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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in Chesapeake VA  CSPAN  June 30, 2024 5:44pm-7:23pm EDT

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virginia, his first public appearance since the cnn presidential debate in atlanta.
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[♪ "god bless the usa" plays ♪] u
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>> ♪ and i'd gladly s next to you and defend her still today 'cause there ain' love this land (i love this land) god bless the usa ♪ [crowd cheering] trump: thank you very much, thank you. hello virginia. did anybody last night watch aas you saw ont? we had a big victory against a man that is really lo destroy our country. he is the worst. he is the most corrupt, the most incompetent president in the history of our country and we that party. such as an evil party. despite the fact that crooked joe biden spent the entire week at camp david resting, working,
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studying. hat he didn't know what the hell he was do wanted.he got the date he wanted. he got the network he wanted with the moderates he wanted. no amount of rest or rigging help him defend his atrocious record. it's not who you are. you could be the late great clarence has anyone ever heard of clarence darrow? not as good govnor,[laughter] hello, governor. [applause]can't miss this guy in the crowd. but hislooking than him. [laughter] joe biden's problem is not his not anything really. no problem other than, it's his competence. he is grossly incompetent. you know they keep saying old? i know people re much older than him that are doing unbeliable making a fortune. i knew a man that at 79, he was never a success and he made a $1.5 billion from.
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that is what it is. his age. it's his competence. he is not respected anywhere in ourg laughed at all over the world. biden is using the weaponization of his justice department, local distance attorneys and attorneys general to try and win an election me. you know who i am. something that as which is very common in third world countries are in banana republics. that is what he's doing. using law enforcement to try to hurt his political opponent. every one of those thing night you saw that was all started by this guy this crooked guy. so bad ig our country. he is incapable of winning based on his far-left policies of open borders, massive tax increases the green scam, that is a windmill in every corner,ork. and things like putting men and women sports. really a great idea. [boos] as every american saw firsthand last night this election is a choice between strength anweakness, competence and incompetence, peace and
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prosperity, a warthey love wars. they love killing people, it is so only president in many decades that did i finished one. i beat isis in record time. [applause] but as soon as i left the situation where russia went into ukraine, they would have never done that is is attacked, and then we had horrible h afghanistan, i think the most embarrassing moment in the historyand it's a choice between the president o puts america first, or a train wreck who puts st. they put america last. actuallyhe terica last. look ati have known him a long time. i come from new york. he has a palestinian. he is atulations. he was very loyal to israel and is jewish, but he has become a palestinian, because they have a couple of more votes or something nobody's quite figured it out. a vote for joe biden is a
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vote for failure, surrender and a vote for your all-time favorite president, president [applause] is stopping joe biden's infl border invasion. and very simply, make americait will make america great again. [applause] these beautiful women? i am not allowed to use the term ," as a politician, it could be the end ofif they ran against me, he would say he called are beautiful. what am i going to docan't live. you see these beautiful women up here? they come from a place called north carolina. we all love north carolina. [applause] this is their 127th rally. [applause] and it's hard to believe -- an married. i said, areed? they love their husbands. you love your husband? they p with a lot. no, they are happily married
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but it is i'll tell you what, joe would love that. they must havealong the line. do my people treat you good huh? they every voter should be asking themselves today i not performance, but whether america can survive four more years of hous[boos] in fact, i don survive five more months, this time in the history of our country in my opinion, and we have a transition period because hopefully there has to be atransition -- we have never been so close to world war iii . and if it happens, it will be a war like no other. because of the threat of certain types of weapons -- we don't e of the types of weapons we are talking about today, and i know them better than anybody. i built military, totally rebuilt our military. i know about weapons. when you look at the incredible wer of these weapons, this will be a war like
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no other. this be two army tanks running against each other and shooting the likes of which would have never seen. and we have a man wur nation and he's competing against putin and president she xi of china and kim jong-un of north korea. competing against people who are at the 8as nev topeally at the top of his game,but now, he is really not good. last night was a defeat not only radical left democrat party and the fake news media who have been lying to the americanthe fake news -- look at them back there. look at them. a1[boos] that's a lot of cameras.that's a lot of camera power. [boos] joe biden on stage the same joe borders, inflation, rampant crime, two new wars a disastrous afghanistan. most embarrassing momen our country. and the international humiliation -- think of it, one after another, internationalhu
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one after another. nobody respects him. s don't respect him. we put up $124 billion dollar more given to ukraine than europe. now, europewe have a thing called an ocean and between us, so no it's got to be important. why is that we arthey put up 124 bi people, these people in washington and i don't know what the hell they are doing? you know, i stopped it with nato. we were spending almost 100% of my first meeting and i paying their bills. they areting i said, you have to pay. they sd, what will happen if we don't? then we won't defend you against russia. the next day money came in by the billions. the money was pouring in. and i took a lot of heat ael, michael waltz knows better than anybody on this the all time -- am i right, the money came in seen. then i took heatfend you if you are not current.
