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tv   Lawmakers Participate in 2024 Congressional Baseball Game  CSPAN  June 12, 2024 7:05pm-10:58pm EDT

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ov thinking about as we have been making this film and basically said that the advance of getting two sworn enemies to shake hands in that moment, what happened was they turned what had been an existential crisis into a political problem. the point was, an existential crisis has no solution whereas political problems have solutions. when i was talking to him and number of months ago and before we -- i became involved in reporting on the campus crisis,4 he said that he looked at the protests and what was going on and looked at israel and the to it and everything that has happened since october 7 and he worries we have gone back to a pre-oslo world, where we are all the sudden hearing of
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about, we want 48, meaning let's go back to it that regent looked like before israel was created in 1948. -- region looked like before israel was created in 1948. that takes us back to an existential crisis where
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>> even though he is starting as a dh we may see him in the field. there are things that are different in the congressional game than a baseball game. >> we see this with steve skull lease. uffered from cancer, came back in february. we will see william in a hundred meter --. he will take off first base. last year they were making this
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87 486 feet up■p the line, something the umpire will look at. >> a look at the series history, republicans have been dominated. the 98th time, democrats did not watch. >> the score was 11 and two. then again, republicans in the post-pandemic era. >> steve scalise will lead things off. wearing number one on the back of his jersey. republicans are in red, democrats have jerseys from their home districts.
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the first pitch is the outside corner and you see how william is down in the crouch. they are ready to take off. >> one p -- one pitch low, one ball, one strike. >> steve has been amazing, almost seven years to the date since the practice field. he came back and made a diving stop, really incredible. >> and padilla cannot make the play. looking to lead it off. running at first base. william took off on contact. that's why stanton had a little
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trouble. alex padilla from california, this is his first congressional game. he is a roommate of tony who has the right field. >>ing to the plate now and stepping in with a runner at base, derek schmidt, the leftfielder. they had a terrific game last year. >> he looks thinner. he lost 25 pounds. >> will get down to second base. a stolen base and a runner in scoring position and we get
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another look. >> they had a real problem÷÷t wh injuries with republicans. we had three guys with hamstring injuries. >> schmidt is ready, gives this one a charge. picked off by the left fielder, for eric schmidt it does not take long, they are on the board. >> this is where republicans left off. it seems that they did not have the same control issues that chris had. >> a nice schmidt with a knock to put republicans up early and that will bring to the late basin august pflueger.
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>> greg stu b is the starting pitcher, republican from texas. linda sanchez the democratic manager when out to left field. i do not know w>> blocking her s pflueger comes to the base. representing texas 11 districts, midwest texas, a bit of a jam, loing for first downs and low and away, ball number one. >> august, we will see him pitch the last few innings and then bring him in later on. john: base hit to left field,
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around third, the ball will go back-to-back doubles, that is where pflueger will hold up. republicans are on top now, three straight hits to open up the game. >> morgan mcgarvey overran the ball and might have an injury. he is signaling something. maybe that is why sanchez went'e ball. williamson did not want his team to give up extra outs. that's what the democrats have done. this is a hamstring injury. democrats. to be aec john: you can see morgan mcgarvey going for the ball.
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so plate, he will be the picture -- pitcher in the home half of the first. he has three wins on the mound against one loss. 15 strikeouts but right now he is at the plate where he is pretty good at this. first pitch, they got a home run here a couple of years back and i mean it went in the stands and went out. a major-league homerun. offspeed pitch viagra lar -- by
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aguilar. that was good evidence that he got something. john: a swing and a miss. getting ahead of the count, one ball and two strikes. stubbe representing florida 17th, sarasota. six hits, 13 at that. robust. certainly in this one. three heads for the gop and looking for more. two balls, two strikes. a swing and a miss. he strikes out, what a comeback to record the first out. >> that was a big strikeout. they were going to try to hold a
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ru and hopefully not concede a run. >> at the plate is the shortstop. swing and a foul on the third base line. >> bill from michigan usually plays shortstop. not the game tonight. >> southern minnesota, rochester all at the top. one pitch. hit too short fielded byand he . >> dan goldman at first base. looks like the democrats are nervous in the first inning. you put the extra on the deck
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here in the lights and then a lot of ballplayers, this is not like the practice field in virginia or d.c.. john: that will bring right fielder jake to the plate and trying to get out at the top of the first, one out. goldman cannot make the play. on the 1-1 pitch, fielded by stanton. that is the second out. republicans with runners at first and second. >> smart play with greg stantorf runs. he gets the third john: blakemore at the plate now,
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trying to get out of this. minimal damage. now the congressman from utah was the heisman trophy winner as a quarterback in 1997. it pretty good athlete. was also a player who came up last year, got a hamstring. and jake h to step into centerfield. >> nice movement across the plate.>> that is■6 the differen, keeping batters off balance. >> a nice little break to it. at one ball, two strikes. he cannot find the plate. all number two. >> trying to go fishing.
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moving the ball around the plate, he tries to finish it. this one swung into right ceerfield, fielded byher runnery make it, they are safe. it is a two single for the republicans, doing big damage at the top of the first. >> danan put his hands up as did the first baseman. ■sanchez said something to the umpire from the dugout there, john. john: look there, that was a close play. stanton trying to swing that around. so much for minimal damage
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against the democrats in the first four runs. error to boot. >> morgan luttrell, the catcher. >> taking the first pitch away, a ball. mantra l from the texas district around houston. the ball stays up. a navy seal for 14 years. ahead of the count, two balls, no strikes. this one right up the middle. a hitting clinic in the top of the first. >> morgan goes to second base. jimmy to greg stanton at third base, smart running by morgan.
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goes all the way to second, never stopped. >> we talked with the manager before the game and he was quick to call this a bipartisan event, but we are here to play fundamental baseball. keeping the balls in front of you, being smart about it. he knows what he is doing here. >> he played professional baseball. he says they're the ball over the plate and also do not give them extra outs and run the bases clean. john: good example of that. and he fouls it back up. office since was first district.
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>> the republicans wear the same uniform. the democrats where pre-much anything. you can see community colleges, major league baseball uniforms. number 17, that is his congressional district and linda sanchez was an angels fan who converted to the dodgers. >> they will put this up and out of play. a chan with bistro before the game and he is wearing a hat on the sceb on his picture. a big minnesota twins fan. he will hit this to second base. the play and the inning is over. one democrats to try to do someg
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about it. 4-0, gop. >> i am not ready. sorry, you've got to give me second. >> live from nationals par, the republicans defending their, lead. des wiing in 2019. gam in 2020. the competition is held each
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year to raise money for charity, raising $2 million that will go to 45 charities. watching live coverage on c-span. ♪ >> the house will be in order. >>q c-span celebrates 45 years f covering congress. we have been your primary source for capitol hill providing balanced coverage, taking you to where policy is decided. c-span, 45 years andle.
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[no audio] >> it does not get any better than having dogs at the park. we are talking about an awesome dog catching frisbees. o not know his name yet, but i feel like because we do not know his name we could name him. so what are you thinking? any thoughts? john: maybe we call him chad. >> a baseball term. john: look at the starting lineup, raul ruiz will lead it up. the republicans got a good turn
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of it at the plate. they will have to counter as we look at greg, we talked with roger williams about what makes■ them successful and he said he throw strikes. that's what you need to do. he was good at that last year. >> he has a 3-1 record. ■(21 of those tonight. wearing a maga hat. >> raul ruiz leads it off for the democrats. we will see if he is finding the strike zone. >> louise, a battingverage of .241. he was an emergency physician in
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riverside, san bernardino, indio, needles. this wl dropped in for a strike. the fit latino to receive three graduate degrees from harvard. steve hit the ball right at him. one of the most dramatic moments in congressional baseball history. >> louise gets this in the air, schmidt will give it a run, it is well back in the seats. one ball, two strikes. >> eric■w is in left field, jake and right field. when strohm is in second base. >> there is the pitch, evens the counts. >> pflueger over at thirdmorgan.
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>> democrats looking to answer. the pitch gets away from him off the glove of morgan luttrell. full count, release -- release working a base count here. in and out to start. >> i was talking about williams about the speed. they say it is 65, maybe 75 aisles per hour. john: he took a hack at ball number four and he fouls it out of play. we will do it again. >> i talk about august coming into pitch. the accountith greg, maybe into the bullpen. also none of them pitched in
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last year's game. john: swung on. morgan luttrell comes back and he cannot. release gets new life. >> that is what williams talked about. in that foulgy ball, pop-ups behind the platemorgan luttrelle >> a pitch that, -- at bat. ruiz works the count and gets on to lead it off for the democrats. schmidt will wield it back. >> eric schmidt at left field.
