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tv   Fmr. Olympians Michael Phelps Allison Schmitt Testify on Anti- Doping...  CSPAN  June 30, 2024 1:05pm-3:08pm EDT

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[silence] all of our guests to please take their seats. guests having we call this sub committee oversight investigation now come to order i now recognize mysel÷)e minute opening statement. as u.s. athletespa the u.s. olympics cloud of uncertainty hangs over reliability anti-doping enforcement which is supposed toe limit the useformance enhancing drugs this committee has been alarmed to learn from news
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representing the people's republic of china tested ti for band performance enhancing substances and then went on to compete in 2021 tokyo olympics just last week 11 se were gang named to people republic of china's 2024 o all of this comes after the world anti-dopia ignore sign o doping for years and oversight hearing had a way to the anti-doping system. it is unfortunate that we haere again. two witnesses from that 2017 as today.premier olympian michael phelps and ceo mr. travis. we are pleased to welcome anot swimmer ms. allison schmitt to join us today to revisit doping in sports ahead of next month's summer olympics. i want to start off by ring everyone w phelps told us years ago because it bears repeating if we allowr play to erode we will undermine power o
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and the goals and dreams of future is now end quote. i'm glad mr. phelps highlighted the damage disappointed what wata doesn't heed that call and the that the system is fair and cheaters will be for our country's children cannot be understated. teaching them life lessons building their confidence, showing them the work and offering some of their opportunities to representà our career. i myself have had the opportunity to see my own children grow and learn from competitive swimming, in fact, last week, last week exciting in my household because one year ago in high school son davis competed against olympian thomas age 17 is the youngest male swimmer to qualify for t since michael phelps. joke of my house a tied. that would be the point where the starter says, takemarks. then foundational to the ymcs is t clean athletes have in the system to keep out. doping leads to cynicism in sports inevitably
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disappointing for aspiring athletes i'm surechmitt and mr. phelps can attest to. we overemphasize dedication sacrifice and training the very highest and what i believe to be most prestigious athletic level youth dedicated by countless hours of training and pushing limi one day being an olympian. at holidays to train so they can achieve success the right way onit. mr. phelps is previouslyd. for over five could be at the best to be the best ate does. doping p that sacrifice by allowing competitor who is want the g putting in the work. that we courage youth to invest their time if on the gr not expected for certain countries athletes? that is why i'm disappointed that mr. banka refuse our
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invitation to testify before th discuss his role in upholding anti-doping testing enforcement in international sports competitions. ata received 4 million in u.s. taxpayer dollars fiscal year. they're refusal to appear today commitment to accountability. and perhaps if they're notng to do the job we fund them. mr. banka & ata hid today and instead ofting republic of china compete in competition after theyor a banned substance. cheating athletes away sports take away spots and takelean athletes, integrity and sanctity of sports critical for the olympians competing but also for the children who dream day to be an o'plimp i can or excited they once weren a with olympian we'll keep a seat open just incase incase he decides to join us. i want to thank three of you who madeespite your busy schedule and i yield back. ranking member
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of the sub committee for her five minutng statement. >> well mr. chairman thank you very much for convening this hearing to investigate elicit doping in sports troubling questions swirling around the worldecially with the summer olympics starting next americans do not like cheaters. and they do tolerate organizations that give cheaters a path. wata was established in 1999 asnagency responsible for developing coordinating anti-doping rules sports and countries as well as monitoring compliance with those rules. importantly wata has power to doping and enforce penalties when the is violated. however, recent troubling reports suggest that wata did not do its job in the case of 23 chinese swimmers who tested posi enhancing, performance endancing months before the tokyo games.
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collected 60 exampinn the same hotel for national championship swim meet. nearly six weeks later march of 2021 test results reportedshowing 23 of the summers tested positive for tmz. they suggested positive tests were due to food and a contaminated kitchen that serve the athletes. they did not impose a rule violation against the swimmers or make the matq public. they also kept the violationsecret. and shockingly agreed to allow the swimmers to compete. any amount of tmz foundedon of the rules and p yet 13 of the 23 athletes who tested posit went on to complete in the games in tokyo. named to the chinese team for the upcoming
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olympic sense. why did t conclusion? why did they keep secret? why were chinese athletes treated differently than other countries? why were the areummers not provisionally suspended? what kind of scientific testing did they were testing the results and in white one assure the details why would the required procedural steps notthe reported payment from prc influence decision-making question what i'm especially disappointed if they to refuse the committee's invitation to testify today. lack of transparenc troubling for distrust of this close to the paris olympics. the international force anti- doping rules that must provide these answers and be heldccountable. as our witnesses know well the olympic gam most visible and elite athletic competitions in the world standards at all levels and maintain the integrity of competition at a level playing field and safety oft the games is paramount.
