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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  July 27, 2024 7:54pm-8:32pm EDT

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obama. at 9:30 p.m. eastern, a look back at betty ford and rosalynn carter's conference on the private lives and public duties of first ladies, with a discussion on the role of first lady since then. exploring the american story. american history tv every weekend and find a full schedule on your program guide or watch online anytime at ♪ announcer: the u.s. senate tus monday at 3 p.m. eastern. later in the week senators will vote ochd online safety legislation. requiring social media companies to take responsibility for how their platforms impacts ilen. lawmakers will also consider more of president biden' executive and judicial nominations. the house continueinummer recess. watch live covagof the house on c-span, the senate on c-span two. also, you can watch our
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congressional coverage with our free video app c-span now or online at ♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including cox. >> when connection is needed most, cox is there to help, bringing affordable internet to families in need, the tech to boys and growth, and support to veterans. whenever and wherever it matters most, we will be there. announcer: c supports c-span as a public service, along with these other telesion providers, giving you a front-row seat to democrac ♪ >> has the presidential campaign kicks off again with our new candidates, there is no polling out this morning here in the wall street journal. it says harris. this trumps lead. the presidential race between kamala harris and former president trump is officially tied, according to a new wall
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street journal poll that shows support for her among nonwhite voters and dramatically increased enthusiasm about the campaign among democrats. the republican former leads the current vice president 49% to 40 7% in the two-person matchup, but that is within the margin of error of plus or -3.1%. lead over president biden before he exited the race and back terrace. on a ballot that included robert f. kennedy, jr. and other independent and third-party candidates, harris received 45% and trunk gets 44%. kennedy is backed by 4% and 5% remain undecided. biden trailed in the multi-candidate contest by six points in a previous poll. for democrats who may be interested in challenging harris, there is a story in nbc news pointing out that today is the deadline for democrats who
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want to run against harris for the nomination. it says, candidates have until saturday to declare their candidacies, and until tuesday to gather the needed support from hundreds of delegates to make the ballot alongside harris at the virtual roll call vote. democrats have given themselves and august 7 deadline to conduct the rollcall to avoid potential legal issues. no major democrat has even hinted on plans to run against harris who has quickly consolidated since president biden withdrew and endorsed her. the timeline is also affecting harris's search for a vice presidential running mate, which may need to be completed in two weeks. here is a portion of vice president harris's first campaign rally as a presidential candidate earlier this week in milwaukee. [video clip] v.p. harris: before i was elected as president, united
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states general, i was attorney general of the state of california and a courtroom prosecutor before then. in those roles i took on perpetrators of all kinds. predators who abused women. fraudsters who ripped off consumers. cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. hear me when i say, i know donald trump's type. [applause] [crowd chanting " kamala"]
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in this campaign, i promise i will probably put my record against his any day of the week. [applause] host: as the former president trump -- as for former president trump he was on the campaign trail, including in west palm beach where donald trump, as the washington post reports, honed his attacks on vice president harris, the likely democratic nominee, in a speech at the turning point usa believers summit in west palm beach on friday night. calling her the most incompetent, unpopular, and far left vice president in american history, blaming her for high numbers of migrant apprehensions at the southern border and calling her a bum. here is some of that speech with former president trump speaking in west palm beach, florida. [video clip] mr. trump: five days ago we
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officially defeated the worst president in the history of the united states, crooked joe biden. i thought a lot about it. we defeated him. he was badly beaten. everyone was going to him saying, you can't beat him, get out, get out, we want you out. there was nothing nice about what they were doing. they were saying we want you out of the race. you are going to lose. we want to put someone else in. how about that? it is like a prizefighter. he is losing badly, ready to be knocked out. they say, let's stop the fight. let's put someone else in. it doesn't work that way. it's not supposed to work this way. this was a coup by the democrats, nothing else. last night or the other night he made a speech behind the beautiful resolute desk in the oval office. i want to give people credit, or not credit, it was horrible. then you turn onto cnn and
