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tv   Campaign 2024 Vivek Ramaswamy Speak at Turning Point Action Conference  CSPAN  June 17, 2024 6:43pm-7:19pm EDT

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this country. [crowd chanting "u.s.a."] i love it. that is who we are, those stars and stripes on that flag. i'm sick and tired of celebrating7b country. obsessing over our diffe a damn thing unless we have thin that diversity. that is who we are. american and we are proud of it. we're going through a try crisis of self-confidence in this country. you got young people -- all lost. hungry for purpose. we're hungry to be part of something bigotter than ourselves. yet we cannot even answer what it means to be an american. i am proud to be a citizen of this country. i'm proud that mh nothing. and i have funned multibil company, ran for u.s. president at the age of 38 as the youngli run for that office. that is possible in this countra is great.
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america is good. s known to mankind. and i will not apologize for our nation. that is who we are. we're not some sorry third world banana republi court system to decide who becomes the president of the united states of america. becomes the president of the united states of america. that is who we are. that is who we have always to? we're runningsome run back to a country where you are free to speaker mine as long as i get to in return. where you get ahead with your own hard work and your commitment and your dedication that if you play and work hard you get to live a good life and enjoy the american where you don't have so choose between speaking your mindd on the dinner table. between the american dream and the first amendment to th enjoy both of those things at the same time. where we the people decide at the ballot box who gove not unconstitutionally infected prosecutors in forsaken
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plays like new york. that's who we are as americans. applause] and if we revivee this nation in decline anymore. we don't have to be at the end of ancient rome. i truly believe this. i'm not going to be -- i told a small group of students here earlie this. i'm not going to be the guy comes here and peddles fake optimism to you. wanted me to be that guy in the presidential debates last y the truth. i can tell you it's morning in america have eyes, you can see that. but it can be. i'm not going to tell you the aman dream is alive and well. it is not alive and well. it is alive and han on for life support. but it can be alive again. if we end the fed and grow the end the administrative state and unlock this country andd to get done. it can be alive and well again. that is going to take sacrifice.
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it is going to take fiit is not going to be the man you're goi tomorrow night, it's not just donald trump coming from on high to going to do his part, i promise you that. i promise you whatever it is this country. but if we're going to save this country it isselves. every one of us. every one of you doing your par 17776 -- in 1776. this isn't somebody else's job. this is your job, this year, in your country, to reclaim it. that's who we are. an i will look my two sons in the eye and tell them, an still the country where no matter who you are or from, or what your skin can color is or how long your last name is, that you will still get ahead in country with your own commitment and dedication without fear and that whatever your god-given potentiahe chance to achieve it in the united states of america. thatk you, guys. god bless you and your families bless our united states. do not stop fighting for this
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country. we will not stop until we get this job done. thank you, guys. [cheers and applause] they gave me here. i think there's time for questions. i sea a microphone. wet's hear from you. i love it. i will do whatever is requiredfor his country, i promise you that. come up here and tell sme something that's required. >> you are like the energizer for the where do we need to put you in the trump administration? vivek: guys that's like, here's my plan. let's winhis is required to win the election this year. and then to implement tha agenda i'm going to get it done. the things i laid out for you, i know in his heart president trump wants to get that all done. ifng in the two mass deportations, of this clint and
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the bureaucrats from washington i man. then we'll get on with the next 250 yearsu go. >> how can we get come to pennsylvania? vivek: consider accepted. and i've already come a few times. voter mobilization already, then after i drop right now you've got me, held my feet to the fire, come this is ast, i'll come to pennsylvania. this election will be won by margins we don't want to wake up november 6 and else could i have done today? ask yourself that question now. it. answer that not on november 6 but answer it today. the same thing. i'm see you in p-a. >> i have second, good to see you. i'mr from iowa you ran a fabulous campaign in iowa.
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god bless you.d i'm also a missionary in armenia. i noticeve spoken abarmenia, i was a witness to cleanse and the deatsecr churches in the world. it's the oldest christian nation. how are we as united states going behind persecuted christians in places like the south caucuses and the middle east? ho that? how can we stand for freedomtice for our country and allow the way they have been in places such armenia? vivek: thank you pastor. good to talk to you again. i'm glad you're raising this. i want toa way that clarifies the answer. i was the only presidential candidate because it's important. there's 120,000rmstd from their homeland. does that mean we should be going to war dy else's war for their border? we shouldn't do it in armenia either. but here's the dirty little secret. it is actually the u.s.
