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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  June 26, 2024 9:00am-1:00pm EDT

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have been adopted. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the
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bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recommit. section 16.senate a message that theas been enacted into law. section 17. the amendment referred to in section 11 of this resolution is as follows: "strike section 406 and strike section 413 and insection sec blank. notwithstanding the numerical limitation set forth i nationality act, 8 u.s.c. 1184-g-1-b, the secretary of homeland security, after consultation with the secretaryt8 of labor, and upon determining that the needs of american businesses cannot be satisfied during fiscal year 202 willing, qualified, and able to perform temporary nonagricultural labor, may increase the total number of aliens who may receive a visa
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under section 101- such act, 8 u.s.c. 1101-a-15-h-ii-b in such fiscal year above such limitation by not more than the highest number of h_2-b nonimmigrants who participated in th returning worker program in any fiscal year i” the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one hour. >> mr. speaker for purposes of debate0 minutes to the gentleman from colorado, . pending which i yield myself such time as i may consume. during consideration of this resolution yielded is for the purpose of debateaker i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. scott: mr. speaker i ask unanimous chanded in the form i have placed at the desk. the speaker pro tempore: the t amendment. the clerk: amendment to house resolution 1316 mr. austin scott of georgia. at the end of the resolution,$$ section 18, notwithstanding any
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other provision of this resolution during consideration of h.r. 8771 pursuant to resolution it shall not be in order to consider amendment number 3 of house report 118-559. the speaker pro tempore: are there any objections? without objection, the motion is adopted. mr. scott: mr. speaker last t met and reported a rule. house resolution 1 for consideration of three measures. of defense appropriations act of rule. the rule provides for one hour of debate equally controlled by the chair and ranking member of the committee on appropriations. their respective designees. provides for one motion to recommites 193 amendments in order. h.r. 8771, state foreign operations and related programs appropriations act, be considered under a structured rule. the rule provides for one hour of debate, equally controlled by the chair and ranking member of the committee respective designees provides for one motion recommitrecommit 75 -- recommit and
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makes 75rder. and the department of homeland security appropriations act twiesk, to be considered -- the rule provides for oneally controlled by the chair and ranking member of the committee on their respective designee, provides for one motion amendments in order. mr. speaker i'm pleased to support the rule and the underlying pieces of legislation, beginning with h.r. 8774 the department of defense appropriations act ofmr. speaker our country is currently facing haven't seen since world war ii. howe strong response to the situations we currently find ourselves in. this bill provides nearly $834 billion to supportonsistent with the levels set in the law by fiscal responsibilities act. additionally this bill rejects $18 bil of unjustified unnecessary, and politically motivated spending included in the presses' budget request. the president's budget request programs and activities that counter the threats we're facing from actors,
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fosters innovation enhances the d.o.d.'s role in combating the fentanyl crisis, and supports service members and t families. mr. speaker the threat posed by the chinese communistdq p is clear, and this bill recognizeses that. it prioritizes articles and services to taiwan, as well as initiatives throughout the endo pacific region t. modernizes our military and fighter aircraft, helicopters and tactical vehicles and ensuring our war fighters are prepared for the teahrts that lie ahead. this supports israel, who is under constant threat by the terrorist group hamas. it provides fund for the missile defense p iron dome david arrow. additionally prohibits funds to withhold the articles andrv states to israel as we've seen the biden administration do in the it requires any withheld articles to be delivered within 15 days. this bill refocuses the pentagon on its core mission, prohibits funding for d.e.i. offices climate change, executives order, as well as oth social agendas agendas and radical policies. this bill provides the
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to deliver a 4.5% pay raise for military personnel and an additional 15% pay enlisted service members. the world is a safer place when america leads and this bill ensures we're able to do so. moving771,n the department of state foreign operations and related programs appropriations act of 2025, mr. speaker, this bill is another step in the right direction toward protecting our national securityxvegglobal economic interests supporting our allies and partners and freedom abroad. this bill supports our ally israel ensure they can defend themselves against t attacks like we saw on october 7. additionally it prohibits funding for is facing an imminent threat on our southern border. thisthat encourage or far sill late dangerous my --t far sill late dangerous flow to our and prevent drugs pouring into the united states and killing innocent americans. further, this bill redirects taxpayer resources and p
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funding for climate fund any gain of function research and labs inons like china iran, russia, north korea and cuba. the world is ace right now. again, mr. speaker the world is sahe leads. this bill redirects funding from flawed biden administration policies that make the united states and our allies weaker to policies that make the u.s. stro safer place. finally, h.r. 8752, the department of homeland security appropriations act 2025. mr. speaker it's clear that what our currently doing working. h.r. consequences that have come with it. this bill provides $600 million for construction of the southern border wall and requires secretary mayorkas to ad mere to the wall and build barriers immediately. it's pretty simple, mr. speaker. we are a country ofo uphold our immigration laws, and if we 1/2 years we wouldn't be in this position. this is a tremendous
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burden on our border patrol agents. this bill provides an additional $300 million for border security technology to hel do their jobs while also preserving funding for the 22,000 agents who are serving on the front lines of our crisis. tragically the biden administration's failure to protect theorangerous criminals in our communities, putting americans at provides $4.1 billion for custody operations to get these criminals off our streets and $822lion to fund transportation removal operations. further, mr. speaker this bill focuses the department of homeland security on its core mission of homeland that is safe, secure, and en other potential threats. this bill prevents the department fromuity action plan or advancing critical race theory. additionally it rejects funding requests by the biden administration that encourages illegal immigration, reduces funding for programs that could enable it. all together, these three bills meet the needs of our nation as they c they provide our national defense and encounter
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adversaries. they support american values and principles. they work to secure the illegal immigration issue americans are fed up with. of taxpayer dollars by requiring that funding core mission of the departments. it's speaker. these bills put the american people first. iommittee on appropriations for the work they did to craft these bills. i look forward to consideration of these important pieces of legislation, and i passage of this rule. i reserve the balance of my the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from colorado is recognized. >> mr. speaker i thank the gentleman fromeorgia mr. scott, for the customary 30 minutes. i ask unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks and yield myself such time asnsume. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. >> mr. speaker as you've heard provides for the three partisan appropriation bills. i certainly agree with my colleague from georgia regarding the myriad of threats posed t country
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these bills fall far short addressing those threats. house repns regrettably kicked off the appropri doubling down on effect harm our svice members abandon our allies, cede u.n. to our adversaries and withhold critical resources to secure our southern border. when it comes to leadership and national security house democratsepublicans have a very different approach. house republicans department of state, foreign o and related appropriations act h.r. 8771, ultimately isolationism of the early 20th century. across globe america's adversaries threaten the peace and free world. with wars in the middle humanitarian crises on
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nearly every continent the world needs american leadership. how do house republicans respond? introducing a bill that cuts international assistance programs by $1.3 billion. cuts international financial institutions by $583 million. cuts $362 million from programs to improve maternal and child health and fight infectious diseases. by funding ultimately for the united nations and other mult investments this bill is a reversal of our country's position among the nations where we stand as a beacon democracy and liberty. h.r. 8752, the department of homeland security appropriations act of 2025. now my colleagues on the side of the aisle claim that this bil secure our border. it will not.
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the bill falls short of our responsibility to pro and security of ultimately it disinvests, decreases funding for a variety critical programs desig prevent threats from terrorists, trans foreign adversaries and violent extremists. colleagues, mr. speaker, do not want how do we know? because they had a chance to do precisely that just a few short months ago. they had a chanc that with the senate's bipartisan border plan. what did house republicans do instead? ensured that that never even received a vote. behest of their leader, former president trump. proposal under
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considerationth week that republicans have put on the floor cuts the countering weapons of mass destruction office by $48 million. it cuts the federal lawenter by $10.4 million. ask would house republicans put a bill on the floor that cuts federal law enforcement training programs? it's a fair question. the bill includes no funds for violence and terrorism prevention grants and the shelter program. it cuts family r $33.9 million. at bottom, mr. speaker, this is another wasted opportunity in my view, for house republica address what they say is a top priority. border sec finally, the rule includes h.r. 8774 the defense appropriations this bill is extreme even by house republican st
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usually, in my experience, it's been the rules committee that has responsible for well, for lack of a better phrase, messing up these massive bipartisan efforts, at least during the 118th congress under republican control the majority, on the rules committee, didn't even g opportunity to do that with respect to this bill, because it committee as a terrible piece of legislation. country. it undermines national security. its provisions that fail to support service personnel. the bill c civilian positions at a time when the department is struggling to meet readiness goals. a number of extreme policy have been included within the bill,ve care of women lgbtq community and more. finallyt fails to invest in programs critical to our national security. it is a bill, unfortunately detached from reality. of course, the elephant in the room what we all know to be true it has no chance of becoming law.
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let me repeat that, mr. that we're considering today, all three have no chance of becoming law. the rest of and what i would implore my colleagues to do is come back to the negotiating table let's negotiate in good faith abandon this approach that they have unfortunately taken for the better p last 19 months in the 118th congress, which has ultimately led to this congress being the least productive in 100 years. in the history of this house. let's pursue solutions, not stunts i would to perhaps follow thati suspect they won't. but hope springs etern that they'll get back to working with us so that we can get back to
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governing. with that, mr., i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia is recogn mr. speaker americans want the border secure. ure. and with that, i t friend from texas mr. burgess. th the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. mr. burgess: i thank the gentleman from georgia for yielding. i wanted to rise today in support of the rule of the bills. h.r. 8771, the department of state, foreign operations, and related programs appropriations act, h.r. department of homeland security appropriations act act and h.r.efense appropriations act. each of these an important role in ensuring nation's defense, while also holding the federal agencies and the bidenadministration accountable to the american public. . these bills eliminateyer money in the process. at the same time these bills will work to border counter threatening activity by the peoples republic of china and enhance the
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ability of the federal government to combat the flow o ossing our borders. all the providing a 4.5% pay increase to a including very importantly a 15% increase in pay for enlisted service members. importantly these bills to what appropriations bills are intended to do. fund the core missions of the federal agency and not some fanciful wish list. to this end the state and foreign operations-related program allocates over $12 billion below the president's budget request while the defations act receives a modest 1%cation increase in accordance with the fiscal responsibility act signed into law last year. for much of the same reason noted above ixpect members across the aisle may find fault with these bills. certainly we welco their remarks and welcome the debate. however, i would like to points on the matter. over 10,000ions were considered in the appropriations process this
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year.y were incorporated into the base bill. these districts and equally our nation as we look to ensure the security and prosperity over the coming years. the world h dangerous. we are living knife's edge. one simple miscalculation us into some unimaginable scenario. when president biden took office, it wasn't necessarily this way. bu the biden administration, he's failed to reverse the nation's reckless spending and to prioritize those who pay for the bills, every day american taxpayers and those who selflessly serve our nation. bills serve to make that very adjustment. regarding the second point, mr. speaker, president biden has over 60 executive orders that have eroded border republicans have repeatedly sounded the alarm on how dangerous these actions are for americans and national security. beyond the serio threat of terrorism, american lives have been cut s criminal illegal immigrants. mr. scott: i yield the gentleman
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an additional minute. gentleman. the lives that have been cut short by illegalrants are on this administration's watch. we hear presenting to the border saying they've got credible fear if they return to their h granted asylum, they're essentially give an free card intos country. but what about laken riley alex weis jr. melissa powell, travis wolf these are just a few of the individuals whoseiv stolen by this crisis. where wcredible fear? these are united states citizens who have actions of -- because of the actions the president has taken at the southern border. i want to thank the appropriations committee for working so hard on getting these billsea us. it has been an enormous amount of work. i thapg the underlying it underlying committees who provided the work for us to review in the rules committee yesterday. i urge p and the bills on the floor and i yield reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from colorado is recognized. mr. the chairman said quite a bit there for meimply say, with respect to the8= deficit here's
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an article from just two days ago, 24, 2024, in axios. headline, quote trump ran up national debt twice as much asw analysis. i'll just read the first sentence. former president trump ran up the national debt by about twice as much as president biden, according to a new analysis of their fiscal track records. end facts. mr. s respect to the previes speaker if we defeat the previous question todaule that would bring up h.r. 12, a bill that would restore the nationwide right to abortion care. this monday was the two-year anniversary of the dobbs decision a decision that millions of women without the reproductive provided in roe v. wade for decades. but it won't stop there.
