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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  June 25, 2024 12:00pm-12:44pm EDT

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you. >> the house is back in session today after a weeklong recess. up next, member speeches, and then later this afternoon members are expecd bills from a foreign affairs committee, including a measure requiring the secretary of state to establish a strategy to live coverage on c-span. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in. the chair lays before the house
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a communication from the speake the clerk: the s rooms, washington, d.c. june 25, 2024. the honorable cliff bentz toct as spea signed, mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 9, 2024, the chair will now recognize members from lis the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. the chair will alternate recognition between the parties with time eq member other than the majority and minorityo five minutes but in no event shall de 1:50 p.m. the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. mr. joyce: thank you, mr.
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speaker. speaker, last month moe an00 illegal immigrants crossed at our southern border. more than the populations of pennsylvania counties from miffland, perry, juniata, fulton, and bedford counties combined crossed last month. our and protectingden has systematically destroyed the border security in place by president trump. by end mexico policy, by instituting procedures to last for mass asylum and allowing those were suspected connections to terrorism to e i country, president biden has put every american familysk. pennsylvania families ar)■a no american can afford the costs
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and the risks of an it is time to pass legislation that fully funds our border patrol. personnel, the tools, and the training they need to confront the crisis that continues to this dayv< at thank you.rn border. mr. speaker, as adversaries like russia continue to forge new relationships, and asorists continue to attackur ships in the middle east, it has become so clear that president biden's weak and ineffective foreign policy has failed the americanpl the inability to stop chinese-l bidn
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has shown time and time again that he is not able to do the work that is required of the commander in chief. we know the weakness aggressionr president trump's leadership our nation was respected on the world stage. it's time to fulfill our commitment to creating a nation that is safe and prode our military with the support needed to protect, to train, adequatele members. we cannot protect our nation with failed leadership.s3 and we cannot keep americans safe while president biden continues to fail in his duty to deter our adver you, mr. speake. i yield. the speaker pro tempore: the chair reccognizes the gentleman from connecticut, mr. larson, for five minutes. rise today to talk about the
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nation's number anti-poverty program for the elderly and the one anti-poverty program for the nation's children. that's social■lm here today to y we need chamber and why we need to and astoundingly, to the members in the galry and to you, i'm sure, imagine that congress hasn't action in over 53 years. richard nixon was president of the united states. congress enhanced social security. congress is the only body that can do this. the president can't do it through and it's nothing that the supreme court is going to take up. only members of this can help out people. there are more than0 million
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social security recipients in the today. and, mr. speaker, more tn 10,000 baby boomers a day become eligible for social security. and we haven't enhanced a benefit for them in over 53 years? now, the republican sdye up wita plan. they say what we need to do is cut $1.5 trillion out of social security over t 10 years. and they say they want t well, mr. speaker, as you know, for every year you raise the age, that's a 7% cut in age to 21% across-the-board cut to people thatav't had a benefit enhancement since 1971.y
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sense needs of our senior citizens and also, quite frankly, giving the needs of our children. and also, you should take note of this, that more veterans rely on social security disability than they do on the.a that's why we proposed social security 210 enhanced social security across the board for everyone. work all their lives and retire into poverty. more than 5.5 million paid into social security work all their lives, get below poverty level checks fromhe ute■# government. that is unfair. that's unjust. wrong. and congress needs to take wanth you likci plan and don't
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want to vote, then you are not doin anything for social security. and your content with you're content with its cuts. if you want a study commission that some haves it you are going to study? what is it that you don't know . people prettylearly on their kitchen tables know. congress needs to■ act and enhance social security and increase the benefits them in 53 years. it's outrageous. more americans need t it. but congress needs to a the ways and means committee has cognizance over social security. we should out. if you've got a better idea thal security, by all means bring it out. by all means let's have a debate on it. but for god's sake don't we owe
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the american people a vote? aren't they entitled to know where their membersngress stand, what their plan is? speay people in your d■kic -- you have over 193,000 ripients of social security in your district. and that brings in million monthly to your constituents. where do they spend that? right back in the district at the local pharmacy, at t grocery store, paying for their rent, their mortgages, putting gas in their automobile. this is one of the best economic development programs that every member of congress benefits from, and their constituents as well.
