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tv   Washington Journal 06052024  CSPAN  June 5, 2024 6:59am-9:00am EDT

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>> today i'm using the executive authorities available to me as president to do what i can on my own to address the border. ♪ host: good morning. it is wednesday, june 5. president biden announcing
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measures at the mexico border. they' seeking asylum if they cross between points of entry. those actions will likely be challenged in court. we are getting your reaction. our phone lines are republicans (202) 748-8001. democrats, call us at (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002. we have a line for residents of southern border states. it is (202) 748-8003. you can use that same line to text us. include your first name and your city and state. on social media and x at @cspanwj. welcome to today's washington journal. the house will gavel in at 9:00 a.m. let's look at details of the executive action announced yesterday m de effect on the number of border encounters between ports of entry hits 2500 per day. note ffect.t or below 1500 per
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day, fewer who are at least a week -- for at least a week. and it does include unaccompanied children. more from president biden from yesterday talking about these measures. [video] >> i would have preferred to address the issue through bipartisan legislation because that is the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now that is broken fixed. hire more officers, more judges. republicans left me no choice. i'm announcing actions to bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at the southern border unless they see get after entering through an established lawful process. those who seek to come to the u.s. legally by making an appointment and coming to a port of entry, asylum will still be available to them. still available.
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if an individual chooses not to use legal pathways, they choose to come without permission and against the law, they will be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the united states. this section will help us gain control of the border, restore order to the process. this ban will remain until the number of people trying to enter illegally is reduced to a level our system can effectively manage. we will carry out this order consistent with all our responsibilities, every one of them. host: we are getting your reaction to that announcement from president biden yesterday regarding action at the southern border. here is the hill with this article. aclu to challenge biden's border action. same approach as trump asylum ban. the american civil liberties union says it plans to sue the biden administration over a newly -- newly unveiled policy at the seven border.
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the administration just announced in a second of -- an executive order to restrict rights of people seeking asylum putting lives at risk. they posted on x. they added the action takes the same approach as the trump administration. we will be challenging this ordering court. the white house took long inspected action that will turn away migrants seeking asylum who cross the southern border illegally at times when there is a high volume of daily encounters. the order will be efe in effect until the average -- meaning it goes into effect immediately. it says that senior officials told reporters on a call previewing the announcement they were prepared to defend the measure in court, asserting they had the authority to implement the policy.
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we want to know what you think and we will take a look at speaker mike johnson. he was speaking about this. note, this was before the president made the formal announcement. [video] >> cable ignore multiple elements that have to be addressed. the elements in our legislation that we passed over 14 months ago to fix a broken asylum program. to fix the broken parole process. to reinstate the remain in mexico policy. the end of catch and release. those of the reasons this catastrophe has been allowed to continue. whatever little short measure he will do here is not going to solve the problem. by some estimates it might make it worse. it will extend once again -- it will incentivize people to be among the first 2500 is what we are hearing. the first one to 500 per day to come in to be assured you get your welcome package when you come into the country illegally. it's absolute madness.
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they will say he's using section 212-f. i read that provision to him myself on the telephone year ago. seven months ago. we had this conversation. i told him this. first he told me it didn't exist and that i read him the leg was on the phone. i met with him in person and reiterated the same language. that provision is so broad it allows the president to use his authority unilaterally if he determines it to be in the best interest of the country. it's detrimental to the interest of our country. he can close the border entirely -- he won't do that. he has no interest in doing that. they want it wide open. don't be fooled. 22nd of border can inuoye undo the 64 specific executive actions already taken in three and half years of chaos they allowed to ensue. host: let's go to the phones with julian in stamford, connecticut. republican. caller: good morning.
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how are you? host: good. caller: a couple of little points. i guess 50 million is enough. he still allowing 2500 everyday to come in. it is too late. he has destroyed this country with the 50 league illegals that entered this country. god only knows how many people, terrorist. it is lovely to see you. you look beautiful as usual. host: thank you. the gallup poll from a month ago as of april. immigration name to top u.s. problem for third straight month. immigration has been the most politically polarizing issue mentioned in the past 25 years. a couple graphs to show you here. they are not coming in but it says republicans are far more likely than democrats and independents to name immigration
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is the most important issue. in the latest poll, 40% compared with 8% of democrats mentioned immigration. independents fell roughly in the middle at 25%. republicans mentioned the issue has come down from february when a record high 57% named it. democrats -- fewer democrats now than it 2019 when 20% mentioned it. is at a new high. specifically similar readings were recorded in 2019 and recent months. michael in four oaks, north carolina. republican. caller: good morning. host: what has been going on, michael? caller: the presidential elnow we are talking about immigration again. that is what is going on. i think abortion will be the top issue again in the election.
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i know that is not the topic. you should consider that the topic soon the summer. maybe abortion. immigration -- host: how did you react when you heard about the president's actions at the border? caller: i don't have problems with that and i'm a staunch republican. staunch republican. like i said, something has to be done. let's try not to get so. we begged him to do something heavenly -- something heavenly? -- haven't we? we had grandstanding by the republican senators. ere very upset, saying it's a political move. host: do you agree with that, that it is a political move? caller: i don't. we begged him to do something. he's finally doing something. let's give him a break. we are not going to get many breaks.
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host: we will talk to you in about a month. rick republican in idaho. caller: top of the morning to you. retired gunnery sergeant. something i want to bring to the light based on mathematical calculations. we have been paying $32 a month. daca and dreamers at the border, $7 million a week. who paid the last? donald j. trump. you compare that the president truman's $39 billion. trump dropped the hammer on day one. this is a day late and a dollar short. republicans got it right. c-span, washington journal thank you for your hospitality.
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i'm taking the job of secretary of transportation. host: let's look at more from president biden who talked about his administration's efforts on immigration. [video] >> i believe immigration has always been the lifeblood of america. constantly renewed by an infusion of people and new talent. the statue of liberty is not some relic of american history. twos-tens are who we are in the united states. i will never demonize immigrants over for to them as poisoning the blood of the country. further, i will never separate children from their families at the border. i will not ban people because of their religious believes. i will not pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families and put them in detention camps while they await deportation as my
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predecessor says he will do if he occupies this office again. my first day as president introduced a conference of immigration reform plan to fix a broken system. secure the border, provide pathway for citizenship for dreamers, and a lot more. how still fighting to get that done. we must face the simple truth. to protect america as a land that welcomes immigrants we must first secure the border and secure it now. the simple truth is there is a worldwide migration crisis. if the united states does not secure our border there is no limit to the number of people who made try to come here -- may try to come here because there's no better place on the planet. for those who say the steps are too strict, be patient. the goodwill of the american people is wearing thin right now. doing nothing is not an option. we have to act. we must act consistent with
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laws and values as americans. host: we are getting your reaction to the president's executive action on the border. we have this text from kevin in d l biden shut the border and republicdone. let us move on to helping the american people. larry in milford, micthis executive order is 12 million illegal aliens too late. myrtle beach, south carolina. independent line. james. hello. caller: that was a good move mr. biden did yesterday. all that theater going on with johnson yesterday, that's all that is. theater. he has old folks out here that are believing everything he's telling them. just like merrick garland hearin yesterday -- hearing yesterday. it was all just theater and a waste of taxpayer money. the day before with fauci.
