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tv   Steve Bannon Holds News Conference Following Prison Sentencing  CSPAN  June 8, 2024 4:17pm-4:27pm EDT

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won new jersey's democratic primary uesday. it is unclear how senator melendez's filing will impact the race overall. we will keep an eye out for any polling. two highlights from the presidential race. first, president biden announcing executive action on the u.s.-mexico border changing the rules for asylum-seekers that the president said would help curb migration to the u.s. and after that former president donald trump from phoenix where heanive actions as ineffective. >> i am here to take the necessary steps to secure our border. today i'm announcing actions to bar migrants that cross our southern border unlawfully seeking asylum. migrants will be restricted from seeking asylum at our southern border unless they seek it after entering through an established and lawful process. those that seek to come to the
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united states legally by making an appointment and coming through a point of entry, asylum will still be available for them. but if they choose not to use our legal pathways, they choose to come without permission and against the law, they will be restricted from receiving asylum and staying within the united states. this action will help as gain control of our border and restore order to our process. this been will remain in place until the number of people trying to enter illegally will -- in addition to this action, we recently made important reforms in our asylum system. more efficient and secure reforms. the goal is to deliver decisions on asylum as quickly as possible. if you are unwilling we are unwilling to spend the money to hire more judges, officers and machinery.
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i believe that immigration has always been a lifeblood of america. constantly renewed by an infusion of people and new talent. so i will never demonize it or referred to immigrants as the poison in the blood of a country. i will never separate children from their families at the border. i will not ban people from this country because of their religious beliefs. i will not use the u.s. military to go into neighborhoods across our country to pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families to be put into detention camps while they wait for deportation as my predecessor says he will do. >> this election coming up on november 5 is going to go down as the most important day because if we don't win, it is all of us, if we don't win, this country is finished. i really believe that. i think it is finished.
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in addition, kirk could joe's action dramatically expands
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[inaudible conversations] >> get out of my way! get out of my way! >>■n here. >> how you doing? >> hey, guys, thanks for sticking around. so as you know, the judge today issued a surrender date of july 1st in order to let us appeal to a higher court meaning the full court of appeals in d.c. and/or the united states supreme court. as a i said in the courtroom, this is an issue that legal scholars have said from day one is a case that has to go before the united states supreme court. the case of 1961, and this judge found earlier in this case cannot be reconciled with either the traditional notion of
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willfulness in the criminal law or the modern definition. there have been a number of cases just in the last few years that have fleshed this out and made clear that in this country we don't send anyone to prison if they believed that they were doing something that complied with the law. in other words, when justice alito and justice thomas said in 2019 where congress wants to require proof that a criminal defendant knew his conduct was illegal, it specified that the violation must be willful. in the context of this statute, a misdemeanor contempt of congress differs from every single other statute in our jurisprudence. the court found that willful, in 1961 the court found that fault, just means did you get a subpoena and did you comply with it. that's not what willful means as a matter of law in the criminal context. and here the case is complicated because former president trump invocked executive privilege and reaffirmed that before the
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