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tv   Washington Journal Chase Oliver  CSPAN  June 7, 2024 11:32am-12:01pm EDT

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vitro referventization with emma waters from the claire booth luce center. >> today watch c-span twoertd campaign trail a weekly round up of campaign coverage providing a one stop shot to see what they are saying to voters with firsthand accounts from political reporters, updated poll numbers and campaign ads. it is today at 7:30 p.m. eastern on c-span on line at or wherever you get your podcast. c-span, your unfirst of alled view of politics.
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c-span is the unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more. za buckeye broad band supports c-span with these other television providers giving you a front row seat to democracy. host: chase oliver is the nominee for the libertarian chase oliver joins us to talk about his campaign, his interest in the office. guest: thank you for having me. k forward to looking to the c-span desta speaking the c-span viewers. host: what prompted you to
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become a candidate for president. >> really sick and tired of donald trump and joe biden and that's all we've been given from the two-party system and voters want something fresh, they want something new and bold and that's the message of liberty, that if you're living your life in peace and not harming anybody else your life is your life, your body is your body. it's not mind it's not the government. i think that some thing a lot of voters can find refreshing. >> what would a libertarian administration look like if you are to become president? >> if i entered the office of the president, it will be a weaker office when i leave than when i take office. k?that's because so much of what the president has done over my lifetime as a result of the legislature falling asleep at the wheel and giving so much executive overreach of the president. mine would be one that exercises the presidency within constitutional bounds but also things like balancing our budget
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at least if we can get a lower than that and really make drastic changes to our priorities at home and abroad in a way that affects the constitution and the individual rights and simply delivered -- civil liberties of all. >> we were talking what america's role in the world when it comes to foreign interest. how would a libertarian approach look under your administration. >> i think it's time we stop exporting our values via militarism by the bomb and the bullet. free-trade and voluntary exchange is a better way to forge a relationship with international neighbors. if i'm buying or selling something to you there's a goodo shoot at each other and bomb each other so i think forging market relationships and tearing down protectionism that we've with these tariffs from joe biden and donald trump i think we can tear these down and start to eort our values via diplomacy and trade instead of bombing people around the world which is what we've done my
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entire adult life. host: how did you become a member of the libertarian party. ■?>> i was a disaffected obama voter in 2010 as part of the antiwar movement and i happened to wander upon the libertarian party of georgia. they were out there the atlanta pride festival with their candidate for governor, he literally waved me into the tent and help me connect my antiwar views with the -- my journey started there and it was a full-fledged party member by 2014. i vote for gary johnson in 2012. , really it's been a journey from 2010 to 2014. now i'm a hard-core libertarian running for president. host: what's your political background and what you do for employment? caller: i got started -- guest: i got started in antiwar activism. i moved into criminal justice reform and i've been a member of
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the libertarian party since 2014. i worked for libertarian nonprofits particular group called outright libertarians that was connecting the lgbtq community with libertarianism. and i have also run for house and u.s. senate in 2022. now i'm running for president. my professional background, i got started in restaurants prayed my first was being a dishwasher has been 13 years in the industry working at every level of restaurants, got out of that and got into the world of maritime logistics moving goods from one side of the world to the other and gave me a greater appreciation for free markets. right now i'm full-time running for president using life savings and what i can to make do but i am on the road full time now running for president. host: what does the infrastructure look like across the united states for the libertarian party, ballot access, what do you have out there. >> we are thrilled to be on the ballot in every state if not
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nearly every state. we are running ballot access drives across the country, we are on the ballot in 37 states and we will comfortably be on the most ballots of any candidate, right now we are ahead of rfk so if we get debate inclusions we should be looked at in terms of that that we will be on the ballot for most americans. >> if you want to ask questions, republican 202-748-8000. democrats 202-748-8001. independents 202-748-8002. libertarian party members if you want to call with any questions, 202-748-8003. you can also send us a text at that number as well. let's hear from some callers. marian in georgia up first. democrats line for chase oliver, a libertarian presidential nominee. good morning. caller: good morning. this is sort of a sad day for me because of the cable cost to get
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your channel. it's the only thing i watch and that's where i get so much incredibly important news, that's how i informed myself all the time. my cable cost for $130. i couldn't afford it more so this is my last call after eight years of calling in every 30 days. i want to ask a libertarian isn't it -- would you be part of your campaign to make c-span available to everybody. for a nominal fee like you do for hulu or something like that. this is very important especially when we keep talking about how we need to be informed and we need to know more about government but then the channel that is probably the most important for people to watch, most people cannot afford it. anyway i want to tell you before i leave since my cable is going
