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  Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Donald Trump Holds Rally in Racine WI  CSPAN  June 18, 2024 10:32pm-11:59pm EDT

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you think thisjé center? it is more than that. from low income fa get the tools they need to be ready for anything.cast sse other telev giving you a front row seat to democracy. campaign rally in wisconcritical provide a pathway to citizenship undocumented spouses of u.s. ze negativeies. wisconsin posts the convention in milwaukee.
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>> thank you very much. you know, i love milwaukee.milwaukee, i have to tell you. i was the one that picked you. these people say oh, he doesn't like milwaukee. i ve milwaukee. we got to fix the crime, we know that. but i'm the one who picked milwaukee and the democrats, or the radical left, lunatics, i call them, wha they lie, lie, lie. they have a candidate who has no clue. doesn' where he is. all they can do is lie.ked milwaukee officially, so. i think you had about 10 congressmen in a meeting we had recently where i said how i just want to begin by saying hello, wisconsin, hello. we've had great success here. it's great to be back in thisau hard-working american patriots. what a crowd. what a crowd. with your help, five months from no democrat senator, one of the worst in the senate. nobody even knows she is a senator, i m not doing a good job representing. we have somebody that's going to
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be great, so. were going to defeat your senator tammy baldwin. we are going to elect eric of this area. he and his wife are incredible people. representatives of your state. but we are going to elect him from the senate. we are going to evict weakly, we are going to make america great again.
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less then four years ago, our border was secure, inflation was the world was at peace, and america was strong and respected. we were respected all over thethat is happening out with russia, ukraine, and the attack on israel. and we wouldn't have had thing called inflation. that would've been nice, too. but it was a different place four years ago. now we are going to make it betteriggeand st but you had a president who put america first. i put america first. they put amebiden, the world is in flames. our border is overrun. inflation is raging. europe is in total chaos. the middle east lved and china is on the march. the worst, most incompetent, most corrupt president in history is going to drag us into worl quite a good job, don't you think? joe biden is humiliating our country on the world stage. happened this weekend, he's turning the united states into a total joke all over the world. first he wandered off the g7 in europe stage. he looked like he didn't know where the hell he was, but he didn't know where he was. he is blaming it now on ai. he doesn't know what ai is, but that's ok. he is saying the media isla have to stick up for that media, i have to tell you. he said the media is manipulating the pictures of him constantly n hell he is. they are doing twuhe opposm look better. at the g7 he had to be rescued
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by other world leaders. then he bizarrely put his head on the pope's bar -- what wasu see the pope? the pope didn't really know what was happening, and he said this is strange then he froze during the celebration on the white house wn grab his hand and lead him off the stage like he were a child.a could've handled thadifferent. he could've done it a little bit softer. he could'vee it like, let's go, let's go. he didn't have to grab him andll him off the stage. but he looked good.mary purpose, he wanted to look good. he could've done a better job. the biden people were very upset about that. yet to be discussed, but c insisting he is sharper than ever. they say the videos of crooked
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joe shuffling around are a clean fake. you know what a clean fake is? they say they are deceptively mistake. i don't say clean fake, although in the fake news -- look how many you have out there. they are all over the place. [boos] but with me, they take a goodmake it look as bad as possible. with him, they take the worst speech you've ever heard and they try to make it lookzree.hi era,
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park and di the house for five minutes, the kid is gone. it's horrible what is going on. we are not living the prop life. this is not appropriate, what's happening.y run.
