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tv   Washington Journal Washington Journal  CSPAN  June 19, 2024 9:59am-11:02am EDT

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>> today, celebration of juneteenth is taking place on the ellipse outside the white house. the event look clued scholars reading documents related to emancipation in addition to various poems and other writings. it's organized by the national juneteenth observance foundation , watch live at noon eastern on c-span, c-spancharter ♪fcharter
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>> c-span ynt. funded by these television companies and more, including charter communications.1ey chard billions building infrastructure, upgrading technology, empowering opportunity in communities big and small. charter is connecting us. announcer: charter communications supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television ♪ morning. president biden announced new immigration action yesterday. it eases the path the legal status for half a million undocumentedat are married to american citizens. and heavenat least 10 years. two weeks ago, biden issued an preventing migrants seeking asylum at the borr. we are getting your thoughts and opinions on the president's immigration policies. if you approve of the
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president's policies, call us at (202) 748-8000. if you oppose them, (202) 748-8001. unsure or agree with some and not others, (202)you c) 748-8003. send your first name and city and state. we are on social media. and x at @cspanwj. welcome to washington journal on this juneteenth. the newest policy is parole in place. there are the outlines of the li. ed affts about 500,000 unauthorized immigrants married u.s. citizens living the u.s. for at least 10 years. the grants work permits and deportation protections. residency and ultimately u.s. citizenship.
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news. let's look at what the president said at the whitenouncing the p. [video] >> there's a system inlking abot today but it's cumbersome, risky and ■separates families. on document spouses must go back to their home country. mexico, for example. fi o status. they have to leave their families in america with no assurance they will be allowed back in the united states, so th but in the shadows,constant fean without the ability to legally work. all this, they are eligible for of long-termi'm announcing a coe obtaining legal status for immigrants. -- married to american citizens for those wives or husbands and children who have lived in america for a decade or more but
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undocumented, this allows them paperwork for legal status in the united states. hey remain with their families in the united states. this action still requires on document spouses to file aed leo remain in the united states. it requires them to pass a criminal background cckit does e trying to come here today. it only applies -- it does no ag every on document espouse the law. -- spouses under the law. by the way, just as was true with the protection of dreamers, these stesupported by the macon, no matter what the other team says. polls show over 70% of americans support this effort to keep host: that was yesterday.
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here is the front page of usa today. igrant spouses. biden offers new path of permanent legal status. it says thousands of immigrants were marri tbut in the country y would be protected from allowed to work while they seek permanent legal statuseping new government program announced tuesday. the program would allow undocumented spouses and their children to apply for permanent nt status without leaving the country, but only if they meet certa criria. to be eligible immigrants must have resided in the■8 u.s. for 0 years or more as of june 17, and, be legally marriedo they ca threat to public safety and national security. eligible have resided in the
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united states for 23 years, according to officials. we are getting your calls this morning on that topic. our support, oppose, unsure. rt the immigration border policy -- if you support the immigration border policy, (202) 748-8000. if you oppose, (202) 748-8001. if you are■@■ unsure, it is (20) 748-8002. we will start■; in strasburg, ohio. ca. i'm unsure because i think the border should have been passed in congress. that's why i'm unsure right now. if it hadn't been for that stupid orange oompa loompa support we would've had the bill passed bipartisan. is trying tod
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job. wants to put them in prison camps and work them to death and that is wrong. thank you. host: matt in new york. caller: good morning. that was a hilarious call you just had. so much misinformation. it's a strange coincidence that the democrats are pulling this in an election year, like obama did with the daca, which obama himself said was unconstitutional. it's what kind of information people are getting. of in the same vein, he was acty lucid for anow the white house g all videos we are seeing of him being -- host: focusing on the immigration policies, are you
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of illegalied to american citizens being allowed to stay in the unid states while they file for permanent status? currently -- before the policy they would have had to leave the united states, start the not have gone through. it could be of the 10 years where they arecaller: yeah. ié$ am. all they are doing -- the original policy was for spouses of military vetera united states. they put this on a stretch. any spouse of an americanas for citizen. caller: originally it was for people that were in the military
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if they had a spouse that was not from this country that they could get legal s that is what they are stretching. now we will see a big run on scam marriages. host: actually, this does not apply if you are not already married by monday, the 17th. right now you can't go in get u can get married but you can't apply for this program. er: you think they are going to respect that? biden's administ that -- host: jeff i support the progra. joe biden is trying to do something. the republicans don't want to do anything. if republicans were serious about doing something about they