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all they are doing is campaigning for donald trump because they are weak. jim jordan. i cannot wait for that man to get out of washington, d.c. host: you are in favor of what the president did? caller: we have to have immigration, because -- i'm not calling americans lazy. there are jobs in this country that americans absolutely will not do. the pay is too low. the mexicans will come over here and work from daylight to dark. i have seen them. i see them all the time. they are building houses on the beach like it's going out of style. they start at 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. they are still hammering out there at 7:00 at night building on these houses. i look around and all i see as
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far as americans are the supervisors. i don't understand it. americans won't work. our hotels on the beach are the way. we have jamaicans russians mexicans. host: all right. donnie is a democrat in st. louis, missouri. caller: good morning. i agree with joe biden, what he's doing. the other caller said there republicans held up the bill on immigration reform to aid president trump. then they told him he had the power -- biden had the power to do to pass the bill. when he did it and now they are
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complaining. i agree with what he has done. host: let me ask you this. we have this from chad on facebook and i want to hear what you think. ch says all he had to do is not touch anything. trumpet everything going in the right direction. what do you think that? caller: i do not think trump had everything in the right direction. he separated those families. he put them in cages. trump's policy was not the best policy. the only reason it was enacted was because of covid that he could do that. when he stops people from coming across the border like that it was because of covid. it wasn't because he handled the immigration policy as he should have been doing. going through the law and making it so it would stand up. no ihost: sorry. mountain home, arkansas. joel good morning. caller: how are you doing this
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morning? a few notes and i will move on. we do not need an open border. that's it. we do not need an open border. our constitution tells us we will secure ourr border. turkey secures their border. o come up and u25 million people have come through this last three and half years. we don't know where they are, who they are or anything. that is what we are faced with now. i'm a senior american. i served in the military. i defended this country. we have disgraced this country for the ones that are buried in arlington and the national cemeteries. what did they fight and die for? why? joe had the power the first day in office to secure. he stopped the oil production.
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he raised the gas price. he raised the oil price. he raised the food price. but he stands there and tells us he can't secure this border. he has the power to pay these student loans off. he has the power to do anything that can get votes and that's what he's doing. now that we are six months away he is worried. he's not going to get the reelection. they are going to push somebody else up because they know he can't comprehend everything. one more thing. in the last three and half years he's been in office he has spent through $11 trillion. where did the money go? thank you for listening today. host: also on the republican line in redwood city california. rob, it is your turn.
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caller: with regard to the border it is too little too late. he is now just pandering to his base so that he can -- the american people actually -- so he can look like he's doing something productive. the fact that the matter is over the last three years he has been completely liberal about it. these -- he is a globalist. he thinks thatse people who have come across the border illegally should not the welcome to vote. the democrats want to expand their database and the congressional districts i guess they are called. it's been too little too late and now he's making a pivot and moving forward in the opposite direction. host: according to american law
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anybody that gets onto american soil has the right to claim asylum. do you think that law should be changed? the people don't have the right to claim asylum? caller: it is not about claiming asylum. that law is a good law in itself. most people come for financial benefit. they don't come because they are -- it is legitimate and we should excepted open arms people who come because their lives are threatened bythat is not a problem. it is that most of the cbo way when you then let ers, at the last minute. they are coming across and the my pretend it's proper asylum application but they just want a better life. host: let me ask one last question. do you think there should be more funding at the border for those immigration judges to
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assess quickly if this is a real asylum claim or somebody just either making it up or exaggerating? caller: there you go. real asylum-seekers. host: you would be in favor of more funding? caller: i don't know if it's more about funding. we definitely need more capacity. we need a bigger pipeline to take care of the applications, because we have been inundated with a ton more people. i don't know if we have the proper capacity. i guess at this point to deal with the influx of all the people we probably need more in the budget to hire more or maybe just allocate more throughout the country andmore judges throughout the country to focus on that area. we have such a huge influx of people. i doissue or a temporary thing.
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host: sergio, a democrat in mcallen, texas. caller: good morning. i applaud what president biden is doing. some peoaris too little too late and trump is talking about it's going to be a disaster. this is a broken system. yes, we need to be honest. not everybody that comes to the u.s. qualifies for asylum. it's a very complex journey. i believe with the previous call saying -- i kind of agree with him. maybe the law should be amended or updated. yes, not everyone that comes to u.s. and says i'm afraid of gangs in central america -- it is a legit fear but it does not merit asylum. it's more like persecution in
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the country you are coming from. host: these would be people between the ports of entry. they would not get an asylum hearing. once it is closed they get deported. those that are coming for financial reasons and those with legitimate asylum claims all get turned back. what do you think of that? caller: well, yes. they will be deported. they will be sent back. i live in the rio grande valley. i know what's going on down here. people in the other states don't know the situation down here. it is a fact that a lot of people will come back the next day or the next week. the system is broken. we need more resources down here. we need more patrols. we need more manpower.
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i wish we had something like under ronald reagan. they helped a lot of people come in the right way. it was more humane as well. i doubt we will have that amnesty program anymore anytime soon especially if mr. trump comes back. down in the valley we have state troopers that were brought from florida to help with the situation. we know it is just a political move that avid is doing -- abbott is doing. we have a police state down in the valley with these florida state troopers here. it is a mess. i applaud biden. people like say it is a political move. you know what? he's doing something. now let's see if it works. hopefully he gets four more years. it is a broken system and
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hopefully things get better. yes, we have a lot of shelters done here that are at full capacity pretty much. the immigrants are going up. the valley is like one stop. they want to move to the upper states. hostmmigra r borders. sherry is next from reading pennsylvania. democratic. caller: i appreciate you taking my call. first off the right -- there is a lot of immigration coming in. the indians were the owners of this land. we all immigrated into this country. they could not control their borders because there were too many of us. now we are looking at all these people that want to come here -- invaders is what a lot of republicans see them as. they need help.
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as far as how much inflation there is, there is greedy people in this country that super amounts of money for food your corner stores do it. to rent places for a room, $200 a month. it is greedy entrepreneurs that are making it rough. for the food, for everything. people don't have to charge what they are charging. as far as biden doing it, finally. you know what? he figured out the republicans were not going to work with him. host: let's take a look at ted cruz. senator ted cruz reacting to the executive order yesterday on fox news. [video] >> this thing is out of the fake. it's a joke. what is notable. he finally admitted today that he could have done something about this from the very beginning. he could have issued this order
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in 2021, 2022, 2023, last month or the month before or the month before and he didn't. why? he wants the 11 million illegals who invaded this country -- this is the outcome they want. they see them all his future democrat voters. people have to die. if they have to be murdered. if lincoln riley has to die, the democrats are ok with it. two nypd officers shot this week by venezuelan who was captured. we had him and what did joe biden do? he let him go and that venezuelan went to new york and shot two cops. that is happening every week. this has nothing to do with securing the border. this is all about the election and fivecamouflage. joe biden wants to say i solved the problem and it's all a -- he thinks the voters will ignore the last three and half years. host: a couple more calls until
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he moved to open fluoro. robert -- open forum. robert is next. caller: how are you doing today? thank you for taking my call. i want to say that joe biden has been -- he hasot been a good president. on the border he has been horrible. he's been horrible for black people. he's just -- i don't know. it is kind of crazy. i won't be voting for him at all. i did not vote for him or barack obama or trump. i'm going to vote for the couch. i hope they can get the border together because china don't let nobody in. the guy said before people from
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turkey don't let them in or anything. the thing is, why are we everybody to come to america? you can't even take care of the american people. i don't know. host: jesse in olympia, washington. democrat. caller: good morning. about the asylum at the border, i basically agree with it partially, the way biden is doing it. like the lady over there in pennsylvania sheok at it realistically. let's throughout the years historically. -- throw out the years historically. the indigenous. mexico. this used to be there land. i think it was in the mexican-american war with the treaty of guadalupe hidalgo came out portions of
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arkansas, georgia, new mexico. , california texas, colorado. we are talking a lot of states that used the mexican territory. i think they gave up 55% of their own territory. they sold it for pennies on the dollar in theall the territory. it was all a force. the colonialists in the united states were moving toward the west to take as much land as they could seize. host: getting back to the order at the southern border, do you agree with what the president is doing? should he have done it sooner? caller: the thing with the border to thing, the asylum thing, a lot of territory was mexico. specifically for the mexicans,
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not the other countries. the people from other countries down in central and south america. i don't think the asylum should be for them. they have to go through certain process. they need to be a little bit more lenient for mexico. the people that are indigenous to mexico. this was there land. 55% of the land of the states i mentioned belonged to mexico. mexico still considers those portions their motherland. they need to be more lenient and understanding. thank you. host: we will transition to open forum. any topic on your mind we will take your until the top of the hour, 8:00 a.m. eastern. give us a call. the numbers are your screen. republicans, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independents, (202) 748-8002.
