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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  July 29, 2024 1:31pm-2:01pm EDT

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i. tomorrow at monica's move both on the final passage of th child only to legislation requiring social med cpany to take responsibility for how their platforms impact children. the u. hse continues its summer recess. members will return on monday, september 9. watch live coveragofhe house on c-span, the saton c-span2. also, you can watch all of our congressional coverage with our free video app, c-span now or onne at today, president biden travels to the library in austin, texas to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the civil rights act. he is also expected to announce proposed changes to thsupreme court which include term limits and unenforceable code of etcs for justices. watch the president's remarks live at 4:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free
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mobile video app, or online at ♪ >> the house will be in order. >> this year's experience set up with 45 years of governing congress like no other. since 1979 we have been your primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced unfiltered coverage of government taking , you where policy is debated and decided, all with the support of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. ♪ , c-span wj. here's the front page of "the new york times," overhead shot of mourners sunday surrounded by the coffins of children killed in a rocket strike from lebanon one day earlier in an israeli controlled go on heights. here's what the article says, western diplomats scrambled on
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sunday to prevent a surge of fighting along the israel lebanon border after a rocket from lebanon on saturday killed at least 12 children and teenagers in an israeli controlled town. it prompted israel to retaliate early sunday with strikes across lebanon. the initial response appeared to stop short of a major escalation, but there were fears that the fallout would lead to all-out war. prime minister netanyahu facing domestic pressure to mount a fiercer response met with senior meters -- senior officials on sunday to discuss further steps after flying back early from a trip to the united states. take a look at what chuck schumer said on sunday in response to the attack on "face the nation." [video clip] >> look, we know that iran through surrogates, the real people in the area, israel has
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every right to defend itself like -- against hezbollah like they do against hamas, it shows you how bad these surrogates are. these were arab children they shot at, they don't even care who it is. having said that, i don't think anyone once a wider work, so i hope that there are moves to de-escalate. >> sticking with the middle east, benjamin netanyahu in washington, you are part of the formal invitation to have him come to washington but there was video of you not shaking his hand on capitol hill. why not? why did you not? >> i went to the speech because the relationship between israel and america is ironclad. i wanted to show that. at the same time, as everyone knows, i have serious disagreements with the way
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benjamin netanyahu has conducted these policies. host: this is from a journalist with axios saying that the israeli 5 -- israeli foreign minister me that the hezbollah attack crossed all that -- all redlined funds will be according. we are approaching the moment of all-out war against hezbollah and lebanon. we will pay price but the end the war hezbollah will be destroyed in the state of lebanon be severely damaged, we will restore peace and security to the residents of the north. senator ron johnson on sunday, republican from wisconsin, talked about the attack. [video clip] cap6 >> how worried are you about another front opening up?
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>> very worried. israelis are very concerned with living in peace. palestinians continue to be the aggressors, killing innocent civilians. they are the ones who perpetrated the barbaric attack of october 7. there is peace available if palestinians are willing to accept it, it just doesn't seem that they are. >> is it fair to separate the palestinian people from hamas, that these are terrorist groups that seem to be doing the bidding of iran in many cases? >> next time they have an opportunity to vote for government, 70% shouldn't vote for a government like hamas. hezbollah shouldn't continue to fire missiles into israel. this is all being sponsored by iran, who obama and the biden administration coddled, sending hundreds of billions into their
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military, letting them sponsor hamas. this is the weakness shown by obama and kamala harris is part and parcel of the same problem. host: going to the phones with walter in washington, d.c. caller: good morning, miss mimi. how are you? host: good. caller: this is concerning along with the possible chinese invasion of taiwan. all of these conflicts are a major concern for us. now listen, i'm not a fan of donald trump, i didn't vote for trump and i don't like him, but i have to give him credit on this, when he was in office we didn't have all of these conflicts. there was actual peace in the middle east. the other arab countries, they had that thing, and trump bankrupted iran. the biden administration, not
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blaming joe biden but possibly the people in his administration. they set up and released all of these sanctions and try to do business with them. iran, you can't give a crack head money, they are going to buy crack. if you give money to iran, they fund proxy wars. now we have three proxy wars that are escalating. we had president biden and we had kamala harris, neither one are good leaders. they can't fix the problem. host: do you think that this would affect your vote in november? do you think you would vote on the republican ticket? what are you thinking? caller: i voted for biden because i wanted normalcy. i was tired of the chaos with trump. looking at this, i'll be honest, i have buyers remorse. personality wise, i don't like
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trump, but he had good policies, a lot of his policies are the clinton policies, they parallel on a lot of issues. we as americans, we need to vote policy and do what's best for the country have not looked at personality. look at vice president kamala harris. it all looks good, but is she going to bust out laughing on the world stage? her nervous condition. i'm not attacking her on that issue. i don't want trump, but we might have to go and suck it up and reelect him. host: donald, spokane, washington, republican. caller: good morning. that last gentlemen, i liked what he said, some common sense there. sorry, i thought this was open for them. i made the mistake.