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it's long overdue for to act. all we are asking for is to put out and have a vote. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chaith carolina, mr. nickel, for five minutes. mr. nickel:: i defer to my distinguished colleagu3".hair apologizes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from arkansas,■ mr. womack: mr. speaker, rise today to recognize
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legend in arkansas broadcasting who has to retire after more than 70 years. to the industry. years as the owner, operator of kurm radio in rogers, arkansas. mr. speaker, he's not just a career broadcaster. he's my father. kermit womack, or the colonel, as we all kermit grew up in rural, arkansas, just outde small town of danville. it should be noted that on that little farm in the ranger community, he didn't enjoy the mode of life. no electricity, no indoor plumbing, no car. he pd cotton for mere dollars a day to earn money to buy schoolt was like to be poor. d
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through the f.f.a. organization he competed in public speaking. it was that gift that gave him an opportunity to go t in collee joined t rotc program, commissioned in 1957, the i was born. dad began a 36-year carkzeer in the national guard. he also worked at the local radi■g russellville to help support his family. his broadcast career took him to lexington, missouri, for five years. than nobodierly, missouri, for 11 years. it was there that he became the broadcast voice of the local junior college bas team. the gray hounds, undermons. won two national titles during that time, both in 1967. with kermit providing the descri make the trip. as sales manager, hected the kif
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radio that reflected t in 1973 kermit returned to arkaas and became the general manager of the station where it. er brought true community involvement radio to that region. he was even the play-by-play voice for my high school football blames. i cherish -- games. i cherish those recording. soon kermit began to yearn for his own station, in 1979 we founded kerm radio in rogers, arkansas. ve 1979. 12:00 noon. kerm took the air for the first time. mr. speaker, in the last kerm he regional voice of arkansas, southwest missouri, and northeast oklahoma. it a.m. signal. service as he added f.m.
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local talk shows like a free want dial-a-tree. his personal talk show, party line. histyle of broadcasting covering local events, daily wsweher,nd a special emphasis on production agriculture. local e. you would hear him l the local cattle auction. he was unique, no other station did what was hard work and required dedicated people to perform such a unique seice. mr. speaker, times have changed. changed. o as time has marched on, the sponbiliti fell mo■zre and more on the colonel, and very recently at 89 years of age,s hh up with him. so come monday, this monday, july 1, will sign off for the final time and kerm, the last a vanishing breed of
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stations, will retire with him. it will mark the it will most certainly leave a void for his listeners. is witha heavy heart butecognize and cony dad, kermit womack, for his contributions to the broadcast industry anti-communities he's called home. it will be -- and the communities he's called home bes signature signoff. agree or still going to be friends. you take care. have love you. the bible says in matthew, well-done, good and faithful servant. a fitting scripture for a man who has given more than 70 years of hise to's hiss community and nation. colonel, we are proud of you. we are going to miss your service country and fell man. may god richly bless you in retirement. mr. speaker, impore: the
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chair recognizes the gentleman from north carolina, mr. nickel, for five minutes. mr. you, mr. speaker. last week i joined the all-veteran group to raise awares and draw atext -- awareness and draw attention to my bill, the fair maps act, by sky diving fromolina just outsif fort liberty. i was proud to ele partisan gero new heights and call out theapsh carolina and across thery. my bill, the fair maps act, combatsg by establishing independent, nonpartisan redistricting commissions in state. the fair maps act has the seats if to double the n■mber signed into law. that is a big deal. in north carolina and across the
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country, partisan gerrymandering has been used as a tool by politicians to manipulate the outcomes with surgical precision. gerrymanring disenfranchises voters and leads to hyperpartisanship. it's the main reason we are on trac productive congress in our nation's history. listen, folks, it's voters should choose their politicians, not the other way around. the ballot this year, i'm not giving up or going out quietly. i'm going to do everything i can to fight for fair maps, end partisan gry single northar thank you, mr. speaker. this week was the two-year anniversary of the in dobbs v. jackson women's health organization whichvextreme attak on women's rights in america. in north carolina the aftermath of the dobbs decision has been devastating. in july, 2023, north carolina's
