriage. we need to build a coalition from treating people with respect. what i mean by that is i've talked to legislatures -- legislators on the wrong side of the issue. ■óthey became sponsors because i
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listened rather than pointing the finger. the republican share on wisconsin's committee introduce the only bill to give gender identity protections from harassments. >> we will have to end it there. time for closing statement starting with carol murphy, that herb conaway, then joe cohn. >> thank you, david, laura, joey, michael, for joining me. i want to make a point that i think is important and can be lost. the truth we cannot get swept up in the politics of this primary. our biggest concern is taking on trump extremists. that is what is actually at stake and don't forget it.
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talk about people who believe women are second-class citizens, people who believe in the mission to overturn free and fair elections. people who want to take away social security, medicare and deny the right to a living wage. we cannot send green or lauren o congress. we cannot allow donald chuck to be reelected president of these united states. what is at stake is the future of democracy and our republic. we have voted but we are not enemies. we are united in a common purpose and we are fighters in the trump resistance army. there is nothing more sacred than the truth before you and i humbly ask for your vote as her congresswoman. >> you have 90 seconds.
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>> thank you to the organizers and my colleagues joining in this discussion. i am by the way of background served in this district. my record in my private life of accomplishment and present heading -- preserving the union is important. i've been a leader working on issues that are important. i fought to preserve seniors income. i fought to make sure they can stay in a home by providing relief. i fought prescription drug -- brought prescription drug■= accs to senior citizens. every bill that comes to the legislature i have sponsored. i sponsored the voting rights act and if i am elected, i
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fought for rights for women.i es about cancer or reproductive rights and i understand how important it is that politicians stay out of the exam room. i will make if the law of the land and fight for access to concepcion. at the state level. i am proud to be one of the most effective legislators in the body. i've passed 300 bills. if you elect me i will not let you down. i'm ready to servee. thank you. >> jeff? final thoughts, closing statement? >> i want to thank our sponsors for tuning in.
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and my opponents for joining me. i am running for congress because the country needs to fight for everyone's rights. career politicians are not in short supply. i have not been in office for 20 years. i've been fighting for civil liberties. i will be the first have worked in congress. someone to trenton where democrats can run the show. we awhere republicans have powe. i should be your choice because i'm the only one who has one where republicans have real authority. campaigns to defeat hills that would restrict abortions. i worked congress lead to restore faith in our government
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by building a coalition of the reasonable. every day issues like lowering the cost of prescription drugs, capping medical expenses, getting people to pay their fair share and bipartisan support. i will do everything i can to work together because we need to if were going to say our democracy. join me in this fight by signing up and i hope to have your vote. i will work to make you prof thank you. >> that concludes new jersey the bait night. i would like to thank the candidates. for their time and responses. thank you to our panelists. and the institute for new jersey politics were producing.
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thank you to c-spannd ng -- and je a. immediately following we will have a conversation with panelists to talk more and get reactions and insight. primary election day is june 4 so head over 20 with you want to watch this again. thank you for watching. ♪ >>
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