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tv   Pres. Biden Ukrainian President Hold News Conference at G7 Summit  CSPAN  June 13, 2024 8:12pm-8:44pm EDT

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and ukrainian president president zelenskyy spoke at a news conference after the two leaders signed a security agreement. lengthy foot because of the agreement of the strongest since ukraine's independence. they also finance the release of 50 billion dollars of frozen russian assets to help rebuild ukraine.
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>> distinguished guests. being in the president of the united states, and the president of ukraine. both leaders will now sign the hireement between the united states and ukraine.
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[applause] pres. biden: good evening everyone. last year at the nato summit in lithuania, the united states brought together every member of the g7 to sign a joint declaration of support for ukraine. 25 additional countries joined us quickly. each agreed to forge a long-term desk to forge long-term -- each agreed to forge long-term bilateral commitments with ukraine. president zelenskyy and i have just now signed that agreement between the united states and ukraine. our goal is to strengthen ukraine's incredible defense and deterrence capabilities for the long term. if a lasting peace for ukraine must be underwritten by ukraine's own ability to defend itself now and to determine -- to deter future aggression in the future. the united states will help ensure that ukraine can do both,
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not by sending american troops to fight ukraine, but by providing weapons and ammunition, expanding intelligence sharing, continuing to train the brain ukrainian troops at bases in europe and the united states, and enhancing our military is in line with nato standards. investing in ukraine's defense in the survey so in time they can supply their own weapons and relations. working with ukraine's partners to build a future force that is strong, sustainable and resilient. sand, supporting ukraine's economic recovery as well as energy recovery after russia has repeatedly targeted ukraine's energy grid with massive attacks in a futile attempt to break the will of the ukrainian people. all of these lines of efforts and others are laid out in this agreement. additionally, the g7 achieved a significant outcome this week. on the matter of russia's farson assets in europe and other
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places outside of russia -- frozen assets outside of russia. back in 2022, two days after russia she put in vision, members of the g7 works together to freeze $280 billion in russian central bank funds outside of russia. i am very pleased to share about this being the g7 signed a plan to finalize and unlock $50 billion from the proceeds of those frozen assets and to put that money to work for ukraine. another reminder to putin, we are not backing down. in fact, we are standing together against this illegal aggression. the agreement we just signed also lays out, shared a piece built on the u.n. charter and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity. a peace with the broad base of support around the world that holds russia accountable for the damage it has done in this war, we will see this vision strongly
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affirmed at the historic peace conference this weekend where vice president harris will represent the united its ukrain' into the european and transatlantic communities. it includes major commitments from ukraine to implement democratic, economic and security reforms in line with the european union's accession goals. where we take this step, the united states is also intensifying pressure on russia. yesterday, the u.s. treasury department made clear, any bank anywhere in the world that deals with sanctions/in banks, companies, or individuals, risks being sanctioned theelves. and we announced roughly 300 new sanctions on individuals and companies that are helping russia with their war effort. they include parts of the russian financial sector -- i will wait till it goes over. [planes roaring overhead]
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pres. biden: as well as individual entities that provide russia with items critical to its defense production, like microelectronics, machine tools and industrial materials. we also sanctioned more russian future energy projects, like russia's natural gas projects that are under construction and not yet fully operating. putin is counting on revenues from those projects. our sanctions will disrupt those plans. plus, at the g7 we discussed our shared concern about countries like china who are supplying them with the materials they need for their quote war machine and we agreed to take collective action to push back against that activity. let me close with this, we have taken thmag7 that collectively n from that he cannot divide us and we
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will be with ukraine until they prevail. first is the bilateral security agreement just signed. a second, a historic agreement to provide $50 billion in seized russian assets to ukraine. and third, if an agreement to ensure that our sanctions disrupt third countries that are supplying russia's war efforts. they will increase pressure on the russian economy. collectively this is a powerful set of actions that will create a stronger foundation for nd a half years ago, put in, and based more on ukraine and it has been a horrifying ordeal for the ukrainian people who are so brave and incredible. but also, it has been a test for the world -- would we stand with ukraine? would we stand for sovereignty, freedom, and against tyranny? the united states, the g7 and countries around the world have said yes, we will, we will say it again aith ukraine. thank you. i now yield to my friend from ukraine, president.
