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tv   Sen. Mark Warner Speaks at Christian Science Monitor Breakfast Series  CSPAN  June 19, 2024 12:47am-1:59am EDT

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unfiltered glimpse of democracy at workwatch the republican and democratic national committee c-span, c-span now, and c-span. your unfilrele. ent. we are funded by these television companies on more, including mediacom. >>be here or right here or way out in the middle of anywhere, you should have access to fast reliable internet. eading the way. >> mediacom suppts c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> mark warner facing the
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u.s. at an■ñ eve monitor. topics included election interference, foreign aid, the use of ai in elections, and borderurity, which senator warner refd about one hour. noises] [background noises] [background noises]■v good morning everybody. washington bureau■í of the
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christian science monitor our guest today democrac virginia. chair of the senate select committee on intel appearan role ranking member is 2021 as chair. before going into politics that are warner was a successful investor in telecommunication he knows what it means to make national security the next hour will back. after the groundul we a on the record so please, no lie for life ofblogging or tweeting no g of any kind for the is underway.
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the embargo is lifted. as many of you know if you like to ask a questio signal out call on his many of you as time permits presenter you would like to make a brief opening from the floor is y >> it is hard to imagine this is the fourth whe year when i was governor, i could have n here 20 years lat. as a national security guy i was a budget education nerd i guess. kind of the happenstancend up o. i did choices.
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and alwaysent along with harry reid. one i got was getting on intel committee early o i'm lucky to have great people to work with. fu functioning partisan committee. host of other things, looking at my overarching pointo redefine national security outrg theme my work over the last few fact e the first group ofnd challenge.
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we did the chips bill we are deeply engaged at this point a series of other technology that we have fully rolled out yet. a lot of time on critical minerals. got a lot oor ■ñgo would not put the top of my list to do it now. thinkntry with ai.u■ clean energy without smrs being a big piece the solution set. spending a huge amount of of the utility companies, dod and how weher. and finally a lot of time around life sciences, bio manufacturing with taken our eye off the ball in china is making great, great
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strides. recognizing having done this a few timesell hang on every word of my opening comment. they go through the opening■)p d let you move to the entrée which is grilling me on. [laughter] >> thank you. you recently told the a-t the u.s. may be less prepared for election interference than it was four years ago. it's for yourself for decided information tactics by russia and china forandidates is thatpreaificial intelligence. >> so to at another one. critically important some of this was to stir the pot.
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it's versus missouri i case basr the fifth you cannot voluntary communications between social media companies and the dark.nment we like the fact of that has changed and we spent a lot of time urging d.o.j. to allow some of those to take place i would also say the nature in 2020 we had gone throug fairly aggressive 2018 cycle.■y the folks who were engaged with the infrastructure both on the inside and collaboratively with were working together. i think wee goo■b peoplle now are so much more f a.
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we did. >> obviously and missouri to come down and see where that will all stand. given all of these challenges, can the u.s. apparatus act together in time? and is that even doable? >> we have had a number of good sessions in skiffs and hearing . we are still waiting at theet te social mediao schedule. we may be the only committee that is actively doing this the
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house and there's other committees this could touch on. don' tnk;ht focused on. it has not gotten the confident attention at this time of the cycle in 2020. the good news is we have just gone through the auction you election. i don't think we s activity as he might have anticipa we could see some creative uses of is one candidate that had a they had so simultaneously. i gott leaning.>óh the other thing we are thinking
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to try to elevate how we can be more on some of these . the ira has gone away. there other groups that are quasi- not fully governmental that wre seeing the bce here. i am a huge did indicate in the 2018 timeframe who were willing to punch back. how and if and when we punch back also determined by activity.
