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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  June 11, 2024 2:12pm-2:39pm EDT

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■& get ready to cheer on your favorite team in this year's annual congressional baseball game where face off against democrats. watch live play-by-play coverage from washington nationals park on wednesday at 7:00 p.m.ern on, our free mobile video app, or online at >> hit by steube, deep into left field. bouncing up and into the bullpen. >> c-span is your unfiltered vi overnment. we're funned by these television companies and more including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? no it's way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with 1,000 community centers wi-fi es so students from low-income fami can get the support they need to be ready for anything.
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>> comcast supports c-span as ae other television providers, giving you a front row seat to dmok sit independents (202) 748-. we will talk to the representative adams serving as ranking member. good morning. you had recently had an article about strategy of israel when it comes to gaza. i was wondering how the hostage rescue may have changed or shaped your thoughts on israel strategy goi guest: it doesn't change. israel wants to get the hostages back and that has to be a top priority and the best way to do that is through a cease fire and get hamas to release them. but until hamas agrees, israel has to get them back by other
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means and that is what they are working on. the larger question is what will bring peace to the region? there has to be an alternative to hamas and the only alternative is palestinian authority. my trouble is that israel under benjamin netanyahu is not working towardshamas is a factoy don't have that alternative. in many cases they are working to try to undermine the palestinian authority and that undermines long-term peace. host: what is a viable alternative look like? guest: king of doll of jordan, saudi arabia, uae are working with palestinian leadership -- king ■labdullah of jordan, saudi arabia, uae are working with palestinian leadership. you have to have governance and support which we have tried in the past back in the early
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2000's, and it wathe palestinias getting better and netanyahu became prime minister after the peace plan fell apart and he started to undermine the to change the strategy and have an alternative so there is a path. host: secretary of state blinken is in israel and talked about his optimism when it comes to a possible resolve to all of these things. what is your level oop it is hat is very difficult situation. hamas seems to have dug in and is refusing to the cease-fire that has been on the table for months which would give a temporary cease-fire in exchange for returning hostages and for palestinian prisoners being released. so getting thomas to change their mind ont the main focus. i am concerned and i think there
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wa voice coming forward and he left the confidet high but i do support biden support to get the cease-fire and think they are doing everything they can to get to that result. host: of israel will head to congress next month to aress congress. what did you think about the invitation and what are you hoping to hear? guest: to meet the debate is just a distraction. -- to me, the debate is just a distraction. not just i'm going to destroy hamas and the war is going to go on but what is his plan for a long-term peace process in the middle east? if there is no future for the palestinians there will be no peace for israel. i just want to hear his answer on that. host: when ■v comes to ukraine,
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it was president biden allowing the short term use of military weapons from the united states within ukraine. what did you think of that directive? guest:ia. host: yes, within russia. guest: biden said we don't want a war with russia, we want them out of ukraine of the war is coming from russia into ukraine. so ukraine attacking not about e wanting to go into russia, it is about them stopping russia from attacking ukraine which is perfectly consistent with the biden administration policy. i think they should have loosened those restrictions sooner and hope they continue to take this approach. if russia doesn't want ukraine to attack it, they should stop attacking ukraine. at will bring peace to the region. ukraine has to be able to hit back against those attacking them.
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host: any ideas of that happening? guest: the slippery slope is that ukraine would go into russia and take russian property and i don't think that will happen. what i think will happen is that russia will feel the pressure when they realize they will n what putin wants and then continuing strategy and placing assets in russia at risk and that is incentive for putin to come to the table and push for a settlement. host: on the senate side, it was roger wicker in recent days calling for 50 5 billion more in defense spending. what do you think of the idea? guest:should stick to the budget agreement we got from last year want more money. i haven't yet come across an operation that hasn't said we want more money, but what we
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really want is a timely budget. and what we did last year in particular, we didn't pass the appropriation bills for the pentagon until march, six months after the end of the fiscal year. if w■e get into another protracted debate about how much money to spend, we will once again be delayed and that is as harmful to the pentagon as anything. the house, senate, president agreed to the budget numbers. reopening that debate jeopardizes the ability of congress to pass a budget for the pentagon in a timely manner. host: one concern with the increase in the spending was the ability of the united states. to what level is that a concern? guest: i found it ridiculous in the defense world that those who argued we have to be able to do absolutely everything that might happen. that is not the way the world works.