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d well, that's not very nice. now if i said they will, they would have paid, right, i suspect. i took a lot of heat, but the fact is the secretary-general ca he has ever seen anything like it. because bush would come and make a speech and leave, obama would come and make a speech and leave. i came in and i didn't make a speech, i just said these guys bills. they aren't paying their 't want to make a speech until they pay their bills. they asked, will you defend us if we don't they? i said, no, i will not def not stupid anymore. and $400 billion came pouring in. you never saso fast. the whole world ouat biden is the worst president in the is going to be strong again, and it's going to be very soon i. . i want the enemies to know that. we have a five month transition p't play around with us during this five-month period. don't play around. [cheers and applause] it's it's also÷ from -- in all
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fairness, we t;e china, russia, north korea, enemies. but they are not really enemies if you have a smart president. if you have a smart president, they are not enee no problem. china paid us hundreds of billions of dollars. because theymuch. he said, thank you. . stand up please who said that? stand you said it better than i could. than i plthank no, they respected us, there was no games. but we have the enemy outside. and you can do great things with enemy. i call it the enemy from within. people, the id america will never be a socialist country? i was right. it skipped over socialism and went directly into f communism. it never stopped at the station called it went worse. that's a big problem wetarting to see thathile now with us but i think last night was a big of common sense that
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want to see america be great ag[applause] many people are saying that after last night's performance that joe biden is leaving the race. but the fact is, i don't really democrats they are talking about. you have seen that l he can't run california. one of the worst governors. [boos] bahe can't run rnpeople are leaving one of the most beautiful places on earth in terms of, in terms of anything else. you can't do anything else in a terrible job. but he gets up and great, like a machine gun -- pa pa pahe's got lousy poll numbers. some of the others. then, of course, kamala is somebody that will be on [boos] it might have beenoe single best decision putting her as vice president. might havebecause nobody wants that.
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i do. i would be very happy with ibut they don't poll as well as myself everybody they pulled michelle obama. she polls very badly. she polls terribly. michellebama, they poll many people and it's hard to believe bubetter than those people. so i don't know what's going have absolutely no idea. i just know that that's a good-looking group back there. better looking -- [applause] better looking than front row. you know what happens? you think they don't have have the best seat because often times the cameras are on youand i making a speech and they amthe stuff and it is all over the world and a lot of them get fixed, would you like hollywood? you would be amazed. they see thed they say, let's move them to
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hollywood. they have the best seat theyut they do. [cheers and applause] ok, i don't want to point to too many ofhem. get myself in trouble. [cheers and applause] remember of the biggest problem of our country is biden's personal decline it is that joe biden's policies are causing america's decline at a level that we have not seen before. thaty this november, the people of virginia and america biden -- biden, you are fired! get out ofyou are fired. get out. t want you. you have been the worst president in the history of our country. we don' of here. [applause] that we don't just need to fire biden. as you saw yesterday, the whole democratic party deserves to be voted out of office.