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as we gethe election time it might be more useful. this very, very closely. i do continue to be■e the platforms back. not just twitter but all of them have cut bk on their content. again content evaluation is base standard. it's what you should adhere too. >> what happens if, you mention murphy v missouri. the biden administration loses in the supreme court? thus cutting into the go communicate with platforms on disinformation? >> it becomes the wild, wild
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eme court close monitor. feels like the arguments tservae saying communications between any entity. and the government. i am hoping that is not thecase. the thing i would be most careful on.ç his behalf egregios effort. not the similar to what happened in why didn't we get it? you can't talk to the■ folks wih the disinformation or aiare pop. you cannot complain after the fact. we have nex■g big test of
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plate will be the british elections in a few weeks.■÷ the sonic the fact that you casement as stalwart as they have been in terms defense with ukraine. >> or jon question■r■ç; is neven reporter who cannot figure a one question rule to have an end. i know joe biden thanks their many questions can be asked. [laughter] senator, as a follow-up question ■w said, five days before the british election are memportant elections and which they would have a states. do you expect that will be the
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state of play june 30? >> great question my mistake for russia it was so actively played wr checks i have been more closely monitoring the uk. lete gyj a readout and then you can follow up with but t■jh. with positions and the party differ sharply. >> again g waiver my skis on this very quickly my i
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read you guys are little more. quickset is the left. the left did not align on this one. >> no not at all. my very other question very si members after seeing classified■its my question it possible to have a negotiated settlement between ukraine and russia? >> i believe there will have to
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be negotiations at someuw point. that ought to be more dictated by the ukrainians. the time and i think we sometimes forgot and did not make clear enough the ukrainians in the first two years of this with american and nato systems eliminator take out the battlefield 80% of ss ground forces 63% of the tanks. ththere on the personal cares about the losserican soldier oro soldier. obviously will have to look back anday that being said house the russian defense industrial base they respondent much better than any of us could have unsuccessful the top china buyil
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sending our hopes onhips and fargo and other things would prevent them from advanced military. i'm not sure we have been that successful. but i'll have toakn this as well, i think there are very few repudyicans■l v■otedgainst ukraine. trump. i am one of them who i had to do her support ukraine■ are part of dragging this out and complain about the biden administration t quicker. i can type f experience there is not a part of virginia and were trump is t popularhat about ukraine everywhere i went and i
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had no pushback. there are some who truly b america should be isolationistur more smaller of a percentage both bodie was roughly 8 was ukraine, israel taiwan who is an important piece for me as well. but i think the trump cut and run theory of standing by our alliess majority of the american people are at, thank goodness. pherdson froms$ ■c one on tiktok
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legislation.■q [inaudible]n much progress american people are ready for ban while the government blank? secondly on china ai with a subordinatebp restrictions to fe chinese companies to get the most u.s. ai ships? >> settled back [laughter] ■tiktok, i wis roughly 40% of the investors which is a large american pems would be more
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willing to be forward lea d ahead and break off the non- chinese tiktok to stop market i at the end of the obvit they could lean in. these are firms that have made f money in china but not distant tikt a these others, the list goes on and on. following d folks who said they're going to try to make offers. have some of the top technology experts, brand-name country t they could take roughly six -- 12 months to re-create a similar
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algorithm you can still get a lot of that creativity comes on tiktok there is creativity■w ale who make their living off of tiktok. but e of day the law is the the surgeon general yesterdaysat in terms of kids mental health safend all these when the things i want to make clear i have a beef with a lot of other platforms as well the reason tiktok is different ultimately at the end of the day pcp will have access to that you could not create a more powerful propaganda tool frankly if we took of the
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entities you all work for and combine them sure you're at full reaches 170 million americans 90 a day. under that demographic. don't abandon tiktok with simply do not want to have a controlled by ccp. whether the chinese willare goiy example of a chinese success story and let it gain independence but we celebrated . i am not sure that reinforces the basic underlying causes. the ccp this is a propaganda and
