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tv   House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference  CSPAN  June 13, 2024 1:02am-1:34am EDT

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that i love and that love me. to get married in 1990 is an act of love, faith, hope, idealism. the veto is an act of cynicism. i ask you to cut off this debate. we know how we are going to vote. let's override the veto and let me love my son. >> c-span, powered by cable. ♪ >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded these television companies and more including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers and we are just getting started. building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a publi
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service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. house speaker mike johnson talked with reporters about the contempt of congress resolution against merrick garland for his refusal to give congress the audiotapes of president biden's interview with robert her. the speaker in gop leaders discussed other items on the legislative agenda including the annual national defense authorization. this is just under 30 minutes. >> heads up. >> good morning. tomorrow, house republicans are honored to host at our special politica trump where we will discuss how republicans
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from joe biden and far left democrats leadership that has caused inflation, the historic border crisis, surging violent crime, a weakened national security and chaos around the world. this week on the floor house republicans are delivering on our promise accountable when we bring to the floor are resolution to hold attorney general merrick garland in contempt of congress for refusing to comply with our subpoena and release the autoroute -- audio recordings of joe biden's interview with robert hurt. it's time for merrick garland to stop stonewalling and release the biden tapes. additionally i will bring to the floor the national defense bill for fy 25. on services committee, i'm proud to have helped craft the legislation securing wins for my home disict and all upstate new york. this bill includes significant investments in emerging
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technology, provides for military families, equips our service members with modern capabilities and platforms as they fight to protect our nation and deter our adversaries. i want to quickly touch upon yesterday's deposition of corrupt disgraced new york governor andrew cuomo whose fatal nursing home order resulted in the deaths of 15,000 innocent seniors dying in nursing homes. this was a long-overdue step for those families who were still mourning the loss of their loved ones in new york state. we will continue to fight justice -- find justice and answers for those families who are grieving. chairman of the select committee for making yesterday possible. i'm honored to be joined by my colleagues today and i want to turn it over to mark alford who will be talking about the national defense bill. >> all right. thank you madame chairwoanu mr.y
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colleagues appear. this is a good day in america. i'm honored to be on the armed services committee. we critical time in our nations history. our military plays a vital role in shaping the future of american freedom, safety, security while also ensuring that a western rules-based order remains the foundation to a stable world. this year we have focused on three major components in the national defense authorization act. enhancing u.s. deterrence, countering china'sd improving tf life for our service members. china's aggression is the greatest national a gritty threat to america today. to deter china and other adversaries we are investing in key platforms like the d 21 stealth rater which is being built right now in palmdale, california. it will eventually be housed at one of the three bases in the fourth congressional district of missouri which i represent. this ndaa strengthens our
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military assets in the indo pacific by increasing shipbuilding capacity and authorizing to virginia class submarines. the fy 25 ndaa will also increase junior enlisted service members by almost 20%, enhance housing for service members, boost pay benefits for childcare staff, expand access to medical care for service members. the foundation of this year's ndaa is the quality of life for those who serve. this is so important to r committee. this is the bipartisan bill to improve the quality of life whe and possibly die for our great nation. now's together to pass the fy 25 ndaa and strengthen america's defense,
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deter our adversaries, and support the brave men and women who defend our freedom. i would like to bring up the chair of the judiciary committee now jim jordan. >> thank you. last september the speaker of the house announced that the house of representatives will be entering an impeachment inquiry phase of our oversize work. the full house of representatives voted to do just that, to formalize that. this is a power that is exclusively resides in the house of representatives. one of the most powers that we have as an institution and as a body. robert pearl on page one of his special counsel report said joe biden knowingly clipped. he knowingly disclose classified information and he disclosed it to someone who wasn't allowed to get it. page 231, he told us why joe said, joe biden have strong motivations for ignoring classified procedures because he was writing a book for which he
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got paid $8 million. so we have motive, $8 million motive. we have the elements of the climb. knowingly keeping, disposing, giving that information to someone who wasn't allowed to get it. yet the sponsor -- special counsel said he would not recommend charges for president biden. we think we are entitled -- we know we are entitled to all the evidence and that includes the best evidence which is this audiotape. that's why we sent the subpoena. the attorney general has been clear that he's not going to the -- give that information to us. that's why we have the contempt resolution. we assume this will wind up in our -- in court. we think that we will■ prevail. step one is to pass a resolution holding the attorney general in contempt for not giving the house of representativesz■c, not giving us the best evidence. i would just say this. we think the privilege has been waived. we think when they gave us the transcripts, they waived the