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this state, and the reason am honored to a fantastic speech i just saw him comingwatching him speak and i said what a beautiful crowd that is. because what he says turns out to be right. he has got common sense. he has got great policy. the policy that made america great. now in decline because it has people going he has got the policies that made america great. i m, come up? i know you just spoke fornt to come up? he will come up in a couple of seconds. and as far as i am concerned, he can say it all againm. he can say it all again. joe biden revealed how extreme and divisive t your veryextreme late-term abortion up to the moment of birth, and even after that -- think of this -- even death.ter the baby is born. i am clear about this when i say , the governor of virgini't want to
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say the former governor, you don't want to be tied into this, but the former governor -- i called him michael jackson -- remember? he was going to moonwalk. he was going to say black face. he was going to the moon walk across the stage and that is down and sent don't do it, you have destroyed us, don't do it? because nobo like jackson. and you can see it, they have takes said the baby is born and then we makeec with the baby. and there are states that allow that. it's not even believable. [boos] think of that. but biden celebrates thrownents in jail. he bragged about surrendering our energy independence and all other things he has done in favor of china and india and ot claimed that the strength of our economy comes notamericans, but from illegal aliens where almost all of our new jobs have, to illegal aliens, you know that? [boos] just remember i said this
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because thising to happen. we are doing very well with the black and hispanic vote. very well with the union vote. like rord nuers. because we have done a lot. we have done criminal justice reform. we saved the historically black colleges and universities. we had great economic development programs with tim scott, opportunity is called, probably the most successful opportunity. i mean, is the most incredible thing. it's gone largely to black and hispanic people,e have done a lot. but, you that is happening to black number one, hispanic, number two, unions, number three, is the millions of people power and into our country. they are taking their people that have had their jobs for a long time are losing their jobs. and hispanic jobs, people that have had them time, they are losing their jobs. and be the unions the unions. like the teamsters. i have so much rctespe i think we are at 89% approval
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within the teamsters union.i used teamsters when i build buildings in manhattan, they do unbelievable. they take the concrete trucks. nobo wheel the trucks. there is nobody. ncredible. maybe we get lucky, maybe somebody is smart. almost like they automatically endorse the s. but i think may be the teamsters go with us. you know, when you have a vast majority on your side, and then the person that did it did it last time and that he ended up gettingof the union. i think they have some good leadership. i think a lot of unions are coming our way. millions and coming out of prisons and jails, there is a slightrence,jails, mental institutions and insane asylums like "silence of the lamp." "silence of the lambs." the late great hannibal lector. he would like to he suggests, i want to have
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[laughter] but these are the people that are coming into our country at numbers nobody can believe. venezuela has its lowestri taking their gangan them into virginia. but you have a very long. [laughs] [applause] but joe biden and the democrats know this and they are unwil reason -- i don't understand. you like toside, your opponent's reasoning. why would somebody want open borders? why would somebody want men playing women's sports? want 100% electric vehicles and they are not going far? and you know they have a place. a friend of mine -- they have a great but you don't want 100%. they have made so many.ey have spent trillions of dollars on subsidies. if you noticed the car companies are sellingt they seem very happy. you know why? they are getting from the government. they are not selling cars, they are making for vehicles then you
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nee good place. it is 7%, a percent? of thousands of unsold cars. this would be a great time for you to go buy an electric vehicle. the car companies normally would be losing their shirt. th man would have is giving massive subsidies to windmills all over the country that arel plains, our beautiful land, beautiful oceans. whales aren't exactly in love with them. how about in new jersey where they hhat one washed up the shore and last year they had a? would you say there is something going on? ear they had a team that is a lot. it them crazy. joe biden's radical-left democrats party is now the party of open borders, massive tax are destroying your social security. ese millions of people are coming are giving them social security. do you believe this? they a t party of endless wars weaponization of law ent, lies, hoaxes and
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corruption. the republicay r all americans because the republican party is the party of, since. common sense. [applause] wake of all of these biden disasters, it's timeour country definitely come together so that i will hold nation canwe are going to win together and bring our country togour country, pre-covid we had a country that wasin the history of the world, and everybody wanted to come together. it was going to unify -- i was getting from people that i would have said were radical-leftril-left democrats. they wanted to come and have lunch. then we got china -- covid, the china virus as we more accur and we did a great job. doing a great economy. we started wars, rebuilt our military got the greatest tax cuts in history, greater than reagan tax carts e. we had the greatest cuts in regulation of any country end of
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this country. nobody has even come 25, 30% of what we did. t a level that nobody ever saw before. when i went to the bigand small companies and i would say which is mor in history for the biggest regulation cuts in history? i have never heard one person say the tax cuts. they would cuts were more important. people couldn't build, they couldn't doated. we had louisiana stuck in 14 years of traffic. environmental permits. i got them in one day. they built a $ -- this ised overut together. it was the longest thing i had ever seen, made up of, like, all pipes, and i said, what the hell? it i got it done in one day. then we got two of the are doing unbelievable business. and it was foreign money being poured into the united states that would have never gotten approved. we have many such plants
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different types of plants that would never get approved in all are doing that, too, getting lots of things approves that you never thought would happen. we are getting them done quicklnever get them done. all they want is electric. they want electric army tanks. electric planes. what happens when the sun isn't air? [laughter] i told you there would be problems, sir. they want electric everything. everything. they want electric boats.ttery is so heavy, it sinks the boat. they say we don't care, we want them, young or old, black, brown or white, we welcome your your help and your partnership in making america the strongest most magnificent country again d. [applause] as i said last night, i am not in this race for me. i'm in this race for the sake of our 2ountry. you know, i told them last night, i wish you were a great president, i wouldn't be here. i wouldn't be indicted al time.