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and by the way, kenosha, i saved kenosha, do you know this? dn't move. he just wouldn't move. the governor is supposed to do it, the mayor and the governor. but we did a great job, and we saved a lot of different places, and some here. we saved a lot of places. the bidens amnesty is also a cold-blooded betrayal of american seniors. by the way, did you see nancy pelosi? her daughter did a documentary
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crazy nancy. they found a documentary, her daughter, who is a, quote, documentary maker, has amentary where nancy pelosi is saying it is my fault, not her fault, that she takes full responsibility as the event was happening. she was being hone i offered them 10,000 soldiers because i knew the crowd was going to be big. but i offered them 10,000yor of washington dc which we are going to redevelop and make beautiful again because right now it is a crime-ridden capital, but they six committee like all the unselect committees, they are the most unselect -- we should have people like you on the committee. and our congressman, right? but the unselect committee of evidence was so bad and so compelling against the democrats andthe evidence was so bad and so compelling against the democrats and against the people that are supposed to be doing that job, that they destroyed and deleted everything -- everything is deleted. remember they said i attacked secret service agents while i was in the back of a car? i have friends that say don't chan these guys, one is a weightlifter and one is a karate top guy or somethi i went for the one
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my hands wrapped around theve been in trouble if i did that, i think. but what happened is, whence went in, they totally told the proper story, which was nothing happen. absolutely nothing hap that the pelosi thing is something that now is totally on the record, and they deleted and destroyed all of t people. remember i said peacefully and peacefully, they didn't have they took phrases out, like peacefully and patriotically. these are very you know i say we have problems from the outside and problems from within. and i really believe that, i had no problem with china, i had no problem with russia. i stopped russia. russia would never have gone into ukraine.ped their pipeline going into germany, which biden immediately approved, the first week he was there he it. putin actually said, they say that you and i are friends, i'd hate to have you as an enemy. it was stopped.
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oved it. but he killed our pipeline. the keystone xl, 48,000 jobs. he stopped our pipeline. biden and his party are hell-bent on legalizing every single bidenall of these people going onto social security, medicare, obamacare, whatever you want to call it. it'going to destroy all of them. it's not sustainable. they are going to ruin your social security. this guy is killing your social security. biden and the democrats are wheeling granny off the cliff toegal aliens. they are giving the benefits to illegals. a stat that came out the other day is that almost all of that jobs in our country are rolling to illegals. spanic population, is voting for me at levels that nobody has ever seen before. because theyot getting the jobs. in fact, they are losing their jobs.
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as president, i will fight for american seniors like nobody has ever fought before we will not be fighting for the biden illegals, as i call them. d%yl fight for american workers, not the human traffickers. i will far for the american dreamers, not the childtore the sovereign borders of the united states of america, so help me god. you know, they actually have the best location. people think it is them, but it' because nobody sees you on camera. they are on camera for an hour in numerous cases, perhaps they become hollywood stars.
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they will say, who is that person with great star appeal t? you never kn you never know. what is a star, after all? i will also take immediate action to save our economy. our economy is doing terribly. inflation has killed our economy. it is a nation buster. on my last day in office inflation was less than 1.4% and as you know, it is now 10 -- if you take a look at our inflation, our real inflation, they said it was 10 the last couple of years cumulatively. you take a look at inflationes, i think our inflation is between 40% and 50%, they say 22% -- that is a lot, record-setting but i think you could do let them at the cost of interest and the cost of trying to buy a house, nobody can buy a house anymore, the american dream
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interest rate through the roof. during my term we had gasoline down to $1.87 a gallon.e 30 year mortgage rate was 2.7%. now it is 10%, 11%, 12% -- you can't get the mo doesn't make any difference. they can tell you what the rate is but they can't get the money. joe biden inherited the fastest and strongest economic recovery greatest economic recovery in history, it's called bounce backset. we have the greatest economy ever in the history of the world. covid came in and we did an unbelievable job and by the time we ended, we gave him thest bounce back anybody has o shreds and that's where we are right now, bidens inflation, price hikes gytruction the average american family, an astonishing 28,000 dollars -- think of that, $28,000 -- on day
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one of my new administration well throw out bidenomincs and replace it wit [applause] it was just announced, you?2 probably heard, walking up -- ie was just announced the budget deficit is now expected to be almost $2 trillion in 2024, think of it, ll that might not be so good, i take over, they will say i have a $2 trillion deficit and i say i didn't do a get it. $400 billion more than estimated a few months ago because he' throwing money out the window on the green scam and other things. this student loan program which is not even legal, is not even legal. in the students aren't buying it, his polls are do numbers nobody has ever seen. [applause] remember with trump, no tax on tips.
