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tv   Defense Secretary Joint Chiefs Chair Hold News Conference in Belgium  CSPAN  June 14, 2024 5:40am-6:08am EDT

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ntlemen and thank you for
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being here today. it's my pleasefense lloyd
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austin iii and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. the secretary and chairman will deliver opening remarks and time to take a fewplease note i wille those questions and call on rt you to limit your follow-ups and givyo colleagues to ask questns every. thanks for joining us. we have comehly productive meeting of the ukraine defense contact group. this is our 23rd meetingd everym impressed by th resolve of more support ukraine's self-defense. today the contact group heard directly about the battlefield d his delegation.
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ukraine forces are holding the line in the face of■? russia's assault near kharkiv and troops are inflicting significant cost on the krems invaders. president biden signed the nationalec renewed u.s. assistance is reaching pace. and last week, president bidente security package through another drawdown of our stocks. $225 million package provides ukraine with9j more interceptors, armored ant thy tank weapons and military systems and mn ukraines stand up to aggressions. this coalition remains steadfast and strong. and the contact group remains
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determined to meet ukraine's military needs and this is for decades to come. e to step up and to get ukraine i needs it. air defense remains ukraine's top priority. i applaud those who have dug deep to find more air defense systems and the netherlands is leading t and deliver a patriot air defensem. they are contributing a mini core components apar stocks andn ukraine's other friends to rest. meanwhile, sweden recently announced largest military package for ukraine and includes 155 artillery shells, and armoredeh
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sweden is providing airborne early warning andft which will e with and maritime and italy will send a second air defense system to ukraiy3ne. so our allies are committing to lo military aid packages. more and more countries are ensuring these commitments in bila with ukraine. the united states and ukraine will own bilateral agreement today. we are long-term security for ukraine and i continue to be expressed with the work of the capability coalitions. toda■iy ea an update from the drone capable coalition. and let me thank for their leion. this capability coalition is helping to ukraine
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asymmetric capabilities and that is especially important as putin relies on iranian u.a.v.'s to civilians. this is just one of the eight capability coalitions and they are doing outstanding work. we a ukraine to build a force, one can deter aggression in the long haul. we remain determined tohile ensn military readiness and robust industrial base. so we spent time today discussing ways to expand critical munitions and systems and deepen our coordination. now i just want to be clear about why i have convened this group, this contact group 23■ n. putin thinks thadetermine whiche
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real and which countries can be wiped off the map. that's incredibl radical and incredibly dangerous. so let's clear. putin started this war by invading his peaceful neighbor. a neighbor of the u.n. security council is trying to deny democracy for more than 4 f pe aggression has horrified countries around the world. ukraine matters to the united states and to the entire if ukraine falls under putin's r putin's shadow. iframples ukraine, he would be embolde■mned to commit more acts of aggression and the world would enter a far more
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dangerous stage. we understand the stakes and the outcome of the war in ukraine will set ay for global security for decades to come and this group will continue to defendf our security. so we will continue to stand upd atrocities and will continue to find n options to get ukraine the air defenses to defend its skies and move heaven and earth toaine to live in freedom. general brown, the floor yours. >> thank you, mr. secretary. good week on june 6, i was on the beachesmmemorate the 80ty of the side president biden and secretary other world leaders, we honored some of the last livingeterans who fought in
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world war ii, ourneration. on the evening of 6 june, 1944,: president roosevelt put out a men.ement he said, they fight not for the loss of conquest, they fight to end conquest and fight and let e and goodwill rise among goodopl. they showed us the power of cooperation. ow prevails over aggression when nations come t just cause. now we find ourselves in another crux of 36hior a force of this e force contact group to come together, united for the cause f our nations and for the cause of the future. once again, i thank secretaryoin guiding this national coation
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and defense minister who joined us today and for hisontior ukras military forces. and to all the nations represented here today, i want to thank them. their supporting ukraine's efforts to maintain its sovereignty. this tests the very foundation of security on the world relies. unpro is r aggression needs the security of all nations. not make right but might does shape outcomes. this contact group's3■■ collecte support of ukraine we are mighting the worldf what is right. they are forced into further isolation andur unity grows stronger. russia continues t advance acroe
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batt f on kharkiv. they■x trying to force abilities and reposition has countered russia and disrupted their attack. ukraine hold strong. and with this group's exacting heavy costs on the russian aggressors and is so cr. sustaining ukraine's itself is d long-term effort. this group's work in providing ukraine with the necessary systems and■j and capabilities has been remarkable. to be forces need continued accesso capabilities and supplies and our support with the ukrainian wi0zgéll time and time again that ukraine will not bend and fighting spirit is