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taxpayer, all us, who is funding azerbaijan to actually it. that's the ugly underbelly of the whole twn taxpayer dollars are paying for it doesn't have a peep to say about actually the real human rights travestywe're responsible for funding. here's what i believe. it's controversial but isa anyway. the first and sole moral duty leaders is actually to the citizens of the uni america. and we stand with our allies by not people who are trampling over them and you have continue to talk about this issue as i will and i'ming to travel to armenia later this it -- i'll invite you, come with me. vivek: great to see you. >> what b important thing we young people can do for our country? you. how old are you? you said young vivek: give this young william a
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round of applause. that's a brave question. i'll tell you, right now, i fear in this country. spread faster than covid-19. covid maybe will spread this direction if you cough a fear spreads in all directions. here's my ask of in a room and you are the only person who do, i'm going to askay and say it. say it with a spine. and say it with conviction. but part of respecting your neighbor and youtell them what you actually believe. know, fear has been infectious but too in this country. it just requires more like you to step up and show it. pray, number one. number two, speak your mi don't apologize to anybody for it. that's what it mean tbs a youngic today. thank you. >> vivek, i want to say, longtime fan i'm 18 years old, here from grand rapids,
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michigan. seeing your passion, seeing your drive is so encouraging to a young person like me, i want to be on the stage like you encouragans, young and old, in this country, just like you. my question for you as a christian in the political landscape, in the political tian church of america which is so fortunate revitalizing can we get involved? what are good vivek: i think this is such and important question. i family, nation, and god. not a four le is the same way we apol our own nation as the united states of america, i think a lot of christians have been taught for who they are or what their faith actually is. th the question about armenia, the last guy who was standing you don't hear about the armia catastrophe is the victims in this case are actually christian.ed to stop apologizing for your beliefs. i'm hindu. you know this. believe in juan true god. i believe he puts us here for a os will say it is a lot harder to be any other faith --
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the hardest faith to be in the unit you're taught you're supposed tory apologize for your beliefs. that part of this is going to require some stack face even when it's not popular to say tell people why you believe in god. tell p in christ. teyo people why you live the life the way y actually do. embody that by example. here's what i seey young people, you sad you're 18 a lot of young people are quietly bigger.ocial media algorithms, they have been served other r wokeism. trend jend --. i. few chi-ism. go straight down the list climate religion in particular. why do you see people bending greta this unberg being some type of modern joan of figure? if you stop bloafing -- believ in a false idol instead. you mightieng. i ask you to express your too. >> hi, vivek. i'm a 24-year-old from michigan i'm running ownship trustee. i had the opportunity to ask you
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this question once whe in a hallway but your answer was you to share it with any young people running for office.he youngest person in my race. you were the you did you use your youthfulness to your advantage? vivek: i don't remember what we said in theay but i'll tell you what i believe off the bat right now is, founding fathers were people whz best days in life were still ahead ofefferson was 33 when he the declaration of independence. imagine thomaseffers starting an entire nation at the age of alexander hamilton was a decade younger still. think about the foreign didn't displace our interest -- didn't serve our of dollars of national debt your you have to take it on to say, you're goi bears the responsibility for getting us out of this. if our founding fathers could do it in 1776, it is just as true today that it will take somebody
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like you life are still ahead of you, to see a are still ahead of itself. and if you do, then will actually still be ahead of us. good luck. thank you for coming. [applause] >> good afternoon, michigan. good amp vivek. i want to sayd social media tiktok, youtubing everything you a wonderful job getting your message out to the youth, younger demographic. to the broader conservativeen to better grasp that younger demographic of the country? vivek: here's what i see. aipg lot of them are actually -- i done say this derisively i just think it's true. i of interfacing with people from the next generation. and we've got to realize is both sides of that have some in this country right now are lost. and purpose. at a moment when faith in god and belief in your country
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belief in yourselff in your family, have disappeared. andom an older generation of political leaders who look at those young people who screaming their beliefs, not because they actually believe them but becausehungering for actual direction, say they're not coming to a college campus unless the questions are prescreened. that gets us into a vicious negative cycle. my answer to my fellow republican leaders, i would the democrats the same thing too, buts for the our party. show supposed to. show up without fear. if you want to lead the cou country. young and old, black and white. will agree with you. that's what donald trump is doing now. he. and this convention here in detroit, the&nart of the country if you show up for the people, the people will america first includes all americans. if we embrace that messa think we have the opportunity to win this in a landslide. public school system, i'm about