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[applause] so for all you people -- a couple of people that get tips right, tips? no tax on tips. you work, work, work, they come out and harass you, they really, a lot of people have told me that. he has passed new regulationsle that earn tips really for a living, for the most part they live on tips. i will stop biden's wastef spending and rapidly terminate the green new scam which is a scam, we are spending money like drunken sailors, you know the expression drunken sailors, they i will end the biden inflation ghtm repeal crooked joe biden's insane electric vehicle mandate and we drill, baby, drill. [applause]wínóngngngmet onar
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we are now -- we called ourselves because i am conservative, what difference -- i'm the party of common sense, we are the party of co sense.
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it's not a conservative thing is not a liberal thing or a democrat or republican thing. after years of crooked joe building foreign nations, under my leadership we will once again build up our nation if that's ok, let's build up our nation, i think it's time. looks like a good shoulder there. i will revoke china's most favored natis, they are favorite, i said why do we have that, we are a deve you got nothing but cash, youlling us, we paid themilt their military because of stupid people. one thing, and you don't even think about it, i read it tworought up china and the tremendous threat china is and the amount of money china takes out of our country every year, you never heard that until i ca. it's one thing to talk about it but i did talk about it but i was doing -- we took outllions of dollars out of china. not one president took out $.10. biden wants to revoke the
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tariffs but he can't becaus't do it. i also will pass the trump reciprocal trade act, that's if er country mix p or tax, we will make them pay a re t we don't do that, we have countries -- not only china but many countries -- tremendous taxes and tif a we don't charge them anything. i was changing that and got a lot of it changed with sou korea, japan, made a new deal with japan, japan -- prime minister abe was great, he was assassinated, he was a great friend of mine, a great he loved his country. i went to him and i said the united states is the most unfair thing i think i've ever seen. they sell cars to us and we cannot sell cars to them, they sell food, we cannot sell food to them and it's that way with the european uni-- i love that guy he was gonna run again, he was well and was going to run again, we can't do this and he said i
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nobody ever asked nobody from your country has ever asked. he said i'm shocked it took you so long and i renegotiated it. i liked him so much, ildbably a tougher deal but we made a tough deal. i liked hiand we renegotiated that deal, we renegot one of the best deals was with china but because of covid i don't even talk about that deal. china had to buy $50 billion during the negotiation i said , what are we asking for? i thought they meant 50, i heard it as 50, so w me they said we have the deal done it's 15, and i said wait a minute, 50 you told o back and ask for 50 and we got it, can you believe it? i thought they said 50.rade act is basically a terrible expression, s as accurate as i can make it, a man i have a lot of respect for said please speak so beautifully, don't hurt your speech by using foul language,
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but sometimes foul y. on televisio actually -- but it doesn't sound good. here you don't make your point. i don't think it is too bad because reciprocal trade. you screw us, we screw you, and what happens is you charge us 100%, we charge you -- i don't know how else i can say it so briefly, that's about as good as we can do. you know who that was? anybody? who told me -- a great man -- franklin graham, you are he said your speech was so goo and i loved it and every thing else but you don't have to use foul language and i very rarely do, and is not really -- just i him when -- and
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usuallyi totally behave. this time i used the same word twice, biden would say i used that? four words -- the famous words those two words, then he wouldds -- this is what we have negotiating with putin president xi of china, with kim jong-un who is nuclear weapons, this is what we when france came out and wanted to tax our nation i told him you can't do it and if you do it you will pay 100% taf wine and champagne you send in and all my people said you couldn't do it, you will never be able to change it, they will tax our company's 25% and they said you can't do it and you know macron, he loves france and i said w 100% unless that disappears and everybody told me he c"ldn't be done, my own people told me it hundred percent starting on monday. this was friday.
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he called me back five minutes later and said we would be would be delighted to drop that 25% tax on your company's. but if i gave it to vivek to do i think you would pull it off, right? are so desperate to stop us, they know we are the only ones who can stop them and they know that. all of their persecutions and prosecutions is happening because i'm running forpresident and leading very big in the polls, including in this great state. did much better here in 2020 but lots of things happened but in the end we won, but in 201we -- and i got a poll from abc and washington post -- two very, washington post is down 50% and readers which is a good thing because people don't like fake news, and abc, you know they have george stopolopagous. i call slopolopogus.