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he was a killer. if you took you -- you see that guy standing out? n't know who the hell it is. but if al capone took him to dinner, he would say he's so obnoxious, kill him. would be dead. and then the cops were afraid to investigate him. al capone did it. ted in looking at that. the bottom of the foundation of a nice big and i got indicted more than alphonse capone. scarface. can you believe it? and it's all because of biden's. him, i wish you were the greatest presidents because i wouldn't have was but if you were a great president, i would say know what, you are doing a great job that is so important.i wouldn't have run. i wouldn't be going through all of this stuff. i am enjoying this. this is better than sitting home and watching television. [applause] this is better than being on own and enjoying the fruitsmuch better. standing out here in 100 degree weatherglobal warming.
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every time iturthe planetinwhat about those people that used to say, we have 12 y years, in which case we are all gone -- that ended five waiting. he said last night you know, he loves this it's an existential threat. existential. he hell the word means. i was going to ask him. he said it again last night "global warming is an existential threat." i say the thing that is an existethnoobwarming, where the ocean will rise -- maybe -- and it wi down also. but it will rise 1/8 of an inch in the years, they say which gives you a bit more wa you are lucky enough to own it. no, that's not the threat. you know what the threat is? that's the threat, joe biden. [laughs] clear s,nothe ok. the threat is nuclear warming. that can happen tomorrow. we have six countries out there with massive nuclearca he doesn't mention it. about global warming and -- they don't use that now, they
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use "climate ce,hangy getting cooler. in the 1920's they thought the planet was going to freeze. they had a thing, "global they had a picture, i think it was on "time" magazine, the earth very cool, 1920's. was a global cooling thing. but now they gbecause climatearm, it's good. if it goes cool -- doesn't matter what. if it rains or shows or you have moreor we do 1987. the worst tornado was in the 1800s. they say 1857 in 1893 we had a series of tornados that made these look like babies. now that is only reporting. who knows? but they were very serious. the risk is weaponry. the risk is nuclear warming and we have to be careful. to head up. my uncle was a professor at m.i.t.. the longest-serving professor m.i.t. dr. , john trump. and he told me many years ago, like that also kid over there,
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buthe said, what do you mean uncle john? but he knew nuclear better than anybody. when 2e graduated from m.i.t., can you do what? become a professor. he was so smart. he said, well, i would like to th he is the longest serving professor in the history of m.i.t. was a little boy, he said, someday you will have a bomb and do desti will not telyou in terms of the power, but he said just that, and he wouldn't nto more details. and i said, no way uncle john , no way. he said yes, yes, and he was very worried about don't even talk about it. you imagine this guy saying global warming is the greatest threat country? global warming is fine. in fact, i heard it would be it's fine. [cheers and applause] neand we were united that period of time before covid came in, i was with fabrizio and john mclaughlin, twosters.
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there are great posters just like we have a lot of fake pollsters and a lot of fake news. week, rasmussen. it was a good poll. ify head two months from now would say they were terrible. [laughter] rasmussen poll, they have us up 10 points. 10 points. ry [applause] and a friend of mine nert but into politics, can i ask you a question, why is 10 points good? mean he is going to get 40 points? i understand, the democrats basically get 40 points. it doesn't matter. if this lectern office, it would get 40. they get 40 automatically. the re the old-fashioned way, we have to earn it, like in 2016. really like 2020. you know, we got many millions more votes in than we got in 2016. we did actually much better. [applause] buge butt happen again. we are not going to let that pp they used covid to cheat.ha they did everything possible to cheat. and hillary clinton said why didn't you do that to me? se votes for me like you found for sleepy joe or crooked joe. already?
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poll. whater name? i go crooked joe first. crooked joe biden or sleepy joe biden? ready? crooked first? [applause] ok. kes sleepy joe biden? [applause] similar? similar. ok. crooked joe biden. [applause] sl [applause] crooked. crooked. the other time -- last week i did you go to these posters and the inf rvu want to know the truth. t even think they interview them. but they say they interviewed 243 people and tell you whatg right? then they want to charge you m and i come to these rallies and do my own -- we have 25,000 people or something here today. i get a free poll. it's a free poll. ok. here's another one. who likes governor glenn youngkin? pplause]
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o put against him. nobody is going to but we are truly united country and i believe we can be a very good country again. it's going to be stronger. it's going to beious. it's going to be better than ever. we are going to make oith restoring safety to america. one of the most disturbing lies out of crooked joe's mouth in our debate last night was when he denied anything having to do with the border. anything having to do with]éhe said, the border a lovely place, letting massive numbers of terrorists pour into our country. just two days ago, news revealed that while biden was taking his 10-day rest and study was a rest and study, where is he going to be? rustic person and don't love it but i loved it. you had to see this place. i started to love it. very seductive. you brought up these log cabins. they are so beautiful.