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we will hear now from attorney general garland. he was at yesterday's hearing speaking out against gop threats to hold in contempt for not turning over audiotapes of president biden's interview with special cancer. -- special counsel. [video] >> nothing will deter me from fulfilling my obligation to uphold the rule of law. fulfilling that obligation includes ensuring that the justice department respects congress's important role in our democracy. that is what we have gone through extraordinary links to ensure that the committee gets responses to its legitimate requests for information. that is why i provided the committee with the report. by the special counsel testify for more than five hours. and why we have gone beyond president to provide the transcripts of the special counsel's interview with the president. we have made clear that we will
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not provide audio recordings from which the transcripts you already have were created. releasing the audio which show cooperation with the department in future investigations. they could influence witnesses' answers if they thought the audio other law enforcement interviews would be broadcast to congress and the public. in response, certain members of this committee at the oversight committee are seeking content as a means of obtaining for no legitimate purpose information that could harm the integrity of future investigations. this effort is only the most recent in a long line of attacks on the justice department's work. ho attorney general eric garland from yesterday -- attorney general garland from yesterday's hearing. you can watch the hearing at we are in open forum. we'll talk to jim in texas republican.
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caller: yes ma'am. i would like to comment on the border for just a minute. when you come in legally into states, we let in about a million a year legally. it is like knocking on somebody's door. if they know you, they will let you come in the house. you are not going to let a stranger come into your house and you don't know anything about them. i'm talking to a lot of the democrats out there that won't to let -- won't let anybody come into their house. if you asked them if 100 people walked up to their house and say i only know five of you. five of you are wonderful people and i will let y'all in. the rest of you, y'all stay out. that's a goodthat is the policy we have at the border because you come in
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legally and you get checked out. make sure you are not a murderer or rapist, a drug dealer, like that murderer that killed lin irl. the two that killed the police officers. they came in illegally because biden allowed them to come in. they did not get checked out and therefore they murdered people. host: jim -- caller: you don't allow people to come in your house. you don't allow -- you only open the door for people if you know three or four or five people. they have been checked out. you know the. -- them. host: if there was better screening at the border would you still allow the asylum-seekers to come in? caller: all that is just a smokescreen. ted cruz had it just right. all that is another bidenl lie.
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he's nothing but a traitor. he's a lot murderers and killers to come into this country -- allowed murderers and killers to come into this country. if you do the math it is almost a million more people you are allowing to come into the country illegally murderers killers just like the ones that shot the two police officers the other day. he allowed them to come in. the lincoln riley murder. p allowed them to come in. there was another girl in texas. her name is michelle. she got murdered. there are several out there that got murdered. biden allowed them to come in this country because they were not checked out. all this mess he's going on about right now and merrick garland, he's guilty too. he's nothing but a traitor. host: the independent line.
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dunland, florida. john. caller: as far as the border, i would like to say a couple of words. if we are talking about asylum, asylum claims have to be processed. to get into the nexts in if you want to come to the united states. broken. no rothe next country they claim asylum and they are just bypassing everything and coming right here. they should be turned away immediately. as far as the border policy, i was told he was not able to do any of this without congress. he said to the general public i cannot do anything. the bipartisan border deal they were screaming about when it was only three republicans on board with them. what happened to that?
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all of a sudden magically he's able to do it? this president is the biggest lawyer i've ever had the misfortune of having to live through. this man has not come announcer decency in his body -- does not have one ounce of decency in his ths before the election because his poll numbers are so bad that he opened the border wide open and he threw away every trump rule on the first day of office when he signed executive orders to get rid of the trump executive orders. five months before the election, because in a politically it is hurting them, he will go ahead and say now i can do it. this guy is the biggest liar. not to mention the economy and every damn thing else this guy has ruined. his son is on trial for gun charges this week. then he'll have a tax evasion trial where everyone has to pay fair share of taxes except for him and his son.
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$120 million on the statute of limitations ran out on the other $7 million. i was on the fence about trump again. after that political persecution and this borders., forget about it. host: michelle in brooklyn, new york. caller: good morning. first of all it's a ping-pong game. going to fix it. whenever there is an election. this is why they will never fix it. i want to say that peopl immigration most people don't know what the u.s. did during the 1970's and 1980's during the cold war in central
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america. they put central america in this state it is in now. stealing money, pressing the people. they know that was happening. they did not do anything about it. as long as this people were fighting or defending the united states' interests. central america because of what happened you win the cold war because people were stealing money. they were not helping the people. the u.s., france spain did not know what was happening. they didn't know anything about it. this people are poor. they don't want to stay in the country.
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it is simply because of what happened during the 1970's with the cold war in central america. iq. host: gary, a republican in pennsylvania. caller: good morning. i want to talk about the border real quick. sounds like biden just put a band-aid on the problem. personally i feel like he lies on every subject. he lied he could not do anything. he lied to everybody. basically he has failed on every front as a president. anyone that votes for this guy should have their head examined. have a nice day. host: ok. constance in chesapeake, virgcaller: good morning. i'm glad i get to speak now. i just heard several phone calls slamming our wonderful president biden. he's not a liar.
