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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  June 27, 2024 3:16pm-3:30pm EDT

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n$■7 harryman, and which has sustained these programs, which i have discussed tonight. mr. nixon comes out of the republican party,■w■c that most5 years,can leadership has opposed federal aid for education, medicale for the agents, development of t e valley, natural resources. i think mr. nixon is an effective lea■3r party and i hope you would grant me the same. the questionview and which partt to lead the unedtate >> mr. nixon, would you like to comment? >> i have no johnd nixon in a people in that era and aris looking back on that debate said mattered very much. do presidential debates still matteray in 2024? (202)-748-8001 for republicans.
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democrats, (202)-748-8000. 02. having this conversation in the first 90 minutes, a reminder that the house comes in at 9:00 a.m. it is a two hour show. a shorter program because we will take you to the house, gavel to g a.m. eastern. we start in do debates still matter? caller:es do matter. i'm excited to watch tonight's debate. that beingconcerns. anyone paying attention to politics thet years, regardless of their political stance, have toit mainstream media [indiscernible] ally cnn, but not to see some of the criticism over the years hasn't beenlot of it was. i have no problem with media and
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their perspective, but i wish intelligence by claiming not to be objectiven they clearly are. i truly wish it was c-span u are by far the only ones these days capable of moderating a truly unbiased debate between these two. host:t aut of microphone muting and the no live audience? is that a good ink in my opinion will benefit president that some of thosees debates were cut off of the opponent were not merited, but i feele a lot of people, especially if they are not decided that they v president trump, i feel like that turns a lot of independents host: you think it will help president trump. biden? caller: i think the thing that
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would help president trump would be negative for president biden, but i wish there was a live audience because i love h overall, as locker -- as losthee unbiased, i think it will be a good debate all around. host: the at 9:00 p.m. eastern, simulcasting it on c-span2. you can stay on c-span2 for the postdebate show, as altaking yos morning, do presidential debates stilltesteve, azeri, independen. caller: as far as dernible] their minds. trump is a felon. i think he■é ought to be disqualified just for that.
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ñjpq■we need more parties, we na goen pty in this country, and i jink it will be a waste of time. thank you, c-span. host: a waste of time that you will spend time watching or no? i think we lost steve. this is jack, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. i would say i'm moderate bentley more to the republican side. [indiscernible] host: t jack, so, laura, brooklyn, go ahead. caller: yes. i think the debates are necessary. i hope that joe biden talks about the conspira theory, especially with all of the
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criminal cha a and, republicans, , they are against donald, fraud, insurance flood, tax fraud host: laura, when you talk theou would like them to be talked debate? caller: caller: -- caller: i think the democrats and joe biden haveowed too many conspiracy theories to be out here for trump people to believe. they have not done enough to, you know, let the troops be out ■'d@ it is obvious that the maga republicans do not do academic research.
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they don't even believe in research, but those co submitted in the college essay or any kind of academic research report because they are lies and not true. i justh that biden, the more where to look for the truth. host: that isyn. asking you this morning of presidential debates still ma bet tdebate. exactly how many is up in thai'e most-watched psidential debate in history. at 84 millio viewers, it was the first debate between hillary clinton d nald trump back in 2016, the most-watched esential debate, following upn 1980,resident jimmy
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carter and ronald reagan with 81 million viewers that year 2020, the last facebook in their first debate, they milon eyeballs and it fell off steeply after that, with 63 million, the fourth most-watched of all time, president bush, will clinton, and ross perot, their cond debate back in viewers ford and jimmy carter in their first ntdebamost-watched in u.s. histy we will see how many eyeballs to get tonight and asking you, do tealice, caller: i'm wondering, it seems debates
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by liberal't there be one liberal and one conservative? host: it is cnn and fox. do you think fox's liberal? caller: cnn and abc -- yeah, cnn and abc, are you saying 1 -- host:i apologize, and abc. who would you trusto ■host the debate? caller: well, one and one conservative, somebody from fox people doing the interviews on the debates, have two of them, have one be liberal and one conservative. host: do the hosts matter to you? caller: oh, yes. i read not long when somebody was interviewing joe
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that he had been given the questions prior to the interview, and the interviewer m those questions, they had to be the exact same questions. host:id you read that? caller: actually, i read that on the internet. i don't know if it isnds like i, little bit of dementia, and this is the kind of thing that he would like. i'm wondering if that is going to happen with the debates. it definitely should be one liberal and one conservative. host: cnn tonight and abc on september 10 is the second presidential debate.
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the national conventions for republicans democrats, this debate actually coming candidaty the nominees at those conventions. it is the earliest presidential vi debate in history. good morning. caller: yes, they are very important, i think. morni, i turned it cnn, and i can tell, it is going to be a joke tonight because they are already lying. they created videos that had been debunkeddí in the video sa, d trump onu people to go to the
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capital and fight like help -- capil and fight like hell, and that is not what trump said. i'm surprised that they play how much do you think january 6 will factore9n tonight's presidential debate? caller:re that they will bring it up, but i don't think it is going to matter tohepeopl. d followed januaryhe happened yn that. so i'm just waiting.
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excited about watching it ton't e believe that it will be the real joe biden. gy is so great that they could make mess and a good look exactly like the person. host: susan, former president trump would be on stage wden to. you are saying iey used ai, wouldn't he notice? caller: would he notice? believe everybody is go notice that something is not right. mean,you couúldle tl that biden was hopd something
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because i have watched joe biden when he has had, and joe bidenperson. no. host:n in south carolina. the issues that will be talked about tonight, the is former speaker of the house newt ggr washing in today's "washington times" calling for the american people pren"a port- "abortion tonight's debate, only 16.7 ranked abortion as their top issue. that top choice inflation and rising costs, and then 21.8% were worried about border security and 21% were worried
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about jobs and economic growth. ■■rt "get a lot of issue from the media. economic issues on the border crisis matter more to most americans. it will be interesting to see if the moderators and candidates talk aboutington political topir discuss what matters most to americans." gringo writing into -- that is newt today's "wn post the supreme court ruling on that idaho -- "washington post." the supreme court ruling on that case, and they had a brief post yesterdayut it was taken down about the idaho abortion case. "the new york times" writes that the supreme court seems poised tem.ó allow emergency abortions in idaho when a rding to a copy of whats appe


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