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tv   National Juneteenth Observance Foundation Hosts Juneteenth Ceremony  CSPAN  June 19, 2024 8:10pm-8:32pm EDT

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freedom. our people have followed false prophets. we must and we shall return to proven wayold, but because they. announcer: watch historic convention speeches saturdays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span 2. and this summer watching c-span's live campaign 2024 coverage of the repubcan national convention july 15 through july 18 and the democratic national convention august 19 through august 22. ■&announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including mediacom. >> we believe that whether you live here or right here, or way out in the middle of anywhere, you should have access to fast, reliable internet. that is why we are leading the way in taking you to 10g.
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servi, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy.e announcer: and nowfellow -- the. it is hosted by the national juneteenth observance foundation on the w h ms. trumbo: hi, ladies and my name is samantha neyland trumbo. i am the first black miss hawaii usa and the founder of hawaii for juneteenth. we successfully passed legislation in hawaii to make neteenth a state holiday, and today i am here representing the national juneteenth observance foundation. we are here to celebrate juneteenth, to recognize our history and sc use it to successfully move forward towards a more inclusive
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america. us off today we have dr. penni brown. she will be doing the opening prayer and helping us celebrate juneteenth. dr. penni brown is a member of njos and she is on the board of the education committee helping to educate everyone in america on theto. so, let's please welcome dr. dr. brown: thank you so much. thank you. thank you, everyone. as shei will be doing the openig prayer for the festivities here 's give the almighty what he is so rightfully due. father, i stretcmy hds to thee for no other help i know. my shelter in >the time of st my prince of peace, my hope in this harsh land, we bow before
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you this afternoon to thank you for watching over us and taking care of us. this afternoon -- this morning, you touched us andht us out of the land of slumber. oh, thank you. gave us another day. thank you.■p we realize that many -- as wewur names were called, they failed to answer. their voices were hushed up in death. their souls had taken a flight and gone back to -- that gave it.■= but not so with us. we are thankful. the sheet th covered us was not our winding sheet. the bed we slept on was not our cooling board. you spared us and you gave us one more chanc and father, before we go further, we want tus sins. listen. all of our wrongdoings.?
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out the prickly parts of our lives, and gave us another chance -- sorry, gave us another chance to pray. for this, we thank you. we thank you t■rt you nk you yos this time in history.ulders to d for that, we will be eternally grateful. when i come to the end of my journey, when praying days are gone and time shall be more more, when these knees have bowed for the last time, whelikn off the battlefield of life, when i am through being bucked and scorned, i pray for a river jordan, hold the river still and t your servant cross over during a calmdown. father, i will be looking for thatan
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wicked would cease from troubling us and our weary souls will be at rest. over there a thousand years is by a day in eternity where i will meet with loved ones and i can sing praises to thee. say wf old, free at last, free at last. thank god almighty, i am free at last. your servant's er for you sake. amen. thank you so much. ms. trumbo: thank you so much, dr. penni brown. we have dr. chs taylor. dr. charles taylor is a published author. he wrote "juneteenth: a celebration for freedom," the book that was used to help pass the juneteenth federal legislation. and accompanying him is ms. taylor, the reigning national miss juneteenth.
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dr. taylor: thank you, and this is mia taylor, miss national juneteenth. and we are going to explain the meaning of juneteenth by spellingut t word juneteenth. ms. taylor: j. dr. taylor: juneteenth reenor a new beginning. ms. taylor: u. dr. taylor: unless we expose the truth about the african-american experience, americans will not be truly free. ms. taylor: n. our ancestors endurance one ofet the worst slave experiences in human history. ms. taylor: e. dr. taylor: every american has bened locks created from over 200 years of free labor. juneteenth allows us to acknowledge the debt. ms. taylor: t. dr. taylor: to encourage every former slaveholding state to make your stay a juneteenth holiday stat
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ms. taylor: e. dr. taylor: everyday in america, blacks are reminded of the legacy of slavery. juneteenth counters that by reminding us of the promise of freedom. ms. taylor: e. dr. taylor: even on the journey to discover who we are, juneteenth allows us to reflect on where we have been, where we are at, and where we are going as a people. ms. taylor: n. drtaylor: ne is the legacy of our enslaved ancestors.egacy produced heroism ■4during the civil war and helps era. ms. taylor: t. dr. taylor: to proclaim for all the world to hear, human rights must never again become subservient to property rights. ms. taylor: h. ylor: history books have told only a small part of the story. ne■ set the record straight. remember, freedom is always worth celebrating. thank you.
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ms. trumbo: thank you so much, dr. charles taylor and ms. mia taylor. ironically, they are not related, though. nep,han is responsible for bringing doc myers to medicine and opened his very own eddie carthan is ae first black mayor of mississippi. and here today, he is going toyo is often credited and very widely known as the father of the h movement. mr. die cartn.■[ mr. carthan: i would like to say good afternoon to everyone. my name is eddie carthan.
