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tv   Campaign 2024 Vice Pres. Harris Marks Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision  CSPAN  June 24, 2024 2:24pm-2:39pm EDT

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at tered view of politics powered by cable. >> c-span now is a free mobile app featuring your unfiltered view of what is happening in walive and on-demand. keep up with the day's biggest events with live streams of floor proceedings and hearings from the u.s. congress, white house events, the court, i
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>> coming up to remarks by vice president harri on the second anniversar of the u.s. supreme court's dision overturning roe v. wade. this november. . the vice president remarks wevee university of maryland in college park. this is about 10 minutes. [cheering] vp har isn't she extraordinary? just extraordinary. as i said to you and your you have been
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so courageous and such a leader in this movement. i shared with kate and please have a seat if there are chairs. they have chairs. i said to kat i think in moments of crisis that e of revealing the heroes among us who show courage not looking for any award or reward but just because they feel so strongly about something and being a voice for so many people and you areero of this movement. thank you. and i want to thank the elected officials and members of congress w hollen, pr ivey and i will0■. acknowledge the next senator from the great state of
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also broke.y dear ■
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years ago on that day i made a overturning roe v. wade would be the opening shot on a full on
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today our daughters no fewer rights than their grandmothers. this is a health care crisis. we all know who is to blame. donald trump. cl■k■rand how do we know? as many of you know, im tor so'k at the facts, shall we? ■tóv■ien he was in the white hoe il members of the united states supreme court because he wade. as he intended, they did. so it was premeditated. since, extris across our nation have passed ban after ban after ban. he has trump has notshown remorse for .
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he proudly takes4 credit for overturning roe. my fellow americans, in a crt■#d admission. and would a confession. all poin tin the case of therepe women of america, donald trump is guilty. [applause] and over the p seen the impact e trump abortionns. the horrific heartbreaking reality women have been facing every single day in our country.
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women have been refused■ care during a miscarriage, turned away from theonly turned away wy dep n denied the freedom to make their lives. understand as much caused, a sed trump term would be even worse. his the congress are trying to pass a national ban wn every state. in states like w yo and california and right here in maryland. know if donald trump gets the chance, he will sign that ban. how do we know? when congress tried to pass a national in 2017, he endorsed it and he promised to
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sign it if it got to his desk. now he wants uto believe he will not sign a national abortion ban. enough with the gas lighting. [cheering] and if we needed any morec pof onhere he stands on this issue, donald trump just announced he h his running mate. name, we already know it is someone who wants to ban abortion. every person on his short list either supported a ban in their stat or supported a national ban. ■x■=it does not stop there. if there were a second trump
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term, he has admitted at restris on contraception. pay close attention to help his friends in the united states senate obstructed a bill to ot the right to contraception. not once, not twice, but three times. down to this. donald trump thinks the government is in a better position to tell interest than women are to know for themselves. but joe biden and i trust women. [applause] and women trust all of us to ght for their right for their freedom and fight we will.
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as i travelountry, it is clear most americans do believe, one does not have to andith or d belief to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. and when congress passes a reste freedoms of roe, our president joe bidenill sign[applause] hanting four more yearsindeed. line. it is going to take all ofmomen.
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think about it. since roe was overturn come evti freedom has been on the ballot, the people of america have teuse] from kansas toifkentucky, in mi, vermt and ohio, the people of america have voted for=and not y overwhelming margins. not a partisan issue. proving that the voice of the people has been heard and will be heard. so today, i ask, are you ready to make your voices heard trust women? do we believe in freedom?
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do we believe in the promise of are we ready to fight for it? fight, we winteredgod bless yos amera.[applause] >> as we look forward to the 24 prede debate, join c-span as we revisit the 2020 debate between president trump and former vice president biden, nick opportunity to examine the personalities that shape the election. >> we can create hard good jobs by making sure the environment clean and we all are in better shape. >> there has never been admiratir president has
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done more than i in three and a half years. debate of the 2020 campaign season on c-span or online at watch the 2i-24 cnn presidential debate simulcast thursday on c-span two. you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you cant, videos of key ar feature markers highlights. these markers appear on the right side of your screen when you hit play on selected videos. this tool makes it easy to debated and decided in washington. a few minutes on c-span's points of interest. -- scroll and spend a few minutes on c-span's points s
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been deliverings. here are some highlights from a key moment. )jc-span, powered by cable. up next, british prime minister rishi sunak


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