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tv   Washington Journal 06282024  CSPAN  June 28, 2024 7:00am-8:59am EDT

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we had the greatest economy in the history of our country. everyone was amazed by it. other countries were copying it. we got hit by covid. when we did we spent the money necessary so we wouldn't end up in a great depression the likesof which we had in 1929. by the time we finished we did a great job. we got a lot of credit for the economy. a lot of credit for the military. no wars. d. the thing we never got the credit for and we should have was getting us out of the covid mess. he created mandates that were a disaster for our country. en them back astock market actually was higher than pre-covid and nobody thought that w the only jobs he created are for illegal immigrants and bounce back jobs, bounce back from covid. he has not done a good job. he has done a poor job. inflation is killing our
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co killing us. host: straight to the phones. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am questioning how anyone can be voting for joe biden after watching that performance last night. i actually felt sorry for the man. it is not can he make it to january 20, but i have serious doubts he can make 20, 2029. trump stayed cool, calm, collected. didn't have any outbursts. this is probably about as good of a i think you will also see robert kennedy go up in the as well. host: carolyn and vincent, ohio. caller: good morning,imi. as a senior citizenld as they are, but how impressed i am that the older generation getting this
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admittedly, i juni watched the first -- well, the last half i feel sorry for the american public. what little that i saw, it is like -- maybe i don't know the rules, but why didn't the mediainterrupt when they were talking about golf? did that help me at all, or ththat was just ridiculous. there were other things that went down just in the half hour. like trump never answered the until -- i think her name was dana until there were seconds to go a i just wish the media would have and gotten to the meat where we would have learned more to help us decide how to vote. basically, mimi, have to say. i will watch the rest, probably, ating. talking about golfion.
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i feel sorry for the people who watched the whole thing. the whole thing is on our website if you would like to take a look. we also have all of the past presidential and v presidential debates on obile, alabama. you are next -- in mobile alabama, you are next. thank you for taking the call. i watched the debate. we are at a really bad bad way with the way things have been running in america. there are several things tt our economy, our security. i'm not satisfied that bidener for it. i think he created a lot of it. trump out. however, trump seemed to be spitting off a lot of stuff that i don't think is based on fact. i think that damaged, you know, whole persona. the two -- i just
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wish we they both have issues. biden is really frail. at his age, i'm surprised that he made it through the whole debate. i don't know if he had someone helping him stand up, but i don't think he's mentally or the condition to be our president again. trump, if you look at his background on this last tdid have things running a lot better. it is these are the two choices vo on the lesser of the evil. it is really discouraging. when you say you wish there was a third are third-party candidates. do not like any of those? caller: well, they are in the shadows. because they are in the shadows and we are not seout, it is like they are not there. maybe they don't have the money orget their face in the public eye like these two
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ates. i don't know. but it is very discouraging. t that, trump both, it was almost like at some their inner teenager in their old frame of a pissing contest. i am thinking, this is not presidential. h of them, really. they both had a part ithg. what does that have to do with anything? i was really disappointed. we have -- everybody around the world prtnably watching this. it is like a reality tv show to them. laughing at the usa. it is really discouraging to see. ho let's take a look at this exchange about veterans. former president trump charged presidents immigration policies as hurting veterans. biden called him out on his disrespecting of deceased veterans.
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fmr. what has taken place in ourliterally an uncivilized country now. ow. he opened the borders. nobody has ever seen anything like. to get a lot of these people out and get them out fast, because they will destroyuntry. take a look at where they're living. they are living in luxury hotels in new york city and other places. our veterans are on the streets.doesn't care about our veterans. he doesn't care. he doesn't like the military at all. he doesn't care about our veterans. nobody has been wo i had the highest approval rating for veterans taking care of the v.a.. he all of the things i proved, choice, get throug things i prove they abandoned. we have by far the highest, now than half because he has done all of these great things that we did, and i just because i approved it, which is crazy, but he haser by allowing all of these people to come a very sad day in america. >> you have the mic. pres. biden: every thing he said is a lie. is a helluva lot better off since i got the pact act. e it here
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their families have it. what happened, whether there was agent orange or burn pits, they have been covered now. he opposed that. also a situation where i have great respect for veterans. my son spent a year in iraq next to one of thosrn pits and came back with stage four cancer. i was in france for d-day and i spoke those heroes that died. i went to the world war ii the world war i cemetery that he refused to go to. -- pres. biden: that was a made up quote. suckers and losers it was in a third-rate magazine that's feeling like many of these he made that up. they put in commercials. we notified them. we had 19 people that said i didn't say it. think abou say i am at a cemetery, or i'm talking about our veterans, because no one is taking better care -- i'm so glad this came up and he brought it up. there isody u.s. taken better care of our soldiers than i have. to think tha front of generals and
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others, say suckers and losers. we have 19 that said it was never said by me. it was just like russia, russia, russia the 51 intelligence agents were made appear just like the thing with the 16 economists are talking. same thing. 51op was a russian disinformation. it wasn't. th son hunter. it wasn't russian disinformation. he m suckers and losers. he should apologize to me right now. a bit of a fact check on thatfactl endorsement. it says, trump and his allies ha about him calling fallen troops suckers and users, although former trump chief of staff john kelly said years later that it was true. after 'saign sent out out from everyone on that suckers and losers should dismissed.
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according to the trump camign. the other exchange came when biden was t work he has done on immigration at the southern border. biden said the border patrol "endorsed me, endorsed my position." trump rebutted saying the council endorsed in 2020. this year, the group has been outspoken to be clear,e never have, and never will, endorsed biden, the grr in the debate talking about security trump story again, accusing biden to being a liar. te in north chicago, illinois. good morning. caller:for taking my call. first of all, let's not forget is or was the liar in chief. he consistently lied. he consistently makes up -- he lives, in myiv of fantasy world where he can say whatever he wants. sadly, the people who support him believe him. i love joe biden. he is a dedicated public servant. have
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been devoted to experience, domestically and in foreign rela he puts highly responsible professional him to help support him states. yes, i would say he didn't have the best night last night, but trump also didn'i think we have to remember, do we want somebody that is not only dedicated to our country people, grew up in a working-class many of us can relate to him says that. or trump, who was born into a very wealthyamily? i don't even understand why he ever got involved in politics. he is businessman. he has i believe six bankruptcies. failed, which is shocking. he has been involved in over 3500 lawsuits. last year, i believe, $50 million in lawyersi believe the only reason he is running for president is to stay prison, which i don't think you will be able to do.