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jake elsey at right. pflueger at third. >> that is what is going to burn roger williams. we have a pinch runner. the out and release -- democrats there base run. >> chris steps in. stolen base, running the bag, jumping back on. delosio catching. >> that was greg running the bases. considered the fastest man in congress, winning the capital challenge last month. three miles in 19 minutes and 33 seconds. he is wearing the texas san
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antonio road runners jersey. >> ran a 4.1 mile. call up everybody catch, leanink as he did so. that will strand bazaar at second base. with one out. >> that fell through. >> they e going to say that is a hit. no infield in this game i suppose. >> we had a flyetless than two d have an infield fly rule right now. >> the centerfielder for tonight, stubbe started and got the win. his third ever end here is a swing into second and across the
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outs. a t to the right side is not a problem. and now a base hit could score. >> that is what they are looking for.■e here is the replacement. morgan had a hamstring there, john. who had defensive prowess. catch last year.cular >> molen is good in the field and at the plate. he is the designated hitter and it came into left field, so a position player. linda sanchez said he would find his way into the field. >> 1-1, batting 1000.
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>> steube is inside and 2 balls, 2 strikes. >> the speaker of the house, >> glad to meet you. > this is your first time, yu are not a baseball player but you are a fan of the rangers. >> what a great night for baseball. perfect weather. the biggest crowd we have ever had. john: did you come to the game last year? >> i make it every year. thousands of tickets sold and for charity. >> i've seen a signed lsu helmet in your office.
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i know where your allegiances lie. >>ullin at the plate. 2 balls, one strike down. this ball will stay up and away. a pretty good year to be a texas rangers fan, that is good time. >> we are not fair weather fans, it is good to cheer for winners. we went to the national championship game in 2017. >> we went with donald trump on air force one. >> that is a tough experience to beat. >> this is what happened last year, republicans with a big lead, same thing for the democrats. >> these guys practiced. they put so much practice in.
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love of the game, it is a great event. this has been going on since tht is a rich tradition to see it grow every year. >> not all speakers like this as much as you do. champ clark tried to ban>l the game. sam rayburn was successful because of injuries. champ clark sent the house sergeant in arms to get people back or the agriculture bill. >> if i did that they would vacate me. >> molen's puts it into left centerfield. a base hit as i find a seam and the democrats are o >> fastest man in congress
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waving his hand. this is what the democrats needed. they did not get the bump here. and i think, john, we are going tosignated runner for molen. someone else will run for him. i believe it is mark easily. i take that back, that is west point's paul ryan from upstate new york. john: coming to the plate is padilla. this is his first game here, california senator, replaced vice president harris. why don't we have more senators in the game? did you talk to mitch mcconnell about that? speaker johnson: the averagein e house, but it is fun he them participating.
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eric schmidt is out there with a bunch of senators wearing a doue democrats will move delousio up. the democrats try to get a couple more back here. >> we talked about scalise, you are close friends with him and there was that tragic moment before the congressional baseball game, tell us about your relationship with scalise and what happened. >> steve is like my brother. >> fly ball into right field. coming in to score, second run in the bottom of the first. having some trouble giving up hits. padilla with a great swing.
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>> he is a rookie out here. first runner coming in here for alex padilla. >> pretty good hit. steve scalise is like a brother to me. i followed him at lsu, then the legislature, then congress. it was tragic, i remember we thought we were going to lose him and they called louisiana delegation members. i'm going to tell you, i know what he is made of. if anyone could survive, he will. thank god he did. >> it was amazing to see them come back on the field a year later. we talked about raul, he made a diving stab and threw him out. >> i do not know anyone else who
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could have come back and had a victorious return. president trump loves to tell that story. steve is one-of-a-kind. you cannot hold the guy down. he is a great majority leader. >> steube in a jam as th runners move up. pete trying to strike a blow after giving up four runs to the gop. >> you talked about the fans coming to the game. there is toxicity in politics. democrats and republicans come down the street from the capital and get together. >> it is great and people look forward to this all year. we need more moments to unify it goes toward local youth
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itit more events like this. we are trying back in congress. it is important. >> does it yield any benefits? >> yes. i got stopped by democrat colleagues and friends wanting to take selfies. we need more of this. old days, they did a lot. >> moore is on to make the catch. a big second out for steube and the gop after struggling in the first. nice play to check that one do. blakemore was the top high school player, quarterback in utah. 1997. >> are right, he rides his
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moped. seen him pull up outside the house, get on his scooter. >> that is the guy who can pull it off. >> a big swi h democrat out of n side. >> come up with a base hit that would tie up the game. steube with four hits and a couple of runs. >> he had to retreat as they tried to back to centerfield. he got back in time. >> a swing and a miss, ahead on
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the account. one ball, two strikes. >> he has played in two games. he is0-2. >> a wind from steube. he gets out of a jam. mr. speaker, thank you so much for joining us. we step away with the republicans up afteon >> y are watching live from nationals part, republicans versus democrats. taking a break, live coverage continues here on c-span. get information right in the palm of your hand you ordered
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c-span's 2020 four congressional directory with contact information for every member of the 118th congress. important information, federal agencies, state governors. it cost $32 95 cents plus shipping and handling and every purchase supports our nonprofit operation. scan the qr code or go to c-span and order your copy today. [no audio]
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>> standing runners and chad, thinking back to our conversation with roger williams. steube had trouble doing that.
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he breezed through his start last year. chad: that was a completely different start and a democratic tactic to force him to use someone besides august these are unknowns, people the democrats have not seen. brad coming to bat, retired his last baseball game, a republican out of cincinnati. >> back to the top of the order after eight batters went to thet inning. chad: we talked about the hats that they wear, unified hats and uniforms for the republicans. john: alex padilla made a run for it.
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a long strike for brad. chad: we saw him before the game in a u.s. capitol police at. he is a doctor credited wsaving. john: rifle to first and alex padilla allowed out for the gop as we go back to the top of ■.the order. chad: throws it right to alex padilla. john: john in the place vacated by steve. eric schmidt on deck and the first pitch for a strike. igan second district, north of grand rapids.
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chad:nirms. he is fjohn: 1-1, looking for ar second after getting beat in the firs will ounce away. chad: something linda sanchez said was last year was a figuring it out year. it was their first year and trying to see where everyone fits in. the democrats are behind where they were last year. john: right off the blocks for the democrats. chad: more aggressive baserunning. that was a big difference in the first inning. john: the count is 2-2.
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that will stay high for ball three. chad: we talked about other pitchers. chris started last year. john: fouled back. he may get an opportunity. he is currently a catc western pennsylvania, hence the pirates uniform. 3-2 again here. to john moolenaar and a ball that was outside and then hit into left centerfield. john is on with a base hit. chad: dan goldman, the shortstop was parallel to the second base bag and he might have had a chance to get this.
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john: he needs to bear down. the xt all doing damage throughout their time in the game. tonight schmidt and pflueger with doubles, scoring a run. on deck is august and then greg, although he st out. pretty good with a stick. they bring him up for a strike. he went around. chad: eric was pounding the ball last year and he was nervous, believe it or not. he said the key was getting the right pitch. john: the ball stays up. a touch outside. one ball, one strike. eric schmidt can put a charge in.
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it is fouled away. chad: look at the defensive alignment, mullen playing deepo, shaded over and they are playing deep.john: ahead one ball and to strikes and a ball outside. that will even the count. chad: moolenaarthing roger williams told me, he wanted his guy to run. he did not want to change of designated runners. >> swing, mullen charging in and he cannomake the catch. that will drop. it looked like he as he reached for it was going to come up. that is going to put runners at
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first and second. a hard hit ball as we get another look. chad: that ball floated to the left. justin -- he just did not put it awjojohn: that changes the complexion with runners at first and second and augustallowed a r more year. th low and 1-0. chad: infield, a double play. that was goldman and raul ruiz. john: got to throw strikes. trying to find the strike zone again. steube followed by brad.
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here is the 2-0. just a little bit low and trouble is brewing aga f>> theye bases. steube is on deck. john: that is across for a strike. stepping in with a three ball and one strike count. it is ball number four and as the spaces get loaded, chad, this is a man who can put a charge in 21. he hit a ball out. take a look at this, it is deep and i do not think it is playable. >> a lot more fans will get a
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chan souvenir. infield weigh in with no outs. goldman and the grass. >> steube putting one in. first pitch way outside. >>e ways and means committee chair, that slipped past here. bases are loaded. we have had grand slams. the first one was in 1957 by gerald ford. he was the house minority leader and later, the president of the united states. john: a swing and a miss will
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even the count. 1-1. chad: first baseman creeping in in case they catch someone sleeping on the bases. john: another ball up to put steube in control at 2-1. so with the score2 and a brief interruption we are very happy to have with us here steve steube to -- steve scalise joining us up here. >> i know we talked last year and you had some help in the off-season, but you are back. welcome back. >>we have got a great team, offo
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a great start and we are having a lot of fun. we take it seriously, we are competitive. we raised over $2 million for charities and it is a really good cause. we are playing to win, let's keep this going. john: roger williams made that clear. he said they call this bipartisan, but i do not look at it that way. we want to win, they want to win ando do what you do fundamentally, that is it. people do not realize you guys are out there in the morning to do this before you head to the hill. >> the schedules are busy, we start at six in the morning and we are finished at 7:00. i do not like getting up early, but when you are finished and
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you buddies, it makes it easy to get the day going. roger played for the atlanta braves. was a great player and a great business leader in texas. you get the juices pumpi when you've got roger saying you do not want to miss a ground ball or strike out. chad: you played last year, you had cancer, you came back to the and then you were out. talk about your preparation this steve: we had setbacks and i got diagnosed in aug of blood cancer that has a lot of good treatment breakthroughs that have been made over the years. we were able to get on aggressive chemotherapy and we went from being diagnosed being in remission.
