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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Rep. Michael Rulli Swearing- In  CSPAN  June 26, 2024 12:15am-12:29am EDT

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campaign season. the cnn presidential debate simulcast live thursday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span2, c-span now, or online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >>ouse has a new member after congrsm a special election ohio sixth congressional district. he is finishing the term of bill johnson who resigned in january. the house now has a total of 432 members, with 219 republicans, 213 democrats and three vacancies still remaining. the chair lays the speaker: the chair lays before the house a mmio
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the clerk: the honorable, the speaker, house of representatives, s i to transmia copy of a letter received from the honrank la rose, ohio secretary of state, incating that according to the unofficial results for theíyx;ll election held on june 1 2024, the honorable michaelrulli was elected to representative of congress for the sixth congressional district of ohio, signedin mccumber, acting clerk. the speae does the gentlewoman from ohio seek recognition? ms. ur, i ask unanimous consent the gentleman from ohio, t michael a.rulli be permitted to takay, s
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certificate of election has not arrived but there is nost and no question has been raised with regard to his election.on. will representative elect membeo delegation present themselves in the well? the speaker: all membeepresentae elect will please raise his right hand. do or affirm that you will support and defend states against all enemies foreign and domestic, that you willth and allegiance to the same, that you will take this obligation f without any mental reservation or purposeevasion and you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office which you are about to
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enter, so help you god. mr. rulli: i do. the speaker: congratulations, you're now a member of the 118th congress. the speaker: without o, the gentlewoman from ohio is recognized for one minute. ms. kaptur: thaou, speaker. i'm pleased to welcome a new chapter for ohio's sixth and all of us from the delegation on bsi to extend a wm welcome to congressman michael3 rulli who steps into the shoes of our former cle johnson. for 13 years, bill serve1á dedin
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and commitment. rulli prepares o caoll, jefferson, mahoney,"l■5 monroe, noble, stark, and washington counties. as the dean of ohio's delegation and a fellow ohioan who understands the profound responli hard-working coressman rulli to his background as the director of operations for rulli markets, a century old family owned grocerytoretown brings a g perspective to our up in a famiy business myself that also operated oyz2uró grocery called supreme market in rosford, ohio, i already feel a special kinship with michael and
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holdiness and security service will help us cft policies that promote well-being welcome. may you never lose sight of what brought you here. may you be guided by your faith to serve and make a difference in the lives of o members of tho delegation, we are middle er and know the importance opa together across y lines to tackle the challenges that faceur nation, the people of ohio and our nation deserve no less. k forward to embracing a spirit of collaboration with you and all of our colleagues with a shared commitment to the common good. together side not as partisans but as progress for ohio and america. and we welcome your new i and energy that you will bring to our discussions and legislative discourse. congress,
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may your tenure in success, ful, good health, and a legacy o service. thank you, mr. speaker, and i now yield to our diligent friend, mike turner of ohio, chair of the house intelligence committee. mr. turner: i■hank ms. kaptur for yielding and congratulations tam rulli. in addition to his public as much as at the local, levels, cn rulli brings to chamber firsthand knowledge and practical experience as a successful family run small ne know the challenges that come with running a small business. they realize that small businesses are the job creators and economic lifeblood of communities across ohio and the country. it's that real that will greatly benefit this institution as we debate key licies that affect every american, household, and business. following in his footsteps, mike's business
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acumen and heart forzp■ service will represent ohio's sixth district well. on behalf of te welcome him a pt of the entire ohio delegation and mr. rulli and his wife kellynd 118th congress. i yield back.■wi ms. kaptur: thank you, congressman turner. you, congressman turner. it's now my distinct honor to yield to the■ member of our body and delegation, the honorable michael rulli. to thak
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the speaker and ms. kaptur for her kind words. and i want to÷. daughter who is too sick to come tonight watching on c-span, i love you, sweetheart. so in the swing of 1983, i was in poland middle school and■t mr. meyers brought us for our trip and it was the fifth grade thate there in the corner and the chamber wasuiet a it was moonlit, it was twilight and felt reallyught us in, and this is 1983, maybe a kinder time in americ so the usher said take your and we moved on with the tour and were going to the lincoln memorial, which is probably my favorite place in washington. so we're up there and there's at of control a little bit so the
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teacher is like shh, let's really soak this in so we're all quiet. out of nowhere girl said to this chamber so special? and her response brings me heren your group.e said, in the histoy kingsts and dictators andus people, and only once in the history of man has anything govern the people, and that gre. and we had the experenhe united states of america. this chamber, a where the people actually rule the land. and in this chamber where we have to go to our people, the working man of amer women of america, and we have to e
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it's a good job or a bad job. we apply a job every two years. and we fulfill thers that made this the greatest country in the civil if we don'tdg(9 sud is done. there's no you read your historm a lover of history, it's been the united states of america's history isn't perfect butct our. i think the american civil war really showed that. and we're still working on it. we're■& there yet, and i cannot believe my god creator gave me this opportunity to all of you, all of you, the whole body that is present. i don't want t souls that were up there when they were told this greatest experiment in the history of
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man. with t every one of your family members, god's blessings. thank■■v i love >> live wednesday, the house eastern for legislative business to begin works for meland security, the state department and foreign operatio. on c-span two at 10:00, the house ways and means committee hold a hearingn protecting children in foster care d other social service programs with child wherever advocates testifying including paris hilton whose excited to share her experience in a congregate
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careac at 2 p.m. eastern, of witnesses testifying on whynts when their songs are played on thradio. you can also watch our live covege on the free c-span now app or online. >> make america great5k a ■z >>í9 taxes will go up. anyone says they won't is not tellinth our beloved nation this we're are in the midst of a springtime of hope for america. >> we are the party that believes in th d >> read my lips. no newaxes. >> i still believen place called hope. >> here's the question for the
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american people. who do you trust in this >> the real choice is whether we will build a bridge to the past. >> i have unlimited the wisdom of our people and the future of our country. >> i sta hni men and i want youw me for who i truly a >> they had their chance. they have not led. we will. >> i'm john kerry and i'm duty. >> forget. >> it is time for us to change i was in my own man anymore. i was my country's. >> i don't believe rolling batil help the small business woman expand orhe laid off construction worker keep his home. we have been there. e are not going back. we are moving forward. >> administration, our
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friends will see more loyalty and mr. backbone. >> he wants to make america great again. he can start by actually making things in america again. >> we will make america safe again. and we willdveat again. >> here and now, i give you my word. if you entrust me with the presidency, i will draw on the best of us, not the worst. >>n spirit has prevailed over every challenge li us to the summit of humannd>> c-span, an y cable. >> a discussion on
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