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tv   2024 Campaign Trail Libertarian Convention Highlights Ohios U.S. Senate...  CSPAN  June 2, 2024 7:25pm-8:01pm EDT

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this week, 2020 four campaign trail brings you highlights from the libertarian party's national convention in washington, d.c. an in-depth look at the senate race. first, the political headline of the past week. former president trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts in the hush money case against in new york city. mr. trump had this to say the day after the manhattan jury returned its verdict. >> from the leading person, the president i am under a gag order by a man they cannot put two sentences together. given by a court. in total conjunction to the white house and the doj. this is all done by biden and his people. maybe his people more important. i don't know if biden knows too much about it. i don't know if he knows much about anything. he's nevertheless the president, so we have to use his name. this is done by washington. nobody has ever seen anything like it. we have a judge that is highly
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conflicted, you know what the confliction is. nobody wants to write about it. i'm not allowed to talk about it. he said i get put in jail. we will play that game a little bit longer. we will not talk about it. i hope you do. there has never been anybody so confct as the trial itself, it was very unfair. we weren't allowed to use our election expert under any circumstances. you saw what happened to some of the witnesses on our side, they were literally crucified by this man oks like an angel, but he is really a devil. he looks so nice and soft. people say he seems like such a nice man. unless you saw him in action and we saw that with a certain witness who went through hell. and when we wanted to do things,
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he would not let them -- he would not let us do those things. but when the government wanted something, they got everything. they got everything they wanted. it was a riggetrial. we wanted a venue change. or we could have a fair trial. we did not get it. we wanted a judge, one that was not conflicted. obviously he did not do that. nobody has ever seen anything like it. let me give you the good news. the good news last night, we just got a report this morning. they raised with small money donors, like $21, $42, $53, reca 10 hour period.
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ink of that. >> former presidt ump was also one of the speakers at last weekends libertarian party national convention. he wasne of two non-libertaria w spoke at theonntion. making his case the party should support his candidacy instead of the party's own presidential minee. next, highlights from his remarks there and the failed attempt to nominate mr. trump as a libertarian candidate. >> a lot of people ask why i came to speak at this libertarian convention. it is an interesting question, isn't it? but we are going to have a lot of fun. in the last year, i have been indicted by the governmentt thi.
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if i was in a libertarian before, i sure as hell am a libertarian now. our rights and freedoms have never been more in danger than they are right now. that is why i've come to extend a hand of friendship to ask for your partnership to defeat communism, defeat marxism, and defeat crooked joe biden who is destroying our country. we can be libertarian or anything else. this man is destroying country. the fact is wehould not be fighting each other. if joe biden gets back in, there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country.
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combined with us in a partnership, we are asking that of the libertarians, we must work together. combined with us, you have to combined with us. we cannot give crooked joe biden four more years. and i stand before you tonight as your best hope of defeating the weaponized biden and a very evil regime that his people -- it is probably not him, because is, but that his people are pursuing. you can make the difference. the libertarian party can make a big difference. the libertarian party can make a big difference. together we can makever before r citizens of all backgrounds and all walks of life. we can unleash new hope, optimism, and energy. we can release limited government so that the people can have an unlimited future. united, w if we unite, we are unstoppable.
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i will be a true friend to libertarians in the white house. a great libertarian who may very well be in the room right now, i believe. but he is a great libertarian. leroy murdoch. who i have become friends withre american spectator and numerous other places. wrote an article in which he mentions some of the things that even trying to be one. that is nice. he wrote donald j. trump will address the libertarian party at his national convention on saturday. libertarian party should nominate trump for president of the united states. that is nice. that is nice.
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only if maybe you don't want to win. maybe you don't want to win. thank you. only do that if you want to win. if you want to lose, don't do that. keep getting your 3% every four years. the reasons for doing so, policy politics are as solid as the hope diamond. he said this. this event is very unprecedented, he said. as the cato institute president, peter gopher observed at thursday's washington post, it will be the first time in u.s. history a presidential candidate of a rival party will address the convention of a is presumably gathering to
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nominate its own candidate. now i think you nominate me, or at least vote for me, and we should win together. you heard those words. nominate me or vote for me. because the libertarians want to vote for me, and mand it is ver. because we have to get rid of the worst president in history. and together we will. without it, there is a risk we could have four more years, we won't have a country left. so what is the purpose of the libertian party getting 3%? what is chance of having this horrible president destroy our country, she will do in far less than four years -- it is not going to take four years. that is why i'm committing to you tonight that i will put a
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libertarian in my cabinet, and also libertarians and senior posts. pretty good. that is pretty big. or you can keep going the way you have for the last long decade, get 3% and meet again, get another 3%. to make yourself winners. it is time to be winners, you have a lot of common sense. time to be a winner. ■u asking for the libertarian party's endorsement, or at least lots of your votes based on my four year, vy much of my records rtarian. >> i would like to nominate the greatest preside of outime, donald j. trump.
