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tv   Washington Journal 06182024  CSPAN  June 18, 2024 6:59am-10:09am EDT

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m, things us working people need. host: do you think there is enough revenue to be found in this corporations and wealthy americans to achieve the goal senator warren was talking about? caller: i surely do. the billionairesthe heritage
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foundation, now supportingr money and being biased, i think it is very unfair what is going on. thank god for bs the working-class, knows what we go through. humanitarian. he cares about us working-class. pennsylvania me -- this is vincent in maryland on airline for those who support cutting taxes. caller: i noticed you opened the show trashing trump already. all that is going on, the horrific situation in our country, no one can deny the fact that biden and the democrats do n why would you open up with trump? you put it at the foot of biden, explain what biden is : this is about the tax cuts that were put in place by the trump administration, which senator warren was talking about. what you think about this idaxes?
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caller: that is my exact with trump? trump has nothing to do withif trump was still taxes. host: from john in minnesota on those who would support raising taxes go ahead. caller:buffett said he there is something wrong with the tax billionaire can be paying less taxes than his secretary. alsoe in our state put a great bigapolis tribune saying please raise our -- a great big ad on the back page of the minneapolis tribunal saying please raise our taxes and as a result we have free lunches for every child who goes to school every day.
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we alsocome for those working in the nursing homes and we extended b to rural minnesota. it is not about raising taxes or not raising taxes. it is about doing what is good for the people. there is a lot of money in this country. there is no reason we cannot share. host: the wall street journal writing about how corporate taxes expected when it comes to campaign issues in 2024. they writeunlike other pieces of the 2017 the corporate rate does not expire. republicans are trying to give companies the long-term signal they can put profit and investment in the u.s. instead of other countries and get a tax return. the story adding that within the democratic raising the corporate taxes is one of the easiest choices because it so much money for other priorities and let's democrats dire taxes
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-- it pointed to a s the 2017 law yielded a modest income workers. democrats point to u.s. corporate tax revenue as a share of the economy being low internationally.that is misleading, because unlike elsewhere, the story adds , u.s. taxes are significant share on individual returns and not through the corporate tax. when it comes to taxation of corporations or those wealthier amer up if you support this idea of raising taxes (202) 748-8000. if you opposrt taxes (202) 748-8001. let's he penny in north carolina on our line thatspphello. caller:host: go ahead. caller: i think they need to be cutting taxes. poor people -- all the rich are
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getting a lot more help. it is wrong. host: idea of raising taxes on the rich versus cutting. caller: saying they need to cut taxes on the real wealthy people and they need to cut taxes on the poor people. hem on the rich people. host: let's hear from alexis in michigan on airline for those who support raising taxes. caller: i think the previous caller was coni agree with the new uaw president the new slogan for bi be "billionaire should not exist." $500 million is more than enough for have as part of their wealth, including all of their stock options and stock buybacks
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and all that stuff. $500 million, u e billionaire and that will last you and your descendants for generations.the point is billionaire should not exist. that money could be going towards improving this country ty of us who are the working class of this country. ifxile. that is why i am voting for joe bidemidion sayso reme xent good they produce. everyone should pay some percentage of the income tax. in a recent rally in detroit it was former presidentis views on what tax policy would look like should he get another term as president. here's a portion of his comments. >> we willx cuts permanent and cut taxes even more for working families [applause] taxes, the biggest tax cut into hisreagan, reagan had big tax cuts,
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the rates were cut down for 21%, including state and city and everything. companies were saving much more than 50. they were cut wayi would like to bring them down furthe more. they will let themthe biggest tax increase you ever had. the amazing thing is we cut the rates way down and we took in more money than we before. with a lower rate the incent great people were doing things, businesses were thriving.with a much lower rate we took in more revenue than ever before. it is an amazing number. 've announced ion tips for restaurant workers and hospitality workers and anyone else relying on tips. no more taxes on tips. no taxes on tips. [applause] on your when you get your receipt for a restaurant,
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you know who sent me one? kid rock. he sent me a receipt and he wrote on the receipt vote for trump an pay taxes. host: those were comments made in detroit. hill" sayingdent touted could come with a price tag of $250 billion according to a budget watchdog group. the committee for responsible federal budget said omitting tip income c lead to a decrease in $250 billion in federal revenue for alet's hear from those who support cuttin on the sectors of corporations and wealthy americans. this is jim in maryland. i just want towhatever you charge more taxes the prices go up and people pay taxes. it is a fallacy to think it only gets paid by corporations. look at the tax on everything. cigarettes go up. t what is in that bill.
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it is a 44 point 6% tax on capital gains. sell your house, they say gain of $100,000. there are things you do not look at. raising taxes does not do anng for medicaid and medicare. that is paid for out of your employee taxes. that is a fallacy also. when senator warren made the point support programs to help middink about that argument? caller: so you will raise taxes and then what, give them to other peop? that will never happen. the government will take that pend it. they will always get rich like they always do. whenovernment spends more money the economy never gets better. ag decreased trump did the same thing revenue went up. it does not matter how much it
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went up, it went up. when people have more money they spend more money. it is about time someone did something about waitresses not paying taxes otheir that is the lowest end of the people. wage. it is ridiculous. democrats have ner working class in america. host: jim in maryland let's hear from anne-marie in new york on a line for those who support raising taxes. caller:g[ay have chosen taxes versus cutting taxes. corporations need tax breaks they used to have them. there has been a cut back on benefits. employers can pick up the tab more as opposed to taxes, give them a tax break so they provide better health care benefits, time off benefits been slashed over
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the years. that is a place where you can help families and employees. host: do you see evidence of that happening? caller: nobody is thinkout bringing it back. there used to be a tax break for corporations to provide benefits for good benefits, there are still it is costing the employee now. back. says do not have thei think corporations still have a responsibility to the people who they hired to work for them. host: las vegas, this is david on:"se -- on our line those who support raising taxes for corporations anddavid in las vegas. one more time for david? let's hear from robert in texas. hello. caller: hello. how are you?