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ies ofaccountability forthe funds u.s. taxpayers provide. a special committee on t communist party or my colleagues there also accountability. i want to thank the olympic athlete allison sch intern for being here today representing other athletes across the globe i applaud you for representing nine states of america on the world stage. in becoming champions we are proud about your hard work and excellence inspires millions. agency as well. work to ensure anti- doping rules are followed. and ome standard helps set an example for the rest of t follow. true champions doat pete they compete fairly and follow l olympic committee conference and its mission the movement intended to encourage an support the promotion of ethics and good governance in ct athletes bite leading the fight
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and taking action for all forms of corruption. they n seriously. thank you and i yield back or accidentally kills but chairman of the full committee for his opening statement the guitar highly decorated panelcoave inspired an entire generation of americans. ment we are one month away from the start of the 2024 summer2024 summer olympic games in paris. we will be examining how the world anti- doping agency policyand their failure to enforce those policies on the use of drugs how it's undermining thegr games. it is completely unacceptable the world anti- doping agency this agency received over 3 m past year declined to join us scandals have real effects on our athletes including americanerwi must abide by the strictest anti- doping standards by usda include requirements like random testing standard should be applied evenly to ensure a level playing field and the best
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athlete wins. recent reporting before the 2021 olympic games in tokyo 23 members of the chinesea swimming team tested positive for a banned substance. tmz. the chinese the positive test for telling the world anti- doping was all a mistake because the bandit drug which is found only in pill form somehow ended up in the kitchen of a all the 23 swimmers were staying out they all somehow ingested this banned substance anti- doping agency reviewsomehow included concluded this explanation was no further investigation was necessary. nt to note those swimmers won several medalstly failed to be transparent accept responsibility actions it is not just the u.s. congress. they are declining hearing invitation the german that was scheduled earlier this month. how many more olympic athletes metals andtheir country's national
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anthem before the world anti- doping its rules uniformly? everyone is watching the olympics in paris in their homes next month should know the system is not rigged against athletes who compete the right waiver and look forward to hearing from all of you on this back. >> recognize ranking member of committee first five-minute opening statement. thank you mr. chairman refers the world comes road compete for gold at the olympics for the last couple of weeks americanletes have been competing against each other to represent the u.s. at the olympics next month in paris. i was thrilled to seat to new jersey swimmers aren' the swim team at the olympic trials in indianapolis lasts only happen every four years dedicated athletes train around the clock d out for the opportunity to compete they should be assured the world competition is fair. i want to thank the witnesses er today and demonstrate their ongoing commitment to drug-free competitive sports michael
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phelps and allison schmitt are our two top athletes dedicated most of their lives to rigorous and incredible discipline to showcase their talents and represent the u.s. you have made our country proud to your athletic achievements and continue to make us a proud by standing up for clean his sports. ceo of anti- doping agency also here representing an institution works tirelessly to ensure clean competition the integrity of sports drug testing educational programs are held up as examples of strongest anti- doping programs in the world. thank work in the example you set have to note my extreme disappointment and frustrationrloping agency decline the invitation to ritical role in ensuring sports are fair and competitions are clean across the their established enforce a rule to keep everyone safe and uphold the i appeared it is outrageous they do not have integrity to show up and defend itself here tonight but it shouldshouldbe protecting clean sport not
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hiding from accountability. we nee directly about the disturbing allegations of chinese olympicer. recently the world learned of the allegations of doping and swimmers that happen in early 2021 to seven months before the tokyoympics. was especially alarming to learn of the role of under the rug along the anti- dopingthe violations public and failing to issue proper sanctions on the affected athletes for 13 of those swimmers a for banned substances competed in tokyo in one several medalsonly were there no repercussions for violations of the doping rules of of those swimmers on the national team for china now and will compete month. the mission is to p arena. positive test from the chinese swimmers raised serious concerns about effectiveness in this role to ensure the integrity of competition they must set an unambiguous message it will enforce the rules established in the world anti- doping code suppl i say apply all sanctions equally for any violation. we need full, clear truly independent examination of w the
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swimmers equally important or thorough assessment of actions and inactions. i am aware they have commissioned antigation which is ongoing expected to conclude before the end of this month. they shouldmi making results of this investigation public and questions. international sports community deserves to know what the investigation and to assess whether it was truly independent. all athletes cop on the beat that will enforce the rules without fear or favor ensure the integrity of competition is not being question. i lookearning what action is needed to ensure strong of their intal enforcement of anti- doping rules. appropriateness that must occur to determine what went wrong and again. i think the three of you who did a level playing field for all athletes. and to of sports of highest level. ank y again thank you mr. chairman i yield back at parker general is back t witnesses to testify before the subcommittee. you have an opportunity to give rounds of questions from members. i should also mention that concludes aning
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statements which are reminds members pursuant to committee rules all members o the wrecker please provide this to the clerk the subcommittee is holding an oversight hearing and when doing soice taking testimony under oath you have an objection to testifying under oath? seeing it not have an objection to testifying undere perceive that your advisors are also entitled to be advised by co rules do and if you desire to be advised by counsel during your you can tell him trying to do this best thing noneise your right hand possible. if you are cap affirmed to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but thep you god? seeing that when his answer in the affirmative y a and under oath. subject to penalty set forth intl section 1001 of the united states code with that will now give's opening statement. >> mr. chairman mbers of the committee good evening but my name is michael phelps i come be not justoday as eight five-time retired olympic swimmer, also as an advocate for me awareness. the conversation on mental health e athletes
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is incomplete without addressing the integrity of the sport and fair representing the united states on the world stage is known ofe life. my 15 year career i competed in over five olympics and six world champion ships. when a combined 65 gold medals for my team in my country. my journey in the pool is top and the values of hard wordedication and above all fairness. at help me challenges like adhd and taught me resilience and focus. however the constant suspicion on doping eroded the mental state thatif build. while competing at the highest levels ihe pervasive uncertainty and suspicion surrounding doping. significantly my confidence and that of my fellow athletes. ha part seeing athletes achieve seemingly impossible knowing the immense effort and sacrifice is sacrifices required to reach these heights it was asing pain and a in a profound sense of injustice. takes to achieve the seemingly impossible things the right way. i've trained for five straight years that sink take a single that level of my
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competition extra 52 days to bey that difference. such a sacrifice brought me to the highest highs. and also the lowest of lowstanding on top of the podium watching the mike national anthem plate. the last time i spoke to committee that was the first time i spoken out about doping for fairness in sport. i testified to the necessity of an athlete being able to believe hemselves, to compete at such a high level and no belief in one's self is onl possible when they believe the system is clean with all the sacrifices we make the lifetimes of preparation disbelief meant to create a ying field eroded away at the paralympic values in thery athletes who need the system to protect them. after mass testimony is truly optimistic that necessary and meaningful ref b made toward a truly clean and fair internationalng field. i was gratified some reforms are agency they finally seem to react to the committee's demand
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for better. it is incredulous for me too find myself here again today in front of the very same committee for the very same in fact if you read my testimony still ring true. sitting here once again it's clear t short they're prove to be rnational sports and athletes rights to fair competition time and time for the well-being of athletes necessary steps to address these issues. i urge considerable leverage to make the organization independent and reasonably be a succumb to the pressures of international sport. close friends or potentially impacted by the failure to ow its own rules and investigate the nearly two dozen positive tests on chinese swimmers. many of them will live at the what if's for the rest of their lives. as athletes, our faith can no loli of anti- doping agency and organization that continues to
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prove that it is e incapable or unwilling to enforce i policies consistently around the world. i will conclude in this, i was once a kid with a dream. continuously showing up and putting in the work i was reality. but, i was only ablebecause i had faith that i was being given the world stage. swimming changed my life.king ever since retirement with my foundation to to continue to change the lives of future generations. to show them they can achieve any dream that they want too. i've moved onto the next chapter in my life i'm a father. but it is imperative we keep the book open for wbe next. at the internatial world continues to have its integrity impacted by failures the next generation is not going to be able to have the same belief i once had in the with this i urge you as members of congress to engage in the fight aga doping. we can uphold the values and fairness and that are the cornerstone of olympic and us
