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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Holds Rally in Las Vegas  CSPAN  June 10, 2024 5:27pm-6:34pm EDT

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■b c-span now, our free mobile video out, or online at >> here's the ball, hit deep into left field, up and into the bullpen. [gavels] >>l be in order. >> this year, c-span celebratess like no other. since 1979, we have been your primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced, unfiltered views of government, taking you were policy is debated and decided, all with support of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting, powered by cable. >> up next, former president trump spoke to supporters. caaign rally in las vegas. during his remarks some of the former president discusses this policy agenda, including voter security and ration. this event is just over one
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hour. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president of the united states, president donald j. trump! [♪ "d usa"]
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■([♪ "god bless the usa" by lee greenwood plays ♪]
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[♪ "god bless the usa" by lee greenwood plays ♪] pres. biden: thank you -- mr. trump: thank you. wow. not too hot out here. it did you notice we put out a notice that said, "don't come," and 20,000 people showed up. [applause] it is great to be back in this
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lovely state, we know this day, and you always have to say it correctly, nevada. with thousands of proud, hard-working americans, that's what you are. with your help, we are going to win nevada, we are going to defeat you were terrible senator, jacky rosen. by the way. she's a terrible senator. we are going to defeat the failed regime of crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of this america great again. for 3.5 years, the people of nevada hav had a front row seat to joe biden's people in
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criminal liberation -- obliteration of our southern border. it is criminal what he has done. did you see, he came out with a plan, "let's make it tougher," because he is getting killed in the polls. we are winning by, like, 12 points. 5@all we have to do is stop the steal. and we haven't made. last week, joe biden signed an executive order that is pro-invasion, pro-trafficking, pro human trafficking, pro-drug dealers, it's a pro drug dealer bill. is weak, ineffective, it is bullshit, when he signed. [applause] [crowd chanting "bullshit"] wow.
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that has to be like a deplorleber "deplorable ," when hillary said "deplorable"? that was not a good word to be used. that this word seems to be catching on a little bit,. she actually said "deplorable and irredeemable," i said wow, that irredeemable is not a good word, but he did not catch on to what do i know about politics? millions are coming in thrgh come through before. what he signed means nothing. fact, it makes it easier, in my opinion, it opens the border still further. we have people coming into our country. we are going to end of making, and i say this and i say it all the time, november 5 will be the most important day in the history of our country.
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biden truly wanted to sign an executive order to stop thenow, all he needs to do is say, i hereby immediately reinstate every single border policy of a gentleman named donald j. trump. you know, he does not need anything, he could have done thnumber one, he's late, by the way. number duca made as meeting -- meaningless. it's a pr ploy. they talk, talk, talk, as the t. less than four years ago, i handed joe biden the most secure border, we never had a border like that we don't 571 miles of border, unbelievable. we ended all catch and release. we had thedp remain in mexico, d then we also had title 42, you
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remember, everything was so good. if this guy does not go to the beach all the time, "i don't th" and he has that little chair that weighs about seven ounces, meant so children can lift it and very old people can lift it. and you know what? he's not old. he's incompetent. he's not old. i■ó are 88, 89, 92, a man named bernie marcus, founder home depot, you talk to him, he is 100% sharp. this guy, there is something missing. he always has the worst policies. under the trumpet administration, if you cross the we took you back to where you came. it's very simple. think of it. all he had leave
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everybody in place, and he would not be going through this right now. it's one of many big problems. the afghan situation, he has a lot of bad daave enough time. we only way, it is 110, but it does not feel it to me, right? so we will stand here for a little while. if anybody gets tired, you let me know. and if anybody goes down, if you start going down, we have people who will fix you up right away. they will throw water. everybody was so worried yesterday about you, and they never mentioned me. i'm up here sweating like a dog. [laughter] secret service says, "we have to look make sure everybody is safe." what about me? oh, we didn't think about you. they don't think about me. i'm working my ass off.