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not only do the bills in this rule the rule we're consideringn care for our service members restrictions on care for women and families abroad, restrictions on funding to endal deaths, but also, just for the record, an amendment was offered by one of my republican colleagues i.v.f. treatments for service enough. as states across our country create confusion and chaos by enacting republican policies that i've described house democrats are fighting to freedoms. h.r. 12, the women's health protection act would ensure that fundamental reproductive health care, care is available across the country. so, mr. speaker i askhe text of my amendment into the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previousn. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. neguse: mr. speaker to discuss our proposal, i'd like to yield 3 1/2 minutes to a member a friend, a colleague a national
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leader on this others and that is the distinguished gentlewoman from ms. tokuda. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. tokuda: thank you, mr. speake ago a teenage girl about to enter her senior year in high school made a very difficult and personal choice. she was young and didn't come from any money. her bust a year older and preferred surfing over working. fa had opinions on what she should do, and, yes, she was pushed to have an abortion. but the girl knew that what happened to her body was her before you today as my mother's choice. ed knowing that the decision whether to have a baby was hers and hers alone. two years ago with the dobbs decision six unelected conservative judges robbed women of their basic to make decisions to make choices about their family, theirs, their bodily autonomy. they reversed half a century ofhe door for far-right politicians to ban with a woman's right to have an abortion and access reproductive care. and we know that we are awaiting
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yet anotheren can get life-saving abortion over the extreme abortion bans being enacted across our today we see the harmful and even deadly impacts of this reckless decision. one estimate projected that over 171,000 women were forced to cross state lines for abortion care last year. some even crossing the ocean to my home state of hawaii. and while many of these women are being forced to leave the red states that they live in, t the health care that they need republicans just won't earlier this year our colleagues on the republicanittee endorsed a nationwide ban on abortion with zero, zerolq. that cruel vision is reflected in the dangerous a riders the republicans have inserted into our government snding bills including those that would be considered under this r democrats have pushed back against this relentless assault on the country by introducing h.r. 12 the women's health protection this bill would reinstate the constitutional protections to privacy and roe v. wade provided and
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further prevent governmentsh access to abortion care and reproductive health services in the future. hawaii which i am very proud to represent here in these halls was at the forefront of protecting a woman's right to chery first state to legalize abortions. since then we have vigilantly to fight to protect those rights we fought so hard for over 50 ago. that is why i stand before you today. colleagues to stand with us inting these harmful attacks on women women in all of our lives girls women. we deserve a choice. i was once a i know my mother never would have imagined that herddaughters would be living in a world where they had fewer rights she did. my nieces deserve that right themselves about when to start a family and what happe bodies. for my nieces, for all of our nieces for all the girls and women of our country i ask my colleagues to defeat thestion so that we can bring up the women's health protection act. andthla time.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman yields. e gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. scott: mr. speaker our national diset $35 the current deficit is $2.5 trillion. we're not at war and we're not in the middle of a health care emergency. i'll admit the national debt went up a lot d covid. we did a lot of things very quicmerican citizens. and some of that spending was necessar spending was bipartisan. unlike what theid with what they call the inflation reduction act and the american rescue plan where they spent $3 trillion without a single republican vote and didn't even process. with that, mr. speaker i'd like toee to my friend and colleague from texas mr. roy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from texas is recognized. mr. roy: i thank the gentleman from and i would agree with the gentleman from georgia that in all that bemoaned by our colleagues on the other side of the aisle by the previous administration, show me the opposition from our colleagues on the other side of the aisle.
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i'll wait. the truth is that was a bipartisan spendathon. some of us opposed a g of it, but it was bipartisan. the reas we have legislation before us that is designed to constrain spending in a world in w $1.1 trillion in interest. more on interest than we're defense. a world in which we are racking up another $1 trillion of debt every two or three months. this is an unsustainable course thate' and this is what is definitively occurring with the rampant support of ourues on the other side of the aisle. but what we've also done is put forward legislation changes because the power of the purse is supposed to be by congress, in order to do what is nec an out of control executive branch. the truth is, on june 13, 2024, an illegal alien from el salvador r 13-year-old girl at machete point while recording it in queens, new york. the illegal alien was released from of 2021. on june 14,alien from el salvador was charged with the rape and rachel,
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a maryland mother of five. he illally crossed the southern border in february of 2023 as a gotaway. but that's maryland. kayla hamilton was raped and murdered in 2022 by an illegal alien, mom is begging for this congress to stand up administration to stop doing what is unconscionable with open borders that are endangering the american 17, 2024, 12-year-oldgal aliens from venezuela in my home staten houston texas. on may 14, 2024, an illegal honduras who was released released from the april 2022, under this administration pleaded gu abuse of a 12-year-old girl inn and on. i have pages and pages and my colleagues on the other side of the aisle want to hide behind legislation the current president couldn't stand behind when he said he cou. how we know that? because he went to the
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microphone saying that he magically the power for an executive order saying when we have 2,500 that's when we'll set in eder. when the bill was 5,000 and my colleagues on t other side of the aisle know it's all a sham, they know it's all a cover vote. that's the truth. we have legislation here that would have congress step in front of an o executive branch to secure the border of the united states. and it is not unprecedented to hold a bill at the desk. we have done it before and we ouldause we should use the power of the purse an administration that is endangering the american people and the united unconscionable what this administration is doing. it's unconscionable wft defense, it's unconscionable that they'vet into a woke social experiment that's morece about transgender surgeries and pushing a radical agenda than ensuring we have the mi defend the united states of america. there's no wonder that recruiting there's no wonder recruitin a morale problem at the pentagon. this is designed to refocusur military on doing its job. exactly what the american people want us to do.
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secure the united states. secure our border. secure us without giving money to organizations all around the world. i am proud that we res i.c.c., the i.c.j. of unrwa.hich my democratic colleagues want to continue to support when it was, i and putting people on the ground literally that were killing our friends in israel. this bill is a responsible effort to endangering the american, and i'm proud to support it. the speaker pro tempore:n reserves. the gentleman from colorado is recognized. mr. neguse: i thank the speaker. one argue that they'd like to secure the border by advocating for the passage of a bill that they fund borderions and then including in that bill that prevents it from ever being considered unless
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the senate does its bidding and passes a completely separate bill. mr. speaker i yield four minutes to the distinguished gentlewoman from ne mexico, a distinguished member of the rules committee ms. leger fernandez. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: mr. speaker, america what ao just utter the name of this great countrydo not share a common ancestry or common religion, but we are bound together by something that is bigger than ushe ideals of freedom and democracy. our belief ath in democracy and tom it provides unites us. at the presehens us. yesterday "u" extreme bills pit americans against each other. they inserat should be funding to protect americans from foreign wars. republican culture wars undermine our unity. the culture wars undermine our
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democrnd our freedom. their culture warit our ability to see each other as somethinn our individual selves, states, or party affiliation sometimes it's hard to picture cr. we can feel it when wse soldiers who we celebrated recently because they crossed the channel and stormy with salt and fear in their mouths. we can see it when we imaginet has blown around d into the fors of our service men and women in the middle east. they were all fighting for democracy. that's what it feee. but if this republican defense appropriations bill passes, many of our brave service womho tasted that sand would lose theih freedoms even as they fight for americe extreme republican bills would take away theed fref lgbtq service members to be themselves even as they fight for american freedoms in hostile
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countries. but that's not all. republicans cut funding to prepare our military fohes of climate change. unlike the republicans americane exists because we smell it in thurn and the heat waves that kill. we can see it ea and floodwaters that threaten our bases a our military readiness. nevertheless republicans put our militart risk and give us strategic militarthey are cutting, they are cutting climate funding in these bills. meanwhile, the republican homeland security appropriations $1.4 billion for customs and border protection,l guard counter drug interdiction funding. let me say that again. republicans are proposing cuts order protection funding from current levels. they a proposing instead a medieval form of defense for our country,rumpian wall that doesn't do anything to stop the fentanur borders from china to kill our youth.
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republicans follow trump when they killed the border security bill that existed. they do not care to protect us. they care about those partisan culture wars. finally, the state and foreign appropriations bill cuts all funding fns humanitarian assistant programs that help women aat values do we hold? what american values do we send abroad when we turn our bac on women and children across the worlindeed we increase instability. we increase the flow of migratio wheut this kind of funding. the republicaulture wars and these bills don't help our constituents and they harm our country. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman's time has expired. ms. leger fernandez: i urge my colleagues to oppose the rule and i yield back. mr. scott: i want to remind everybod.r. 8752 provides $600 million for construction of the southern
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border wall. that is the cheapest and most effective way to stop illegal imen wanted to stop about 80% of it right ann mexico policies that were in place that were actually working. that woue anage knockment that president trump was right. with that, i yield three minutes to my friend from new york, mr. langrthy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. langworthy: thank y yielding the time. the measures before us today are about securing our nat n,ur borders and standing up to our ad volunteer carries who wou-- adversaries that would who have nothing more than to do us harm. this week republicans will security crisis by considering three critical approl year 2020 homeland appropriations act t fiscal year 2025 defense appropriationnd the state foreign operations and related programs appropriations act. to secure or borders, bolster our national defense, and strengthen og amongst our adversnd security, we are funding for actu by colleagues on the side of the aisle have time and again refused to support.