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i just e remember if you moral very experienced person running our country, or someone who has been accused -- not only accused, he is an actual sexual assault her and now a convicted felon, and has other court cases coming up that willlan jail according to the professional legal folks out there. that choice. yes, i want someone with morals and ethics who cares about our country, cares about the american people, works hard every day. i believe the only reason he is running is because trump he was going to run again. i think the only reason trump is running is to stay outthink he will prevent. hojournal" with themocrats privately discussing replacing biden on the presidential ticket. sayingperformance is turmoil over the 2024 candidates. the democratic party should replacent biden at the top of the ticket? caller: all.
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he didn't have the greatest performance last night, but they his voice indicated that. it didn't voice as i wish you would have. it a three month ago at the state of the union that he knocked it out of the park for everyone toi feel thate is probably fighting some kind of cold of some sort. we just have to accept the fact that if we love our country and we want to keep our country as a democracy, we have to rally around joe biden. host: got it. michigan. you are undecided? caller: i am. i listened to the debate and it really didn' anything. bide' is too looked very fragile. i thought in the beginning he was talking too fas$ñof course, he had the cold and sounded very h worst thing was when he had that long pause. that didn't help h, he didn't answer a lot o asked. he would go on and on about other things. he didn't make any sense.
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theno make sense he would lie about it. about -- there were so many -- about the aliens getting social security. x%that's ridiculous. they are not getting sociaif they are helping social security because ty are paying into it and cannot collect. the other thing about everybody wanted the abortion law to be changed. lie about that. the scary thing him. the way that i look at it, we it is between bin d them. i would never vote for either one of them. host: sue, you are an undecided voter in a swing state. everyone is trying to get your vote. what are you going to do? you know, i don't know if biden and trump is scary because he believes his e wouldn't answer -- he believes his lieswouldn't answer the question. he can tell 50% truth and would
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answer the questions on what he is going to do then i might lean towards him but he is about the same as he was. did vote for trump in 2020 because i didn't heck he was doing with the pandemic. now, iis any better. i think he is crazy, personally. i just wish people would realize what is going on. have to do something. host: here are a few tweets from members. here is representative marjorie taylor greene who says, what everyone needs to understand after seeing how severe joe biden's age-related issues are is that democrats know how bad it is every day and the united states. how dare democrats put us in the situatndmeanwhile chris murphy, a democrat, says, there is not a single trump bonkers lie. is brett in des moines, iowa. caller: good morning mimi.r having
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me on. i' they brought up the proudly thing and january 6. i sat here and washed -- watched it happen. we don't have a choice. what do you think? host: joseph is an aurora colorado. good morning. caller: good morning. stening to everybody's comments. it is scenario. i heart of big words being thrown around. away from the debate was not gol was the fact that donald , he things. he loves our country becauevery single thing that came out 's mouth -- you can go
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back and read or listen again it is very frustrating. 9p america, period. after a debate le that wan who is going to be the best? is a career politician donald trump is an actual american. heo reason to do anything. he should be enjoying his retire know? i hear things like he is old. yes, they are both oldcares the most about our country? that it is. period. host: joseph. the previous caller january 6. here is the exchange about that. [video clip] pres. biden: he couraged it,
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nu sat therebeing begged by his vice president and a number of his colleagues o something to call for a stop, to end it. he said he talked to the great patrons of america. in fact, he says he will forgive them for what they'if they have been convicted, he says he wants to commute their sentences. he court in the nation i don't know how many cincluding the supreme court, and they said no, no. this guy isible. he didn't do a dam thing and should be in jaile ones held accountable. now, bloodbath. fmr. pres. trump: people are so innocent you ought to be ashamed of yourself. people. when they ripped down portland when they ripped down many other
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you go to minnesota minneapolis, what they've done there with t -- if i didn't bring in the national guard that city would have been the -- they took over big chunks in the national guard. they heard that, they saw them coming and they left immediately. what he said about this whole peacefully -- one other thing. unselect which is basically two horrible republicans that are all gone now out of o democrats they destroyed and deleted all of the they found out we were right. we were right and all of the information. they should go to jail for that. if a republican president biden, i wantgive you a minute. fmr. pres. trump: the only person -- pres. biden: the only persone convicted felon is who i'm looking at right now. what he is telli. y there is no effort on his part to stop what is going on on capitol hill. and all of those people, everdeserves to be convicted. the idea that they down doors broke the occupied
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offices, turned over desks turned over statues, the idea that those people are patriots? come on. we go back to your calls. burg, virginia. good morning. caller: good morning. i watched the debate. i was watching to see who would make the so i, you know, thought to myself if donald trump with his disrespect was meeting with a wor leader or to be an american representative abroad, i wouldn't feel good about that kind of aggressive style and disrespect. joe biden is the president of the united states. he -- you know you s disagree, show respect. i have that trumpchoices, is choosing
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only people agree with him. i've heardt ple disagree thenadministration. i guess the disinis then the people who watched as my main place where i watched. they said long awant toma behavior. well, how i see that they normalized it is they measured joe by how aggressive he was. he aggressive. you know. he was not normalizing meaness. that is my thoughts on the.-- thoughts on that. wayne city, good morning. caller: debate
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last night. i was kind of disappointed in it, actually. trump, but i do believe that when you talk about the fact checking and the sucker and loser how about fact checking joe biden's storyhave been found false? he lies too. which thing did you say to fact check? call he was supposed to be a truck driver. he was a bus driver. he worked on the railroad. he did all this know, there are all kinds of things that were n not true. host: carla, when you say that you were disappointed in the debate, what made you disappointed? i was kind of disappointed in trump b more issues than what he did. heestions. i agree therei mean, i will still vote for trump because i believe in him and he to help america. i don't believe joe biden has our best interests ati think he has
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his interests at heart but not our best interests. like i said, i w adisappointed. i would still say you want to talk about the suckers andsers and talk about everything trump done bad. let's talk about what joe biden has really done bad. host: there is a lot of fact checking about the debate specifically. a -- polit you can see the fact check about that. billn norcross georgia. good morning. caller: yes. bill? host: yes, you are on. ller: yes, i have been holding i did watch the debate and i will say this much. i president biden has done an extraordinary job navigating this country throughomc far as foreign policy. i don't think that we should waste a long time talking.
