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tv   House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries Holds News Conference  CSPAN  June 14, 2024 4:01pm-4:28pm EDT

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now, our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here's a highlight from a congressional moment. >> the distinguished -- [applause] >> california from california. >> i thank my colleague for yielding. today my first born is to be [applaus and again i find myself standing in the chamber, praying that this is not one more time when i miss one of young children that i love, that love me. to g in 1990 is an act of love, it's an act of fai, itt of idealism.
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th i ask you to cut off this debate. vote. let's everride this veto and let love my son. [applause] >> c-span, powered by cable. >> house minority leader hakeem jeffries held his weekly briefing at the u.s. capitol where he talked about the house and senate republicans meeting with former president trump. he said it was shameful and an embarrassment that my republican coeague de4cemb s welcome the insurrectionist in chief back to ts a conquering hero. he was also questioned abt billy along party line, and supreme court ethics issues. (u
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mr. jeffries: good morning, everyone. as members of congress, we hañpe a responsibility to at all times protect th health, safety, and national security and the economic well being of the american people.e■x as part of that responsibility, we need each and every year to pass a bipartisan defense authorization act. authorization act legislation pending before the congress advanced out of the armed services committee on a strongly bipartisan vote.
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57-1. and contained the types of earned bipartisan support iner to make sure that we had the military to protect the american people in an increasingly dangerous world. the national defense authorization act advanced out of the armed s committee 57-1. and laid a foundation to be able to move bipartisa legislation through the house of representatives. but t are not interested in governing. they do not re health, the safety, the national security, and the economic wl being of the american people. and so they have■6■eacked the national defense authorization act in order to ja their extreme right-wing
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the throats of the american republicans are trying to march us toward a nationwide abortion ban and restrict the reproductive oe military. extreme maga repubcans are on again attacking lgbtq+ community with a particular focus on transgender children. something is really wrong with these individuals. extreme maga republicans want to undermine principles diversity, equity, and inclusion with the military, when latino e
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united states of america disproportionately serve in uniform. something is really wrong with these individuals on the other side of the aisle. th are not serious about instead, all they care about is bending the knee trump. questions? reporter: we'll talk about the ballgame later. in any event -- mr. jeffries: it would be you who would want to bring up the ballgame. reporter: in any event, there have been some democrats ham the supreme court, questioning the ethicses alito and thomas. there was a propo blumenthal yesterday encouraging the chief justice of the united states to restrict justice alito from offering majority opinion
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from presiding over his circuit. do you think that's a push too are democrats trying to make some political hay about this because you alluded to the abortion decision, some democrat, some on the left, think the court isjeffries: then people almost comp right-wing js supreme court are completely out of control. it appears justice alito is an insurrectionist sympathizer, joined by his right-wing buddy i have been on record making it clear that justices alitoomas, r conflict of interest, or at least the appearance of a conflict of interest whichal sts is the standard for recusal, should have no role in deciding any case that relates
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violent insurrection that took place on january 6. trump. by former president reporter: thank you, mr. leader. on the day youet with usher to discuss type i diabetes screening. why is it important that the type 1 screening for diabetes ac passed? mr. jeffries: it was a wonderful with usher who has chosen to come to the hill and travel to other parts of the country experience as a father of a child with type i diabetes to of screing, identification, and treatment, that anyone faced with the challenges that
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from a health perspective in connection with type i diabetes have the awareness and then the capacityo the treatment necessary to live a life of dignity and respect. i'm thankful as well for the leadership of representative kim schrier, who bipartisan way, with representative dav joyce, to advance the legislation and i look forward to standingly behi. usher on capitol hill, meeting with stake holders on both sides of the will help advance and elevate the importance of type i diabetes screening, and hopefully we can find a way to get the legislation over the finish line sooner rather tn la reporter: thank you, mr. leader. going back to theourt. on the one-year anniversary of
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president biden's action on student loan, can the impact of on american you travel the country, ■qcan you tk about how those decisions affect americans, as it relates to student loan debt and affirmativacn2■tion. mr. jeffries: extrcided to carry out a crusade to undermine bac principles related to a her own -- a womant to make herdecisions. president biden's decision to t loan relief to millions of young people of every race across the country. and the supreme court has choser institutions of higher to have a diverse student bodytf
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the nation and of course the world. the supreme court and its right-wing majorit is clearly out of control and out of step with the american which is why its approval rating is even lower thans congress. be to rein in court, particularly as it relates to its inability to police itself with respect to ethics. in terms of theively partisan right-wing extreme beeg out of the supreme court that by nominated by donald trump, the american people will have a full
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opportunity to evaluate the efforts, impact the supreme court has had electorally in november. in fact, the supreme its decision in which detonated roe v. wade, clear that women in this country have a political voice and they ■ ex exercised at the ballot box. women have a political voice. young people have a political voice. communities of color have a political vo political voice. and it will be exercised on november 5.olleagues back in the senate, talk about the gossip here, they're saying it's working, republicans are saying president biden needs to t a different angle with
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his soldiers being put in harm's way, some have been his humanitarian aid is being taken by hamas. what's the democrats', house■ r? should president biden take a different mr. jeffries: the most important thing that can be done is for the ceasefire put into place by joe biden which has the support of the united nations security counl and had previously see cured the unanimous support of t has the type of critical affirmation by important stake holders in the middle east and across the world such that we have a real opportunity t create a pathnd lasting peace. a peace plan in its first