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this bill includes funding for 22,000 additional border patrol agents and $6 of hundred million for the construction of the southern border wall. my own district has hont-row seat to this administration's disastrous border policies. not only have the biden border policy coupled with nee sanctuary policies allowed for a flood of illegal immigrants into our cities, towns and communities but our northern border hn a surge of illegal crossings like never before. i've talked to the buffalo sector of the border patrol, and i know firsthants need congress to have their backs and to give them the tools they need s safely a 143 individuals from the f.b.i.'s terror wat ch been apprehended at our northern border. that is twice as many that has thethern border. that's just the ones that have been this administration's open border policies have turned every state into a border state and every town into a border town jeopardizing they of every american. the homelao
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provides $822 million for transportationoval operations and $300 million for border security technology, all essential to removing dangerous m our country and securing our borders. mr. speaker it is time for actis time to secure our borders, support our allies, puticy first. i urge my colleagues to support this rule in tl legislation that it brings forward. thank you, and i yield back, mr. speaker. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from colorado is recognized. mr. neguse: i thank the speaker. mr. scott, i know mr. scott to be anty honest debater. and member, and and maybe perhaps he'll indulge me in cool i will employee, because i take him -- in colloquy beelieves we have a crisis at our southern border. that's the way you've described it mr. scott right? mr. scott: i think it's very obvious to every american. mr. neguse: you honestly believe that this homeland appropriations bill that we're cons funding bill, that it would ameliorate that
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crisis. mr. scott: i think if you build a border wall, you will solve a tremendous amounthe border, and it president biden cared and wanted to do somd simply put remaining in mexico back in place. mr. neguseill we're considering today. it's the bill you're championing here on the floor the homeland appropriations bill. i take it you believe in this bill. mr. scott: i believe it will help secure the southera million dollars in funding for a physical barrier that is the cheapest and mos to do it, the president right now, the president rige biden could put remain in mexico back i: if that is the case, and if you feel she funding allocations in this bill, then why will the bill be held hostage the moment s chamber? when will this bill, ise tomorrow, mr. scott, when will this bill be sent to the united states t week? the next month or the next year? because is bill, mr. speaker the republicans have written the homeland security appropriations
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bill will go nowheil the united states senate passes a completely different separate bill that has only garnered less than 1/3 of support from the united states senate as it ds today. mr. scott, i'll reclaim the balance of my time. you'll have a simply say is this. it makes no sense it insensical to passng bill for homeland security, for border patroor t.s.a., for fema and then to hold thal hostage and not allow the senate to take it up. any member who votes for this appropriations bill is doing precisely that. nonsensica heard another one of my colleagues come to the floor and ac. it is intellectually disingenuous to suggest this is normal practice of the house. let me read you a quote, mr. speaker. this qte cheapens the
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process, and i this again. let me repeat. this cheapens the i can't believe we are doing this again. those aren't my words. those are the words of a republican congressmanom massie yesterday in the rules committee, who was honest in his criticism of the approach that houseublicans are taking by continuing to put provision within the rule. up to the take debate about policy with respect to our southern border? let's have the debate. don't hold hostage compensation for border patrol. and federal employees secur border, keeping our communities safe. that's not the way t govern, mr. speaker. with that, i yield two minutes distinguished gentleman from the state of rhode island mr. amo.
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mr. amo: i ask the question, why hate? why use our budget to attack the lg we should be coming together to su commitment abroad. instead, republicans are horrific bills that treat fellow americans. g.o.p. majority is bent one fundamental freedoms of the lgbtq community. but they refuse to even debate my amendment on floor. again, why are you choosing hate? mr. speaker my amendment is simple. it bigoted homophobic partisan riders from the state and foreign ops bill. it would strip out provisions that are cruel and callous to our neighbors at home and to those in the community abroad. my amendment advances the of the equality caucus and the legacy of cicilline. our budget is a a state of the of
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values. and republicans are onc that they value a hate-filled vote no on this rule. yi the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. scott: since my colleague from colorado didn't give me a answer the question, the bottom line is, with the proper policies in place you don't have to spend as m money. so h.r. 2 would secure the border.úqd h.r. 2 were signed into law you might actually be able to reduce spending under this appropriations measure. not positive abouthat, but i believe it. h.r. 2 is the law the border would be removing people who were violent criminals, who are in this country. you have to admit that a lot of smart about emptying the worst of their society into the united states of america. not saying that everybody who comes here illegally is a bad person but i'm saying the leadership of countries is sendin of their country into america. .
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it has to stop. if the policies of h.r. 2 were put in place y spending. $35 we had deficits under president trump, we did things like the family food box program where we went out and in very rapid time we bought crops like corn from farmers that i personally know because they didn't have anybody to sel to and we actually gave it to americans who would have starved if we hadn't done some o those things during the covid emergency. we're not in a health c war. president biden is still running ad with that, i yield three minutes to my friend from missouri mr.alford. mr. alford: thank you appreciate that. mr. speaker i rise today to emphasize the importance of appropriations bills before us, h.r. 877 4-rbgs the appropriations act funds a $19.-- troops. 19.5%. i was honored to bife panel under the direction of general raise. it is lock overdue -- long
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overe. it ensures combat readiness it modernizes our military to face future challenges. critically for our district, which is home to whitema legislation ensures that we fully fund the b-2 mission lethal and ready against china. and the now being built out in palmdale, california. it will also support much-needed modernization of our nuclear triad, mr. speaker. h.r. 8752 the department of homeland security appropriations act for 2025, is crucial and critical for securing our southern border, enhancing national security and countering threats from communist china. it substantial funding for border patrol agents, border security barriers, all while rejecting wasteful spending programs. mr. speaker there seems to be some confusion about the republicans' desire to secure the border. from the other side. let me be clear, mr. speaker. we made our voices known. the voices of our constituents, that we want a secure border and that's why more than a year passed
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h.r. 2, the secure been sitting across the hallway here on chuck schumer's desk since may ofothing with it. it would restore in mexico. it would end the catch and release program. it would finish the it would keep out the rapist, the killers t dru rapist, the killers the drug -- rapists, the killers talers, the people killing our citizens. all because this administration threw the doors wide on who do not belong in our nation. i'm tired of the mr. speaker. i'm tired of the lies to the aman people, the deception deception. securehe border now. these b are vital for maintaining america's security and advancing our strategic and i urge my colleagues toort these appropriations bills. with that, i yield back. mr. scott: mr. speaker i'd like to ask my friend and colleague from colorado if he has any additional speakers or is he prepared to close? mr. neguse: mr. speaker i'm prepared close although i
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have a few remarks that i'll deliver prior to the closing. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from colorado is recogn just say, with respect to the comments made by my from missouri, there's certainly no aisle. no confusion whatsoever. republicans have said that they would like address the crisis on our southern border and they tanked a bipartisan border bill that was negotiated by prominent conservative members of the senate republicant at the behest of the former president. now house republicans have asked the houseonsider and to pass an appropriations bill. but have decided they will take their own appropriations hostage as they did a year ago unless senate passes a different piece of legislation. and that piece oas the gentleman knows couldy support from the senate republican conference. by way of background, yes house
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re a majority, dwindling majority here in the house of minority in the united states senate. and of course, as the gentleman have a republican president in the white house. compromise required to get anything done in this congress. holding your own bill hostage until the senate p a separate bill is not that. what my friend from georgia fails to mentionf and when the senate may pass h.r. 2, which i understand he's vysionate about is that border patrol agents will go unpaid in the meantime. t.s.a. agents, unpinai meantime. that is my objection. my objection is to the process that house republicansav created and crafted and it is a bipartisan objection. i'm not the og it. as i said, representative thought articulated well the concerns with respect to thisn a lot. but we certainly agree on this. holds
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a bill of this consequence hostage does not make sense. mr. speaker i reserve the balance of my time.tee: does the gentleman yield? reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from georgia is recognized. mr. scott: can i inquire h much time is left? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from georgia has seven minutes. mr. scott: i'm prepared to close so i'll reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from colorado is recognized. mr n speaker, i think the question on the minds of people, certainly the question on my mind, is why do we go through this same p legislation? why do force us to go through sixhs of theatrics before we pass the f funding bills? we know how this story ends. it's literally always this same
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act i members of congress engage in a process work through proposed legislation in their respective subcommittees. act, i i -- act ii, the markup, in many cases those bills retain and then act iii the bills make their way to the rules committee where unfolds. enter all of the riders, the late-night closed-door meetings, the usual republican infighting. and so same process has resulted rely on votes from house democrats to govern at everytu we're clear. house democrats ensured that the u.s. didn't default on its debt last democrats kept the government funded. housee for the fiscal year tweur ndaa -- 2024 ndaa. house democrats got the national security supplemental to the president's desk. it is clear to me and allwatching
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that house democrats remain committed to governing an to do so. be our communities deserve and demand it. wend firm against legislation that would harm american citizens, our global standing and the service members who sacrifice everything to protect us. the end the reality is institution will rely once the strong, principled leadership of leader jeffrie ranking member delauro and the other four corners to put together a sensible deal. it's unfortunate that we're wasting valuable time on these instead of engaging in a bipartisan process from the start. so again i urge my republican colleagues let's get serious funding process. the far us again, mr. speaker, on
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a path towards yet another government shutdown, showdown in september. it's what they want. it's what they'reng us towards. my republican colleagues have a nity to prevent that. i would urge them to take it. and they can d opposing the previous question, the rule and the underlying bills and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. the gentleman from georgia is mr. scott: mr. speaker our recollections of the last couple of years are a little different. i remember the senate democrats single republican vote adopting what they call the inflation reduction act. which spurred inflation inside the united states of i remember them pas american rescue plan, which united states of america. those two pieces of legislation spent better than $3 trillion without ain republican vote without a single republican vote. i then remember in december the
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senate passing an omnibus bill and, yes, there were a few republicans that voted withhat omnibus bill. and what the senate did with the support of the president of the united states, is when they spent all of that money they intentionally did not raise the national debtf the spending that they did wherein some cases% of the votes and in others they were probably 97%% votes. and that was done for political reasons, to put republicans in a bad position. and then under speaker mccarthy, under speaker mccarthy we watched, the country watched as joe biden laughed a republicans are going to destroy the economy byott to pay for all the spending that the and speaker mccarthy actually got it done. he actually got it done. i voted for it. i did.
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idn't vote for all of the spending. but i had to vote for the debtrease which actually there were some spending reductions in there and if youll speaker one of the agreements one of the that president biden would no longer debt. public funds would no and what did the president of the united states as soon as the agreement is signed as soon as the limit's raised, he turned around and started doing exactly what he said he wouldn't do. soery hard when you have a president that doesn't do what he says he's going to do. a member of the other party. last thing. before i close. we as republicans adopted the open. and the payback that he got that speaker mccarthy got for adopting thatresolution is that every member of the democratic party votedhe republican party to remove him from officet's not pretend like when government open and to
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keep the government from going into default that our leadership team doesn't pay a price for have done things that have never been done in the history of the country. you have provided 95% of the votes to do have never been done in modern times really in the history of the country. so with that, mr. speaker i'm prepared myself the balance of the time. the gentleman from colorado, are you -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yielded back. mr. scott: ok. mr. speaker this week the house has ability to advance three of the 12 annual appropriation bills. these bills fund policies that put the interests of the american people first and missions of the departments they fund. they put the mission ahead of the agenda. they provide for our national defense, counter our adversaries and empower our service members who answer the call t defen country. they support our allies around the world and prohibit funds for international organizations that seek to undercut thed states and our
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allies. they provide critical funding to defend ouribit funding for programs and agendas that have distracted o the immigration crisis that we currently face as a i urge my colleagues to join me in voting yes on the previous question and yes on the rule. mr. speaker i yield back the balance of my time. and move the previous question on the resolution. the speaker pro the speaker pro tempore: the question is on ordering a previous question. those those opposed no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. mr. neguse: the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: those favoring a vote will rise. a sufficient number having risen, the yeas and n ordered. members will record their vote by electronic device. the chairl five minutes the minimum time for any electric vote on the queio adoption of the resolution. this is a 15-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc., in cooperation with the united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. house of representati
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the speaker pro tem nays are 152. the previous question isdered. the question is on adoption of the resolution, as amended. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair theay it. the gentleman fro recognized. mr. neguse: recorded vote. - the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested.ll rise and remain standing until counted. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays areule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed.