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we know what trump is. trump has done proved himself. he has proved to us ethis is the thing that i need to stress to the people of this country. this is not an election between joe biden and donald trump. election between donald trump and america. is, i would just assume for putin to be run as whatever this thing is for trump.the thing is is this. i th oh, well. joe biden said this, joe biden stumbled, listen, joe biden is the only hope we have of saving this democracy. it care what political party that you belong to. i don't care what religion you belongif you love this country, and you love democracy, there is not but one choice keep that for you. that is joe biden. joe biden is not here because he thinks he has to be president. joe biden is here to serve the
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people and try tove this creature, or w even know how to describe this thing, from being a president. in, this country would be under a dictator from now on, because he would never leave. you don't have to take my word for it. you can take the people who know him.they will tell you the same thing. host: all bill. this is cnn poll after the debate. here are the results. the majorityf biden. most of say they have no real confidence in biden's ability tod y. at the same time the majority who tuned in said it had little to no effecident. the debate watchers say 67% to 33% that trump turned in a
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better performance thursday.r debate, the same voters said 55% to trump to turn in a better performance than biden. in 2020, biden was seen by debate watchers as outperforming p in marilyn caller: good morning. s biden president biden. i think he has done wonders for this country. he brought us through the pandemic. we are still alive, as opposed sident who is responsible for several deaths because he continued to lie about covid. additionally, i would never vote for anyone who was a convicted felon. a convicted felon.
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also, a man who wants to be a dictator of mynot vote for. if you listened to his speeches, he always praises north korea. now, that tells you that his saying he wants to be a dictator for a is not true. he wants to be a dictator for life. also, my father was a veteran. he talks#f veterans in horrible ways, as you recall. he even talked about john mccain. so how people can continue to support a candidate who is a convicted felon a man who wants to be aveterans, and continuously liesand will not answer any
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questions, i do not understand. but who am i to say who you vote for? that you need to consider who is the best cand country and will keep america right track anc ca -- and cares about america and does not continuously ask for your money to pay for his host: she did bringforeign policy. here is an exchange about nato, ukraine, and the israel-hamas war. pres. biden: israel, the only thing that i have denied israthey do not work well in populated areas. kill a lot of innocent people. we are providing israel the weapi am the guy who organized the world against iran when they had a full-blown ballistic missile attack on israel. hurt. no one ikilled. we saved israel.
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the biggest producer of support for israel of anyone in the world. so things. hamas cannot be allowed towe continue to send our to get hamas like we did bin laden. they have greatly weakendthey should be eliminated. but you have to beeful using certain weapons among population centers. going back to ukraine for one second. we have an ocean separating us. european nations together have $100 billion or more than that, less than why doesn't he call them saying you have tke i did with nato? i got them to put up hundreds of of dollars. the secretary-general of nato said trump did the most credible job i've ever seen.t of business. we were spending almost 100% of the money wahe didn't do that. you have to ask these people to put up the money. we are over $100 billion bigger impact on them because of location because we have an ocean in between. you have to ask them as far as
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israel and hamas, israel is the one that ws the only one that wants to get going is hamas. them finish the job. he has become like a palestinian, b t he is a very bad palestinian. he is a have a minute. pres. biden: i'veeard so much foolishness this is the guy that wants to get out of nato. you nato. the idea that our strength lies in our athere may be a big ocean but if we are able to avoid main europe, what happens if in fact you have putin continuingyou have an article five agreement. an attack on one is an attack on all. if you want to start the nuclear war that he talks about, go on. let putin into other places. he has no idea what the hell he is have 50 other nations around the world toai korea because they understand that threat to the whole world peace. host: we dedicating this program to getting your reaction to last
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night's presidentialebate. monty is undecided in phoenix, arizona. caller: good morning. host:caller: i am doing ok. ót i am undecided is i am so disappointed. -- so disappointed in the choices we have for president this time around. i am really disappointed in the democrat and republican pthat these are our choices. i know that this is a debate last night and eveth- it was basically a rally for trump. he was just hittinthe thing that stuck out to me -- i'mi was there for two years. ot back in9, the v.a. was really that. bad. now, t obama. he signed it. john mccain and bernie sandersted
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the whole thing. trump extended it and added some things to it t better. then biden put in the latest the enhanced benefits for veterans for the burn pits agent orange exposure, know. i guess my point there is a whole lot of rhetoric going around. boththat really bashful thatr soundbites and that type of thing, but we all know, or that every time that there is a tariff the prices will go up. then it goes down to consumers who are the ones who pay those prices. host: can you share who you voted for the past? call: i voted for trump in 2016.
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d for trump in 2020. this time no way in hell i vote for himi am a little bit's -- little surprised with the cost and the way that they are that people are sen grocery and gas money to his campaign to pay his legal bills. i mean, that know. just looking at the advertisement today for trump they are pushing now. of course, it is only $20, but my gosh. how many times have i received text messages and everything like tdonate help with t another, so on and so forth. all bills, you know. i'm so disappointed. host: let's talk to guy in florida.
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who are you supporting? as faring to everything you've done over the past few weeks on c-span polls where it seems a number of people really want a choice. and i am a registered republican for a few decades. i served in the military, which trump didn't do. i am afraid i would looking for a dreampresident biden has done i think after5, both of the presidency and supreme court should call it quits and rett -- and i am older than president biden. that doesn't mean that everybody at my age should be running for president or holding public office. bo line for me is that consideration i would want to see ticket, and from utah mr. in second position.