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of three would alloww f ceasefin made by the israeli defense forces in its effort to decisively defeat hamas, allow for humanitarian assistance to be surged immediately and consistently on behalf palestinian civilians in■ and quite importantly, provide a path so that every single hostage instead of always trying to politicize andue what is being done by my senate republican colleagues with respect to a matter of important
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foreign policy, perhaps the extreme maga republicans should be leaning in to lifting up the peace plan that has significant stake holder support. it's also important to know that the■ç obstacle to peace right nw is the failure of hamas negotiators to agree to a peace arab partners in egypt andregiog qatar. reporter: mr. leader, i talked to congressman glenn thompson earlier, you talked about the progress of the fa across bipartisan support, there's been talk in the senate about me about democrats, what their priorities are when it ces mr. jeffries: g.k. thompson
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thinks the farm bill came out of the committee with large bipartisan support. that's an inaccurate statement, but in surprise. the farm bill that emerge fled ag committee was decisively opposed by the overwhelming majority of house democrats. because it highly partisan farm bill that would cut billion in food and nutritional assistance, largely and disproportionately impacting children and veterans. that partisan farm bill is dead no one believes with any degree of credibility that the farm bill that emerged out of the ag committee has a shot on the house floor or in the united states senate. it's time for house republicans to get serious about legislating
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beus these reckless legislative joyrides that we are now seeing with the national defense as the farm bill have ng enacted into law. why are we when we should be solving real problems for the american people and buildi what house derms are all about. unfortunately, many of my pu to unnecessary, political games. reporter: to follow up on that, is there something that would make it more appealing to you? or does there need to be more prioritization of programs for farmers? mr. jeffries: they're not going to allow food
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and nutritional assistance programs for the american people that are benefit children and veterans to go forward and we are not going■oos to devastate our ability to address the climate crisis with the fierce urgency ofhe extreme maga republican objective. why? because many of them have been sent to congress to of big oil.■ the only way that a farm bill is going to advance into law is for the four corners to sit down and have a bipartisan discussion, led by senator stabenow, in partnership withepresentative david thompson, in order -- david scott, in order to -- making sure you guys were [laughter] partnership with david
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order to arrive reporter: for the ndaa, do you have any plans to meet with republican leadership not coming days or weeks? and what would that meeting look like and what do you want towite aath respect to the national defense authorization act we are ready, willing and able to have a discussion about a bipartisan the needs of america's military and ours national security. it'simfor republicans to stop jamming their ideology down the throats of the american peleat have been attached to the national defense authorization act 192 republicans voted to restore
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a confederatelington national c. including representative d'esposito, representative molinaro, and representative what is the rationale?■ in a time where america is facing a dangerous world with alleng a across the globe,? to decide you want to restore ao arlington cemetery. republicans including
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reesentive d'esposito, representative molinaro and representative williams upholding. what confederate tra decisio up? slavery? rape?■ kidnap? jim crow? lynching? racial oppression? or allf e above? what exactly is the confederate tradition ex maga republicans in 2024 are the national defense authorization back the clock on progress that has been made in the united states of america? it's reporter: yesterday, former president trump returned, had his meetings with house republicans and senate republicans.
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you were there o january 6. you were huddled, as was all wee chamber at the time, in safety . what was it like for you personally to see somef that greet trump as a conquering hero on the w back? mr. jeffries: it was shameful and a complete embarrassment that my extreme maga republican colleagues decided to welcome the insurrectionist in chief back to a conquer heegne who lied about the 2020 presideial election and incited a violent mob to attack the capitol in order to halt the peaceful transfer of power. the republican:r■+ party n longr exists in its traditional form..
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and it's not focused on solving people. it is focused singularly on doing thv4 biddingld trump. and there is no bottom there is no low, there is no value that the extreme maga republicans aren't willing to abandon if in service of donald trump. that's unfortunate, but defend h they've taken over the last several months in va of november before the american people they feel fate of this country, theacy, the fate of
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reproductive freedom, the fate of social security, the fate of medicare, the fate of the affordable care act, are in the hands of the american people. ong those lines, speaker johnson is headed up to your citansuburbs very soon for a series of fundraisers for the moderate republicans, they call themselve any drag on those republicans with ties to speaker johnson? mr. jeffries: the drag on the moderate republicans in new york will be, the anger over extremism, reproductive freedom, donald trump and other right wing votes they continue to take here in washington to
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try to hide -- but try to hide from the american people and the electorate they are supposed to york. reporter: is speaker johnson a drag himself on them? mr. je new yorkers will have to decidet could come out any moment has to do with she chevron test and depending on what the supreme court ke sides there that could change h s has to be in what is regulated by regulatory bodies and what isn't. how big a■ change would that be? mr. jeffries: to the chevron dos undermined orúb eliminated it wl provide another example of the maga extremist movement, including on the united states supreme court, trying to jam their right-wing throats of then
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in an undemocratic fashion, as opposed to allowing the electedntatives of the people of this country in administration to enact public policy. we are witnessing significant judicial overreach, led right-wing extremists on the d e american people, that's onee reasons why democrats in election after election after election, since the fall of roe v. wade in 2022 are winning. winning. and overperforming as was the
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case in ohio. but the democratic party didn't even contest the race.cent specl election. and yet we saw a 26-point overperformance by a democratic candidate who spent $25,000 against a well-known republican steho spent over $700,000. and it was the most recent of many examples of what is likely to come in november. >> just a few moments left here. we'll leave this to go live to detroit for the people's convention hosted by turning point action, the -- with conservative lawmakers other conservative speakers, i


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