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i just wanted to say i appreciate c-span. last time i talked to you i had mentioned i was in battle with a nine year thing with my son and i wanted to let you know, i got him back. the judge in montana, she got in lots of trouble, she lost her job. america is in a better place now. host: i'm glad things worked out for you. gary, independent mind, good morning. -- line, good morning. caller: this is terrible. it really is. that speech he made to try to get trump elected, invited by the republicans we know that israel, netanyahu, not israel, israel is great, but netanyahu
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but his own people get killed. these people were there he legally anyway. host: wait, who? caller: the settlements, the people they are bringing in their, taking away the people's houses. host: yes, in the west bank. are you talking about the attack in the golan heights? caller: yes, that's occupied territory, too. host: the people that were there were originally there. caller: and they don't care that much about them. so, they let it happen in those areas. they want to extend the war. everybody should see it. netanyahu, hezbollah, they said they didn't do that, so you
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don't know who to believe because netanyahu has lied so much. america believes everything he says. it's terrible. america first? they are saying israel first. israel is going to get us into world war iii. you know? if we don't wake up and see what's going on, this right here is going to get us in world war iii and everything. the people, you see what happened in gaza, it's going to be happening over here if these nuclear bombs start to shoot. we have got to get a grip on this. we need to tell israel what they need to do. we give them all of this money. i do not understand how israel, we care more about them they and we do our own nation. it's got to stop. it's really got to stop. it's all netanyahu.
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he backside -- he backs out of the deals every time. host: this is what "the washington post" says about who is responsible. "the working assumption is that it was an accident, according to a senior official who spoke on conditions of anonymity and that they have not reached conclusions about the intent behind the attack. john, jacksonville, florida, democratic line, good morning. caller: i've been alive for 61 years in can tell you right now, when it comes to things like this, i don't trust anything america does. vietnam, the gulf of tonkin, they said we were in a war with vietnam. with george bush, it was weapons
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of mass destruction. there were no weapons of mass destruction. what we are seeing in this country right now is a failure with these politicians that are running. they don't have any contract -- control. it's theater and a big show, but whoever enters office, it will be signing off on corporations and the neocons who are funding them. the war with israel, that israel wants us to get into, it's basically a ploy because the american empire is falling. host: are you going to vote in november? caller: no. i'm not voting for any of them. i can't vote for people and both of these candidates are people. host: is there anybody you would vote for, like a write in candidate? caller: dr. cornell west, i would vote for him.
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one last thing i want to say, this attack that netanyahu said came from hezbollah, as you know, these are arabs. why would hezbollah attack arabs? they are not bloodthirsty like that. host: the working assumption from the biden administration is that it was a mistake. they can track where the missile came from and they have the missile, it's iranian made. so, it seems pretty clear that it came from hezbollah. velma, ashland, kentucky, good morning. caller: that first caller from washington, it's who we vote for. the palestinians voted for hamas . here in this country, people voted for biden.