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i'm working hard. this is hard work. front row joe! front row joe! under biden, the i just a disaster, what has happened. it has never happened like this. ported more illegal aliens into our country than at any other time in the history of the country, times maybe 50. they are destroying our country. they are doing things that are unthinkable. this open border, so many bad things, such as this open border situation, where you are allowing millions and millions of people to flood our country, we can't handle it. no country can handle it. it is not sustainable. the entire world is emptying insane asylums and mental institutions, they are emptying them out into your state, all 50 but they are emptying out to all 50 states, they are coming in, and there's no such thing as a■■ border state anymore.
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that border is so meaningless. they just walk right through, the so-called border states, and they end up in iowa, idaho. remember when joe said "it's great to be in idaho," and he was in iowa. he always does that. if i ever did that, that would be the end of his political career. i had a second test. i aced it. i aced both of them. not easy to ace. biden should have a cognitive test. number one. they say it is unconstitutional. that's a good excuse. he should have a cognitive test, and before the debate in two weeks, he should take a drug test, because i'm willing to take one. so nevada is being into a dumping ground, and you are. the whole country is being turned into an absolute duing ground for what is happening.
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in venezuela, here's a statistic, a terrible statistic. so countries that are dumping all of their criminals into our country, right? and also some people that are not criminals but are not productive, they are not going to be productive, they're not actually going to make america great again, and they are coming here in huge caravans, a name i i came up with. caravans. crooked joe. i used to say crooked hillary, but i took it off. now we call her beautiful hillary. because we don't care anymore about that. what was better, crooked joe or sleepy joe? let's have a pole. i will change it. he is both. which is a better name for joe biden? sleepy joe? [applause] c [applause]
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of their criminals, a very heavily crime-ridden country, they took all of their criminals, and they dumped to them into a place called the united states of america. they are down to about 40% leftw and they are all coming. long. if i were the heads of one of the many -- this is happening all over the world. if i were the heads of one of the countries, i would have been totally 100% by now. their crime rate they just announced is down 72%. so next year, what we will do is we will meet in venezuela, because it is going to be a lot safer. [laughter] unless one thing happens, unless you make me president, in which case, we will be very safe. [crowd chanting "trump"]
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so last year, you know, look at all the fake news right now. -- back there. [crowd booing] look at all the fake news. they are fake. they are fake. did you see biden yesterday in normandy? he was in france. he embarrassed us so badly, right? does everyone know that? he embarrassed us so badly. it was terrible. this is not a representative for what used to be the greatest country. this country, really we are a nation in major decline, and we are going to stop it immediately. last year, a father from pasadena, texas came home from s
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that his 11-year-old dgh was strangled to death. she had been sexually assaulted, and her body h been stuffed into a trash bag, thrown in a hamper. he came home to find this. put under the bed, found his daughter. they were looking for his daughter, everyone was looking. she was dead under a bed, cut illegal alien monster who had just infiltrated our border, released by crooked joe biden. came in through the biden administration. you know, it was very hard to come in through the trump administration. not perfect, bus the best border in industry our country. we had the least drugs coming in in over 34 years, and now the drugs are pouring in to our country. but they let this monster loose to prey on innocent children. he will probably have a lawyer. he will get out. other people don't get out.
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they indict guys like trump for, what? the election was rigged. the election was a rigged election. oh, let's indict him for saying that. whereas you have guys like this, you've got guys who ki people, and they are fine. he's fine. we are screwed up as a country. we are going to unscrew it very quickly. [applause] and then you have the horrific case of laken riley, i got to know the parents well, the family well, the young nursing student, top of her class. she was from georgia, and shes y beaten and killed, joe sets loose this monster into our country. would not have come into our country under us. and on top of everything else, when i met the family, they were so beautiful, so incredible, and
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her name, he talked about her in congress. he was only forced to talk about her, but he apologized to her killer. he called him an started illegal alien. he started apologizing, not to the family of laken riley, but he apologized to the killer. [crowd booing] this is where we are. under the trump administration, we will not be apologizing for all of these people that are coming in illegally, because they will not be people coming in illegally anymore. they will come in, they will come in legally, you will be able to hire them. they will be able to work legally. we want people to come into our country, but we want them to come in legally, ok? joe biden is also waging an all-out war on the workers of
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america, especially african americans and hispanic americans. hispanic americans and african americans are the ones suffering most with this incredible, illegal alien group that is coming in and staying at our luxury hotels. they are being put up in hotels. some of them are luxury hotels. by the way, just in case you are wondering, i've got no teleprompters, and i haven't from the beginning. [applause] these people. that probably means we will make a better speech. no, i've got no teleprompters. you know, i pay all this money for teleprompter people, and i would say 20% of the time they , don't work. they don't work. the thing is waving around. tighter. i'm trying to look at. so we are all in this together, everybody. it is a mess.