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as vp. i thinkrepublican and a straight ter. i think michelle,bright as thei think they would make a great dream team for those of us who would like another choice. not because i, but there is a point in life where yo to say that it is time to put it up, relax and enjoy whatever years you have left. this terrible -- it is the to imagine. it takes a lot out of everybohink that is thewant to be going. i voted for obama twice. not a staunch republican, but i choose the one that i think is the best for the country. ive having so many times, i think
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he would put on a different hat if he was asked to for the benefit of the united states that ahead of everyone, except his family. that is about my two cents. host: new york, good morning. caller: hi, i am definitely voting for trump. he has to get the illegals out of here. no one has say where are the resources coming from to take care of all of these going to pave over everything? do we havei am on long island and i'm telling you that these houses are packed with people. do hear what i'm saying? these are not much bigger thanhouses with five families in them. all over the lawned with cars. you cannot walk down the sidewalks on certain streets. i have been fighting with the police and town forrs the biggest problem is the crowded houses. what happens is, listen to me, america. listen out there.
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when they get into your neighborhood, get into a house they cannot afford the house, so they it with people. the relatives, care then they arthese are unregistered apartments in ththey subdivide the houses. they can't go into the houses so they are getting way with it. i tell you. the quality of life here is pathetic. i am retired from the kings point marine academy and a veteran. i'm 70 years i've never seen anything like it. marine academy is 40 miles from my house one way. i used to drive there to sleep in my office, because for thejust now the civ accounting legislator is addressing this because you have neighbining about this. these parties that you can hear for more than a mile away thatouse. please, trump, get them out of here. jimoregon, ohio. caller: good morning america.
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i want all the democrats dogging joe biden right now to be ashamed of themselves. this man was good enough for you four years ago. what is wrong with him now? he is a truthful man. not a liar. he is not a convicted criminal. years young. he should be -- we should be commending him. he has been voting almost his entire life to be helping the american people. shame on -- host: i want to ask you about the democrats saying that. here is politico. ou to respond. the headline is freak out over biden's performance. biden is needed to do was deliver a repeat performance of the instead, he stammered, stumbled, and with few than five months to november he played straight into democrats' worst fearsmbling away his election to donald trump. what do youcaller: these democrats are the ones who got him in there. they don't have anyone else
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better to replace him or i think he's 81 years young. gonna have bad days. how do you expect him to respond and have a strong voice when you have a cold? i am 66 years old and i have bad and good days. i think it is shameful the way these people are did not sound strong. rather have a guy that speaks softly and carries a big stick than a liar, a cheater and a dodger. >> i am an independent voter and i did not vote in the last election, but i did watch last night. i have been able to get a sense of the last eighti've seen the last four under trump and the last four years under biden. i'll have to ahe american people is, which four years were better for america? i found over the last eight years that the last four were me.
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ard one person from my generation. i've heardamericans. i haven't heard of anyone that a first-time homeowner struggling to purchase a home because inflation is through the roof. struggling to find a job. it is taking over a year to find a job and i'm quite an intelligent and capable person with a college degree. enough is enough. you have to put aside that biden is certainly kinder, a little more soft-spoken, but at the end of the day i care the most about my wallet. how the country is doing. over the last eight years, we were not in a war during trans presidency. now we are in two wars that is costing us a fodollars. our border is wide open and it is danger in states that generally don't want it. i live in new york state. we are sanctuary city, but that doesn't
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ear these people to come into our borders. are african-americans with in my state that are very upset that ttaken away. our veterans are going to be cared for, because they are on the street. manhattan on a weekly basis and see this. host: brenda in paris, tennessee. goodcaller: yes i am. i don't like the way biden does. he is thinking a cutting our tax out. host: thinking about cutting what? caller: social security and medicare. i just don't like it back. [indiscernible] taxes and r is so high now that people are actually sleeping on the streets now. another th=ég i about biden, he brought some people in our country that are starting trouble. i just prefer donald trump back.
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he would lower prices on eries. he lowered prices on rent i just prefer donald trump back. at's what i prefer. he prefer on medicare and all thatecause i can't afford it if my social security stops. seizures and i could not my medicine. this is who did -- factwho did a fact check of the debate. here are highlights from their erred on social security w to get rid of the program and trump falsely biden will wipe out social security due to the influx of people at the border. trump claimed that he the insulin down for the seniors, not biden. weow some under a limited project by the trump administration. bi signed a law capping costs
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for all seniors with medicalso trump warned that biden wants to raise your taxes by four times. but biden has not proposed anything like that. trump was also mostly said that biden wants the biden said that he would extend them for anyone makingthere is more that you can take a look at at richmond, virginia, good morning. caller: good morning, america.hopei watched the debates also last night. what i saw and what i heard was a t person, president biden felon, donald trump. i the republicans want man that felon and still has cases pending and still the supreme court is holding up? why? they don't want the american
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people to see is. donald trump should jail. think we would be walking around here without ankle bracelets if we were convicted of a sex criminal act? no, we would not. you think that any black person really w trump? that is a black person and i would never, ever, vote for donald trump. that is how i feel about it. thanks for taking my call. host: ronald in north carolina. good morning. caller: good morning. host: gohead, ronacaller: i wanted to call to say that the democrat party is responsible for leading a zombie around as a president. all they've done all theseyears, they knew he was incompetent and they lead him around. i remember back when the rabbit run out on the lawn and alabama saved him the other night let
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him out the stage. that is wrong. they lit a zombie president around and everyone knows it. party it. the house knows it, and they are trying to pulll out over everyone's eyes. the black people better wake up because jo better wake up. here is an exchange that president biden was asked about his age. [video clip] >>iden, you would be 86 at the end of your second term. concerns about your capability told well into your 80's? pres. biden: all, i spent half of my career being criticized for being the youngest person in politics. i was the second youngest person ever elected to the united states senate. now i am the oldest. this guy is threeand a lot less competent. i turned around the horrible situation he left me. 800,000 manufacturing jobs, more investment in over billions of dollars in private
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investment andwe are growing. by the way, we fought off a lot of people and the computer chips. we invented those chips and we i people to find the cheapestproduct. i went to south korea. to invest billions of dollars in the united states. guess what, those fabs build those chips pay over $100,000. you don't need a college degree for them. are $40 billion being invested and built now in creating significant jobs for americans from all over the world. >>iden you have 40 seconds left. would you like to add anything? pres. bide would. the idea that we are somehow this failing country. i've never heard a president talk like this name me a single, that would not want to trade places with america. we are the strongest country in the world.