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and you would see fdr pictures. presidents. it was so historic and but i am not sure he has any idea what the history is. lock himself in. he wants a place to sleep. ok? just leave me alone. leave me alone. i studying for the debate.i want to sleep and study. tha's aling to do for 10 days while the world is going to hell. but he had a study period at camp david while more than 50 terr running into the united states after biden allowed them to cross our wide open southern bordwhere they are, what kind of slaughter they intended to commit, but you will bet anything. isis terrorists, 55 of them last week. isis terrorists, the worst in the world. by the way, i defeated isi know that. [applause] with general kane raisin cane right general real , a general. elevision generals, they're no good, like millie. how a millie?
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[boos] we had like some -- like the dumbest of them all, general kelly. he was lost in the white house was happening. we used to call him a lost soul. under the trump administration we will not rest until we have islamic terrorist who joe biden has let into america. we will arrest them or them out of our country immediately, and we will not let them back in. we have no choice. [applause] and already biden's open-border nightmare has stolen countless innocent lives. yesterday in houston, you readabout this -- to rest by her grieving mother who i spoke to yesterday, incredible woman, just devastated. literally i was going up to the debate. and i got the return call from the mother. and i talked to her. and they're screaming at me sir, you're going tth , sir. and i'm on the phone and i say i'll be late. but that's ok. i said i will. i will call her today or a devastated person. she was devastated person. but her preccaher victim of the biden migrant crime, people that never
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would have come in here. you are reading about, we threw them out and the last week she was tied up and viciously assaulted and brutally murdered by two biden migrants who crooked joe released into the united states to prey on our women and of these monsters waited just 20 days before endingcrooked joe proved last night he has no regret, no remorse, had no idea who she was. no empat all the innocent victims whose lives have been just absolutely destroyed.y of the other young people that you're hearing about, so many of them are young, 13, 12, raped and 13 years old, 12 years old raped and killed. and mb this is just starting.e they are just getting comfortable in the country. they never heard about politically correct law enforcement. we have the greatest police in the world. but they're not allowed to do their jo immunity so they can't be prosecuted for doing their job. [applause]
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joe biden inherited a great -- joe biden inherited a great border because i fix i fixed it in 2016. i got elected because of the border. but that border was nothing compared to what we have. was probably one or two in terms of my points that i had a lot of things.and i fixed it. so much so i couldn't even speak about it during the 2020 race because nobody cared about it an so he inherited a perfect border o destroy it almost immediately. he destroyed it at a level that nobody can even believe but many times worse than it was in 2016. you know, i have a chart. owhave a chart and if they can find it put it up because there's one little stat on this chart. oh, wow. these guys have be you know, it used to take a day to get that chart.they would say, sir, we will have it up tomorrow. i would say, tomorrow is not goyou see the big red arrow on the
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level of illegal immigration ever in recorded, right there. that is the week ihappened after that. look at the numbers on the right, look what happened after that. that was the lowest level. started marching up for it. but what you don't see are the drugs. at the lowest level in 32 years. the human trafficng women. they traffic in women. that is now back at ahave not even seen or imagined before. that chart. it is just a small chart within other numbers like poll numbers and things that are so impressive and even fundraising. know, we raised more money after we ever raised i think than any candidate, over 400 e million, it would be a lot. 10 million i million dollars in this short periods of time, a little periods of time. if we had done eight or nine or 10, it would've been great. everyone knows theych of crooked people using justice
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to try and win an election. but i there isreally thought i and show it to some of these big crowds. when i returned to the lighthouse the plunder, rape, and slaughter of american suburb cities and towns. and for than women who i actually think vote for me, you know they sa] they say the suburban women, biden, you like biden? the suburban women -- you know to keep them safe.. and i think it's fake. i think we do great with suburban women. i always read, he's trying to get the suburban women. no, i think they like me because i'm going to keep them safe, militarily, and also from the standpointshut down deadly sanctuaryi will shift massive portions of federal law-enforcement to enforcement. and on day one, we will begin the largest domestic deportation operation in the history of our country. and we have no choice. [applause] we have no choice. and as we discussed last night
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with crooked joe, the biden border invasion has also been a di again. for the african-american, than anybody else virtually all of-z the net jobs created have gone to biden migrants who would think that? i heard that a week ago and i said you have got to give me that stat. almost eve hard to believe it actually. almost every new job has gone to illegal immigrants. joe biden wants to be the president for illegal immigrants for americans of every background, every walk of life every [applause] and remember, joe biden use the term super predators? he used it for 10 years more than anybody else. that is not a i will tell you. superpredator. ask him about it. i brought it up last night, he went oh.rpredator. ask him.ple know what that term represents. joe biden, superpredator for 10 years. every day more african-americans and hispanic americans aremovement and that's one of the major reasons we're