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i had one in ohio, we had 45-mile-an-hour winds, you were there. this is front row joe. he is everywhere. wouldn't it be incredible -- he's gone to 250 -- if he were to vote for den. it would be suicide to vote for biden. and then we have the wall, we call him the human wall. great americans. they are great, great americans. we had one in ohio where the teleprompter was like the sail on a sailing boat, almost we had almost 50-mile-an-hour go do it for bernie. and before i started my speech, as i'm walking off, as i'm coming out, walking off the runway onto the stage, the teleprompters got blown to pieces. we had 60,000 people, and i was standing up there all by myself,
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and i said, we've got a problem, i've got no teleprompter, no notes, and we had one of the greatest days, don't you think? do y think biden could do that? i don't think so. by the way, bernie won his primary, and he won convincingly, so we obviously did a good job. now i think it will be a man named brown, he's going to be a senator named brown. you have a good man named brown. they have a man that is not so good. and i think bernie moreno in every once in a while. it is crazy. the illegal immigrants are turning, and they are turning at a level that nobody has ever seen before. they are fighting our families.r black population, they are totally destroying our hispanic population.
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it means a little bit less, but it means quite a bit at this stage. they are killing unions. they are killing unions, because the unions are not able to survive. they are not able to survive the flood. they worked hard, they worked long to get their salaries up a little bit. they are not able to do it. virtually 100% of the new jobs have also gone to illegal aliens. did you know that? when hundred percent. and, you know, these people are so bad, they will correct me, when i say 100%. 10 to illegal aliens. can you believe it? that's where we are. meanwhile, real wages of african americans and the workers from all over the world . down 6% under crooked joe. and, you know, i had an idea, because it's not as bad as i thought. i thought i would be wilting up here. the only thing that pisses me off are the teleprompters. the only one who can't read a
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teleprompter is joe biden. it doesn't help him. but i thought what i would do is i've read, if you want, should i do it? should i do it? because it's about the border. you know, in 2016, we had a great campaign, and it was mostly about the border. marjorie would tell you. marjorie taylor greene is here someplace. it was abouthee the hell is mar, right? it was about the border. great. she's not from this particular section, but they love her in this section, too. but it was about the border. and i did such a good job, in 2020, where we got millions more votes than we did in 2016, but i not talk about the border. now if you look at it, what has happened is unbelievable. what has happened with respect to the border, this border is 20 times, 2016 was terrible, but this is a different league. this they different level. this is the worst border in the history of the world.
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there's never been -- no third world country has a border like that. i will tell you what, no third world country has weaponization where they go after politicalwe. this guy cannot get elected anything without cheating. the only way he can get elected is with cheating. they used covid to cheat and lots of other things, but this time, they are using weaponization of the department of justice, going to see the local d.a.'s, going to see the attorney generals, they cheat. but the border is a big deal. this has somehow caught on. so everybody wants to hear the snake. ok. can you hear me in the back? you know, i wish, i wish the cameras would focus on the people here. they never show, even the photo
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friendly ones, i say semi-friendly. you know, t friendly ones, i do a great show with sean hannity or jesse or janine or laura or somebody, and we do a great show, a lot of great people, and then they put on commercials that are just horrible. and they are false. i say, what the hell are you doing commercials like that? i do a show, and then they put poor commercials on. it is so stupid. they should not be doing that, you know, they should not be doing that. the other side, fake news, cnn, which, of course, has no ratings, although they will do some rating for the debate. they will get ratings. this is about our border, and it was a song written a long time ago, not about the border, we made a couple of minor changes, but it is very true. it is just a -- happy birtay. thank you.
