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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Rep.- Elect Vince Fong R-CA Swearing- In  CSPAN  June 4, 2024 4:58am-5:08am EDT

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congressional district of california. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the consent tt the gentleman from california, the honable vince fong, be permitted to take the oath of office today. mr. calvert: hisertifite of
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election has not arrived but there's no question about the election. the speaker: without objection. will representative-elect fong and the members of the california delegation present themselves in the well.he representative-elect will please raise his right hand.) do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic and will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, that you take this obligation freely any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that yand faithfule
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duties of the office on which you're about to enter? mr. fong: ido. the speaker: congratulations, you're now a member of the 118th congress. from california, mr. calvert is recognized for one minute.■k!q mr. calvert: thank you, mr. speaker. i want to congratulate our newest member of the california delegation, vince fong. while he may have just arhode island, he's joining our delegation after serving in the california state 2016. he's also armed with a knowledge and invalue queubl insights learned if his time serving as h
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legends like bill thomas and kevin mccarthy. we have no doubt you'll be just as successful as your mentors. on behalf of the entire delegation let me again congratulate vince, his wife amanda and the entire fong family. i would now likeo the newly minted congressman, vince fong. mr. fong: thank you. mr. speaker, it is my great privilege to stand beforeou the represent thoif 20th district of the great state of california. order, humbled and grateful to be given this opportunity by the voters to serve and be a strong voice for our region. more special to be sworn in with my family here in the gallery. i want to thank my wife ahmanv
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davment i want to thank my wife amanda for her love and support. i want to thank my parent, my mother-in-law, my s our family s being by my side. and a special acknowledgment to my niece,g her ninth birthday with us today. i also want to thank my mentor and friend, speaker kevin mccarthy. he has worked tirelessly for decades on behalf of the constituents of the central valley of california ao@nd our nation. in traveling the 20th
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congressional district, listening to my neighbors, constituent, and friends throughout fresno, kearns county, i know our concerns are very familiar with the concerns that we must do more to find solutions and to deliver the bor crisis. stop the rising costs of everyday essentials that are squeezing family budgets. and work t keep our community swaism must strengthen our crumbling irastruck churk find long-term solutions to water and energy infrastructure especially out we more educational opportunities. installations.t our military i want to thank the men and women of naval air lake, naval r station l'amour, and the fresno air national guard for their service and sacrifice defending oureat nation. inticipate
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passionate discourse. that is expected of us. there's certainly no shortage of challenges facing our nation, the constituent of california and my district. but this is also the moment where we together can make the most positive impact. i was born and raised in the central value lea. the son of his family to bakersfield, kale, for new opportunity, never imagining that one kay he'd witness his son sneeng floor of the house of representatives. our region is known for its grit, perseverance and generosity and driven by faith, family and patriotism. i am blessed to call it my home. in close, i look forward to serving and working alongside all of you to address our nation's challenges. and to ensure that the voice of the congressional district my neighbors have entrusted to me are hrd single day in these halls of congress. we can tackle these challenges head on and leave a better and
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stronger america for future generations. mr. speaker, i yield back.■■
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