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potentially. on the chips issue in china, a couple of things. this. there beat western chip manufacturers knowingly or unknowingly still having theirtg there are very big brands who could fall in that categ go
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off and scour that and bring the stories to light. traditnall the military you spy on the government. you do not necessarily follow■& all the tech are trying is getting extraction ofe sciences area the chinese company may end upec the next potential wall way you think of someone claims they invented themselves under intel's side the chips ability
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to get under 7 nanometers. some of the e makers we jus need game and fout base but a lot of other domains we've seen no indicati to the metal in terms of and trying to not jt dominates. any from foreign policy? the israeli hostages from gaza a few weeks ago. the isn't sharing intelligence the rescue and in the months leading up. how confident are you shirt with ra not viewed to by
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the international what are there if any to track how the intelligence. [inaudible] this. we are tracking that. i think the administration has indicated particularly vis-à-vis efforts to rescue the hostages. we share intelligenceeen a longm ally. are tracking picture the concern we raise. >> we are concerned u.s. intelligence crack w that. >> thank you. >> could should mention you're g
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the british watching for any potential russiannt have you seen any it'san it's bs elections? >>h one, clearly is putin's plan toj9 the british or the americans resolve for supporting ukraine. it saves some many on tanks, guns, ships, planes toinish support. we can generally say lot of entities and some of the succso out there. we have not seen yet preparation
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we have not seen the level o activity. chances as we saw in the this ap dramatically the closer we get to the election. so the answer is specifically we have not seen specific action ck election to date. >> broad cross party support for for finding the defense of ukraine.nk the russians. >> generally i am not sure i'mge
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i'm not sure where he's he's ats week on that issue. whether he is lead.#l sometimes just selling each other in the social division it's one of the tactics russian phone often■ uses. >> looking at the biden administrationó on israel and saudi arabiaontrib■ing to the war in gaza. what is your view on that deal being achieved not separate the parts of the deal bilateral deal.
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reached doubts the change in saudi arabia. i had heard lotorts i have restrictions bipartisan. my impression whe made in terms of being uncovered and more active and society. pi data point heard anything from 50% to 60% or 32 it's a very young
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meetings with nbs again i saw some was prepared to make the decision if we get the defense allian states ul stop trying to play both sides against the middle. i think ari best interest. i do not know how you separate out it's also in our■! interesto make sure the war on gaza is a result the cease-fire comesaboun the reconstruction. i don't see how you divide this and say were going to d thi■]s part of the deal but not that part of the deal. there is a i have been very,
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up to my eyeballs in the jeep 42 microsoft deal. thef trust but verify. there is a decision if we do this the price of doing this with american tech companies will mean you cannot buy us off against china onm a. there is again obviously some level of a rivalry my sense i in the investment world the
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first one to really dig into 24n nationstates it made the decision rather than sending all of their capitol o to maximize the return to the wealth fund fs these nations are making the decision they're probably reading the pack■m want to be a tech/ai superpower or major player. and thank goodness we a fields e tech standpoint nations and the others are paying lip service are movingly from carbon -based economy to ■ithvzinking w ao be this good for the country. benefiting find the alignment
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with the group of nations across with greater collaboration chalk that up i could buy off on that it is going to have to include recognition of israel and some company approach. will be the most challenging. >> you got to have■á it. i find i agree. i should have made it cleard minister of israel last yearfroe
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so broken in parts of the west■a bank. independent state to hit a to ae not only do you have to deal with the guys that deal you will have teal withe of the settler issues as well. >> got a long list will try to keep this going■ñ forward warrat from the wall street journal but. >> thank you, thanks for doing this. a couple members of your party in the house anddualh the arguments words.
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none on. >> i am not on either one of the two committees go to the approval process i do not know the specifico think there are still broad based support for continuing is. we meet the challenges. how tho. i support. >> sometim y left. click soon to see the biden administration doing more for black-market and grand mal market oil shipments?