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you will always be tested the rest of your life and the modern marvels of science have given us cures. still more to go but i have been blessed. chad: talk to us when you came back, raul was up in the first bat went to second base. describe that to the audience. steve: anyone who wonders, that was one of those moments. there are a lot of them. buth at second and i had no mobility. i got carried out by the capitol police officers who saved all of us. they carried me out there and i could not around. the first pitch, he is a
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right-handed batter so you're thinking it will go to third. i thought i was going to get out there and it came right to ■=me. at that point, adrenaline takes over. so my momentum took me to the ground and i backhanded it. i'm on the ground and i cannot get up, but i said i've got to make this throw. i gave it everything i had. the place went wild and everyone was running over so i said i had better get up. i pushed myself up and everyone was crying. we were all on the ball field year■ before so for everyone, it was a moment of relief to say this is behind us. now, let's focus onhe church, not looking back -- focus on the future, not looking back.
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on fox nation there is a documentary. the shooting took place close to my house. this is on fox nation right now hosted by peter ducey. strike zone about the practice shooting. the fact that you are here says there is light at the end of the tunnel. >>tory was the story of real-life heroes. life who is retiring from congress, i will miss him a lot. he kept me going to make it to the hospital. virginia police got there. a lot of heroes, but god >> i want lineup and the murders row. you guys have got some that's in action. >> i told roger before the game,
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you see everyone honing their skills. i said this is the best lineup since i have been playing. steve garvey isó' here. everyone knows steve garvey, a hero for the dodgers. he hit a homerunnd is a candidate for the senate. steve is out here giving inspiration and he said you've got some hitters. are taking it seriout we are having fun. >> two outs now, bases still loaded for the republicans. brad will take a chance to try and get some runs of ross after a promising start for the gop. >> aguilar seems to be cooling them some offspeed stuff. >> in high school. he actually got drafted by the pittsburgh pirates.
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he is a congressman from minnesota but he has somreal skills in baseball and you can see it at practice. >> what is the aguilar this year compared to last year? >> since cedric retired from congers. >> a forced out at second ends the inning and the republicans do not score. 4-2 after 1.5. ■= announcer: this year c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress like no other.
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79 we have been your primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced ucoverage ofg you to where the policies are debated and decided all with the support of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable.
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coressional baseball game tothe resume after a short break. the ga ialso available to watch on the go with our c-span now video app.
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>> an amazing history of the congressional baseball game. icthey have been here at the pak since 2008. >> great stuff. as we had to the bottom of the
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second inning. uphad a tough time at the plate. >> got a call from the infield. the second baseman coming over. they had a bit of a minor collision. no harm, no foul. >> the bottom ofhe order before we flip it around. one out in the bottom the second. retiring this yearright fielder. the roommate of the first baseman here. california 29th. >> he has played in nine games
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but he is looking for his first base hit. 0-8 in those nine games. >> behind in the count nothing and one. he rocks and he fires. a little bit of movement on that. he is most effective when he can drop that in for a strike. th■w■vat is a tough pitch to taa swing at if you are a democrat. >> we talked about the so-called spinner. >> it will stay up and in. >> he talked about some of the stadiums here. the centerfielder for the democrats talked about the memorial stadium in baltimore watching his dad play. a big know there is a
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congressional tied to that stadium. former speaker of the house, her dad was the mayor of baltimore. he got that stadium built and lowered the old st. louis browns to >> steube. quickly two o democrats here in the bottom of the second. one of the most efficient starté to an inning we have seen. back to the top here. steube got himself into he got. tried to get it but stayed away. ur six hits, no errors for the republicans.
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a ball that stays high again. >> the topem the covid subcommittee investigating the pandemic. >> 2-2 pitch coming from steube. that will >> he is wearing the uniform of. last year he had something that looked like a version of the hon astros if you remember that. probably the last uniform we saw. >> it into left field. a base hit. he is to for two. ocks in as many innings for the second b>> line.
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a two-out hit for the democrats. >> extend the inning. scored a run. stole a ba as well. >> apparently the herb washington of the democrats here. did that last inning and stole a base. >> if you have the fastest man on congress and you can unlimited go that. he is easily in. he will go to third on a throw away. laying out for the headfirst slide. o third. what a bunch of days running. >> taking the extra base.
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we talked about him being the fastest man in congress after winning the capitol challenge last month. he said john thune said the being the best surfer from kansas. and you are right, he is wearing the university of texas at san antonio uniform and as i said earlier, ironically the mascot is the roadrunner. maybe it should be the phase runners. >> dancing off third as steube trying to get all -- out of a jam after retiring the first two batters of the inning. taking ataking a look at the cad now we are good to go. the contingent clad in yellow along the third-base dugout.
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■bhigh and a little bit in. >> we have seen a lot of pittsburgh pirates uniforms over the years and a cheering contingent. a lot of the members bring their offices and it is kind of a competition as to who has the loudest group. but the democratic manager for many years was mike doyle. managed wearing a pirate uniform. well represented from western pennsylvania. >> steube having trouble finding the strike zone a swing and a base hit. he delivers. it is a one run game, 4-3, as do lucio with a hard knock to left. >> the speed to steal second and
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take advantage of a bad throw in that easy single to left we talked about roger williams wanting good fundamentals. eric schmitt getting down on one knee make sure it is not the past him. >> california 19 trying to continue an inning pulled the ds back within one. waits no time advancing to second base. that ball gets away from the catcher. >> democrats are starting to run the bases. coming into the game, we talked about his dad playing in the 1970's. this is his seventh game. robust 556. >> democrats hoping he can deliver. a base hit could tie the game. 1-0.
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pitch drops in for a strike. >> infield in here, ready to come home if necessary, keep the ball close. >> in a ball that was up in the strike zone. steube throws to first and he drops the ball. this game is tied. a missed play by steube and i dropped ball at first base. we are all square here at national park. >> i talked about the infield being in here. a little bit of contact at first base.
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he turned to him to apologize. he turned to the first base umpire to make sure there was no obstruction on that play. >> kevin plate. they are running at will here. d base. >> we talked about the pirates back in the 1970's. they were known as lumber and lightning. the republicans today are lumber, the democrats are lightning. >> right now looking to potentially get the lead as mullen will pop one up and foul. an update on morgan mcgarvey. he planted his foot too hard, sprained the top of his foot. two bags of ice, ibuprofen, we
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will see how it goes. >> kevin mullin trying to extend the inning and potentially give the democrats a lead, something they did not come close to doing last year. this has not been a good night for greg steube. after dominating over five innings last■e year, already giving up four runs and struck out twice at the plate. >> one and one becomes two and one. alex padilla would hit next.
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swing in a mess. that will make the count full. >>■h jimmy from san jose. >> steube might not have realized wt thought that was strike three. >> that is ball four. the inning continues for the democrats here.
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roger williams is going to come to the mound for what we imagine is a brief word with his starting pitcher. i don't think he will be coming out of the game. just trying to settle it down. this is not the way the game went last year when he dominated, arguably the m.v.p. of the game. now a threat as the manager tries to settle him down. >> the third baseman would be the next guy he can go to hear. the delegation, they are dominating this game for the you have alex padilla at bat, first year playing. raul ruiz getting on basecalifod base. >> hit to left field, it is a basecoming around third.
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the throw home is way over the head. two third-base goes mullen. alex padilla with a two-out double. the democrats have a 5-4 lead. >> upstate new york. he is on third-base. and the democrats have the lead now. >> what a turn of events from a year ago where the republicans kept hitting and never looked back in a 16-6 rout. greg steube getting hit around here. pete aguilar trying to help out his own cause with runners at second andadd to what is at thea one run lead. >> this is the most animated i have seen the democraticout in the past couple of years. they are all on the top step of the dugout.
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in the californians are the ones getting it done. of the three losses in a the democrats have suffered against the gop, a swing and amiss here by aguilar. they were not just losses were bad losses. republicans have scored a ton of run against them and now the democrats trying to get revenge. >> in 2022, 10-0 was the score of the republicans over the democrats. >> trying to make a play and he does. and that will end the inning but the damage is done. three runs across the plate the democrats at the end of. it's the democrats 5 and the republicans 4.