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would you to be covered against all contingencies, not sure but we are going to be. the world is too complicated and threatening on many levels. you have to have a strategy to balance in an intelligent way. part of that is building up partnerships. russia, china, iran, north korea, hamas, with all these groups we are n g security. we can't kid ourselves that we ll magically be able to fight every single war that is imaginable. what does a defense strategy look like if the former president wins office? guest: you would have to ask someone else about that. my biggest concern is it will undermine.
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he was trying to push us out of data and away from south korea i think a go it alone strategy is a major mistake and that is the biggest concern we have and the sheer unpredictability and the approach the former president took the foreign policy. he would wake up one day and say out and do some contingency plan. the unpredictability also created problems. host: merrick garland will be front and center on capitol hill or at least a response. guest: i think it is the republicans weaponizing the justice system. it is so ironic that they whine and cry and scream but president trump and the republicans have
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aggressively advocating and using our institutions like the forth her partthey want to get revenge one people who they think have wronged them. what merrick garland is trorce . i am sorry, if you violate the even if your name is donald, you deserve to be investigated and potentially prosecuted. and that is what merrick garland is doing. the justice system is trying to do their jobs. host: the ranking member of the armed services committee, thank you for your time. guest: thank you. host: canada in pennsylvania, on the line for democrats. caller: front line is one of the greatest programs ever.
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as a recent college graduate, i protested the vietnam war three times in d.c. and i am proud of it. as to the current students, i support the right to protest. they need to be cautious and think hard about the coming election. if they choose to sit it out, vote for a third party, and make sure we swing this to president trump who we saw in some of his rallies literally say i love the uneducated. so be careful students. consider your entire future, not just what is happening today. host: patty in texas, republican line. caller: i have a couple things
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to say. first of all, mr. biden has been the most horrible, terrible no good president in this country. he is leading us and the democrats over the cliff. with that said, give the old man a break. he does not have years on this earth. host: we will go to david in michigan, a republican line. caller: pro israeli. i am hispanic and i believe that if you continuously teach your children to hate more than you love your children, there will never be peace in the middle east. all of these protesters should really understand the issues first before they prote taught w to think about what to think.
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that is very dangerous. they should remain impartial and not take sides and stick to the issues. host: it is (202) 748-8001 for republicans, democrats (202) 748-8000, independents (202) 748-8002 and you can text us at (202) 748-8003. this is the line for democrats, william. caller: they attacked israel. you have from our country to talk aboutit goei
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when they got involved with arafat. they think it is ok to do it because it is america and we can protest. if it was mean, i would kick them out of the country. host: let's hear from andrew in california, democrats line. caller: one juror ruled on one charge in all 30 four were guilty. merrick garland is committing the same crimes he is prosecuting the other guy who
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had the subpoena. host: if you areue to call in oe lines. two legislators are joining us now from representative rich mccormick, republican serving the sixth district in the armed services and foreign affairs committee representative mcrm for giving us your time. you are just rently back from europe for d-day activities and as part of that you decided to ju to honor the veterans. the youngest over there was 96 and therthey are almost gone ans
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a special time. every five years we have big d date celebrations. in afghanistan, i am a veteran, we lost 2000 462 lives in 20 years. they lost more than that ione day on d-day. they lost 12,000 just in the airborne division during their campaign. they grew up during the great depression and they are the greatest generation we have known and i wanted to order that. when you have jumped in a while, it's frightening again. jumping out of an aircraft and we had a congressman that can remember that jumped out and seven republicans and one democrat. it was exceptional. they were needed to bond over that and honor the veterans. host: we are showing viewers at
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home some of the footage shot during your time overseas. we asked a previous guest about concerns to the israel strategy in gaza after the news of the hostage rescue. where do you think things stand? guest: there are still people who are hostages. we have not solved this at all. 't even think we are close. there are still bad guys who wanto do harm and those who want to launch missiles into israel. if all the people in gaza would lay down their arms, there would be peace. if they would give up the hostages, there would be peace but that is not the way it is working. israel laid down their arms they would cease to exist because they would be put off the face of the earth. host: when it comes to the secretary of over there talking about this proposal when it comes to a cease fire and hostage exchange.
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what do you think of that plan and your level of optimism? guest: we have had a lot of cease-fires in th■ie pa, not just from this conflict but others. it doesn't seem to be permanent but i would love to see it and see the healing begin and see a long-term peace process but it starts with getting rid of the terrorists and electing the right officials and making sure there is the right leadership on both sides and i keep coming back to what started thi there was no israelis in gaza that i know of and this is unprovoked and we hope it doesn't happen again. if we are going to get to a peace process we need to stop talking about eliminating air israel from the face of the earth. -- eliminating israel from the face of e earth. host: do you think israel should share mo about what their long-term strategy is? guest: the long-term strategy has been clear.