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to be going off on the 17th thank you so much. you have been so important for my learning about our government , about politics, about hearings and what's going on in this country. i am so sad the cable channels are the only ones who do it. thank you. host: thank you for the culprit we are funded by cable. i know you can expand out and listen to us on the app and the web for your content to expand on -- efforts to expand on other platforms as well.■+ check us out on a lot of different fronts including cable. arizona republican line, william, hello. caller: thank you for having me. you kinda tweaked my interest when you actually said that you were not interested in taking my property. does that include reaching into my pocket to take my money every
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month? i'm a disgruntled republican. i have been since george bush. but i'm an equal opportunity disgruntled person. it doesn't matter democrat, republican, i'm just sick of the whole bunch. one of the reasons i voted for donald trump initially is because he was not a politician. but i'm interested how would you address reaching into my pocket as far as taxes go. that is my property. guest: we libertarians do believe in taxation as theft so we need to have a government the does that as low as possible if not outright eliminate them altogether. to do that we have to reduce the size and scope of what government does. we have to reduce these programs and things the government does. if we reduce taxes without reducing spending we are
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creating inflation where the government will print money out of thin air to cover the cost. i want to reduce taxes much in your pocket as possible but that's required us to reduce and be bold about it. republicans and democrats have let you down because they let government grow and grow and many republicans they speak -- walk the walk when it comes to action reducing government and taxation in our lives. she's talking a cost-of-living increasing. this is caused by the very inflation we talked about. the reason she's having trouble paying her bill is because we continue to print money out of thin■z air making dollars less d less valuable and that's a hidden task that hits every household. it's something that we seek to fight against. the excess growth of government. we will reduce that tax impact in your life as much as possible. host: i hear that a lot, how do you build on that? >> any time you take money from
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someone without their consent, without their permission and use it to spend it on something else that is theft. using the force of government. the government has a monopoly on force in doing so they are taking from people and spending on things they don't want to spend. people don't want to spend their tax money on wars around the world. on programs that are redundant and broken bread they would much rather allocate those resources better with their own market decisions instead of sending that to central planners in washington or the statehouse. host: how do you balance those two things? >> are north stars to get the down to where those are voluntarily funded to those who see value in them. i see value in having fire department and i think ultimately we can choose to voluntarily fund those things. that's the abstract northstar. right now what we need to be doing is reduce the overall impact of taxation on our lives
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most people are saying i wouldn't mind having a fire department or police department but all the excesses and regulations that's what they don't want and we need to eliminate that as much as possible. and bring government back to most local government as possible. from mississippi this is brian, democrats line. caller: goodmy response this mot to redirect my question to ask the guest this morning what would be the libertarian parties response particular in terms of america's foreign policy, what would be a response to the emerging communist threat we are seeing not only stateside, we saw the comet's party usa but also with the emergence of china and russia, north korea, international communist alliance we are seeing. the reemergence of the east, it
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would be the libertarian party strategy to be able to be able -- we are living in the second cold war with so many articles, but the thing is talked about this recently but with the emergence of this new communist threat we are seeing here what would be the libertarian party's response in laying out america's national defense, america's response being able to counter this threat so we would be able to have a country for the next 50 to 100 years and possibly the risk of all-out warfare. thank you. guest: first of all i don't fear the communist party usa at all. but not to make any headway in their elections. the u.s. likes the free market and the ability to buy things and they don't eat central planners controlling their life. certainly not the aspect of the commons party usa. rising nations that are
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commonest or socialist being a threat mention china specifically. what we need to do is pare -- teardown trade barriers and hold them to free trade and right now they are manipulated their currency in the markets. you can only do that so long for you have a collapse. continue to show how powerful our free market economy is and certainly trade wars hurt both of us. trade wars and tariffs affect the tax that's paid by consumers. i think the way we can stave off some of these foreign policies we need to secure ourselves. we don't need to be the world's policeman but can protect our own sovereignty. the way we change relationships around the world continuing to push through diplomacy through free-trade and tearing down market barriers. the reason north korea can be a dictatorship is because they blocked themselves off from the world. the more we open up, the faster