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announcer: you have been watching the annual congreiol baseball game at national park and washington, d.c. rst organized in by john tanner. the game went on to become an annual tradition that now benefits local d.c. area charities. proceeds also go towards the united states capitol police merial fund. we will get back to the game shortly after this break. get information right you order your copy of c-span's 2024 congression directory, with bio and contact information for every house and senate member of the 118th congress, the president's cabinet, federal agencies, and state governors. the congressional directory
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costs $32,95 plus shipping and handling and every purchase helps support our nonprofit organization. scan dequeue -- scan the qr code or go to to order. order yours tay. announcer: we will take yoba live shortly to the ngressional baseball game. you'reatching live coverage on c-span.
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>> this inning is sponsored by anheuser-busch. 99% of the beer we sell in the u.s. is made in the u.s. by the the 5000 americans who bring our beer to life. creating jobs in investing in the communities we llwho we are. we got ourselves a heck of a game after the republicans had a blowout last year in winning 16-6. the democrats 5-4 -- will take a 5-4 lead. >> field, doug emhoff, the second gentleman. we didn't have the vice president or the president come, but we have the second gentleman doug emhoff at the game. we have had some presidents play in this game before, including president biden. he played back in 1975 at memorial stadium. faced the senator from new
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mexico. t was 0-2. pitched in the minor leagues. >> going to lead off the third inning for the gop as pete aguilar trying to do something with a narrow lead he has been presented asnd will drop in. no it won't. >> just foul. >> just a little bit. >> the third-base umpire on top of it. >> two in the first, three in the second. the crowd is getting three runs onhree hits. left a couple on. aguilar trying to start strong here at the top of the third.
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and this ball will stay way outside. was a fighter pilot. a swing and a fly ball to center. will drop in for a hit. well struck to lead off the top of the third inning for the fell into the triangle. >> i talked about elzie becoming a fighter pilot. he said he wanted to do that when he was seven and went on an airplane for the very first time. elzie at first. blake coming to the plate. steve scalise talking about his football exploits.
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led his first time up. >> when house republican vice conference chairman. >> the ball hit to right field and fouled. >> when mike johnson was elevated last fall to become speaker of the house, that is the he is the number five house publfrom johnson and he was eled to speaker of the house. >> blake moo, utah first. aguilar pitch. to the outside. morgan luttrell is on deck. then randyhe first baseman. 1-2.
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aguilar the wide in the edge and it is outside having to reach for that one. >> i mentioned former president who played. president biden played when he was se of delaware. former president george h.w. bush, he was a congressman from texas and late 1960's. george w. bush was the owner of the texas rangers. >> moore steps in and a full count. aguilar looking to find the first out at the top of the third. and that is ball >> is not what the democrats wanted to do once they got that lead. they wanted to keep the republicans off the bases. >> that will bring up morgan luttrell.
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-!nobody■d out in runners at fit and second. luttrell singling his first time up, advanced to second. and aguilar in a spot of trouble again as this ball hits to the right side and fouled. short hop into the gop dugout. >> looking for a forced play if they can get it. >> aguilar checks. and throws. again, a bit to the outside. one ball and one strike. >> we talked about the origins of this baseball game. 1909 the first game played. >> down the left on the right
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field line. this one is going to go up the line and score two. it comes from the outside. picked up in the infield. that is going to be a double and in advance to third on a hard hit to right field by morgan luttrell. and that will put the gop back in front, 6-5. >> past alex padilla. went down the line. had to negotiate his way around some of the security people. that gave luttrell the opportunity to advance to third-. probably a double and an error. >> could be an error as well. advancing to third at any rate. luttrell just inside the right field line in that one down to get the gop back in front.
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very entertaining here. aguilar after getting a lead handed to him, promptly gives it right back. randy at the plate he.■k and he will foul it right into the democrats dugout. >> we talked about that first congressional game in 1909. organized by the republican congressman from pennsylvania. he played for the old baltimore orioles and the white stockings in the democrats won the first five games twe >> aguilar delivers and a pop-up to the left side caught. k;and that is the first out of e inning. with one out, that will bring up
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second baseman brad wenstrup. a couple of runs across. and as one strip will step aloa. had to go to the outside to pick up that one. aguilar having some trouble finding the strike zone. >> we have the house minority leader jeffries. somebody who used to play in this game some years ago. welcome to the booth. >> it is great to be here in the booth. >> we saw the democrats stealing a lot of bases. you stole seven bases in your c÷career wearing the old brookln cyclones uniform. >> i was not we have certainly t from the democrats with t
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a lot of lightning out there. >> he has done a great job running the bases. puts the pressure on steube. looking like this is going to be a close game. >> this was a very different game last year. what do you see that has been better for the democrats tonight? >> i think are hitting has been stronger really out of the gate. we have always been able to hit well but the last few years its. being able to put the pressure on steube early hopefully keeps this game close. >> you wore the brooklyn cyclones uniform, are yankees guy. >> i am a yankees guy but i do represent coney island where the brooklyn cyclones play. so i have love for the mets and the brooklyn site owns but i grew up yankees fan. >> does the name jacob rupert
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ring a bell? >> it does not. >> a democrat from newwanted tok giants and wound up buying the new york yankees. and brought this guy over from boston who changed everything. changed the franchise. changed baseball. >> i didn't know i was gettin history lesson. >> that is great. [indiscernible] >> she has not played in a couple of years. >> what was i■t like to see the democrats forge ahead? this has been a completely different ballgame. >> sanchez is doing a tremendous job. he has intensified the practices , moved it up earlier. a lot of hitting.
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also focusing on fieldwh >> great play. what a reach and what a play to get the out. the republicans do damage, lead 7-5. announcer: c-span is at nationals parand washington, coressional baseball game between republicans and democrs. the event has been hnually since 1909, but has bee interrupted occasionally over the years. during the great depre the
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second world war,ost recently by the covid-19 pandemic. expecting the game to resume afters sht break. >>se will be in order. announcer: this year c-span cele■[bratesye like no other. since 1979, we've been your balanced, unfiltered coverage of government. taking you to where policy is debated and decided, all with the support of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting, powered by cable. announcer: will take you back alive shortly to nationals park the congressional baseball game. u're watching live coverage on c-span.
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>> guy, though bradley. of course someone who played in this game once upon a time as well. and that is not irrelevant to our conversation. >> we are talking to york knicks fan today. jerry west passed away today. the guth beat him was bill
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ady. ■$talk about some of those team. >> those were great teams. hgreat guys. those are iconic teams. >> i could not guarantee to not ask you a question about the next tonight. new york is represented pretty well here tonight. >> goldman at shortstop. >> a couple of times. >> it is clear we have a california dominant delegation. five of the first batters are
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all members of the california designation. >> mike levin at the plate here. california 49 steps in. getting ahead of the count as greg steube continues to struggle to find the strike zone. a swing and a foul to even the count. >> what is the conversation like about what uniform you decide on? mike levin said he is going to wear a padres uniform. you wore the brooklyn cyclones. how do you go about choosing your uniform? there are some members that will represent the major league baseball professional team from their city or their state. bu many of us actually choose to either represent a minor league baseball team at is in the congressional district we represent, or we haveeen lege teams maybe we had the opportunity to work out with. one or two times we have seen
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high school teams. swath often connected to the institutions in the team that can feel closely in kinship with. >> back when you played how did you go about preparing? talked about early morning practices. mike doyle was the manager. >> he was a great manager. between mike doyle and cedric he kept the trains running on time and he was a great inspiration. >> the greatest show on turf is back here to try and steal second base again as the democrats are off and running. literally. >> he is definitively a speed demon. >> cedric richman was 0-8 in his career as a picture.
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that is microscopic. >> is batting average is probably north of .500, somewhere close to that. >> the ball gets away from the catcher. finds himself at second base again. >> there was a little bit of contactor there. looking at the umpire. i think that is exactly what linda sanchez is coming out to argue. he basically had the base stolen and then there was a walk right off the base. that is what she is arguing. >> whether or not he might have been able tohe did not start. that is a conversation right now. second base umpire. he has hired this game for 28
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years. he started in the mid-1990's when they played in the aa affiliate for the baltimore orioles a few miles from washington, d.c. around during the steve large and days. >> greg stanton at the plate. a collision at third place as they will throw him out. he gets tossed out as the base was blocked. >> i thought he was safe. seemed like he had the base stolen. >> he might have had it for sure. >> he had the headfirst slide to take third the last time. >> that headfirst slide was very impressive. >> that was major-league stuff.
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the bases >> talk about the camaraderie in the game here and also when you show up tomorrow. is there good-natured ribbing in the capitol? you guys have been trying to win for three years here. >> there will definitely be good-natured ribbing. we may have been 10-1 during the time cedric richmond participated. at this point the republicans are ready to break this losing streak. anyone who comes together around the fact that we substantial amount of funds for
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charity, for youth empowerment and academic enrichment and extracurricular activities. it is a great cause, a great game. and peop■le really enjoy it. >> about 26,000 people in attendance tonight. ticket sales are ahead of last year a big number. over $2 million. >> they were looking at $1.8 million last year. >> one ball and two strikes. dan goldman from new york. and a miss that will end the inning. the democrats threaten but do not score. 7-5, the republicans after three here at national park.