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if you're talking about tactics they will not tal about that but if you talk about long-term strategy, it is to wipe out hamas, an organization that is trying to destroy israel and wipe out terrorism. they do not want to have mass kalus unities -- mass casualties in gaza. we don't want that. host: if there is explanation about doing that without collateralam anybody who has bet war understands it. name me one war where youj have seen no collateral damage. it doesn't exist. in one night in tokyo, we had 100,000 civilians burned to death in bombings in world war ii. dwe've forgot that. war is a horrible thing. it doesn't matter if it is i gant -- afghanistan, iraq, korea, germany, name or we didn't have mass casualties.
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that is war and that is why it is horrible and we should avoid it and eliminate bad guys as best as we can but realize there will always be collateral damage. host: when it comes to the israeli prime minister's visit next month, what are you hoping to hear as far as what is going on? guest: will come with the attitude that he understands people don't want to have innocent --s they are trying to do what they can but having a reality check of understanding what were really is and what started the particular conflict. on that but there are a lot of countries that are not recognized like taiwan who is not recognized by china but they are doing well. the hamas leadership hass/ donea
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no good service and have only caused harm and discontent. ho we asked the previous guest about the defense strategy changing if donald trump wins. guest: i think the president always wants to go out and be strong. when people realize you are on of strength and not kowtowing to governmentat caustic to us and our worldview. that is global leadership and not globalism and president trump oo we asked the previous guests about a resolution toward merrick garland, to what degree doou think that is necessary? guest: ask stephen bannon. if you something a what congress has said you had to do and you ignore us, you can be
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found in contempt. it is very fitting and critical. host: what do you think it will achieve in the long term? guest: it keeps people accountable to the people of united states. ]we are the representation of te united states of america. if you ignore us not going to do that, we are ignoring the people. host: he servesn the sidistrictd and foreign services committee. this is kevin in louisiana, democrats line. caller: speaking about the campus protests, i feel like a lots and protesters are just focusing on the number of death and n the palestinian side. do you think this is there and
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work the discussion? host: i will offer an opinion, but elaborate on your opinion. what do you think? caller: i feel like the palestinians wind to eradicate the entirety of israelis makes this conflict impossible on their side of the discussion. that is my take on that. host: this is kendrick in south carolina, independt caller: i hf topics. israel and palestineproven facts sending a message to the higher authorities about,.
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to have the economy is doing, what about our economy? what about the interest rates? everything is up. they will talk about that. ukraine and russia, what is the end game? where is this money coming from? we are trillions of dollars in debt. we are spending all his money on illegal immigration's and have proxy wars all over the world. the department of justice merrick garland said the laptop wasn't real. it was real. g facebook don't let people talk about the coronavirus intake and the vaccines. the vaccines are causing blood clots and heart problems.
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host: jeffrey in michigan, a caller: i watched a video on president biden at the white house last night. he seems to have all of the characteristics of maybe parkinson's. i have had it since 2008. there is cce that that is affecting his ability to do his job. host: let's he from richard in missouri, democrats line. caller: i live in and our government is controlled by the republicans and they do whatever they want. there are here during the day banning birth control pills for women. ■m■9it is a terrible thing becae these women if they have to have
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an abortion, many will try self abortion with coat hangers and a lot of them will die. a republican set along time ago, -- host: robert in connecticut. caller: i just have a comment for the armed forces guy. you can limit the amount of casualties in a war. i'm a vietnam veteran and at one point we would evacuate people before we went into the jungle to get the terrorists or the enemy. so he is wrong. you can limit the amount of casualties. host: >> on wednesday, republican and democratic lawmakers face off in
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the annual congressional baseball game at nationals park in washington, d.c. the event datebacks to 1909 and is held ch year to raise money for local d.c. charities. we'll have live coverage starting at 7:00 p.m.rn on c-span. c-span now, our free mobile video app, and online at >> tune in to c-span's live coverage of the 2024 national political convention starting ty event in milwaukee. then catch the democrats in chicago kicking off august 19. stay connected to c-span for an uninterrupted and unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. watch the republican and democratic national conventions live on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile video app, and online c-span, your unfiltered view of politics


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