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tv   2024 Campaign Trail Focus on the Biden Campaign in Wisconsin Nevadas...  CSPAN  June 15, 2024 5:17pm-5:52pm EDT

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row seat to democracy. ♪ y=■iannouncer: on 2024 campaign look at the biden campaign in wisconsin and a new app used to reach younger voters, and from the nixon librarhi from independent
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presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr.. a stop in north carolina with vice president harris as she talked with voters about economic opportunities. inside from nevada, john walton on silver state. but first former president trump was on capitol hill meeting with thursday. senate republicans mr. pres.much, this was a great. there is tremendous unity in the republican party. ■ewe went to see borders, strong we do not want to see russian off the coast of florida, which is what they are right now. want to see success for our country, and we do not have success right now. we is killing everybody.
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we have levels of inflation that nobody has■ seen -- they say 42 years, 53 yea, probably we haven levels like this before, and we are going to and that -- endwe r jobs, common sense to government. we will have strong borders, and we will have people come into our country but they will come in legally. america, it is all over the world. we will not have them pour in for, which is wherehe from, lard large numbers or terroristsan t, so what is happening to our country is of great concern toth f people standing alongsidee, and i just wanted to say that we have great unity, weave great common sense. a lot of very smart people in this room a lot of people
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who love our country. ir family and their■c faith in certain instances, and that is very nice , but they want this country to be great again, and we will make it right again. so ia just want to thank the republican senate and also the house. we met as you know with the full republican house today, and we had a tremendous meeting them also, and there is gre univeryit different. there is one thing in common, we want to make america great again. we are a nation in decline. we are declining. it we a nation being laughed all over the world. we have a leader that is being le at all of the world, and we both turn it around fast. the polls are looking like they are very strongly fora lot of se
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not in play are very strsome we, but have to get elected. we have to take this beautiful place and it something very special again. right now it is not special. right now it is being scorned and being used an example. when they look at the crime oe s we have, they are using that as and they are getting away with murder, and we will not happen. you are all either elected or going to be elected again, and i am with everyone of you. ou always. thank you very much for inviting me, and we are going to have great success. important, but wellyou have north carolinan
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pennsylvaniathese are differentd days. you election day and paper ballots and voter .maybe somedak to that. youthis is an outstanding groupf people. they are with me 1000%. we agree on just about everything, and if there is not we work it out. i have had a really great relationship with just about everybody here of the senators, gets worked out, and we have one thing;7■ne>ountry great, so thank you all very much. ■"nt harris's visit to charlotte, north carolina where she talked to voters about the biden administration's effortsfamilie.
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>> you have traveled across the cotr students in particular where they are, and you have led the fight for reprodti rights. you have challenged and talked about ending thence,ó, and now you are on this economic store. why now? v.p.el very strongly that we ned to be in the communityinformatin about the work that we have done that willolks, because i am very aware that we can do all this good stuff in washington, d.c., but if it does not hit the matter, so i am on this tour to■ travel this
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country and describe what we have done with the full the leaders, the communitybr that are here will help us get the word out. i believe very strongly that the accomplishments of our administration such as creating 15 million new jobs, 800,000 new manufacturing jobs, a historic ■■l particularly for the black communityant. and that is not to the exclusion of alsoding we have extraordinary capacity and leaders in the community who hable ideas, who are entrepreneurial, who are amou have aspirations that are about making sure everyone is, but also the creation of wealth. create wealth is a good thing as far as i am concerned.
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>> what advice would you give this room full of the leaders right nthe young people who aree leaders of this mont rigv.p. haf advice that i have is a dream ■■th ambition, and never apologize for your ambition. it is a good thing to have ambition. this. i for breakfast. many timhear no. many people may be say it is not your time. nobody like you has done that before. oh, they are not ready for you. i love that one, that is going to be hard work. [laughter] really?