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don't tell me that. i don't want to hear that. i d't want to hear that. >> ♪ happy birthday to you happy birthday to you ♪ [amr. trump: thank you. i wish. thank know, there's a cn point in which you don't want to hear "happy birthday."you does not exist. but there's still a big difference. my father lived a long time. my mother lived a long time, and they were happy and they were great, so maybe we will live a long time. i hope so, but we are definitely, we are going to turn this country around. we will turn it around really fast. we will do the things you wanted to do. we will bring it back to four years ago and do even more.
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we people are saying to themselves, were we better off four years ago, or are we better off now? it was not even close. we had the greatest economy in history. what we d in taxes, nobody had ever done. even ronald reagan gave a big tax cut. we gave the biggest tax cut in history. the biggest regulatory cut. nobody did what we did, and everybody was happy. and now they see this person, he doesn't know he's alive. he doesn't know he's alive. i mean, i watched him yesterday with macron. macron is a sharp guy. he is from france. and biden does not even know where the hell he is, especially in one particular instance. that was not good yesterday. and i believe that happened, ok? and he makes up stories.tood ovf soldiers. nobody likes the military more than me. nobody respects it, nobody has
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treated it better, nobody has done as much for the military as i have, but he said i stood over graves of soldiers, and i said, "these people are suckers losers." these dead soldiers from world war i. i said, this was a made up deal from a magazine that's failing, financial disaster, by a guy that is a horrible radical left lunatic named goldberg. they made up a story that i said this, and they put it out, and it has beegoaround for three years. and it is just like russia, russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. 51 intelligence agents, that phony story, remember, "the laptop is from russia," they said. they should be prosecuted for what they did. let's see what happens. can you imagine? and now they took an ad. they know it is phony. they know it is false.
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i hope the military revolt at the voting booth and just says we are not going to take it. they can say anything. they are a party of misinformation, disinformation, cheating on elections, open borders, high interest rates, and high taxes, that is all, and you can't get elected like that. so they make up stories, disinformation. a story like that. think of it from a practical standpoint, i'm standing there with generals and military people in a cemetery, and i'm looking at them, and i say, "these people are suckers and losers"? now, think of it. unless you are a psycho or ase crazy person or a very stupid person, who would say that anyway? but who would say that to military people? because as president of the united states, i would say if i
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made that statement, if i had generals here, i would imagine most of them would end up in a major fistfight with the president, ok? and you know what? i would have said it iok they made up a story, out of thin air, just like a lot of these fake stories made up by these people, because they are the most dishonest people in the country, the fake news. they are dishonest people. [crowd booing] so, they made up this story, and they go with it like i said it. an you know what? some people believe it, because they believe it. they hear it from these people. it's a shame. it's a shame you can get away with it. this happened three years ago, and my geniuses said, sir, don't mention it, but it never goes away. i've got to mention it. i don't like mentioning it, but for me to say "suckers and losers" about people who died in world war i, in front of military people? it is not a possibility you could say a thing like that. it is a shame.
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that's why we have to win. we have to bring our country back from this horrible abyss, because we are doing really badly. this is one of the reasons why, so this is entitled "the snake." on her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tenderhearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake. his pretty-colored skin had been all frosted with the dew. poor thing, she cried, i will take you in and i'll take care of you. take me in, oh tender woman, take me in, for heaven's sake, take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake. ll cozy in a comforter of silk and laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk. she hurried home from work that$ night, as soon as she arrived, she found the pretty snake she'd taken in had been red. take me in, for heaven's sake, take me in, oh tender woman,
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sighed the vicious snake. she clutched him to her bosom, you're so beautiful, she cried, but if i had not brought you in by now, you truly have died. she stroked his pret@mty skin again and kissed and held him, but instead of saying, thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite! bite, vicious bite. take me in, oh tender woman, take me in, for heaven's sake. take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake. i saved you, cried the woman. and you are so tender and so nice. but you know that if i had not taken in, your skin would not look so good, and you would have bitten me, but why. you've bitten me. why did you bite me? please, please, tell me why, why did you bite me? you know your bite is poisonous,
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and now i'm going to die. shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin. you knew damn well i was a snake before i took you in.s happeninr border, you see, because they are taking in people that are a disaster for our country. so, it is all happening at our border, and we are taking in people at levels that have never taken -- this has never happened before, ever, never, and we are not going to let it happen. we are not going to let them ruin our country. we are not going to let them destroy our country. [applause] so i want to tell you a couple of things, and this is the first time i've ever made this. [crowd chanting] [laughs] shut it. [crowd chanting] thank you. thank you.