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order. members will remove conversations from the chamber. shhh. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from oklahoma seek recognition? >> i ask unanimous consent to address the house. the speaker propore: without objection, so ordered. today, friends -- friends today is anit democrat colleagues for the congressional the 16th annual event which raises money for breast cancer awareness. the game will be played in bipartisan fashion against the press and we are looking successful win against our adversaries this evening. mrs. bice: at this time, i y co-captain of the congressional women's softball schultz. ms. wasserman schultz: i thank my co-captain, mrs. bice, for yielding. the speaker pro tempore: thes not in order.
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members will remove their conversations from the shhh. ms. wasserman schultz: thank you, mr. speaker. today, asain said, after last votes the congressional women's softball game will play our 16th annual game at watkins elementary what makes the softball game so special is not just the charity that we support or the cause that we play for but the fact that women house, republican and democratic team up to play our common adversary the capitol hill press corps. there are very few things in this town that are certain onee is that when republicans and democrats come together, we can really. and get things done. this game is near and dear to my heart as so many of you know because we raise money the young survival coalition which gives support to young women who have beenh breast cancer. many of know that i beat breast cancer myself after i was diagnosed at age 41. my length of svivorship years that we have played this game 16 years. cancer-free.
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and since we softball game in 2009, we have raised $4.3 million for the young survival coalition and its crucial work. so let's bring another win home for the member team. beat the press. more importa cancer. doors open at 5:30. game starts at 7:00 p.m. thank you so much. i yield mrs. bice: i yeald. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields. for what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition? >> to address the house. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. >> mr. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman will suspend. the gentleman will suspend. shhh. shh. the gentleman from texas is recognized. >> mr. speaker it's an honor to stand before you today. last week repub democrats played the congressional basketball game at nats stadium. the game has been played since 1907. the game, money goes to charity
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we saw over $2.5 million go toch charities here in washington d.c., which is a 30,000 people in attendance pai but most importantly we ecords. i'm honored to represent the congressionalepubli- republican congressional baseball team, be called their skipper. i appreciate the way the team played. i appreciate the manager sanchez and the way the democrats but at the end of the day we set another record. republican we now continue to be america's team. so it's with humility that i accept for the team this trophy. ... thank you very much. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields. gentleman yield. for what purpose does the california seek recognition? >> i unanimous consent to address the house.
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>> i want congratulate them on their victory. i was proud of the hard work and the dedication of the democratic team and the fact that we scored almost twice as many runs last year. ms. sánchez: unfortunately the republicans almost i often say that really bring us together, and after playing the game for democratic team for the last two, i believe that now more than ever. despite our political differences,epublicans and democrats came together to enjoy america's pastime and raise money forauses. i want to shout out all the players and coaches who put in the time and effort to make great success. as coach williams mentioned $2 million for d.c.-based charities and scholarships for area students and that is something that i think we should all be proud of. whenether to raise money for worthwhile charities and to do good in the washington, d.c. community, we are all again, i want to congratulate coach williams, and we look forwd to year. thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields.nt to clause 8 of
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rule 20, the unfinished business is to vote on the resolution 1316 on which the yeas and nays were calendar number 83, house resolution 1316, resolu pde consideration of the bill h.r.s for the department of defense for the fiscal year ending s 2025, and for other purposes. providing for 8771, making appropriations for the operations and related programs for the fiscal ending september 30, 2025, and for other for provided for consideration of the bill h.r. appropriations for the department of homeland security for the fiscal september 30, 2025, and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: question is on adoption of the resolution. members will record their votes by electronic device. this will be a five-minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institutin united states house of representatives. any use of the closed-captioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u.s. h
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the speaker pro tempore: activity the resre the speaker pro tempore: the resolution is agreed to. without objection the motion to
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reconsider is laid on the table.
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the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gon? >> mr. speaker the house adjourns today it adjourns to :00 a.m. tomorrow. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, so ordered. for whatoes the gentleman from nevada seek recognition?ent that all members have five legislative days to revise and remarks and include extraneous material on h.r. 8752 and that i may include tab lawyer material on the same. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. pursuant tul 18, the chair declares the house in the committee of the whole on the t consideration of h.r. 8752. the chair from iowa, ms. miller-meeks to preside over the. the chair: the house is in the committee of the w house on
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consideration for consideration of h.r. 8752. the clerk: a bill making appropriations security for fiscal year ending september 30 2025 and for other purposes. the chair: pursuant to the rule the bill issidered read the first time. general debate shall be confined to the bill not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking membe committee on the appropriations or the respectiveleman from nevada, mr. amodei and the gentlewoman illinois ms. underwood, the chair recognizes the gentleman from vada. mr. amodei: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i thank mr. coal for his leadership throughout the fiscal year process and support as we continue to take conservative to the floor. i want to thank the ranking member of the ful mrs. delauro and ranking the subcommittee ms. underwood. despite of disagreements on policy as well as the rankingmber
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of the full committee we would like to say thanks for the opportunity toick off this appropriations season, if you will and we are looki getting started here. lastly, i would like to e to the staff for their efforts as them this would be a pretty tough thing and much different thing to do. with that, i'm going to reserve the rest of my time. the chair: the gentleman resent illinois is recognized. ms. underwood: i rise in the funding bill. i acknowledge the hard work of those serving on the front line at the department ofhomeland security. they areacrifices every day to protect this country and i recognizing that. many of the policies acknowledge and obstacles these men and women face today's bill includes key priorities that focus on employee wellness and suicide prevention programs and funding additional centers that build upon the el paso to increase accountability at the coast dguar protect
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cadets from sexual assault and improving contraceptions for coasrs and family members. despite these silver ses the department ofhomeland security appropriations bill putns falls short of addressing our country real needs. it increases funding for a ineffective problems at our $2.1 billion to border sec operations including the complete elimination of the shelter a services program and critical resources our u.s.ts need to secure the border. let me be this program will not stop migration. it willommunities from managing surges humanely salyg chaos and desperation across our coup try. funding for refugee and asylum programs and includes a provision that would cut $300 million in fee funding. the asylum program would overwhelm our and
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ensure people are released from d.h.s. custody without legal status. that outcomes not good for anyone. the funding choices made by thel result in more people being the released intothe interior while they wait years for their cases to be and disinteresting truth is that this bill doubles down ond ineffective border strategies thaig and will waste taxpayer our communities exposed to humanitarian cries the resources necessary to respond. with this bill, republicans are turning their back on u.s. border patrol agents and critical funds they need to maintain safe andies. but the failures of this bill continue. thisil underfunds critical cyber defense programs leaving vulnerable and unprepared to deal withe when schools, hospitals and criticalucre under attack and in the taste of threats of terrorism and extremism that have been highlighted by
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the administrations, this bill eliminates for centergrams and partnerships eliminates for violence prevention program and countering weapons of mass destruction office and includes statutory rs that would prevent the department taking the actions needed to the alarming trends we sees written this bill would leave our communities with nothing most urgent threats we are facing across the united reflects a missed opportunity to work in a bipartisan manner to prioritize the needs of our nation, rengo existing and emerging threats and address the concerns ame expressed about our immigration system, national security, climate change more. the challenges our country faces caot be understated. we are in link in unpre people are looking for congress to set aside the right thing. unfortunately this billses the mark and ignores our country's most pressing needs.
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i cannot support it in its current form. president biden statement confirming that he would veto this bill if it. we must do better and work on a he urgent needs of our nation. in its current not do that. i urge myo abandon this partisan theater work with democrats to put people over pol the priorities that will keep our country safe to face the challenges with resolve. i urge and i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from nevada is. amodei: i continue to ms. underwood: i yield six minutes to the the gentlewoman from from distinguished ranking member of the appropriations ms. rosacticut is recognized. ms. delauro: madam chair i republican majority's bill.i wish to thank the
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subcommittee staff and pa scwort and minors and bob shannon. and i also want to say to the ranking member for yielding time. fails to secure the border and instead stokes disorder wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayer the house majority was rejected every serious legislative effort to lessen theat the border and rejected one of the toughest border bills in history and that had a viable path to pronouncing it dead without any asked for additional resources to secure the border, ignored that as well. even after they told us tha we had to, quote take care of our border f before we could provide any funding to ukraine and other allies. well friends we provided the to our allies for which i am very failed our responsibilities to give agents resources needed to manage the
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crisis at the border, to stop our communities from being overwhelmed by a dated immigration system.ate ready to consider the bipartisan solution that had been reached by states senate negotiatedors but at the 11th hour, it the aisle that insisted that it could no our border as part of the national security package. not even let us debate the bill. and let ment out what policies the majority rejected and left on the. one, accomplishing a border emergency authority to shut down th border when our system gets overwhelmed. two, ending widespread releases of recent border funding noncustodial for remain and rapid consequence system for thosethree, closing hoop holes in our asylum system that are exploited by criminal cartels. four funding detention beds. five additional agents and officers for customs and border protectiogoes on.
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that bipartisan legislation was supporte border patrol council. that's the border patrol agents' own union. the chamber of commerce and south alliance texas the bill before us is a fa krmp midst of a crisis situation, the bder security operations by $2.1 cut from 2024. are they serious about border security and cut $2.1 billion? the bill wastes taxpayer money on ineffective needs the resources to manage the border and vet arisk in the united states and support border communities and ci are receiving migrants across the country. why help our border communities and cities the very in our districts confronting this crisis? this is a missed opportunity to have humanee who are required to refuge in
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our missed opportunity to reenforce our security our and our response weakens our national security with infrastructure security investments and failure to counter terrorism. it restraps the government's ability to counter disinformation campaigns which are being used by adversaries seeking to undermine our elections andnd security bill includes dozens of cruelolic riders that harm women divide americans, divide the congress and create chaos. we know the funding require bipartisan negotiations to make sound investments but majority's process is driving towards d shutdown threats. i ask that the majority please you are on and when they do, i look forward so we can manage our border responsibility and invest in programs that make our country more secure. ithe majority to
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govern. i urge my to vote no on this bill. i yield back. ms. underwood: i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from neva recognized. mr. amodei: irom illinois is recognized. ms. underwood: i yield thran from florida ms. wasserman schultz. the chair: the genomewan florida is recognized. ms. wasserman schultz: i thank the ranking member for and congratulations yourill on the house floor. we are all behind you. i riseition to republicans' fiscal year bill which neglects the threats we face from extremism and domestic terror ands to throw our southern border in chaos. after walking a robust border security deal, all to pander donald trump the g.o.p. has offered u this is nothing more than an exercise, make sure my constituents get the message funding.