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this one going to get beyond my knowledge really quickly. we follow up. the chinese investment in u.s. companies in the technology as it comes to that. what would be useful for the u.s. government to do? you see a lack of >> i think it has gotten better. i mean i rem started!w■ back in7 callpecified roadshows would bring in industry sector after industry sector to telnet for not saying we should do full,
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coupling but be aware those before covid covid. create covidquity and i can in austin and%÷ the university is going to summon as a sntisa does not mean you check them out? no. i kind of wondered by the chinese offeranything else. i think we'. did have one fortune 50 ceo think we all kinda scratched her head at one of these sessions we taiwan, do you? get a grip,uy.
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a blockade alone would change the relationship dramatically. the outbound investmen. ivat in place. i think the inbound is getting much even the venture firms think twice or break off the chinese investments from the american. i think about the fact of been on an annual basis a group of them come in either the dog and pony with■hem. i kind of rolled their eyes on
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i think they were much more concerned until president xi dumped millions of tvs into the german■u■> market. i■3 think china's willingness not restructure continue to dump products on a cheaperis is creating a lots of willingness lots of willingness tore-examin. have a lot of hold a lot of dissatisfied customers from be condors did not get the job without chinese to bring are still in debt. one is is with the ccp and xi jinping a diaspora. that's where that on wha on
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the anti- chinese rhetoric. even some of the things when polima the west that piss off two thirds of the worldsiness with us. how we engageway from africa■f this all fits inta global competition with very sophisticated eyes wide op. >> for lisa schwartz from the ft. >> hi, thank you. it is bu than two weeks since president biden came forward on their proposal is foundering. do you believe hamas will ever ? theministration preparing at ths
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point to do anything else? >> first about we've been really close a couple of times. particularly at that moment clo. that moment when this was a blip in the news is probably a time we were when israel's leaning to kilt three idf soldiers. have huge confidence burns more trust and respect by all the parti
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th■big been always through this negotiation but as these weeks the blame lies with ham leadership. probably did not realizeled four palestinians. the israeli the medical system saved his read ts is the kind of leader for the notion of the palestinian people that does n■t g hoot about how many palestinians die in this question.
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absolutely. i am not suree days i am hoping it will be within this framework. how much of the hamasc know?i >> i am just saying■g.■" you aro
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right players israeli, samaritao mrs. wright framework >> sobut if youne particular hiding in these tunnelsh the hamas fighters women and children are being killed seem to have ver cs permanent state of i have not seen
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i know i report but it was not you. i don't frankly at the visibility i get that don't happen to have it. >> from bloomberg to your left. >> senator you mentioned wall several years now since u.s hee allies to rip and rce it in their systems yet it is somewhat have not the top temmld to the point the pentagon is contractors to do business with what does that say about the efforts to seriously degraded? more to be done because rick is a something can be done? think wally has been
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unsuccessful in moving beynt pra center provider. they have the whole suite of services. we should have earlier leaning many of these cases have any kind of system is a ily, weekly, monthly upgrade all of those upgrades can be ic. therere a nber o nationstates which they had not gone the route. it isin one of the key reass do in the
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g42 micft dl makes sense. if you got this their financialh out wall that's one of the reasons i continue to be advocate for the network.d out e entirely but theraditional stack of telecom equipment0ype u move away from the fact to a software-based systemadditional. move fast enough and the chips bill we hadent that needs to get out a little bit quicker.
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i actually feel the recognition amongst many nations of process is higher but we've got to have an alternative.s won thf with microsoft can go into other domains. doing that you got to trust and verify. space some of the crown jewels in terms of the algorithms on some of those models. i actually fl better about possibilities of huawei out over the next couple of years than i did two years ago. >> krista from the monitor. you might left f. job.
