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tv   Campaign 2024 Vice Pres. Harris Marks Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision  CSPAN  June 25, 2024 2:36pm-2:51pm EDT

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chicago on august 19. stay c■fonnected to c-span for a glimpse of democracy at work. watch the democratic and republican national conventions on c-span, c-span now and c-span. org. c-span unfiltered politics, powered by capable. >> coming up, remarks by vice president harris the second anniversary of the u.ssupreme orturning roe v.■i wade. the remarks are part of of maryland college park. this is about 10 p[■ thank membee
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the next senator fromat state of maryland. [cheers and to all the leaders e here and have beenigmake sure ey woman in our nation can access the care they need and he reproductive health care. so, this is for freedom. the fundamental f■.■s■ned women making decisions and not
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having her government tell to d. two years ago today, i us rememe were, two years ago today, the highest court in our land, the court of thurgood and r.b.g., took a constitutional right that had been recognized from the people of america, from themen s ago, i made a overturning roe v.wade would be the opening shot state by state on reproductive freedom. over the past two years, extremists hav passed laws that criminalized doctor punished women. laws that limit accesso fertiliy
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treatments of them trying to ree laws 1800's. today in america,ce in three woa state with an abortion rape or increst.eption e our daugh know fewer rights than their grandmothers. this is a health and we all know who is to and how do we i'm a frmerro look at the facts, shall we. in the wh he hand-picked three members of them to overturn roe v. wade.
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and as so it wasditated. since, extremist legislators across$yur natn have passed ban after ban he hasom denied much less remorse for his actions, instead,oudly takes crr overturning roe. my fellow a a court of law, that would be called admission. and some would say a confession. ñu the ultimate issue. in case of this feeling of■i womenf ica donald trump is
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guilty. [cheers and applause] over the past few years we have seen these trump abortion bans, the horrific, heartbreaking reality that women have been facing every sin coun. women have been refused care durikng a miscarriage, turned away from the emergency room and only given care when they develop sepsis. we have en i.v.f. women denied to make the personal decisions in their lives. and he has already caused, aecon be. his friends in the united state congress are trying to pass a would outlaw
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abortion in every single state%d california and even right here in maryland. gets the chance, he will sign that ban. and how do we know? well, when congress tried to ■x in 2017, he endors i he promised to sign itt got to his desk. ands us to believe he will not sign a ban. look, enough with the■q■e gaslighting. [cheers and appla enough. and if we needed anyf of where he stands on this issue, donald trump just he hasd
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who his running mate will be. without knowing that■ñ know it s someone who wants to ban persont either suppo■érted a ban in ther state or supported aional ban. and it doesn't stop there. if second trump term, he haswq he is quote, looking at on con stray septi9$on a■m to hs friends in the united states senate obstructed to protect the right to contraception, not once, not twice, but times. so it comes down to donald trump thinks the government is in a better positiont's in their best interest than women
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ought to know for themselves. but joe biden and women. [cheers applause] and women trust to fight for their fundamental freedoms. and and fight we will. and you know as i travel our country, it is clear that most americans do believe one does have to abandon their faith or■b deeply held beliefs to agre that the government her what tor body. [cheers and ause] and when congress passes a law that restores the reproductive freedoms of rowe our president,
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joe■y biden, will sign it into meetings, c-span gives you att law. meetings, c-span gives you a [cheers and front row seat wi no no interru. [crowdfour more c-span, your unfiltered view of■ years." ] here's the bottom line. it's going to take all of us to get there. c-span's coverage, find it any it's going to take all of us to get there and momentum is on our time online at c-span. side. thk about it. org, videos of hearings and since roe was overturned reprodn other markers that guide you. these points of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of this timeline makes it easy to the ballot. to kentucky, in michigan, montana, get an idea of debated vermont and ohio. the people of america have voted and scroll through c-span's for freedom and not by a little, points of interest. but often by on thursday, tune in to the cnn
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margins proving this is not -- , presidential live. as the two presumptivenees faco proven that the voi o have beenl earn your begins at 8:00 p.m. today i ask, are you ready to eastern. make your voices heard? p.m. eastern do we trust women? our similar us cast of the cnn do we believe in freedom? presidential debate. stay with c-span your do we bieve a promise of reaction of the first debate of america? are we ready t fight? the sim you will cast,ursday on, and when we fig win. god bless you and god bless our free mobile video app or online. america. c-span, your unfiltered view of [cheers andon politics. saturday, american history tv cable satellite corp. 2024] features historic convention captioning performed by the national captioning institute, ich is responsible for its presidential nominees from the caption content and accuracy. >> u.s. house will return for legislative bins today at 4:00 p.m. eastern to debate a past several decades.
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handful of bills from the foign affairsommittee and former georgia governor jimmy te requires secta of state to establish a strategy to democratic made in the wake of diouge nations from supporting the taliban. ergate era. so this week, spending bills >> we have been a■÷ nation adrit for homelandta and too long. defense department. we have been without leadership, president biden h■! veto too threats on all three of those republican-led appropriations bills. as always, live coverage of the house on c-span. 1979, in partnh provided complete coverage of the halls of congress, from the congressional hearings, briefings and committee
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