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these people have obviously been listening to fox news and lies on youtube or whatever on these computers. the media is ruining the minds of people and slanting them from the truth. joe biden is a wonderful human being. he's doing everything he can to save our democracy and closing the border at this point is a very wise choice. i wish maybe we could have made that a few months ago. these republicans are repugnant and the way they tried to prevent the united states from success, from doing the right thing. they are a cult of i don't know what anymore. they are a combination of everything wicked. yeah. they are trying to seize our government. it was a coup. i would like to see some of these people put before a firing squad for treason. host: republican matt gaetz was
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questioning attorney general garland yesterday about alleged coordination between the doj and the manhattan prosecutors. [video] >> you told us it is a dangerous conspiracy theory to melissa department of justice is communicating with the state and local prosecutions against trump. you can clear it all up right now. will the department adjusted provide to themittee all documents, all correspondence between the department and alvin bragg's office and letitia james's office? >> the offices are independent offices of state -- >> i get that. the question is if you will provide documents and correspondence. i don't need a history lesson. >> well, i will say again, we don't control those offices. >> do you communicate with them? not if you control them. >> we make a request -- he
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referring to the office of legislative affairs. >> you launch this attack and it's a conspiracy theory that there was coordinated -- against trump. fine. give us the documents and the if it's a conspiracy theory that will be evident. when you say we will take your request and then we will work it through theoj's accommodation process, you are actually advancing the very dangerous conspiracy theory you are concerned about. you were a judge once nominated to the highest court in our country. did you ever make political donations to partisan candidates? >> no. >> you didn't because that would create potential appearance of impropriety. >> i didn't because as a federal rule barring judges from making contributions. >> under that same theory of attacks on the judicial process shouldn't someone be owed a jury
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of their peers and a judge that is nonbiased rather than getting a judge from your political opponent's donor file? >> i well -- you're asking to comment on the verdict in another jurisdiction which has to be respected. i will not comment on it. that case is still ongoing. >> i had not asked you about the verdict yet. i was talking about the judge. host: we are an open forum. we will take calls from 10 in maryland -- tim in maryland, republican. caller: thank you for taking my call. americans are very passionate. my thought is we should not udgment. a comment on thefour years ago, we heard comments about how immigration was better. well, we have to consider the fact that we were coming out of
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the pandemic. title 42 was in place. it was easy to bore people from coming into the country. coupled with the fact that a lot of people, or there was not a lot of movement. if we look at data to compare what is happening -- was happening four years ago and what is happening today, it makes sense that there would be a search of the border. there was the pandemic. people are seeking a better life for whatever reason. they are leaving their to come to the greatest country on the planet. host: what is the best way to handle that surge at the border? caller: the executive branch, ricongress i believe they were together at some point to try to come up with a solution. unfortunately, we are in an election year. in an election year there's a
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need to have talking points. that is a need to have certain things that people can campaign on. i think that the current president to stem the flow of immigration of the border is commendable. i think that maybe this could have been done earlier. however, just like how -- i don't like to demarcate americans as republicans or democrats. one side of the aisle has its talking points as a campaign issue. some of which theytorpedoed a bipartisan legislation to help what is going on at the border, right? the president maybe from a
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strategic standpoint decided it was time to take executive action to show his case to the make and people that he's done something. that is reasonable. host: robert in staten island, new york. democrat. caller: good morning. i'm soda recovering from all these loud people you've had on this morning. as far as the border goes, i would like to see something done special for mexicans and canadians since they are our neighbors. once we can get them on board us maybe we can start looking at joint solutions for how to deal with all these other folks that want to be part of this great system. we just can't accommodate all of them. they don't know what the right number is. the government needs to tell us how many people we can
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accommodate so we can work on sorting this out. have no idea with the right number is. i would like to know more about that so i can think about what is the best way to accomplish some achievable goal and still be the country we are without turning into turkey or china or some of these other countries your republican callers mentioned. we are not those countries. we don't want to be those countries. you can get on a plane and fly to one of those countries if you want. they would probably take you in. i want to be here. i'm an american. i want to make america better. thank you. have a great day. host: we are going to be having a reporter joining us at about 10 minutes to talk about immigration and the action at the border. rip in fredericksburg, virginia. republican. caller: good morning to all
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people. we are in such horrible trouble. everyone keeps sending -- we have over 100 million immigrants in this nation. it is going to get a lot worse. we have so much land. you have destroyed our children. covid created an apartment where the kids cannot be in school. that set them back [inaudible] unbelievable this function going on with our youth right now. everything is about the youth. everything is about plants they are growing in the garden and what you will have when they grow up. i can't believe -- this is my personal opinion. i believe [inaudible] destroyed the united states of america. i do think trump could undo what biden has done. this is the largest migration
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that has ever happened in the history of mankind and is still going on. biden is not with it. that is my personal opinion. host: former president trump said he would do mass deportations and use the military to do that. would you be in favor? caller: how can you do that? someone who takes all their life savings and comes to the united states. we take them and kick them back out. what do you think the enemy you have created there is going to be?it will be an enemy for the rest of their lives. they are going to try to get back at us. everybody would do that. that is human nature. host: so you would be against deportations? caller: i would be for deportation but against what the result of deportation is going to be. i don't know how on earth -- this has all been thought out. think tanks have thought all this through. this was the plan. none of this was by mistake.
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republicans are just as responsible for this as democrats are. the scourge of the united states of america are politicians. they are all rich. how do you get a job and all of a sudden become extraordinarily wealthy at then somebody says we are going to cut that off. they are not going to cut that off. they will do anything to keep it. people vote and act in accordance with what is going to enable them to keep their job. that is human nature. [inaudible] is gone. a war is going to take place in the united states. host: you are starting to break up. we got your point. lee in oklahoma city. caller: dan eye on? -- am i on? last time you cut me off because i was going to read my essay. i want to give a shout out. y'all are the purest, most all some form of media in the
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universe basically. you get real sincere opinions on this channel where everything else is just scripted. i want to give a shout out to all the fatcats in america before tribulation is upon us. i want to let everyone know -- 52. i was 51 last time i called. now i am playing with a full deck. i want to give a shout out to the fatcats and reveal america's hand. when all four royal flushes are dealt on the same table at the same time, all of a sudden the old ace of spades becomes the most powerful card in all of poker. god dealt america -- you do the math that he was going to win the pot. just give the man his case of spades. now that we know who secured --
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let's discuss the final option. you have basketcaseville. you can function in that society if you have lots of money but it gets old quick. god forbid you run out of cash. then the secondary option seems viable, which is suicide. the third option, which is -- host: we are moving onto david in albuquerque, new mexico. caller: did you say david? host: you are on. caller: i'm 77-year-old white man here in albuquerque. everybody says we are the greatest country on earth. we once thing for sure, we are the stupidest country on earth now. believe me. i have sympathy for anybody and everybody, but they used to be a saying. charity starts at home. we can't take care of the whole
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world like this. we know where they are coming here. they want a better life. some want to come and destroy our country. i'm a vietnam veteran. our country, our government does not mind sending american men and women to different countries to help them from being invaded by supposedly enemies who wants to take over. we will not put our military honor border to say get in line, go back home, do the paperwork. it's impossible for it to work perfectly. nothing does. our government -- i'm a democrat. that doesn't mean anything anymore. our politicians are worthless. they don't care about us. it's going to get nasty in the united states. maybe not in my lifetime. i don't know how much time i have left. i wish there was some way they
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could be prevented from these politicians getting in their big planes and going somewhere for the are set up to say we finally had to get out because it was getting rough. i wish there was some way they would have to be here and take consequences of what they have done to america. we are a cesspool now. host: clifford, oceanside california. republican. caller: i would like to thank you for taking my call this morning. i would like to go ahead and say the democrats out there -- a republican was saying they had to have their head examined. that is correct. all you have to do is have some democratic friends by talking to them logically and getting them to realize how bad joe biden is as a president.
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sometimes they just don't have the ability to understand reality. by talking to them logically and speaking to them, not by yelling or talking down to them. the our fellow americans. they will see the light. i know some of these democrats it takes a little time more than others. i'm sure that with logic they will understand and make america great again. that is what our country needs. thank you much. you are a great host. host: thanks to everybody who called in. up next, a closer look at president ve action on the border. she is an important -- an immigration policy reporter with the washington journal. we will be right back. >> in the first weekthe demon of unrest" sales put it at the very top of the bestseller list.