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work together to ensure every athlete regardless ofas the opportunity to compete fairly achieve their dreams. thank you for your time and the attention of the. ea issue. i am confident with your support we can make a difference. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, good evening. thank committee to be her once again we findl juncture for the soul of sport. integrity two fundamental principles of why we play sports are under attack. we must ensure the world anti- opening agency is held accountable and does the jout fear or failure. now is the time to the need for change could never be greater u.s. is hosting many international competitions here from the world cup 2028 summer olympic games in l.a. most likely that winter olympic games in salt lakey. allison and michael speak for the countless athletes out there who are dismayed with the
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current crisis. a crisis caused by the decision to allow china to sweep under the positive tests for testing positive for a potent performance-enhancing drugs. we view athletes and the powerful stories as our guiding light. are our northstar. that is why we have been so outspoken. athletes from around the world including chinese athletes have been betrayed by the mr. chairman, when will enough be enough? show before. in 2017, committee michael phelps and i called for handling of the russia state dopingche. in that destructive affair they hope to just pacifier russia and put the whole saga in the rearview mirror. now, thanks again to courageous whistleblowers in the media we all know on the eve the 2021 olympic games they allowedallow china to disregard t rules and buried 28 positive tests for these swi the elite. thirteen it represented china and theave been named to the
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team for paris that will compete few weeks. at that 2017 hearing they at least hadhe up and answer questions. they testified they needed moreto job. well they got more. they gotor the got a 60% bump that increase came from u.s. taxpayers because we are payer of the world of anti- doping agency. we can all understand why the world's athletes are incensed they did not even open an investigation into the la that china found a p drug somehow mysteriouslyo these athlete samples. that these positive cases came in just nine months after closed an investigation into allegations of systemic do met them at the whistleblower who defected from china. they found be credible and according to own written report she said, and they were
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using, and get this, tmz was the drugs she said they were using at low levels. is worse mr. chairman them repeatedly said they will do nothing act the same way today. so what can congress do? three thing least. a subpoena or even condition our funding on china dossier public. anything less will not satisfy those who des there's no reason this cannot be done. th have now finally admitted china did not follow the rules couple of staffers secret back rooms are allowed to pick who follows the rules and who doesn't. change. should be condition on a compliance as part of the roles and respbilities it is time after 25 years they have an audit as well to see if they are compliant with the very rules they are supposed tool most important principle as we touched on an anti- doping is independence. unfortunately it's not independent as you have heard it has supportt in their
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decision sitting on its board president from china as a former member of the chinese national ioc. the epitome house. a lot cannot possibly promote and police effectively. let me be very clear athletes need a strong. no country is immune to thef doping including here in the u.s. it is what our role is so importa to be fully supported. however for a global system t fierce, fair, effective global watchdog to games. at eight lapdog of sport or favored nations. mr. chairman members of co i look forward to your questions for. >> before recognize ms. schmind you have another olympian with you that works with you is that correct? medalist who was unfortunately robbed byn our team she >> toof welcome you as well. let's give her a hand. >> you are recognized for five
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>> mr. chairman and members oftee. thank you for this opportunity to address to you tod of crucial importance as we approach the 2024 olympic as a four-time olympian and 10 time olympic medalist my journey in sports is a culmination of life dedication, rigorous training resilience and a lesu excellence on the global stage. to i before you to advocate passionately on behalf accountability system. of uniting us whether we are actively competing;ñ level cheering on a team are ral the global stage. from the backyard pick olympics sports serve as a unifying force that us in valuable they exemplify human spirit and is earned through relentless e perseverance. every practice session every early morning wake-up every drop of sweat symbolizes
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dedication to becoming and stronger individuals andnaturally. the olympic games a the pursuit of excellence. they bring together athletes from every corner of the world. transcending boundaries and fostering mutual respect. it is our collective responsibility to protect these values ensure the integrity of the olympic- doping measures are vital competition. playing field but also jeopardizes tell-being of athletes. furthermore it sends a harmf message to our children andenerations winning at any cost is acceptable and sh permissible. as olympians we adhere to strict protocols. filling out forms to hour of the day, avoiding every medication just in case a good test positive. the sacrifices we make to
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maintain equity in sports are immense these efforts are rooted in the belief fair competition is worth everyacrifice. at the tokyo olympics might silver to china by four tenths of all podium athletes under the world record. hard. we follow every protocol accepted our defeat with grace. three days later surface some chinese athletes on that team were not same anti- doping rules casting doubt o competition. th rll be haunted by the podium finish that may have been impacted by this injustice not only undermines the fairplay of olympic games but tarnishes the dreams and efforts of athletes recent as last week at the u.s. swimming trials frustrationwitnessthe frustration and disangnce in the anti- doping system has been shattered. they deserve they deserve a level playing field where suc
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determined by talents hard work and dedication. noty substances. i urge you and holding the global anti- doping s accountable. we must demand consistency andnti- doping regulations across all countries. let us ensure future generations seat purity and honor of standing on thatpodium. doping should not be the story of any olympic games. be celebrating this athletes. we believe t reform to ensure headlines as soon as next month in and l.a. 2028 thank you mr. chairman and look forward to your question. >> thank you very much i i thank you all for your tes ion and answer portion of the hearing and i will recognize myself for minutes. >> mr. phelps welcome back i'm glad you have graciously again. i am sorry things time will make
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some change.independent board no who any countries olympic committee. is that a goodion? customs asking forvery doable this is somin going back to the 70s the 80s now we are in 2024. we are still having the same thing. they need to be held responsible theyd to be almost on a separate island by themselves. but we also the rules on the playing field need to beequal. proximately the rules but when they are investigating to be investigated in the same every violator receive the same consequence to merit nationalities without your testimonies about? >> correct. andhere is a stat back in 2016 when i swimming i had over one drug test during that year. there were other delegations as a there were having 30 or
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all sports. i was getting tesf a year? everyone needs to do that the same way. >> i don't care where you are from everything like that level playing field. >> thank you. mrs. schmidt you said in your written testimony some happen in order for them to get testing to make sure the test is been done that were uncomfortable. i would recommend people read your written testimony are not going to make you talk about that in front of us today but it was interesting. >> it is what we signed up for but ever since 2007 r into the drug pole i signed up for. that showing up unannounced and having to pee in frontfpulling our pants down below our knees point are surehem watch the p come out. graphic as that is, that as we signed up for four clean sport and that is continue to do to fight for this clean sport. ask when you found
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that some of your competitors tee did you feel like a suckeriny you just described? >> i stay in my lane there seven other lanes and i know i havei've always competed clean.i leave it to the power to show up and do their job and keep supporting our athletes. thoi that. they have not supports to show there is a clean sport. as an athlete i know i am clean i stand up every time alyssa blocks on what to do the best i can because of the hard work the sweat and trs thert into that. >> on your relay am i correct to assume notrybody on the foursome had gotten a gold somewhere in the career before that the one came in second? career they had to have had eight metal gold-medal in the olympics but they were m that olympic team. and i would like to p on we did finish
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the only drug test the in the world record team as eight silver medalistwere asked to be tested we are tested in case of team. >> very good i yield back and recognize the ranking member for >> thank you for your very direct testimony. i think the average person expects as we into the olympics and international competition there is a levelross the board. are you saying there's different testing for different countries? >> unfortunately i d n answer. i can speak on the been in other countries and have been in competitions that havee protocols we have h your testimony correct? >> correct. all os if you were to go on and see how many times i have been tested you that is not across the board for every other country in the world for. >> isn't aren't they supposed to
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set the ground r all competitors? >> yes. >> had they not even followed he consistent testing protocol for each country and they are supposed to >> yes they are supposed to yes ma'am. >> talk to us about the testing. you've got into a detail. but mr. phelps said he operated under constant suspicion of doping outre. what is your mindset as you to the testing? how infrequent is it and can you get into a little bit more on frequency? >> i can say and hundreds of test since i've been in the pool the pool in that is all the way up until 2022. a year after tokmpics i was being tested. ositive test test. been willing to have tests at any time. >> you that is to ensure fair competition is worth the sacrifice of doing that.