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i wish this segment of c-span would be replaced by book tv. ry narrow and do not reflect true analysis. you have a political debate coming up and we know the positions of each candidate. there is no need to investigate how they stand on what. host: since you're c you think of it? caller:d on taxes. hesdollars in taxes. buffett has never objected to ngcr taxes. elizabethhypocrite. she wrote a book called the two income trap. she has been up there 30 years. social security -- peotheir income. is that fair? ho we will hear from mitchell
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in new jersey. caller: i've to push back on some of the things i am heing.first of allmedicare and social security are completely paid for by the employee through their payroll reduction is just not true. if you look at medicare, most people are using hundreds of thousands of dollars morput into the system. what is happening is it is a creative destruction what they arthe real drivers of debt and deficit in this country are not the smaller programs that the republicans like to talk about. they are medicare, medicaid, and social securthose are the things that are causing us the most debt and those are the things that are going to be attacked if you across-the-board tax cut because somewhere it will have to make up that money.
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i remember during the obama administration they were talking about wealth disparity, which has only gotten worse in this country. there was a figure that the richest 450 people have more wealth than the bottom half of the country. if you can visualize -- imagine a high school auditorium filled with and 150 billion people with less wealth than thoseum. it is stunning. it is not that we want to penalize wealth, it is not that we want to penalize our corporations. we want them to be competitive. there comes a point of a lack of ou have to institute some kind of change to make things work. i would like to push back on one last thing. those whoay these tax cuts are driving the economy and making up all of the additional lost revenue by the increase in our economic output, that is not true. host: let's hear from break in pennsylvania.
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caller: good morning. a suggestion i have about c-span and you are getting many more suggestions in the last couple of weeks and i think that is an indication that listeners are frustrated with the drift of c- one suggestion i would have is there ought to be an opportunity -- the caller that just called in i think he is operative for some ere should be an opportunity for you to ask him would you talk to a caller like me who would want to talk to him , not on the show, off the show easy to say what i think is wrong and put it out there and not be challenged. either you should challen it or have another caller challenge at. host: the wayhis is people call in on the topics we suggest. there is between the audience members but now that you are there what did he say and how did you react? caller: he is smart but he is
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not telling the whole story. that is my point. i favorting because the current administration, who knows who was runningit is not hunter's dad. hunter's dad is not running the show. we are not electing those people because those people are not on the ballot. host: host: why do you support cutting? caller: i support cutting because the people who want to raise, what did they do with the additional revenue? ave they proven they will do? i am almost 76 years old. i went to vietnam, i went to stwhat is happening in our country is 1960's and early 1970's. people are spending additional taxes on stupid stuff. convincing kids maybe they should ce gender. telling me i am a racist because i that is the problem with raising taxes.
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if you want to raise taxes and do something important like increased defense spending or cut the government and let people have more back to them some other way, i am in favor of raising it. not when the people that want to raise it now host: thanks for giving us your thoughts. the money section of usa today. millionaires in the united states might be easier than something. millionaires and billionaires compad to any country, more than 5.4 americans are is close to 10,000 americans -- 788 in the united states currently are billionaires. they list of the concentrations of which states have the most. new york leading that followed by san francisco and silicon angeles, chicago, houston. austin, and washington d.c.
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the story adding the u.s. has more liqui?binvestable wealth than any other country $67 trillion available. the idea ofaxation, whether it be for those who make that kind of money, whether it be or well, the idea of raising taxes or cutting ta heard senator warren talking about. (202) 748-8000 if you support raising taxes. (202) 748-8001 if you supportg taxes. let's try david in las vegas on our rais line. hello. vegas hello? we will try one more time for david. we will go to peggy in florida. caller: good morning. i personally do not think raising taxes in this country will do anything to reduce theyou are going to do that is tomy husband and i are middle-class and when trump put the tax cuts in our taxes went
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down. the other thing people have to remember is 40% of the people in this country do not pay any tax at all. i think they should all have some skin in the game. host: do think that will happen with the debates ovejzthe tax cuts and their expiration -- do you think any significant changes will come? i don't. i do not think there is enough -- taxing the wealthy -- i do not think it would help and get us out of the problem we are in. the way to do that is reduce spending. host: the washington poscoming when it comes to corporate taxes. they highlight the corporate tax rate has a much bigger impact on businesses. that is senator mike crapo of idaho who is in line to chair the finance committee if icans win control of the upper chamber. he tol the washington post
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corporate taxes are paid by workersreand has a huge impact on everybody in the united states. the story also added that president biden and congressional democrats have signaled that there is a sharp contrast with republicans when it comes to taxes. president biden promising to raise taxes on the wealthiest individuals, allowing the trump tax to expire for people earning $400,000 and over, pushing for legislation with taxes on businesses t for new investments in child and elder care, affordable housing and trump tax law would add4.onal debt over the next decade. that is according to the congressional budget office. ron is next in new hampshire. good morning. caller: i would like to push back on some of the stuff i have heard sotrickle-down has never worked. for somebody to say that social security and stuff like that is the biggest driver of our
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it is our military. it is absolutely our military. that is where most of our money is going. we must raise taxes on the wealthy. by definition poor people cannot pay much for taxes. people, the wealthy people, the ultra-wealthylet's take the a pity of dirty . he paid $750 in millions of dollars. the one time he had to disclose what he made, what he paid in paid $750 in taxes. my son is a meat cutter at a local grocery store and he paid twice he does not make anywhere near, he make $100,000 a year. for someone to you give poor people money and they just spend it on silly things -- if you give a poor person $100, what drugs, alcohol, food or a place e are silly things.