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would come to the table and work out a de■g■■al. donald trump has told him not to do something they want to continue to have this as a campaign issue. host: jeff, one of the criticisms isreon year. he could have done in three years ago. caller: why did they keep saying he's not doing anything for the border then? if they want to continue to say thatnd if he tries to do something they say he's doing it as an election year unt. what can you do? host: fred cherry hill, new jersey. caller: good morning. think this is a terrible idea, mainly because of the timing. it is going to encourage more illegal immigration. we have had so much since biden became president. e country. they are not beingyó■ we've had over awe don't know at
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them. we don't know where they are, who they are, what they are up to, what their intentions are. anything that makes it easier for illegal aliens will encourage more illegal aliens. host: do you think the last policy -- i hear what you are saying about the border, but the last policy is for those that have been in the country at least 10 years. do you think that would also encourage more people to come? caller:5r them is going to encoe more people to come. wemore people. we have enough people already. immigration is an environmental issue. living in industrial countries like the u.s. planet's
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resources than people from other countries. about this. we really do not need more people. the american people understand that, which is why the birthrate is what it is. host: bertha invirginia. caller: good morning. support president biden for giving the immigration we should have done this a long time ago. think there are too my foreigners now that have come to this country and what everybody iski about coming into the country, is from another country, including myself. i'm black. people. they are not the originals here. you talk about a lot of people coming into the country.
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yeah, we need to put a cap on it. people need to -- go back and study your heritage. you are all not from here. i'm not from here. i was born here but my ancestors were not born here. we being -- people are white, you can stay but if you're another ethnicity -- what about the argument that you can come but you have to do it legally? caller: exactly. host: the policy applies to those that came illegally. caller: rit. what i'm simply say we came here -- not you and i but our ancestors were sent here. we went illegal -- weren't illegals. we nee keep from
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putting th camps, separating parents of the children. are babies they separated when they came here. host: san jose, california. caller: thank you for taking my call. democrats are so worried about trump becoming a dictator. yet it is bidenisregards the law. whenou are a dictator you disregard the law. you do what you want. the supreme court said that biden did not have the authority to forgive student loans. host: ok, but staying on immigration. caller: we all know the
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legislature and only the legislature jested. -- just did. ask your democratic callers what gives biden the right to do what he just did. st: i'll tell you what president biden said,ec congress has refused to act. therefore i have been forced to act or take this executive action. he was waiting onmsto act. host: what you have been indecia favor of that bipartisan deal worked out with setoand senator? caller: in regards to immigration? host: yes, the immigration deal.
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it was killed in the senate. caller: no, i wouldn't. that would enshrine a massive amount of illegals. trump could nothange it. host: ok. bso you are just in favor of waiting onon until congress acts? caller: got it. virginia. caller: can you hear me? host: go ahead. caller: i would like to i called on the unsure line because i'm not sure -- i have friends who are hispanic who came here from guatemala and el salvador. i have helped both families
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washington, d.c. they are both mother and father and three kids in washington with my help. ielpeth cosign their loan to get a car. the fami nothing but surpassed my expectations. ills. they have both gotten jobs. kids are all enrolled in school in washington, d.c. is doing the best he can with a congress that does nothing. the republicans prejudiced and just want tohost: the famile helping, legally or illegally? caller: they don't want border closed. issue to keep speaking and white america's face that the countries being
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taken over. i'm a black man. i have hispaniiends were good people. stop treating them like dirt and calling them illegals. they are human beings ke we we are trying to come to this country to better themselves. white people, stop doing that.'e lawmaker responses to the policy. matt rosendale, republican. "joe biden iswer toegalize an invasion. he's putting ug cartels and violent terrorist above montanans' safety." senator john cornyn. "another ben poll factor to incentivize ieg immigration and insuring years of litigation." president biden will announce a program tuesday to
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h to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of immigrants. representative sylvia garcia. "i'm thrilled potus heeded th call of many of us to protect immigrt milies and■o damerustone u.s. who benefit from president biden's new plan." judy chu. rllfor immigrants since president obama createdno one should ha to liveh the fear being separedrom loved ones. i am relieved hundreds of ounds of american fils can sing live and work with more stability." carol from detroit, good morning. caller: how are you doing today? don't hang me up to quick. this is carol from detroit, michigan, one of t biggest juneteenth in life. for one thing, let me get this
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off my min fred was wrong and bertha was right. we are doing better now, i have seen people flying out of this country every day. i have seen metro airports. i don't know why -- why the of . don't liimu3 quit tearing this country down. that guy wasyou white people, y. ever since you had to let the black people go want to hunt somebody. now you have these imm■í stop. biden wants you to stop at the democrats want you to stop. the people in erwe are not a na.