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>> yes. it's what i new at 17 yearsasigning my privacy and my rights away fair sport and clean sport. that is what we were working that was my dream as a little kid. to be innate level playingfield. as an adult in competing ilaying field but i knew i was clean myself worked for every record or metal and yard we did. >> we are proud of you for doing that. >> mr. phelps, when did you become aware the rules were head into these international competitions? this constant suspicion of doping impacted >> if you go back, wgoner wagoner who swam in 1996. there were doping and positive tested 96, 2000 from the italian team 2004 team. 2008 i don'tnow i'm sure there's something and in 2016 russians. and now we have the chinese all over again.t is rather frustrating
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over time i never have felt like i was competing in a clean field in the u.s., yes i do believe that. he heard what alice and i go ugh when we subject ourselves to this testing there are times urine tested twice a day at one by each.0 minute window. there michaelod every time they tested. after every single world record i ever break same thing vials of blood and then urine. rybo it else for. >> how shortsighted is it undermine the integrity of an international competition like the olympics? this proliferate then what happens to fair competition in the interest of exit is a great question. and honestlyde any further the olympic games might not be there. there could be a possibility there are other avenues people try instead of trying to get the right and as a kid growing up was to wear the stars & stripes and stand on top
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of that podium and listen to gh. i will tell you over a 20 year career i awesome. but also, like allison said i outworked any single human on this planet and that is that is why got the results i got. and for m kids growing up thinking it's only doping and you are able to do these unfathomable things. e i would never amount to anything forfair use that as motivation my career i want a couple gold medals was a good career and iad fun over the future again this has to change and it hase now. >> think i yield back at. >> and asked each one has been a little boy or girl who's had a dream. ael and i've had a dream in this sport and the olympics space a little kid there's not a c and fair playing field is robbing little girls and little boys of their dreams. recognize her five minutes of questioning progress or phelps estify before this committee seven years ago you quote for me as a
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father now how i would talk to my son about doping ini would hope to never have that conversation i hope we can get clear and clean up by as a the problem of doping in can tell your son athletic competitions are faind clean of cheating? >> no progress in your standpoint what is preventing competitions or bring fair andfree of illegal performing enhancing drugs? >> i think the of level playing field. lack of rule following acr the board you heard the schedule we have to give every hour of every single day that ewhere we are again we are okay with so if everybody else is doing that that is what i want i want to to the block with somebody next to him it's a great cooled me versus you and seven other drugs. describe u.s. anti- doping standards are and how re tested throughout
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your career? >> i would sayge i was tested for it -- six times a month. soors if i was competing or not. when i was competing was pretty ch session. it was random testing. with. sometimes it's at 6:00 a.m. in the morning were getting out of bed on our day off in colorado springs knocking on the have to do a drug test. fine no problem. but for my whole the highest tested athletes that we have is that yes. is not doing that and i am subjecting myself to that is not right. i know there are other athletes as well. mipetitors in the u.s. are going to the exact same thing. ryan going to the exact same ne and number two in the world. we are going to the same exact else is number three in the world or four or five made of two or three d it. and they might not be random. hardhom we have made changes moving
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forward. i think we need to now. what is a world anti- doping explanation for why they ignored a positive test results from 23 swimmers on team china not hold up in opinion? >> it's obsolete against the rules. tmz is a controlmedication it is prohibited all of the time the magically appear theory dust in a kitchen of a hotel three months after this event happened duri covid when cleaning protocols were the height of what they were. however even if you believe the contaminat the rules. they have not admitted china's and of all the rules even if it's c some of those cases. we have some meat contaminants these are drugs cattle is treated with.d
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stilldisqualification and there's still a violation. that did not happen even if you buy this crazy contamination theory.>> what should they have done? >> a absolute should have appealed the lack of a provisional suspension when the notice of the positive test were first sent. the chinese handled the case, they have the power to go a case out of a national organization hands. it themselves in the first instance they probably should've done that when tes due process. there were no samples they did not give not the there's no suspensionch is manitoba given that they then got the full file china slip these under the rug and did not follow the rulese immediately appealed those to the court of arbitration for sport like they do in the hundreds of cases. >> or any of this athletes competing in made the team now competing in paris. positivist tested a trusted anti- doping agencies responsible for holding up the integrity for clean athletes to coht way? >> there is no trust. we ask for is
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the trust for accountability and we do not have accountability and we do not hav full files in the. >> thank you, thank you all for being here back. reckitt is the ranking over the full committee for his five minutes of questions for. >> thank you mr. chairman. i went to follow up with what chair roger said the rulestlping violations are supposed to be processed and they are not enforced or they were not enforced the lack oftransparency explain quickly what would have happened in your opinion or what should have happened following the receipt of the positive test which ofid not know about because there is lack of transparency happened following the receipt of the positive test ofdifferent chinese swimmers in january 2021? >> given this d a potent performance enhancing drugs that the ban competition. help
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you during training atfor recovery in cardiac efficiency is critical to performance at an event later. they sy suspended the athletes. take them off t mandatory under the rules and that is not done. they have the appeal right anti- doping organizations like china in this case failed to impose a mandatory suspension they should have immediately pit like the deadly russian figure skater case. and they appealed that. drug when they got the full case file if they were notoif china's hands themselves like wed have immediately appealed china sweeping these under admitted china did tw t violation to publicly they had to qualify or disqualify the swimmers and they did not do that. you believe the contamination theory which is a whole should have happened before they the banned substance or of the responsibility even before.