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announcer:epublican and in the annual congressional baseball game ionals park in support of the congressional sports for charity foundation which benefits d.c. area charities. proceeds also going to the u.s. capitol police memorial the game will be resuming in a moment. announcer: get information in the palm of your hand when you order your copy of c-span's 2024 congressional directory, with bio and contact information for every house and senate member of the 118th congress, important information on cogressional committees, the president's cabinet, federal agencies, and state governors. the congressional directory costs $32.95 plus shipping and handling and every purchase helps support our nonprofit
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operations. scan the qr code or go to order your copy today. announcer: we will take ck live shortly for the congressional baseball game. you're watching live coverage on c-span.
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v >> the name is punky brewster. so we do have name identifications. he is doing amazing tricks out there. standing on the heels as well. was fantastic. >'t think you can do much better than that. >> i think that is probably brio you. dog day afternoon indeed here in the top of the fourth inning. 7-5. democrats trailing. eric schmitt starting things off. and a strike from aguilar. back-and-forth we have gone tonight. four runs for the the top of the first, three in the third. democrats two in the first and
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three in the second. >>ase box. former chairman of the ways and means committee giving signals. >> five runs, eight hits for the democrats with forerunners left on base. republicans seven on eight hits and five runners left as the ball stays outside for angular. talked what is best known f was a hall of fame wide receiver. he pitched that 1995 game for the repuics. seven innings, four hits, nine strikeouts, one walk. amount and of course a hall of famer and for many years had the all-time record for most catches in the nfl. >> a walk.
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coming to the plate here in the top of the fourth inning. democrats making a push to get the lead but the gop bouncing back with three in the third inning. they will start off with a runner on and nobody out. third plate appearance for him tonight. a double and a walk. >> a bit of a washington connection there. a brief washington franchise head coach. steve was his favorite target. >> schmidt is inat second base. into scoring position. just a gorgeous night here in downtown washington as the sun sets.
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the capitol in the distance, absolutely perfect weather for baseball here. >> the flag is not even moving in center field. >> just a delightful night. perfect temperature. >> the second baseman behind eric schmitt. aguilar through the first a moment ago. there he goes. >> trying to pick him off but he wa able to get back. >> he heard footsteps creeping in. >> aguilar with an even count. ■gdown and away. he readies himself for a right-handed batter.
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hard-hit all to short. juggled and no play. he has to eat it. nice play to make thetop. first and second now for the republicans and still nobody out. this inning of the congressional baseball game for charity is sponsored by google. greg steube has had a tough night trying to atone for that little bit. struck out both times. and allowed five runs in the first two inning before putting his ear on the board for the first time in the third. >>he bat. just remarkable here that the democrats have been able to keep steube off the bases.
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>> is a dangerous hitter. >> just amazing he is back in the game. last year he fl off a ladder about 25 feet. >> to advance. both managers have talked about keeping the ball in front of them. >> first base open. he hits it hard to center field. he cannot get to it and it goes all the way to the wall. 6ftwo runs score.
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a two run double and the gop opens up a 0-5 lead. >> that is exactly what we were talking about. heec quickly and got it back into the infield. it is a big one. going up and over the glove. steube hangs out at second base. in the hands of aguilar.
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needing to contain the damage as the gop bats are roaring to life again. >> you heard the speaker of the house talking about a pretty good ballplayer whplhas not madk yet because he is a newer member. >> that is hit to right over the outstretched glove of ruiz. >> this is the type of thing once the gno -- once the democrats got that they wanted to hold off the dogs here in the gates opened the past couple of innings for the gop. >> j kelce coming to the polite.
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-- coming to the plate. trying to get out of another jam and on the move and into second base. the pitch count for aguilar at 102. if you are immediately picture, that is a lot. if you are member of congress, your arm is going to hurt tomorrow. >> the louisiana is their next picture and he has been behind the plate on that. >> that is a very large pitch count two not yet through the fourth inning. >> what does mcgarvey say about the ice packs and the ibuprofen? >> better hand them around. dhe awaits the 0-1. 104th pitch of the night for pete aguilar. and that stays down. you would think he would be the
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next option on the hill. perhaps we would see him as he started last year's game for t's ear necessarily. no mike marshall's in this game necessarily >> the ball stayed outside and annual are seems to be struggling here. behind in the count, three balls and one strike. and just hit the inside corner. count goes full. >> this is going to be a tough decision for linda sanchez. she pulled the louisiana last year pretty early. >> ball four and the bases are loaded and blake moore is coming to the plate for the republicans. >> linda sanchez comes out to the mound. his first game he got the loss two and two thirds
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innings. gave up 11 runs all earned with an era of 33 even. two californians talking there. >> do we think aguilar was on it pitch count tonight? >> if he was it was very high. this is like the pitch count of cy young back in those days. no such thing as relievers. >> going to stay with aguilar here. wonder if he was lobbying his manager for, i got outse better have. >> may be just checking to see how much gas he has in the tank. >> probably not a lot. swing and foul on the outside of the third-base bag. single in a couple of rbi's. gop trying to blow it wide open
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against aguilar in the democrats in the top of the fourth inning at nationals park in washington, d.c. >> aguilar getting time. >> steps back irepresenting ut't district. stays to the outside to even the count. >> one of the big issues we talked about injuries in this game as something the republicans were very fortunate last year they di't have injuries with the exception of blake moore. >> the ball hits. just foul down the third-base line. >> the injuries they had were mostly to these designated runn happened to the democrats. kevin mullin injured in practice. was not supposed to get into the
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game right away. was forced in because of the injury in the first inning. it is a war of attrition. >> charging in. and they will drop and wheel it back into the infield. a base hit and a run scored and an rbi for blake moore. >> kevin brady putin third-base. >> pretty good comeback for greg steube after struggling at the beginning of this game. a double and a run scored. >> he stumbled coming out of the batter's box a little bit. he was one of the players who had and had to come out of the game. >> plotting the efforts. 10-5 now. morgan luttrell. bases-loaded nobody out and the
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republicans threatening to really drop the hammer on them here. democrats were ahead 5-4, that's six unanswered now. littrell has had a good night at the light. aguilar with a strike. littrell with a mighty hack. no balls and two strikes.■u aguilar in desperate need of an out. and this is drilled into centerfield. a base hit. back in towards the shortstop. two runs are going to score. theas the republicans delivered■g with another big hit with the bases-loaded. >> kevin brady the third-base coach leading him around third all the way.
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>> l is now three for three with two doubles and a single. and a 12-5 advantage now. i would to the amount, linda sanchez wants to get aguilar through this inning. i don't know if she is going to be able to do that or not. 114th piches, nobody out. the republicans are about to have the top of the order here. >> they were trying to get a pinch runner in. the republican from georgia you and i talked to before the game. >> a bse hit now. that's going to bring another run around to score. 13-5, as blake moore comes all the way littrell advances to third-base.
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runners at thechad: roger will's an election year. sanchez coming out of the dugout and they've got the hook. john: 115 pitches. a valiant effort, but as the wheels came off, republicans pounce to take a big lead. six runs and a change for the democrats. more from nationals park in a moment, you are watching and listening to the congressional
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baseball game. c>> and republicademoatic lawmakers voted in two rounds and they are competing now in the seballame which benefits proceeds are going toward capitol police memorial fund. congress was in session earlier approving merrick gar in contempt of cgress
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fortifying a s■pubpoena of president biden's interview wi robert her. lawmakers bega work on 25 policy will an tomorrow they will continuek onefense [no audio]nd policy legislation. senior senator following the death of dianne feinstein, he takes over. kevin is at first base and mike leman will take place -- take over at left.
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chad: when i talked to pete, what his arm feels like?john: 'g to shake your hand. that is a lot of pitches for him. brad at the plate with runners on the corners and alex padilla trying to keep this where it is. still nobody out, staying high. one ball, one strike. gop on the verge of batting around and still no outs. here is the 1-1. nowhere near. two balls and one strike.
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êthree in the third and six in the top of the fourth inning. alex padilla trying to find a strike zone and he did not. three balls, one strike. chad: it's your first■c game, certainly not getting the amount of work. facing a big line. john: there is one across and a double play. a badly needed to outs the democrats. a runner and from third. ruiz starts with this. chad: great shovel. kevin mullin on the bag coming into first base and playing left yield. two down now.
