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tv   2024 Campaign Trail Focus on the Races for Governor  CSPAN  June 8, 2024 12:27am-1:02am EDT

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there are currently 26 r■depublicans and 24 democrac governors in the united states. othose states head to the polls for gubernatorial race here to talk about them is jessica taylor with the cook political report. she is there governor editor. what are some overaring themes of these governor races? the mae are in -- states. you artrng to see [ indiscernible] on the democratic side, especially in the tossup races we have, democrats are making abortion access and rights an
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■dissue which we sow play a majr role in the races after the overturn of roe v. wade. we are still looking at that as a major issue. we only rate three of these races as competitive. there are no democratic incumbents on the ballot this cycle. we wilhavernors across the couny with term limits. amy: what does this mean for the parties given who is up and which party? ■j■j7jjessica: i cover the senad senators differently. this is the one place where candidates matter. and it is because no party gets a prize because you have the most governors. last cycle in the off year, andy beshear's in kentucky was reelected.
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in vermont, there is a republican governor that will be heavily favored to win another two-year term. there are some oddities set when we look at some of these senate races and we see former governors trying to run for a senate it becomes a lot harder. larry hogan has an uphill climb. they are out -- they are on an island. can make this race about the candidate more that is why i think candidate quality will matter a lot. amy: are there some similarities in what ters expect from their chief executive when they vote for them? jessica: during covid and after covid we solve voters pay more attention to the governors. they were setting goals. talking about mask mandates or
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vaccinations. morning hussle does a good track of the governors. we saw interest go up. most of these governors are popular. you don't have to take divisive sides on issues. you will not take a national view on foreign policy. a lot of these are domestic issues. overwhelming -- it is hard to be a governor. in 2022 only one income bit governor lost -- one incumbento. these governors are very popular . all of them that are running for reelection -- only those in a more competitive column are --.
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amy: how do you go about your ratings? jessica: we look at it qualitatively and quantitatively. we look at polls. we get access to a lot of polls that a lot of viewers do not have. we are talking to committees. there is the democratic governors association and the republican governors association. they are devoted to trying to win the races at the state leve and we meet with candidates and with governors when they are in town. we are talking to sources that work in this day and know the sometimes local officials, state officials and people on the ground that work the grassroots in these campaigns. it is a lot of phone calling source work and sometimes we go to the states. north carolina is probably the
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biggest governor raise this cycle and my best friend lives in raleigh. amy: let's start with delaware. you rate this a solid democrat. jessica: you have an open seat there. it will come down to the democratic primary there. you have a lieutenant governor. and i think that primary will primarily be between the lieutenant governor and matt meyer. there are republicans running but races like this are decided in the primary. the executive plays a big role. wall you might look at the lieutenant governor and say they would normally have an advantage, i think this is going to be a competitive primary.
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we are so early. several months. voters have not tuned in so we haven't seen a lot of polling. this is in our solid democrat column. because of the number of democrats in the state? republicans are not contesting this one. amy: moving onto washington stat you have the governor who is retiring. unlike some other states, washington doesn't have term limits. in washington, they have an party primary system. all the candidates will be on the august ballot and the top two of party will advance. the lieutenant governor -- the
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attorney general is a democratic front runner. there is a more moderate running. but we expect the attorney general to place first. when the rays came open i wrote that no republican had the opportunity. they got an interesting candidate in the case, a former congressman who retired several years ago by the is also really well known there. he was the sheriff that caught the green river killer in washington state. he has a law enforcement background. i was watching forensic files the other day and it comes on about him. he is well-known because of this case. he has more of a moderate profile and has the type of crossover roads but he was defeated for the republican endorsement at the convention. that is not uncommon. in utah the incumbent governor
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lost the endorsement. it doesn't necessarily reflect what is going on a some of these primaries. i expected to be between ferguson and reichert. some interesting quirks -- some conservative activists tried to get other candidates on the ballot also named ferguson. there were two other ferguson's that were going to be on the ballot. but it was illegal so they have been kicked off or withdrawn from the ballot. there will not be a trio. amy: you hthis solid democrat be reichert got into the race you are saying likely democrat. jessica: we have seen some close polls. i would watch our ratings in the coming weeks.
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looking at the data especially with what happened at the convention -- republicans in states like this still need a conservative base behind them. and get swing voters. i does what reichert has there. -- that is what reichert has there. in oregon -- there is a hangover if you have the same party in office for a while. amy: in washington state, what are the demographics like? jessica: it is still overwhelmingly democratic and restration is but the way the primary can allow a more moderate reichert
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-- it is overwhelmingly democratic. but these are places where we can still see them splitting votes. i think there will be some widen reichert voters but will there be -- biden reichert voters but will there be enough. amy: [indiscernible] jessica: despite north carolina moving toward republicans at the federal level, seats. former president trump has carried the state twice. at the gubernatorial level, in the last -- years they've only had three republican governors. the outgoing governor, roy cooper, has been incredibly
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popular and he has won in 2016 and 2020. you see that ticket there. democrats have an interesting attorney general to governor pipeline. we saw it in 2022 with josh shapiro in pennsylvania. they like these candidates that have law-enforcement background. josh was the attorney general. and then you have the republican nominee who is the lieutenant governor, mark robinson. a very attractive candidate. he came out of nowhere to win over or seasoned politicians. -- over more seasoned politicians. he rose up through the grassroots. he is african-american.