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with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat about how issues are debated and decided with no commentary interruptions andletely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. washington journal continues. host: we are back and joined by michelle hackman, a "wall street journal" immigration policy reporter. so, how would this new executive order work. guest: it is a little complicated. the basic premise is that it is supposed to ban migrants who cross the border illegallyports of entry for qualifying for asylum. the more complicated aspect is
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that it is supposed to be mimicking an aspect of the bipartisan senate deal from earlier this year where it has an on and off toggle that will turn it on when border crossings get too high. when they surpass about 2500 per day, it turns on. so people can still be crossing the border but it is on and they are not qualifying for asylum and being turned back. it can only turn off after seven consecutive days of crossings falling below 1500 a day. and it can keep turning on and off while this order is in effect. host: how did this 25 hundred figure come about? how did the administration come to that? guest: it is a number based on the senate border deals negotiated earlier this year. i think a lot of viewers who have been following this closely would be more familiar with 4000 and 5000.
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those include a mandatory number of asylum entry, since the administration is making -- is not making new law, it is just subtracting that number so there are 1400 appointments today. so 4000 -1400. host: that bipartisan deal fell apart in february, why now? guest: based on our reporting this is what the administration wanted to do since february when the deal fell apart but they have been held back for a number reasons. administration lawyers have been warning that this is not legal and could fall down in a court. people who work on the border say we do not even think this will work very well. so there have been dissenting opinions for months.
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and then you know we have heard that mexican counterparts had sort of requested that any sort of order come down ideally after the mexican election that happened on sunday. host: there are a couple of things i wanted to ask you about, the legal aspects. does the president have the authority to do this? he said i need congress to act i do not have the authority. guest: it is an open question and i am sure we will revisit it, but president trump tried something nearly identical in 2018 issuing a similar order. and it went to multiple federal court to all said this is on the face illegal. the asylum law says you can apply for protection in united states no matter how you enter. and no executive order can overturn that law.
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we do not know there are new judges so we do not know if they will interpret it differently -- differently or see that toggle as different. but, based on the past, it probably is not legal. host: we know that republicans have said that they are against this, but how have democrats reacted? guest: republicans are against it saying it is too little too late. democrats are more mixed. we see a lot of vulnerable democrats running for reelection who are saying that they are really glad that biden has done something. they have been urging him to do it for months and they want to do more. and then you see progressives predictably saying that thally upset and this is illegal. but i have to say that i think the reaction has almost more muted than expected. this would have been a big deal
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under the trump administration while a lot of democrats are doing a quick pivot to say i'm horrified this is happening but what is really important is that actually is helping long-term undocumented immigrants. host: michelle hackman will be with us for about 20 minutes. if you would locked -- if you would like to call and you can do so. republicans, 202-748-8000. democrats, 202-748-8001. independents, 202-748-8002. we also have the line for a border state residents 202-748-8003 and you can use that same line to text us. how does it work as far as -- currently somebody comes between a port of entry going through a hole in the fence or over the river. and on they present themselves to border patrol and say i am seeking asylum. let us say that we have reached
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the 2500, which we have, that is no longer an option they say i am seeking asylum and then the agent does what? guest: what i my about to tell you -- what i am about to tell you is a little bit of guesswork because they are working this out as we speak. even though the person is ineligible for asylum they are still screened for a lesser form of protection as a temporary deportation protection on humanitarian grounds. the standard that you have to clear to qualify is extremely high. most people will not qualify for that meaning that they will be immediately deportable. what happens next is determined by the person's nationality. if you are mexican it is easy to be deported back to just marched back across the border. there are a few other countries like guatemala and honduras that
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cooperate on deportation so it is easy to return them. it is harder when you get to countries in south america and increasingly and a lot of viewers know this already increasingly we are seeing migrants from around the world like places like africa, china uzbekistan and those countries are a l deport to for diplomatic and logistical reasons. a lot of those countries do not fully cooperate to take back their citizens and it comes down to things like we do not have enough planes to carry everyone back. and so -- host: couldn't they just like the mexicans, they came from mexicoco? guest: it is a good question, we cannot force mexico to take back people who are not mexican citizens. as of now we do not have an agreement to take back other nationality is. it remains to be seen whether an agreement like that is struck. i think the u.s. will be forced
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to number of people even if they are not eligible into the u.s.. host: you mentioned the new president of mexico, claudia sheinbaum. talk about the relationship with president biden and do we expect changes for the policies with mexico and their polity -- policies of us. guest: we cannot answer that yet, she has a close acolytes and mentee of the previous president so you would expect that the cooperation would remain similar to what it was. host: have we heardt: i have not actually seen any reaction yet, no. host: what about the southern border states, the mayors and governors, have they weighed in on this? guest: the white house coordinated with a lot of
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lawmakers from border states. you senators, congress members and mayors joining the president further signing. most are enthusiastic that the president is doing something. host: we will take calls starting with henry in jonesboro, georgia. independent line. good morning. caller: michelle, maybe you could clear some things up. i know we have heard a whole bunch of opinions on this situation this morning. and if i am not mistaken, i recalled this is not the first time that president biden has attempted to do something about the border. he attempted to get funding severn -- several times through legislation to get more judges and more custom agents and technology and they knocked that down. this is not the first executive order he has done. he did one last year or earlier
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this year where they attempted to start a website where they were trying to get the migrants to apply for asylum through a website. and then once they get approval they were able to come into the united states, but that was knocked down by the supreme court. i am looking at the situation and i understand why he was hesitant about doing an executive order and why it took so long because every time you do these things, some state or organization will take whoever the court and we do not get anywhere. he is right. the only way to resolve this issue is if congress do what they need to do, some kind of legislation to revamp the immigration system and we had something on the table and these guys in the house knocked it down when they could've taken that immigration policy, added or took away what they did not need and send it back to the process. host: let's get a response. guest: you make good points.
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what i would say is the fundamental problem with the current system is that, as long as migrants are able to come to the united states and get released into the country, the incentive to seek that safety and here, not fear that you are going to be murdered by a gang tomorrow, that you can get a job and your kids can go to school, it does not matter if long-term you are going to qualify for legal protection or not. and i think that is a problem. it is really only congress that can give enough money to provide enough resources to actually change the system so that we adjudicate cases quickly enough and people do not feel that incentive to come and live here. the problem and a problem that the president and the administration recognizes is since they do not have that
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power they cannot create $20 billion out of whole cloth, that is the money that the senate deal would have put into the border. they can ban people from getting asylum that will not stop a lot of migrants from being released into the country. host: he did mention funding. wouldn't this executive action require additional funding? or are they going to use the same resources? guest: they do not have access to additional funding because the administration cannot basically just take funds allotted for something else and put it towards the border. the trump administration tried that and it went all the way to the supreme court. this administration is left with limited resources which is why an order like this probably will not be having the full intended effects. host: woodbridge, virginia. republican. good morning. caller: thank you. this is tom. i think -- i am just blown away
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with the duplicity analyze and the at -- and lies, and the abject election interference and fraud of the democrat party. i cannot believe -- we see a lot of people leaving the party because of it because the hypocrisy knows no bounds. host: stake with the border. caller: i am. all of a sudden it is no longer racist to secure the nation from a tidal wave of illegal immigrants when not that long ago anybody who wanted to secure the border was called a racist. now all of a sudden because you are going to lose an election it is longer racist. it is absolute fallacy that the democrats want to suddenly secure the border after they let
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into the country between 11 and 20 million illegal immigrants. and those are documented numbers of got aways and ones who have gone through the process and were released and transported around the country. this is a fraud against the i cannot fathom how anyone can possibly not see this. just to give you guys another point of reference this is the same administration that after they close the pipelines started using national security resources to affect another election. at some point the democrats need to wake up. they treat you all as boobs. guest: he mentioned the numbers -- host: he mentioned the numbers and he called them a tidal wave. what do we know about illegal numbers between ports of entry and how many overall? guest: it is a really good
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question and numbers get bandied about. 11 million, 20 million. we know that before the biden administration took office there were approximately 11 million immigrants living in this country without any hope of permanent legal status. since biden has taken office i am doing rough math in my head you have had approximately 2 million illegal crossings each year. a lot of people conflate illegal crossings with people who have been able to stay in the country. fewer than half of people who cross the border illegally are then allowed to stay and pursue asylum proceedings because we had title 42 and now because we have a stepped-up deportation process. more than half of those people are quickly deported or even show a deported. and so you have closer to hundreds of thousands per year released into the u.s..