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i mentioned in my opening they have supposedly hadependence with the company some sort of independent analy of what they did wrong. they have not public. so my question is the transparency if they made that public and it said you did not follow the rules which they clearly said they did it. could they go back and reopen the case? >> absolutely and thank important. announced it. it is eightore my guess is they will make some of that public fat thing public. what we are asking for to be public as the is the actual evidence in the files so thatndent people can determine and the statute of limitations in these cases has not. so they could reopen? >> absolutely for. >> if the and find out these athletes should be suspended. the next step could
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they recommend away? -- unfortunately what happened happened where we are now is that athletes and others around the world deserve themselves for the statute of limitation is not runr to go in and look at the facts forget independent adv investigate check to see if these athletes stayed in theot >> you are not recommending this but it is impossible f case determined they should have been suspended and recommend to the international olympic committee t be taken away? was under the rules once that legal it's automatic disqualification there is a place such as r suspended got it for ear sanction or athletes are moving from silver to >> they could then determine. >> they have to follow if the court ofthe courtof arbitration for sport would say. but athletes deserve their due process let's not make a mistake about the chinese athletes was robbed they have not told
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there are violations that deserve something longer than the disqualification and announceme. >> one way of achieving justice that is setting an e are going to take these metals away you should not violate the rules. >> we have been pushing so hard for an independent not the report in the cases interviewed the whistleblowers which was not to determine whether or not it's fair to bring cases 23 athletes that they sanction the default sanction should be in place or if it is in contamination and the e proves that we will be the first tour hand that is contaminatio should be happy with it but you were not robbed. but until that happens this will haunt our athletes in the athletes from around the their lives for. >> thank you. now it reckitt is a gentleman from kentucky chairman of the subcommittee on health. correct thank think t here. i'd like to address this myunderstanding is athletes were doping of banned substances do
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everything they possibly can tod the regulators and not get detectpetanding or saying everything you have done has been bec work. that is admirable and i appreciate i know you've been you been around some people who have probably or know of situations could shootathletes try to hide the fact that using bad substances or try to trick testers and regulators customer how did they based on your experience are cheaters often a step ahead of regulators? >> i do not really know to be honest. i would assume i have heard back in the they were pills administrated i am talking this is icarus away back then people were giving and you're going into drinking and that's it. you don't ask i have no idea. i don't know where to get it, iknow nothing. i did what i do best and that his wand that iswork as hard as i could every single day and stare at a black then. >> sometimes understanding of people get around the system helps us figure it out.
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>> i would assume there are masking agents. this might be a question better for you than assume there are masking agents people can do this or that. >> is good that you are not had heard secondhand have you heard anything secondhand? >> i have never heard anything. we have finished thousands of practice and have felt bricks in our arms. we have for 5:15 a.m. practices dive in the water 5:15 a.m. with bodies, with legs we have to walk backwards down thebecause they feel like jell-o. like michael said if i have ever heard of anything we would go. >> people get with doping the regulators are not regulating? there's not a way around at the them? >> listen i would say should take some consolation whistleblowers have come forwardep state sponsored doping in russia that is been it's not dealt as effectively as it should have been. >> these are intentional
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ies that allow it to happen. >> here is the problem for the global reg supposed to be the global referee to ensure every coun standards we have another example russia was one. job. >> it's not being able to match this up. w we are against a time. but to mask it and some it up for notk their doping are these regulatingge it. >> and more anti- doping agency is turn their blind eye. have been too big to fail in their eyes. they get a different set of rules and the rest the world is unfortunately. >> adjournment yields back recognized for her five minutes of questions for. much mr. chairman i'm cochair of the bipartisan bicameralssional olympic and paralympic caucus. my constituents and i am very u.s. olympic and paralympic committee and so manyolympic athletes called colorado
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home for it i will apologize forth ups. but that is out of myan panel we ha in 2017 when i was the ranking mr. taggart mr. phelps or about the of the systematic doping among the russian athletes. led to being banned from the limericks for several there were serious questions raised about the of world anti- doping agency. it's kind of poignant that there they are o not. they have not come here to explain have enough resources. with alec thaas the problem right? thatow $4 million in dues. that was in response to the concerns about t ability to finance themselves right? >> that is right.s our contribution compared to other dues the single
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highest u.s. taxpayer on the governmentside. the overall is the largest payer about budget. you will remember to your point he decency to show up appear and answer questions under oath they asked for three things they want authority to investigate inves they want a compliance process and they want a process to eblowers but they got all three in a 60% increase in the budget used in this case whatsoever. has nothing to do with the funding we are giving. >> absolutely i a out in 2018 in9 coincidentally china paid nearly $2 million more than their annual required dues remember that? overpayment? >> and forcefully i do. >> we now that was right before these >> even worse 500,000 of that payments was specifically given earmarked for investigations. and now knowing they diden an investigation
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into these cases i am not suggesting you ot have evidence of quid pro quo progress i don't think you let that sit. >> the options of fairnesshorrendous. it's troubling. >> another development since the 2017 hearing the anti- doping act which waso- lead in the house with some other people and actually signed i law. that lot makes it a engage in a doping scheme and any international sportsu.s. sponsored by the u.s. participate. do you know about that l >> so i don't. [laughter] >> de you think a lot would do what i just said would be helpful for athletes who don't question. >> i do. have there is something that happens. they're going to get punishe i now people are getting away with everything people are s have the opportunity to compete internationally. what? >> not from the u.s. but. >> know for from all over the
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world h possible? this makes no sense. i a if somebody doesn't test positive i like to see a lifetime and obviously what travis is lot of contamination issues. obviously things happen if cheat >> what do you think? >> i agree and echo what they are saying but there should this should be a zero t policy internationally. >> thank you. thank you all for coming but we may have to have you back again. we will continue to chip away at this i yield back. >> thank you all for e much. >> recognize mr. downs and chairman of the energy sub for his five minutes of questions for. for the information i want to discuss the world anti- doping agency cited as to why they did not investigate the chinese source who tested positive? firs any of this normal? in oneay you get over 20 positive tests all from one case,
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china and a one week span is not a normal or would this have raised an eyebrow or two mr. phelps? >> it does raise an eyebrow. i think for three years nobody said anything about so that is kind of bizarre. do i believe there is of course. you have heard me sayp ever competed in a clean field there is doping across the it is not normal. it absolutely should have raised the reddest of all flags to the tallest brick works particularly for this drug less than nine months earlier they met with a defected from china who they found credible they were giving low levels of undetectable levels of this very drug to their athletes to cheat how that did not result in an immediate investigation immediate grabbingase to be prosecuted effectively is why we are here a we need answers. >> is this why we are here is at the where one tests they skip the
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next olympics is at right question. sport. throughout when i was swimming afore of ourfor a bar ave and one quad we are done. we cannot olympics. they had 23 they compete in that opportunity to compete at this olympics iì a second that is a terrible to receive notice of 23 positive going to think that the chinese some tingling in 2021 olhey? what does what's as well as 2022 china was going to host the winter olympics this is asking. like rush are they too eye and allow them to not follow t the rug. that's a very question we are here for and want and need answers to prayer. >> agree on the lifetime ban. aside from the russian doping scandals and he heard at 20 positive test not bei i got a note for mr. phelps, ms. schmidt? cited it quote in the same