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that is a lie. host: let's go to don michigan. good morning. caller:st caller just got off the phone, but mimi, heisey that he always try to bring factspublican callers when they use their own facts to you. they continue going on. republicans don't like to hear the truth. i truly think biden is on the right trail. we have immigrants here 10 or 20 years. guess what they are doing? ■■fre paying taxes. they are creating jobsthey are . i saw a report if you want to go that said the immigrants that are coming now -- it actually
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brought more income into the government. the republicans use immigration every election year as their their base that everything is going you are on e line. e about these policies? caller: because i'm not an expert in the field. that is why i'm unsure about it. i think it is better than what we are doing now, and that is nothing. that is what the republicans are doing. doing something is better than doin we turned 20 millionód immigrans into taxpayers that put securitt money into roads. they put money into health care.
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we have a problem with immigration all around the world. we haveeather changing going on around the world. we have people moving all over the globe. it is not just america. republic -- but the republicans would have you thi that. everything going bad is happening in america. no, we are doing better than a bunch of countries around the world since biden got to officed lines. days to buy toilet paper. we are not living like that anymore. president. p held a rally in wisconsin y -- he held a rally in wisconsin yesterday. [video] >> joe biden is granting mass -- he will formally grant mass amnesty to millions of illegals
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who came to this country. people that have been come in legally and they just keep working. under this program a deluge of illegals will be given immediate green cards and put on the fast track to rapidizenship so they can vote. i think a lot of them will vote for me. if you look at the hispanic popula, population, they are voting for trump. they are voting for trump. you. thank■vi like that person right. but they get them welfare, free chain migration.d one of the c."trophic things, one of many catastrophic things we are confronted with when they come in.
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crooked joe is sending as happe. they hear about all the thin that are coming in and don't kid yourselves. the ones that are hurt the most, the black population, the hispanic population. you kwho else is hurt badly? unions. pete with this. this is a mass entry the unionse getting absolutely killed by it. alan illam. it is a sham marriage or clethed taxpayer support. they want to get taxpayer support. we are supporting people to come in illegally, but our soldiers, ouron the streets of these horribly run democrat cour country is under . shod ■h2(we should be talking t stopping the invasion instead. this is an invasion of our
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country. host: back to the calls with bill in casselberry, florida. caller: good morning, mimi. taking my call. i certainly -- it is like pr said, it is inundation, not immigration. the caller that was on a while ago that talked about how biden is a dictator. no, he is acting because congress. that's exactly what a dictator does his own way instead of following the law and that is what. is going on it is crazy. it shouldn't happen. this i not immigration any longer. this is an invasion. we the taxpayers are footing the bill. we are takingmedical.
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they give them cell phones. theye money that we pay for every mont i want to ask about e most rect policy about the immigrants, the illegal immigrants married to american citizens. what are your thoughts on that? its from deportaonnd what president biden said iis because we don't this wouldav families. caller: yeah. it's interesting how mr. biden says things. he is using that as an excuse now because he's going to -- people mary. they need -- peoplenvqp marry ad they need to be together. on, they n -- no,
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to follow the law the constitution. that's it. they can't just run across r1ubu want into the united states. ihost: let's to micaller: hel. i didn't realize i was on. is is joe biden showing real leadership on a real issit is ry hear someone taking hold of the real issues. he is finding a way to keep neeicans in america. it needs the support of america. you will see help wanted signs all over the place. immigrants are needed. let me point something out. i have seen this personally.
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when people country they think a black and brown people. %ñimmigrants come in every colo. 9we hear it all the time. people are really opposing the color of the so-called new immigrant. that is really what they are against. if they were white, you would not hear the opposition so strongly. only -- i will make a reference tohe said it during h- only term as pside!wnt. he said, why can't we have more people from norway? why do we have so many from mexico? he said those words. let me rd you. norwegians don't want to come here because their education is paid for. there healthcare services are taken care of and paid for. why■xto come to the united states of america where they don't get freeealth care? stop thinking of immigrants as
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black and brown people. think of them as people who want to be ame biden, for doing someg about it. factory bill, pennsylvania. paul, you are next -- factoryville, pennsylvania. caller:ng me. host: go ahead. caller: thanks for having me, mimi. trol. we have had a lot of callers saying how wonderful these new policies are. this all could have been stopped in the beginning. it should have never even started. if he didn't use executive orders to dopolicies that were n he got into we would not be having this mass invasion of the country. yes, it is an invasion.