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george slopodine. that's what i call him, i said you have to start telling the truth. i agree to this stuff, agree to the debates, they came up to me and said we are going to do a debate, we would like to debate, but they give me something i couldn't accept, cnn, fake sit down at tables, no audience. i don't -- no audience. i said we should at least stand up, don't you think it would be respectful? but i said will do it, they didn't think i was going to do it they thought i would say i'm not going to do it because cnn is fake news but i think maybe they will be honest. i think fake tapper would really help himself if we are honest, but you will see immediately if other, probably negotiating with before, i will be debating three people instead of one, one half of a person, the outrageous charges in new york were a corrupt creation of cricket joe biden and his group and they weaponized -- what they did is
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they weaponize the departmened all of the white house, what they d is disgraceful, it was all planned and carried out by his thugs in washington giving orders to new york. it was all one big thing including civil cases, by the way. the case was completely devoid of facts, merit -- every legal analyst, i don't have to go over their names, i go over them all of the great legal analysts said there' charge, etc., but everything the one of them said that, this wasn't a legitimate indictment, to hurt your political opponent and it's really reverberated because the numbers we've had we've never had numbers better than this ' lot since that fake deal. but since the trianth the pull numbers have increased substantially and the fundraising -- i think set i think it set all-time. [applause]ow what, if you understand this stuff, if it hadn't, it
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would have gone the opposite way, if this would have been the opposite most of the time it would be but i have a nice platform and i was able to ask plane -- explain what it is, it was fake it, and i got dershowitz, took a look at dershowitz and mark levin, all great people great -- do you think biden , 6, 7 names? i don't think. honestly many others and theyme out and said this is a terrible thing happening to our country, etc., and that's when the numbers quadrupled everything quadrupled, the pull numbers were great, the fundraising was at levels nobody's seen anything because ev these are biden indictments, he did it to hurt his political opponent because he is a lowlifebest president we've ever had in addition to everything else. the radical left democrats rigged the presidential election let them rig presidential election in 2024.
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[applause] [chanting] every time -- we are not going ou know, you know what biden would say, he would say if wisconsin. but i have to be careful bec when i do that stuff, it will sometimes put it like i was saying it. when i imitate him because he ' ever. there are only four or five stairs and this one, sometimes i built by the government we have a lot of stairs because they but you know what, when i this a little bit, i say it every once in a while, i said to my wife how good was that speech, was that great, the greatest? i had 107,000 people sho new jersey three weeks ago. 25,000 people in the south
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that one, it was love, that was a love fest, south bronx -- i called my wife -- how good. i imitated him trying to get off the stage, i walk into walls, he falls down, i better not fall down becau -- u have to keep from falling down, you have to be careful. you walk into walls an wife, how great was it, new jersey, 107,000 people, nobody could have in history gotten 107,000 people. there's never been a politician --on vivek, he is not learned his lesson yet but he's a good man and he's gonna be with us insome form. he hasn't learned. [applause] i said to my wife, our great t
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i said honey, i will tell you, it was unbelievable, how good crowd, nobody has seen a credit -- broke eec nobody's ever seen -- 100 -- and i don't have a guitar, elvis had a guitar. i stand up here by myself. terrible. all these people, i said how great, tell me how great, and ws ok. [laughter] i said what you mean ok, it was phenomenal, no, your hair didn't look good. then she said the ki killers, what happen, you couldn't find the way off your stage. the fake news had me walking into walls when i was just imitating biden because he walks into with that, that's what we call them the fake news, anytime the radical left marxist, communist and fascists indict me, i
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consider it a great badge of honor. remember, i got indicted more than alphonse capone, al c was the meanest -- scarface, scarface -- he was the meanest ever, right down the road in chicago.d chicago with an iron fist and if you went out to dinner with a person that did not like him, they were gone by the next morning, never found again, usually part of the foundation of a building going up, right? capone. all because i ran for office and would be enjoying life but you know i enjoy this better because we will make america great again, that's t. don't forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never ever take away your freedom, that's why i'm here. they want nce you and in the end, they are not after me, quite civilly put, i'm just standing in their way standing in their way, and i'm not moving. my life could'
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i could've had 200 l simple and it would've had a beautiful life but this is a beautiful life, this is far more beautiful. being with you right now -- look at t what's better this or sitting on the pacific or the atlantic, you don't have sharks, see. i'll take the one without the sharks. we a today by many incredible patriots including the man he was going to help wisconsinrse every single biden disaster, your next u.s. senator and this guy central casting and turn back the wave of violent crime he will help us eric will vote to crackdown on illegal immigration and joe biden's border disaster, support our police and turned back the wave of violent crime, he will
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help us rapidly -- biting inflation and elatn energy never seen but most important eric will defeat your radical left senator, the worst say, she is the worst senator,she is rated i think the lowest, the worst. you got a bad one in ohio too, i think you will be defeated andin, 100% voted with biden, and biden doesn't represent you. $11 billion worth of votes thatmassive inflation. for four straight years she has cast. she voted in favor to cancel my emergency declaration on the border, to stop people from coming she opposed a little thing called remn it and i did it anyway.