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john: alex padilla going to line up against nathaniel as the pitch comes in. let's go down to anime for more. annie: he grew up playing baseball to stay out of troublee played at m.i.t. that it was fantastic. now he comes to play in this game. one other thing that is cool is he coaches little league games as well so definitely a family guy. john: ball goes to the wall. a double. second base. no real surprise, hitting machine continueschad: i don't y
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what was going on. third based on higher ruled it fair but it may haveeen interfered with. nathaniel stopped. he might've had three bags and that is why the umpire is chatti.john: it's a double and c schmidt comes to the plate. a double for moran with two outs and a runner at second. eric schmidt has had another good night at the plate. >> we will have a pinch runner at second base. that is chuck, a republican from
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third district chattanooga in office since 2011. ■he gets a little time. chad: he did not get injured, no hamstring problems. john: padilla trying to find a strike zone, not getting warm up pitches. in the field and now this is drilled. goes back and will make the play to end the inning. seven runs for the gop. greg will return to the mound when we return. 14-5 republicans. >>-span is in d.c. for the
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ballgame republicans and democrats. the event en held since 1 --but s been held up by the covid pandemic. expecting the game to resume after this break. this year c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress. we have been your source for capitol hill, providing balanced coverage with the support of american cable companies. 45 years powered by cable. [no audio]
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[no audio] >> we will take you live for the congressional baseball game. >> on top a couple of innings ago, republicans came alive, democrats at the top of the order. role has speed at the bases.
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a democrat in texas. >> greg has a defined role, does not need batting practice, just needs to stretch. this man has seen a lot of time tonight. a strike here. release is 2-2. democrats are hoping to start a rally. they have had access. chad: release -- raul ruiz stole a base. >> what a catch in center field taking away what would've been the third hit of the night. chad: blake charging in. making a sliding catch.
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john: a quick will bring out chrisc7l, pennsylvania's 17, marine corps veteran. a lot of green from georgetown. >> it was chris's first game last year. happy to wear black and gold of the pittsburgh pirates. john: there's a few guys that fit that. it goes to nothing. chad: he had to shake some nuts off. the sophomore has been training hard to help democrats bring
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home a victory. >> the democrats had a lead thed stick. around the bag, base hit. that is the key, the right fielder kept the ball in front of him. second baseman from. he could have taken an extra bag . straightaway here. >> a shot at first base. the old school twins hats that he is wearing. a couple of world series win. 1991, kirby puckett.
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tom, ken, chad: he was from wilmington. homerun hitting third baseman talked to him before the game. minnesota twins are regarded in his state and they will get the outs at second but notchad: the. unable to stop it. error on the shortstop there. that means second base. >> e6, runner at second base.
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two outs and kevin mullin has had a little bit of everything. he took over in left field when morgan mcgarvey got her. >> talk about a utility man. you would see kevin in the dictionary. john: he had terrific crabs in the game last year here. a little bit hobbled so not playing in thed, the democrats needing some hips. kevin mullin, a swing and a hit. he will throw across and getno .
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♪ [no] >> you're watching the annual congressional baseba game organized by pennsylvan1nia representative john tenor. it became annual tradition that benefits d.c. charind the united states capitol police mortal find. we will get back to the game after the break. get information from members of government in your hand when you order c-span's 2024 congressional directory with contact info for every member of
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congress, important information on committees, federal agencies and state governors, it costs $32.95 and every purchase supports our operations. scanned the code or go to to order your copy today.
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and we will take you back for the congressional baseball game. ann: it's cool to see people here for charity, guys. john: thank you. as we get into the top of the fifth inning, tremendous crowd. 26,000 people as republicans come to bat. pflueger has great night. chad: one of the big gop weapons.
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john: padilla gets a strike. >> we were talking about video and how much the lower seating is filled in. pretty good crowds. >> here as you can see pretty well packed in. at nationals park. home of the washington nationals. a hit and second base, a double. this inning is sponsored by united states steel. the strength of america is made here, always. chad: jimmy on the double,
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looked like a hiccup in his giddy up. that's the other thing, you've been on the field for hours, we've talked about the time they get up in the morning, in california they practice at 3:00 pacific client -- time. john: out of play. the count, 0-1. he struck out the first two times but came back wit% a double that opened the floodgates run inning for the republicans. leading off is pflueger with a
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word to the umpire. and now we step back in, time to throw some strikes. >> no clock like in major league baseball. takes a mighty, 1-2. take a look at last year. one bouncer into the bullpen, that really set the tone for a game the democrats were never really in. if you're joining us late, the democrats had a lead.
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it was very spirited, but that is where we here he linesnight and he will tack on another. ■1it's 15-5. >> ruiz shading toward the ball might have taken a half. i talked about no pitch clock. that is something that would not go on in the major leaks. with the rules change he could notlay on the third-base side and he has positioning but could not come up with it.
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>> so now with no one outs and alex padilla trying to make his way through, the ball stays high. chad: 1-3 with a single. so he is ready and this is hit hard. another base hit and he will play and bring it in. runners at first and second and the hitting display continues. >> to station baseball and now we have the first woman in the game, joni ernst from iowa.
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alex padilla was the only senator. ran several times last year, now on first base. : we would love to get a ground ball. we saw them get into a double play last inning. it might take something similar for democrats to escape this. this is a strike. chad: raul back with goldman close to the bag. short. >> ernst just announced. >> women first played in 19 83.
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it was the year of the woman when they elected a woman from florida. blanche lincoln and maria cantwell. >> drop inside the left-field line. this is gog to load them up by inches. padilla finds himself in a with no one out in his dm -- team down 10. >> dropped to write down the line, setting the table for blakemore. nterfielder for the republicans.
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>> he will swing in the first pitch into left field, a base hit. goldman recovers it and puts it down toward home plate. he will cut it off and republicans pick up their 16th run. >> that was not a pop-up in the traditional sense. a looper. coulthey have called the init was within the infield, the rule is it has to be above the head of the bat. bases loaded, first and second or first, second and third.
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>> padilla will come home. thrown into right field. another runner coming around as the ball comes back into the infield. a two run throwing error and more runs added. it is 18-5. chris tags the plate, throws to first base. it field. across the plate, john. john: a2 run error and the baserunner going in at third-base. they will run here. >> morgan luttrell, first time
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tonight. he played last year. >> randy coming to the plate. >> 20 hits. >> a hit parade across the board throughout here. padilla gets a strike. already with 32 pitches on top of 115. >> this is a problem, two outs in the inning. a lot of runs in between those. >> a runner at third. ■
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the iowa fourth is going to bring home another. ■vthe run will score and that is the secondq9 out. the 19th run now for the gop and brad will come to the plate with two outs. >> talked about him retiring from eastern cincinnati. a doctor on the field when steve was shot. >> for the last time.
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looking for a knock. 20 hits, 19 runs. democrat errors contributing along the way. >> you look at some scores, this will be one of the higher scoring games in history. we've had some high-scoring ones. >> a couple of innings to go. roger williams is the manager. there is a strike. three balls and a strike here. and it is when strip, republicans have batted around again here.
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>> a pinch runner. byron donalds's with a hit, a republican and then aaron dean running for first base. >> byron donalds comes to the plate for the first time. the naples area. ■a■mi wonder how long he will bn the game? struggled with control and this
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is his first appearance and then coming on in relief. donald's getting a green light. a swing and a foul. the we talked about the rivalr. this is for charity and both sides want to win. the say play ball, he says work ball. exactly. he talked about play ball and work■ ball, this is work ball.
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the republicans or the democrats wants a beat down even though ththey want to say we won this year, that is a big deal. >> no play. >> kinof's land there. i'm not sure everyone knew where that was. >> the picture is supposed to call. >> ball number four, donalds is
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aboard. frustration for the senior senator. first and second with two outs at the top of the fifth. and he goes to work in leftfielder eric schmidt. >> sanchez talking to her fellow californial >> we talk about what this game is, but it was not always that. mike johnson did not like the
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game. sam rayburn from texas believed the game was too physical and he canceled it. it wasn't until john mccormick recessttainted the game in 1962. two doubles, a single and a walk. the stretch and a ball in the inside corner. 0-2 to schmidt. >> he is a cardinals fan, throughout the first pitch of the game and he throughout the first pitch. >> outside.
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second. they will laugh about it. >> padilla will shake hands and say sorry i got you there. bases are loaded. >> that will bring august flew to the plate. a couple of runs scored and with the bases loaded here this could be a bug on the windshield situation. >> padilla stepped off the mountains. talking to kevin mullin, gesturing for a moment.
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once again, 12 runs have scored in the last two innings, turning a close game into not a the pitch to the outside betting around like the teacup ride at disney with all the sps. a lot . greg on deck. there was a time where he was in trouble and the democrats had a lead. chad: we have one at first and one at second. john: padilla makes the play and that will end the inning but not
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before five more runs for the gop. republicans are 19-5. ♪ >> watching coverage of the congressional's baseballe. lawmakers are benefiting charity we will look at live events tomorrow on c-span. the head of the federal aviation adnistration will testify and at:0brad smith testifies on security failures live on c-span . waitingor t congressional baseball game to resume on c-span.