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privilege. understand that there have already been times when the transcript that we've received from the white house doesn't match up with what was actually said by the president of the united states. for all of those -- we think that we need this resolution. i will let the next gentleman talk about the vote on that. tom emmer it's. >> so the question that should be askedhat are the height and why? these are fundamental questionsk garland in contempt of congress for refusing to refine oto sety general handpicked special counsel robert her and jack fsmith to oversee the investigations into joe biden and donald trump's handling oum. he concluded that although president retained and disclose classified
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materials as a private citizen, criminal charges were not warranted because biden is an elderly manin stark contrast, fr president donald trump was hit with a 37 count indictment from special counsel smith alleging that he willfully retained classified documents after leaving office. second, the white house has a history -- i'm sorry. second, in accordance with our legislative oversight authority and impeachment increase into president biden, house republicans on the judiciary and oversight committee subpoenaed attorney general garland for records including transcripts, notes, video, and audio files robert hurt's investigation in order to assess his conclusion. while the justice department
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headed over the transcript, they've denied and refused to hand over the corresponding audio recordings. transcripts do not and cannot capture things like tone, inflection, pace, and pauses that fully convey a person's message. the audio recordings are necessary to adequate -- adequately evaluate the dent biden's memory. and to determine whether the doj is engaging in a two-tiered application of justice by refusing to indict joe biden. if the interview audio matches the transcript, whywhy not compr subpoenas? is biden's department of justice
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covering their boss? these are all impaired of questions that our committees will get to the bottom of in this week's contempt resolution. it's a vital step in that effort. i encourage all of my colleagues to vote yes on this important issue. with that, i turn it over to steve scalise. >> thank you. we have another busy week on the floor. of course it starts with the contempt of merrick garland. my colleagues have talked about it. this is something we've beetryir months and months. merrick gas what the rules are. he issued subpoenas himself and he doesn't let the person that he's issuing the subpoena to decide whether or not they want to comply. yet that's what he said. he said he doesn't think that this is something that he has to comply with. with all due respect, this is not your decision. congress has a constitutional duty to perform oversight which is what we are doing.
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we are in the middle of an impeachment inquiry. it's been voted on by the house already. now we need to get the facts. look at the white house themselves. they've acknowledge that as they turned over the transcripts, they have been edited. knows one way to find out and that's to get the source tape, the audio. that's the only way to know what was really said. we know already that the transcript doesn't reflect what was said. it's only the audio that does which is why we need to get the ape. clearly there's no executive privilege, otherwise they wouldn't over the transcript in the first place. but they've done it. they've also acknowledged that they edited the document that they turned over to us. now we need to get the source document which is the audio and that's why we are moving forward. we are also taking up the ndaa. we need to send a message to our men and women in uniform that we
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will give them all the tools necessary not only to keep our country safe but to make sure they and their families have the things that they need so they don't have to be on food stamps. to increase their base pay for the euniform and all the branchf the military to make sure that we are focused properly on china and the threats that are posed all around the world. the world is a more dangerous place than it's ever been. we saw that again this morning with the arrest of 8, 8 ices fighters here in the united states because joe biden opened up the southern border. if anybody wondered -- we've been saying this for years. because joe biden opened up the border, at some point our country will be at risk and our national security is undermined and it was pointed out yet again with a ices fighters caught. how many more terrorists are in our country because joe biden opened up the southern border? repositioned in cities a countro
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do us harm. it just goes to show you the world is a very dangerous place. we need to make sure we have the tools. we ought to be working with the presidentcure our southern border but the president doesn't want to secure the border. under his own executive order, he will let another million people in a year without ending the policies that are drawing people here illegally. we passed a bill that would fix this problem. joe biden still opposes that after eight ices terrorists were captured in america, joe biden still opposes the bill that would secure america's southern border. it's clear he doesn't want to solve the problem. you know somebody who wants to solve the problem? donald trump. he had a secure border. he will be here tomorrow and i'm sure we will hear about some of those things that we are all trying to work on together to get our economy back on track, to secure our border, to make sure military is focused on the