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going to win. -- w to win the commonwealth of virginia this fall. [applause] very simple. we'll seal the border. we'll make the american dream american dream. something you don't hear about anymore. you can have the amerin eam working with you, glennvirginia greater than it's ever been before. under my leadership we had the of the world. that was proven time and time again.e had glass lien down to $1.87 a you see gasoline, it's going up rapidly. it.0-year mortgage, think of this, was 2.6% interest. and you know what it is now? it' money. so the american dream of owning a house is impossible. was almost nothing. how about this guy going around saying it was 9%. no, it was 9% when he didn't enter, about 14 months after he
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got in, he had to go from almost nothing to 9%. but he had a period where he had what they call the trump float. hein including the bounceback jobs that theto they said all these pandemic jobs, we said close it down, do whatever you want. then it reopened and they called bounceback jobs and bounced back quicker than it was before. he takes the credit for it. you don't take credit for ack joe biden admittedly answered there was no inflation when i became president. he made a mistake. i said, did you mean that, joe? now virginia families are being crushed by you can't afford groceries, rent a house, car payment anything else. i think your real rate of they say 24%, 25%, i think if you really add the right items and include interest where you can't get a mortgage but if you do, you're going to pay much more than 10%. i think your rate of inflation is 35% to 50% and it's killing this countryy buster. it's a family buster. we have the highest inflation, in my opinion, in the history of in fact, biden didn't have inflation for the first -- so heny, many
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mont somethin all he had to do was leave tom holman and leave these great people, brandon judd oh, he had a news conference today because biden last night never supported biden and said i never wood. i don't support biden. he 2as 2o 2upport.e police group anywhere in the country. frankly, he's a defunder, if you want ts another brilliant policy they have. then like a on day one of my new administration, we'll thrut bidenomics and replace it. we're going to replace it withgacs tode joe biden's colossal waste oferican taxpayer dollars and rapidly terminate a thing calledst scam in the history of our we're spending trillions andse, on things that all they do cause waste andinflation. i will repeal every disastrous biden regulation.m fast as he can
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killing our jobs. cancel crooked joe's insane electric v the e.v. we've never done it before or did it pretty good five years ago, and it was five years ago we were totally nonreliant on oil and gas from other countries. we were going to soon be energy dominant. we need to be sending it out to nobody had ever seen anything and then this guy ended it. and then prices we but if this election went bad, our country will be destroyed and that he go back to the policy on the day it opens up. and you're going to have electric bills that are triple 're g ng twhhave a very simple phrase, we will we're going to drill, baby, drill. thof four years ago we were energy indepe now we're begging venezuela, one of the safest places on earth. it's tr the lowest they've ever had. their crime rate is down 72%.
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because they've taken all of their criminals, they've taken all of their prisoners, they've drug dealers, they've taken all of their gang members and ates of america. congratulations. congratulations.. and they brought them in so their crime rate -- the crime down 72%. they've taken their crimi ju got up two weeks ago and said under no circumstances will we take any of them back. so here's what we're going to next year we're all going to meet as a group. t i'm not going to suggest it. let's say in a few months we'll do this. we'll meet again. we're going to meet in venezuela because it's the safest place on earth. you know, in caracas, a year ago, two years ago, huh no chance of walking across the street if you were a woman, beat up, shot, knifed to death. now it's a very safe city into the united states of are we? their crime rate is way down. all over the world, prison
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population, their prison populations are down and the fake news -- look at all of them back there. the fake news doesn't want to talk about it. they say donald trump has ay. it's a conspiracy. no, it's not conspiracy. and by the way, if i were one of the presidents or dictators, as i call them, most of them are dictators but go under the term "preside a i would be doing better than them and had 100% over in this country by now. they're emptying their prisons. they're emptying their mental institutions into our country. you know the money they saved? the money is massive and we have all the problems. out and we have terrorists pouring into our country. regs all 2ecause 2f this incompetent pres in history. if he gets back in, joe biden has also vowed to pu virginia families with the largest tax hikes in history. congratulations. he pledged that the trump tax cuts are, quote, going to expire and if i'm elected, it's going to stay expired. that means he's going to raise your taxes by four times and be glenn. he wants to give you the largest in the history of our country.