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republican majority general assembly ena prohibiting abortion after 12 weeks with few exceptions and mandated in-person state-directed counseling three days before theher states have d abortion and similar reproductive health services in alabama, a state supreme court ruling has effectively aco fertilization, i.v.f.■ i'm pro-choice and a committed member of the house pro-choice want my daughter to grow up in a world where she has the same rights as her mother■8/ and her grandmother, that they've had for the last 50 years. i'll conti■nue working in congress to restore and protect the right to choose by codifying roe. law. thank you, mr. speaker. former recently told wealthy donors and universities shouldn nationals automatically be giv a card. after doing nothing on immigration reform for four
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years, he's a b party. unlike the former president, i ourat's whe bipartisan keep stem to provide permanent resident status to international students wm degres from u.s. educational institutionsm9 and are interestd in continuing their work in the united states. ginen card. automatically be to remain at the forefront of cutting edge scientific technological innovation, we should ensure that international students who come carolina for higher education can stay in the united statesat. this commonsense effort will help ensure position as the worr in scientific -- science and technology, by retaining talented workers in the stem workforce. let's get this done on a bipartisan way a move it through this congress. thank you, mr. more than 343,000 households in
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north carolina spend over half . leaving too little for other expenses like health transportation and groceries. access to safe and affordable housing is essential to the well-being of working families and individuals in north carolina. and throughout the country. that's why i'm proud to introduce the keepousing affordable act. the keep housing affordable act is aruution that incentivizes developers to homes for a long time to come. my bill will bolster and expand the l income housing tax credit, which currently only requires affordable housing unit years. my bill would provide incentives for units to remainffordable for decades to come. this will help boost the affordable housinghance home que long-term stability for low-income andiddle-income communities across north carolina's 13th district. i'll keep working to forth commonsense ideas and solutions to lower housing costs a of affordable housing. thank you, mr. speaker.
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i yieldker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. self, for fe minutes. mr. self:r. speaker, i rise today to honor rogan jr., texas board chairman, upon his retirement afterf service to our nomination boarde as a member of the naval academy classwy of 1965 and after a 13-month tour of duty in his miy service as a captain in the marine corps. john became vice president at the electronic data systems where he also met his wife, leah ray. has made considerable contributions leading the development of the
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legacy town center, serving as chairman of the plano chamber of commerce, and as a board member of the allen campuses of the texas health resourcesó8( hospital. of particular note is his service as chairman of the mcki mckinney national airport. he wasns small local airport into a significant economic driver for additionally he served as a board member for the national cowboy and western her tan museum -- heritage museum in oklahoma city. where he spearheaded the museum's mission of prese interf the american west. 33 years ago john accepted the responsibility for nomination board. three consecu john's wisdom, experience and commitment to excellence as they endeavored to select anduiou men and women aspiring to serve our
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nation nt and the united states service academies. john's dedication tois and couny exemplifies the best of american patrioti a others. with great respect i 33 years of exemplary service, dedication and effective contributions. i extend my■ú deepest gratitude and best wishes to john and leah ray as they on the next chapter of their lives. may god bless both for yourselfless service and dedication to your selfless service and dedication to our community ando absolute our soldiers -- salute our soldiers of tomorrow. the service-bound academy students of the third congressional district of texas. this district of texas is home to some of the best and the brigest young people and it is always an hobber to -- honor too our nation's service academies. i am confident that they are
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ready to join the premier service academies and ultimatele united states armed forces. dist is going to send six cadets to the united states military academy, two midshipmen to the united states naval academy, four cadets to the united states air force academy, three midshipmen to the united states merchant marine■> academy, two candidates to the united states military academy school, one candidate to the united states military preparate candidate to naval academy preparatory school, and two canned kates to the -- candidates to the unitedtates py school. to these 15ointees and six preparatory candidates, i say god bless bless america. i salute you. academy, jack alexander clutter, david rossea sun,
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samantha tillson, walker, nicholas david yarad, the naval academy, pope akana, duncan sullivan, the u.s. air force academy, jonah ray aaron bowman, julia chang, desean caleb jailen joshua davis. the u.s. m academy, timothy koppel, ray sauer, parker tinsley. the united states military academy preparatory school, , christian turner. the united states military academy civil preparatory school, blake ryan mckenna. ■thool, blake ryan mckenna. preparatory school, nicole sophia rios.