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to enter my senior year.#z% of seeing the corruption of the administration and their willingness to bend over backwards for these leftist ideals. what can i do to help stand up when it feels like everyone in pow receiver me. vivek: i think a lot of people elected tort he trials of road. we have lost our sense of citizenship in this country.e allegiance to our own country anymore, not really. adopted last year. i think every high school senior should be able the same civics test that every him has to pass to become a voting citizen of this country and take oath of loyalty to the united states of america. in order to become a full citizen of the this country. if you're in public office, any leading this country you can't have conflictingan't have loyalty to your pocketbook while running this co0/ end trading individual stocks for the admatioan for 0 years after you've left you shonn be able to lobby the government. and i don't think wduel citizenship
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for people who are serving in public office either. i think what you'll see is if we see our public demonstrate greater loyalty to our own citizens, then pledging loyalty and allegiance nonce again. and i think those two things are going to work together so t comes first. send somebody who is a real outsid back to the white house this time around, and clean house this time.e bottom up, your generation, to step up and say you ys now as a young person i'm going to step up and do making the sacrifices needed to save our country. thanklast two, and then i think we're >> first time i saw you, you were going on your campaign been podcasts every day ever since. where can i build to go into politics in the future?ry about building your experience to go into lics. muscle of figuring out how you keed in any way, inside politics, out. this is the thing we fall into therap of sometimes. i've fallen into this trap. every one of you 2,000 of
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you in the audience right now, every one of you hasn god-given gifts. they're not the same as the person sitting next to as me, not the same as you. figure out what ave i been given that nobody else has. then figure out how you use those gifts to do what is right for this country and for yourself in the short time you ar that, you can drive your change through politic business, might be through university education. we're going to need tx ry. i'm going to count on you to get that job done. >> hi, w i'm metro detroit, a home girl. i work for one the big three with the u.a.w. i would like you this opportunity to explain to my union brothers and sisters immigration hurt ours industry, hurts our jobs,should turn to the republican party iemocrats as the u.a.w. tells us to. vivek: the real people we need to be picketing are the people in charge of the federal
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government that has given us theailing economy that leaves every union member holding the bag. here's my messages. not to the union leadership but to the union illegal mass migration is eroding o the rule of law thrown out the window. all jobs are being take bin people who crossed this than thoso worked hard and got it done the right way around.gree with the republican party -- will you agree with the republican party element? of course not. that's fine yowfl don't have to agree wih f what donald trump says or the republican partyrty standing for american citizens in this country. you as union fellow citizens. america first means putting the ti including union member first. that's my message to your brothers sisters. thank you for asking that. right there. got a question right there.8o >> one last question. >> hi, ohio, and i just want to thank you really appreciate everything you guysdo. is very simply, i help out in this election cycle?i'm volunteering for buddy
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marino's senate. i know he's a great guy. what else can i do to out? vivek: what's your vivek: the fact that you're service to this country. i'm traveling the state, i'll probably see you campaigning right with you. our home state. here's what i ask from everybody. money you're either running for office or you'll support someone who is. get out you don't have money, knock on doors, make phone calls. spread your message. speak authentically for who you are. don't speak on behalf of the republican party. speak on behalf of evan. i think we don't do that enough in our country today. the scripts that were handed from on high. just tell the people citizen of this country actually believe. tell the persone to agree with 100% of what i with 100% of what
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you say. dd who disagree with you. the thing you want to do in the next six months is don't j talk to the people in this room. don't just talk to friends and neighbors who agree with you. do what show up at the places where you're not supposed to show up. has the biden sign in the front yard. invite them t debate, open discussion at the dinner table. as a friend on the other side. convince them and bring them along. required. one less vote for the other side. one more vote for oure start actually talking to the people who we're supposed to just discover is that we didn't actually disagre place. that's how we're going to get this country back. that's how we're going to restore respect every one of our citizens regardless of age color, whether they voted democrat or republican in the last election psych. race, and i'll end with this is, are we or not? that november. if i asked that question 10 that's
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a silly question. of course we're one country. today w you've got people collecting one s of dues from another. people who buy coffee, people who die bye a different type. are we still actua as the united states of america or not? but in my still are. and i think this is our last chance to prove it in this country. and if every one of you starts speaking y the open again, you will realize that, you know what? and artificial division, a lot of that is kree baitd the designed to divide and conquer our j
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