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it's iny state and it's not his fault. you'll have to take thatmaybe that's what they're doing. you'll have to take the heat. because those tax cuts went mored the lower class than to anybody else and the creation of jobs. increase, i will deliver a trump increase, i will deliver a trum- increase, i will deliver a truma -- i will deliver a trume class tax cut. all of my life, i said it lastticians cut taxes. this guy wants to raise your taxes by four times and people say oh, let's vote for him. i don't know. " anymore. they use the term "progressive" because it's a nice sounding word, but it's not a good wor t altrump economic boot. we're going to cut taxes. we cut taxes substantially and with a lower rate, we did much more business, much more cuts.or, we just did better. and apple and microsoft, all these companies were bringing their money countries, other countries and were bringing them back into the united statelowed to from a practical standpoint
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because the tax was so high and the bureaucracy of doing i so we're going to do more tax cutting and have this country at a level you've never seen it before. and underfoot we have more liquid g any country on earth. we had a thing called anwr in alaska. ronald reagan wanted to get it approved and couldn't do it, everybody wanted to get it the first week of biden they disapproved it.s they say outside of perhaps saudi arabia, arabia, would have been so great for al great for this country. massive, massive oil reserves.they turned it down. these people are horrible. i've announced as part of the taxes on tips. a very simple statement. idea the other night. i'm in las vegas at my place which is a very nice place having dinner with some people big people, successful peoplelking about the future of the country and they're very worried about it. and the waitress came over, ho are you doing, been there a long
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time. she said they're killing me on really? they go after you. you have no idea, they issued new reor us to live. i was actually surprised to hear it. no taxes on tips. and when i announced that last week, you know, my phone lit up. i never saw anything like it. that was a very popular thing to announce but a good thing. you earn the money and you keep the money. every time you leave a tip for the next five months, make sure to write on the receipt, vote for trump for no taxes on tips. no wonder joe biden and his thugs are desperate to stop us. they know they are the only ones who can stop them. a great thing just happened a few hours ago. you probably heard about it butme of you have been standing in line for three days. do you know that? you may have heard it. glenn will be here with his superstar son. i think he's doing great.
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just happened a few hour the supreme court ruled biden's department of justice have wrongly prosecuted hundreds of americans for peacefully [crowd chanting so badly, especially when youpart and killed people in portland. and in seattle. and in other places have been treated so badly. they should be immediately released, the j-6 hostages., whether it's the thugged in portland or burning.
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i actually thought they treated me very professional, both of them. jake and danna. they abused me for years but last night, what happened? treated me very fairly. it was great for them and cnn but thought they were very fair. and you thought there was nt anger but then they wanted to lincoln and what is this about? they imposed a 10-year jailg any one of our magnificent and it was amazing to watch themhe city from that moment on. they fled. the early 1900's and said you at maximum and that's it.
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they don't do things until the country is really in trouble. but i took it out and re-enacted it and as soon as i did, in other words, 10 years in jail if you get caught doing anything to one of or statues. they fled washington.iful sight. look at them go. no, it's because what they understand. the great supreme court, we put three incredible justices on. they had -- i understand another three free thens j-6 hostages. they've been waiting for this decision for a long time.a long time and s eat swer, eat thing r ople at ve en so rribly eated. so ny ese ople re told in. thg on? and they put them in jail for years and years. all their persecution is only happening and all of ien president and leading very
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substantially in all of the polls, every s we're even leading in the state or as you would say, the commonwealth all of their persecution is only happen all that happened may be because i'm running for president and leading very substantially in in all of the polls every single poll we're leading in every even leading in the state or you would say the commonwealth of virginia. we're leading i corrected that. if didn't correct it. they'll put it on tonight. they'll have it cut prior to -- now the commonwealth is great. we're leading. it could be very spaniel -- substantially. we're going to make virginiale are destroying our country. as you saw it's all coming from croo he thinks only way he can win. all the persecution of people. it's all coming from joe biden and his thugs. 's going on. he's surrounded by vicious thugs. he's summunist.
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since the show trial in new york my poll numbers increased so substantially. last night will not distract from that. fundraising is at an all-time high.ial election. they rigged the election in 2020 like nobody ever seen before're not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024.w it to happen. [applause] ery time the radical left democrats marxists,er time theyor because i'm being indicted for you. thank you very much, i appreciate it. never forget our enemies want to take away my freedom because i will never let them ta they want to silence me because i will never let them silence you. in the end, they're not aft i happen to be standing in their way. i always w [applause] we're thrilled to be joinedday by many outstanding virginia patriots. great people including the next senator from the commonwealth of
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hong cow. i think he's going to be great. what do you think? is he going to win? you going to help him?enn, should we have him come up for a second? come on up. let me tell hyo he's just terrible. he's a graduate of the u.s. naval academy. he served with special. now he's running to fight for the hard working people of he willwork to secure the border, crack down on convenient crime. he will vote for low taxes, low regulation he is a warrior. he'll support our police and our veterans and most importantly, he will defeat a terrible senator, a man who's got very little respect in washington, d.c.
