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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Campaign Stop at Philadelphia Restaurant  CSPAN  June 25, 2024 6:26am-6:47am EDT

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v@ biden. thisut 20 minutes.
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[cheering] [chanting usa] mr. trump: it will be happy today.
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-- he will be happy today. thank you. hello, everybody. [indiscernible] we are going to get there. most likely. we have a lot of people coming. there is a lot of interest. tremendous the debate. when you sthese people know better than anybody what they want. nobody knows. who do you like as a vp?
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who do you like? >> j.d. vance. mr. trump: you like jd? who do you like? ul al -- who do you guys like as jd? >> tom cotton. >> marco rubio. mr. trump: there is a lot of variance. i think biden has been the president in the history of our country. i president in the history of our country. i think hecountry. i don't know. he is a terrible president. that is where he struggles. re about the debate. do you know where he struggles? at beingresident. pretty sure. stick sandwich.
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>> put that away. >> you will win big this time. mr. trump: they see how bad he is. go ahead. we got to get a sandwich. i'm buying everybody a sandwich. thank you, ma'am. -- thank you man. let's go. ready? who do you like? he has got his own race. he istastic. that is an ready?
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no tax. who are you>> nbc. mr. trump:you are too friendly. >> would like to tell us who your vp is? mr. trump: i will tell you soon. you're so nice to me with nbc. i can't believe it. if i can handle guys like this. right around the convention. maybe a little before. we have some great people. who do you like as vp? ryan i good.
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ryan is good. who is he? let me see. that is nice. who did this picture? >>mr. trump: that is a good picture. who did it? >> the starving artist. mr. trum the starving artist is better than the one that is not starving. paid a lot of money like hunter. do you think hunter could do this? we love tiktok. i'm going to save tiktok. biden wants to get rid ofhe has no idea. he haso idea what the hell he is doing. hope -- who? i did nothing wrong.
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[indiscernible] now we made it valuable. we did absolutely nothing wrong. this country is corrupt. what they are doing with the weaponize asian, they are going to be ashamed ofwe have a corrupt group of people. it is working out the other way. we got the highest poll numbers we have ever had. we have a 10 point lead. they cheat so much 10 points is not enough. we have to get more. if we don't win, our country is finished i'm telling you. that is going to be good.
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i want to leave a tip. how much of a tip? he wouldn'are you ready? i'm going to give you 500 bucks. you guys split it. >> let's go. [chanting trump] mr. trump: thank you all very much. hello, back there. i saw you from the car. i noticed. ad. let's go. the strategy is to make america great again.
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my strategy is very simple. make america great again. our country is going to hell. there is no strategy. we are going to turn around fast. i look forward to thursday. i know he is locked up in a log cabin someplace. you can imagine >> thank you very much. mr. trump:mr. trump: i like this group of people. these armythese people built america, you know that? these people built america. >> no. put it in your pocket. what? biden should have been a better
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president. he is the worst president in thestory of our country. biden should have been a better president. he let this country go to hell. we are a nation in total distress. we have to turn this country around. we are going to turnwe are going to drill baby, drill. t your energy prices down. it all started with energy. i will throw it to him. >> how do you think you wi in your debate? mr. trump: i will do fine. >> will you be different than you were four years ago? mr. trump: we had a great they were both good. hell in the last three and a half years. the country has gone down badly. he has to explain why he is allowing 18 million people many from prisons many from jails many from mental institutions. >> he is a globalist. mr. trump: he
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is somebody who hates our country. he is shots. 't run a country. he has done a horrible job. this country is a laughingstock all over the world. it better than anybody. thank you all veryuch. give me that book. past that book over. can you sign my bag? mr. trump: give me your bag. make sure you don't have a bomb. i trust her. if it blows up -- that is a nice bag. >> thank you very much. mr. trump: do you have a camera? come on overlisten take care of these
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people. we have to get one. who is the owner? he makes good money. let's go. everybody know margo? margo is famous. you pass it on. mahe gets one. do another one. is that yours bring him up here. i'm going to have your sandwich later. if i don't like it, i'll call you. thank you, everybody. watch on thursday night.
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on thursday night. >> we will. >> i'll see you in the white house. mr. trump: november 5 or sooner. get out andwe cannot lose. we will be ok. you will be happy. you have done a good job covering the riots and everything. >> tell me how you are preparing
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for the debate. presidents on the campaign. you are on the campaign trail. what is your strategy? mr. trump: this is the best strategy. we have all these people screaming qu debate. rally about 10 minutes away. we have lines a mile long. it is an honor. you have done a very good job . i hope you get a pay increase now. when you go to these areas, what is the game plan? you're going to philly, you're going to the bronx. is no game plan. it is a lot of love. they want hope. . there is no hope with this guy biden. i say it all the timei did not even realize it. people need hope. we are in the middle of a pretty rough area @'and it is a love fest. they want want --
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[chanting usa] it has been amazing. >> [indiscernible] mr. trump: i could be a lot of other places but i choose to be here and the rally is phenomenal. i think it starts at 7:00. tammy is fantastic. say hello to everybody. [indiscernible] we have a lot of who do you like. we have a lot of good ones. i will be announcing around the time of the convention. >> why virginia? mr. trump: we are going up in virginia. we are leaving in minnesota.
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that one has not been won since 1972. we have a very good chance to win. we are going to win a lot of places people have not thought about because our country is in di if you look at our country, we are a failing nation and that should never happen. we have to turn it around fast. i look forward to the debate. the debate is not the big deal. the big deal is what have you done. we had four great years. he has had three and half years >> do you think he is going to be good onmr. trump: i think he will be fine and then forgetan hour. we wish him well. [indiscernible]
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