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msnbc, horrible, and they say one of the finest speeches we've ever seen. churchillian, someone said. no, winston had on it a little bit. they pretend to do as good. she was a bum three weeks ago. a failed vice president in a failed administration with millions of people crossing and she was the border czar. host: we are looking for your top news story of the week. whether it be about the pridtial campaign with harris as the presumptive democratic nomin f president, or president biden's oval office address announcing his reasons fodrping out of the race, as well as trump and fans holding their first rally since biden exited the race, and the secret service director resigned. israeli prime nier benjamin netanyahu gave a speech to
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congress amid protests. ralph on the line for democrats. caller: i am a uaw worker from upstatne york and my top news story is the claim by president trump and j.d. vcef being for the working class. t's look at the record. on 48 coal sponsors, j.d. vance is not on their. raised the federal minimum wage is 35 cosponsors, j.d. vance is not on there. voting records, j.d. vance is zero afl co. , harris is 89%. i will close with the child tax credit, earned income tax credit, neither former president trump or senator j.d. vance has nothing to say on that. i thank you for your time. host: the story out of new york
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on new york one's website about exactly this, talking about union leaders slamming trump and vance and boosting harris. some of the nation's top union leader spoke out in favor of vice president kamala harris's candidacy and painted former president donald trump and his running mate, j.d. vance, as faux champions of the working class. speaking on a press call organized by the democratic national committee, service employees international union president, who leads a union of around 2 million members, says harris understands the struggles working families face in contrast to the harm that donald trump will do to working people if he gets his hands back on the reins of power. james in pittsburgh, pennsylvania on the line for independents. good morning, james. caller: good morning. i am an independent. i have called here about 10 times, i would say.
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it is nice to see you. my top story was, since i am an independent, -- the torch. that is my top story because i am independent. host: did you like seeing him in the olympics? caller: snoop dogg? he is all right. i like snoop dogg, he is pretty cool. host: nashville, tennessee on the line for republicans. good morning, roy. caller: good morning. my biggest news story for this week is the fact that president biden dropped out of the race for president. his oval office address, and i disagree with him on virtually everything in terms of policies, but my heart truly goes out to him and his family. it is so sad to see someone in that state. i thing most people have had a loved one who had those
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cognitive issues as they age. the thing is, i don't know how anyone involved in that administration can expect anybody to believe that moving forward. i don't want to say they live. that is a strong word. they misled the country. they worked with him every day. they knew something was wrong, i'm sure of it. i don't know how anyone can trust anyone involved in that administration, especially vice president harris. host: president biden's oval office address on wednesday night was what our caller was referencing. and that address, he urged americans to vote to keep our republic. [video clip] pres. biden: i ran for president four years ago because i believe, and still do, that the soul of america is at stake, the very nature of who we are was at stake. that is still the case. america is an idea. an idea stronger than any army,
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bigger than any ocean, stronger than any dictator or tyrant, the most powerful idea in the history of the world. that idea is that we hold these truths to be self-evident. we are all created equal. endowed by our creator certain unalienable rights, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. we have never lived up to the sacred idea but we have never walked away from it either. i don't want the american people to walk away from it now. in just a few months, the american people will choose the course of america's future. i made my choice. i made my views known. i want to thank our great vice president kamala harris. she is experienced, she is tough, she is capable, she has been an incredible partner to me and leader for our country. now, the choice is up to you, the american people. when you make that choice,
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remember the words of benjamin franklin hanging on the wall in the oval office alongside the bust of martin king, rosa parks, and cesar chavez. the convention going on, whether the founders had given america a monarchy republic. the response was a republic, if you can keep it. a republic, if you can keep it. whether we keep our republic is now in your hands. host: next, john in eastern pennsylvania on the line for democrats. caller: good morning. the top story in the news never really happened. i was surprised "washington journal" didn't take the 34 felony counts against trump and analyze one each day with
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prosecutors that were not politically involved. and explain to people what each one counted for and what you did, but you never did. that would have been seven weeks of prime time news ratings that you would have never seen in a million years. then, joe biden, he brought two to three words on stage against a guy, each had 45 minutes and the guy lied 23 times. nothing was said about that. they hammered biden into the ground like he was a f loormat. seven weeks of prime time news, you could have done it monday through friday. saturday and sunday could have been open for other news during the week. you would have had a grand old time.