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>> next, califoia home of the nixon presidential libry where independent presidential jr. gave an address on foreign policy, which the los angeles reported including cutting the national defense budget by have. mr. kennedy: august 9 will mark the 50th of president nixon'salthough want s
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ements to some extent, there is one thing we will remember him for and rightly so in a very positive light. president nixon visited■ china e history of the cold war. a cynic gh say it was a strategic maneuver to drive a between china and the soviet union, and perhaps to some extent it was, but it was much more than that. because today we are facing bete world's most powerful power chid states. the reat of nucl8i■,ea war is greater than at any time since the cuban missile crisis. maybe there was something important today we can learn from president action -- nixon's approach more than 50 years ago. we remember richard nixon with
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admiration fort union. president nixon was a hard-line red hathe true foundation of our natural resources. eñ;ait is our national characte, our free constitution. these assets will us to excel in a multipolar age. ■ a cerprise depends not on making or running an efficient business of but on clinical influence. it becomes weak abroad, requiring constant government assistance. e economy only the most efficient and innovative companies can survive. become more and more like china as
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have captured a progress in the themselves and punish of the innovation class, the small businesses, to put them at disadvantage. we have to have confidence and who we are as a people. this is a noble experiment that we are a i in, and it is an experiment in self-governance, which means freedom, and we are supposed to be modeling these viruoes for everyone else in the world. they are going to work forthey e kind of country, the template for freedom■n that is not only going to enrich the world, but also inspiring, and that is our role i will pursue as president of the united states. >> given our country has sufferedñ10 million
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trespassers coming in, we have elections coming up, and they are in national, state, and local areas, and how do you feel about voter id? >> what i am going to do on day one when i getfice is i am going to order at the post issue passport cards■o every at afford them. right now theremillions of amert our team has consult w andrew young, with rev. al sharpton and other top civil rights leaders who have all agreed that if i issued this order and those -- id's become available to every american they will that will res
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tension because the democratic and republican party will both support ids in voting booth. we need americans to believe in the system. >> next milwaukee and madison, staff working to reelect s[first the wisconsin campaign direct o biden won by less than 1%20. >> that is why we are out working early. this is a campaign that began when we won in 2020. we have been running our year-round coalition programs. this is a program we have been for four years, and we are seeing the result of that. keep building onrk on what we have already built, but continue to grow with we have done so far so we can scale up before november. >> you manage a campaign in a ht
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of world territory. what is the footprint? >> the state is not just milwaukee orthat is what we buie campaign we have. across the state. our staff is over 100 people, eager than it ever has been before, but we are five months out. the majority are organizers. the marityvery day. they are in communities. campaign offices across the that is how we have been able to build a large infrastructure with over 6000 volunteers across the state. what does that work look like on the ground? >> the traditional stuff, knocking on doors, making phone
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calls, but we are■ aincorporatil organization, getting voters you do not find on doors orusing out pictures or memes. an a pilot program that focused onx8 le te latino voters, and voters on campuses, and to be so great success from the cool piece of t new volunteers we got and the volunteers wei think what we ars while we will still do traditional doorknocking and phone calls, our campaign has made over one million voter contacts. we are also finding people on social mediaey are on their computers, finding people on the ph and texting them and
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making sure people are reaching out to their family. our volunteers and supporters doing it themselves. >> tell us app. >> it is called to reach. eople signed up and download the app they are friend family, so if there is something big that happens wcae president, and all of that immem their phone weekly to their friends and we make sure it is a way we have an online community where we can talk to our supporters and give them talking points. >> how important is reaching out directly to vote a opposed to going through traditional media compared to previous campaigns? it is very important. il;emphasis from how important t is, at thezn doo ie world is changing.
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people on-campus it is not as easy to knock on doors. there are people that nally in the past we have been unable to talk to. now we are right about and that speaks to what i was saying about getting new volunteers. >> what issues are you seeing resonate withconsin voters this cycle? >> it is a lowering cost for working families, good paying jobs, healthare, ensuring we productive -- protect reproductive rights. we are gng to te sure they knowe administration is working their lives, and that is what you are voting against. you have to vitiate if joe biden or the chaos■g we saw during the trump presidency.
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making sure voters see the contrast and voters know and remember that it was like to have donald trump as president. confident when we reach tehe be willing to give joe biden their time. >> you are an experience campaign manager. how is itec>> it always. we are using new apps every cycle. we did not knock on doors in 2020. we had to be creative. at way. we were able to go back to a lot of what we were doing previously, but also adthe ne wo reaching a larger group of votersthat is why we have been building out such a large infrastructure said that we can do all the things. at that is our competitive advantage.
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what we have been able to build ov since 2020,infrastructure like that in wisconsin. they do not have ano reach out to people. e into this race, they have already heard from more on the biden c's efforts with the reach app from kelly connor. >> i have spent a lot of time on campus expending how important it is to get out and vote. voters, making sure they know the 024 election is something i spend most of my time doing. >> on younger voters means you have to take a bit of a different tack than what we have seen in previous cycles. you are not phone banking or doorknocking. how are you reaching them? ■>> it is an app called reach.
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and family members. having people come to the event, download app. share important stories about what democrats are doing. when you are talkingo voters pe, ask you a few queiowhat are thet issues facing the country, so you ask them your name, you get it and confirm that it is them and ask if you are supporting president biden and kamala harris in the upcoming election, tammy baldwin-8, and the next thing we ask is what the most important issue is we are facing in the country. ve rigs, lgbtq rights, climate change. those are the three biggest issues for young voters.