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we keep us, all of our allie sends love letters to they do not want to screw around with us. host: we willtinue taking your reaction to last night's debate until the the program. continue to call in. lowingl have coverage starting at noon on c-spanr igpa find the full d all p presidential and vice presidential debates are on our website. john in marygood morning. caller: good morning. ks for taking my call. it was a yesterday. this is the candidate that they have, trumpbiden has coordination issues truthful. trump could not answer questions and provide good answers to some of the that of ukraine, the issue of
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and those about the two choices we have. e going right now. look at the debate yesterday. both were not able to speak to facts. truth willwhen we think about biden's age there is noh biden. candidates we have right now. host: is there a candida run? caller: possible, i would like to have voted for the independent vote candidate but i do not think it will win. i do notnk it is possible for the democrat to find somebodyi am horrifiedno truthnitive
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issue. it is a shame. host: we atrum is doubling down on his ly.mb could noty he did. pa health. i think this was a set up by the dems to move away from biden. gloria in next. caller:i am calling because i feel like donald house period. about children in the states and he obama when obama told he ignored all that. he is the one, all of those people got killed. he did not try to find nothing to cure those people. but joe did find something to
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cure these people. bodies after bodies when the first one came in here. no, we do not need donald trump here, period. host: jim in illinois. good morning. caller: goomy take on the debate was quite sitting there and watching debate, my expectation was very low going in. nothing changed my opinion. what i believe needs to take is we have this system we have twolly control how things get done in the united states. i would like to see us go to a e of government where we can vote on the best person, that represents our best interests. l know, there is a lot of money on the sidelines thai consider myself a centrist.there is no place for me to go far to the right.
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don't want to listen to what people in the middle have to say. the other point in regard cold, being sick. ther day who do not feel well, who have who are taking care of children. they have to shoto basically say the person has a cold makes no sense topersonally, i voted for obamai me baraice. obama early in his career. i came and i said i think he will be a future president. that to me was a person who could relate to people. i feel the same way abo shapiro from pennsylvania. he takeswhile i would ask is people who have watched the debate to truly reflect back and say to these do these two individuals represent our beliefs. hey represent where we want america to want our children to go in the future? that is my take. rçook back at this debate and say we walkayit is negative and disappointing
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for america. host's go to florida, ana maria. good morning. caller: how are you today? host: i'm doing ok. caller: tha youcall. mike rather was a green beret. husband is an ex marine. daughter was on the uss eisenhower for two years without touching l we cut our veins for this country. lessings every day for being here. it is ais when i was in elementary school my american neighbors showed me how to watch the news and read between the lines. when we were inteachers, not a doctorate. i don't know what to say anymore but i saw what was happening office and i did some res out that in china they were killing 25 pickda the african swine fever. i saw the sig
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husband we need to move. host: getting back to the it was said. is world is take a very old person and use them. we have an illegal that said he was a adopted son of a aunt of ours who came from centralshe has alzheimer's. he kicked us out. i almost gote my aunt. she has been locked up in a room for past towo and a half years. we cannot see her. dxthere. host: all right. hampshire, good morning. caller:nk you for c-span. i wish people would smile more. oo. it makes me feel a lita lot of these callers, i can hear it in your voice. they think trump is
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not hitler. their marching orders today are we need to get rid biden which is crazy to me. i do not understand where they are coming from. one thing i wish you would do, when people callwith their hate and they talk about trump being a felon, please ask them what the felony i have never voted in my life. i never saw a difference between mccain and hisromney and his opponent. i coulfor those people. i never voted for trump either. i never want to vote for trump. but this warfare has got to end. host: are you going to vote? ided? caller: absolutely. the day after trump was convicted of the nonfelony, i went to register. there were five people there after the office opened an understand. democrats don'tand. this man is not hitler. weour years.
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people did not bring up any facts yesterday. en to the facts. he brought up the fact that we in 2023 $200 billion to ukraine. know what the entire tax base is for every corporation in america? $430 billion. so we gave almost half of our money to ukraine. does that make sense to people? that was a faclast night that everyone is ignoring. . i'm sorry. . host: i think i got your point. in alliance, ohio. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you for taking. trump is good for our country. the only reason why biden is not in jail or have any felon found incapable of to do the test. it is just athat debate trust joe
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biden to drive me for ice cream, let alone drive the country. that's all i gotta former president trump wasasked if he would accept the results of the presidential election. here is the resp [video clip] >> the question was will youho wins? yes, orfmr. pres. trump: if it is a fair and good election absolutely. would've much rather accepted these but the fraud was ridiculous. we it in a week or another one of these in a week. i will absolutely. ere is nothing i would rather do. it would be much easier for me to do than running again. i was not really going to saw the horrible job he did. he is destroying our countryi would be very happy to be someplace else in a nice location somepagain, no indictments, no political oppont stuffit is the only way he things he can win. driven up my numbers to a very high-level level because the people understand it. pres. biden: we will seeyou are a
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whiner. when you lost the firsyou continue to appeal to the courts across the country. not one single court in america that any of your claims had any merite or local. none. but you continue to provoke this lie that somehow there is all this there is no evidence to that at all. hat. i doubt that you will accept itthe idea of you losing again, you cannot stand a loss. some thing snapped in you with the loss of last time. host: c discrimination every day. t !d as for? i? good morning bob. caller: good thanks for taking my call. what was on full display last night was biden's feebleness fr issues trump just lie lie
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lie like always. this is american it has come down to. ot givthe ÷gtion to trump to preserve ego of this ancient fool. biden's people have to be blunt needs to pull all the election convention. nobody they picked would have his negatives.i like amy klobuchar. let's throw it to the democratic condition convention. we cannot have joe bidenthat's it. host: let's talk to todd next in west virginia. good morning. caller: thank you for your time. good morning america. i want to give you my take on last night.