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so, this is the first time i've said this, and to those hotelles are going to be very happy, because when i get to office, we are going to not chae [applause] we are not going to do it, and we are going to do that right away, first thing in office, because it has been a point of contention for years and years and years, and you do a great job of service, you take care of people, and i think it is going to be something that really is deserve. more imptaular i do what is right. we're not going afterrn that for taxes anymore. this is the end of it. i announce that for the first time, first time i brought it up. first time anyone has brought it up.
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i think no oneas ever brought it up before. i also think it is very appropriate. so we have a president who is destroying our country. we have a president who wants all electric cars, in a very quick start. [crowd booing] everything has to be electric! and by 2030, that is in 6 years from now, and you know what? electric cars are fine. they don't go too far. they cost a lot to buy from and they are all from china. i'm going to end that mandate on day one, when i get to office. [applause] i met with the truckers over the weekend, and the great roger penske is a trucker. he's also a great indianapolis, he won it 20 times. think of how smart you've got to
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be. they spend billions and billions of dollars trying to win the indianapolis 500. and roger penske won it again. that's what we need. have peopl, because the wealth, it will be gone today period of 24 hours, i tell you. go out and buy, pete hegseth, he wrote a book, and he tells you about the woke military. we defeated isis, they were not whooped when we defeated isis. i remember, they said, "it will take five years." i met a general named raisin+@ caine.
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his name was dan caine, they called him raisin caine. how come five years? because they don't know how to fight, sir. we have a great military. we have a great, great military. [applause] so i'm going to end the electric mandate, were going to end the
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electric mandate on truckers. a trucker came to see me, saying a truck going to california, they love that. [crowd chanting "usa"] they love that. it just came of. the teleprompters not working, not even a little bit. great job. but i don't pay the company that does it, right? then i end up with a story, "tru doesn't pay." i don't pay contractors who do a shitty job. that is a shitty job. it was terrible, trump takes advantage -- no, i take great -$ when i have a good contractor or subcontractor, nobody gets paid faster for but when i have contractors who do this kind of work, you can have them. can you imagine if biden was up? he's no good with a teleprompter, but could you imagine if the prompters were off?
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he would go, "ahh." he would not even say anything, because he's incapable. he would probably pause. when he's writing a teleprompter, and it says "pause," meeng you will get about three people clapping, no, he walks off the stage, "ah, teleprompter." [laughter] [applause] this guy is the worst. you know, i always treated him with a certain respect. the election was rigged, whether you like it or not. big, big, we did much better in 2016. we got millions more votes. that's by them. but when he invited me over nothing, they opened up a whole new box, and that i got indicted again and again and agn. in a little tiny period of time,
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i was like a ping-pong ball. sir, they indicted you here! they indicted you in new york! they indicted you again in new york, sir. and it was all over, can i use that word again? a disgrace. a disgrace. and what they have done as they ha of justice. the only thing they did not understand is that we just have the largest ndraising effort in a period of one week than anybody has ever had. did you know that, marjorie? we took in hundreds of millions of dollars, and ch of it was small money donors, average $71. hundreds of thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands of dollars contributed. that they would not have except
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for the case, and our poll numbers are higher now than they ever were before. thnos guy cannot get elected without a few he is an incompetent person. when i was iicted the first do it the first place, the people get it. normally, when that happens, they go to the microphone, and they announce, ladies and gentlemen, i will be going home with my family -- that's the last you ever hear from the person. we have higher poll numbers now that we've ever had. too big to rig, that's what we want. too big to rig.