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if you gave some li money, more than likely -- there might be a more than likely they will make some great life changes. they will put a down payment on a home, they will do things. you a poor man $100, what will they do?host: let's hear from mark in indiana. caller: morning. the reason i am is biden always says you have to pay your fairhare but he does not pay his fair share on all of the money he got from china and from ukraine and all these communist countries. when you look at the total taxes that are taken from the people, it is used on stupid stuff like electric vehicles and all of the car lots and nobody can drive. it ideas from the heads inngo
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think they know more than the common man who is working his tail off. if you look at the tips that are going to be taxed, what are do, body cavity searches on the waitresses? host: if that is the case you are making wide wealthy or on corporations specifically? caller: i say cut taxes on everybody. we need to get the money out of washington. into the states where there is more sense. people in the state level know exactly howey do not go over budget. the federal government borrowing. the only plan they have is to kill as many babies as and then we do not have any money in the social security program. host: some of you from our social media sites. this is brad saying lower taxes and less it is consumers who create jobs, not corporations. theymer
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demand requires it. then sandy argo -- then santiago from facebook saying cut them. democrats want to cutimmigrants want to attack small businesses to death. you can make your comments regarding corporations and wealthy americans. if you say taxes should be raised it is (202) 748-8000 you'd say they should be cut it is (202) 748-8001 if you want to text us you can do that at (202) 748-8002 -- at (202) 748-8003 socials at facebook and on x. armand in florida. caller: good morning. i am listening to a big smokescreen. of course taxes should be raised on the very richest of the people that gentleman said that donald trump only paid 50 that is not the biggest problem. that will bring in a lot of revenue. you know what, e-verify should
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be passed. none of us democrats or republicans are saying anything about e-verify but they are about all of the illegal immigrants. who is putting these people to work? parties, all of the corporations the corporations are paying any of their fair share. if they immigrants they would be paying in the employees would be paying. a lot of small businesar getting away without paying taxes for their illegal help and they're not paying into social secu medicare. that is where all the money is. at the bottom in the top that can be used for the people of thisd be the law of the land. host: a guest from the national federation of independentusin about the expiration of the trump era tax cuts and how it might impact those he represents. >> next year we are looking at a tax0?ncrease on over 30 million small-business business owners
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of those expire. when yous odds are you will be a small proprietor -- you will be a soleproprietor or llc. 're about this lower c corp rate, but over 90% of small businesses are passed through businesses. one thing that was putting in the tax cuts and jobs act to give parity for the small businesses was this 20% deduction. still 37% the c corp rate was 21%. if you are a sole proprietor just starting be paying a 37% tax rate and my competitors are paying 21%? that is not fair. congress created a thing called the 20% pass through deduction. 90% of small business owners can take advantage of it. rate down closer. the otherg the individual rates, five of the seven ratesthe top or a ghost to 39.6%.we are looking at a significant tax increase, over 30 millismall businesses.
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caller: we are asking you if this idea of raising taxes on corporations and wealthy is something they have to happen if that is the case, raising taxes on those sectors it is (202) 748-8000. several of you calling on this idea of cutting taxes on those sectors and if you think that is something you support, it is (2) 748-8001. let's hear from sam in newjersey. caller: goodyour format is fine. i heard some of the i have no problem with the format. the issue i have is people calling and saying some people do not pay taxes. everybody pay taxes. you may not pay income taxes you pay sales tax, you pay local taxe it may not be income tax but that is the way it is. i think corporations could and shouayld what you think is the benefit of raising taxes?
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caller: caller:se hopefully some of it would go to reducing the deficit or other expenses thae i had somebody call in and say only blame medicare d medicaid for taxes. defense is another large item. these are the highest items. corporations only want to hire contractors, they do not want to pay benefits. somebody made a point otaopholes for stock trading or buyback stocks ba. there benefited generated for america in that. host: cnbc reporting that the u.s. department of to close a major taxable which could raise $50 billion in the next yethe plan targets party bases shifting where single businesses offering through different legal
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entities trade original purchase price on assets to reduce future gains. according to the treasury these tax shelterswhat they. that was the irs commissioner telling reporters in a call friday, saying after a year of studying the bases shifting issue the agency announced their intention to issue proposed regulations and issued a ruling on r transactions involving bases without results for the parties. om the irs yesterday following a of taxing large corporations or wealthier americans. in south dakota, this is dan. hello. caller: my that in the democratic people's republic ofea there is essentially no taxes because the government is paid for by the state owned businesses. my tax seize and nationalize large what you
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think that would work in the united states? -- whyin work in the united states? caller: we have some of world. if we seize them and nationalize would generate a lot of revenue for the government. host:n in new york. you are nextood morning. trickle-down economics does not work. there's only one way to get money out of rich people is tax them. rich people do not give their money away. that is why they are rich. host: when you say trickle-wneconomics -- he is gone. continuewe will take calls. this is from in missouri. caller: i am for cutting taxes because history has proven that when taxes are the government brings in more revenue because businesses expand and hire more people and they pay more.