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place at the same time when arose. can each if you tell me if that is a goo investigate over 20 cases qution. >> hour at lance armstrong case the team stayed together so they could dope together. rode a bus together so they could do blood transfusions at the fact they all stated the same hotel and all tested positive fact consistent with not doping it is a fact consistent with >> seem to travel together d prevented world anti- doping agency from effectively and thoroughly investigating? >> i would say 3500 athletes february of 2022 for just a few months later ceijing competed in the winter olympic games without any problem. into or three people to interview where they could have not an excuse. athletes do not want an that covid prevented them lifting a finger but they did not open a factual investigation. they have acknowledge that. covid and the fact i been difficult to get into china during that time because everywhere was difficult to get
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into is not a valid excuse that answers the question for why athletes were held rules. >> i'm a former athlete i want a do. i have a little bit of time soon to add?i am grateful for the opportunity. like all the severe state we wa f sports. i hope ton and i sport that has opportunity know they are oner lecture lack of being here speaks volumes>> the gentleman yields back here we go. you what an honor it is to be with these amazingetes and experts today. and i want to make the point
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that it is not just about theathletes. i went to talk about the fans,the people, the americans. we love the cheer at the gold it is a really important time. trust is so in important. ii want to say a few ms. schmidt. a role model for so many people. women look up to you they listen to you and follow in your footsteps not just what you think should be done to correct the wrongs what are saying right now the athletes that are going you have been talking the incredible effort into. over years and years to get
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ready for the olympics. how do you inspire the young there hoping to be there right now?>> thank you. i appreciate those words. i am and i hope that i can sit here and empower others to use theirvoice. so often our voices are lost. especially his female athletes. we know our bodies and we know the work we put in to be able to stand upr voice and do the best you can at any what i hope i get others to do as well. >> mr. phelps you state. that it is really has that been diminished? is this going to affect our athl? i guess i am just a will ask whether or not we will
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see the how important aside workouts and the expertise is the mental state of the athletes? >> i can touch on mental health in my. i suffer out struck into the lives because of kobe is a god through loneliness struck in people's lives in error before that leads to depression. you trying to prepare and all these people aro you are doing these things to get an edge is going to wait extra on your part one of the things every single i would like to lower and i'd i like to have lowering the suicide rate we've lost weight to manyny of our olympic brothers and sisters due to suicide. this is something i want to be a part of and i want to make a but we keep having things like this they areo have things we need to address and the mental state is very sensitive. this is a definitely playing a toll state.
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that is something i looked at a lot throughout my career day? if i can control myself and be e good enough. i think cheating and that is a change that is why we are here today trying to fight for the change for the next generation forpickwick certainly bipartisan support. but is this going to happen in time during these limericks right now? >> the window is closing. i think back first exposed with call for the independent prosetor g to time. but this close to the games i'm afraid there's not in apportioning the world anti- doping agency has dug heels in and said it would do it all over again they would not change of the the self-selected review they have going on will of material outcome for getting to thetruth. i am sorry to say i'm highly highly skeptical whitewash we predicted and so no. but this cannot die just because the olympic games because it isa pattern of behavior we have
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seen russia 2,142,050 when his first exposed by media. getre coming to the u.s. like never before over the next 10 y >> i have a grandnephew i haven't nephi was as aspirations to be a swimmer. what into field trust fk for. >> don't go back to point representative additional $2 million before clearing athletes for something else that took place right after they gave the money the international committee member chinese committee member was elected vice president in 22 reelected to her second three-year term. vertically clearing the 23 mers they relied on the
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chinese anti- doping. their assertion was the collectively been exposed to the heart medication. mr. phelps an effective regulator for olympic athletes? >> i do not have many positive things to say about >> her to stop the clock for secretary we are not eating up your time phelps is giving me the signal he has state over it graciously but he now got to leave you and to introduce your guests who are with you ], evening before you have to leave? >> first of all i would like to say thank you for having us bathis issue. we hope we do not come backuys will fight with us if we for having you guys in our what is right this is my nicole and behind us. so thank you >> mr. phelps i was going to tell you. [applause] my neighbor it was rowdy gaines and he was a spent time
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with him covering some of the olympic. >> the only n have he was in auburn swimmer from alabama. [laughter] he's a great guy. >> thank. >> thank you so much appreciate everything. thank a sock on the other time not today particularly during the >> reclaiming my timemr. chairman. jon was time is restarted. >> i like to that question. because considering excess payment china and i am not ns against her. it seems more than coincidental late payment was made she was elected vicent they allowed the chinese into a the 23 athletes. do you con l regulator?
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>> the issue in my written testimony and my oral testimony is the fox going in the henhouse. sport leaders that cannotegulator. you have people like the current china and in a big case comes through ahe rules the perception comes to my mind is mental health. especially in the china situation. that huge advocate of mental health in the china side of the pressures of hiding cheating. the pressures of that and it comes from the being robbed of those victories and neverblthose victories at the time we
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mpit more direct. s influence in a number of agenciesnd other agencies. i am concerned is not the athletes decision to take these drugs. these drugs may give an advantage but it's also going to have serious health consequen road. some enhancing drugs impact the heart. it increases the capacity of the heart and down the road issues. you mentioned suicide may have the side effecey very. >> its holding that standard coming for us as u.s. athletes for what were putting in our aboutbody like i to know it's putting in our body we empower ourselves u o >> my question since time is limited are there countries in this case, china forcing their athletes to take these drugs? >> what i would say is we absolutely cannot be naïve that
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some of these countries out with the russian doping affair. they see sport as an the advantage they do not deserve under the rules for. bout competition it's about supremacy. interest the long-term of their athletes in an attempt to and in competitive sports.he situation now question as to the legitimacy of the organization. i think is going to impact the long-term future of the olymp sports. i yield back a recognize of new york questioning. chair. thank you for the opportunity for being here today. register my disappointment great disappoint theorld anti- doping agency refused to attend
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tonight's hearing. i like to discuss how they handled the case of russian figure skater. they're very similar similarities with that case and of the 23 chinese swimmers following a positivetest for was suspended before being cleared on appeal authorities. they appealed that decision and generate 2022 was found to have committed anti- doping violation. her penalty was a four year suspensiontember of 21 september 21 russia's gold-medal was stripped and awarded to t u.s. it is good to see you. interested in understanding why they appealed the russia case voth athletes. could you explain the key differences in the handling of these cases and their significance? >> that we could cut their er to go. are you able to stay longer or and you need to i have to go meet my
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flights. >> will preach andappreciating come right back appreciate you being here you have any guests you want to introduce this evening there with you? people watching. there you go. love in your written statement swimming being eight no cut sport. that's my swimmer and i love it very much i really appreciate you beingere your testimony for. >> yes swimming is the one sport that is a life skill as well. >> even old man like me can keep getting in the water intolittle bit. [laughter] appreciate you being hereor. >> thank you very much. >>re i turn the clock back on as you need him to repeat his question because i don't think i've got the similarities or the contrast very low level the
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default sanction is four years provisional suspension in that case. they did not do that in these chinese cases we do not know why. in that was exonerated although russia even announced they did not give her a suspension in those cases it. the court oftion. they got the default the waist put in place which was four years. that was a that was an example they did its job as a global watchdog enforce the rules against russia as thoseuld have been enforced identical substance similar low level at this time 23 athletes. against the rules even ifas contamination they did not appeal that. they let china do it. how th j tie case is again incredibly tr we have asked for the full china dossier if the their that makes sense.