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hanging board communities out to dry by defunding shelter and services and neglect the founding mission by eliminating terrorismn funds. you just can't make this stuff up. it rolls bec pieden administration policies like worse it doubles down one separating children fromand cruel bans on reproductive care. i led democrats in committees demanding full for nonprofit security grants which defend our communities against surging antisemitism and hate and vandalism and assault against increased with nearly 9,000 examples federal hate crime investigations shot up b 60% since then and the majority of cases involvets jews who come rice 2% of the u.s. every single republican member voted to west that money border wall instead
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which mexico isn't paying for rather than protecting jewish constituents. extreme iferlts who spread disinformation than it with protecting the lives of jewish americans. that is shamel. the results of the protection they need, communities of faiths have been devastated. we must direct our fictional invasion or against women's reproductive healthcare or against rainbow flags or providing political cover for your convicted felon ringleader. my colleagues to reject these political games and get serious about funding immigration system and securing our communities against extremist terror, and i yield back the balance of time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from nevada is recognized. mr. amodei: i continue to serve. the speaker pro temp recognized. ms. i yield four minutes to mr. case. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from is recognized. mr. case: thank you madam chair. i rise inn measure as it is presented
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to us. and i truly regret that hasmber of the subcommittee, i cannot support this bill today. does include several bipartisan measures that do deserve our this is the $14.2 billion provided to the coast guard an increase of $1.3 billion over the last he coast gua role and capability in defending american priorities and adv engagement in the face of geopolitical competition especial endopacific. the $60 million allow them to base in the pacific and the for the coast guard's endo-pacific workshop project and other funding provisions for theirsence in the pacific island regions are encouraging to see and they do demo work in a bipartisan manner to get things done. sound decisions here and there and in other parts of the bill, riddled with misguided avoidance and other priorities that and nowhere is this more evident than in ieatment of the overall subject
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of immigration in general and securi our border in particular. the department of homeland security which has been so vilified by many i my colleagues over the last months and years needs and is entitled to our support administrator existing law and yet this bill of needs that it is mandated to discharge and to anticipate and up and advance a realistic discussion of immigration policy in general and border security in particular. three examples, first o the border, the bill strips $300 million from the gutting the department's ability to a acknowledge back log and keep pace with new arrivals at the border, and yet we all know that the re al of the border today the is border today is required for changes in our asylum policy, and this bill does not allowhe homeland security to do its job under current law. it also threatens to the operations and support account of the u.s. cind eliminates funding
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for the citizenship and integration grant program that prepares legal immigrants for civic integration. i'm not sure what we're supposed to take from that. are we supposed to take we don't support legal immigration nor that don't support civic integration? it also eliminates a shelter and program which will withhold the resources needed for american communities working to humanely and safely deal with the ch immigration system. the realities of our broken immigration system. none of this is policy. this is not constructive legislation. this is outright in many cases toward a legal immigration system,t messaging and does nothing to solve anything. if we and i believe we all do believe there's a problem withn general and border security in particular then let's talk about it, let's try to resolve it on a bipartisan basis and then let's fund the policies that we have set. but let'sot defund the institutions that are responsible for administratorring policies broken,
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but it is their responsibility to again, this bill, despite these is possible to work together in a bipse very difficult issues on immigration. and we should back to the table and focus on that. and so i do look forwardrking with our colleagues to amend the bill, to remove theseartisan riders, and focus on providing the -- the speaker pro tempor expired. ms. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from nevada is recognized. mr. case: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from illinois isrecognized. ms. underwood: i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman from illinois ms. ramirez. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from i will sill gnized. ms. ramirez: thank you ranking member. i rise in strongest opposition to h.r. 8752. ber of homeland security committee, my level o republican homeland security budget is really hard to actually overstate. we can all agree that a homeland
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security appropriations bill should protect our communities. it should also ext our national security. and it should do so while fulfilling our commitment to the international community. yet the majority's bill doubles down on bad policies and proven failures. destructive cruel draconian policies in this bill tomited time, but let me highlight a few them. 600 million for the construction of a border wall to embolden endanger our communities, our environment and sacred lands. billion for traumatized families and stability. immigration processing back logs making it harder toen our communities, that seems hypocritical considering we that this is about the homeland and protecting our communities. defunding the shelter in service program to create chaos in cities fulfilling our nation's promise like chicago and endangering the lives of asylum our nation. defunding community-basedually creating more cost burden to goal
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is to sow chaos to weaken intergovernmental collaboration, to deconstruct effective polie to undermine collaboration, to decrease efficienciesnd to destroy families well then, this is, in fact your folks, don't let anti-immigration racism mask rated adsomeland fool you. the legislation does not fund the core responsibilities of the department that protects the homeland. it does notll our commitment to our neighbors reflecting the best parts of who proudly we are as a nation. collea vote no. i yield ms. underwood: i reserve the balance of my the gentleman from nevada is recognized. mr. amodei: i continue to reserve. ms. underwood j. i'm prepared to close. the chair:ewoman is prepared to close. ms. underwood j. madam bill falls short of what the americans deserve.
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it cuts necessary funding to secure o it defunds critical counter terrorism and looking to invest more. and it as americans. i will be voting no on this bill i encourage my colleagues to do the same. i yield back. the chair: the gentlewoman from illinois yields. the gentleman f recognized. you madam chair am it's the border. it's the we have heardging. we have heard about managing. all that sort and it's still here we are so the bill under consideration this morning provides $64.8 billion for the department of homeland security. when we hear about backs, that's an increase of $2.9 billion above theyear 2024 level. the bill prioritizes border, remember, it's about the border, m appropriate cuts to policies and programs at quite frankly we don't think work. so when we talk about value
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judgments and stuff like that, if you think the record on the southern border has been a successful thing immigration, we respectfully disagree. we have the field. our border patrol agents and officers who are being crushed a dare i say unprecedented flow of migrants day after day. this bill supports them through real policy change, not just colleagues across the side of the aisle are content to treat the border crisis they throw huge sums o the problem the failed policies created. it does not work. we say well, what do you mean? yo) hav border and now it has become a prlse in the country. what do school districts do? what do what do law enforcement people do? i mean, it's fair to focus on border, but the are not just, well, this is just kind so, law enforcement professionals don't want to manage the border, they want to enforce theaw.
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not the law that we're talking about recently, but the that's been on the books for a long time. dare i say, ere executive orders that may put the at issue. they want to enforce the law for us change the course to end the chaos. if you t happening there is a nice, calm thing and it just needs more resrces respectfully disagree. my want to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in grants nonprofit organizations for transportation and otherfurther incentivizes the immigration rush that we've got. get across, we'll take it from there. and what we'll take i means gives additional services for transportation nonprofits, reducing counters to deter anyone from crossing cay. no they don't. this ena cut funding for that program. you've heard about borderervices. that's a couple of billion dollars. the numbers are rigite frankly that's
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one of the funding sources that has been used to transport pe around the country. sometimes on airliners someti night, but nonetheless, to manage we gotll these people here we got to get them spread out as soon as possible. so madam chair time for plain talk. we zeroed that account out. oh my god you did what? yep, and you know what? do any of us think the senate will leave it att whyo? we're talking about our colleagues in the senate,ll last year well, you know, how about this policy, that policy? guess if you're on that side of the fence. but guess w some things where if you want to money back for that, and you want to restrict it so it isn't a slush fundo implement policies that are not on the books in terms of statue andn guess what, that's zeroed out as are the funds for nonofits. criticism there spot on. but it's all s to
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facilitate huge amounts of people coming over, pro the border as soon as possible. so it's not mean, they're hardened and whatever not that they don't need help. it's cities and counties across the country. answer, according to three years worth of record high illegal immigration in our opinion, is a resounding no. so we cut that funding. last year c.b.p. recorded million encounters. to put it in perspective that's ab the largest city in my district. that's just at the southern border one year. last year we funded1.7 for tents to process anunprecedented number of aliens that continue to cross between portsntry under this administration's open border policies. haspeillions of taxpayer dollars for processing tents just tou8into the interior at a rapid pace reduced illegal immigration at all? quite the contrary. so in this funding. and in the middle of an eion year the administration just
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announced a proclamation t border if encounters between the ports of entry reach a certain beyond those levels for a while now. quite an announcement. i about, oh, if this is about messaging. well, i guess is absolutely about messaging. way allf those previous administration policies shelter in place stuff like of, you know, kept things to a cooperative between two countries and some sort of manageable level all out the door at the why this will bill invests in securing the border that men and women in the field are asking for more agents, more detention beds and technology and physical barriers. this bill following border investment, sustains funding for patrol agents and border security, a record in somebody thinks anybody is turning their back on includes surveillance towers surveillance
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platforms and significant investment in c drone capability $600 million for bo because physical barriers work and $305 mill ine can defect fentanyl at our points entry. this bill does that. in addition, the b includes funding for critical i as $3.1 billion to support detention beds for i.c.e. this is funded last year and 16,000 more than for. yes, we have a disagreement of how 822 million for flights and ground transportation for i.c.e. to execute its authority to remove more than 1.4 million mig g are still in this despite having final orders of removal. transport people south not north
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60 million to hire more officers to investigate transnational criminal activity keep our communities safe from those who seek to do u harm. translation, fentanyl. those folks are here that issue which last i heard was invasive, pervasivend needs more help. the bill makes the southern border. we provide speed up screening device efforts at the nation's airports, new technology that has been rolled some airports but the administration had it on a funding cycle. by the time our airports get that, i am sure there will be better that will make it obsolete. public safer so we double the requested amot to pursue those things. and we get to china. as wee to grow in terms of having to meet a challenge of military, economic and political influence in the the u.s. must have
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a presence in the expands coast guard operations with to include $335 million for fast response cutters to indictments to enable the coastuard to deploy a medium endurance cutter and operations fund for the coast guard to conduct allies in the indo-pacific ready to go. the bill responsibilities of the department and protects the homeland. it doesn't the failed responsibilities policies. that's support the hardworking men and women need to change course on the border. we do many mayors of harnlg cities across the of their political affiliation. weeed to change that course not through gimmicks but through policy and funding changes. this bill is the step in the
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right urge my colleagues to support the bill and i yield become. the chair: the gentleman from the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute nature of a substitute consisting of the text of the rules 118-38 modified byendments specified in section 17 of house resolution 1316onsidered as adopted and the bill as amended shall be considered bill for the purpose of further amendment under the considered as read. all points of order against waived. no further amendment to the bill as amended shall be in order except those printed in part c of house 118-559. amendments en bloc described in section 13 and pro forma in section 14 of that resolution. each further amendmentf the report shall be considered only in the order offered only by a member designated in the read, shall be debatable for theime specified in the report equally divided
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and controlled by the and opponent and not subject to amendment except as provided in section 14 of house resolution 1316 and not subject of the demand of the question. it shall b the committee of appropriations or designee to offer amendments en bloc consisting of amendments con kissed cysted in part c. amendments en bloc shall be considered asyw read and debatable equally divide and controlled b member on the committee of appropriations or their designees subject to amendment except as provided in section 14 resolution 1316 and not subject to demand for question. during krrgs, the chair and ranking member on the committee of appropriations or respective designees may offer up 10 proments at any point for purpose of the debate. for what purpose does nt recognition? mr. amodei: pursuant to house resolution offer amendments en bloc. will
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designate. the clerk: en bloc consisting 3 6, 7 8 10, 134 21, 22 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 33 34, 35, 36, 40, 47, 49, 51 60 in part c of house report by mr. amodei of nevada.air: pursuant to house resolution 1316, the gentleman from nevada, amodei and the gentlewoman from illinois, mrs. underwood each will control 20 minutes. mr. amodei: bipartisan en bloc amendment offered by colleagues on both sides of the aisle. this contains proposals that would strengthen the underlying bill and highlight a few. additional funding to bolster investigations fored children within secret service and homeland security investigation. it highlight coast guard's need for assets, infrastructure
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and maintenanceunding. it emphasizees of nonintrusive inspection equipment foe fentanyl. it increases funds for and other first responders and highlights the i of grants that fund physical security improvements for organizations. i would like to thank mlleagues for participation in this process and i urge members upport this bipartisan en bloc. i reserve. g reserves. the gentlewoman from illinois. support of this amendment. t chairman to include these priorities. while i have some the extent to which some of these accounts would be cut i trust able to address those problems before this bill becomes law. i colleagues to support this amendment. and i yield back. the chair: the gentlewoman from illinois yields. the gentleman from nevada is recognized. mr. amodei: madam chairman, since the chairman of the full committee could not make it for