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he speaks to a lot of churches and has the cadence of a pastor but he also has a history of saying a lot of controversial things. we saw in 2022 that -- in governors races candidates matter more. i think we see what president biden's numbers are in the state and donald trump is leading comfortably. robinson is running a strong campaign. he is raising money. not -- national republicans are behind him. he has a long history of saying things about abortion, anti-semitic remarkst lgbtq peo.
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north carolina has become more ■ycompetitive over the years because you have a lot of college graduates particularly women moving into the research triangle. is this something that could turn off the voters? i think if you had a more mainstream republican winning, a republican could be a favorite but i think robinson is still a very volatile candidate. i look at where the president's nuer that is why we have moved this. amy:ent visit the state touting his record. jessica: this is a place that the biden campaign would like to make more competitive. he is struggling already in sun belt states like georgia and arizona and about a. i think he is going to have to focus on rustbeltan, wisconsin d
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pennsylvania. i still think north carolina -- they might ultimately look at this as a reach. that might help josh. amy: it is possible. he has a lot of things and video clips against robinson. this will be a close race. republicans have good infrastructure. amy: new hampshire. jessica: both new hampshire and vermont are the only states in the country that elect their governors for two-year terms. chris sununu whose father was a governor has been popular.
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qn÷he has been able to win reelection. in 2022 we had this race rated solidly republican on the republican side you have two candidates. kelly ayotte lost reelection. and you have the former -- chuck morris. he is running. you see a lot of the establishment behind kelly ayotte. on the democratic side, i think
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probably manchester mayor joyce cragg has the edge but cindy is also running. another late primary in september. if either of those races turn negative they could hurt those parties. there is not a lot of time to turn around before this general election. new hampshire -- their motto is live free or die. abortion rights have been a central focus in this race. you are already seeing democrats hit kelly ayotte for her past support. gorsuch was a key member of the supreme court that led to the
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dobbs decision. amy: let's move on to some solid republican races and there are quite a few starting with indiana. >> this one i think is pretty well decided with the current senator. a crowded primary with a lot of people spending money. he was a front runner from the get go. he has the most name id and no other candidates were outspending him. another race where i think this was decided in the primary. democrats have a former republican, a■b former secretary of education, jennifer mccormick running but i think in indiana that is going to be tough. amy: in west virginia -- jessica: you have a term limited governor running for senate.
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we just finished the primary in may there. another spirited primary. a little like a family reunion. you had the current attorney general who ended up winning the primary and got a lot of support from -- and went after his two opponents. theents were the sons of a current senator and a current congresswoman. chris miller is the son of carol miller from west virginia and you have mark who is the son of shelley. his grandfather was governor there as well. their family is well known. he beat -- he was able to divide the vote. you have a lot of people dividing their vote regionally. he ran strong in the rural areas
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and the panhandle. miller. amy: let's talk about on the democratic side. jessica: the -- the retiring senator joe manchin who was a former governor and very popular. there are some rumors going around that he is being urged to step in and take williams' place. williams has denied this. if you have manchin coming back th would make what is a slamdunk a little more interesting. he ran against mention and loss in the 28 senate race. he is a polarizing figure within the republican community especially for the business
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aligned republicans in the state. manchin might be getting encouragement from more moderate republicans. i feel like there is always a rumor that joe manchin is going to do something. i think joe manchin makes a lot of headlines. amy: that is wonder watch. let's move on to missouri. the current governor, mike parson is a republican and term limited. the secretary of state, jay ashcroft and mike kehoe. i thins most of the institutional support. and he has the name recognition. this is the son of former attorney general john auch kroft. the ashcroft family -- we see this a lot in families. talking about west virginia but also the current governor of kentucky, andy beshear, his
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father wasr and i mentioned chris sununu. you got these political dynasties in a stage. you have lieutenant governor mike kehoe who is racing up -- who is raising a lot of money. ashcroft benefits from the name id. amy: solid republican. the leading democratic candidate, chris mcquade. does she have a chance? jessica: there could be an abortion measure on the ballot and i think that makes them hopeful. but i find it really hard. amy: north dakota, the primary is june 11. the current governor is and considered a potential vice presidential pick for former president donald trump. who is running? solidly republican. what do you think happens? jessica: the at large
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congressman kelly armstrong is at leading candidate. you have a lieutenant governor also running spending a lot of her own money. sources we have talked to say armstrong is the> one to lose two. burgum spent a lot of his own money and that is appealing. i think armstrong is probably the favorite. amy: and then the lieutenant governor is running on the republican side. tami murphy was appointed in 2023 by burgu she is spending at of her own money so in a small state, ads are not very expensive. thatst her chances. this will be decided in the primary. amy: our last solid republican,
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montana. jessica: the current governor is running for reelection. he is expected and is the clear favorite. this is a key state in the senate race with jon tester running. i think you will see a lot of his voters. this is a state that donald trump won by 16. ryan buffing is the leading candidate and a gun control advocate. you cannot beontana. this is a very uphill climb. there is an increase in property taxes in montana. this approval ratings have gone down. forte is another millionaire who won his race. amy: you mentioned these states