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baldwin supports joe biden's efforts to undermine our police officers in the middle of the worscrime wave in modern history, she wants to not take care of our police. tammy baldwin is a radical leftmo horrible senator, this gentleman, is the central casting, this guy? 's pretty good. he's going to secure our borders and stop inflation, he's going to help me, we are going to win. again, we win wisconsin and we win the whole thing. eric, say hello. >> >> thank you! we have gorgeousthe president and i are both business guys. in the world of business, results matter. in or you don't.
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let's take a look. inflation averaged 1.7%. i agree with president trump prices have gone up more than 20%. u kidding me? how about your incomes? do you know your grew under president trump at a faster rate than anyhistory? 7.7%? under joe biden, sadl wages have declined 2.9%. we have never had that in three years. they crushing the middle c how about the border? president trump showed you the numbers are clear, he had border completely under joe biden, first year, over 3 million, second year, over 3 million, 3rd year, we may have
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nts. our streets are being flooded with fentanyl. mr. president i know you will take care of this, they can't account for 100,000 children and sadly too many of those kids sex trade. the results are clear, this president, no wars, joe biden, the world is awash in conflict. the results speak for themselves and tammhas voted with jo [booing] i've got to ask you, mr. president, you have a lovely gorgeous wife, i got married, i am lucky with a beautiful wife. we have a great relationship but i can tell you, i don't agree with her 95.5% of the time and i sure know she doesn't agree with me 95.5% of th could tammy baldwin agree withof the time? she's been a disaster, she's talking about fentanyl and she's done nothing on fentanyl.
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she's voted for open borders and all of the death, everything she i'm going to get off the stage now and turn it back to president trump, but president trp edrais this time arou going to work hard to taacke b country is going to be saved right here in wisconsin. [applause] and it's all of you and you that are going to fire joe biden and tammy baldwin. let's take back america! make america great again andream! thank you. [chanting] thank you very much, great job.
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go out and vote -- you are getting a dynamo, that's what you need that in washington. by former governors scott walker, scott, great governor. you are coming with us, scott.