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[applause] that's what we want. i do higher numbers that we never had. we are leading these crooked people for president, he's a lousy president, a low iq individual, he's worse now than he was 10 years ago. you go back 30 years ago, he was consideredheu.s. senate. ted kennedy told me that himself, who is a friend of mine, who is shocking. shocking that he was a persuasion, marjorie, but he told me that, he is the dumbest person in the senate, and he has been since day one. how about this? on the documents, they find out joe has 10 times the documents than me. i said, you've got to be kidding. and they released him! i said, i don't want to be released like that. they released him on the basis that he is incompetent and he can't stand trial. i said ok, i see, he can't stand trial, so they're not going to
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charge him come on 50 years of classified documents committees and confident, he can't stand trial, but he's allowed to run for president? think about it. he was never smart, but he was not incompetent, so he got off, in a sense he got off. i said i don't want to get off like that. i did nothing wrong. we have a deranged individual named jack smith. he's a deranged, a dumb guy, he's a dumb son of a bitch. what he did come and i just want to get off normal. can you imagine? they consider you to be incompetent, and therefore because you are incompetent, they are going to exoneratyo let me be guilty before they do that. but they say he is incompetent and therefore he cannot stand trial, but he can run for
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president. this is you watched him yesterday, and he is so bad for this co the whole world is laughing, except for the fake news back there. they try to do a good job because they are fake. so we have a country that is in trouble. we are going to end the mandate on electric -- i went to a boat company in south carolina. he said, it's a problem, sir, they want us to make all electric boats. these are leisure boats, beautiful company in south carolina. guy has been doing it for 50 ars.
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he sells hundreds of■- years evy couple of months. a really fantastic guy. he uses mercury engines and different engines in the back, no problem. they want to make it all electric. he said, the problem is, the boat is so heavy, it can't float. i said, that sounds like a problem. he said also they cannot go fast because of the weight. you have to go out 70 miles before you can start the boatan. i said, how long does it take you to get out there? many hours. and you're allowed to get out there for 10 minutes and come back because the battery only lasts a short time. it must be because of my relationship with m.i.t., very smart, i say, what would happen if the boat sank from itsin the, and you have this tremendously powerful battery, and the battery is now underwater, and there's a shark that is
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approximately 10 yards over there? by the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. have you noticed that? i watch some guys justifying it today. well, they were not really that angry, they bit off the young lady's leg, they were not hungry, but they misunderstood he said there's no problem with sharks. they did not understand a young woman, got decimated. so there's a shark 10 yards away do i get electrocuted if the boat is sinking in water goes over the battery, the boat is do i stay on top of the boat and over by the shark cannot get electrocuted? he did not know the answer. he said, you know, nobody has ever asked me that question. i said, i think it's a good question. i think there's a lot of electric current coming to the water. you know what, if there's a shark or electrocution, i will
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take electrocution every time. a truck goes from new york, from beautiful peterbilt or any one of theseres angeles without a stop here with electric, much of the truck is used at capacity for batteries. the batteries are very heavy and very big, many times the size of a tank, that carries lots of gallons of diesel. you have to stop six times, and you have to get charges. there are no charges. the whole thing -- it is the kind of thing that if your five-year-old grandson were sitting out here, and you gave him a quiz, he would say, don't bother with electric. the other thing, of the truck is so heavy, because the batteries are so heavy, the truck weighs e as much of the gasoline truck. what happens is, they have to fix every bridge all over the united states handle the weight. lt because the weight is double and
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triple that of a gasoline or diesel tank truck. you say to yourself, who are these people that are destroying our country? why are they destroying our all of that stuff is going to end. we are not going to have men playing in women's sports. [applause] were not doing it. we are not doing it! the weightlifter, did you see the weightlifters who broke a record? a record stands for 18 years, and they are putting a quarter of an ounce on one side of a barbell, that's what it is, so they can beat it by half an ounce, and they just can't do it. they try to the olympic trials. say, rather strong looking,ung beautiful woman. she gets up, and her mother is
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in the front row, her father is in the front row, and her relatives, everyone is rooting for her. she gets up, i'm sorry, mom, and this goes on and on, nobody was able to do it. then this person who transitioned, lovely, he transitioned, recently transitioned, and they said, do you live? "not much." "are you good?" "i try." have you seen this? "why don't i practice up here a little bit?" the whole thing is crazy, swimming the same thing, running the same thing, it is so demeaning. they wanted us for our country. who wants open borders? who wants men playing in women's sports? who wants all electric cars? by the way, i'm a big fan of
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there are a certain amount of people who want them, where they travel short distances. i'm fine with it, but you have to be able to get gasoline, diesel, lots of other things.ó or hybrids! hybrids, actually, i think are much better. we are going to do all these things. you know, basically the republican party is the party of common sense. it is a party where we want closed, very strong borders, we don't want drugs coming in. if coming in, you have to get ready, you know, every ug person here know someone whose family was devastated from the loss of a child from fentanyl.qk if you went with the death penalty, you have no drug problem in this country.