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earlier but they have popular moderate gop income. spencer cox and in vermont, the governor there. are these likely going to stay republican? jessica: he is chairman of the national governors association. i would not call him a moderate. he is a conservative but a pragmatist. he talks a lot about working across the aisle. in 2020 he cut and add with his democratic opponent saying, don't hate us, we got along. he talks a lot about civility in politics. a little like mitt romney. he lost the nomination to a gadfly candidate. spencer cox has the clear advantage. the convention in many states is
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more conservative than the electorate is going to be. in utah, heavily mormon. this is where youthird-party cat of the vote in 2016. his lowest percentages. at the convention you see the most conservative. spencer cox is clearly going to win here. amy: sanders have a republican governor? jessica: because phil scott is an anti-donald trump republican. you see some of these governors ask vermont is the most puzzling. kansas has a democratic senator. people vote for the person. it seemed like it might have
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gotten interesting. howard dean was briefly talking about running and that would've been interesting. dean was elected before before running for president, i think you could've beaten phil bryant. we have it rated solid republican. amy: jessica taylor, cook political report, governors editor, we always appreciate the details and the insight. thank you. >> a few more notes -- the new jersey globe reported democratic senator bob melendez who faces federal rruption charges has filed enough signatures to run as an independent inhis year's u.s. senate race in new jersey his run comes as andy kim won new jersey's democratic primary on tuesday. it is unclear how senator melendez's filing will impact
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the race overall. we will keep an eye out for any polling. two highlights from the presidential race. rst, president biden announcing executive actioon the u.s.-mexico border changing the rules for asylum-seekers that the president said would help curb migration to the u.s. and after that former president donald trump from phoenix where actions as ineffective. >> i am here to take the necessary steps to secure our border. today i'm announcing actions to bar migrants that cross our southern border unlawfully seeking asylum. migrants will be restricted from seeking asylum at our southern border unless they seek it after entering through an established and lawful process. those that seek to come to the united states legally by making an appointment and coming through a point of entry, asylum will still be available for them.
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but if they choose not to use our legal pathways, they choose to come without permission and against the law, they will be restricted from receiving asylum and staying within the united states. this action will help as gain control of our border and restore order to our process. this been will remain in place until number of people trying to enter illegally will -- in addition to this action, we recently made important reforms in our asylum system. more efficient and secure reforms. the goal is to deliver decisions on asylum as quickly as possible. if you are unwilling we are unwilling to spend the money to hire more judges, officers and machinery. i believe that immigration has always been a lifeblood of america. constantly renewed by an infusion of people and new
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talent. so i will never demonize it or referred to immigrants as the poison in the blood of a country. i will never separate children from their families at the border. i will not ban people from this country because of their religious beliefs. i will not use the u.s. military to go into neighborhoods across our country to pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families to be put into detention camps while they wait for deportation as my predecessor says he will do. >> this election coming up on november 5 is going to go down as the most important day because if we don't win, it is all of us, if we don't win, this country >> in addition, crooked joe was because action dramatically expands the biden migrant smartphone a.
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he has no idea what a smartphone is. biden's order is not a border security plan. it is a concession to the fact that he has lost control over our border. he has totally lost control over our border, and it is a really ngerous place. he is conceding that and conceding defeat at the border. on day one of my administration i will be resending the outrageous consecutive -- executive order, and i will be slamming the door shut on the biden migrant app and i will terminate every single open border policy of the biden administration as soon as i take the oath of office. it will take place on the exact same day. the result of biden's actions this week will be more innocent americans killed by illegal alien criminals, more children trafficked and sold into slavery
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, and millions more illegal aliens pouring into our country, and many will come through a very beautiful place known as arizona. if joe biden went to design an executive order totop to get invasion, he only needs a single sentence, and it would say i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of president donald j. trump. >> t c-span's 2024 campaign coverage can be found]4■ next week onn networks, the house and senate are in session. they intend to bring up contempt charges against merrick garland for refusing to release interviews. the house will also take up to 20 five defense policies.
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on thursday, the administrator of the faa michael whitaker testifies before the center commerce committee on the oversight of boeing's aircraft manufacturing process and production quality. also on thursday, microsoft chair and president brad smith testifies before the house homeland security committee on the company's cybersecurity and implications for u.s. policy. watch next week live on the c-span networks, or on c-span now, our free mobile video a also head over to for scheduling information or to watch live or on-demand anytime. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> since 1979 in partnership with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of congress, from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings, and committee meetings.
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