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in addition, tom is right that there are other processes that have been set up to encourage people to use new legal paths to come into the united states rather than crossing illegally so you had hundreds of thousands of more people in the last year or two coming and by making appointments and using a program that do not have a good name where people can actually make appointments from their home countries and fly to the u.s. on a temporary status called humanitarian parole. i think there is no one who has a good estimate of how many people have entered the country. it is surely in the millions but i do not think it has reached 15 or 20 million as some people have said. host: independent line. robert. crestview, florida. caller: good morning, how are you? host: good. caller: i am calling about an
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issue that is not often brought up with immigration or illegal immigration, the fact that a lot of people are being hired illegally by companies in this country and there is very little enforcement of making sure that the companies are hiring people that are legally documented to work here. and the fines are often minimal and it is an area that we need to discuss that goes back to thei9 policy that goes back to the 80's where a person had to prove that they were legal to work in the country whether they were citizen or noncitizen. i do not think that is being enforced properly. thank you. guest: it is a good point and i think there is some difficulty is which is you have a lot of strange bedfellows when it comes to immigration. you have democrats who tend to
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be more on the side of the worker in this case the immigrant worker. you have republicans who want to crackdown on illegal hiring, but when push comes to this job they are uncomfortable cracking down on companies and employers. you have tug-of-war where different administrations adopt different policies. it is easier to go after the immigrant looking -- working illegally because you can punish them by doing an arrest. republican administrations and notably the trump administration, is keen on that. you saw a lot of raids on chicken plans. the biden administration said we do not want to punish the worker but the employer because they are the one who is committing the violation by providing a job and overlooking the legal paperwork they have to do. it is harder to go after employers and it takes years of
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investigative work. and you have the pushback where companies unlike undocumented immigrants can hire lawyers to help them. host: what about e-verify, how would that work? guest: e-verify is not mandatory for employers. it is in some states and for viewers who do not know, it is a system where you're supposed to type in each person's name and the system tells you whether it is work authorized or not. if you type in a name like juan ramos, there are a lot of people with the name so the system makes tons of errors which is a reason why people are opposed to it. but until it becomes mandatory it is sort of irrelevant. host: sam a republican in hope mills, north carolina. caller: my thought on the border issue is quite simply it is too
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little too late. i think it is political, it is a very cynical move when you look at it. i disagree with your guest's underestimate of the number of people who have actually came into america during the biden administration. i say that not only because it is not the border states any longer that are affected. north carolina and virginia are now seriously affected and like the guest said earlier, it is jot -- it is not just mexicans or south americans they are coming from around the world. we do not know who is here. and this three card monty game of 2500 or the shut off or this and that is bunk. it means nothing. the only way for america to secure its borders is to do exactly what the european countries have done with their borders and that is put up walls
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, actions. those schools are being overwhelmed. it does not matter whether it is a public or private school, schools are being overwhelmed and our children are being undercut -- undereducated. it is a tidal wave. a tidal wave of illegal and legal immigrants that are really having a serious on our infrastructure and educational structure and every aspect of american life. i was a longtime democrat. host: let's get a response. guest: i agree that there are millions of immigrants who have entered the country and it is reshaping society,ticularly hotspots where immigrants are going in places like new york or small tos when you live. i want to correct one misconception is that we actually know who the vast majority of people are because the vast majority of people who cross the border illegally are arrested. some getaway the estimate is 15
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to 20%. the rest are arrested and processed. even if they are released that means the government has their name and fingerprints, and knows the address where they have gone and is tracking them. i would like viewers to know that there might still be a problem in your view of how many numbers of people coming into the country, but the government by and large knows where most all. -- r. host: europeans have put up walls, he said. are you aware of any? guest: it is easy to go from european state to european state. i know that there are some countries that have put up fencing like hungary for example. host: freeland, maryland. democrat. good morning. caller: 40 plus years now the same topic with no result. i have a suggestion, indian has
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one billion plus people, about 1,000,000,000.7. -- 1.7 billion. i do not know why we do not let in two or 3 billion and fill it to the brim and then think of this we are talking about reducing energy and the green new deal. why don't we put everybody to work with rakes and shovels and do things the old-fashioned way, being manual labor. no more trucks, no more equipment and nothing of that nature. and go ahead and fill it to the brim because if we do that then we could say we are filled to the brim and once we get to that level everything will be ok. host: ok. manchester, connecticut. republican. go ahead. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i will be assisting does
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possible. first point, this new rule or policy is laughable. there is no way the border can or border security can count exactly 2500 people and then shut it down. and what it does, it is like giving a criminal two or three chances to break into the house. if you break into the fourth house you broke the law and we will go after you. also, by putting a limit on 2500, this will just invite illegal aliens to rush to the border just like a land rush back in the 19th century to see who can get in. and those who do not make it will just come in illegally. the second point is that none of these people qualify for asylum.