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that would have been the top news of the week, i mean of the year, the century. host: james in texas on the line for independents. good morning, james. caller: am i on? host: yes, you are. caller: the reason i called was because nbc hyped the opening ceremonies of the olympics. ok. constantly beating this up about how great it was going to be. it was the most boring thing i ever watched. a bunch of crap going up a dirty like, not a lake, a river. when they finally got to the end they launched a balloon. i was thinking to myself, all of the opening ceremonies that i've seen are all better than what they presented to the public as the best that ever was.
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let's get this hyped out of everything that someone wants to promote and put something on that someone can call entertainment. thank you. host: salt lake city, utah on the line for democrats. good morning. caller: i wanted to talk about the meeting between prime minister benjamin netanyahu and kamala harris, specifically even though i am a democrat i am not pleased with kamala harris' statement on gaza. i believe that she could have said more about the civilian suffering in gaza, and i believe she should be calling what we are seeing in gaza by what it should actually be called. a genocide. we know that there is so much human suffering. we know that people in gaza have nowhere to go. there are no safe places in gaza.
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i believe that we see so much hypocrisy comparing ukraine to gaza. we say that an attack on a ukrainian hospital is horrific, but we just see attacks on -- we have just become numb to seeing the violence in the middle east. ukraine is completely different. there is so much hypocrisy with this. in order for me to be able to vote for vice president harris, i need to see her speak more firmly about the atrocities that are happening in gaza. host: vice president harris did give some remarks following her meeting on thursday with israeli prime minister angela netanyahu. here's a portion of those remarks. [video clip] v.p. harris: with over 2 million people facing high levels of food insecurity and half a
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million people facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity, what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing to safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third, or fourth time, we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. and i will not be silent. thanks to the leadership of our president, joe biden, there is a deal on the table for cease fire and hostage deal. it is important that we recall what the deal involved. the first phase of the deal would bring about a full cease fire, including a withdrawal of the israeli military from population centers in gaza. the second phase, the israeli
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military would withdraw from gaza entirely. it would lead to a permanent end to the hostilities. it is time for this war to end in a way where israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of palestinians in gaza ends, and the palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity, and self-determination. there has been hopeful movement in the talks to secure an agreement on this deal. as i just told prime minister netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done. to everyone who has been calling for cease fire, and to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you. host: john in tacoma, washington on the line for independents. caller: yes.
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first, i wonder why the coverage of the national news, including you guys, about the sonya massey killing that was done by the police officer, that was actually worse than george floyd, has not been shown or covered? it also covers the 20 25 immunity deal that trump was talking about. immunity goes to this guy who killed a woman that was worse than the george floyd murder and you haven't showed that video. then there is also another video out that you guys didn't show, and you just show the beginning of it today, the beginning of trump when he was at the rally. you didn't show when he said he wasn't a christian and he wanted the christians to vote for him just this one time, four more years, and then you won't have to vote anymore. a lot of this thing is seeing fishy that you guys are omitting to cover.
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not just you guys, media in general. me being independent, i like to look at things from both sides. i find it funny that there are some funny things going around. the prosecutor versus convict. the a.k.a., a black sorority, versus the kkk talking about don's history. i wonder if you could put those two on for the republicans and how they will affect us. host: there is news this morning that came out yesterday that kamala harris actually called the family of sonya massey. massey was a 36 yield black woman fatally shot by an illinois deputy in her home july 6. harris has also called the mother of devante mitchell, a black man who died after he was pinned down by hotel security guards in milwaukee. there is more of -- there is her photo.
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that is a story from nbc news. joseph is in new york on our line for republicans. good morning, joseph. caller: how are you doing today? i am asking questions about these people come on independent and they keep forgetting we are all american. how about you unify rather than break apart. one guy was murdered, cop serving shot and nobody is saying anything. my brother was a cop, my family is all police officers, no one is saying to protect the police officers. you have one guy complaining they murdered a black person. i'm sorry, but you have people killed right across the ocean. thousands and thousands are being murdered by artillery from the russians and ukrainians are getting destroyed and nobody is saying anything. why are we there? why aren't the germans and the french? why aren't they there?