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another point i would like to make is like trump, people say he only paid $750 in taxes. a pt ofeople do not pay anything in taxes. if you make in addition to your house who can write that off. it is the same with companies. if companies expanmore in. i am for cutting taxes for the people. not understand the people who say good government needs more money and pe eot true. the government is huge. it needs downsizing. host: you thichanges to the tax code it comes to corporation whe sure they pay what people describe as their fair share of taxes? caller: i think we should all pay less taxes. there is tooovernment and not coming back to the people. i think people need more money and the government needs less. thank you. the lead editorial of the
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journal, take a look at this proposal from former president trump on the taxation of tips. they say democrats and many republicans view the taxa vehicle to serve their social and political goals. they target tax cuts as another avenue for spending. biden's green tax credits are a screaming example is cross party demand for trillion dollar tax credits in the name of children. his first term president drunks taxes everyone -- president trump's taxes lifted wages for everyone. cutting corporate tax rates to 21% from 35% in tove to largely territorial tax regimes and in the corporate inversion relocated of capital back to the united states. e at the wall street journal's website. let's hear from mike who joins us from massachusetts. go ahead. it is simple. if you make the most from this
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economic system you should pay the most for system. host: can you elaborate on that? : if you're making the most from it? i am for raising taxes on rich because they should pay their fair share. percentagewise, people who make under 30,000 -- people who make under $30,000 should not pay anything in taxes. host: what you make of the argument that if we raise more re people do not approve of? caller: i b is a different argument about congress and responsibility. host: x adding his thoughts iay oin t then he adds that it was for president ronald reagan screwing up the tax code. x--@cspanwj. bob in pennsylvania. good morning, america. wake up, it is later than you
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think. i do not agree with raisin you people are all discussing nobody says what they do pay. it is50,000 employees, do you know what their payroll taxes? i do not want to hear that number. workmen's comp., business tax business privilege tax. i owned a business for 23 years. it is insane. i was a single mom-and-pop and it is taxes. it is ridiculous. s way. jeff bezos, you number. all of these millionaires, the irs has their numbers. i do not want to hear the number they pay. host what is the benefit of cutting taxes do you think? caller: just like it did when donald trump did itelax a little bit and then they hire more and they do more. raise taxes now prices will
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go through the roof again. i dothey are not going to change their bottom line. they cannot. you know what they paid real estate taxesor some ofcampuses they own? it is insanity. host: this is larry in houston, texas. caller: thanks for taking my call. i'veple in my life. these rich people -- these corporations are making the most money they have beeer. this was during covid. then they got money from the federal government. taxes. host: specifically why? people at the bottom are paying more. donald trump pay $750 for one year. this is why he was g jail. for lying.
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ch people they have been making money and getting away. the top 1% run the country and run the government. you look at how much these people are -- $1 billion. host: go in virginia. -- hjoe in virgini-8kj&?)
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hing in many circumstances. we want our courts to be operating effectively and efficiently and doing jusce for all americans. i believe that you want that and i want that too.
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so i would ask that we can find some reasonable agreement. there has never been conduct that applies is a mandatory code of conduct that is enforceable with real outside mechanisms other than self enforcemetes of america. it is the only court in our federal justice system that does have a mandatory and enforceable code of conduct. ou have seen some of these real supreme court be allowed to happen. has been found that justice thomas took overgifts over the past couple of decades since he has been on the court. this is just not reasonable. it is something that all of us should be concerplease go back and look at the facts and hopefully we can find some agreement thatlljustices, not just those on the right but those on the left too, member of the court.
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i would ask that you please be open to the idea that all of our justices should be living to the highest ethical standards that we can possibly ask of them. that is what is required of the highest court in the land. host: senate republicans blocked an effort to put anll out. are there other ways to accomplish this? guest: the bill you are referring to is senator whitehouse's bill and it would create a mandatory and enforceable code of conduct. it would require the court to do that themselves so does not legislate what the code would be but requires the courts amount of time, which is one way to address this. bills out there that would do a similar thing. senator wrote a similar bill that would create an enforceable code of conduct for the supreme court. it is going to require congress acting for this to happen.
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there is no other way for us to be able to do this without thecourt agreeing toconduct. son this one and without the house being willing to entertain the fact that the court needs and enforceable code ofonduct it will not happen. host: is ther separation of powers issue if congress decides the judicial branch needs a code of ethics? >> i do not think so. then ministration of the court system is within congress's article three, congress powers clearly are sufficient to be able to regulate the administrationjustice inarticle three. article three only creates the supreme c that must exist but gives congress leave way in what that looks like including the number of justices who sit on the supreme court. host: it was 2023 where the urt put out its own code of conduct. how is that different then what
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se iemocrats want? guest:is not enforceable and also not mandatory. it is a watered-down version of a code of conduct that applies to all other judges in the federal judicial system, so they -- i call the conduct's which has a shouldu instead of must, so replaces other judges must recuse in case of there is a lot of should recuse or sho this in the code of conduct that applies to the supreme court, so it is a watered-down version of the code to apply and there is no mechanism to enforce it. i think that is the key provision that is missing. this is jake faleschini joining us for this conversation. let' carolina. caller: good morning. i blame a lot of what is going on in this cbeing tlots
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of rights. you corights, but those are worthless if you do not have judges willing to enforce your rights. the federalist society and george w. bush and donald trump with the help of the federalist acquiescence of the democratic last 25 years loading the bench w ideologues, judicial appointments, while democrats set by twiddling their thumbs and president obama gave up a supreme court pick. i'm sure there are procedural things he could have done get merrick garland on the do any of those things. now theem are pounding their chests about the ultraconservativsupreme court. well it did not have to be that way. the democratsave never been busy getting people on the bench. they do not do it. i believe they are feathers of
