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tv   U.S. House of Representatives House Debate on 2025 Homeland Security...  CSPAN  June 27, 2024 3:25am-4:02am EDT

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nevada. mr. amodei: i yield myself such. i thank mr. coal for his leadership throughout the fiscal
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year 2025 process and support as we connue to take conservative appropriations bills to the floor. i want to the ranking member of the full committee, mrs. delauro member of the subcommittee ms. underwood. despite of disagreements on policy■f the ranking member of the full committee, we would likeo opportunity to kick off this appropriations season, if you ld to getting started here.stly, is my gratitude to the staff for r as we know without them, this would be ayhing and t thing to do. with that, i'm going to reserve the rest of my time. the chair: the gentleman reserves. the gentlewoman from illinois is opposition to the funding bill.
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iwledge the hard work of those who are serving on the ofhomeland security.p they are making sacrifices every day to country and i am committed to recognizing that. policies acknowledge both the challenges and obsts face. today's bill includes key priorities focus on expanding employee wellness and suicide preventionams and funding additional wellness centers that build upon the el paso pilot. providing resources to increaset sexual assault and protect imprgor coast guard members and family members.e these silver lining s, the department ofhomeland securi forward by republicans falls short of addressing urgent need. itreesunding for
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inhumane a problems at our border, cuts $2.1 billion to border security operations including the comete elimination of the shelter and services program and critical urces our u.s. border patrol agents need to secure the border.■kar eliminating this program will notto migration. it will only prevent communities from min humanely safely and ensuring chaos and p try. the bill guts funding and asylud includes a provision cut $300 million in fee funding. overwhelm ouruts to the asylum broken immigration system and ensure people released from that outcome is not good for
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anyone. the funding the majority will result in more people being the released into the interior while they wait years for their cases to be decided and disinteresting truth is that outdated ineffective bo. these leave our communities exposed to humanitarian cries sees without the resources ne bill, house republicans are turning their back on u.s. border patrol agents and the critical funds they need maintain safe and humane facilities. but the failures of this■o continue. this bill also underfunds critical cer defense programs leaving americans vulneeo deal h cyberthreats at a time when oll
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infrastructure are under attack and in the taste of teatsf terrorism and violent extremism that have been highlighted by the prior and current administrations, this bill eliminates for center of prevention programs andrt elimir targeted violence and counterins of mass destruction offic a stas that would prevent the department takin to reverse theg trends we see. if passed as written, this bill would leave some of the most urgent threats we are facing across the united states. this legislation reflects a work in a bipartisan manner to prioritize the needs of responding to existing and emerging threats and americans e expressed about our immigration.
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the challenges country faces cannot be understated. we are ink unprecedented times and the american people are looking for congress set aside partisan politics and do the right thing. bill misses the mark and ignores our needs. that's why i cannot support it in its curre biden issued a statement confirming that he woul veto this bill if presented with it. we must do better work on a bill tay will meet the urgent needs o nation. in its current state, this bill does not do that. i my majority colleagues toann r and work with democrats to put people over politics and fund the priorities that will and pro face the challenges with resolve. i urge a no vote.
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and i reserve.r: t■!he gentlemam nevada is recognized. mr. amodei: i continue t reserve. ms. underwood: i yield six te connecticut the distinguished ranking member of the appropriations committee, ms. rosae chair: the gentlewomam from connecticut is recognized.e in opposition to the bill. i wish to thank the subcommittee stnd pa scwort and minority efforts and bob, shann.d i alsou to the ranking member for yielding time. this homeland security bill fails to secure the border and d disorder, wasting hundreds of ts
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along the way. the was rejected every serious legislativeff thee border and rejected one of toughest bipartisan border bills in history and that had passaget dead without■e when the president asked for additional resourc the border, my colleagues ignored that as well. told us te had to, quote, take care ofur border first before we could provide any fundingo ukraine and our other allies. well, friends, we provided the necessary funding to our allies for grateful but failed our responsibilitie to give border patrol agents resources neede the crisis at the border, to stop our communities fm being overwhelmed by a disorderly and
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scwowt datedig democrats were ready to consider the bipartisan sio by the united states senate negotiatedors but at the 11th hour, it was the other side of the aisle that insisted that it could no longer support securing our border as part of package. they would not even let us debatehe bill. and let me point out what policies the left on the table. one, accomplishing a emergency authority to shut down the border when our system gets wheld. two, ending the widespread releases ofent border crosses by establishing and funding noncustodial for those eligible to remain anduence syso are not. three, closing hoop hol our asylum system that are cartels.