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the socialist barriers fall down. look no further than how quickly east germany and berlin adopted capitalism once the berlin wall fell. we need to tear down these metaphorical walls, trade barriers and stop being so militaristic. i think they're better ways to contain communism and one of them is by actually unleashing the power of the free market by removing socialistic elements in our own government. and let trillions of market decisions guide our economy. >> this is ralph are our guest. host good -- caller: good morning, i'm proud running alongside you as vice president. i know you've talked about -- i was wondering how much gold and silver factor in as far as having money. would you be open to
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reintroducing gold and silver into circulation alongside the u.s. dollar. guest: absolutely i believe opening up the currency market is much as possible. i do support crypto and alternative currencies. i would like to return our money back to something that is sound. it can be gold, silver, it can be saffron. but find some sort of resource that we can tag a value to. that's allowed for this inflation to explode. i think we can get back to that it would take a lot of work to get it done but i think libertarian minded people to starat monetary policy getting under control. that something i would like to see. these kinds of things are kind of the abstract for many american voters but libertarian minded people it something we been looking into for a long time it's what we need to get libertarians in office to show what real monetary policy looks like and how they can value each and every american family
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returning wealth back to americans and getting our dollar. i would absolute support any kind of alternative currency and support the use of gold and silver absolutely. it's a great way to save and invest. host: at c-span we aired your convention and amongst the convention people there, members of your party we heard from former president trump and rfk junior. >> at first i was worried donald trump spoke at a libertarian stage of might be confusing to the brand because there were people in the room cheering them on but what happens is the libertarians filled the room and we gave them quite a libertarian reception that he deserves as -- for his record as president. i'm happy to see libertarians gave him a libertarian reception and did not roll over for him and we weren't starstruck by the fact that an ex-president was here and it garnered media attention so i gave a great chance for the libertarian party
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to contrast ourselves. and i think we did a great job of doing that. rfk junior spoke as well. he unlike trump tried to tailor his speech to libertarians. i think he got a bit more of a polite response than what donald trump did trump kind of did his trump thing and i think the response was different because of that. but i think most libertarians just know that rfk while is supportive of us on a few issues is very much a big government big spendingnd that's something we don't really support. >> your party's chair spoke about your nomination and what she saw coming from that i want to play you some of that and get your thoughts on it. [video clip] >> i haven't endorsed donald trump but he has endorsed us. donald trump said he would put a libertarian in the cabinet position. he came out and spoke to us and said he is a libertarian.
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he has basically endorsed us so inase oliver is the best way to be joe biden. get in, we are stopping biden. that's what i think. that's i think this campaign is about. people are going read and they scream, a one way or another you will be mad. i think we have to do everything we can to kick joe biden and one of the best ways to do that is to support chase oliver and go hard for him in blue states. host: what you think that characterization? guest: i will be campaigning in red states and blue states. i've already campaigned in all 50 states and unlike donald trump and joe bid don't how to focus on handful of swing states to get my message across, i've been in states all over the country. i don't doubt for trump or biden for their both horrible choices. i'm not have to pick between the two when i was asked to the
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libertarian convention oppose -- had a gun to my head which one what i pick. i very quickly said the gun would go off. i'm not here to help one or the other win. i'm not here to push votes for one or the other. i'm here to win votes across the spectrum of the libertarian party and build up the brand and that something and committing myself to not just red states or blue states or swing states that every state to make sure libertarians have a choice outside of the two-party system and make sure the voters know. but they don't have to settle for less donald trump or joe biden. >> i suppose then you heard that your campaign could be a spoiler of sorts when you hear that, what do you think. >> if you look at the approval ratings of congress and our president that are always subpar you can spoil something that's already rotten and that's the two-party system that existed all over this country so when they say we are spoiling elections, for who?
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for people who are already in power and have the ability to give us things like rank-choice voting that would remove that so-called effect. i support that. i can give you rank-choice voting or mechanism to vote beyond plurality, that can only be given to by republicans and democrats so they are happy spoiling their own elections. having under 50% of the vote and going to washington dc reps at 100% of their constituents. i happen to think that that's wrong and there's better ways to select candidates but i can't give that to you you have to demand that from democrats and republicans who are fine letting your vote be spoiled. >> let's hear from new mexico, paul on her independent line. good morning. guest: china -- caller: people keep addicting china's and the at any minute. they built more high-speed transit than the rest of the world has built this entire century.
