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tv   Homeland Security Secretary Holds Press Conference on Border Security  CSPAN  June 27, 2024 3:05am-3:25am EDT

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-- minute's. ?w79gé good morning and thank y■
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three weeks ago in the face of congressional inaction president biden used his executive authority and suspended the entry of noncitizens across the southern border. we are imposing stricter consequences for those who cross the border without author these actions are changing the calculus for those considering crossing our border. still as i will continue to make coressional action.ubstituteor-1 the bipartisan border agreement would have added 1500 border patrol agents in cbp officers, and more.0 immigration and we are continuing to call on congress to provide the resources we need to support our men and women on thei just recel briefing of the success of the present section so far in the tucson sector and along our our team did an exceptional job quickly implementing this new policy and we are already seeing the results. border patrol encounters since the president took action and repatriations of encountered invison have increased by nearly 150%. as a result in tucson we have seen in more than 80% decrease in individuals placed in to immigration proceedings anbackl. across the entire southern border border patrol encountered a drop by over 40%. we are merely removing more noncitenoubling the rate at which we are removing noncitizens directly from border patrol custody. n tucson and across the southern border. ■h
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in three weeks, we have operated over 100 international repatriation flights to more than 20 counie individuals. the president's actions are working because of the tough response of illegal crossings bee n ou sustained effort to exercise their full authorities to enforce the law and enforce consequences for illegal entry. we are attacking the smugglingne vulnerable, even as the smugglers try to undermine our actions. when are also working with and building lawful pathways for people to seek humanitarian relief in a safe and orderly way. this is all being executed by cbp border patrol agents, field operations officers, air and marine agents are a cio in hsi agent asylum officers and others in dhs across the federal govent work implementing the present executive actions in meeting the challenges at the border. i want to recognize the leadership here in the people whom they lead some of whom are behind you for the incredible work the e risk. i want to reiterate this is no substitute for the executive actions are no substitute for full and lasting solution. only congress through legislation can fix what everyone agrees is a broken imago. only congress can give us the resources we need. we have been underresourced for decades. we need timely fundshi more agents, officers and
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support personnel to buy, install, and maintain more technology, hire more chances to movees fasr uius to remove more quickly people who do not qualify for relief and more. the needed fixes to our broken immigration system and the resources that our front-line repeatedly asked for and deserve for exactly what the senate's bipartisan border security bill would have delivered. ituld have delivered the toughest border measures in decades. politics got in the way. the president took action. have we have taken over the past 18 months are bringing
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with that, i will open it up to your questions. >> thank you very much for doing >> it's a little hard to hear. >> migrants report not receiving their belongings back are not receiving any information about their deportation. l status in terms of what sort of paperwork should they do receiving and e there belongings not being given back?
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>> we take individuals belonging for the safety and security of the personnel in our custody the safety and security of the agents. we return the individual's belongings when they are removed or when they are moved to a different faty that is our standard operating procedure. and when individualsov■x their subject to a five-year bar with admission to the united states. >> good morning. are there plans to increase appointments with cbp wand? >> no, the number of appointments that are permitted through cbp,pp 11,500 a day or based on the capacity of our courts of entry and their antiquated ports of entry that are also in need of funding to modernize them.>> the
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this is in place get an entry ban [inaudible] >> i the first part of your question but i can assure you of one thing and that is we comply with the law. we comply with asylum laws and we comply with enforcement laws as well. >> hi, secretary. the media and nation■ eyes on ts committed recently by illegal immigr one of them was wearing an i.c.e. ankle monitor and you said the safet the a people is a priority in indivial know in the conversations with director we have heard , the fbi director say they are significant gaps in intel. what would you say to reassuread
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you say to the families that are morning their loved because of one -- mourning their loved oneg committed? >> let me start where you ended. a message to the families is the course our hearts are with them. given their suffering. the safety and security of the american public is indeed our we screen andit -- vet individuals when we encounter if we learn of derogatory information subsequently later in the process, then we take enforcement action accordingly. al w is responsible for criminal act is thed to bring the full force of the law to bear on that criminal just as i did for 12 years as a f pro we encounter dangerous people then and we prosecuted them accordingly and that will ined continue. >> thank you all for doing this. you said you comply but there is reports of migra being
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retu.>> being returned to? >> mexico. e fear was not heard and [inaudible] what do you have to say about in thunited states borderot patrol, but in u.s. citizenship and immigration services across th enforcement agencies and the humanitarian relief agencies that are part of the department of homelanseing individuals who manifest fear whether they vocalize that manifestation or whether there are signs physically of fear. a■3re well-trained. they follow the guidelines that we have provided to them.ot esth a basis to remain in the united states will in fact be removed. we are enforcing the law.
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>> department recently arrested a man with terrorism related concern. taking any newtter identify and detain migrants if they pose a threat to national security and are there other migrants out there that you are concerned about from a national security perspective? >>et foundational point that the safety and security of theamicat priority. if an individual is concerned curity or public safety nation perspective they are our priorities for detention. e bacustody.als you reference we did not have derogatory information when they were first encounters. concerns were raised subsequently. authity to apprehend and detain them and they are able to y e in removal
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proceedings as we speak. >> you said you are complying with asylum law. >> sorry, it is a little hard to hear in this venue. >> sorry. how is that? > migrants and applicants are still saying that peop guidelines are good enough that people are saying they are being deported? >> pe are being deported. people are being removed. re remove individuals have not established a basis to remain in the united states. individuals who do not manifest fear are subject to expedited removal. we arexeemal process and we will continue to do so. our agents and officers are well-trained in identifying individuals who manifest fear and they are complying with their obligations to respect th
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people in credible fear when fear interviews when they manifest fear and if we find a negative determination that they haot creble fear we accordingly remove them. >> secretary, dhs confirms at least 400 migrants with potential isis thais recently crossetod states. >> that is incorrect. >> tell us >> the reporting is incorrect. we do not have 400 people with potential isisieindividuals whod to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a pubive would be priorities for detention and removal. >> following the initial nbc report you are calling it an
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accurate? >> i think it is accurate. let me be clear. precision when one is addressing the facts is very, veryrtan precision, let me just be clear, pris with the facts is very, very important. >> [inaudible] >> i have answered that question many, many times. >> hi, secretary thank you. paperwork to get voluntary return, are they then banned from making an appointment in -- and the same question but if they refused to sign the lutu paperwork? >> if an individual does not agree to voluntary return and
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they failed to establish a basis to remain in the united stat , they are subject to removal. when they are removth then subject to a bar to admission to the united states. if an individual has agreed to and has been returnedily are the for cbp-1 appointment? they are. >> tt is all we have time for, thank you.
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nevada.■r■- mr. amodei: i yield myself such. i thank mr. coal for his
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