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if it were a meaningful, not a trial that lasts 400 years. like china, withsi said, you have a drug problem? he does not even know what i was talking about. he's got 1.4 billion people. i said to you have a drug problem? no drug problem. how do you do that? he said with the death penalty. by the way, isn't that reason nice? do you feel the breeze? i don't want anybody dying on me. i need every vote. i don't care about you. i just need every vote. i don't care. [laughter] the press will take that and say, "he said a horrible thing. this horrible, worst president in the history of our country, so i imitated him a couple of times getting off the stage, because he's unable to find the stair, look, stair, stair, stair. when he finishes his 1.5-minute speech is -- his speeches are finished in about a minute, never takes questions. when he finishes, he goes, "ah,
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let's see here, ah." "ah, jill of, ah, nbc,here is she?" they put her here. "what flavor ice cream is your favorite?" then he picks up the thing, "um, vanilla." think of it. what they do. you throw me in the white house, it was like war. what they do is they give the guy the queson they never did that with me. he's reading the answers to questions. he's calling a reporter from nbc fake news, cbs fake news, cnn, they are all pretty much the same, msnbc is probably the worst, of these are sick people. but they are all sort of the same, they are all bad, and they are all very dishonest. they know what i'm .
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we are they hell are you from? wow. i've got to find out. what was the magic word that got that little? we are not going to let this happen with our country. we are taking back our country. so when we get in, it's going to go very rapidly. we will do a lot of things. there's never been people treated more horrifically than "j6 hostages." look at yesterday. they are picketing in front of the white house and marking up the columns with red paint, that does not come off, by the way. they are hitting red paint all
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over the place. andrew jackson is considered a great general and a very good president. red paint all over the place, representing blood. they can do whatev tens. nothing happens. and we want to be fair. we are going to change it fast, but those "j6 warriors," more victims of what happens. all they were doing is protesting a rigged election. that's what they were doing. then the police say, go in, go in. how about scaffold joe, the guy on the scaffold? or how about the date fbi guy,
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wherever he comes from, "go on in, everybody, go on in." what a set up that was. and it goes two ways. we don't want anybody doing something, but what they did to some of those people. yesterday, a grandmother, who is 72 years old, who was praying, she was praying, and they four years they put her in jail. it is sick, what is happening. and they have gone after catholics at a level that nobodh catholics, but they are going after christians, they are going after evangelicals, and we are just not going to take it anymore. we are going to fight, and we are going to win the election. [applause] because this is the most important election. so we can do a lot of things that first week. do is we going to close the border as tight as a drum, and we will let people come in, but only legally. the second thing we will do about five minutes later, it
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does not take long, we will drill, baby, drill, we are going to get your energy costs in half. we are going to bring down your energy costs, and that includes new england. new england has energy costs like they are in an area that is not sell energy can we have more energy costs than anywhere in the world. russia. we were energy independent four years ago. we were soon going to be energy dominant. i was the one that spped the russian pipeline. no one had ever heard of nord stream 2 isn't it amazing, the biggest project they've ever had, going to germany and all of the world, i come in and stop there's nothing you could doe to worse than that, i stopped it. it was dead. they were sanctions. that i got along well with
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putin. it must've been hard for him. he said, if you are nice to me -- remember, he would have never, and he did not, he would have never gone into ukraine. israel would have never been attacked. iran was broke. under my administration, iran was stone cold broke. it was a democrat congressman the other day, he was on "ce the nation," ladies and gentlemen, deface the nation, it is horrible, meet the fake press. george flopadopoulos. i saw him interviewing somebody, st a nice person. a person running -- we have a lot of great people running for vice president. by the way, who do we prefer? we have a lot of good ones. they are great.■y
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but i sa hatred, the guy is asking questions, i said to george, i've had you up to here. but the level of anger and hatred, i say, what the hell? we want to have a country with low taxes, great education. we want to have the strongest military. we want to have no regulation. we want to have a border that is absolutely powerful, and we want to have fair elections, and the rest of it, it is all common sense, and they hate us. these people back here, they hate us at levels nobody is ever seen before. there's only one reason i can think of, maybe two. they are either incompetent, or they hate our country. there is a third reason, and i hate to mention it, they are signed up to vote. i hope that is not it.