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let our people in america stay strong before we fight another battle somewhere else in a foreign country. we have a border wide open and no one is doing a dang thing about it. host: please, keep the language clean, joseph. did morning, marie. caller: good morning. i fast and say what i've been wanting to say. everyone talking about the inflation and how they want to vote for trump because of the gas prices and food, but i want to remind everyone that the tactic that's being used of keeping gas and food prices high, that is the oldest tactic that has ever been used in countries all over the world. whenever one country wanted to overthrow another one or wanted to take it over, one of the things that they would do would cause distress for the smaller nations, or whatever. they would cause discomfort and
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distress for those people. sometimes they would do embargoes where they would cut off food supply or water. after so long, the people distress. they would end up taking it out on the leader or they would turn on their leaders and overthrow their own leaders because of their distress. that is exactly what is being done. these fortune 500 companies, opec with the gas that they are gouging with us, they are taking it out on joe biden and he has nothing to do with that. i also wanted to say about the gentleman who just spoke about the police, and i'm glad to hear him say that, because hearing everyone can vote for who they want, i understand, but to hear some any black people calling in talking about voting for trump and what they are saying about kamala, if you can see a police officer do that to a woman, what you think they care about you? one thing trump told when he first ran in his campaign, he
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stood up before the national order of police and said i want you on tv. when you arrest people come you put their hand on your head to protect their head. you need to rough them up more. some of the police cheered and clapped and some didn't, but right after that we had george floyd. i want to say to my brothers who feel like trump's for them, you think twice because 20 25 is no joke. thank you. host: florence, massachusetts on the line for independents. caller: thank you for all of the gas lighting and race baiting and lying. i really appreciate it. i'm curious how you can tell me that president trump is responsible for everything that was wrong during the time -- but now nothing is bidens's fault. how can we be producing more oil than ever get we had to raise the old will reserve and the northeast gas reserve to nothing? i'm curious how you can go with polls and say everything is turning around with 1100 people,
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1200 people, 1200 50 million people, i'm supposed to believe a poll and believe things are turning around? i'm supposed to believe you when you say that biden is the best ever? then you said, a few hours a day. now what? this is getting ridiculous. tell the truth. now he is out, now he is no good? be serious. host: helen in oklahoma on the line for republicans. caller: thank you. finally. i was just calling to say to some of the people calling in, why haven't they said anything about the 34 counts of president trump, this and that. they have been talking about president trump for nine years. it is the most talked about man in the world. i'm glad they stop talking about him for a minute. i'm going to vote for him, and i can't stand biden or harris. have a good day. host: marty in newport news,
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virginia on the line for democrats. caller: thank you for having me on. my comment is about the scream trilogy. hold on. this is political. scream 1 was in 2004 when abc, nbc, cbs everybody, naturally including fox, jumped on him saying scream and yee-haw. the next thing you know they all jumped on him until he jumped out of the race. scream 2 is biden. i have never seen anything like it either. all three networks.
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everything. everybody jumps on him all at once. this is now twice with the democrats the media has done this. i'd like to see scream 3 trilogy with not only c-span getting in on it too, and some of the topics i'm proposing -- should i convict be allowed to run for president? is trump too old for president? is fascism right for america? jumping on project 2025. why can't the democrats -- be allowed to advertise on fox news? that's what i got for today. i hope the scream 3 trilogy
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takes hold. host: kurt and mount union, pennsylvania. caller: good morning, c-span. i have a simple question. under today's standards that talk about genocide. when we begin to prosecute, along with the allies, the war against germany, germany was being destroyed and all the german people were running around and children were being killed, was that a genocide of the german people? when we bombed japan to try to stop the war with japan, and we occupied japan, was that a genocide of the japanese people? what are the current definitions of genocide? is it when you begin to lose a war that you propagate it?