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the same bird working opposite sides. that is the way i view it at this point. and encourage -- i am a black become single issue voters and reparations be your one issue. otherwise, do not vote. host: i hear you. i really do. i am not going to recriminations on what happened with past you president biden fantastic on what he has done with our lower courts. the fos and attention his administration has given to the issue, the ty judges that he has put on our lower courts just two weeks ago he hit 201 federal he has now placed on our district and cithat one was also justice jackson on the united states supreme court and i have been reading her opinionshe
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few years and it has been incredible. that bench. so i would ask that you please look at the biden administration's record and everything they have been doing to make sure our lower courts are filled with justice minded judges-ol andopefully that will change your opinion a little. they have been moving fast. the types of judges the most diverse judiciary we have ever seen ever in history, more than 60% of president biden'sudges have been women, more than 60% people of color. 90 women of caller out of 200 that he has put on the bench. and many from diverse professional backgrounds as well. he has put more public defenders on the bench in the last 3.5 than all other past presidents combined. it is a remarkable transformation of the federal
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decide, is that the kind of bench you wuld you rather see a bench that is more like down in texas? host: how has that rate compared to the previous administration? guest: it is very similar. at this point in trump's tenure, he had put almost the same number of judg and that iared to past presidencies. jimmy carter put a few more total on the bench during his administration, but since then they kind of lagged k up to a pretty similar as jimmy carter. i want to say the biden administration nthey need to go all the way through the end of the year.this is like in baseball. you have to swing all the way through, so i want to see them do that because if they do not and they take their eye off the ball, if senator schumer takes his eye off the ball then they
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are not goup with trump's record, but i'm confident that they have the desire and ability to do it and that they will keep doing it this year and follow through. host: maryland, democrats line. caller: i am wondering if your guest sees the irony in justice excuse for flying the up d it is my wife. she did it. does. but he has all the temerity in the world to over. wade and basically remove the turight to half the population's bodily autonomy. i find that ironic. with respect to justice thomas we have his wife directly te house chief of staff, basically imploring him to encourage donald trump to continue, to keep going and keep in the midst of the january 6
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in so that is where we are. these people on the bench have no principal and they have no shame. and that is where we are. at this point, i am not sure what we could do other voteso if trump gets in we are basically assuring ourselves another generation of alito in thomases. guest: i did notice that irony that justice alito seems to think his wife should have think the rest of the female population of the bodies. and i agree with your prescription. host: from the public policy center, he asked about issue concerning the flags. i what you to hear what he had to think aboute. >> back in th this ugly neighborhood
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dispute, the washington post port there and determined this was a neighborhood dispute. mrs. alito said at the time that this was a sign of internationaldistress. no one back then thought this was for stop the steal. until two weeks ago, i cannot imagine that one person in 100 in this associate an upside down flag with ttohe s so justice alito did not address the point. it was irrelevant because whatever she meant by it has no obligation in this case. for recusal. that is what comes first is the general this narrow exception. host: recent program. what do you think of the rationale? guest: i position but i think it is a real stretch to think that two folks who are deeply
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the conservative legal movement and who are very much aware of what is happening naturally were not aware that this was very much a little statement. if it had just been one flag, that might be an argument that someone could buy, but to a second property on the alito's to have the appeal to heaven flag flying, which has religious fundamentalism undertones and also political right wing undertones, to put those two things together i think is reasonable for people to assume that there was a political statement being made. the dispute was not just a neighborhood dispute. nal politics, specifically about president trump. trump. this was national conversation about
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whether the insurrection was an insurrection or was not an insurrection but just clinical commentary. either took on a specific meeting at that time and the heaven flag also has a very specific political connotatione two things combined can lead many reasonable people to that alito is biased and not impartial. host: in caliline. caller: as far as alito and the flag is concerned guy's arguing is that alito should have better control over his wife. it is part of anon the part of the left to the supreme court because for a long time democrats have used the judiciary to enact laws that congress. anybody who has had ae in high school civics would know
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the purpose of the supreme court is to follow the constitution not to invent new rights that are in the means a perfect example will be roe v. wade. there is nowhere in the constitution that guarantees a woman an unconditional right to abort an unwanted child, never mind one that has reached viability that no longer depends on his mother for survival. n implied right the court argued, becausethere is no onguaranteed right to privacy in the constitution. our law enforcement agencies like the fbi would not be able access bank records or phone records to pursue criminals. so the purpose of the supreme courtollow the constitution, which is what this cour mad, because for so long they have b judiciary to enact laws they cannot get passed through congress. guest: i appreciate your position.
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i would ask you to try your best to see another side of thirt is delegitimizing itself and that folks are recognizing thaand tryi best to fix the problem at the moment. you said that just alito -- that the argument is that justice alito should have controlled his wife better. i would say that is far from the truth. no one is asking the justice to haveled his wife. what folks are asking4gs if thatre his wife truly feels the need to fly this flag and make a public state being biased and having a politicalaside so the american public can have confidence in the impartiality and fairness of our highest in the land. that is what we would ask that they do and i personally and many others feel like the court is trying to do constitutional to the best of its ability at times but in the past,
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i think the court was accused of being overly political and implementing policy goals from the left. i thnow that now it is the conservative supreme court justices who are doing policy from the right. er this that we can look back one past 25 years of this court certainlng rights protections. citizens united sending a flood of dark money into our election system despite congress having clearly acted and having said that should not be the that it is not protected by our constitution. so i would say there are many instanceow where it feels like it is actually the right wing judges who are doing policy through the constitution instead. host: this is catherine. catherine joint is from ohio democrats line. caller: good morning./8í is what
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is wrong with us that w accept supreme court justices that lie and and they do not do it once, not a little white lie. did you take the cookie from the is not that kind of live. you have been the recipient of gifts of over million, then there is a problem. how can justify judging me as a woman and my right if you won't en keep yourself in line ? we cannot have trust in anybody if the foundation is everything that you have said the american people is a lie.