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>> anyone tell me trump is ableh nomination? >> i object the considation. >> i need you to be quiet -- no madam chair yet, no points of order. we are in the middle of a nomination. i need to hear from my curd and chills chair if he's checked to see if donald j. trump is a valid member of the libertarian party and fees register -- and if he's registered libertarian. please hold onto your seats. [applause] >> -- madam chair, i would like to confirm for the record and an entire body delegation that i
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did take the opportunity last night after that to credential mr. trump. in all of the profiles, that not one time is he a basic sustaining member, so he does not qualify. >> thank you. all thank you very much, mr. potter. i also learned mr. trump did not turn in any nominating papers. but he was nominated, and it is nice to be nomined >> presidential contender robert f. kennedy, jr. so make inroads at the libertarian convention and received some support in the fo of aomination two days after s marks to the group.
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next, highlights from mr. kennedy's time at the convention in the nation's capital. >> i'm curious how president trump is going to defend his attacks on the constitution when i meet him on the debating stage. if -- debate in front of you and the members of this party, but he declined. at some point, i hope he has the courage to stand up there so we can all talk about these issues and make sure these assaults on our constitution never happen again. we need to have a civics lesson for the american people to make sure it is never repeated. presidt trump left off the assault on the constitution intensified. president biden violated a james madison did not even the .
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he never imagined the government could mandate medical procedures to unwilling americans in violation autonomy. that is what happened during the pandemic. a program of coercion and information, chaos and information, control that prevented the public from making fully informed choices. that wasn't the worst of it. he put the power of his office behind the assault of the one freedo upon which all other freedoms rely, the freedom of the press. we now know in the twitter files, from the discovery in the mercy versus biting case, and my own case which is in front of the supreme court, kennedy versus biden, at 37 hours after he took the oath of office,
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president biden waing with the fbi to coerce the social media sites google, twitter, facebook, youtube, instagramo open portals tallow o i stand with you in valuing personal liberty. i'm president, i'm going to protect your right to speak freely. i'm going to protect your rigto. i will protect your freedom to worship area i will protect your right to keep and bear arms. >> good morning, madam chair. >> i'm hector roose from florida. >> we would like to nominate robert f. kennedy, jr..
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the single most important anti- two-party system we have seen in our lifetime. >> one moment, settle down. ave nominated robert f. kennedy, jr.. and he is of the libertarian party. >> he is, madam chair. as the credentials committee chair, i confirm he is a basic sustaining member. >> he is a basic sustaining member. it is my understanding he did turn in nomination papers that had the required amount of signatures on them. does he accept the nomination? >> we have confirmation that he does. >> do you want me to call him and ask him if he accepts the nomination? ringing. ljgood morning. i'm at the podium.
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i need to ask if you accept the nomination. he's going to get back to us. >> madam chair■4 -- we are going to jump to microphone three. >> thank you. i do believe it is in the policy manual if you are a speaker at the convention, you have to sign to sayou nomination for president for the libertarian party, therefores o. >> i'm going to give you my mr. kennedy did not sign any such agreement. and it was not during business hours or on the stage -- during convention business or on the stage that he spoke. so your point of order is not well taken. i would also state he did not
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turn in any statement on his intention to run for secretary. >> point of order, madame chairman. as has been explained to my team multiple times, an inability to accept the nomination or unwillingness to submit the paperwork in a timely fashion is tantamount to declining the nomination. the reason i got out of bed this morning was to make sure you had the paperwork and i would have expected the same respect from mr. kennedy if he were serious. the libertarian party -- [applause] >> the libertarian party is quite literally convened by definition, those who are not in the roomeave it to you to define. i have been informed mr. kennedy accept the nomination. this is the deal. it is time to read you guys in
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ve a moment unlike any other. this room has a chance to change the course of history. not just for this country, but for the world. i understand, let's get something straight. robert kennedylibertarian. can we admit that? let's get the elephant out of the room. exactly. let's get something else straight. we are all misfits, outcasts. a few of you may have been born libertarian. but the rest of us, we found our way here. we found enough pain either in the republican party or the democrat party, whatever it was, to decide this is going to be our home. >> this morning to let you know i accept this unexpected honor. 8yi will always admire the libertarian party, aligned with
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core values, the antipathy toward■> war, the commitment to end our addiction to forever wars. and the love of personal freedoms and liberties, the understanding that we are going to fulfill -- is by exercising freedom of ■choice and that united states constitution global template, we are outlining those freedoms, and those freedoms are sacrosanct. and that there are no exceptions.i'm going to protecte rights, the united states constitution. i'm going to end foreign wars. and i'm very grateful to the libertarian party, it is a great honor.