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asylum is meant for people who are under persecution in their home country because of their religion or because of their political affiliation. a third point that i want to make is this. -- host: how do you know that they are not eligible for asylum? caller: because the law for asylum. the world is -- the word asylum means that you can only be given asylum to people as i said who are persecuted in their home because of religion or political affiliation. this is not the case with the illegal aliens coming over. none of them are being persecuted for being a christian or a democrat if they live in a communist country. so the law does not apply to them. host: let's get a response. guest: i want to clarify one thing which is the number of
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crossings and how that works. the way it works is not that 2500 people get in and then it starts. that is the number of arrests being recorded each day. each of those people is already being put through a process. and if that number is hit, all of them are being put through a new process where the ban is being applied. it is never the case that they are getting into the country and then a new process starts. host: can you clarify what are the processes for asylum. he mentioned political persecution, religious persecution and what else? guest: the categories that someone can qualify and you are right that it is quite difficult to qualify for asylum. you have to meet one of these categories. you are persecuted on the basis of political opinion, religion ethnicity, some other characteristic like being lgbt
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in a country where that is illegal. i would say, statistics show that most migrants do not end up qualifying for asylum but a chunk do. about 30%. host: that is michelle hackman immigration policy reporter for the wall street journal. thank you for joining us today. we will take more of your calls after the break. plus reaction to the border announcement with two members of congress. democrat marc veasey and -- doug lamalfa. those are the numbers. republicans, 202-748-8000. democrats, 202-748-8001. an independents, 202-748-8002. stay with us. ♪ >> on thursday, c-span will commemorate the 80th anniversary
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minutes on the points of interest. washington journal continues. host: we are back and it is open forum for the next half hour. go ahead and call us now. if you are on the line please hold because we are joined by marc veasey, a democrat representing texas' 33rd district. thank you for joining us today. caller: good morning. host: i want to ask you about the executive action on the border. that would shut off access to the asylum system once the number reaches 2500. what was your reaction to that? caller: i was there when the president made his announcement and i was glad that he did what he needed to do. he took strong and decisive action to try and fix the disorder at the border caused by
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the republicans not wanting to pass a bill that quite frankly was negotiated and was a republican bill from senator james lankford from who last congress had a 100% r very conservative leaning report cards. and they said that even that deal was not enough. we know what really happened. the reason it was not passed was because president trump went to speaker johnson and said do not pass the bill because if you pass the bill and we do not have chaos at the border and we do not have migrants waiting at shelters or being bused to new york and chicago then biden will be hailed as a hero for fixing the situation and i cannot win reelection so please stop this from happening. and that is what really happened and that is why we were at the white house yesterday and why the president had to take strong and decisive action because it is hurting immigrants by having
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that sort of chaos because it gives the republicans an excuse to absolutely do nothing and a political football when you have situations like i described earlier migrants are being bus to places like new york and republicans know this and that is why they did not want to fix it. the president decided that enough is enough and i have to step in and do something. host: that bill fell apart in february. how do you address the criticism that this is too little too late. caller: not too little too late. the president had to make sure whatever plan of action that he was going to announce which he did yesterday was legally and thoroughly vetted out. not too little too late, this is the right time because of the republican failure of them killing a bill because of political purposes. if that is one thing i hear from fort worth and dallas represent from
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democrats, republicans and independents is that people have had enough of the dysfunction in washington, d.c. when people do things for political purposes. killing an immigration bill that would have stopped a lot of the chaos along the border and a lot of the blessing of migrants and what have created a calm situation along the southern border, killing not bill just so you can help president trump in november is stupid. people are sick of it. people are tired of that type of thing. people want democrats and republicans to do th right things for the american people. so what if president biden gets a win? do we want the border fixed or do we not want it fixed? we had a bill that would have fixed it and republicans killed it for the wrong reasons and it is the reason that people are sick and tired of the games that happen in washington, d.c.. host: it is reporting that the
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hispanic democrats are frustrated with the right house -- the white house because i did not takeunt the immigration reform priorities. is that true and what are you hearing from your colleagues? caller: there were several members there yesterday that were a part of the signing of the executive order. i am sure that there were several chc members not in favor of the order that was signed yesterday. we are at the point where we will not have the perfect bill. i would love to see the perfect immigration bill and see how it would help tindustry and the industries that republicans say they are big proponents of. i would love to see the perfect immigration bill, but the best we were going to get is what senator lankford negotiated and speaker johnson and president trump killed.
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and the next best thing after that is what the president did yesterday, which is going to help again stem a lot of the issues and chaos that we have seen along the border. you know, i agree with a lot of these members who were in favor of the bill being signed because it is not the perfect solution but we have to do something. not doing anything shows that there is a lack of leadership. and i applaud the president for doing the opposite and showing strong leadership. host: the attorney general testified in the house and faced criticism from republicans saying that the doj had been weaponized and they were attacking former president trump intentionally for political reasons. what do you think is the best way for democrats in the biden campaign to respond to that? caller: that is silly.
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as you know and it was pointed out by representative cohen of tennessee that there was a member on the committee part of the delegation and the doj did not move forward with charges against him and that was matt gaetz. obviously it is not being politicized. has somebody high-profile with a large social media profiling and is on cable news a lot. if you are going to politicize the doj he would be at the top of the list and that did not take place. that is a lot of foolishness and a lot of gameplaying. unfortunately there is too much coming from oversight or when it comes to things like that. i think the american public are tired of the game that the republicans are doing with that committee. host: tomorrow is june 6, the 80th anniversary of d-day. the 320th barrage balloon battalion was the only union
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composed entirely of african-american soldiers, can you tell us about that and the efforts around that? caller: probably 10 years ago i met a woman who wrote a book about the 320th barrage balloon battalion which is what initially gave me interest. i was a corporal at the time and there was a corporal called waverley woodsman who was a medic. woodson probably at the time performed and helped save probably 5% to 10% of the combatants that were fighting on the allied side during that day on june 6, 1944. and there is a lot of history anaround racism. he was never given a medal of honor and sadly, he might never
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be given a medal of honor because people believe that his records were probably burned in a massive fire that happened s or 1980's where a lot of the veterans war records were kept. it is a sad story of racism at that time. not just from the roosevelt administration, but from hollywood as well. two of the most incredible pictures around d-day that are just amazing films, "saving private ryan" and "the longest day" did not show any depiction of the black troops that manned those balloons to help provide cover for allied forces on june 6, 1994 -- 1944. a lot of films do not show them. a lot of the documentaries never showed these men.
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they were whitewashed from the historical record when it came to d-day. i am happy to report that the french have very much so held corporal ward, and he died in the 1990's and very high regard. he is enshrined at the d-day monument. we need to ge these soldiers the recognition they deserve because they played a key role that day. again, they were not recognized. as a matter of fact, out of the million men who were african-american who fought during world war ii, not one received the medal of honor until president clinton convened a special panel to go back and look at those records. of course, corporal woodson was not elevated to that status because they think that his records probably perished in the fire i talked about earlier. host: representative marc
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veasey, a democrat of texas. thank you for joining us today. as the representative mentioned it is the anniversary of d-day. on thursday, tomorrow, we will have all day coverage to commemorate the historic event beginning at 6:30 a.m. eastern with a ceremony in normandy, france where president biden is set to speak. you can watch the speech starting at 6:30 a.m. eastern on c-span 2 also on the app and online at we are in open for them right now until we go to another representative, but we will start with roger in fort wayne indiana. democrat. good morning. caller: good morning c-span and america. i am calling to make a few comments about the decision joe biden made and the border.
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first i want to make a comment about the one guy who said how he knows for sure that the people do not need asylum. actually, a lot of those mexican brothers and sisters down there have been hemmed up for the past few decades because of the mexican drug cartels who have been able to get a stronghold down there. and the reason they have been able to get this stronghold is because we have conservative republican gun makers that have been supplying them with heavy artillery, and ammo. and they have been supplying them so much that now the mexican drug cartels down there have more ammo and weapo about this decision that president biden made on the border with the executive order. personally i think even if he would have made this executive order in 2020 or 2021 or 2022
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no matter when he did it, the trumpers were going to complain about what he does good or bad. i think the only reason the trumpers want the hr border bill passed just so they can do the political stunt and wave and say see, we fixed the border. us republicans. you know. i mean these trumpers, we have to stop listening to them. host: wayne indiana. fort payne alabama. republican line. good morning. caller: i am disappointed in the guy from indiana. i am not a trumper and i am appalled at the way people are attacking donald trump. everything that happens is donald trump's fault.