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four, funding det funding addits and officers for customs and border protection and the list goes on. thatislation was supported by the national border ol own union. border patrol agents' the chamber of commerce and south allianceexas cities. the bill before us is a ade. in the midst of a crisis situation, the bill cuts border security operations by $2.1 billion, 25% cut from 2024. are they serious about border security and cut $2.1 billion? thetes taxpayer money on ineffective barriers. this needs the resources to manage the border and vet people
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arisk in the united states and support who are receiving migrants as country. why would we not want to help our border commues cities, the very places in our diri crisis? this is a missed opportu pathwae who are required to refuge in our country and missed opportunity tonf preparedness ad our response capabilities. the majority's bill weakens our nationalur with inadequate cyber and infrastructure security investme a to counter terrorism. it restraps theovernment's ability to counter disinformation campaigns which are being global adversaries seeking to undermine our elections and the majority homeland security bill includes dozens of cruel policy riders
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that harm women, divideamicans,s and create chaos. we funding bills require bipartisan negotiations to makeou the majority's process disfunctd shutdown threats. i ask thathe majority please reconsider the path you are on and when they do, improving thin manage ourder responsibility and invest in programs that make our secure. it is time for the majority t mo on this bill. i back. ms. underwood: i reser. the chair: the gentleman from nevada is recognized. mr. amodei: i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from illinois is recognized. ms. underwood: i yield three minutes to the the gentlewoman from florida, ms.asan
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the chair: the gentlewoman from florida is recognized. the ranking member for and.í congratulations your first appropriations bill on the house floor. we are all beh strong oppositio5 homeland security bill neglects the threats we face from extremism andom and promisr afr walking away from a robust border securityer to donald true g.o.p. has offered up its alternative and this is nothing mo to make sure my constitue message. they are slashing funding. commo dry by defunding shelter and nee founding mission bym prevention.
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you just can't make this the pin administration policies l family reunification. and worse, it doubles down on parents, racial like separating profiling and cruel bans reproductive health care. i led democrats inomtt funding r nonprofit security grants which surging antisemitism a■). harassment and vandalism a assault against jews increased with nearly 9,000 examples documented. federal hate crimeigions shot u% since then and the majority of cases involve threats against jews who come rice population. but every single republican
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member voted on useless border wall instead r rather tha protecting jewish constituents. extreme iferlts who son than ith protecting the lives of jewisha. we know the results of the all faiths have been devastated. we must direct our limited homelande mace face the real th, not toward a fictional invasion or against womeproduive healthcare or against rainbow flags or providing political cover for felon ringleader. i urge my colleagues to reject these political games a fundingr immigration system and securing our communities against extremist terror, and i yield back the balance of time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from nevada i recognized. mr. amodei: i to serve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the revúlewoman from i will sill ms. underwood: i yield four minutes to he gentleman from hawaii is recognized. mr. case: thank you, madam ai opposition to this measure as it is presented to us. and a member of the subcommittee, i cannot support this as it does include several bipartisan measurest■x do deserve our support. perhaps the best example of this is the $14.2 billion provided to the coast guard, an increase oft fiscal year. this funding does reflect thehad capability in defending american priorities and advancing our engagement in the face of geopolitical competition, especially in the endopacific. th $60 million proposed will allow them to base in thend then provided for the coast guard's
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endo-pacific workshop project and other funding provisions foe pacific island regions are couring to see, and they do demonstrate we can work in a bipartisan manner to get thingss here and there and in other rems riddled with misguided and other priorities that i cannot support, and nowhere isvs treatment of the overall subject of and securing our border in particular. the which has been so vilified by ind years, needs and is entitled to our support to administrator existing law, and this bill fails to address the wide range of needs that it is mandated to discharge and to anticipat and set up and advance a our immigrn