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and comport with the rules. i will be the first to say far away from that is we are here asking for assistance and help her. >> i for you correctly mentioning your written this is not the first time this committee has address these issues. hearing to revolt the role in the systematic dt russia probably that5 perhaps. im are there in that case and how they handled the chinese swimmers? >> i would say. [laughter] first of all votes in the russia case in the sweeping under the rug of 23 chinese positive tests. the courageous whistleblowers and that media that hav public so we can see what actually happened. in the russia they turned a limit it. they try to put in the rearview mirror as quickly as they could. they did unquote investigation the tip of the iceberg. athlete groups called for a investigation.
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they refuse that. it was then media and whistleblower within blue open know. the hand was forced and we pay them to do. here again in china we never would've known about these 23 cases being covered u violation of the rules. they have now admitted china did not f rules. they admitted that but did not do anything that be and how could it be again the courageous whistleblowers and the that shine the light on the darkness and bring this all and our athletes as you've clearly deserve to know the truth is injustice needs to be served in addition to the reform we talked about. >> it is disappointing in this inaction counter to the principles of transparency and fairness nets foundation for competition. i think if your response to those questions and thank you areas of anti- doping legislation that we did in the horse racing industry i appreciate your help. thank you mr. chair and i yield back in.
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try i appreciate your help. thank you mr. chair and i yield back in. thank you for sticking it out with us. >> i have a plane to catch.aughter] i'm kidding maybe i wish i had a plane c to sure. >> if mr. phelps would've still have been record i want to thank contributionn the arizona committee helps the asu swim team. his foundation also helps the hospital. i want to put that on the record i'm thanking him for my if 23 american swimmers tested for a banned substance do you have any doubt the world anti- doping agency would have investigated u.s. >> it's pretty fair to say if we had swept to rug it's fair to say they would've done something d mistake we would not of done that. would've put in prevention of suspensions by the mandatory is required they would've b would have investigated it.
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if it was legit contamination we would've announced that, disqualified the athletes of the other athletes wou let's not forget about those chinese athletes who were thio the ones who got first and second that tested and athletes should have rightfully moved up and there events and they did not rights. i think it would've been handled rently. and in accordance with what the cool rules would you think we should withhold u.s. until they turn over their case file on the chinese swimmers top it really important question. i think where we arerussia, after what we're seeing in their response to it we have the leverage of the other countries were joint i think the threat of that is not actually susp time will go a long way into influencin b out. that starts with the full china as well as not allowing them
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to make internet compliance audits. i think they are all very reasonable and they're all very doable. and it should be if we to invest in an organization that is supposeref the do the job monies going for a good purpose right now it simply not. is just too much to continue to do.irman, i agree we should withhold until they turn files. and, audit. hope we can have republican and democrat support appropriators about it. with that i yield back. >> are the do policy appropriators to money tn that. in a recognize refinements of questions. >> think you mr. chairman. thank you for hanging in there wi us. i will sit at my questions forthe record for r2 our two athletes that were here with us some really important conversation to be had about the mental health cases and situations are putting
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on our athletes. and i agree with y assessment. many nations treat this as a geopolitical toolheir athletes as foot soldiers to furthe mis is really important. i want to dig into some of the nitty-gritty. we were talking with him at the zero tolerance policy. the ioc websites right there tolerance policy. what does that mean? light of these 23 chetes that have tested positive on their drug test. >> i think it's good pr. [laughter] honestly that's what so crushing about the russia issue in the china issue.e to stop the charade. if you're going to fight 2 inches like these two athletes everything to be champions for those of us a here to the fairness of the support particularly the olympic sport. we have to win the battle. not just attempt to give the appearance that we are 40 tolerance for a lot of testing for
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we have to go out and try to win this for athletes. >> what is the betweeny put a very flowery press release how they are ready for paris. what exactly is that relationship out of the to >> so wada has observer board observer bat on the international testing agency. they also oversee the in the sports the international testing agency runs. they created and funds and hasn't governing positions on the international testingagency. that said before. they will be involved hopefully in partnership with us when the games come to l.a. 2028 but them. wada does not test. sometimes it is a misno oversee groups that test the international testing they oversee state make sure we comply with the rules. >> the people testing are the doping control officers? >>sight. >> what is the nationality of
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these that come and test the athletes? >> they can be from all over. >> aremerican athletes or is that a hodgepodge i'm trying to get a better sense of what it looks like. >> we have employees that are doping control have heard it sometimes going to athletes house at 6:00 a.m. inorning collect samples. the a sometimes use us to do their testing when they test here in the states. when michael phelps talked about he was tested in two hours letters tested again after that was unbeknownst to us because theying this is a really important point whit out testing numbers by china those, as we understand it when you investigated this or alter the chine nioping agency. they do not have third parties that come into testing they are solely relying as we understand on the chinese anti- dopi agency. there are only using only uone we have two labs and we allow foreign testers to come in and test in the u.s. if it's not
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a test that we are performing. redundancy? the ioc adopts as good standard practice? >> it's a if it's a good check andalance. >> the vetting reserve vetting or standards established? n investigations all doping control officers have to ut it's a full background check. here in the u.s. all of ours are safe sporttified. which is not the case around the world. you pass the background check and then you're off to the races, no pun intended. is there a continual follow-up for these peopl compromised because at the highest level way? >> for sure
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i couldn't speak to what happens around the world but there's evaluations of constant feedback andrection if there's minor conformity's that need to be dealt with but constan to make sure we've got the best people in the trenches doing that kind of work because that the first leg of the testing process if you have bad collections and give advanced notice then it's only as good as what you're going collect which athletes can find ways to defeat the system if they are advanced notice. >> i'm getting the signal that e has expired. i have some remaining questions i will submit for the record. thank for your time and for appearing before the committee today. >> now we recognize your five minutes of questioning. >> thank you to the committfor allowing me today. as a kid i was a swimmer mother almost drowned when she was a kid so she made sure unit to learn how to swim and once a year i want to perform inwould performin a big competition. as a kid you watched the olympics and to see athletes