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i about something closer to home. the number of six months he see significant national security threat from the situation at the but the isis and ties. i am on it from your vantage point on the intelligence committee to what extent you ist threat? how does it compare with other national sits? threat. i am monitoring ity closely.■u nothing would be more■o devastating. i do think we he
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forward on the attack st. peter. why i am glad the president took the action on title 42 type action on the border. the border is a mess.■-■y >> is it exaggerating things to say be seeing something? >> we are, we -- threat. the nes you referenced. one minute until >> oven gets their patent i've
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>> tom from 24 the intelli■■nttee dou have conr about representative scott in general not having gentlemen but i think it is telling you got the chair and ranking on being concerned concerned. and i want to give of credit that they bring it back?o
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make the comparison we look so much better with thegain is good for the country but bad for intramural competitions. correction we work on the stuff investigation. there is no committee/v have to take more serious than the work you did. and it concerns me. do not knowt concerns me with a number of seni■ç■n republicans who sit ohy shsecurity. the things we committee the sources and methods and beyond play
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fast and loose with that would be devastating. we look at the committee we range the ideological spect■ th. trust. i realize how important we keep ityou look at the republican concerns to be raised. it is a much bigge c well. i think i do not know how normally you do without people responsibl mrs onse
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committees■. >> julia. [inaudible] [inaudible] exabyte continues to put pressure on china. in the lankford toughest border bill ever fentanyl is a complete
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misrepresentation is being being smuggledby these people c. you need a much process. that would be in the border bill.y of those they're not willing stunning. the example they gave my mind. packet get three of these laced ino pr. you get five of these and you ared. it's n exaly the drug
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cartels in terms of putting how many of fentanyl in. we started to the point you are killing your i think others this is a scourge proble. border. i think more pressure should be put onhina. i do not know enough of the composition because it iso somewhere. it was a real.
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>> appreciate doing it. what you think warning%. usa isa serious threat? >> who is warding? whwarden?what's mike morel. i am curious what ant uptick in? it is an election y wondering ia political fear mongering? >> and no, no, it is impor■tant item arrested. if you are trying to sow countra terrorist incident would inflam. i have a lot of faith in mike
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morel. default back to my earlir answer there is no issue on enforcement i see on this issue. cnn on your left. >> it's okay. e if i may, i saw your letter toeg on e washington national airport with given the fact the long range were added to the reauthorization is there really any path forward stalling or providing effect? say test making of this job a swo happeng happens, nothing happens and i
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had a gre six days, tiktok, ukraine i a. got a get all the stuff going. and then for cryinut loud we did not even get to vote? short answer is sure. the added. not only the near misses but you got the busiest runway america. he have 20% of the flights delayed already anyway. compromise on that.en a there is trade out certain slots for this other ways to get this done. i am still very disappointed did not let the senate vote on
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this they decided not to further this is the only airport congress tries to micromanage of these are the■r only three airports congress tries to micromanage. >> hagan run forn 26? this job. i feel like i have a!k lien arod the intel work in particular in the technology bipartisan. who should we host to dinner how to make the senate work a little bit more. the 2024 election. just fill in whatever. >> are suggestions and glenda
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you.g bennett might run against i wonder what you're thinking of that? >> the governor and i kno other socially. we are working on a bunch of projects al plans but there are things like disappointedeó author of the chips bill i haven't been out more the chips but there is lots of time.t virs close in november do you think that's true? coul virginia? we've been friene we were at law school.
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most optimistic person is ever met. i think i am more worried what about these polls? i don't if you can tell me how to fully predict this all doing better than me. and we can ce all of our predictions, expectations race will be totally up ended in 10 days? >> of yes of courseinal i heard you say it back in m there some cause i alleys. explain why the sumter broughtst you feel, putting out there to o
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influence other countries. act have all information are tools particularly ai tools. it has taken some actions would fit into that definition. not even wonder% sure whites classified come back and ask in a week i'm not surelic
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reporting but them back t t question■7 so i get a green ligt not going to share the information. the ai tools we think about dee. in thisl finally bring everybody together. where are the two domains ai could screw things up right away? on his faith in the public collections the other's the public markets. ai tools and trends of stock fortune 100 company but a public coany of ways you could terms a fake
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