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the united states air force academy preparatory school, taylor carol, corbin glass. i congratul of these and i yield back.ker pro tempore: te chair recognizes the gentleman from new york, mr. kennedy, for five mr. kennedy: thank you, mr. speaker. on february9, 2024, western new york, workers of america, and ga towering figure. rry was a prominent member of c.w.a. l in buffalo. she served as the legislative and political director, working tirelessly to further the ideas
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of union advocacy and workers' rights acrs the region, state and the nation. was widely knowr energy and positivity in the fight for the movement. she was passionate and endlessly dedicated to the cause. her work wasn't limiteds. though she had no qualms in telling you what mind. it was also nevada her actions -- evident in her actions. terry was committed to --tted ts better for the next generation of workers and she refused to take no for an answer. as an elected official, i had kr -- terri for many years and i had the privilege o friend. with terri, youw that she was going to fight until the end and the political arena. if she believed in a their valug
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to do everything in her power to ensure that they w. ehe political landscape of western n to mayor, town boards to supervisors, county legislators and executives, state assembly members and senators, and me of congress. when it was a reception-, a rally or a pickett line, -- pickett line,?er could work a crowd better than anyone. she was not the but finding her was never a struggle b and center with a beaming smile andlways dressed to impress in her c.w.a. i visk i hadly remember her -- vividly remember her outside mercy hospital the catholic heah strike. fighting with every ounce of
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muster to make sure that the workers' demands and you know what. they were. wi coming to a hard-fought and well-deser hospital system, ensuring not just fair pay and benefits for a hard day's work, but just as importantly, ensuring safer nurse to patient ratios. lives. they knew that safe and because her work securing that contract, terri saved forme of the h?áig ofny legislative session -- of any legislative was c.w.a.'ss. she would be there with her brothers and sisters in labortil legislation and teaching new important. civic engagement is terri and i were always for
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workers' rights and better health care environments for the workforce, which provided for better outcomes for those that they cared for. wh handling, safe staffing, helping striking workers get access to em the minimum wage, if it was good for terri fought tooth and nail for it. and her tra itself. every one of those issues w yore legislature. ineral months, terri worked through her illness, verhe struggle for workers' rights take a back seat to her own needs. in terri's last days, she communicated that one of her greatest regrets would not be to watch me be sworn in on this floor in the house of■j■q
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however, terry was very much in this room on may 6. her spirit continues to be with us. and resonates in the work that . as it will be, as the fight for here. she is survived by her husband, mike, children, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren to terry's immediate and extended all of western new york and supporters oflaboru and we thank you for sharing such a magnificent soul with us. the world is a better place so. and in her memory we will contin t movement forward.
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may she rest in peace. yield ba. the speaker pro tempo: the chair recognizes the gentleman from tennessee, mr. rose, for five minutes. mr. rose:mr. speaker, today i rise to honor and congratulate the 2024 college baseball world series champions, the tennessee volunteers. orange got the job e last night capping a thrilling three-game series win in omaha to complete a season and the first number one national seed to win t■] 1999. congratulations to head coach tony who has led the volunteers to five straight ncaa tournaments, three college world series appeara four years, and the program's first ever national title.■á it was truly a team effort to reach this remarkable unanimous consent to
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enter the names of the players, co staff into the congressional record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. rose: what a way to make tennessee proud. congratulations to the 2024 tennessee volunteers, the kings of college baseball reside on mr. speaker, yesterday marked two years since that restored te right to life for since the dobbs v. jackson decision, an 902 -- 2■9 00,902 unborn children lives have been protected. despite these milestones in the fight to protect the lives of the unborn, democrats across this country continue their efforts to allow for abortions r
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disgusting desire to make america one of the most pro-abortion countries in the entire world. no secret they arg the quiet pt out loud. mr. speaker, democrats plan to abolish the senate filibuster and pass legislation to ban states from having laws that protect unborn children and mandate all trimester abortion until the moment a baby is born. thiss unconscionable. thankfully tennesseans agrn to protect children. since the volunteer state's pro-life protections went into s have been protected annually.■u at 24,000 new tennesseans who a a gift to this world and that otherwise would not have been given the chance just a years ago.
