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tv   President Biden Speaks at Gun Violence Prevention Conference  CSPAN  June 11, 2024 5:39pm-6:06pm EDT

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consider an apal be there for hunter with our love d support. nothing will change that. hunter bident of a sitting u.s. president ever to be convicted in a criminal trial. >> on wednesday, republi and e annual congressionalin baseball game at national park in washington, d.c. the event dates back to 1909 and is held each year to raise money for local.c. charities. we'lhave living coverage at c-an now, our free mobile video app and online at >> c-span now is a free mobile unfiltered view of what's happening in washington live and on demand. keep up with live stream of
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ms. mcdowell. ms. mcdowell: put those hands together. we clappin'. we drummin'. ♪■$ yes, yes. hello, everyone. my name's javania mcdowell. i'm a proud navy mother, an army wife, a of faith, and a mom that volunteers. on march 7, 2016, we celebrated my son ja'waun's 14th birthday.
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he was tru se. he was caring, sweet, and well-mannered, something i like to take credit for. i often called him bud because he was my rosebud, a rosebud signifies beauty and purity. but april 7, 2016, one man after his birthday, my beautiful killed by another teen playing with an unsecured firearm. i never imagined when i spoke with my child phone just hours before that it would be the last time i would hear my baby'soi adults, we're responsir keeping our children safe, and that's why i am here
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no parent should ever have to get the phone call their child has been shot and killed. no young person should ever havt and killed. none of us deserve to live like this. but today i feel hopeful. it means everything to me to know that i have a president■wff preventing what happened to me from happening to others. others. his leadership honors ja'waun and other people taken by senseless gun violence in the country. we shared a spac■le together ata every town forum in 2019. i can say today, now, he stood s word on the urgency of creating
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a safer future for families mine and yours. yours. [applause] and all across the cotrtion to a safer america means together we are working to protect their families and communities from preventable pain and tragedies that i am proud to stand with him and it's my greatest honor ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states, joe biden. >> hello. hello.■
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thank extraordinary courage to stand and tell your son's story is that many of you who have lost someone to gun violence. it's a long time. ããgetting people to think we ca make a difference but the fact of the matter is i remember well when you first started extraordinary courage, through your words to help ensure that
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your son and all the victims of gun violence are not forgotten. they ,didn dvain. to help prevent the next tragedy let go one thing that we must never never lose and i know this is hard but i've gotten those phone calls saying lost a son or daughter or w■ife,no what it's like, but never give up on hope. i give you my word i know what it feels like the black hole when he received phone call it seems like the black hole in your chest you being sucked into it. just showing up here all the work you've done tes courage because it reminds you of the moments you got that phone call. it reminds you no matter how long o it's hard, you're
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making such a difference. the main reason i'm here is to say from the bottom of my heart ããno, no, no, no no, no, no, no, no, no. lk■]okay. innocent children have been lost. come on now. folks! i want to thank you to the decation to veterans families moms have turned their pain and
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purpose into the loss and determined to not focus on your anger but what you can do. you helped power a moat is turn reality especially young people who demand our nation do better to protect us all who protest and ■iorganize and voted. and fought for their lives. today is about celebrating you. you are the reason i'm so optim that. in two weeks marks the second anniversary of the bipartisan treaties act. the most significant in 30
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years. you guys made it happen. was designed to reduce gun violence to save lives i'm so proud of the tremendous progress. the air before i came the murder rate was the highest increase on record. last year we saw the decrease largest decrease in murder ever. i'm not trying to be solicitous because of yoyou've done. it's amazing what you've done. the american rescue plan i was able to invest $15 billion the crime.t investment to reduce
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and rebelled on the progress with your help. through the bipartisan safer communities act. first, to reduce community violence and domestic violence. invest $250 million in violence intervention programs across the country. we've already funded over 80 also make gun trafficking the strongest for the first time prosecutors legal tool traffickers and age of 21
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trying to puhase a firearm there's more to have to do a big deal.xmpsecond, to help sto shootings. provide $750 million in the state implement the crisis intervention. red flag lawj&stop temporary firearms. $1.3 billion for schools across the country. civil arenvironmt
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hiring mental health professionals in the school resource officers. i'm married to a full-time teacher i get it. [cheering] as well as violence intervention teams.rgest one other youth mental health. i've attended too many mass shooting in schools at america and stood there and looked at the faces of the young children who were ããand all the families who lost somebody. tragedy but they need help includes an additional thousand mental health professionals to be hired and trained in our schools to disposable time
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$14,000. 170,000 americans across the country have been trained to identify somebody as having a mental health crisis connect them to the help they reasons i wrote the latest veterans bill was because veterans and more active duties personnel are dying of suicide in any combat. it matters.6y [cheering] i made it.