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thanks. brian styles, took the place of someone not nearly as good as him. doing a much better job than his predecessor. he is working on all sorts of j6 scams and stles and he's in charge of the committee and i hear you're d job and you will make sure -- that we have an honest election in the great state of wisconsin. this area, thank you very much great job. appreciate it. another friend of mine, glenn grothman, you very much. and we all know he is here because i heard he made a great speech before and people really e -- nobody knew him much and all of a sudden they say he's a very smart guy vivek ramaswamy. [applause]
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thank you vivek. he's done a great job actually. gop chairman for wisconsin brian chairman. rtant guy, we are going to win it, we got to win it. the next candidate from wisconsin's eighth thank you, another central casting guy, wow. good looking people in this you very much, you will do great. from the very first day we take ticket joe biden i believe we are going to have the bank greatest years in the history of our i even arrived at the oval office, shortly after we -- we, it's about we -- le war between russia and ukraine settled, i get along with both of them very well, should never have happened, all ople that, although cities destroyed, you can never rebuild them, never rebuild them
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year-old buildings with the gold domes, you can never rebuild one thing i'll do that nobody else can say, not even talk -- i know all the players -- i will prevent a thing call you are closer to it then you have any idea.grave danger, i will restore peace through strength and again, russia didn't take any land while trump was president but they did take land under bush, they did take looks like they've taken the whole country from biden with all the money we spend, we spend, you could've stled tr a couple of phone calls, frankly and you wouldn't have anybody dead and the country would be intact, would be intact, but he couldn't do used to say boy, you say the exact opposite thing you have to say to get that thing ended. what a horrible, horrible prd a great iron dome over our country, a dome li has never seen before, state-of-the-art missile defense shield that will
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be entirely built in america and we will create on top of everything else jobs, jobs jobs, and we need protection. we are going to build the they shot 3000 missiles and they knocked down almost all of them in we are entitled to that also, you know and it was our idea, by the way. ronald reagan wanted to do it many years ago but unfortunately than it he was ahead of his time actually. we didn't have the technology you have now, now wethere is and we will build a dome, a safety shield over the top of us so that if we see somethi coming in five years from now, i will be talking a little differently maybe, we will see coming and i will say don't worry, the dome will take it -- don't worry about it the dome will takitled to that, don't you think, with all of the hostility out there. all made in the usa including right here to further secure america's future and will end joe biden's war on crypto, we will ensure the
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future of crypto and the future erica otherwise other countries will have it. the other countries will have it. we are going to rebuild our cities, become beacons of hope safety and beauty better than ever before, right now they are death and squalor and falling apart. we will rebuild our cities. in washington, d.c. and clean up, renovate and rebuild our capital city so it no longer is a nightmare of a murder and crime, pe monument, and they end up getting shot, they end up getting killed, it is a horrible thing taki capital.nglace in th we will take it over and will be run properly, it will be beautire the other day for one of these trials. these trials, these trials keep me busy so much and you know i'm only allowed to campaign about% he time because i have all of these biden trials but so far it's not working, we can never let that work, we can't let them get away with it. i went there into the roads were so badly damaged, there were potholes all over the place, trash all over the hig
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trash, garbage, you are driving middle, you know the metal medians, they were all broken and rusted and disgusting, that's no way to have a capital. can you imagine foreign leaders come in and generally their capitals are in good shape. they say we don't want roque and medians, we don't want potholes in our roads but we want to have went to china and you never saw anything like a road 10 cars wide times two. medians that were impeccable probably 100 years old, made outccable -- all this stuff and we will have the same thing, we have to have it done properly, our nations capital is the murder capital of the world, our nations capital is falling apart, graffiti all over the beautiful the beautiful maraffiti all over the place. we will clean up our capital, we will take care of our capital. on day one i will send executive order to cut funding to any
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school pushing critical race theory oonto the lives of our children. [applause] and i will not give up any to any school that has a vaccin who even things you have to say this? open borders -- who wants an-- who wants an open border? some of these things it is embarrassing to say. i will keep men out of women's [applause] why would you have to say that? you go back 10, 15 years ago a the women -- it's so disrespectful for women. the other day a woman playing volleyball got hit hit by somebody who transitioned, a large person very large, and the ball came at her at a level and a speed she had never seen before, it hit her and had a bad impact, bad things happe this happened before, the swimming is ridicust ridiculous, weightlifting records that have stood for 18