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why have we accepted people that do this to us? it never happened before. host: thanks. guest:hank you for that point. there came out from my at ethics report who looks at the donations that we know of at this point that have been reported as being gifted to various justices on thcourt over the last 20 years or omas himself alone has more gifts than any other justice combined. it is antistic, an absurd fact. and that is as we know it. self reporting of gi did not work for justice thomas as he has had to correct the record s times and my organization has done a lot to these gifts as well. and this needs to be most
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americans, this looks like corruption. and it is a bedrock principle of our justice system that you cannot b impartial if you are receiving gifts from one of a party in litigation in a dispute. that happened here with justice thomas several times. not just parties in general disputes but also in ideological disputes that we know justice thomas was on vacation with right-wing ideologues that are spending mli of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars donating to right-wi for local infrastructure like ed whelan's organization that have a vested interest in the outcome of these from an ideological perspective. so we need something like the gift span that applies to all other federal employees in that does not allow
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them to take more than $50 in donations. why should that not apply also to members of the c is a bedrock principle of our justice system that our courtpaid out by either party in a litigation dispute? i agree with the caller. i think there is legislation that would fix this problem. we need to fix this problem. we need congress to act and investigate this to the full extent possibleir investigative arm to dig understand what has been going on and how far the corruption has gotten into our federal judicial system. host: more call from gigi in texas. caller: i believe the judges should not be appointed for life. they should serve a to 20 years and then get out because when you stay in power he began to believe in your own power and thomas has been a pr the --
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whene was involved with the sexual intimidation with anita hill, so he has been a problem from theeginning and he is -- now this is all but most of the judges are catholics and we all know that catholics -- putting their views into t and roe v. wade, we all know how catholics feel about abortion and theyng that. they are not using any of the laws they should be believe that they should really -- i to and cemenet th believe that they should be serving for life qbecause kavanaugh and the woman -- guest: thanknging up the terms act. i appreciate it.
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the note i would like to end on. there are a lot of ways wean fix these problems with the courts. there are a lot of solutions and congress has been out there dropping a fair number of bills we just have not seen much traction on it. i think the comments from texas on the rep line is a good example of know from polling that term limits is an issue the partisan side. and also judicial ethics cuts across the partisan divide. more than 80% of americans think the united state urt should have an enforceable code of conduct, a mandatory and enforceable code of conduct. between 70% and 80% of americans think justices and judges should have te so the terms act is out there now, which woterm fupor a retirement where they could hear some cases but not all and each president would be able to elect or appoint a certain number of justices over the time that they
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e president consistency so it cannot be gamed bipartndretirement and that sort of thing. we need that sort rational fix to what has become a so i appreciate the caller's comments and i hope that is the kind of unifying action we can take across the partisan divide to make sure we are crea system that we are all proud of. host: ajf.o -- is the website for the alliance for justice. we will finish the program out with open forum. it is (202) 748-8000 for republicans. (202) 748-80 for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independent. we will take those calls when washinc) listen to be=
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download as a app or wherever you get your podcasts. c-span your unfiltered view of politics. >> c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress like no other. , we have been your primary source for capitol hill, providing unfiltered coverage of government, taking to -- taking you to where policy is debated. c-span, 45 years and counting, powered by cable. >> continues "washington journal". ho(202) 748-8001 for republicans. r@ for democrats. (202) 748-8002 for independents. the associated press reporting that president bidenking to offer relief to hundreds of thousands of legal status in the u.s., aiming
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to balance the cracked on the southern border. den administration will allow certain u.s. citizens without legal status u.s. citizens without legal status to apply for citiz something to watch out for today as that takes place in washington. if you want to findore about these events, stay close to our information on what is being programmed on our you can follow along on c-span now. :00 th permavestigyou can see that on various platforms on c-span. this is brian in new york republican line. >> i wanted to say that fell on how does he feel about affirmative action judges like jackson? in other wordshost: you're on. caller: do you remember sried to question
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brown justice brown, and s did not know the simple answer. what is a woman? did you forget that alreadhow many affirmative action judges are sitting on the courts now? host: kevin in manassas virginia, democrats line. kevin in manassas, virginia hello? caller: i have about trump and basically the republicans. know, with all the complaining that he does and that republicans do, when is he going to be found innocent of anything that he has done? i don't know how one man can have 84 i think they dropped six of them how can one man have that many charges always innocent of been brought against that. he comes up with this term witch hunt.
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as far as american folklore, what did they do when we have a witch hunt? don't they hunt the witch? they find the witch and tthat is what they are doing. so he is 0-3 right nowcases. he has other people in his administration people that quit under his administration because they could not deal with him. trials, fake electors and all of this stuff. with all this trouble, when is he going to behost:e biden reelection campaign put out at the criminal convictions of the former president. see donald trump for who he is, nvicted of 34 felonies, found liable for sexual assault him fraud. meanwhile, joe lowering health care costs and making corporations pay their fair share. this election is between a
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convicted criminal who at a president who is fighting for your family. >> i'm joe biden and i approve this message. host: don is in pennsylvania independent line. ann fbi agent just under oath in real. how years to your people in america? you knew it was true. whoever watches you should be embarrassed. host: bob is next in utah democrats line. caller: i tried to call in. republicans say trump is the best president we have ever had. c-span has'5 a survey out that they did in 1920 right after
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trump and he is rated 31. in my lifetime, there has six presidents in the toprepublicans want to vote for a guy that number categories of the survey of presidents. anyway, he is number 41. he is the best? that is kind of far out. host: time, we ask historians to complete surveys taking a look at presidents in various categories. if you are interested in seeing that -- the ventral result of the su website at from in north carolina. that is the latest survey, done in 2021. in north carolina, we will hear from martin.