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90% of theple coming across, maybe lower, are sine males the age of 18 to 30. ■y:does that mean something? ttack? nobody knows. they keep saying all this needs to be he just passed a bill that in ay would stop until it reaches 1000. when does it stop? in today and they 1000, that means is back up to 5000. is never u■hgoing to stop. it's all ancountry led by the bn administration. the washington post has
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some graphs making some comparisons administrations. crossings at the u.s.-mexico border. nistration here, 2019-2020. this is when title 42 got put in place for the pandemic. this is now the biden administration here. reached an all-time high of 2.2 million in that is right here, back down a little bit in 2023. is single adults. during the trump administration and the biden administration. units. single adults have gone down the last year as compared to family units that have gone up.
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here is unaccompanied minors that areyou can see the differee between the trumpation and the red color and the blue is the biden administration. you can take a look at that at the washington post. strongsville -- here is mike,trongsville, ohio. caller: how are you today? listening to one person talking about the married ones. what should they do with that? that is a really tough assumption. the way to handle that is use your wisdom. any of the ones that are married should just vetted and should be able to stay. legal weight. then you -- legal way.
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then you don't have to worry about it. as far as everything else, the mess of the situation on the safety issue. that is the most importantntry. there is nothing wrong with supportingsupport it in the right perspective rather than be reckless. you have to do it the right way. you can't be reckless and let just anybody coming here. it puts america in danger. ■[ say ignore that, it shows you are not that sharp. why would you want to display that?
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you have to have common sense and wisdom with everything you do in life. you try to find a happy it is the only answer. there is no other way. sheila in austin, texas. hi. experiencing at the texas border is that the flow is uncontrolled regardless,■ because there is incentive to come into the united states. as there is incentive to come into the united states pai. we are losinghildren that come over the border. drugs and cartel traffic. those are the interest being
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r. the state department has a role in stemming the flow of migration through that america and■ into the united states but they are not doing anything. that is why i'm reason is wash, d.c. used to think that the laws are some kind of invisible elasc pocy that changes per administration. they don't say that aut like cr. they don't say that about rape or child molestation, but that is what happening -- what is happening. ■k■+hs. those children are -- they were in thed. they were found on farms. they were found in iowa and in central america workiillegally d states. tionally, we have people from enemy countries coming all
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over the united states. you have people from, youeñb russia and china. 0:well, they are coming to the southern border. nobody is stopping them. they are not sending them back. the chinese are coming. they are setting up illegal posts and the emerald triangle and northern california. they are the legal quatrains in the state. they are conducting human slavery. they are capturing people and throwing up into the dragon trying for human trafficking never to be seen -- dragon triangle. host: let's look at the policy from two weeks ago. executive action on the■ósuen to asylum when weekly average of daily crossings between ports of
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entry surpasses 2500. the restrictions are listed 14 days after a weekly average of daily crossings dip low 1500 and exempt unaccompanied children. we are getting youre biden admin immigration and border policies. rob in cottage grove, minnesota. caller: mimi. i support this policy, because to my understanding and correct this is a one-time deal. basically, people that were smart enoughwhole trek up to imo the country from 10 years ago and smart enough to get married 10 years now have a chance citizens of the
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u.s. in my opinion they have got to be:w incredibly smart people tht would give so much benefit to this country such as increasing the average iq of the typical c-span caller. host:l alright rob. jimmy erwin, pennsylvania. caller: good morning. would like to say some of your callers are not very informed. let's be real. my grandparents came from italy. they had nothing in their pockets when they got here. th dthey didn't get welfare. they didn't get anything. to go to work. they were not allowed t when was the last of americans got a free phone, welfare, a place to stay, kids going to school for free? i'm all for immigration, but
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let's be real. this administration is bankrupting this country. th education, a place to sta $3000 to $4000 on a card. i thinking about going down to mexico and coming in and saying don't speak english and then go to las vegas on that money. this isn't a joke. drugs are coming in. we are losing our country. we are supporting wars that nobody'go it is ridiculous what is going on. let's do it real. we don't need -- all the tv shows you are over? they are not working or paying into social security. they are getting a free education, free housing. get sick, they go to a hospital. i'm l for pelee and secure. we are losing our country.