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fu debate, i ask unanimous consent to insert mr. coal's statement into r the chair: gentleman's request is covered by general mr. amodei: i now recognize my colleague from mis two minutes. mrs. wagner: i thank the chairman for yielding the time. i have an amendment in this en bloc. and i rise in support of my amendment which would provide ay offset, fully paid for 67% increase f forced child labor. madam speaker as biden administration to properly enforce the law there is a humanitarian catastrophe unde our southern border. since president biden took office 10 million illegal migrants have flooded 500,000 the administration is
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required to ensureaccompanied minors are protected. instead the administration has been giving these children away with zero for their safety. it has been exposed that the biden administratio completely lost track of some children ignored countless warnings that these children trafficked and fired employees are even instances where the administration gave these children to adults without checking or vetting if the adult had abused children or had a relationship with them in the past. this of neglect is unspeakable and the department ofhomeland security has the resources investigate each case. support my amendment and the bloc and i yield back. the chair: i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from nevada has the only time remaining. mr. amodei: i
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i yield the chair: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the question is on the amendments en bloc o nevada. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it, en bloc amendments are agreed to. it is now i to consider amendment number 1 printed in part c of house 118-559. for what purpose does the gentleman fm seek recognition? >> i have an amendment at the desk. the clerk: amendment number one printed in part c of house report 118-559 offered by north dakota. the chair: pursuant to house resolution 1316, the gentleman from north dakota, mr. armstrong and a member opposed each minutes. mr. armstrong: it's prettar farther away than grand dakota, just like grand forks somebody isl poisoning and 100% of those pills are by the
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cartels. i rise in support of my amendment to year 2025 department ofhomeland security appropriations. if passed, would defund the implementation of covid-19 era reduces the hours of operations for customs and protections. bringing these ports of border patrol agents respond to a massive increase of border encounters and nonmarijuana drugn places like north dakota and western new york. both land skyrocketed. specifically in january of 997 northern landters contrast with january of 20 # 24 800 encounters and excluding marijuana, drug smuggling has by 1 153% between the borders between 2021 and 2023. due to theadministration's failure our border patrol agents at border have had to
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revert resources. because of that northern border is now suffering. while support c.b.p., we must ensure the full staffing scheduling so we can be fully prepared tour border. c.b.p. reded hof the ports of entry to mitigate the spread of theandemic has long been over, those hours have stayed in place. this amendment would return those ports of entries that would go to before the and while there are extended hours for some of the ports have been forgotten. i along with of back and forth with the these hours will allow staff apprehend but to help the needs of americans at the northern border. these ports of entry serve a vital role. foy. . . travel connections and
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since these hours remain shortened we have heard from countless constituentsboowey many of the activities that i just mentioned. activiti that they could do before with expanded hours. the ports of entry listed in this amendment used to serve as robust and active points of movement where constituents could freely travel back and forth from the u.s. and canada and that nee while we understand the c.b.p. believes these ports of entry ould sol based on vehicular and pedestrian traffic, we knowonstituents that the travelers are much less likely to use the portsrs. in my state specifically, the stations were both open from 9:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. howe remained at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m 40% reduction. requiring these ports to close early forces travelers to o other ports with entries with longer hours. take mota. during our northern border hearing at the house grand for she mentioned that -- forks she mentioned thatha w takes several hours. she highlighted that our small towns and when i say small towns, i mean really small towns, often get wrapped in the red tape of legal commercon
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the border at the same time when we allow the open flowe on the southern border. this truly effects everyone in the ag comven the small sheriffs' departments that haverces to do the job that the federal government is supposed to do. detours are particularly costly c ag vehicle operators due to risingflation and high fuel costs. it is long past time that we change thosek to pre-pandemic levels for good. we need all the hours and ceure our borders are fully secure. this will also bring back our highity along the northern border that results in more t i strongly support this amendment and i yield back the balance of my time. the chair: the gentleman yields back. does the gentlewomanil -under-under mr. chair -- ms. underwood: mr. chair i time doctor -- claim opposition. c.b.p. conducts significant analysis when it comes to setting port of includes traffic trends, staffing availability and the presence of other portsnable distance.
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c.b.p. also considers the economic ramifications of what a closure might have on localfntry hours is not a decision made lightly. removing c.b.p.'s discretion to limit hours for these ports of entry sets a b precedent that fails to allow for the consideration of other compelling national and local threats that c.b.p. must considerrtunately this is just another example of an overly restrictive policy that unnecessarily ties the administration's hands when working to protect the american people. i must respectfully oppose and i yield back. the chair: the gentlewoman yieldsk. the question is from the gentleman from north dakota. the question is on the amendment offered by the those in favor say aye. those opposed, in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to.
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the chair understands that amendment number 2 will not offered.o consider amendment number 4 printed in part c of house report 118-559. for what ppose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? mr. biggs: i have an amendment t desk. the chair: the clerk will designate clerk: amendment number 4 printed in part c of house report 118-559 offered by mr. biggs of recognizes the gentleman from arizona. mr. biggs: thank you, mr. chairman. people may not know this, but nbc news recently reportedhat more than 400 illegal aliens who werees of isis were released into the united states under th watch. now, they've caught some of have a significant number of them out. and you know what they said? have enforced the law we wouldn't have released them into rounded them up prevented them from ever getting into the country. now, these i'm speaking in support of my amendment which wouldrohibits the use of funds to pay the salary and expenses
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of the position of secretary. now, who is the d.h.s. secretary?ividual? it's the person who has been the border policy. i think one of my recently called it on the floor here just a moment ago. she said, it's a fictional invasion. really? 10 million people in 2 1/2 three years now. ting records when? february 2021. they've setds every month since. now, who is in charge of alejandro mayorkas, the secretary. in fact, thi so disenchanted with his policies that we impeached mayorkas. when he's confronted, do you he said in a judiciary hearing you know hey we don't like that. at first he said, yes, we have operat we gave him the statute. do you have operational control? well we basically devised our own definition. that's the person who is the homeland security chair right now.literally millions of people to come into this country.
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that lawlessness that has brought people to their knees in many communities around this country. rying to get information from the d.h.s. and the department about the terrorist who attempted toico just about six weeks ago. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlelady from illinois. ms. underwood: mr. chair i claim time in opposition. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized for five minutes. ms. underwood: mr. chairman, i rise in strong opposition to this amendment. the secretary of meland critical role in our national security. secretar role admirably and has been an honorable public servant forservice as a u.s. attorney the director ofuty director -- i'm sorry, the deputy secretary of homeland security. if my majority colleagues were sincere about addressing and ending the humanitarian crisis at the border, they would not have rejected the opportunity to even debate toughest bipartisan border bills in history. simply to desires of
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those who wish to keep chaos at the gain. and when the president and additional resources to secure the border, my colleagues across the aisle ignored that too. even after they demanded that we quote take care of our ownirst before we consider providing any funding to ukraine and our other allies. my colleagues and i remain ready to address thertment of homeland security to work towards building a system that reflects the realities of the world we live t interests of american families, businesses and communities. in addition, i would be remiss if i didn't point out this amendment raises seriousco punishing the secretary is not the way to handle policy disputes. unfortunately this amendment prioritizes legislative people. i urge my colleagues to vote no. back. the chair: the gentlewoman yields. the gentleman from arizona is recognized. mr. biggs: thank you, mr. chairman. i get a kick when i hear
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democrats say that the so-called bipartisan bill out of the senate would have solved this problem. you know what that bill it granted amnesty. you know what it did? it set a aliens every day get to come in. it did. they provided loophole after loophole. there's no limit on an unaccompanied child. an unaccompanied chide hundreds of thousan they've misplaced over 100,000 now. yes. they're just so irresponsible. an ineffective and outdated policy. you know whatorked? that ineffective and outdated policy. you know why? because it secured the border. we had the most secure border in about -- i don know, our nation's history under president trump. they cameresident biden issued 93e.o.'s. guess what. ass invasion on the border. and what's it called? they called it aorder wall. you know whoo voted -- you know who voted for thatat's right. people like hillary clinton. they voted forhat border wall.
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they don't want a border wall. i can tak into place -- i have on my phone images ftucson sector of people dressed in camo bringing drugs acrther day. you know why they were going near the gate which i've tak before? because there's no arizona we hav largely no fences. here's the deal this. homeland secretary -- deal. this homeland security secretary, this homeland security secretary is the one who gave us this policy. and i can say, i can say what ihese people. i can say what they've said. and i am quoting ineffective, outdated policies. people are legally entitled to refugee status. under what law? under international law? well how about the first safe nation law? they are that. and guess what, that's what well. the first safe harbor, the first safe state that's where someone who wants refugee sta but they're not seeking refugee status. they're seekinglum. you know who sought asylum? therers who just murdered that 12-year-old
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girl released under asylum requests. they went and had the cartel cut off their ankle bracelet. that's what's happening. that's why this secretary this position which we are def under the hulman rule, should not be funded, mr. back. the chair: the gentleman from arizona yields back. the question is on the ad by the gentleman from arizona. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. ms. underwood: mr. chairman, i request a recorded i request a recorded vote. the of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendmented by the gentleman from arizona will be postponed. it is now in order to consider amendment number 5 printeport-559. for what purpose does the gentleman from arizona seek recognition? mr. biggs: mr. chairman, i an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendment numberprinthood
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in part c of house -- printed in part c of house report arizona. the chair: the to house resolution 1316, the gentleman from arizona mr. biggs, and a member minutes. the chair mr. biggs: mr. chairman, i rise in support of my amendment whichts funding from being used to implementhe d.h.s. 2022 rule which allows illegal aliens to receive more government subsidies. under our immigration law one groundbility for aliens is if they're likely to become a public charge. statute. that is to say it means if they're going to be a financial burden to the american people due to the likeloodhat they will rely on public subsistence programs, inadmissible. however, in 2022 the d.h.s. excluding a wholegrams, including medicaid including ms mean? first, it gives the biden administration more excuses to allow millions of illegal aliens into the country by doing away
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with one standard that would legally disqualify many second it allows the biden administration to illegal aliens to be in the country with taxpayer dol which has always been their plan. third, it creates a major pull or people who are thinking of crossing the border to actually cross the and there's evidence of this. just talk to the i have. i go down to the border many i take people with me, members of congress, all the time. and when y ask people they'll say, i heard the u.s. government was going to pay me to be here. i've had peopl say this. and that they'll take me where i want to go. because it's true. because it'sell me any policy by this administration that disc entering the country? there's not one serious policy which ally deters immigration. this is why we must vote to end this open border rule and stop giving federal dollars to illegal aliens. and ithe chair: the gentleman from arizona reserves. the gentlelady from illinois. ms. underwood: i claim time in opposition. theom. underwood: mr. chair, this is yet another cruel and
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inhumane attempt by the maj immigrants for accessing health benefits and other government services available to them. the amendment attempts to revert to ara public charge rule in 2019 that temporarily disrupted a long policy. the trump-era rule faced several legalllenges, leading to injunctions and halts in the taxpayers every time th it thiden administration's rule restores the historical understanding of a public c back to what had been in place for decades. we with decades long policy thattion officials to require whether benefits. this is somethingike to know. it is important to point the idea that immigrants harm our economy or a cos to taxpayers is false. for example earlier this year, the secretary for planning and valuation within
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the department ofhealth and human services study from 2005 to poits of the study was that, the net was positive over the 15-year period at 123.8 billion. billion with a b. refugees contributed moren they cost in expenditures to the their net fiscal benefit to the federal government was $31.5 billion fiscal benefit was estimated at $92.3 billion. while i can't speak to theind the gentleman's amendment this amendment won't even accomy colleagues think it will. because the trump rescinded, the effect of this amendment if to revert back to the 1999 essentially the same as the current rule that's been implemented. this amendment is just another baseless waste of time that does nothing to advance the best
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interests of americans. i will vote no and i encounseling my cue same. i yield back. e chai the gentlewoman yield back. the gentleman from arizona. mr. biggs: you know they love so much didn't make it ovdn't make cloture twice in thete. yell and scream all you want. we passed h.r. 2 laying over there on chuck schumer's lap refusing to move let's talk about this cruel and you know what's cruel? how about if you yuma, arizona, your community has onee one hospital. you got an emergency. they don't have enough beds for you if you are a c because they are dealing with illegal aliens that have flooded that hospital. that is cruel inhumane. you are to phoenix or san diego. that is cruel and let's say you are beds.