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caller: i dialedependent line, but in essence i am a licrat because i'm neither a republican or democrat and surely not an independent based on how they are i have been in the military seen a reality show take place of a political era. it seems everyone is in an reality. there is no semblance of what is reasonable. kids not to lie and we have people lying on tv come back and say it is not true. iissue about truth and what is really right. as a black american, we have lived through this for many years. what we thought was truth and right turned out not to be. the civil rights act said we could do certain not to have the full benefit we need to get back to reality
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and not into this alternate reality. host: jim is fro democrats line. caller:owthat smarmy liar from the heritage foundation the heritage project 2025 is such a danger. trump is out to destroy this country. it is ridiculous. it is crazy. that is all i have to say. it is dangerous. i hope people realizthat. host: the surgeon general of the united states has an opinion piece in the new yorksocial media platforms need a argument. a warning label would not make social media safer young people. mental to make social
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media safer for k such measures which alravpriority. should shield young people from exposure to content that too often appears -- appears in algorithm driven feeds. the measures should prevent platforms fr collecting sensitive data from children of features like infinite scroll that prey on developing brai more there if you want to read it from the u.s. surgeon general. galen in california, indepen with so many lawyers running the country, please he slain to the difference in two different documents. one is ah at the other is a birth certificate. i have a birth certificate. my half-brother has a certificate of birth. ease explain the difference. host: how would you extenok.
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let's hear from ted in california. caller: i am 64 years old -- 65 years old and i have been a republican my our f switchover to independent or democrat. will not be voting for trump. premier league the reason country, the movement of make america great again, we were on board with the concepts of moving back to a more honest, - less progressive environment, but what trump has done is taken our country to a different place. ot man who you cannotr your children. the things he says, the friction he creates, the animosity he has goher people, this is the opposite of what our country needs. i am perplexed by the number of friends who were tricked by this individual, but i can tell you this for sure.
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in nevada and california, where my family is at, we will no ngere supporting an individual who has such low morals, who has used the church in such a way. this man has not had a bible in his whole life. the graph he's -- graph he is putting on this country is deplorable. in my mind most of the people that i know that grewpporting the republican party will no party based on what trump has done to it. ican party i have known. have never been able local activist, but i will tell you everyone in my family, my children down to my granthat we know will be working as hard as we can to make sure that trump never sees the light of day in our country again. >>caller: the heritage foundation
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i watched since i have been i have watched c-span religiously every morning. evy morning.but you have th often and project 2025, they have proposed changing the apartment of health and human services to the apartment of life. not one c-span host has asked the heritage foundation guests about that. don't you think if is endorsing that, shouldn't we at least know what that entails? whatsked. you are giving softball questions and we would like to know, what is that? host: we asked several questions about thect and about criticisms of the project. time and spa only permits a certain amount of questions, but one of the reasons we invite them on is take a look at it and at the information if you wish on their
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website. thank you for watching. this is david in caller: i hear so many low battery alarms on the smoke detectors. please replace them. it can save your life. then just a couple days ago i was watching c-span th passednear $9 billion. if you go 2020 --ed for inflation is about $380 billion. does everyone out there feel 300% us spending that much money? it would cost about 30 million dollars -- $30 billion to end homelessness in america. but we are choosing to spend to funnel money through defense companies. and joe biden is now putting
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tariffs on electrical and they want us to switch to electronic things. so we are going to have 25% higher costs on vehicles in some cold war with cqohi u.s. is complete the crushing. china seems to be trying to help people in africa and the u.s. goes in and takes over and i'm wondering if we are what are we getting out of it as u.s. citizens? host: that is david when it comes campaign 2024 eve0.ou hearing comm cco 7:00 on c-span and william is next in new york democrat line. caller: i am thinking about theit reminds me of the parable of the good samaritan. we have the senate and congress and the executive. who is going to help the wounded
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nation? just food for th host: florida, republican line. caller: watching, not c-span but a different station it was the kj t was asked a question about biden's age and asked about like the g7ents they had in los angeles and her answer to why joe biden looked so old was because it was a deepfake or a cheap fake but one of the two. when is the media going to start being to people? t everyone sees joe biden. you have to start asking questions. is the pushback going to start? the pushback that the news media
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gives democrats is nothing. and they are so harsh on publicans. look at your last guest. they wanted to have supreme court judges recuse themselves r sis, his wife put upis person gets gifts. what about the other judge and the other cases? there's so much corruption going on. why is one person wrong and any other person is not wrong they are doing the same thing? host: stan in florida. one of the things that happened at the supreme court recently was the reversal of the ban on so-called bump stocks. it washe topic of discussion from the senate majority leader, expecting to take a he talked about it from the senate floor yesterday. >> the ruling is another warning that this court is going off the deep end, aligning itselfe and more with the most extreme elements of the hard right.
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struck down freedom of choice, environmental protections, affirmative action, gun safety, and more. the supreme court is now even further to thewho is hard right himself. the senate will fix in to try to -- step into try to fix the chaos. deeek passage of a federal ban on bump stocks. i urge my republican colleagues not to block senator heinrich when he comes to the floor. he is the author of the bille charge to get it passed quickly. passing a bill the work of five minutes. most americans support this step. poll after poll show a majority of people, including independence, support restrictionsrifles, which is what bump stocks are designed to emulate. safety provo that preventing otheed vegas is just common sense and a good thing?
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banning bump stocks would go a long way to making it harder for murderers to carry out large shootings, so s. host: here is david, joining us : joe biden stole my social security cost-of-living increase in january along with the other elderly people on social security. the true inflation rate was 7.5% on january 1. we got 3.1%. three weeks ago, they said it looks the inflation rate so american seniors should be happy withood and energy is still seven point 1%. this man is telling me i am going to take less then what even their convoluted figures show. this is the same man that just for gave another $16 billion worth of college able-bodied millenials who will
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not go out and get a job and make their payments on their college student loans. biden and=i obama made the federal debt program nationalized it. there has not been any banks involved with initialing college student loans but now seniors are getting squeezed with the costs every ing. inflation with energy and food is 7.1%. i do not care if you are republican or democrat conservative or liberal, straight gotsbian, or whatever, you need to eat. this man, if it is not true dementia it is his advisors telling him stuff that even he believes is wrong. host: coming up next, in iowa independence line. caller: i'm calling because i think the economy is going if it is because of biden like that man that was just talking. al i'm 18 years old, just graduating high school.