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things that need to be done to get the country back on track. so we will continue working to i will finish with this. we had an opportunity. about 60 house members going to normandy and pay tribute to the brave heroes who stormed the beaches in normandy. so many lost their lives that day. you can see the cost of our freedom when you are on that beach and you see the grave sites. we also got to see something that was incredibly inspiring. 135 of those men who are still alive who came back to normandy. you want to talk about a special moment? to be able to meet and greet and thank those 135 brave men for theirce. some of them were in their hundreds. the youngest one i met was 97 years old. they were all recounting stories of that day. the french president went one by one, selected a w them to
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one of the highest rewards, to a number of those brave heroes. he cited the things that they did. these are american heroes who went to another country not to conquer but to liberate. to restore freedom tthregime. he pinned each one of them individually. they were all in wheelchairs. to see them get out of the wheelchair because of the pride. they did not want to sit down presenting those metals. it just showed you why they are called the greatest generation. it was an unbelievably moving moment. i know av here that we talk abo. the battles and fights amongst ourselves. that was a time when the country came together. people did ask ordinary things. it proves america can do those kind of things when we put our minds to it. hope you come out to the baseball game tonight. the republicans play the democrats. we have over 25,000 tickets sold. a ceiling -- $2 million raised
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for local charities. youth groups will benefit. we are the reigning chance and we want to continue to hold the mantle. you will see a spirited competition tonight. hope to yoour speaker will be te johnson. >> thank you for being here this morning. there's a central theme and what you've heard this morning. one of them is the security of america. i want to begin where the leader was talking about the border. the biden boer catastrophe continues in spite of his windowdressing of the executive order. nothing has changed. in fact, many have argued that this increased the incentives for people to try to come and avail themselves of the welcome mat that the biden ministration is put forward. you saw and heard that eight asis affiliated persons have
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been apprehended. the open border has welcomed many dangerous people and none of us knows exactly how many of them are here because the border has been wide open for three years as we for tempted here every week upon week upon week. we are demanding actual executive action from the president and he's is unwilling to provide it. so americans are in danger they are in danger for lots of reasons. that's why the ndaa is so important. you've heard a lot of discussion about that. i want to thank chairman rogers, chairman burgess, and the rules committee who did heavy lifting to get this bill prepared for floor action. the armed services committee did ask ordinary work. this is an important bill because it will support our brave servicemembers. it will do a number of things to ensure that our men and women in uniform can enjoy a high quality of life. and also the ndaa will restore the focus of our military on
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lethality. that's what the military is about. it will strengthen our defense industrial base. it will deploy innovative wartime technologies for the 21st century and support the national guard to intercept drugs and illegal aliens at the border. right now were working through amendment and looking forward to bring the will forward with broad support. 350 amendments that congress will be working through that will happen over the next couple of days. it's a quick word about the israeli causal -- hostage rescue. we haven't had a press conference since that occurred and the d.c. protest. over the weekend, members of the idf showed heroism intact and bravery and they rescued four israelis who were begin held hostage in gaza. we rejoiced that they are safely home and we continue to push for the release of all hostages including the americans who are still cap there. at suit -- outside of new york memorial, protesters chanted long live -- and vandals and
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aspiring hamas members chanted hezbollah kill another zionist now. that happened. the netzer pd didn't arrest anyone on sunday. another theme. merrick garland. as you heard, chairman jordan and our leaders discussed. he is refusing to comply with the lawful and that's a problem under article one. we can't allows a department of justice and executive branch agency to hide information from congress. we have important oversight responsibilities and that's what's being pursued here. chairman jordan said, we have a
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right to know if robertcommendat prosecuting president biden was warranted. the best evidence was the audio recordings because they provide critical insight in what that transcript itself cannot provide. we have to know if the transcript is accurate. as a former litigator, i can tell you that when you have a printed transcript that someone transcribed, you don't know with 100% certainty whether it's actually lined up with the audio recording. that's why this is so important. the attorney general doesn't get to decide whether he hides the tape. that's what will be determined here. there's a couple of things that we wanted to talk about this morning but i will save it for questions. i can anticipate what some of them will be. on a brighter note, republicans and democrats out there in a great spirit. the weather is beautiful tonight.