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most of the time it's filledegal aliens who have come in. and we just heard a lot a money, about this benefit. there are assert the exact opposite. one thing we knoeverybody agrees on right and left if you talk to peopl something, there are remittancees well incompetents of $100 billion a year that out from illegal aliens in this country. it is a if you talk to leaders from central american states orentatives from mexico, they will tell you what aow is that those remittancees provide for them. in the number two leading cash flow for them. and they come here because these individual are incentivized to come here in part because of the publict we allow them to be on. that ishy t amendment is crucial. as someone who ishicountry illegally should not be
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here and receiving should they receive -- there are more than benefits that the federal government provides. this administration has loosened the number of those benefits that have gone to illegal aliens. that should not we have a public charge rule that't come here legally, good statute, we are reverting to the statute that worked. this amendment is critical. i yield f arizona yield back. the question is on t offered by the gentleman from arizona. those in favor, say aye. those oppohee chair the ayes have it. the amendment is not to.ay the amendment was not agreed to? the chair: is agreed to. it is now in ordert number 9 printed
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in part krmp of amendment at the desk. the clerk: amendment number 9 house report 118-559 offered by mrs. cammack of florida.air: pursuant to house resolution 1316 the gentlewoman from florida mrs. cammack, and a member opposed each will control minutes. mrs. cammack: i rise today in support of my amendment which restrict funds at the department ofhomeland security from being used rule or regulation that has an annual effect of $100 million or more. this is known as regulations from the conservative. there is no the regulation is out of control. hundreds of regulatory costs fall on the shoulders of without any input from their elected seek to restore congressional layingses requiring any
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rule must be approved by congress a.k.a. the house before they go into effect. by including my we restore article 1 authorities by bringing significant regulatory decisions back to the body that is closest to the no lnger allow unelected bureaucrats to impose regulatory costs behind closed doors but commit ourselves to open, transparent gompance. we have already she biden administration's outrageous border allowing illegals than the population of states nearly 1400 pounds fentanyl has been seized at the border in a single 367 known suspected terrorists are onhe international terrorist watch lists have crossed the this administration has waged war against the immigration system of the united s the results speak for themselves. it is a total f this common sense amendment government's accountability and restore the
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elected process. by requiring congressional approval for may scror regulations this amendment forces a thorough the potential costs and been tits of proposed rulesiny is to prevent regulatory overreach to that regulations are in ground scie well-being regardless of politicalio regulations serve as a mechanisms for agencies to side step congressional authority. as the core legislative body, it is crucial for us to reaffirm our constitutionalje and prevent expansion of regulatory powers. all my amendment restores the people's voice ine agency decisions that impact our every dayives needs major regulatory reform and crucial step to a more transparent andccountable government for all americans. i encourage and urge colleagues to join me in standing up for our strongly and democratic, by the
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people for the people in our constitutional republic. with that, i reserve. the chair: the congresswoman reserves. ms. underwood: i claim time in opposition. the chair: the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. underwood: the department ofhomeland security does on not gig in rulemaking behind closed doors. there is a rulemaking process that involves the was accomplished by congress and existed for decades. the amendment would prohibit department ofhomeland security from issuing major rules tha implement and carry out laws enacted byust another example of a bad policy rider aimed at unnecessarily tying the administration's hands. i oppose this amendment and i urge my colleagues do the same. i yield become. th cir recognizes the gentlewoman from florida. mrs. cammack: may i inquire the remaining time? the chair: two minutesammack: in response to the notion that there is someone over there listening and i mean in the basement of these
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federal agencies listening to the american peopleho weigh in on these proposed rules ands, that's laughable. we have seen agencies 250,000 comments and different letters and petitions from concerned citizens, from associations and organizations and they h on deaf ears. in the case of d.h.s., they have worked to put things up for a proposed rule, like asylum eligibility and public health. you nk members of the people's house would be the ones in challenger dictating asylum process. you would think it would b actually looking to develop legislation that modernization of h-2 programs or refugee appearances interviews, and i could provide hundreds of examples o different rules proposed rules and regulations passed congress and the silenced the american people's voice bec
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nameless bureaucrats and administration shoving t agenda done our thit starts here and starts now. i encourage my colleagues this amendment and good. i don't care what are on, the facts are exactly the s elected representatives for the people and by the people and we need their voice now more than ever. i the amendment offered by the gentlewoman from florida. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> i rise as the oklahoma, mr. cole.he recognized. mr. kelly: i strike the last word. gentlemanfrom north dakota was talking about what
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was state. i would suggest for our colleagues to look at aftermath of we're having open borders is doing to our country. when we look at the significance not watching our b paying our attention to our borders and ignoring the fact that there is not here. this legislation approves border patrol to do their job. the often overlooked northernorder. people say why are you concerned. here's a little insight 5 525 border. it is virtually unwatched. fault of the border patrol people, they overworked underpaid and very much u year 2022 u.s. border patrol 2,2238 encounters. in fiscal 2023 that went to
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10,000. first seven months of fiscal year 2024 they encountered 460 individuals. and that number willt. if you can understand that statement, coming in the northern border during winter is not a good idea. the weather itself is the biggist inhibitor of however, it's very pourous open and uery concerning and should be concerning. the amazingment i have, this is people coming to represent the and their part of this incredible country. this is notr democrat issue this is an issue who is i that enforces these laws that are already on the books. why in world when we go i hear all te, you guys better do something about what's happening at the borders. them, do you know how many laws we've already passed? they say no, i well, it's the rc passed through the legislature that are goingwatched
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right now. we can continue down this road to say move on, there's nothing to see here, there's nothing going on, there's really not a problem at border, there's really not a problem at the northern border. in the meantime,ilients of these illegals are the states -- recipients of these illegals arep in. when you hear about what our citizense of taxpayer dollars being spent on a group to come to america if your f upon entering america is to break one of her laws, that's not a good way to$rt. when we look at what the appropriations is doing all we're asking for and all wg for is funding. to protect our own is incredible to me that we have to have debate over place. one side says, we have a lot of concerns about this. the other side says, i don't know what you're concerned about, theblem doesn't exist. it does exist. it's the effect on america is long-lasting. the invasion, if these folks and i don't i've heard 10,000, 11,000,
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12,000 most people say i don'ts quite aaftermath, the aftermath is the key. when we were in north dakota we listened to two sheriffs who were exhausted because they enough people to watch what's going on in their state. it's 24 hours a day, seven days a week, they're. now who is the problem where is the problem how do we fix the problem? taxpayer money virtually everywhere to protect our country. that's the first obligation of homeland. but if you don't admithat it's taking place then you't it. the idea is if you're going taxpayer dollars give them a return on that investment. make se protecting our very own people first and i am very welcome to this country. that's how my family got here.y came in the right way and they participated. we have an incredible dilemma going on right now and i want people to think about this. 5,525 miles of border that's unprotected. now, people talked about the balloon from china that came in.
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and i love the way the administration addressed that through canada come down through our country and when itcean we shot it down there, marvelous. that's too late. anyw from nevada for allowing me to speak on this. i would hope that ourolagues on both sides of the aisle acknowledge what's happening and understand that our first oath of office is to protect the homeland. thank you and yield back. the chair: the gentleman's time has expired. is now in order to consider amendment number 11 printed in part c 118-559. for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition? mr. clyde:, i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate the amendment. the clerk: amendmentber 11 printed in part c of house report 118-559 offered b mr. clyde of georgia. the chair: pursuant to house resolutioneorgia mr. clyde and a member opposed each will control five minutes. recognizes the gentleman from georgia. mr. clyde: thank today i'm offering an amendment to flat fund the department of homeland security cybersecurity and infrastructure security
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agen also known as scisa to keep it at the 2024 level. on the website the mission reads, quote we lead effort to understand, manage and reduce risknd physical infrastructure. unfortunately ci this -- cisa has straight far from thisn. they were part of the governance board which was established at the department of homeland securi sensor americans' free speech. while the so-called disinformation governance board was disbanded a few months later after enormous publicshocked to learn that cisa has not stopped monitoring and' free speech. according to a 2022 news report, cisa drafted quote, inaccurate information on a wide range of topics, including the origins of covid-19. the the covid-19 vaccine. racial justice. the u.s. witn and the nature of u.s. support to ukraine. also business recor twitter suggest that cisa distorted its mission from pr nation's critical cyber and physical infrastructure into can say and what
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speech is acceptable online. this is terrible. americans' first amendment should not be regulat controlled through government by proxy censorship. cisa was firsted before my arrival in congress with bipartisan support under the administration -- support. -under the trump -- support. under administration, it concentrated on foreign influence. since biden took off jafn 2021 cisa officialsam the countering foreign intelligence task force one of the key bodies ofing disinformation founded during the trump administration, to the, quote mis- dis-and malinformationook the term foreign out of the title. last summer the select titled quote the weaponization of cisa. howity agency colluded with big tech and disinformation partners to censor america. several disturbing details about released in this report including that cisa is, quote, working wit partners to mature a whole of government approach to curbinformation
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and disinformation and that cisa wanted to use the same nonprofits as its mouthpiece to, quote avoid the goesa. this is -- propaganda. this is simply censorship by proxy. last week i had a conversation with the director of she told me that this report by the subcommittee onization is full of inaccuracies. basically it's not worth the paper it's written disagree. i think our weaponization committee has done a cisa needs to return to its original mission of national cybersecurity and infrastructure. not censoring americans' free speech. cisa's bloated budget and the agency's increased weaponization mission to police free speech has gone on simultane clear connection. given extraordinary increases in funding, cisa has dollars to censor americans and target speech that they findsagreeable. therefore i offer an amendment to flat fund cisa to f.y. tweur enacted -- 2024 enacted level. their true mission not given more funding to continue undermining our constitutionalritis -- constitutional rights. the only thing that gets agencies' attention in s funding.