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once we know how they are■0 votg , if they vent biden or they are unsure, those of the voters we went to target. >> how has this app made it easier? are theseu typically would not have we have 13,000 in they arefopresident biden or the alternative, so it is important we reach out to these people to know who we need to target in the future. people who are disengaged with politicsnfthose of the people we want to target because every single vote counts in wisconsin. in the student the university of wisconsin, that is a big part of your job. anheg out to? >> we haveege.
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the vice chair and cha w today,. we just got that started more toward the fall when students get back frome really excited about that. have been reaching out to high school democrats as well. they havemazingly talented students who went to get involved, and a lot of them live in madison. i reached out to edwards college as well to get something started with their organization to piggyback ideas off of each other and make sure we are collaborating andetting out to vote as much as possible. >> biden's margin in this state was relatively slim in 2020. how critical is the youth vote in wisconsin for him? >>uge. if biden wins wisconsin, i think he has a good shot of winning in
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2024. a lot of people i talked to said they wil vote in the primary but they were about voting for biden in november at job as opposed to trump.dthey ad >>■d democratic senator jacky rosen is considered one of the more endangered in■#mb in this year's election. here to talk about the race is a long time nevada political ■%father of the nevada independent. we have a republican nominee. who is sam brown was supported y national republicans in this race. there were a couple friendly gu.
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one was his ambassador to iceland and another was a long time to ordet in the end sam brown won easilhe ht long. he came from texas. he has never run our race, and it shows the slim pickings the - have in nevada. they had to choose the guy who lost in the remarry for u.s. senate last. sam brown has been embraced by the republican establishment both here and in washington d.c., and he has plenty of resources to run against jacnd t these candidates? what issues are they focusing on? >> sam brown has run bor won a .
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either in texas oras gotten uttr on the campaign trail. not a dynamo like barack reagan, but he is very comfortable with himself and good it if selecting questions, nts had to do that a lot so far. jacky rosen is an accidental politician. of obscurity by harry reidshe agreed, she woo years later ran for the u.s. senate. senate and won as well. ■úshe works a lot like her colleagueerine cortez masto behind the scenes.
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she is not known as a dynamic personality, but she does care passionately about certain issues she has taken a higher profile on, especially the war in israel. she is jewish, the former head of the synagogue, so she is very up r>> are there already the race? >> there are, jacky rosen started putting ads up again sam brown when they realized of their dreams of a lesser candidate were not jacky rosen is going to use isss decision a lot in thisnevada ise atrecent compared to what happened in prior decades when about 2/3 of people identified
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as pro-choice. sam brown has had his position evolved since heirst ran when he was a very conservative on that issue, but now he is essentially adopting the people of nevada have spoken because neva referendum to present the pro-choice statute. jacky rosen already has sam brown's quotes from texas when he was very conservative. i am using the charitable word evolution occur. ■t>> give us an idea of the mony game in th race? will this be money from inside or across the country as we are seeing in a number of senate the world has changed a t
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in several races. jackie raisin has raised much more money then sam brown ever will, but the outside money from national republicans, c3 and c4 nonprofit groups that are actually parwill be tens of milf dollars spent in nevada, and we are a cheap date. there is las vegas and reno and nowhere else. you can get into rural nevada, that there will not be much of that. it is a critical race for both sides, and republicans consider this outside if the red state to be the number one target in technically it is simply state, because democrats have won the presidential race here since 2008, but it is a purple state. >> the top of the ticket race,
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how doe senate race in nevada? >> a lot of■- polling has shown donald trump androsen ahee democrats are generally running ahead of nevada in most states. jacky is concerned joe biden's numbers are not good here and joe biden goes so goes jacky rosen up to a point. if bidenns the 2.5 points, i doe will hurt her. whether he will help her is another question, but if trump were to win st by four or five points, jacky rosen will be , and almost every ad the
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joe biden than jacky rosen . >> thank you so much for your time and insight. >> the latest ads in about's u.s. senate race where jacky election with a significant but still early polling lead. ♪ i was excited to learnedave a d my daughters would have a baby brother. my so' the doctor said i am sorry. ultimately the baby would not survive. the best thing i could do for my family was to terminate the ncy, and even though i was terminating because of a fetal m brown push for in texas i had to leave.
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now i live in nevada and i cannot watch sam brown take away our rights here too. sam brown, you have no idea what i went through, and you have no right to tell a woman what to do with her body. >>■ i am jacky rosen, and i ape this messa. >> biden and democratss with drd crime. their reckless policies have led to skyrocketing prices and nevada having one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. >> as a veteran i will never compromise america's security. i will stop to get patient at the border. as a small business owner, i will lower prices and make trump's tax cuts permanent. >> a reminder, thisb>r
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