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this is unsustainable. we have enough illegals here. host: i want to show you something. this is whatay. hey fact-check on the concept 5i limited phones to immigrants for tracking and communication. $wit says the claim is the biden administration spends tax dollars toive smart to immigran. it says and that the division of homeland security does issue smartphones that they preloaded at some on documentwith release stipulations. they can only be used to access the app. they can't access the internet, load other apps or make calls. used d trump administration. caller: ok. nd what you are saying. there is a trade-off.
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how many got upa free plane ride fi'm all for -- my grandpas wereon the second generation the here. ho: the laws were very different back then, jimmy. caller: don't you think people should pay their way? we he here. those children that were just on walkingare getting free education, free place to we are going bankrupt. ost before anything happens. host: i have to move on. t in cleveland, ohio. caller good morning. thanks for taking my call. i'm kind of unsure. as i look at thisne of the callers pointed out these people haveonro here.
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the problem i'm having is when i go across the country to differentes, especially cities where the populations are predominantly ack, l black, these communities are in really bshap. you see a tremendous amount of crime. ownership. it looks -- not just in cleveland but across the country. the people who own these stores, are discriminatory towardsi'm ns people who are from other countries. i'm of the age where when i was coming u t community you had a lot of ownership. 90 go to thew9ouborhood store, n your tire places, they are all owned by immigrants.
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the point i'm making and why am so unsure is you are bringing in moreto these communities that already have lost their economic base and the education is not helping them. these folks coming in are going to rea■dlly o they are certainly not going to go to suburbs here. they are not going to these communities. they are going to the cities. at it appears to me and all people who are going to -- they somehow managed to come up with the money. trying to sound ignorant. it looks like the african-americans and hispanics are left out. this will be a major issue.
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overlooking and it looks like trump is trying to address it. n't know if he supports any african-americans are looking at their communities and they forwarders are basically taking over -- foreigners are basically taking over. i would think administration, if they the black vote they would address what's going on in the black coit let's look at president bideanniversary of the daca pro. [video] >> these immigration areas that had the most positive impact and gotten more support fro the border. these young people known as -- dreamers who came to america have been
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able to live and learn out of the shadows. raduated from high school and college enter starting families on their own, building successful careers, serving the nation in uniform and so much more. we are much better and stronger because of dreamers, like javier. i'mmeasures to clarify and speed up work visas to help people, including dreamers graduate from u.s. colleges and universities, lan h skilled professionals. we need to see our economy grow. [applause] i want to put their skills and knowledge to work for here in america. want to keep building the strongest economy in the world with the best workforce in the world.
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created 15 million new jobs, record. --)u a record. just ask business leaders, bor leader economists, elected officials. they know it is good for amic know it is good for the american economy. they know it is good for america, period. this build on other actions we have taken to suppt from defending dreamers in the courmillions of americans under the affordable care act, including for getting your reao the biden administration's immiion and boer policies. joyce from new york city. hello. caller: hiam i on the air? host: go ahead. callerb,: i thought it was wonderful. i towards one spouse
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being american a■ the other in this country. biden mentioned it was 23 years the average immigranthere with d started a family. economy. it permission to be here. we will be able to go on the tax k, not be separated from theiramilies. i think biden is very patient. time for congress to come through with the plan. 't like to do things he likes to do things in a bipartisan way. ■wit is a shame it did not happn
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for political reasons. through jayapal. i'm really happy he didyou have. he decisions which can be reversed by any in. he did not like o did it anywa. you have to start somewhere. you have to start small. that is all about to say. i'm so proud of this president. host: mike bessemer city,
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north carolina. caller: good morning. i'm totally against it. they keep talking about the republican and trump shot down ok. first bipartisan deal. it says 00 a day would be the
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threshold. ok. discussion that thpresident can shut the border. he has not shut the border in three and a half years. hammond may orca's -- him and mayorkas resented 68 lost thad . he started this thing. have rachel moran? lincoln riley? steinle? look at these people here. these were murdered and raped by illegal immigrants from honduras, el salr venezuela. this has nothing to do with■w a. in the latest executive order, 2500 today, he would have the
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authority to close theorthey spe he has put it in effect. hopefully, god willing trump gets in there and he needs to declare a state of emergency because this is an invasthey ta. cnn and those, they don't talk about the 2020 three hunter biden. they are not vettingey are vette country but then they can't find em trump edto dla emergency, put ty on our border to stop this invasion and that is what it is. they are talking abo■ut -)- host: oklahoma senator james yog
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both president recent immigration actions. [video] >> it is the side-by-side. the worst is he an he will close down the border if they get high numbers, which he has not done. they have exceeded that enforci. then he waits andhalf a million people that are in the country illegally otcitizenship, which g try as fast as you can. we are going to give you ti has been the challenge with biden all along. 95 executive orders opening the border up and inviting more people to come an will announce he will close the border down and actually does not. ho that was senator lankford there president's border policies and.