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i was perplexed to see we have elder abuse is continuing on the democratic side. i my lifetime. last time i voted formp. i don't believe -- agree with everything he says or does but i love his policies. i love being able to afford things that my family ones needed. dumpter at mcdonald's to get our dinner. we never lost friends and loved ones over that like i have. d thing about the misinformation a the wickedness of the world being put out here i america. the unitedtizen needs to realize we are in this together. thers and sisters. i don't discriminate and i never have discriminate but sns people
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in this world realize that we are all in thisit is a really sad day where we are at. politics is politics. it does get dirtyat the final bell they always came back togethergain. that is what the country needs to do to heal. three near-death experiences and i can say country needs to have a little bit of faith again. this together. there was a day where i was proud to be an american. i'm still proud to be an american. i'm retired military affairs. both sides of the spectrum. said, i pray for our country and its leaders. i pray for the transparency that you guys offer. seem to lean a little bit more one-way or the other. i appreciate the fact that an open forum. god bless you. have a good day, meredith. host: in st. louis
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missouri. good morning. caller: i objectively watched t democrat, i gotta say, i at joe biden's performance. just the way he was way he was looking and all of that. it got to point where i was so hypercritical on answers trump was giving i was paying attention's demeanor. it felt like a badi woke up this morning, my alarm clock went off on c-span. i turned it on and listened to the audio portion. surprise, some of the things that iwording that i cringed at last isten to the audio portion, it was not nearly as bad. it was actually quite good from some of the videos fact, some of the stuff, it
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felt like he was kind of meandering. morning on one of the other videos, i could actually see where he was going what i would urge everyone tois to listen to the audio debate and you will get arspective of it because i was cringing last night but so far this morning it was a whole different the stuff that he said. better audio than if you said there watching this him look around and his facial host: sorry. greg in ohio. caller: good morning. host: morning.caller: i think last night's debatery.
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trump if trump were to sthis and that. that's mymy father fought for this country. this guy is giving it away to terrorists. host: let's take a look at a question former president trump. about his age. clip] >> former president trump dx up, you will be 82 at the end of your second term. voters who have concerns about your capabilities turn? fmr. pres. trump: i have tai would like to see him take one. i really would. he could not do it. i took cognitive tests. i took physical exams every year. we knock on wood wherever we may have would that i'm in good health. championships. to do that you have to be quite smhe could not hit the ball 50
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yards. he challenged mehe could not hit the ball 50 yards. i feel as good in shape as 25 years ago. probably a little bitighter. as good shape as i was used to go. i feel very good. same. but i was willing to take a test. if i did not do well, i aced them. great guy. the white house dr.. i took another one. one of them said they ha we are getting your reaction to last night's debate here on washington journal the house gavels in. we will talk to jack in good morning. caller: good morning. anyone paying attention could have from biden and is nothing that appeals to civility and decency. he ia felon and his lying. i don't think i could stand another caller calling him a '
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against trump. last weewhat is that? where did that come from? an incoherent campaign from a visibly incoherent man and it is frustrating to hear from judy gratz --ts that this is what we have to support. i have not evennocide. i was not even going to vote for genocide joe. i think biden should step down asap the candidate. i nominate pritzhe has charisma. i was excited to vote for him.absent that, i'm voting for cornell west. host: we will talk to ella in philadelphia good morning. are you there? we may have lost her. ort, florida. good morning. caller:d morning. how are ya?i am glad to call and make a few comments. this debate last night was more of a test that the democratsjoe up
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to to see what the reactiunfortunately he did not do very well. is hard to believe that in a country of 300 plus million these are the choices we have come down to for our leadership. unfortunately joe's abilities appear very shaky. the concern i reelected is that he might not be able to fulfill that term end up with somebody like kamala harris, which is, if you could believe. based on his actions, it's like we have the choice of the l the two evils. i would like to lastly say to think about the entiredonald trump is certainly not a person that i would look up to as leading road of leaders -- in theleaders. we hav with donald trump, maybe get us back on the
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road. potential jobs and wha like joe, it's time for hi health and move forward. host:caller: hello? hi. caller: hi. i watched the debate last night. i was hoping to hear from each candidate what their plans were. watching felt that biden does not a really did not answer any ue they just went back and forth with one another. i just don't think either candidate is really looking out for the american people. they were asked questions that were important to the majority of the americans in this c them could answer them at all. ry disappointing. i just think that they power for their own person needs, not for the american people. my conscious, i will go to the polls but i voting
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for either one of them. i will be writing someone else's name on that t do you want to share that with us? caller: suri really like nikki haley. in. unless they come up wicandidate, may be an independent or someone two, then possibly they will get my vote. speaking of an independent candidate, last night presidential candida jr. who was not on the debate, he reacted in real-time time to the first presidential debate of the and biden. i want to thank everybody for thu,ohor i want to thank elon musk for livestreaming this on x. statements suggesting that he mi that and i am grateful for the courage hetry. i want to orient us tonight. i don't want to make it sound like i'm complaining.
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this is not a personal issue. this is something that should be troubling for our country. what h this debate. my uncle did the f televised debate in 1960. ever since then the deba by nonpartisan organizationsthe debating commission this is the first time that a private corporation owns the debate and it is troubling because cnn is millions of dollars from this debate. they have the incentive to colludeential candidates whose main this is not a personal issue. hat is important for our democracy us feel like the system is rigcollusion with the corporation both of those be pumping in tens of millions of dollars in advertising. it is all a big payoff. this is exactly the kindmerger of
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state and corporate and i am running in order to opposeamericans believe the system is rigged because it is and this is an example. host: by the way, the supreme court has been releasing some this one which is on the associated press. the supreme court allows emergency abortions in idaho for noit says it yesterday for idaho hospitals to provide emergency abortions for no order that left key questions unanswered and coul before the conservative majority court soon and also here on the washington post, supreme court blocks controversial purdue pharma and white provided billions of dollars to address the opioid about prtingrisisamily who owns purdue pharma from future .we are expecting more decisions from the supreme court later today and we will keep an eye on that. andrea, rockland california. caller: good morning.