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i look forward to an alliance across the country all of these parties are now challgi the republican and democrat corrupt duopoly. after seven rounds of voting that lasted nearly 14 hours, the libertarian party nominated chase oliver as its presidential candat mr. olerwho ran for the u.s. senate in georgia in 2020 has a beat out other party hopefulso be a standardbearer fothis year's presennext, some e speech near the conclusion of >> thank you libertarian party. has today been a wild ride or what? right now, there are two things we said first and foremost. i want to thank those who invited me to your home, to your favorite restaurants, state conventions.
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those who picked me up from the airport, who text banked so far, they thought i cheated because we had so many votes coming inye presidential candidates who put themselves out there for the party. those of us who all ran for president, we had meals together, we took the same flight, we argued in several dozen debates. all of our arguments drew us stronger, and we are better for that. i want to say thank you to the 500 lunteer team who helped get the word across the campaign. we had made the hard work over the last two years worth it. you answered the call when we asked for something. those who did not volunteer, i urge you to get involved in the campaign and spread liberty across all 50 states.
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the energy that everyone brought is exactly the energy we need to make freedom win. ■6yes, i'm the candidate you nominated. but it is not about me. it is a■
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here the elevator pitch. if you're living your life in peace free from force, fraud, coercion, theft, or violence, your life is your life, your body is your body, your business is your business, and your lifeñ is your life. it is not mine to handle, and it is not the governmt costs now i know we've had a long day. we've had many ballots. i urge you -- we can make it a little longer. i'm going to get out of here. what i want to say in closing is i'm fighting or a world set free in our lifetime. are you? ng to end the wars that kill innocenteo end the was that kill innocent people all over the world?
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i'm tired of monetary policy and inflation destroying families across this country and forcing them to abject poverty for no other reason than the fact we print trillions of dollars a year to fund those wars. are you ready to end the inflation in our lives? i need you to get out and support a my running mate mike term. together, we will send the libertarian message loud and clear. together with a guy who marched in the streets as an activist for police accountability and a former police officer who understands the need for that accountability. wtogether, we are going to send this message to the millions of people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. in particular, those numbers of generation z who know they don't want octogenarians running their lives.
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they want to run their own lives, and we should create the conditions for that to happen. and the wars, the abuses, the taxation, and all taxation. because what is taxation? that is right. taxation is theft. we will stop the thieving that happens from our state all over the country. i need your help to do it. thank you very much, let's set the world free in our lifetime. >> politics reporter here to talk about sherrod brown, the incumbent senator from that state running for a fourth term.
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>> how would you describe sherrod brown's politics? >> he is pretty progressive, but he's always focused a lot of his messaging on workers, workers rights,he has not been shy about disagreeing with the biden administration and other past them presidents about issues like trade when he doesn't think it is serving ohio workers. he has spoken out in favor of things like student loan forgiveness. he was a big advocate for the abortion rights amendment on ohio's ballot, which passed last
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year and codified the right to an abortion. those are things we see him talking about. his campaign and things have always been a part of his brand. >> who are it -- his supporters and are they enough to win? >> he has a lot of really big union support, which will be helpful to him in this election. he has support from democrats across the state, abortion rights advocates. one thing that will be interesting is he will also be on the ballot likely with a minimum wage increase issue that advocates are gathering signatures to support that on the ballot right now. seeing some overlap between those groups. >> you mentioned his challenger. what are his strengths?
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>> first and foremost, he's trump that is an endorsement that plays well. trump-endorsed senator j.d. vance in 22. it propelled him to the republican primary, got him elect to office. that is really key. moreno can also play the political outsider card. that has become resident with a lot of republicans in ohio. people thinking so-called career oking for a change of pace in washington. i think he has that. he also has an interesting back story. he is a businessman, he emigrated legally from columbia as a child. issue for his campaign and something that is talked a lot ? >> i do think the political
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inexperience is a problem for him. never held elected office before, that shows sometimes. he's also been inconsistent on his positions, he changed hishie immigration, gun control, even once upon a time was critical of trump. so democrats have already painted him as an inconsistent person kind of just changing whichever way the wind blows. i think that is the message you will hear through election night. >> describe their fundraising efforts as well as their ground games. >> senator brown by far has the fundraising advantage. he was able to raise money during the prep -- republican primary last year when marino was defending himself in that race. as of the end of april, i inbr'n
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probably has 14 million or so in thmarino came out of the primary with about $1.7 million. they are both going to have support from tons of outsidgroue republican and democratic campaign arms because the race is so competitive. outside money is going to be pouring in. now that the republican primary is over, the donors will likely unite behind marin because they want to see sherrod brown out of office.
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