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tv   Campaign 2024 Vice Pres. Harris Marks Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision  CSPAN  June 24, 2024 7:05pm-7:17pm EDT

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[cheering] on thursday tun into the c-span presidential debate and watch nominees face-off general election. a preview of what is to come a simulcast of the cnn presidential debates. c-span gets your reaction to the first debates. the cnn presidential debate simulcast on c-span two, c-span now or online ayour unfiltered view of politics. niversn overthey a of a campaign event at the university of maryla this is about 10 minutes.
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♪ >>[indiscernible] isn't she extraordinary? just extraordinary,. as i said, you have been such a leader in this movement. there are chairs. i said to kate in moments of crisis the univers way of revealing but heroes among us who show courage not looking for anyreward, but because theyo strongly. kate, you are a hero of this
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move. and i want to thank the elected officials and members of senator van hollen, representative glenn ivfrom maryland, my great friend, angela. [applause] >> and all the leaders you are here and are fightin woman in our nation can cess t so this is a fight for freedom. freedom of a woman to make decisions about your body and not having the government tell her what to dtwo years ago today i think many remember where we were.
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two years ago today, the highest court in our land, the court of thorough and are, took a constitutional right from the women of america. two years ago on that day i made a prediction that overturning roe v. wade would be the opening shot on a full on assault on reproductive freedom. that is exactly what happened. over the last twoears extremists proposed and passed laws that criminalize doctors and punish women, laws that limit access to contraceptfertility treatments like ivf. even trying to revive laws from the 1800. in america one in three women, onereproductive age lives in a state with an, many
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with no exception for rape or incest. our daughters no fewer rights their grandmothers. is and we know who is to blame. donald trump. and how do we know? i'm a former prosecutor so let's look at the facts. donald trump handpicks three members of the united states supreme court because he intended for them to wade and as he intended, theyso it was premeditated. extremistshave passed ban after ban. he has accomplices and he has not remorse for his actions. in he proudly takes credit
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rning roe v. wade. my fellow american in a court of law that would be called an admission. some would say a confession. all pointing to the ultimate issue. case of theoductive freedom from of america donald trump is guilty. [applause] >> and over the past two years wehe impact of these abortion bans. the heartbreaking reality that women have been racing every day in our country. been refused care rooms and only given care when they develop sepsis. we've seen attacks on ivf, women
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denied the freedom to make personal decisio and understand as much harms caused, a second trump term would be worse. his friends in congress are passing a national ban that would outlaw abortion in every state, states like new yorkrnia and maryland. and we all know if donald trump gets the chance, he will sign that ban. how do we know? when congress tried to pass a bane endorsed it and promised to sign it if it got to his desk and now he wants us to lie he will not sign the national abortion ban. enough with the gas lighting.
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i know. and if we needed any more proof on where he stands, donald trump announced he has decided who his runnin mate will be. without knowing that person's name, we alreadysomeone who wants to ban abortion. list either supported and abortion ban and it does not stop there. if there were a second trump term, he has admitted he is quote looking at restrictions on contraception. pay close attention to help his friends in the senate obstructed a bill to protect the right to contraception. not once, not twice, but three times.
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donald trump thinks the government is in a better is issue into toll them in what is in their best interest in women are for themselves, but joe biden and i trust women. [applause] >>;/ trust all of us to fight for their rights and fundamental freedoms. and fight we will. and fight we will. and you know, as i avel it is most do believe that you do not have to abandon faith or deeply held belief to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. [applause] >> and when congress passes a estores reproductive freedomsbiden, will sign it into law.
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indeed. so here is the bottom line, here is the bottom line. it will take all of us to get there, it will take all of us think about it, since roe was overturned every time reproductive freedom has been on the ballot, the people have voted for freedom. from kansas to california to ntucky in michigan, montana, vermont and ohio. the people of america have voted and not by often by overwhelming margins proving this is partisan issue. proving that the voice of the people has been heard and will
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be heard so today i askady to make your voices heard? do we beln freedom? do we believe in the promise of ess you and god bless america. [applause] ♪ >> on tuesday olympic champion swimmers testify on anti-doping efforts ahead ympics. watch the subcommittee hearing 7 p.m. eastern on+jan>> now, house intelligence committee chair mike turner talks about u.s. nuclear
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strategy and foreign policy in sp
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