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so flat funding cisa for f.y. 2025 is on notice, i would say a shot across the bow w saying it, to get their attention and cease the weaponization of this hope that all members of this committee will support this amendment to correctgency and thereby defend our first amendment rights for all amerik you and i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from georgia reserves. for what purpose does the rise? >> mr. chair i claim time in opposition. the chair: the gentleman is recognized for fiveinutes. mr. amodei: thank you. i yield two minutes to my ms. underwood: i join the chd opposition to this amendment. instead of discussing cuts to our cybersecuritylss cisa, we should actually be discussing investing we cannot continue to play these political games. we don't have theg that if we want to be serious about staying adversaries. and given what we know, we should be serious. we have all been warned about
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the clear intentions thed; people's republic of china that it considers every sector makes our society run as fair game inid to dominate on the world stage. the f.b.i. dir p.r.c.'s plan is to land low blows afrastructure to try and induceto resist. and they are not alone in their plans to use cyber and other capabilities to threaten our national security, our economy frankly our way of life. now, i assure you our adversaries are notding back on their investments and they are not playing by the same rules. have unfortunately already seen their capabilities and the kinds destruction they intend to cause to t. it is really unspeakable that we are having a debate right now about cutting our premier cyber defense capabilities. is not the time to reduce our ability to defend our nationurity posture. we should be investing in it. i oppose this amend my colleagues to do the same. i yield back the balance of my time.y yields
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back. mr. mr. amodei: i reserve, mr. chairman. the chair: the gentleman from nevada reserves. the gentleman from georgia is now recognized. mr. clyde: mr. chairman, how much time do i have remaining? the chair: one minute. mr. clyde: thank you. well first i'd like tond chairman here of our appropriationsittee. on sections 544 and 545 of this bi important to prohibit the funding to classification of any communications bity un mis malinformation. it's the funding that gets agencies' attention as i've mentio critically important to ensure that the funding that we have sends that signal to they cannot abridge americans' first modifying what people see by classifying information and with that,ing i yield -- and with that, i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from georgia yields
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the gentleman is recognized. mr. amodei: thank you, mr. chairman. could inquire how much time i have left? the chair: the gentleman has 3 1/2 minutes. you, mr. chairman.a little history and you can use it however you like. in this year, 2024 appropriations bill, we cut cisa $15 million. and it was becau of the switch boarding issue. and i agree that it's like, hey, you know, sometimes you attention, appropriations, it's money. that was done this lasook at what this agency has been doi since then, and i appreciate the and the history is strong and warrants attention. i think we dealt with that last . not that you can't -- oversight is annuing thing. but when i sit here and i look at this and say we're goinghem, that's the proposal and i say well, how are you?e' come from? and so just eh, there you go, you're flat funded like, at a time when their
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mission domestically in terms of infrastructure, whether that's utilities, whether that's any number of things, communication i media it's like, if you're going to buy a the outfit that does easier to do, if you're going to go to a casino, those folks have been hacked. if you want to make ase- so the mission is growing. and you say well, who is then, what's that about? that's not about our friends ladies and gentlemen. folks who do not wish us well. and so russians, chinese all that other sort of stuff. so i would be m if it was -- if there was a trigger. if we find out you did this, we're going to come get some money. i would be more comfortable with this if it's like, here's where you're going to take it from. it's time to be telling the folks who are in charge of cyber security in sectors, we're going to flat fund you. and i do not the answer to every problem that we but the mission has never been
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more challenging good under this dirr and quite frankly the recent history, they're headed the right way doesn't mean you take your eyes off of them but to go back and say you funded, i think it's a and so reluctantly i don't support the amendment. o time. the chair: the gentleman from nevada yields back. the question is now on the by the gentleman from georgia. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. for whurpody from illinois rise? ms. underwood: i'd like to request a recorded vote.the chair: pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further progs offered by the gentleman from georgia will be postponed. it is now in order to consider amendment number 12 printed in pa of house report 118-559. for what purpose does the gentleman from iowa seek recognition? mr. feenstra: mr.
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mr. feenstra: i have an amendment at the the clerk: amendment number 12 printed in part c of 118-559 offered by mr. feraen iowa. the chair: the gentleman from iowa and a will control five minutes. the chair gentleman from iowa. mr. feenstra: thank you. i rise in suppokc my amendment to the homeland security appropriations biden has overseen the worst border crisis in o since the beginning of this administration nearly 8 have crossed over our southern border withon evading capture. even known terrorists drugs have come through this wide open border. but this by accident. the administration's policies have faile enforce our laws, not holding drug traffickers accountable for their crimes and not finishing the wall. es this administration's refusal to build a wall and border. it directs the department ofhomeland securityo use the money confiscated to build the
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border wall and protect our communities. the cartels do notve to keep a single penny of their smuggling drugs coming into our communities. they jail time for their crimes. i urge my colleag because the american people deserve safe communities. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from iowa reserve. ms. underwood: i claim time in opposition. the chair: the chair the chair woman from illinois. ms. underwood: we don't n discuss why wasting funds on a bad it -- idea. it is a costly response to the challenges we are facing at the it calls on the d.h.s. secretary to take action that congress, that congress has already determined he does control. while c.b.p. is the primary agency responsible for these assets at the border the proceeds treasury forfeiture fund, which is managed by the
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treasury department. the allow use of these funds is defined in and there is a established process for which the secretaryhomeland security can make requests for a portion of a significant portion of the proceeds are necessary forponsible for storing and maintaining fees and series of other mandatory assets. all of the funds seized at the southern border for an outdated border wall would create ablem with the execution of the fund causing it to quickly insolvent. i oppose this amendment and i do the same. i yield back. the chair: the gentleman from recognized. mr. feenstra: i am prepared to is not controversialut common sense. we arerugs seized by the cartels and we are using the mones seized by the cartels to build the wall. we need to a
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air: the gentleman from the amendment offered by the gentleman from iowa. those in fav opposed,o. in the opinion of the chair the ayes have it. the amendment is agreed to. er to consider amendment number 14 printed in part krmp of house report 118-559. for what puroes the gentleman from california seek recognition? gasser goods -- mr. garcia: i havendment at the desk. the clerk: amendment number offered by mr. garcia of california. to house resolution 1316, mr. g opposed, the chair recognizes the gentleman from mr. garcia: i rise today to defund donald trump's ineffective harmful border wall and restoreca funding that helps immigrants in our country. this is personal me.
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i immigrated to this country as a small child and country and what it provided me an the day i rose my right become a citizen was thesome of the most patriotic people in this country immigrants and they make our communities stronger and safer.uld all agree that we need an orderly process at the border. democrats and republicans can need real asylum protected. and orderly system for peoe here. i thank president biden to keep 500,000 families together by allowing members that areundocumented to marry their american citizennd wives. that is real leadership and progress on this issue.]d and democrats can agree we need border security but that comes fr technology, smart strategies and giving bredder patrol age not from a pointless wall that does notork. here are some facts if you come to the u.s. and make ati asylum claim
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you have the right to stay here while your claim heard. the majority may not like the law of the united states. while you wait for your claim to may need someha here may be sick, hungry and fleeing a good human being and helping people doing the most good? communities and nonpr shelter and aid are key partners to border security our border agencies actually keep usrepublicans want to defund local governments and nonprofit ignores even what the gospel teaches us, brothers and sisters who are tired,oor,k should not be left behind and some type of love and support. this republica would cause chaos at b nation. before coming to congress, i of long beach we sheltered migrant children in our convention center and i know how important it is fal
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organizations and cities to get support. i am offering this amendment to restore $700 million in funding to local and nonprofit organizations by eliminating the unnecessa wall and deportation funding incre mexico supposed to pay for the wall? isn't that president kept claiming but ke being repeated they want to continue to fund something thatsn't work and supposed to be paid for by mexico. catholic charities and defund catholic charities and vote for my time. the chair: congressman californiaurse does congressman nevada rise? laim time in opposition to for if i have minutes. mr. amodei: shelter services failed program and facilitates the policy crisis on our border.
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interesting to hear thems of now that they are here, and skip all over the issue of what has happened in the last six months. undet the numbers are significantly larger and once you're it's like we have to focus on what wek at shelter services. it's a put out forbid. a billion something for tents and while it's nice to talk about we should be good stewards of wofer happens to to ignore how do they come to be here in mas last 36 months, to me is ad fill in the blank. what began as a million effort into a for nongovernmental organizations to resettle migrants even large city democrat mayors are screaming we we should not be spending money on programs incentivize
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illegal immigration. th undercut border security while $600 million. the men and women in the field have told us it won't work and time for my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to accept that fact. this amendment would cut immigration enforcement efforts by million. somebody said we are turning our backs on patrol. $100 million big. to remove these no more legal basis to remain in the country remember the backlog for folks who failed to claim the test for asylum and there aho pose a risk. i won't repeat w have. instead of allowing this admini manage the unmitigated flow of country without consequence this bill proposes policies that address the crisis by empowering federal ag and officers to do their jobs and not spend money on
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folks that a political agenda of this administr reserve. the chair: the gentleman reserves. man from california. mr. garc time to the joosm illinois. ms. underwood: the shelter in in services program is important. we all must reat the flow of migration doesn't just impact communities at txiborder. it can be felt across the country including in my state. he eliminating this program will not funding provides states, cities and nonprofits with to provide temporary aid to new migrant arrivals. as people come to our country we ignore their humanitarian neds. last year we $650 million but we know the nour communities go far beyond what we provided last year amendment provides. i am grateful for the gentleman's a strong foundation for future discussion.
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it is no secret we need to overhaul ourration system and there is bipartisan agreement on that. until then, we must provideunities with the resources they need to manage the sur reducing funding for a ridiculous makes sense. we need to move awaym outdated solutions that do not address the problems we are facing today. i look to increasing this funding. i yie charmt the gentleman from california's time has exp nevada. mr. amod differences between the two sid the aisle. this amendment is a double whammy. it weakens the border through lack improvement capital improvement and it my colleague from illinois said they can't handleresent levels
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of funding with what's border. we need to put more money on self-imposed impacts that are avoidable. urge opposition and i yield back. the chair: the gentleman yields back the baltion is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from california. those in favor, say aye. those opposed, no. inthe chair the noes have it and the amendment is not agreed the chair understands that amendment number 15 will not be offered. it is order to consider amendment number 18 printed in part krmp of 118-559. for what purpose does the gentlewoman from georgia see recognition? ms. greene: i have an amendment at the desk. the chair: the clerk will designate thement. the clerk: amendment number 1 printed in house report 118-559 offered by ms. greene of
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georgia. the chair: the gentlewoman from georgia, ms. greene, each will control five mr. speaker, my amendment would secretary mayorkas as secretary of the homeland secur for the atrocious job that he is doing
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