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as a christian, a father and a s stand up for what' and try to be the voice for the voiceless. at a time whe history where there are so many evils, i can think of many that are worse than the horror of proud to have fought alongside countless othegu overturn roe v. wade, pass in this house, and fight back against the white hou's desire to allow for on demand, taxpayer funded abortion. mr. speaker, thisuh a cause worthy of fighting for. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. kelly, for five minutes. mr. kelly: mr. speaker, i rise today to honor a local world war
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ii veteran in midis-- in my district. at 108 years old, al of erie, pennsylvania, embodies the spirit of america. hi a chance t last week during the district workweek period. he is truly an inspiration. in fact, he's also the 13th o oldest living man in the united states. so as iíat a visited with him when he was in the hospital bed, believe me he's still sharp. he would talk to me you will all the presidents he served under. u know what, rep, i was a member of the cavalier. that's interes because i got tired of walking. i would rather ride a horseut h. the horse's name was napoleon, it was a great horse. in fact i got to ride that horse when f.d.r. had his second inauguration. when you look at this man and seeim there in the bed but remembering the names of presidents from decades his dedication to his country as he
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talked about and what happened honor of being there a couple wks ago when we commemorated the 80th anniversary of normandy. i sh number of people, the french people, who were just so over-the-top thankful and grateful forha coun world war ii. aid like to somehow those types of things us a political awareness, a love for a country that's always the rong in the country. this man, al, 108 years old, spoke of america with great lat. he talked about his family. he talked about building a housse. he built it himself. he talked about going to work in erie when he got back from the war for 43 cents an hour. hendlessly about the colleagues he had and the times he had.
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more talked about his gratitude for -- his gratitude for being an american. he talked about the love he has for t and for the people he serves so well. at 108 al'sg on having many more birthdays. i fi said, listen, i want you to kno you know what, con man, i want you to know i'll be praying for you and our country because she is in great need of prayer right now. th 108. his love of country, service too country. that's the type of person we want all of us to be. on somber note, also have talkedd who passed away, his about al being 108.
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tim passed away at the age of 72. tim was an incredible person. he gave his entire life to helping others. in 1983, he opened t.m in grovey in pennsylvania. owning the operation, expanded e business to include clinics across our■ leadership positions for the pennsylvania physical therapy association, american physical therapy association the pennsylvania state board of physical therapy. he was a tireless polical advocate for his profession. championing shaped the physical therapy industry. in his personal life tim was did to sports in mercer county where he served on[x of directors from 1996 to 20 126789 this man gave -- to 2012. this man gave generously. he told me i don't want anybody giving me credit for this.
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please, anonymously. let's look at it that way. it's not that >you recognized. the fact is you have to recognize those in need. an tryo you can to help them. today i had the opportunity to talk about incredible people. one who celebrated his 108th the other we mourn his loss at 72. my friends, is it not time for all americans to take a step back a be thankful for everything we have been blessed th is incredible to me this country has been blessed with so much for■á by so many. while the btast week was with al at 108"[■t and talking about his horse, in a knoll polian. he told me about a toast he gave to napoleon. it was hooray for napoleon. yea. this is a guy who is 1ope i'm at spirit. at the end of it all, we are
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truly blessed, we are truly honored to take time to honor theseeo that, mr. speaker, i yid back. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until 2 p.m. today.■[
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