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pres. zelenskyy: thank you very much, mr. president biden. dear president, dear journalists, dear ukrainians, dear americans, thanks, italy and giorgia for the invitation. today is a historic day and we have signed the strongest agreement between the ukraine and u.s. since our independence. and this is an agreement on security, and thus, on the protection of human life. this is an agreement on how our nations will become stronger. this is an agreement on steps to guarantee sustainable peace, and , therefore, it benefits everyone in the world because of the russian war against ukraine is a real global threat.
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i think you very much, mr. president, for your leadership, which is reflected, in particular, in this agreement, and in your years of support for ukraine. i think our teams, both teams, thank you very much for making sure that the details of the agreement are really good. and of i want to thank every ukrainian soldier, all our people whose courage made this level of allyship between the ukraine and the united states possible. and i am proud of our people and what ukraine can do, and i am very grateful to all americans. to everyone in america who strengthens american leadership. under the points of the agreement, the agreement contains a very detailed,
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legally binding part, and this means that the crebility of americans' support for our ukrainian independence. secondly, security commitments from the united states are based, among other things, on the sustainability of security and defense support, not only for the duration of this war, but also for the period of peace after the war from it we will definitely ensure peace. third, it clearly states that america's -- support ukraine's efforts to win this war. fourth, the agreement has provisions on we permitted specy on the patriot systems, specifically on the supply of fighter squadrons to ukraine -- that's right, plural, squadrons printed including, but not limited to f-16.
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we have worked for a long time for this permit vehicle it is also specific about the supply of necessary weapons in production and the strengthening of the defense industries of our countries through our corporation. and this is something that will not only provide security, but also new good jobs. for ukrainians and americans. the agreement also outlines what is needed in terms of intelligence information. the agreement contains key aspects of protecting the lives of our people. it is very important that the re issue of russia's just responsibility for this war, and its attempts to destroy ukrainians. american supports both fair compensation for the damage caused by russian strikes, and working out ways to ensure that frozen russian assets are used
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to protect and rebuild ukraine. the agreement also includes sanctions and export controls that will make russia feel the pain for what it is doing against the freedom of peoples. and two moregrateful that the pf our security agreement is in fact the philosophy of our allies, and that is why the issue of nato is covered through the text of the agreement. it states that america supports a ukraine future's membership in nato and recognizes that our security agreement is a bridge to ukraine's membership in nato. itukrainians and for all europes to know that they -- there will be no security deficit in
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europe which send the aggressor to war and makes the future uncertain. now, we are clearly defining everything. we will cooperate for the sake of victory, make peace guarantee is effective, and provide the necessary security for our people. and thank you, mr. president, for your leadership in the g7 shape of a decision on the $50 billion loan for ukraine. it's a vital step forward in providing support for ukraine in winning this war. russian immobilized assets should be used for defending the lives of ukrainians from russian terror, and for repaying the damage the aggressor because to ukraine. it is clear and absolutely right. mr. president, thank you and your team. i would also like to thank the
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united states congress for their support. both parties, both chambers. thank you, and thanks to every american heart that does not betray freedom, and supports us. slava ukraini. [applause] pres. biden: now we will take two questions each from two american reporters and from two ukrainian reporters. first person■r i will call on is the associated press reporter. reporter: thank you, mr. president. about two weeks ago, you changed course to allow ukraine to fire u.s. weapons to russia, given the reported successes, would you consider further expanding the parameters on u.s. weapons into russia, even despite your concerns about escalation? and on the news from home, they are going through something that
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many american families go through. the intersection of addiction and the criminal justice system. but you are not like most families. it trial? do you believe the justice department operated independently of politics? and mr. president -- pres. biden: let me answer your question. with regard to the first question, it is clear that the -- across the line from russia and ukraine, that it makes sense for the ukraine to take out and come about what is coming across that border. in terms of longer-range reference into the interior of russia, we have not changed our position on that. with regard to the question regarding family, i am extremely he has overcome an addiction and is one of brightest, most