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and perform in we don't really understand or know the hear eams of standing on po that is so patriotic i have members represent the united states to do all we can to make sure we know we have their back. they and they know that so they continue to compete and sure that america is at the top of the podium. you've told us a lot that has been helpful. you mentioned and we talked a how china paid an additional $1.8 million to the agency. how common is it for a nation to be more than due? is that normal or not so much? >> i don't think it's all that nos i mentioned earlier they gave out of the 1.8 roughly extra money of above their dues.a 500,000 was earmarked for investigations. my understanding is that is the only money was extra that went to earmarks specifically
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for the investigations division. but there've been other opportunities where governments g the anti-doping agency for science collection model or the other thing that i will mention is there was also a private sponsorship. they had to private sponsorships. one, the one that i'm referring to is the one manufacturer but sponsorship with the chinese national olympic committee as well aswim federation. so obviously the it's direct extra govent mey o a private sponsorship which until been asked, no one has known with the nsorship was and what type of money if it was money they now say it was val kind and shirts or clothing was given for some of haven't seen the detail of that and the opticsrodes the confidence once again and of the trust athletes have and i'm quo but the perception of a conflict and having money on the one hand and sponsorships and then allowing
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china to sweep the test under the carpet is incredibly troubling. >> you've spoken quite a bit about what you do. one of them you mentioned was a. as a country that gives the mostbe something that we would do, that we would say if you're going to get money you have to be here to answer questions so thank you for bringing up. you also brought up conditioning money. the money. you talk a little bit about the disclosure of documents audits. how would you our guidance on going back as mentioned to talk to appropriators, what kind of conditions on the money would t get incredibly important happened, the taxpayer money that went to the white hffice and national drug control policy was seen as a contract that had to paid. congress changed that. the director who sits on the he in that office has the power to pay the money or not to pay money. we would recommend a very strong reporting of that money and conditioned the condition the
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payment of that three things that i asked for and there may be additional e asked for and make sure that the white house office adheres to how congress expects its taxpayers money to we are spending it in the right way. and make no mistake we needed have tod y more but we shouldn't continue to pay badad money when we've seen this pattern of behavior >> thank you. i am representat touthern california. my district is going to have the so i'm super excited about it. but we don't want to have this hanging over our head. we don't wantecond guessing the competition and to hear today the athletes tal mental health impact is something that isn't talked about very often. and wo continue to focus on and make sure that we are addressing it. v for the witnesses and to the committee. i appreciate questions. i'm now going few wrap up questions if you can stay for a few more minutes.
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we are almost done. >> thank you. two simple questions to wrap up, and thank you for recognizinged investigative reporters that have helped bring some of thisight. some of the olympic games in tokyo were samples the samples from the chinese swimmers tha january and reported it. was that really done through the international testing the doping controls that ahat they actually received the report about the chinese anti-doping agency, as we understand what's been reported, collected the samples, sent them to the beijing laboratory, they were these levels and reported those as required into the system so they were on notice march as they've said of these positive tests that >> was there any way for them to
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when they went they are all clean and no problem here or is there some the doping control officers or the world aquatics? in russia the lab itself was corrupt and wasn't doing t was required to do. here the lab and goodamples and reported them. it thennd they brought it to the government to help them with the investigation and they came up with this story that it was contamination then they swept them under carpet and didn't follow the rules they were required to followfile as they are required to wada. >> the international olympic committee say right in their mission statement, of the hearing that tt to encourage the support of ethics and good governments in sports,an athletes into the integrity of sports by leading the fight against all forms of competitions. what can the ioc do now that
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this come to light? problem tomorrow. if they continue to fund and may be also increase their funding and let wada be the watchdog not their lapdog w to enforcing theand what recourse -- they have athletes that would there be some recourse there as wl? >> athletes deserve justice and it's athletes that swam in the 2021 olympicstes going into the paris olympics for 2024. we have to get jus those athletes. it's not fair for them to be haunted as you heard frothe rest of their lives whether there was athletes from china who had positive tests should have been there or not and it's why we need someone thates. it's given the freedom and access to dive into the cases themselves, not a review of what wada did but actually to the facts of the cases prosecute the case is liquid called for from the very and get justice for all the world's athletes.
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t you. i yield back. >> i have a fewwhen i thought was a good point he made earlier some of the chinese swimmers not testify for the were cheated. it includes the chinese and russian athletes who m get that number one or theymance-enhancing drugs by some of their colleagues. we talked about how about $4 million to wada. we talk about thefore you've got think it was in your testimony but i don't want to put words in mouth because it's been a long night and i don't know that i remember but i believe in your written testimony you indicated that maybe it is is a major contributor of funds tha have influence on this as well do i remember that correctly or was that somet else? >> you can look at the numbers the including nbc that pays money to broadcast it
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in the largee in the united states have a lot influence. we would hope the sponsors would listen t finally say enough is enough, a simple fix. make it independent, have it to do the right thing to try to win this for clean athletes and noth a charade where we pretend we have clean sports clean sports. and i think we can say no country, and please do not me, the u.s. included, we had some of the most harance armstrong case and back to the cases we removed athletes back in 2000. you can win generation of athletes like you've heard from today who want do with the right way. located on the playground grows up and says i can' an olympian so i can inject myself with dangerous drugs. n. people want to win the right way. we know you are not a winner if to build a system that is fair and or favor to every country rules dictated.
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>> well s i yield back. i want to thank all the witnesses and particularly you since you are only one left standing. the lone survivor. for your testimony today. seeing there are over their members wishing to askould like to thank the witnesses for being here. i would ask unanimous to insert into the record documents on the staff hearing, i don't though, without objection that will be the order pursuant to the rules ten additional days to submit questions for the record and i the witnesses to submit their responses within ten business days upon the receipt the questions. that said, this was a little bit of an experiment. a hoped but i've been advocating at least six years or maybe eight. so thank you. i appre to leave. we ended at 8:30, but we will it happen. without objection the subcommittee is adjourned [inaudible
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>> good morning everyone, and welcome. i'm joe from
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