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they're basically the complete opposite of a place like argentina which is embracing libertarian policies and their economy is collapsing as a result. give an example of a country embracing libertarian policies that have been successful? guest: if you look at what's because the economic woes in argentina was caused by decades and decades of socialism, of the economic policies that socialist and commonest espouse. if you look at what happened he's drastically cut spending as he promised to do. he has rearrange the economy and pushed inflation down. he's getting a better economic picture. i don't think it's fair to have 60 years of socialism and in six months of libertarian president and say things aren't cheery and rosy yet so libertarians must've failed. what we are seeing is a turnaround in argentina. we will see them rising over the next decade if they continue on the path of free markets and market relationships instead of
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embracing socialism and central planning. what we see from china is continuing union built a lot of railroads and infrastructure projects. they starved millions of people in the process and were pretty horrible place to live. a low quality of standard of living. china can keep building high-speed rails but what they are doing with them manipulate currency is not going to be great in the long run. and the rising of a billion people out of poverty. relationships as they've loosened themselves from the grip of communism so really all the evidence speaks to the very opposite. >> jordan in florida, democrats line. caller: thank you chase oliver for being a candidate to answer the call to be a different choice and a younger candidate for the presidency. the hypocrisy in this country is people want a younger more center and more popular candidate for the presidency who
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doesn't have experience and have it in their mind and best interest that issues like climate change, the economy, foreign domestic policy and abortion rights. i just want to add the rights of woman has to her body. will we see they continue to only nominate older candidates with experience. how do you think you will be able to swing leaning democratic voters and leaning republican voters in this upcoming election that is one huge election for the books? >> i think the reason we want a younger voice in the process is because i've been connected to the lives that many americans live every day. i've had to live paycheck-to-paycheck. that's something that people have been in politics for 50 years are born into a lead is my donald trump of never had to understand what it actually means to be an american, to go to the grocery store and being -- less and less for the same amount of money.
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i feel those pressures a lot more than those in washington dc who are in power. as far as wise and important to have useful voice. i care about things like our environment, like our economy because i'm to be alive to have to see the ramification of these things. when we have an aging population in washington controlling things they care less about the long-term and more about the next financial quarter for the next two years to win reelection. when i'm talking about issues and thing in the long run what it's can be like to grow old in this world and see my nephews and nieces grow up in this world. i've the vested interest in making sure the economy is strong in the long run. no short-term gains for political buzz. i want to secure the economy and make it strong in the long run. i want to fix the issues and not just key political gamesmanship and the political progress in that our system is engaged in. most are not invested in what we do long term.
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there are more interested in the next election cycle and fundraising quarter print most younger americans don't want to play that game either. to play that game either. they want to see long-term planning. host: what is the strategy if you were to become president working with congress made up primarily of republicans and democrats with some independents. guest: you have to know you won't get everything you want but you have to find the areas you can work with the most and use the power of the presidency as you can. if i was the president of the united states if you don't present a budget that is balanced it will be a veto because i have the power of the veto the bully pulpit. you have to iron out details, cross t's and dot i's. that is part of the work of governance, but as long as you are showing the american people your work, not doing it behind closed doors, i think if you do that open, honestly, transparently you can find
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workable partners who want to reduce the impact and abuses of government and our lives on the left and right. host: devon in pittsburgh, democrats line. caller: i want to point out that one of the big problems with this guy's philosophy is that they don't understand -- [ indiscernible] host: i apologize, you are breaking up. do you want to get closer to your phone or closer to a window? caller: closer to the window. can you hear me now? host: try it again. thanks. caller: i think that it's important to this guy to realize that the libertarian party and their position not to support government at all is a problem for us. am i still on? host: i think you got the point, thank you, devon. guest: i am not an anarchist. there are those who exist. i don't think the government
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should not exist at all. i think you should only exist to protect the civil liberties of one another from being violated. you should be left to your own devices. leave this as we go live to a discussion about in vitro fertilization. it is a product of our important work. i have been involved in this organization since i was a college students at for our c-span audience today i want to take a moment to show what we do in the center and why it's important. first a little background. a poll recently found today's young women hold naturally conservative beliefs, but often hide them to avoid conflict with family and friends.


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