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decent men i know and i am will not do anything. i said i would abide by the jury 's decision. i will do that and i will not pardon him. reporter: president zelenskyy, a number of leaders in italy, including president biden, are facing upcoming elections challenges. how will the security agreement signed tonight and other promises of support continue if they are not in office? and what is your contingency plan if they don't? pres. zelenskyy: thank you for this question. first in foremost, i would like to thank the pplnations, the pee
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united states, of europe and other continents that have supported us from the beginning of this absolutely unjust war of russia against the ukraine. this is about homes and territory, all of that is important, but first and foremost, we are talking about people and the lives of people, you understand? this war was unjust since the very beginning. the war of this people. putin. warring against the people of ukraine. he has killed so many people. to say that it is not him, that it was the military men who did it -- the last one was just an instrument of his. he is playing the instrument. therefore it is important to us that from the beginning, we were supported by nations, because they understood that we share common values. we simply want to live.
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they know what could happen if such an evil attack them. we were supported by them. and i thank president biden and other leaders who from the beginning ofpported us. they, based on your values, based on their voices of their people. and i am sure that this nation chooses leaders and presidents. and it seems to me that no matter whom the nationand foreme that everything depends on the unity in this or that state. and if the people are with us, and a leader will be with us in this struggle for freedom.
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reporter: yes, please. inter tv. today during the g7 meeting, the discussion focused on developing ukraine's air defense system based on the most advanced western complexes and also enhancing longer-range capabilities. can you provide any details? pres. biden: we have acquired a commitment from five countries so far, for patriot air defense systems, as llwe have let it be known to those countries who are expecting from us they are defense systems in the future, that they are going to have to wait. everything we have will go to ukraine until their quote needs are met and then we will make good on the commitments we made to other countries.
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pres. zelenskyy: i think president biden answered your question really. ■qhe and other partners know tht we urgently need several featured systems. to save our cities. we urgently need seven. we discussed the possibility of having five of them. that the partners work on it. it doesn't mean that tomorrow we will have these five systems, but we see in the closest feature, a good result for ukraine. pres. biden: people have some of them relatively quickly. american reporter, josh, bloomberg. reporter: thank you, mr. president. i have a question for president zelenskyy shortly on the announcements, but if you don't mind i would like to ask you about the discussions on the situation in gaza here at the summit.
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if you were asked a short time ago about it after the skydiving demonstration. can you give us your assessment of thomas's response? -- the assessment of hof respone they are trying to work towards a deal or is this response working against the deal? and what is your response to questions from allies about what more, if anything, the u.s. can do to drive towards a peace agreement? ybpres. biden: i wish you guys would play by the rus a little bit. i am here to talk about a critical situation, ukraine. but you are asking me about another subject. i will be happy to answer in detail later, but the bottom line is we have laid out and approach that has been endorsed by the un security council, by the g7 and by the israelis and the biggest hang up so far is a musket refusing to sign whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be seen. we will continue to push.
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i don't have a final answer for you. reporter: to president biden's point, the question about today's discussions. president zelenskyy, the $50 billion today. you have had the supplemental, of course, from the u.s. congress recently, can you gived right now, and what has been given now, how long this will get you, in terms of either stopping the russian advance are making headway on this? and how long will it last year you, if indeed, future or current leaders are unable to reach consensus on further aid packages? and president biden, i would welcome your assessment on the situation currently on the battlefield, and what difference the supplemental has made so far, thank you. pres. zelenskyy: thank you for your question.