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>> america ballpark is hosting a celebration and a special tribute to the negro league live from the historic field in alabama. he ballpark in d.c. with a lead for the republicans. chad: jeffries has a picture of jackie robinson dealing --
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stealing home in his oice. >> up against gregnumber 42 wasy team in major league baseball. padilla has had a better night at the plate, extra-base hit. chad: roger williams said he would go five. ■s has rallied well,
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putting zeros on the board. trying to replicate that roger williams and his staff. he chose the robber as padilla steps■ in. pflueger and the shortstop, base hit. they need two dozen warm of those. on turf. doubt what will happen here, they will utilize his speed and
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attempts to keep it going. not even a throw from morgan luttrell. chad: road runners from san antonio. john: big leadoff, got thrown out at third. chad: might have had that base. this goes way back, you had samuel from massachusetts, he was the first runner and told he could not hit that much, that's why they had him run. john: runner at second trying to chip away.
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swing and a miss, one chad: mostly known for his pitching prowess, but he had 819 career catches. john: 1-2 and wide, a base hit. runners in the corners for the democrats with no outs. >> first i thought they were going to waiveround. >>■ new york's third district replacing george sboston collegt
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to school. >>ve a new runner. davis from kansas. >> his son joe is in the mets in the h umpire. tucked over, a little slow to get up. >> they wildly to home plate. you have medical staff coming out right away. the republican congresswoman from iowa. they will take a look unfolded.
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he got hit with the catcher's mask of morgan luttrell. a better angle. chad: in the old days they would tell them to take the mask off. he is sitting up but he got it to the upper body. a little applause from the crowd. rich mccormick from georgia came injohn: home plate umpire jerrys from burke, virginia. ndcraig allman is in his 29th
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game, he i from reston. chad: pinch runner davis is reading her lips, is she ok she was asking? john she was at second base and greg stanton as melinda sanchez is coming out. after some questioning from raul , the doctor on call, looks like he will be ok. a hand from those who remain. >> a smile as he talks to the catcher. morgan luttrell in a hug.
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the sixth run of the evening. 19-6. another californian, the chairwoman of the hispanic caucus and a serious dodgers fan. became a real fan back when hernando was pitching for the dodgers. california 44th, south of los angeles. youngest of 11 siblings. annette steps in and grounds one into left field. grounded by eric schmidt and a double playaj] that is the end f
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five. >> republicans and democrats compete in the congressional game proceeds go to the capitol police memorial fund. the game wil minute. for your copy of c-span's
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congressional directory with contact and information congres, important information on congressional committees, the president's cabinet, federal agencies. it cost $32.95 and every purchase supports nonprofit. or go to c-span in order your copy today. the congnal baseball game will return shortly. you are watching live coverage on span.
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>> is sponsored by visa, where individuals succeed and communities thrive. look at the capital on a gorgeous night for baseball here in washington. a new pitcher at the top of the sixth inning. chris will take over. chad: we talked about him last year. worked 2.3e.r.a. of .33. john: it was a tough go starting and losing the game, 11 runs.
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that will leave a mark. a strike■ here. chad: they changed up the batteries. aguilar is catching. john: over the head of greg st eube. i don't know that anyone will have a better argument for being sore. not just throwing 115 pitches, but having to catch is a hardch. john: he will file this away.
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chad: bunting is the only player to throw a no-hitter. he was an original. john: he's going to pinch run for the gop. chad: you know who we have not
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seen was wilen a lot of other runners. john: two balls and no strikes. in washington the annual congressional baseball game. chad: it has been a cavalcade for the republicans and that hh. john: 20 hits. a couple reaching on errors, walks. and it has been a steady parade andtime -- 2 on and nobody out.
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elsie io the plate. chad: another pinch runner, home plate umpire jerry and then catcher morgan luttrell. john: fly ball into right field off the bat of lc. ruiz able to catch up to it. chad: they called the infield fly rule. we talked about that a number of times and i believe they will try to bring marian into the game, but the pinch-hitter is in
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the game. this is a republican from tennessee. where's the number■if the members of the house of representatives. he was wearing a nancy ferguson ballap tennessee second distric, knox county. the largest uniform number in the building. chad: 435. john: the ball stayed up a little bit. chad: you know what i noticed about tim's uniform? he does■lz" not have his signate jacket on. that is something he is known for wearing, he does not have that on tonight against chris. john: it now goes to 2-1. 435 in your program, number one in your hearts, tim. to the outside. strike zone and chris delousio
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are not friends at the moment. berchett steps back in. for a strike. let's go to annie. ie: tim burgess bringing carhart to congress. just like me, american-made, ho up under pressure and is cheap. i thought that was the most hilarious quote of all time. he brings that jact daughter ss whthe where is it all season. chad: all the time on capitol hill. you do not see it as much when it is warm. they finally got miller meeks at second base and we will see they pull someone for tim
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burchett. this is going to be rich mccormick running here. you know, i talkbo the old expression that you need a scorecard, i'm not sure that would help, there are so many moving parts. john: a lot of income on the republican side for runs scored tonight and bases are loaded. luttrell is 3-4, nice night at the plate a chris could use a ground ball at somebody. trying to get a double play, but the count has gone 3-0. this is what both managers emphasized, you just have to throw strikes. john: this one swung on and fouled beyond and down
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the right field line. now down to 3-1. ■a■dchad: we've seen that a coue of times here, giving them the green light. now wait a minute, they have somebody. john: she is straight back. morgan luttrell was saying you have got to get back. apparently got back in just in time. chad:g in there. it fired back to second base. john: john: bases-loaded. bluesy nearly threw that one to the backstop. rpi the easy way for morgan luttrell. -- rbi the easy way for morgan
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luttrell. brandy will come to the plate now. as the bases stay loaded. another picture runner -- pitch run utilized a lot. chad: i think we can just call them runners at this point. they have gotten more exercise than some of those in the outfield. john: shortstop by goldman. runs■k scores, even 20. chad: miller to score. john: brad wenstrup will step in
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with two outs. chad: he could be last at bat. he is retiring. last at-bat as a member of the congressional. john: i believe everyone in the gop lineup has had a hit tonight except him. up and in. in the dirt. chad: a knocked on pitch -- a knock down pitch. stays high. 3-0. strip did reach on a walk last inning is part of the gop batting route. this one nowhere near. that is a walk.
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democrats have to focus on finding someone who can throw strikes. aguilar had trouble tonight. want to challenge the republicans. chad: that is the difference. hakeem jeffries talked about it, he was 8-0, e.r.a. 2.64. bat. republican from florida. first time he has been in the game. john: brad mills, north central . newcomer taking over in office last year.two outs at the top oh in the congressional baseball game here in washington tonight. a swing and a miss. that is the end of the inning.
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we headed to the bottom of the sixth and a look at the lincoln memorial in front of the reflecting pool here in washington, d.c. with the republicans up big. >> on c-span, the ssiol baseball game at nationals park in washington, d republicans and democrats are ing this evening to benefit area charities. right now they are taking a short break. >> the house will be in order. >> c-span celebrates 45 years of
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covering congresmgs like no oth. since 1979 we have been your primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced unfiltered coverage of government, taking you to where policy is debated and decided, alwi the support of america's cable company. c-span. 45 years and counting. powered by cable. we will take you b to nationals park for the ssiol baseball game in a moment. you are watching coverage on c-span.
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>> bottom of the sixth inning, 21-6, republicans. there have been a number of playerwh were in major league baseball and participatein this game. chad: jim bunning from kentucky, threw the seventh perfect game in congressional history at shea stadium. 90 pitches. we talk about how many aguilar has thrown. jim bunning is the only member of the congressional baseball hall of fame in cooperstown. the plan was they would go five
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but here they are into the1- sih with miley nickel -wiley nickel at the plate. chad: wearing the carolina bobcats uniform. john: dialed up and into the seats. chad: nichols first game last year as a freshman. ■u0-1 last year. that is a base hit. first hit of his congressional career. so he reaches first base and we head back to the top of the order and raul ruiz.
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chad: we have a runner at first base, jared moskowitz democrat from florida. wearing the marjory stoneman douglas high school, the site of that mass shooting, that is where he went to school. he was showing us some ofootweat of the first-aid dugout. john: we were talking with him quite a bit about the bipartisan movement of the sneaker caucus. a ball to the left side of the infield and thrown away, one or put it into right field and now as the play comes to third base,
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booker throws it away only to see it come back, moscowitz hits in the third base with a bit is an abbreviated slide and the democrats have the first two runners on. chad: not the most artful slide congratulated by joe marelli. they threw it into third base and they are trying to get him toward home plate and he does -- d he had to kind of dive in. john: moscowitz on the third base and stepping in now is the lucio. annie mae downstairs talking footwear i believe. annie: you can see if we get a camera on moscowitz, his hightop is jordan cleats this evening.