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policy in general and border security i particular. three examples, first of all, the border, the bill strips300 million from the asylum program, gutting the department's acknowe and keep pace with new arrivals at the border, and yet we all know that the re a border today is larger -- the reality of the border today is largely required for changes in our asylum py, thi bill does not allow the department of homeland security to do its job under current l severely underfund the operations and support account ofhe u.s. citizenship and immigration service and eliminates funding for citizenship and integration grant program that prepares immigrants for civic integration. i'm not sure0■ take from that. are we supposed to take we don'c integration? it also eliminates a shelter and
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services program, which will withhold the resources needed for american communities around the country working to humanely and sy broken immigration system. the broken immigration system. none of this is p=y. this is not constructive legislation. this is outright anti-pathy in many cases toward and it is messaging and does nothing to solve anything. if we think there's a problem and i believe we all do believer immigration system in general and border security particular, then let's talk about it, let's try to resolve it on biptisa basis, and then let's fund the policies that weav■'s not defund the institutions that are reonicies that we believe are broken, but it io right now. again, this bill, despite these
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misguided provisions, does show it is possible to work togetrin, including these very difficult issues on immigration. and we should go back to the table and focus on that. and so ook forward to working with our colleagues to amend the bill, toov harmful partisan riders, and focus on gentleman's time is expired. ms. i reserve. the chair: the gentleman from nevada ishv recognized. mr. case: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gewo recognized. ms. underwood: i yield three minutes to the gentlewoman, ms.. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewomaro recognized. ms. ramirez: thank you, ranking meer. i rise in the most strongest opposition to h.r. a member of y co frustration with the republican homeland security budget is
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actually overstate. we can all agree that a homeland security appropriations bill should protect our extend our national security. and it should do so wle the international majority's bill doubles down on bad policies and proven failures. there are too many destructive, cruelcos in this bill to outline in a very limited time, but let me highlight aew of them. 600 million for the construction of a border wall to cartels and endanger our communities, our environment, and lands. $4.1 billion for seeking safetyd stability.funding this increase immigration processing back logs, makg harder to identify possible threats to our communities, that seems hypocritical considering we say that this is about the homeland and protecting ourdefunding ther
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in service program to create n cities fulfilling our nation's promise, like chicago, and ege the lives of asylum seekers across our nation. defundingommuty-based alternatives that are actually creating more cost bur goal is o weaken intergovernmental collaboration, to deconstruct effective policies, to undermine efficiencies and to destroy families, well this is, in fact, your bill. anti-asylum, and protection of a homeland fool you. the legislation does not fund the core responsibilities of the department that protects the homeland. it does not fulfill our commitment to our neighbors reflecting the best who we say proudly we are ascolleag.
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i yield back. ms. underwood: i reserve the balance ofime. the chair: the gentleman from nevada is recognized. mr. amodei: i con to reserve. ms. underwood j. i'm prepared ts prepared to close. madam chair, this bill falls short of what the americans deserve. ur border. it defunds critical counter terrorismersecurity programs when we should be looking to invest more. and it abandoning our core values as americans. i will bego on this bill, and i encourage my colleagues to do the same.r: thm illinois yields. the gentleman from nevada is recognized mr. amodei: thank you, madam chair am it's the border. it's ther.
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it's the border. we have heard about messaging. we have heard aboutg. all that sort of stuff. and still, here we are. provides $64.8er consideration billion for the department of homeland s turning our backs, that's an increase of fil year 2024 level. the bill■1 prioritizes investmes that make the border, remember, it's about the secure and makes appropriate cuts to policies and programs that quite frankly we don't think work. we talk about value judgments and stuff like that, e southern border has been a for immigration, we respectfully disagree. we have heard from the professionals in the field. our patrol agents and
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officers who are being crushed with dealing with a, dare i says day after day supports them thrh real policyhange, not just words. our colleagues across the side of the aisle are content to issue that can be managed. they throw huge sums of money at the problem, the failed policies created. it does not work. we say, well, what do youn?■g you have the flow across the border, and now it hasecome a problem everywhere else in the country. what do school■h housing people? what do law enforcement people do? the border, but the impacts are not just, well, this is just kind of that deal there. so, law enforcement professionals don't want to manage the border, they want to the law.