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indeed we were expecting the fundamental package of the support within the congress of the united states of america, and it was a long pause for our warriors first and foremost, but we are grateful that in the very end, we have this supplement and this will for sure strengthen our warriors. this has given the opportunity to the enemy within this pause to try to occupy kharkiv, but that attempt was stopped by our warriors. they were repelled. the enemy was repelled. and we, despite everything, disrupted all their plans and it seems to me that is the most important thing. what this supplement gives us? it enables us to fully equip the reserves, those guys, those brigades that are ready. so that they provide for the opportunity to rote our units on the battlefield, so that they can have some rest.
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so that the brigades can regenerate. so that others enter the battlefield instead of them, with equipment. this is what the supplement gives them. the raise of morale, but also the strength of the power brigades. it seems to me, that is the most important. for how long this will be enough? we without the package, have been holding the lines for 8 months and the russians had no successes. therefore, the question is how long will it be enough for? no, i think the question has to be for how long the unity will , last. the unity in the united states together with the european leaders. how these elections will influence this unity. it seems to me we should look on this exactly this way, to preserve unity. to preserve the integrity of the world.
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the integrity of the democratic world. because if ukraine does not withstand, the democracy of mano withstand. and i am sure of that. pres. biden: by the way, the idea that we had to wait to pass the legislation overall, that was being held up by a small majority of our republican colleagues, it was just terrible. then there is a lot more money coming beyond what has already come, in the other tranches that are available now that we have passed in the legislation. so we will get what they need there as quickly as we possibly can. pres. zelenskyy: thank you so much, mr. president. telegram. >> telegraph please. reporter: good evening. thank you for this opportunity. i have come a long way from keys and i have enough time to prepare for such a question. firstly to joe biden, mr. president, the appropriations
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fact that you signed, when they give a submission of a strategy for the war in ukraine, within 45 days after its enactment. this deadline passed on june 8, d now, yet the international community has not seen the strategy. has it been developed? and if the strategy is classified, what steps does your administration plan to take to -- two -- to hasten ukraine's victory in the war? that's my first question. pres. biden: the last part of your question? reporter: has it been developed, the strategy, and what steps does your administration plan to take to make the agreement the victory -- to make sure that ukraine has victory and that russia does not prevail? pres. biden: we just signed
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significant number of nations , a have signed it, we have convinced -- we have got the support of the g7 and, quite frankly, 48 other countries, we sat with the prime minister of japan, south korea. we have 50 nations who signed up , beyond nato and the g7 for the defense so, we are going to stay, as long as it takes. with regard to the plan, that is a plan in process now. we are in discussion with our ukrainian friends on exactly what it will be. we have a lot of movement toward that, we know the outlines of it, we have not done the detail of it all. but we know what ukraine is capable of doing when given the material to defend themselves and that is exactly what they e doing now. reporter: and my second question is to president zelenskyy. it will be in ukrainian. recently, you have met a couple of sharp statements regarding china, regarding possible supplies of russian weapons from
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china. actively promoting its own peace plan among certain countries. what are the motives of beijing now, would it be possible to change the vision of china regarding the war, and which rolen, can the u.s. play in thi? and, if china a partneof russia in these crimes that it commits? [laughter] pres. zelenskyy: first, i had a phone conversation with the leader of china. by phone. he said that he will not sell any weapon to russia. we will see, with you. but he said it to me. if he isfd respectable person, e will not. because he gave me his word. the second -- you know very well
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the details. it is very open for everybody, based on the charter. and you know that it is based on principles. territorial integrity, sovereignty, nuclear security, food security. if china has an alternative view on it, it can prepare an alternative peace formula. if, we share common views on it. like globally with all the world, i think so. so if they share the same way to peace, we will find dialogue. pres. biden: by the way, china is not supplying weapons, but the ability to produce those weapons and the technology availae to do it. so it is, in fact, helping russia. thank you all so very much. >> this concludes our press conference. thank you everybody.
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[reporters shouting questions] ♪ [reporters shouting questions] ♪


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