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we will hear from bowling green, ohio. rudy. caller: senator lankford did not answer the question. heusnds of craziness. i'm going to say always call and i'm squeamish andcared but i will give my real opinion. i support president biden's i very much support ronald ■,reagan's immigration plan that if limited -- was implemented almost 40 years ago. that allowed to my parents to stay legally. kñ5 million were given amnesty 0 years ago. 5 mi. good for the country, good for why the change in 40 years? why can't we go back to that kind of thought? you want to limit immigration?
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t so employers get punished for hiring illegal ■that is who the real problem i. people would not come h knew tht jobs here or gety rich people -- not rich. y. host: richard incaller: how are? host: i am immigration policies of the joe biden administration. e sympathy with the latest action. e note you might want to highlight louhave have lived iny for 10 years. there are those ou there who are married to p i p.
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but there is so much human trafficking and because oficies of the biden administration. we see it a lot in oklahoma. we see it a lz i texas. fentanyl was coming north and killing people. the other problem is young women area really have to watch themselves,teenagers. i was a former high school teacher and was given the alert to watch out for the possithat g trafficked. the mexican gangs are problem. i think you need to shut the border and can control -- get control. host: robert in greenville,
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texas. caller: morning. i would like to take the presidential executiveof the eq. i know point fingers at trump versus biden's policies. the reality is, legislative inactioncausing thet administrations -- you can call it republican or democrat point of use on how todd reality it ia problem that they have been unable and unwilling to act on what the respect the opinion of the
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fellow in broken arrow called in. the reality is, he was right. reagan came up with a very simple solution and now it's 45 in other the whole thing to being processed, getting a green cardwh you have to verify that person to make sure they will be paying into the system as soon as they are employed in the united states. for heaven sakes, person coming into the united states raises revenue for the federal governmentthe or pay tad contribute to society. we are all immigrants. you can't say they are
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different color and have any justification for tainthat. we all are immigrants. but if you verify, the responsibility on employers in the united states who by and large encourage immigration because it gives them a source of laborhat is less demanding on being compensated because they are being offered opportunities far beyond what they were capable of getting in the countries they came■kthat i. host: let's talk to maria in washington, d.c. caller: good morning. thank you. robert is right.
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ironically, people that came here under that or before first ones who are going to say they ed to come the right way like we did, like our parents. the nd different than the process we have now. just the fact with thisew e than here for 10 years, the people that have en he for 10 years are still not able to have a legal status case. that says it all. that s about the system. it is broken. it is absolutely -- the unwillingness of legislators to address it because it is a political ise.■it is more ideoln
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anything else. ideological in terms of painting immigrants as rape or whatever. they will never mention the six people that lost their lives in the bridge collapse in baltimore. immigrants doingthey are never . only the rape and cartels. it is more and that prevents it from having some action. ■these people will not be automatically be citizens. they will have a legal status, a resident status for anyone who is saying this isthe caller was. thank you.
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host:host: all right, maria wasr last call for this segment. more to during open forum if you did not getup next, seand cofounder of the federalist will join us to discuss campaign 2024 and political news of the day. later, we will talk with educated we stand upon jennifer jenkins and her effort to combat conservative influence local edght back. >> thursy, june 20 seventh, tune into the cnn presidential debate simulcast live on c-span c-span two. nominee's face-off as they try to earn your votef the general election in november. coverage what's
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to come. 9 p.m. eastern, simulcast of the cnn presidential debate. following the debate, stay with c-span as we take her calls and get your reaction to the season. the cnn presidential debate simulcast, live june on c-span now, our mobile video app, or live on c-span, your unfilgtered view of politics. ♪ [gavel] >> the house will be in order. this year c-span celebrates rs of covering congress like no other. since 1979 weprimary source for, providing balanced, unfiltered views on government, taking you to where the policies are debated and decided with the support of america's cable companies. span, 45 years and counting,
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