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one person he said giving him a run for his money was rocking some pretty cool golds with american flag sneakers and if you did not see him earlier in the game it was rockets and sparkles. a lot of cool footwear. john: moscowitz says he has a whole collection of jordans and he rocks the best footwear on the hill. two runs will come around and score for the democrats. now the ball getting away from the trail behind the plate. second base. chad: raul ruiz stayed in the game and ran the bases and scored and then they threw the ball past luttrell. hustling down to second base. a couple more runs on the boards of the democrats and a runner on second. john: likely a single that puts
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them on second base. still no one out. the score now 21-8. getting a chance to do something other than run as he is in the spot previously occupied by jimmy panetta. chad: he thought this was a leg day but now it is a indeed. greg steube reaches over 100 pitches going into the sixth inning and you wonder how much gas he has left in the tank as the democrats have started t wih two runs in and still nobody out. the count goes to 2-0. the pitch appeared swing and
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miss. -- the pitch. swing and miss. chad: the capital challenge they run in anacostia park. he beat the record held by know. let's see what he can do with a bat. john:ocqx greg steube trying tot the walk and because are will swing and miss. chad: we know when we can do with his legs. he looked like he was swinging from his heels a bit. john: 3-2 picks coming out --
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coming up, nobody out at the bottom of the sixth. he is going to strike out looking, looks like it is cross the inside corner now and he is down on strikes the bottom of the six. control dropped the ball. ■now kevin mullin will come to the plate. chad: for a guy with some of the injuries we did not think he would get much playing time but he has been in since the first inng john: it drops. that is a hit. it drops in between the third baseman and catcher and stays
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their territory so now mullen is aboard, two runners on first and third. and with oneut, that will bring up alex padilla. chad: tried tdowas calling for y down the third base line. picture runner going in now --pr john: on the back of the jersey of the dollars -- dodgers uniform, it says chairwoman. there she goejohn: she will take uncontested. now a base hit puts the democrats to double digits.
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padilla trying to do that with one out. pitch count, 110. chad: a big lead at second base. hn: running on 2-0 on padilla. and will get through luttrell. the true a wild pitch that will advance the runners into third and it is now 21-9. chad: the pitch went all the way in the backstop. john: he could've walked that one in as he doesn't cover the plate. he has been out there for a while.
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padilla back in as the count runs to 3-0. and that is a call to. no, it did stay high. a little hesitation from padilla and no immediate signal. chad: here comes roger williams out to talk to greg steube. asking what he has left, i would imagine. he came out pretty early in the early innings but has not been out since. [crosstalk] john: baseball player at air force, you see the hat. 21-9, gop.
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john: pflueger taking over for greg3h steube. 21-9. pflueger had a couple of runs, three hits and now will try to finish off at least the sixth inning as pete aguilar come to the plate. chad: august pfluger main person
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in the bullpen for the republicans. john: pretty good pitch down the middle as runner advances on second and third is where things stand here. chad: two runs, one earned. john: the ball goes up and out of play. raised in south buffalo from new york state senate to new york 26. chad: one of the newest members of congress replacing a democrat from new york who retired. john: that is a him out for the gop. two runs out, runners with second and third.
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this will hurt greg steube's after what was a rough start. chad: that is a big out for the republicans bringing in august to pitch. john: swazi to thete. chad: we talked about his son playing at binghamton. i asked how his son was doing and he said not well he is hitting 125 at bennington. but he did get into a couple of spring training games with the mets, swazi did, and he won a game with the mets against the astros. john: pflueger is 1-1. advantage in the count for
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swazi. chad: wearing a famous new york yet that's new york met uniform. john: here is the pitch. 3-2. two outs, pflueger trying to find one more strike. harrelson not the only one who wore number three. chad: santana with the mets -- john:■9 you're just dropping all sorts of sti it is a numbers ga. aughter] you've heard me say this on fox news, it is all about the math.
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john: swazi walks. bases are loaded. chad: dan goldman coming to the plate. he has been in the field for the most part. john: goldman trying to make things a little interesting. swazi is going to come out. chad: ryan wearing the west point jersey. john: pflueger delivering on that pitch gets away. not far enough to advance the runners. chad: august pfluger randy and immediately to cover home plate. that's not what happened a couple months ago [inaudible]
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there was a pitch that got away from morgan luttrell. john:■/ pflueger looks that luttrell behind the plate. wind for the pitch. hi. --high. goldman ready. the ball goes all the way to the backstop and the runner will still not advance. we have a miscommunication here. kennedy [inaudible] carrigan will come home and a score. the ball gets away and kennedy will get it to third base and that we have a runner on first. chad: that was a wild sequence. john: a run scores, putting the
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democrats in double digits. we go to the seventh. 21-10. ♪ >> lawmakers are competing this evening and the annual congressional baseball game at nationals park in support of the congressional sports for charity foundation which benefits d.c. area charities. proceeds also go towards the u.s. capitol police memorial fund. the game will resume in a moment. get information for members of
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government in your hand when you order your copy of c-span's 2024 congressionalirectory with bio and contact information for every house and senate member of the 118th congress, important information on committees, the president's cabinet, federal agencies, and state governors. costs $32 90-5 senses plus shipping and handling -- $32 90-5 senses $32.9 plus shipping and handling. order your copy.
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>> than love passed around here. taking to the mound in the top of the seventh, 21-10. a scoha of a football game. chad: we are a couple months away from that but some teams having mandatory cap right now nfl. john: eric schmitt leads it off against to lucio. 24 errors tonight for the
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republicans. two errors for the democrats. down to 1-2. chad: eric schmitt one of the big cogs in the republican lineup. john: 2-2 pitch on the way. popped up foul into the left-field seats. ■ñtwo balls, two strikes. chad: eric schmitt was the missouri attorney general and prior to that the state treasurer. john: five pitches. hit by pitch with schmidt at
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first base. chad: [inaudible over crowd noise] john: it is the second time. mitch on the run for schmidt. want to thank our friends at getty images for some of the pictures we have been able to share with you tonight. stadium, players involved, mccormick with a run here and a little■m more than a slide but e gets the job done at second base. chad: steve scalise let off the game, now batting. designatorner wanting to kind of cheat up the line a little bit exactly what
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sanchez talked about. there was a special three-part series called strike zone about the shooting of steve in 17, rallied back, played the next year, had cancer in the off-season, comes back to play again this year. john: four pitch walk and steve scalise is going to do it himself. he says, i got this, do not worry about it. a big elevation for steve scalise. this is a very emotional moment. good on hime to do it. you see the handshake from kevin mullin. chad: he goes down the first
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base.[inaudible over crowd nois] head a pretty good with chsmurpw she was out but that was a serious collision at home plate. john: swingsd backstop. chad: when police looked on the first base everyone in the rs rg and applauding everybody on that side first base side and most than republican fans are [inaudible over crowd noise] john: ball hits the centerfield and it is going to drop. runner coming around from third.
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play at second base. all into theie21st hit of the ne gop. 22-10. linda sanchez coming out of the dugout. aaron bean gets congratulatory's in the third base dugout. chad: i think they are trying to bring everyone in. she is talking with dan goldman her shortstop new york city. it looks like they are going to make a change here jimmy panetta centerfield and move a couple of people around as chuck fleischmann holds back in hand. john: everybody is being shifted around.
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off. evening coming to an end, just switching outfielders, no pitching change. pitch inside on fleishman. chad: has been used primarily as a designator runner. john: they are going to try to make the play at first and they ■zth dugout. another run is going to score. e up one base. 23rd run of the knights of the gop. chad: that was a good knock. the democrats had the right idea .
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john: runners at second and third. still nobody out here in the top of the seventh inning. the lucio a ball outside. andrew clyde. lining to the shortstop. chad: the only inning where the republicans are not scored. john: an impressive lineup all the way through many of which multiple hits come up multiple runs batted in. gop emptying their bench, getting some others some playtime.
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moore comes back for this opportunity. aguilar still trying to find the strike zone more trying to continue a perfect night at the plate. up the middle. runners around, the scoreboard continues to rollover another number for the republicans here in the seventh inning. looking into the republican dugout. chad: mostly red jerseys with
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one white one and one blue one. steve garvey running for senate in california. [inaudible over crowd noise] john: still trying to find a way to record a couple of more outs. steve scalise in the dugout with the lsuchad: he and johnson areu through and through. john: morgan luttrell at the plate. it is proven he rides a vespa to his baseball practice preparing for this event tonight. the scooter commuter. i wonder if he brought that to
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the game tonight. so i researched because i thought it would be funny. the scooter could reach speeds up to 40 miles an hour. i can just imagine him flying down the road going 40 miles an hour in this vespa and i want one. [laughter] john: that certainly would be interesting to watch. morgan.■ luttrell at the plate,e can pretty much duplicate that for all of those up and down the roster big swing and a miss. chad: annie, next time we need a discussion about lame orders -- lawnmowers. annie: i will get that information for you.
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john: first base runne at first and second. swing and a miss for randy. he comes to the plate. chad: runners constantly going from the first base dugout to the first base is moving like tsa cleared they are john. john: ball hit the second base. play at seconds for the outs. runners will be on the corners. chad: he hesitated before
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throwing to. -- john: john: throwing to goldman. another chance at the plate. this will be his lastkely get a. chad: he will be retiring from congress at the end of the year. john: they are probably going to wear out the grass going to first base. chad: in the 1970's and i am stadium they had a little pathway between the dugout up behind first base and sometimes
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