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his name is tim kaine. nobody respects him. [boos] he's a wa he's got 100% record voting for crooked joe. tim kaine voted to continue joe biden's border i this is killing you and yet thiss all the time to keep it going. our co criminallings even if they are mental patients. he voted to protect deadly sanctuary cities, he voted for the largestan history. he voted against kate's law. he voted to terminate title give illegal aliens taxpayer funded benefits. virgin s mixore years of tim kaine. everybody got to get out and vote for hong cow. he is really going to be great. say a few words. >> mr. president, the only person
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better off today than they were four yill alien. we're going to fight for america! we're g americans first. with your leadership, sir. >> he's going to win.e. i'm sorry, i think my hand may be broken. he's a tough cookie. that's s have. you're going to win. a lot of people are going to win that nobody think of. it's amazing what's happening. what's happening is really a guy who is going to win. you will be proud of him for many yea we're grateful to be joined by the governor of this magnificent commonwealth. his name is happen to be glenn youngkin. he's one of the greatest governors of the country. i love him to come up to say a fe thank you very much. [cheers and applause]
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>> virginia. are you we'd to win! -- mr. president, this is the best trump rally that you have ever had in your doing it in virg of .7 million virginians, we are going to go to work and get you back se -- on behalf of 8.7 million virginia>> he really is, he's a great governor doing a good job, an it. he's also a tall who is taller, my son. that kid i.
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it distresses age. smart people understand i want to thank the governor for the great job he's done in the he's done an incredible job. everybody's talking about it. thanks as well to virginia wher what the hell. it's fr come on, jason. i hear great things. all i know is glenn tells me he's doing great job as attorney general. i don't have to hear anymore. that's the one that matters. come on jason. general has a top law enforcement official in the commonwealth, i have to night's debate, i instructed my adult abuse investigators to investigate the dnc for forcing joe biden to run for president.applause] when he talk about what's at stake at this election, it's three simple initials.
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u.s.a.! u.s.a.! mr. attorney general. is everybody having a good time? [cheers and applause] so, one of the great person whos may be anybody, he's from a wonderful state known as f's highly respected by everybody he knows. justes he hates seeing what he's seeing because he sees our coy, a nation in decline. it's very sad to watch. we're going to turn it aroueat job. michael will agree congresswoman is a fantastica where is she? thank you very much. we appreciate it.
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a man who was treated very unfairly by the thugs. the same thugs that would have smith. he's a deranged well. he's a deranged pern. he gave a man named bob mcdonald, your former governorair treatment. bob has done incredibly well. we went through it. former governor, bob mcdonald. the deranged one. you're not a fan of thos now bob showed them what they are. former governor and a real wonderful senator and a good guy and friend of mine. george allen. george, thank you. thank you, george. i knew his father very well. he was really a good coach. he knew how to win. former governor, jim gilmore. thank you.
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thank you, jim. congressional nominees lori buckout. you're going to do well. they have you down. derek anderson. you're going to do great. we' t he's running against one of the vindmin twins. they are the worse people. certain conversation that was false. like they are hot stuff. look th the mirror. this guy is like a movie star. look at this guy. the brothers, they are twins. i heard one is worse than the other. i think you're we got to win that race. you got to teach the vend mines. another man who started little bit down to somebody, i won't mention his name. i will not mention
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his name. bob good. i won't mention his name. bob good was terrible to me forho is this guy. for the last six months he was great. i couldn't forget the three years. we had a man name john mcguire who's a navy seal. i know a lot of tough guys. they wan seal. that's all theybout. many cases like sons of friends of mine, they want to be a navy seal. they couldn't get there. very tough thing to do. it's really tough. the perfect physical specimen, everything great. they couldn't do it. this guy is a full fledge navy seal at the highest level. he' house, republican leader. bob mcguire, ' have a great race. you're going t you are a hero. thank you very much. that was amazing. it was an honor to endorse him. he tarted off not a lot of i endorsed him. he went up 27 points. he won by few hundred votes. what a great campaign you ran. congratulations. he's a navy seal. thank you very
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john mcguire everybody. also a man who's a tough cookie and he's gong a great job virginia gop chair, rich anderson. he said he's going to win. we got to win. by the way, we win virginia, the race is over. you understand that. [cheers and applause] i don't want to pu on randy and on glenn and on everybody else. we win virginia, it's over. i saw that today. i saw that today. on top of ev over. former congressman good guy randy forbes thank you, randy. above all, because we are near so many military facil want to salute every single u.s. service member and veteran inoupaviip
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