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if it is raining it is donald trump's fault but that is not why i called. they just kind of upset me. the border was ok when donald trump was in office. biden is the one who has messed all of this up. and i will tell you why. first of all the guy or the congressman that you had on, he took up 15 minutes of our open forum. anyway, i will tell you what happens to me. and probably what will happen to other people in less alabama congressmen get a hold of this. ek of february i got a letter from alabama medicaid that they were not going to pay my medicare anymore. instead of them taking care of that immediately it locked on until may. they took 500 something dollars
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out of my social security. my rent is $524, just my rent, ok? i had signed paperwork so they would not do this. they would take one month medicare plus and then another month until it was took up -- caught up. they did not honor the paperwork. they took almost $600 out of my check at one time. i am still battling this. i have called tommy tuberville and katie brent and i have called the governor and i will tell you this is not all about me. this is about the elderly older than me. and if this people do not get a hold of this there is going to be some elderly people really suffering. i am going to say this, the illegals come over here and they get free everything. and all of us that have worked hardr lives get slapped in the face. i am aggravated and biden, too
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little, too late. host: i hope you get that worked out. we are going now, we've got republican representative doug lamalfa joining us. he represents california and he is on the agriculture committee and the national resources transportation and infrastructure committee. representative, can you hear me. guest: i've got you. host: welcomes the program. i just wanted to get your reaction to the executive action on the southern border. guest: it is timed just right for election year but it does not do anything about catch and release or filling the gaps in the border fence. it is a symbolic gesture. he says it is something but it has to reach a threshold of people breaking into the country before moving into the asylum shutdown. so it really does not mean a heck of a lot, unfortunately. host: would you be willing to
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increase funding at the border so they would be more agents or more judges? guest: no more judges and no more asylum we need to decrease the effort to secure the border which means filling the gap in the fence and allowing the border control to do their jobs and not letting people cross. i do not want to hear about more judges because it is already overwhelmed by the amount of people that have already come through. there is many leagues -- years backyard -- backlog and it is a joke to talk about it that way. we need to be serious about securing this and allowing people in on the rules that we set as a country. immigration rules used to be quite different and people had to show that they brought something to the%c table and this just brings more need of services is what this influxes doing. and so, the funding is directed towards actually securing the border like i was talking about
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and that i can talk that conversation. host: do you think that the asylum laws should be changed by congress to make them more restrictive? guest: they need to be defined for what it is. the vast majority are looking for economic opportunity and opportunity to be basically part of the programs that we have in this country. there are not nearly as many escaping some kind of oppression as what is made out to be by the democrats or whoever. host: attorney general garland was on the hill testifying the doj has been under criticism by gop representatives for not releasing the tapes of the biden interviews with the special counsel. they are citing the possibility of deepfakes and say the transcript are out there and you do not need the tapes, what is your reaction to that? guest: are the transcripts out there reliable?
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why don't they turn it over? it is more disinfect and hide that the administration has been doing. garland is not playing straight and we know that. just put the transcripts out there because the discrepancies between what was released versus what was actually written down. so while we are running through that why don't we clear that discrepancy and that shadow. host: you know that there is a discrepancy between the transcripts in the tapes? guest: allegedly, it is hard to find out. host: who is alleging that. guest: i do not have it written down but it is out there. host: i want to ask you about the war in gaza and president biden's handling of it. what do you think needs to be done more that the president has not done? where are your disagreements with the actions? guest: we are in ally with israel who is always sought
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peace and to do things as cleanly as possible. they send leaflets over an note -- known terror cell and they say get out of the way because we are going to have to take military action on where these people are hiding the bombs and arms and finding their next attack. we are being a terrible ally is what we are doing and we took action in congress to shut down our participation or any kind of support for the icc which is trying to arrest benjamin netanyahu for crying out loud. israel has always sought peace and been the one to bend over backwards to try and accommodate. hamas is not doing that and gaza is a repository for their evil activity. since they signed the handover of the gaza land, the land for peace 20 or something years ago they were sending rockets before the ink was dry. host: do you think that there is any justifiable criticism of israel for how they have
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executed the war given the number of civilian casualties? guest: october 7 they were attacked, a peaceful concert and gathering was going on where horrific things have happened. have we have forgotten what has happened with the rape and mutilation of women and kids and families being tortured and murdered and they are still being held hostage? israel has been restrained and what they have done because biden and them are holding them back i threatening not to send paid for ammunition. i would say if anything they are at fault for not doing something sooner. they need to go into rafah and other areas and clean these guys out so they are not messing around. they are going to send plenty of warning and do it as humanely as possible so they need to attack and kill the bad guys. host: all right, doug lamalfa republican of california. thank you for joining us. we are in open forum and we will continue to take your calls for
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about five minutes until the house gavels in. we will talk to charles. pinehurst, north carolina. democrat. caller: i just want to talk not about what all these people have talked about. a leader spoke about a white man not being right to other white men in washington. they talk about donald trump that he is not a democrat or republican. he has four american people. you look at donald trump how he helped colleges in north carolina and how he did overseas. he is not for the people in washington want him to be, both parties. he is an american looking out for american people and that is where all of this going onabout, day
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after day, the border , everything they talk about is just redirect and this is a man so if he gets erected -- gets elected he gets elected, it is god's will. he talks to each american, black, white hispanic or anybody. democrats will talk about a white man that he is not for a democrat or republican. he has for the american people and i just appreciate you all down south talking that america is made up of everybody and i just appreciate donald trump and what he has doing and trying to do, but this will go on and on. it is just about immigration and all the others, but again, we
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are talking about -- host: elaine in fayetteville north carolina. republican. good morning. caller: first and foremost i want to talk about the executive order that biden signed. i think it is a little too late. as a mother i have a son in college. and he has struggled to get financial aid. we go to financial aid office and wait our turn, supposedly. you have immigrants coming in who have an interpreter and they walked right to the front of the line. and so what i am saying is that our teachers are overwhelmed. they are underpaid, you have kids that are in school that have to take a backseat because these immigrants are coming in, teachers have to learn how tothey have to learn how to accommodate them so what is happening to our kids who are
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supposed to be getting an education? they are taking a backseat. in addition they want to talk about immigration and how they come over here. they are self entitlement. look at our mental health and homeless, they want to say that they are giving money to fund these different things. but they are not. money to bring these immigrants over and take care of them. so now we no longer have an american system where the people are being taken care of. because we are taking a backseat because they come over here and they feel like they have a right. they have attitudes. i cannot get to the gas station and pump gas because they want to jump in front of me. line and think that they can just jump in front of you. host: john in falls church, virginia. independent line. caller: can you hear me all right? host: i can. caller: thank you. thank you for the chance to
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speak. about the immigration well i am not the president so i cannot speak for the president. i do not want to go on and on, please. we are america and united we stand and divided we fall. thank you and goodbye. host: eileen. st. petersburg, florida. democrat. caller: i want to change the subject a little bit to why i think that joe biden should pardon hunter biden if he is convicted. number one trump pardoned jared kushner's daddy who was charged with tax fraud. that is one reason. also everybody talks about hunter biden being a drug addict. he is a recovering addict. there are a lot of recovering addicts and we should show more compassion. and trump actually awarded a
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drug addict the medal of freedom, rush limbaugh was convicted of being a drug addict. he was also stealing doctor's prescriptions to get more drugs and trump game him -- gave him the middle of freedom -- freedom. i do not see the hoop law. he made mistakes and he is recovering and i hope joe biden pardons if he is convicted. have a great weekend america. host: eileen is the last call for the program. the house is about to gavel in. thank you to everybody who called in. we will see you tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern time. here is house. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit]
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