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yesterday the debate was embarrassing for america. if anyone walked away saying we have two great candidates on the know. it was sad to see both sides look ridiculous, not addressing the right issues, not taking care of what they should have in terms of addressing the right topics and having them bring up their golf and there are people starving. there are people who have health issues. everything aut it 7u disturbing. if you canse both of these men are 100% unqualified i could not do my job at their age yetg for america. this should be very te are two candidates who should not be running. if you think one of them other, then everyone should go back to the it because we are so in for a rude awakening. when we see other countries that have leadeage, we will be so far behind
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going. host: andrea, do you have a support? caller: i just heardsmall snippet. they do not allow enough talk time for him. i amsi host: edward in new jersey. announcer: -- good morning. caller: how are you going to tear families apart? they should have threw how right back in his face. far as the contrast of the two administration's, biden has not had a fast turnover. th member who would write a book saying biden poops himself to sleep every night. nobody is doing that. , they were doing that left and right. i think it is because demand is illegitimately flawed. i just want to radio is
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destroying the brains of tactics that are hurting them psychologically. sinclair media and the rest of the people pumping thisrnment garbage to america. have a good day. montgomery, new york. charisse. good morcaller: good morning. hi. i was not too impressed with the debate last night. ve remember, their personalyou remember clintonl the stuff they went through and they did that was wrong. joe biden is too old and he n the country down and you can see that. remember something not lon ago he was looking for a vice president carefully. er is he said in case something happened tocould run this countryhe did before and he could do it again. thank you. jim is next. parsons, west virginia. caller: good morning.
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i heard a caller call you meredith. e say mimi. what is your name? host: mimi. caller: it is a pretty namethe debate last night to me, disappointing when somebody star and be f vinegar. we are all humaneings. we have bad mornings. president biden, as far as substance, people need to get past this age is something agism thing. i looked back and i think usually the indian chief was an elder. it is people with wisdom and experience. they surround themselvesith people to execute on things. whether five years old or 55 years old can forget in a moment. nd point, people need tohow we get
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from here to there. how did this happen? cause-and-effect. it is almost like a sport. i feel the republican party has lo way and that they do not care about process. two things, for example. people need to stop and read and look at the facts and the pompeo signed the treaty taliban in 2019 released 5000 dangerous taliban prisoners. at led to the collapse of the afghan government. who got blamed for were trying to do a peaceful withdrawal and back? joewho released all those prisoners? trump and pompeo's tre the taliban it. if you lookwi at ukraine, u.s. policy was to push putin and his going on for years. the people of overthrew in a code which because he was a
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puppet. they tried to get the corporations cleaned up to benefit the countrys oligarchs. trump did not care about that. he hast bailed him out of his bankruptcies. host:d about his comments on political retribution. response. [video clip] after a jury convicted you of 34 felon you would have every right to go after your political opponents. we just talked about members of the select committee on january 6 going to jail. your main political opponent is on stage with you. can you clarify what it means when you say you have every right to go after your political opponents? i sent my retribution will be success. we will makeessful again. we are failing nation. his son is a convicted felon at he will probably be convicted numerous other times. have been convicted before but the justice
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department let the statute of lapse. soon as he gets out of office. joe could be all of the things that he's done. he has done horrible tall of the deaths at the border. killing ukrainian people. otherwise you not getting $1 billion. have said that, it is quid pro quo. we will not do anything. we will not give you $1 billion unless you change your prosecutor. you are lucky. . i did nothing wrong. we had a system that was rigged and disgusting. i did nothing wrong. >> thank you former presidp. i will give you a member -- minute to respond. pres. biden: the idea that i did anything wrong relative to what you're talking about is outrageous. to seek retribution just because you areno president has ever spoken like that before. history has spoken like that before. number three, the crimes you are still charged with, think of all the civil penalties.
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how many billions of dollars in civil penalties for molesting a doing a range of things, having sex with a star while your wife was pregnant? s he talking about? yofmr. pres. trump: i did not have sex with a porn star. that was a case that they started and moved. they moved a high-ranking official into office. case will be appealed and won. we had a prosecutor, all high-ranking ntboth the civil and the criminal. he his political opponent because he thought it would damage me but whent about these cases, he has nowhat these cases are. when they found out about these cases, my phone -- my poll went way up. host: getting a reaction to the debate last night. phyllis in jackson, mississippi. caller: it is amazing to listen to the differences of american
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opinions. the bottom line with america and their opinions is that everybody has one. people are coming from, the standard factually based statements that they are making and why one person is more important in this race of winning than another person. the bottom line people are going to give over the reins to a convicted kground and going forward with criminality? i cannot fathoas a human being, as a person, as an american. i don't think joe biden had the best effect as he did during the state of the union. his best shot. i'm not saying i agree with everything joe biden does but you have to look at the standard of behavior. what is wrong with us? have to say is this, i don't think americans can handle reality. we know climate change is going
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to be our biggest hurdle coming forward. we are talking about things are $.30 more than they were last year and all of the things that are going on with gasoline. grip because climate change is going us whether we are going to go forward or we are just going to fall. i think the choice is clear. i will take biden now. we will work on the game plan once we get a real person who will do an honest job. we wilt trump, you can forget patty in washington hello. callerello. host: hi. caller:it's patty honey. host: i said patty. caller: oh i did not hear you. host: go ahead. caller of all the things i have heard and all of the said and all the things on the news and everything else going on, i wish someone would
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do athe bottom line is with trump the economy was booming, there was nobody no shots across the water or anything like that. people were starting their own businesses and then lost everything. everything they put into those businesses they lost and that was due topeople wanted to work. they wanted to get out and that was a problem. ooming. he did not have them taking her money. he was getting money back into where they had to pay. they have to pay their fair share. everyone is paying in we were paying most. i was appreciative of that. . like i facts, what is going on with the e the pocketbook. up, uisd retired.