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it will be a great game. $2 million raised for charity. it is something that unites everybody for one night of the year. we certainly encourage you to come out. it will be about 27,000 people to watch the game tonight. it will be a lot of fun. >> [inaudible] >> yeah. we are working through with members bringing that to the floor. it's an important principle. currently that's the rule for members of congress. you can transfer to federal court. it seems to make a lot of sense. we are trying to preserve the we've seen some of these local and state prosecutors abuse the we've talked about it many times.
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i think that's an idea that makes sense. it makes sense to most republicans and almost everyone will be in favor of that. that's what we are talking about. to address the two-tier system of justice in this country, we have a three-pronged approach. we are aggressively pursuing the oversight responsibility that we have. we are looking at other legislation. we have the appropriations. we are going to utilize every tool that we have in our arsenal because we are required to do so under the constitution. that's a part of it. in pursuit of that, i think the contempt of merrick garland will pass on the floor. we are interested have that happen. >> [inaudible] >> it's important for the country for us to have close
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court nation. i've said many times, i believe president trump in his second term could be the most consequential president of the modern era because we have to effectively every area of public policy. the biden ministration has made a disaster of almost every area which is why the polling is so in favor of the president. we have to have a very aggresvest 100 days agenda. the first year will be important. we cannot waste a moment because there's so many things to do. in light of that, we are having discsihe and his team now. planning accordingly. you don't put thee but you do he prepared to leave. we will be prepared. i can't wait for that eventuality to come forward. latest polling, almost everyone is projecting that the republicans will retake the senate and white house as well. wh you have a unified government like that, it comes with great responsibility and we
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look forward to those days and fixing lots of things. coronation is important. >> [inaudible] >> we are talking about that and a number of possibilities. there are pros and cons to all these approaches. one of the initial concerns would be if you put that into the spring of next year, that would encumber the calendar a little bit. if we are having to do with appropriations on the first 100 days when we have all these other things that we want to be doing. we are trying to balance those interests and do what is the most responsible thing for the country area fiscally well.nsible and by po a there's a lot of discussion going on on our side on what we will do on that. we will keep you posted. >> [inaudible]
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>> i'm so glad you brought up the january 6 committee. we will be talking about that in the coming weeks. there's been a lot of investigation about that committee. i don't ticket was properly constituted or administered. now we know that apparently some of thede hidden and some even destroyed. you will hear much more about that in the days ahead. you talk about apples to oranges. there couen that and what we are talking about here. this is a judiciary committee. this is the weaponization committee. extra neri work. methodically and appropriately and now we come to this impasse with the attorney general himself who refuses to comply. this is an article one issue. we have to get it covered well. i think we will.
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i think that's why the contempo pass on the floor. one last question in the back row. >> [inaudible] >> of course he respects that. we all do. we've all talked about it ad nauseam. we are excited to welcome president trump back. he's meeting with the senate republicans after he has a breakfast with us. there's high anticipation and great excitement. i've been all across the country and all the districts, all these campaigns. there's a real energy in the base right now and energy among the american people. they no changes coming. it can't get here soon enough.
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we are anxious to talk about that and bounce around ideas tomorrow. looking forward to welcoming him right after the congressional baseball game. it's a big week here and lots of od feeling. thank you so much for being here. ■g♪ >> c-span's washington journal, line form involving you to discuss the latest issues and government, politics, and public policy. from washington and across the country. thursday morning, we will look at the latest inflation report
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ministration economic policy with fans can during the trump administration. california congressman jared huffman. countering the conservative progress 2025. then we get a preview of former president trump's upcoming meeting with house and senate gop members with julie grace prensky. emily benson with the center for strategic and international studies, previewing the g7 summit. ■kc-span's washington journal, join in the conversation live at 7:00 eastern thursday morning on c-span, c-span now, or c-span online. >> thursday, the head of the federal aviation administration chael whitaker testified about the oveig of boeing manufacturing and aviation safety.
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