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when the other side begins to win against you, is it all of a sudden a genocide now? just a question. host: i believe that kurt is referencing the ongoing war in gaza. prime minister benjamin netanyahu spoke to congress this week specifically on wednesday and defended israel's prosecution of the war. [video clip] >> prosecutors accuse israel of deliberately targeting civilians. what on gods's green earth is he talking about? dropped millions of flyers, sent millions of text messages, made hundreds of thousands of phone calls to get palestinian civilians out of harm's way, but i the same time hamas does everything in its power to put palestinian civilians in harm's way. they fire rockets from schools, hospitals, mosques. they even shoot their own people when they try to leave the war
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zone. eight hamas official boasted, listen, he boasted that palestinian women and children excel at being human shields. his words. excel at being human shields. what monstrous evil. for israel, every civilian death is a tragedy. for hamas, it is a strategy. they actually want palestinian civilians to die so that israel will be smeared in the international media and be pressure to end the war before this won. host: valerie in florida on the line for republicans. good morning. caller: hi. first of all, i would like to say the joint session in congress with netanyahu, his speech was wonderful. another thing i would like to raise is the point that when
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kamala harris was talking, she introduced her husband, he went into a speech about how they met and so forth. then he proceeded to say he was a proud jew. i would like to know how she could get up there, support all of that nonsense going on, and have a husband who is supposedly a proud jew? second of all, there are many videos out there, tulsi gabbard and her in the 2016 debate, showing how weak she was as a prosecutor. this is a woman who slept her way to the top. she was involved with willie brown, broke up his marriage, went through two positions that were very high paid just for doing her stuff. she is an empty-headed woman and has nothing to offer anybody. if i had a choice between netanyahu and biden, i would
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definitely take netanyahu, who is protecting his country, his people, and the sanctity of his borders. i think that's it. host: elizabeth in randall's town, maryland on the line for democrats. caller: good morning, c-span. i want to talk about kamala harris and biden quitting the race. kamala harris is terrific. she experienced -- she is experienced as a prosecutor in california. she has been vice president for four years. her position on gaza and palestine is great. she is calling for a cease-fire and end to military aid to gaza. she is a woman. she will sweep the country. all the brown, black, and asian and latino people vote for
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her and the women will vote for her. i think she is terrific. that is all i want to say. host: judy and baltimore, maryland on the line for independents. caller: i am trying to figure out, this is for foreign leaders, how foreign leaders would allow someone to send representatives from the united states to their country and speak on sexual assault and we have a man running to be the president of the united states who is a sexual assaulter? how is that going to work. as for kamala harris being a b um i have pictures of melania trump on my phone naked with a briefcase. y'all have a nice day. host: elizabeth on the line for democrats. caller: it has been an interesting show this morning. first, netanyahu gave a great speech. i am a gay woman.
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i am 64. i am ashamed of the gay youth who march with people who hang us from cranes. it is really sad. i really like josh shapiro and i hope that she picks him. i know that she is married to a nice jewish man. i don't think that she hates jewish people or anything, that is ridiculous. i have always liked kamala. i'm scared to vote for her because of the jewish thing. you know, it is weird that we have a hatfield as vice president if trump wins. vance was related to the hatfield. i find that funny. i hope everything works out. i love america, i love israel, just like i love ireland or england. [laughs] it is ridiculous. i don't like identity politics
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on both sides, on both sides, it is just different. so, god bless, god bless america, and nice talking to you. have a good day. [laughs] host: david on the line for republicans. caller: can you play the video of kamala telling the 24-year-olds how stupid they are? host: i don't think we have that particular video. if it is a public speech she has made recently you can probably find it on caller: how stupid they were. i thought that would be good to share with the country. host: kelly in washington on our line for independents. good morning, kelly. caller: good morning. i just saw the buck, bald naked bit the lady said earlier.
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what i really want to talk about is the misinformation and disinformation out there. there is so much that trump get shot by a bullet or not? is biden dead? i think people need to calm down on a lot of that stuff. it is kind of getting out of hand. that is about it. thank you. host: kelly referenced questions about whether or not former president trump was actually struck by a bullet. that has been confirmed. this is a story in the associated press nearly two weeks after donald trump's attempted assassination the fbi confirmed on friday that it was indeed a bullet that struck the former president's ear moving to clear out conflicting accounts of what caused the former president's injuries after a gunman opened fire at a pennsylvania rally. what struck orman president trump in the year was a bullet, either whole or fragmented into
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pieces, fired from the deceased subject's rifle. it marks the most definitive law-enforcement account of trump's injuries and ambiguous comments -- and followed ambiguous comments from director christopher wray that seemed to cast doubt on if trump had been hit by a bullet. the comment drew fury from trump and his allies and further stoked conspiracy theories that have flourished on both sides of the political aisle amid a dearth of information following the july 13 attack. next, we have mary in nebraska the line for docts. good morning, mary. caller: i want to thank you for the opportunity to express myself on your program. in regard to president biden's decline, i have dey family members that -- president bin se


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