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years being oblivious did byhundreds of pounds, by people that transitioned, we are going to get rid of that immediately we will fully uphold the second dmree speech and i will se day voting, paper ballots, proof of citizenship and voter id. until then republicans must win, we want a landslide, the especially use, where you just can't lose, is we've got to make it too big to rig. if you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the united states and added them up, they would not have done near the disruption to our country as joe biden and the biden administration of thugs, what they've done to our country is incredible, what the it yet, you haven't seen the terrorist and it takes a little time and
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they want to get accustomed to one because they don't know than they see our laws are so weakened and pathetic and they probably can't be them, but you will see things that will be horrible unless you elect me president, in which case we will get them the he out of here, we will get them if you want to save america, i'm asking everybody to go out this is a different kind of swthat w got rid of a lot of those guys. make a p vot mail, early in person or on election day. you have to vote and watch vote because they tend to disappear, what your vote, make sure it is counted, an counted, you have great people. again, tommy will be totally involved. two great openers will be involved and we appreciate it very much, two great governors. we win, we win the whole thing we will be in washington. you want to volunteer to help us tu o
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neighborhood, sign u trained at, go out, we want to watch it, you want to watch for cheating, i cigar the vote -- we have all the votes we n we have to stop the steel. to aign anymore so just stop the steel, so scott and tommy, do a job out there. in conclusion, from madison to milwaukee, from la crosse to kenosha -- i love kenosha. in from green bay to write here in racine, we inherit the legacy of wisconsin patriots who braved rs to carve out a life in a vast and wild frontier. we stand on the shoulders of
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american giants across the oceans and explored the continent and settled in the great plains, won the wild west, lay down the railroads and raised up those a great mom big, beautiful skyscrapers -- thank you very much. conquered the skies, fought two world wars and won and we didn't have to change the name of the force by the way, does anybody know what i mean by that? -- the anybody know what i mean by that? fort bragg is no longer fort bragg, we won two world awards -- wars. so many names of the forts and ports have changed, it's a horrible. defeated fascism and communism mr. spacelike, created space that was mine. first time in 78 america into the sigel greatest nation in the history of the decline, we are feeling nation we are nation that has lost his confidence, lost its willpower and lost its strengt quite simply its way.
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but we are not going to allow this horror to continue. less than four years ago we were a great nation, we were a respected nation, respected all over the world by china, by russia, by everybody, and we will soon be a great nation again. with the right leadership every disaster joe biden has created can be fixed and it can be fixed quickly. every problem can every wrong can be rectified. by this time next your america's borders will be strong and sealed and secure, inflation will be in full retreat, oeconomy will be roaring back optimism and spirit will be searching, the american dream will be thriving again for religion, color, and creed. law and justice will rain all freedom will be restored. the flame of liberty will be bu so bright this guy -- this is the worst, joe biden the worst president in the history of our country, wilghtmare -- i have a fading memory, do you mind if i change it? he's been a nightmare for this couny, he is destroying our country, the worst we've ever had, destroying our country and our great silent majority including the ones forgotten men and woent futuur wounti wilhe 47th president of the united states. [applause]
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because we are all americans and together we will show november 5 to be the most important day in the history of ameca. are one movement, one people, one family and one glorious nation under god and together we will make america powerful again, we will make america wealthy america strong again, we will make america proud again, we will make america safe again, we will make america free again and we will make america great again. thank you, thank you wisconsin thank you, god bless you wisconsin, god bless you wisconsin. get out and vote. get out and vote everybody.
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god bless you all. [applause] ♪ ♪♪
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♪ >> on thursday, june the cnn presidential debate simulcast live on c-span two. watch as the presumptive nominees, president joe bidentrump, face off as they try to earn your vote ahead of a general election in november. coverage begins at 8:00 p.m. eastern with a preview of what's come. at 9:00 p.m., stay with c-span as we take your calls and get your reaction to the first debate of the campaign season. the cnn presidential debate simulcast live, thursday, june 27 on c-span two, c-span now the free mobile video app, or online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. ♪
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c-span's washingtonou discussingue iss from washington, d.c. to across the country. wednesday morning, the federalist ceo and cofounder talks about campaign 2024 and other political news of the day. then jennifer jenkins of educated we stand on her orga effort to combat conservative influc-span's washington journal. live at 7:00 eastern wednesday morning on c-span, c-sn now, or online at g place on the it just odeutsitside the white house. it will include scholars related to emancipation in addition to various poems and other writings. watch live at noon eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile videopp or online at >> u.s. secretary of state
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antony blinken and nato serastoltenberg held a press conference at the state department. during his remarks, secretary of state blinken called on china to withdraw its support for russia's ongoing war in you reign. this is
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