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i am from mississippi.■ back during the 1980's, i was doing a black histy across the country, having been elected the first black mayor in the state of mississippi. and i was at a black history program at the university of÷@n# and that's where i met the honorable reverend dr. myers. and once i finished,e to me and ked abt mississippi to practice medicine. he had just graduated from the university. and so, having said that, dr. myers came to to mississippi. at the time, i was a businessperson
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had a few buildings and stores that i owned.ers set up his clic in tchula, mississippi. and there, he practiced medicine moved to tchula. i was honored to invite him there. at the time, tchula, a small city, about 3000 people, we had no doctor.cided that he would set up a practice there in tchula, mississippi. and over the years, while he was no doctor, and he provided a valuable service there in tchula, practicing medicine. long story short, dr
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visited tchula, was a great impression, not on of the ■?■q of tchula, but the county of holmes and the state of mississippi. and heid deries of medical problems and a situation in tchula. thank you, and may god bless you. have the official juneteenth parade here on washington. ♪ yes, illinois and missouri in
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the house! >> happy juneteenth.■ ♪■,
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♪ [applause]■
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ms. trumbo: -- worked hand-in-hand with the doc myers, movement for over 20 years. together and with the help of many board members and your legislators, to pass the bill■y that officially recognized juneteenth as a title v national holiday. please welcome, mr. steve williams. mr. williams: ok. hey! all things juneteenth! >> all things juneteenth! mr. williams: all things >> all things juneteenth! mr. willia! >> all things juneteenth! mr. williams: we say all things juneteenth in america because freedom in america for everybody else started with juneteenth. before there were civil rights, rights, human rights, gay rights, there was juneteenth. juneteenth led theay and everybody for everything. right?
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and so, we come today, each -- we come ea celebrate this, this celebration of freedom. juneteenth adds balance to the celebration of freedom. it is not oi the fourth of july or juneteenth. it is, as the words of our founder, reverend ronaldmyers, d the land. the fourth of july freed the land from the tyranny of britain. juneteenth freed the people from the tyranny of slavery. not only those enslaved, but those who were doing the enslaving. right? so, it is an important time, ans americans to acknowledge this celebration of freedom, so that african-americans, not irish americans, not mexican americans, or spanish americans, but we are all american first. that is what juneteenth leads
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for our us to be. marching through the streets of/ galveston, announcing that all are free. they knew they were free already, but to see this example ofh@ black men in iform with brass buttons that said u.s. and guns on their shoulders was such an exuberant experience, that here we are 159 years later il so we want every american to take a moment and reflect on our common bond of freedom.cause t'e in america. freedom is the key thing. and the exercise of that frit of liberty, is what we are all here in this great country for. i want to thank the united st troop reenactors. i want to thank the ms. juneteenth scholarship program fomi foundation board of directors, the national parks service. it took a lot to get just this event together. but it shows what unity can do
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amongst us all. as we go forwarh the rest of our celebration on this day, i want everybody to remember, take your time, stay y yourselves. we have a great show, a great entertainment from people that ar michael hampton, mr. david we have a lot of great this that are happening. enjoy yourselves. but among all, among all, remember that juneteenth is a celebration of freedom, and joining everyone together. i want to thank you all for coming out, and have a great, [applause] much. we are going to ke just a brief intermission. and then we will proceed with the virginia juneteenth theater group.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corprformed by e national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] announcer: c-span's washington journal, a live form invol discs in government, politics, and public policy. from washington to across the country. thursday■h morning, committee fr a responsible federal budgetill talk about the national debt and the latest loses -- raises the u.s. deficit forast to close to $2 trillion in 2024. then former congressman zach wong and jim rome are cochairs of the national council on election integrity talk about funding for election security and potential t democratic process. c-span' journal, join in the conversation live at 7:00 eastern thursda-span now, t
8:30 pm announcer: thursday, mayors from acss the cntry will attend the annual u.s. conference of mayors meeting in kansas city, missouri and we will have live coverage starting at 11:30 a wie economic challenges faci cities. 3:15 p. a panel on crime and social justice followed by a late conveation on the homelessness cris at 4:30. follow live coverage of the u.s. conference of mayors on c-span, or online at announcer: saturday, american historic convention speeches. watch notable remarks by d other political figures from the past several decades.
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this saturday senator barry goldwater accepts the 1954 republican presidential conventd converge the modern conservative movement wit >> the tide has been running our people have followed false prophets.gz we must, and we shall, return to proven wayecause they are true. announcer: watch historic convention speeches saturdays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on american history tv on c-span 2. d this summer watch c-span's live campaign 2024 coverage of the republican national convention july 15 through july 18nd the docc natial convention august 19 through august 22. announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, includingomcast. o


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