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iron clad. will itself is not enough, which is why wen focused and dedicated to these efforts. last week as announced 59thrawd5n package for ukraine. this was part of a#ç incredible contribution recently made by some 50 nations of this coalition. and example of how it remains dedicated to supplying ukraine with the tools they need to counter ongoing russian aggression. support of the nations gathered here today is 4cgrtest■m these nations are committed to help ukraine to addres ahead. we are stronger when we work together. rooted in a shared history of security and fostered by the premises of
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democracy, sovereignty andlaw. for the past few years, fostersg nations that uphold group standm against any challenge. power resides in cooperative effort by like-minded spread conflict through the rest of the these mt president roosevelt saidra and n conquest to liberatand let justice arise. alli together 80 years ago and executed knowing that freedom success. today, peacend s are not only achieved from individual nations. it is key through collective
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efforts d resources and responsibilities and supporting6[ defending democracy and sovereignty. i look forward to your questions. >> first >> thank you. secretary austin, president defenses and germany has are air patriot. the u.s. answer and deliver an additional patriot to ukraine. if the answer is no, what is the holdup? for general brown, ukraine has 30 pilotto= pilot training f-16's but not enough. is that true? and if so, are you at expanding that training pipeline
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enough pilots and they arrive tr defense has been at the top of my agenda for a long time. month after month, you heard me emphasize the importance of providing additional defenses and a patriotism already but only that, me and jake sullivan and tony blinken havenc provide additionl capabilities and not just patriots, it's a number of capabilities that ukraine needs. i don't have any announcements on patriot■nzíú% b what i can tell you, i continue
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to work this in constant contact with my ukrainian counterpart and do everything we can to make sure they have the capability they need and get it there as quickly as can. >> we have air one of the with the ukrainians to get the fo and running. united states is co-leading and not only do we provide training for their pilots but other pilots are supporting it as various capacities both in the united states and some of the pr coalition. and we will continue to with them. not only the key part of that digitially to make sure ukrainians have
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what they need and get the f-16's summer. >> next questio [indiscernible] >> question to my colleague, reading in the press about this new extra announcement today. we know that you are the biggest holder system. what is the reason why you are operational move it from one to the other and just for us to understand and secondly for you, general, what is your assessment in kharkiv. do they have enough to possibly regain initiatives■t see other
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critical [indiscernible] along the fronttop priority and working this on a daily basis and i have seen some of the press reporting. what i will tell you is that there will be no change in patriot coverage in poland. i know that component of a previous story but there is no change in our patriot coverage. we are going to do everything we can to it needs. we are going to encourage others and work with others to get ukraine what it needs as quickly as we can. and this is not something are g. >> in question regarding kharkiv.bilized
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than what it was over the pt hag to create better stability. one of the c by theoves away and focuses in other areasnd de. ukrainians hav been good holding their defensive lines and will continue■x to do that. >> next question to voice of >> i would like a question u.s..
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if russia launches attacks that aren't in kharkiv can ukraine strike that military not, why n? i wouldike to expand the question that my colleague asked and moreou describe the fight between russia and ukraine ukraine continues to hold strong, but is this still a stale mate? >> ukraine requested permission to counterfire in the kharkiv area using u.s. and president biden granted the. and so, our policy in using long range strike capabilities to conduct strikes that has not
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changed but the ability to conduct this close fight in the kharkiv and my expectations is they will put that to good use. >> i would share with you, if yo this conflict, regained 50% of its territory first taken by the russians and at the same time, support of thisct group to i mentioned about the defensive line and hold the defensive we k about is the amount of attrition that they put russians although they are outnumbere the way the russians have lost personnel and lost platforms is pretty traumatic from a numbe
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standpoint and ukrainians have held those lines and do so. >> time for o mor final question here. >> mr. spec -- spec, some of the restrictions were lifted about two weeks a of impact has that had on battlefield. what kind of progress or does it go farnough r you? >> i can't speak for what■ allies, what weapons have be ust that has had but what i can speak to is what i'm looking at in kharkiv region, the attempt for them to cond counterfire was to help them conductbuild staging
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areas just on the other side of+ the border and attacking from those staging areas. ability to engage russians just across the border now and i'll leave it to the ukrainians to talk about the seen. but what i see is a slowing of the russians' advance and a stabilizing of the particular piece of the front. now i think we'll see incremental gains and puts and takes going forward, but again, a couple of weeks ago, there concern we would see a significant break-through onhee. i don't think we'll see that going forwa. don't see a large exploittation force to take advantage of a
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break-through as the chairman has described. ukrainians have done a lot to fortify their defensive the weapons and they are being provided and more of that will continue to flow mt stronger as time progresses but ajth to mobilize more people and train more people. of those things will have a pretty substantial effect on the battlefield but will take time to play out. we have the means to continue to provide security assistance and will flow very meaningful way. >> that concludesng. thank you very much for attending. th gentlemen.pyright national
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