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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. President Trump Campaign Stop at Philadelphia Restaurant  CSPAN  June 25, 2024 2:14pm-2:36pm EDT

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>> we will make americae and we will make america great again. >> here and now, i give yoif yoe presidency, i wi of us, not the. >> towering american spirit has prevailed over ever challenge and lifted us to the summit of human bringing you unfiltered view of the since 19y cable. >> 2024 presumptive g.o.p. donald trumpade a campaign atre he w greeted by supporters and signed autographs choices for e president in the up coming
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debate with president biden. this is about 20 minutes. [g■x u]
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ga it will be happy today. -- he will be happy today. thank you. hello, everybody . [indiscernible] ,we are going to get there. most thi this
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is prepping. these people know better than anybody what they want. ■e■wno knows. who do you like vp? wh y like? >> j.d. vance. mr. trump: you likewho do you l? would you al -- who do you guys like as jd? >> tom cotton. >> marcomr. trump: there is a lf variance. i think biden has been the w inr country. i think brydeis theorst ent in the history of our country. i think he is destroying ouri '.
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he is a terrible president. that is where he struggles. i don't care about theó debat s? at being ppretty sure. stick around. wi■0 put that away. >> you will win big this time. mr. tr they see how bad he is. go ahead. i'm buying everybody a sandwich. thank you, ma'am. -- thank you, man.
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let's go. ready?
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he has got his own race. he isanthat is an iesready? who are you nbc. mr. trump: you are sfriely. you are too friendly.
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you are good reporters>> would o your vp is? mr. trump: i will tellyou're so. i can't lieve it. if i can handle guys like this. 3#right oundmaybe a little befo. ■÷who do you like as vp? ryan is gryan is good. who is he? let me see. that is nice. who did this picture? >> that is hand-painted. mr. trump: that is a good picture. who did it? >> the starving artist. mr. trump:tarving artist
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is better than one that is not starving. paid a lot of money like hunter. do you think hunter could do this? ktok. i'm going to save tiktok. wants to get rid of tiktok. ■oouhe has no idea. hell he is doing. hope -- who? ■xi did nothing wrong. [indiscernible] now we made it valuable.
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we did absolutely nothing wrong. this country is corrupt. what they are doing with weaponize asian, they are going to be ashamed of themselves.we f people. it is working out the other way. we g numbers we have ever had. we have a 10 point lead. they cheat so much 10 points iw. if we don't win,finished i'm te. i want to leave a tip. how much of a tip?
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he wouldn't have to add it up. are you ready? ■qi'm going to give you 500 buc. you guys split it. >> let'so. [chanting trump] thank you all very much. hello, back there. i saw you from the car. go ahead. the strategy is toake america great again. my strategy is very simple. make america great again. our counis goi■÷ng to hell.
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the we are going to turn around fast. o thursday. i know he is locupu can imagines doing. >> thank you very much. these are my people. these people built america, you know that? >>o. put it in your pocket. mr. trump: you know whabiden shr president. he is the worst president in the
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history of our country. biden should have úbeen a better president. he let this country go to hell. we are a nation in total distress. we have to turn thisouaround. we are going to turn it around fast. we are going to baby, drill. get your energy prices it all started with energy. i will throw it to him. >> how do you think you will do in your debate? mr. trump: i will do fine. >> will you be different than mr. trump: we had a great debate four years ago. they were both gd.i think what e country has gone to■z last three and a half years. the country has gone down badly. allowing 18 million people many
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many from jails, many from mental institutions. >> he is a globalist. mr. trump: he is somebody who teour country. he is not calling the shots. he certainly can't run a country. he has done a horrible job. this country is a laughingstock all over the world. these people know it better than thank you all very much. give me that book. over. >> can you sign mymr. trump: gi. make sure you don't have a bomb. i trust her. if it blows up --
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that is a nice bag. thank you very much. mr. trump: do you have acome on. listen, take care of these people. we have to get one. who is the owner? he makes good money. let's go. everybody margo? you pass it on. make sure he gets one. yours?herne bring him up here.
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going to have your sandwich later. if i don't like it, i'll call yo watch on thursday night. watch on thursday>> we will. >> i'll see you in the white m@house. mr. trump: november 5 or(wget o. we cannot lose.
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we will be ok. you will be happy. job covering the riots and everything. tell me how you are preparing for the debate. biden is on the campaign. you are on the campaign trail. what is your strategy? mr. trump: this is the best strategy. we have all these people screaming questions and i look forward to the debate. now we are here for a big rally ouwe have lines a mileit is an . you have done a very good job
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. i hope you getwhen you go tohe t is the game plan? you're going to philly,ou' bron. mr. trump: there is no game plan. it is a lot of love. they want hope. . there is no hope with this guy i say it all the time now. le need hope. we a rough area and it is a love fest they want hope. [chanting usa] een amazing. >>mr. trump:ose to be here and the rally is phenomenal. i think it starts at 7:00.
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tammy is fantastic. say hello toi1 everybody. ■p■p[indiscernible] we have a lot of who do you like. we have a lot of good ones. i will be announcing around the time of the convention. >> why virginia? mr. trump: we areoing u■in we are leading in virginia. that one has not been1972. we have a very good chance to win. ■] places people have nought abr country is in dire shape to put it mildly.
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if you look at our country, are a failing nation and that should never happen. we have to tur around st. debat. the debate is not the big deal. we had four great years. he has had three and half years of destruction. do you think he is going to be good on the stage? mr. trump: i t will be fine and then forget it in about an hour. we[indiscernle[cheering]
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liberated under his command under and vial tyranny that has ever filled this earth. thus will remembered. [applause] >> c-span, powered by cable. >> on thursday, tune in to the cnn as the two presumptive nominees face off as they try to earn■jbw your vote ahead of the november election. our coverage at 8:00 p.m. of a .
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9:00 p.m. easrn cast of the presidential debate and following the debate, stay with c-span as we get your reaction to the first debate. the c nmp n presidential sim you will cast live thursday 9:00 p.m., c-span now or online at c-span.n org. your unfiltered through of politics. >> tune into c-span live coverage of the 2024tical conveg with the republican event on july 15. next chicago on august 19. stay c■fonnected to c-span for a glimpse of democracy at work. watch the democratic and republican national conventions
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on c-span, c-span now and c-span. org. c-span unfiltered politics, powered by capable. >> coming up, remarks by vice president harris the second anniversary of the u.ssupreme orturning roe v.■i wade. the remarks are part of of maryland college park. this is about 10 p[■


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