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not the law that we're talking w that's been on the books for a dare i say, there are some executive orders t■ may put the interpretation of the law at issue. they want to enf change the coud the what's happening there is a nice, calm thing andr management, i respectfully disagree. my colleagues want to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in grant to nonprofit organizations for transportation and otherces that only further incentivizes the immin rh that we've got. if you can get across, take it from there. and what w take it means gives additional services for transportation, nonprofits, reducing counters to deter anyone crossing can illegally.
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no, they don't. is enables all that. so we cut funding for that program. you'veeanagement, shelter servi. that's a couple of billion dollars. the numbers are right. quite frankly, that's one of the funding sources that has been tl around the country. sometimes in the middle of the night, but nonless, manage, we got all these people here, we got to get so, madam chair, time for plain talk. we zeroed that account out. oh, myou know what? ll leave it at zero?he senat no. but why we're talking about our colleagun the senate, this bill last year got zip in the wipe of, well, you know, how about this policy, that. big win for you, i guess, if
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you're on that side of the fence. but guess what. we're going to create some things where if you want to money back for that, and you want to restrict it so isn't a slush fund to implement policies that are not on the books in terms ofe and regulation, then guess what, that's zeroed out,are nonprofit. the criticism there, spot on. ao facilitate huge amounts of■ssing them away from the border as soon as possible. sot' not border cities. i mean, they're hneed help. it's cities and counties across the country. the answer, according to three years worth■z record high illegal immigration, in our opinion, is a resounding no. so funding. last year 2.3 million encounters. to put it inhe population of
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the largest city in my the soutn border, one year. last year we funded $1.7 billion for tents toss an unprecedented number of aliens that continue to cross between s administration's open borderpenf taxpayer dollars for release als into the interior at a rapid pace, reduced illegal immigration at all? quite the contrary. so in this bill, we eliminated that funding. of an election year, the administration just anation to shut down the border if encounters between the ports of entry reach a certain level. we've been beyond those levels for a while now. quite an announcement. i heard somebody earlier speak about, oh, if this is about somt is absolutely about messaging. and oh, by the way, all of those
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previous administration policies, shelter in that, that, you know, kept things to a betwo countries and some sort of no, e all out the door at the that's why this will bill invests in securing the border that men and women in the field are asking for, agents, more detention bedsnd more technology and physical barriers. makes the following border investment, sustains fug border patrol agents and border security, arey thinks anybody is turningat ince nt in counter droneficant
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capability, $600lior border wall because physical barriers work and $305 mill in t fentanyl at points of entry. this bill does that. in funding for critical immigration such as $3.1 billion to 50,000 detention beds for i.c.e. this is 8500 more than funded last year and 1 this administration asked for. yes, we have a dagreement of how many is enough. 822 millionor flights and ground transportation for i.c.e. to ecu its statutory authority to remove more thanpx 1.4 million mig grants who are still in this country despite
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having final orders of's to trah not north, east and west. 60 million to hire more than 250 law enforcement officers to investigate■koncf our communities safe from those who. translation, fentanyl. those are here to work that issue which last i heard was and needs more help. eill makes critical investments outside the southern border. we proviillion to speed up screening nation's airports,w technology that has been-olle out at some airports but the administration had it on■w 15-year funding cycle. by the time our airports get that, i am sure there will be te
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it obsolete. make the flying public safer, so we double the pursue those thin. and we get to china. we continue to grow in terms of having to meet a c■"gf china's military, economic and political influence inhe indo-pacific, the u.s. must have are this expands coast guard operations■3 additional capability to include $335 million for fast response cutters to increase indictments, to enable the coast guard to deploy a medium endurance cutter and increased operations fund for the coast guardexercises wie indoif so we are ready to go. theill funds the core responsibilities of the
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department and protects the homeland. itoesn fund the failed responsibilities policies. how you support the hardworking men a women protecting the nation. we need to change course on the. so do many mayors of harnlg cities regardless, regardless of their political affiliaon we need to change that course not through gimmicks but through real policy and funding changes. this bill is the step in
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