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i know your governor is working hard on this. your governor, lieutenant, and attorney general, they are not going to let it happen in your country, and hopefully no other governor will it happen, including democrats. the only way they can get elected is to cheat. the only way, when you have open high tax. you know they want to quadruple your taxes. they want to increase your taxes at levels never seen before. i've never heard this. as a person growing up, politicians always said, we are going to reduce your taxes. you could not get elected if you set it.
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they said they will increase it four times. and they get votes, they get e hell, and don't let anyone convince -- look, they indict me over saying it. you know, when they say, maxine waters, look at what she says, what a fresh mouth. hillary clinton, all of these people, but absolutely nobody has a problem, but when a republican says "the election is rigged," they want to put them in the electric chair, you know, we have two standards come and we are goi to change it fast. we are going to change it fast. so we are going to run a country, conservative generally speaking in this group, but i tell you what, we have a lot of democrats. who is a democrat who likes trump in this work? we have a lot of people. she says, "let's go, brandon." that's great. we have a lot of democrats that are coming over, because really we are a party of common sense.
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we are a party of common sense. we want to have a strong military. i totally rebuild the military. all of the things that we did, that's what they want. the greatest economy in the history of our country is ■3 we had, and people want to go back. so i ask you to do this, get out and vote. don't let them keep you. watch it all the way. don't let them cheat, don't let them do anything. there are a lot of very dishonest people. now we had a governor that was obviously not very good. now we have a great governor, now you have a republican governor, he's doing a great job, joe. we are not going to let them cheat. were not going to let it happen. we're going to make our cnt great again. we are going to make our country greater than ever before. the world is going to look up to us with respect.
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they are not going to be laughing at us. they, right now, are laughing at us. [crowd chanting "usa"] the world is laughing at us. they are not going to be laughing. they respected our country. viktor orban, the great prime minister of hungary, strong country, took no illegal a 9, 0, helped out with ukraine because of their border, but he made a statement of the other day, they said, what is going on? the whole world is collapsing. he said the only thing that is going to save the world is donald trump has to get reelected as president, and the whole world is going to be saved, because china respected him, russia respected him, everybody listened to him. he was the guy, he actually said, he was the boss. evod and i tell you, if it does not happen, you are headed to world war iii. you are closer right now to world war iii that you have ever been. these are not called army tanks, these are nuclear weapons the likes of which and the power of which has never, ever been seen
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before. so, again, i want to thank you all. i want to thank the celebrities for being here. marjorie, thank you for coming up from georgia. get out and vote. you have a vague voting day tomorrow. get out and vote. you have some unbelievab people. get out and vote. i will see you soon. if we win, if we win the battle, we win the whole thing. we win the whole thing. [applause] [crowd chanting "we want trump"] that is so nice. thank you. i'm looking back there, as far as the eye can see, get out,
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though, we will make america great again, greater than ever before, and we are going to do it fast. thank you and god bless you. god bless you, everybody. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen. ♪ [♪ "ys ♪]l
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financial services committee spoke about mortgage rates, banking regulations, and other policies during a discussion hosted by the manhattan institute. mckinney of north carolina. you are watching live coverage on c-span2. >> there is an emerging consensus around the future of washington dc in essence, is a free enterprise to have the future or at least not much of


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