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rpfirst grade professionals. oversee environment by my or as well. trying to coordinate government nationwide effort to reduce gun violence in america. a clear message about how important this issue is to me, and the entire country. we are changing the nation you . you are changing the nation. that builds ■upon gun violence. more than any of my predecessors and a wrists all: everything from cracking down rs, so much more. we are not stopping there. it's time once again to do what
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i did when i was a senator, ban assault weapons! [cheering] who in god's name reason magazine that can hold ãã nobody. i remember us campaigninwhsenat and and all the people most upset with me the fishermen and the hunters i came across a guy fishing is that you want to take my gun he said i don't want to take your gun you're allowed to take away your ability to use an assault weapon. this is how the conversation went.
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he ,m&9t you mean i need that gun piece that i said guess what, if you need 1202 bullets in a magazine you're the lousiest shot i've ever heard. [cheering] looked at me and said have a good point. think about war. it's time we background checks. [cheering] which by the way, requires the safe storage of firearms. we should be responsible we should hold them responsible if they don't have locks on the because three of the major crime scene i visited once for the mother and father love them open out on a desk or out on
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the table. the kid came and used it. by the way, the only industry ãwe have to end it now. [cheering] exception that could not be he prosecuted. 1000 more people would be dying of cancer because of smoke inhalation. time to increase and other law enforcement agencies as well. [applause] unfortunately, the only part of something, say the congressional republicans oppose all of these everyone
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employees. they want a ballot they want to abolish the bureau of fi tobacco, there responsible to fighting, it can't be prolonged enforcement and say you are pro-law enforcement and pro-eft. [applause] i disagree with some of my own party on the other side. i least some rational argument that happens as part of the argument. iowa that killed a student and a teacher my predecessor was asked about it. you remember what he said. you have to get over it.
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you can stop it now. more children we need you we need you to overcome the opposition of the gun lobby. they oppose commonsense gun ■■ú. there has never been a time that says you can owe anything you want. a canon during the
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civil war. >> we all want to drop them off at the house of worship or the mall or the movie theater, school, without worrying if the last time we get to see them. we don't want to take down the freedom to learn to read and write and started learning how to duck and covet÷
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above all, we all agree not finished. no single action can solve the entirety of them together our efforts, your efforts are saving lives can help rally a nation with a sense of urgency and seriousness of purpose to change the culture we prove that we can't do more than just thoughts and prayers. your changing politics. eight close with this i know many people here have been impacted by gun violence and are tired and frustrated. i've spoken to well over a thousand families.
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the look in their eyes can almost feel the black hole in the central and their cht. there is no way children and wonder me. no you may wonder if were ever to make full progress need to make i'm here to tell you we have no choice we cannot give up 2wtrying. for all the lives lost in all of us who still here toay we are going to get there i have no illusions about how difficult it might be but i also have no illusion that the people in the room. thank you.
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i can come up with all these ideas about the laws we can change to make it easier. but you are changing people's lives. you are convincing your look at all the organizations across the country. [inaudible] [laughter] [cheering] listen tthyoung peeking
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out. that's the power of your loved ones that's the pow movement that's the power of america we just have to keep going and keep the faith and remberica and there is nothing beyond our capacity when we have to do it together god bless you all and god protect your schools. senateou.pdm#9mú
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subcommittee heard testimony on allegation of sexual abuse and harassme coast guard mili ngressman dand admiral linda fay began testify. watch the hearing tonight at 00 p.m. eastern on c-spa on c-span now, our free mobile app. and online at >> tune in to c-span's coverage of the 2024 national political conventions starting with the republican event in milwaukee on july 15. next up, cat the democrats as they convene


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