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i am wor a full-time job plus overtime and i do not make enough to support my own living in a one-bedroom apartment and i feel that is an issue. why that is a thing becauseareer i had a friend in high school and she paying -- making enough rent to live on herze own. i don't understand why it is going up so much to theat i'm not allowed to live on my own. host: tha kelly in iowa. i couple international stories. the president meetingh the nato leader at the white house yesterday. you can see that on our network. one of the stories that came o are and hitting military spending targets saying the president and nato secretary announced a record number of a meeting military spending commitments as the leaders soughtbust and unwavering response to russia's with ukraine, possible in part because it -- the number of allies meeting their informal commitments on militaries has soared. allies made the pledge mac 2014.
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only three members match that maabout five years ago, roughly tended. year, more than 20 of the 32 members well. allies increase military spending by bll street journal reportingucks going into gaza and limited ability to get where they want to go. saying, officials from the united nations people are looting trucks when they reach gaza quit making itoyees. the story also adding an official with the world foodprogram cited looting entering southern gaza fell after israel went into rafah. by mid june, just 460 age trucks entered gaza according to the tony from the bronx, democrats line. caller:every post and how
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much of a liar donald trump is, let's look at what happened in michigan. look at michigan,claimed a black church had a thousand people there. when we saw the tape, it is mostly white people in that church and there were only eight black people in that church. churchnd all kind of crime he committed. you can see donald trump allying himself with criminals in thex, where i live near the park. there was more people outside otin the park. the people in the park was a bunch of white people that around wherever he goes. they are not he brought up two guys on stage that have 100 something charges against them. in jersey, h a known sexual abuse are stage, so you
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can see who he is andho he is aligning himself with. i want to know people around hi convicted of sexually assaulting a woman. the people he brings up on stage els, all kinds of criminals who bring up on stage. host: let's hear from john in washington. caller: i watch you guys on your whenever anybody calls in that you do not like goes to the right really fast and you want to hang up on them. really fast. not sure whether you are being sidelined. i see you just cut me off maybe. host: you are still on. i try to time people accordingly. caller: let them put their opinhave, you de i hire you are, you hit that button because you do noay laugh all you want, but you
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know it's true. host: i'vhis 21 years so i think i know what i have to do. democrats line next. caller: the last three republican calls are totally first of all, since i've been ng republicans talking than democrats. is an idiot. secondlycomplaining about social security, his team wants to take social security away. they want to take medicare away. but he's complaining that he didn't get enough out of it, and the guy before that talking about biden's dementia. what they do, fox news doesall the time they take a little clip of time and they play it over and or ads proof. now, you've taken a picture of a of people, you can take about eight of them, their eyes closed or something. but with trump, you can watch an entire five-minute segment about him talking about electric and sharks and i had i don't have stuff like that, you don't
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have to take a momentover and over and over again. you can watc him being an idiot. all these republicansrouble because they know they can't win on a vote. host:t's james there in pennsylvania. by the way, one of the things that right after you're interested in the topic of social security and those things, coming up, a hearing with federal and state security disability insurance benefits. test the challenges of having american citizens with those benefits be alive yaited from overat the same times. that will be held in the sjust after this program. we'll continue on until it starts i few minutes from now so you can continue calling on this open forum. 202-748-8001 for republicans. 202-748-8000 independents, 202-748-8002. greg is next in pittsburgh, independent line, hi. hello. i'm calling with, first of all the supreme court. i have written letters regarding the question of integrity or ethics not about a particular
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case before the court. does anyone read letters written citizens, it's worthwhile to has c-span ever reviewed or talke whiskey rebellion, a distilled history of american crisis. it's a book that reminds me of what's going on in this country from the first real rebellion that took place just revolution. thank you. host: those last two callers, out a specific book you're thinking of, i would direct you to our book tv unit at c-span. you can see the site off website if you're interested in the historical event, i would also point to you the american part of our programming. folks there working on these issues all the time, look at books and historical events. so those are the venues i would invite you to check out. let's go to john in connecticut democrats line. there. first want to say you're very fair with all yers, whether they're republicans or democrats or independents.
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to the democrats watching on capitol hill, you need to make the hadley that kentucky governor about the 12-year-old lady assaulted by her stepfather and add in the war against women and howinst i.v.f. last week. here's what we need a book called white poverty much there's million poor and white americans. after reconstruction, this is historical black and white menether in confusion coalitions. they weren't concerned about the color of skin. they voted economics. pass a civil rights act ofhich dr. king said was a stronger act than the one signed by president lyndon b. johnson. what's my point? if you're poor white or poor black, we're all the same people. color doesn't matter. after reconstruction, they came together, blacks and whites. they put people public education those type of things. you need to pocketbook. host: john there let's hear from benny in ohiot caller: yes,
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i was calling in, and i think that people aren't taking int consideration that i lived through four years of donald trump.thing goes ok, i'll manage to live through four years of this administration. i'm 10 times worse i was four years ago. say. host: that finishes off the round of open pour up calls. thanks to those of who you called in. again, make comments on the lines on our social media sites as well. that's it for our programanother edition of "washington journal" comes your way tomorrow at 7:00. remember, just a f now, that senate hearing taking a look at social disability benefits. we'll keep on that and that hearing is setioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024]
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>> good morning. we're waiting for the start of a senate com hearing disability disability benefits and updating that system. should get underway in just a moment here. live coverage on c-span.
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