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tv   President Biden Delivers Remarks at Juneteenth Concert  CSPAN  June 19, 2024 12:59pm-1:08pm EDT

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of theroess we have made towards freedom and the work we must continue to do. i believe a perfect union is achievable and we can start with securing cil and voting rights." senator kevin cramerd a quote on x, "those who deny freedom in others deit not for themselves and undust god cannot retain" he went on to say " juneteenth,o celebrate freedomnd a continual struggle towards a more perfect union." >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government by these television companies and more including cox. >> when connection is needed most, cox is there to help ringing affordable internet to families in need, new tech to boys and girls clu andup whenever and wherever itters
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most, we will be there. >> cox supports c-span as a public service as well as these other providers >> president biden hosted a concert in celebration of juneteenth, a federal that he signed into law in 2021. ♪ ■ópres. biden: please have a if you have one. nxnever seen anything like this before. th w thank you to all the performers here tonight. american culture.
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a fitting tributeve made juneteenth a federal holiday. i will not start to name them because i will miss somebody b e testimony of the resilience of■ americans. northstar is the idea that we are all createdwe have nevery from it either. those who led the march for freedom. but let's be clear. those trying to take us back. away freedoms and making it harder for black people to
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vote. to close the doors of opportunity. banning books. trying to erase anwrite our history is not just about present and the future. folks, black history is american history. that is why kaman are working hard. i visited tes of normandy to commemorate the anniversary of d-day. on that hallowed, we lost a lot of brave american ldit ilude,0s a convoy of mostl:
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entered normandy on d-day. these black free who raised -- we do not know fully what the quality ofone of -- one who thot shores was a civil rights lawyer. 61 years ago this was gone down. know his name.s
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last month, i awardem om. it reminds us. mth why i awarded this medal of freedom. l
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powerful moments and painful áñ rush for ourselves. ■!today reminds us that we havea lot more work to do. let's keep the faith. let's remember who we are. we are the united states of america and there is nothing beyond our capacity, if we do it together. god bless you all and may god protect our troops. ♪&ñ>> more for members of congrs marking the federal holiday.
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kathy castted, it was great to celebrate our c's newest holiday and anoedge our nation's full and8. true history. everyone should have the abili to achieve their full potential. a conesan from georgia says juneteenths e time to celebrate o pgress and reflect on the work to be done. it is past time to end the exception that allows slavery as punishment for a crime. and senator sherrod brown sai happy juneteenth, ohio. cebte black communities across ohio andorheir contti change our history but we can build a better future and fight for a more just society for all. >> on thursday, mayors from across t country will attend u.s. conference of mayors meeting. we will have live covage at
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11:00 eastern wh a look at the economic challges facing cities. at 3:15 pm, a panel on crime and social justice followed by a later conversation on t homeless crisis. follow live covera of the conference of mayors on c-span, c-span now can o free mobile video app or online at >> on thursday, june 20 seventh, tune into e presidenaldebate li. watch as the presumptive nominees faced off as they try to earn your vote ahead of the general election. it begins at eight :00 p.m. easter again. 0(following the debate, stay wid
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get reaction. debate eastern on c-span two, c-span now were live on, your unfiltef politics. >> tune into live coverage of the national political convention starting with the event in milwaue. catch the democrats as stay connectedd and unfiltered glimpse. watch the republican and democratic national convention come alive this suer on c-span. c-span, your unfiltered view


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