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rent goes up every time taxe up. host: i have this that mi conomy. this is from bank versus trumpinflation, jobs and more. . foation prices have risen 19.3% s caller: they have risen a lot more in my state. : this is the average for the whole country. almost four times faster. hiring three years and five months i term the u.s. economy has created jobs, totaling 12.6 million for continues national debt. biden added $4.3 trillion. trump approved -- accrued twice as much, a win $4 trillion. it talks about stocks, all that kind of stuff. get you some facts on the economy.
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linford, good morning. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. i am a 73-year-old retired from a major corporation. job all my career. money as soon as i went to work. i live off retirement and savings. i am so at what is happened to the country. appened to the country. i was a democrat. i repented for that. i am a christian. i stand behind the man who stands for biblical principles. and he believes in savinghe cares more about animals. man on the stage
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that ought to be in the nearest assisted living center, that is elder abuse. with the families allowing him to be outit is absurd. it istidoing. let me tell you something. this old lady will be proud to trump. i would be proud to call him mi would be proud to have my president and i will do all within my powerndthese people want to destroy our country. they have forgotten what world war ii was holocaust. host: and they did spabortion and late-term abortion last night. [video clip] as far as the abortion is concerned, it is backthe states are voting. cases, it's the opposite. back to the vote of the people, which is what everyone wanted, including
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the founders if they knew about this issue, which they did not. ne wanted it brought back. ronald reagan wanted it back. it. many presidents tried to get it back. i was the one to do it. this gives it the vote to the people and that is where they wanted it. every legal scholar wanted it that way. >> staying on the topic of abortion, president biden, sestates. same topic. seven states havrestrictions on how far into a pregnancy a woman can ob do you support any legal limits on how late a woman should be able to terminate presidency -- terminate pregnancy? pres. biden: roe v. wade. first time between a woman and dr.. second time bet ween a woman and an extreme situation. woman and the state. making decisions about women's health is ridiculous. at decision. that is how it should be run.
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that's what you're going to do.if i'm elected, i will restore roe v. wade. fmr. pres. trump: that means he can take the life of the baby in the ninth month and even after birth because some states democrat run take it after birth. the former gover virginia, put the baby down then we to rip the baby out of the nobody wants that to happen, democrat or republican. nobody wants it to happen. pres. biden:ying. that is simply not true. roe v. wade does not provide for that is not the circumstance. only when a woman's life is in and she is going to die. we are not for late-term fmr. pres. trump: under roe v. wade you have late-term abortion. you can do whatever you want dewe don't think it is a good thing. we think it is radical. we think the democrats are the radicals, not the republicans. pres. biden: 51 years that was the wall. 51 years that was the way toit was taken away because he put south carolina- he puts conservative members of the
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supreme cot. you can take a look at our website if you missed that debate or if there are key moments you want to go back to. it is on our website. page set aside just for presidential d that one as well as all the previous ones going a.y to 1960. bates wants --thoseden is c-span two. erfiheapp will be online at massachusetts. good morning. caller: hi. i'm going to vote for whoever the democratsinate, wther it is biden or someone else. is absolutely horrible. would regret it if he wasi also think unfortunately t was so bad last night. heand turn it over to someone younger and more vigorous. i hate to say that. as bad. i was prepared for him to
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bit, be a little bit slow. but that was justhe would still be a good president but i don't think he can win. that's my feelings. i think trump is so awful whoever it are not just electing a person. trumpople who would overturn democracy turn america over to big billionaires. he has no regard for people. . people who think that, i don't understand it. that's my feeling. i wish the democrats would wish biden would step down. he has done a good job. i think he could do a good job. i don't think heis point. host: matt in virginia good morning. caller: good morning. host: what did you think of the debate? caller: biden was so incompetent when talking i don't know why with.
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he has caused so much problems st three years, startingerica. there are more jobs lost in than any president them if you look everywhere, their business is because no one can afford to pay their employees. if biden is allowing illegal immigrants to come into the country and take oureverybody, how can we afford to pay the normal patient -- vulnerable -- normal person wages? what about our people in america? if you go down to your local merchant or local neighborhood, all you see is people on every street corner asking for money because they don't have j and they have no place to live or even to eat. is biden sending money to keep it in your own country. if you cannot take care of your
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own country first, you will not be able to do anything host: charlotte, north carolina. an. good morning. caller: good morning. thank you. hearing from trump and biden just to make sure this was what i was, the benefits are ince. i have always voted based on the presentatione candidate the status of the country, the mentalilitary capacity and the issues. you abortion which is definitely a medical decision and the individual together. social security, if we cannot manage the operational debt, how can we have any assistant to social security? i wrote aook and i was 2020 candidate for president. the two candidates we have. a lot characteristics have to be looked at on both of these
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candidates. we know the peace and security of our own residents at the borders must be addressed. you cannot afford to support our country miscommunication awards. war here in our country. we have to, he is mentally unable and should have never candidate -- never ever been considered a candidate. we have two unqualified parties with president biden and his running mate, harris. n we will fall intoi am for all i believe leaving the border is causing is sucking up all of the administration's -- host: in georgia. good morning. caller: good morning. go ahead. caller: i have beeneverybody and a lot of the
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i saw the debate last night. looking at the debate, biden did really bad. answers without looking at president biden, may be thata1 do as bad a job as i thought he did. he is articulating exactly what his policies arend what we would getdonald trump on the other hand, you cannot play one clip that he did not lie. he might have told a sprinkle of the truth. in the end, he was lying. see all these christians talking about, he is a christian not. plan, if that doesn't scare y i don't know what to say. because you are living in a fantasy world. this man is going to turn our country intocountry. billionaires and himself want to run the country.
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will be deciding who gets what. host: program. we thank everyone for calling. be back again tomorrow morning, 7:00 a.m. eastern. here is the house. oned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purpoited by the u.s. house of representatives.]
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