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you heard biden say that the rocket sent to israel was a mistake. that wasn't a mistake, that was intentional. how can people be so gullible as to believe something like that? here we have this open border. so, you need to vote. we need to vote on whichever of the two candidates makes the most sense, has our best interest at heart. national security, mainly. host: you mentioned that the palestinians voted for hamas, that's correct. the last election was 2000 six. after hamas took power, they ended all elections. do you still hold the palestinian people responsible, given that the vast majority living there now did not vote for them? caller: well, they voted for terrorist and voted for their
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goals. i don't know what they would expect, that hamas would have their back? they knew what they were getting when they voted them in there, right? am i wrong? if they knew that they were terrorists. host: all right. anthony, independent mine, good morning. caller: i'm always concerned about it. i am. blind support for israel. this annexed area of syria, trump recognized it in 2019 as israeli. that's an issue right off the bat. i don't even want to get into how we actually know about the missiles. if we were being honest, we don't, we are getting one side of the story. that's fine, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but because we are trying to support this religious
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settler colony that is using a part hide to maintain political power. it's sick that they gave netanyahu a platform for attacking americans on the first amendment and he attacks americans in several ways. just a lot of attacks on the u.s. by israel that haven't been reconciled through history. like the uss liberty, this ally ship is the source of a lot of our problems in the middle east. host: let's take a cat what trump said at a rally in st. cloud, minnesota, over the weekend, condemning the leadership of president biden and vice president harris. [video clip] >> before we begin i want to condemn the people attack on israel that took place earlier today. missile launched by hezbollah, killing a dozen children, young children.
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they were playing as you heard on a soccer field in the israeli territory of the golan heights, a place i recognized during my administration as under israeli sovereignty. it was a big thing. been trying to get it done for 72 years. i got it done in one hour. the savage hezbollah terrorists struck these children with an iranian precision missile. dozens more were wounded in the attack and sadly, the death toll is probably going to go very substantially higher. our hearts go out to the families of these innocent children. no parent should have to suffer the terrible loss of a child at the hands of terrorists or anybody else. this attack on israel cannot be forgotten and it will go down as another moment in history created by a weak and ineffective united states president and vice president. they wouldn't have done this if
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i was the president. they wouldn't have done it and they didn't. with time, this situation will only get worse for our country with the kind of leadership we have right now, which is no leadership, probably worse than no leadership. host: that was former president trump. we are going to be taking your calls on this topic for about another 10 minutes, then we will be switching over to open forum. violet, democratic line. caller: hello. i just wanted to say that parts of the larger conflict that we have been watching with the palestinians in the people of gaza the largely used and scapegoated by netanyahu to keep them in this process and continue a larger conflict that is designed to mainly serve his personal interests. the people of gaza haven't voted since 2006.
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50% of them today our children and most of the casualties have been women and children. the characterization of the u.s. protesters who are pro-palestinian is pretty infuriating. that's what i wanted to say. host: this is an article from the bbc says that the israeli strike on a gaza skill -- school killed 30 and that the israeli military struck a school in a city in central gaza killing 30 palestinians, injuring more than 100 according to the hamas run -- hamas run ministry of health, that a command control center was reportedly embedded inside the school in that hamas used of the compound as a hiding place to direct and plan attacks in-store weapons. this is joe, alabama, republican line, hello.
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caller: hi. host: what do you think? caller: first i wanted to tell you what a pretty woman you are. host: thank you. what do you think about the middle east, though? david, georgia, independent mine. caller: hello there, good morning. i'm concerned about this rhetoric of donald trump being better on this issue. he greatly expanded the already out-of-control program he inherited from the bush and obama administrations. the first caller mentioning the abraham accords, right now we are seeing an issue of palestinians being completely ignored and left out of the abraham accords between the saudi's and the israelis, or any of the other peace talks going on between any of the other states in the middle east and israel.
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definitely not crazy about biden's handling of the situation either in his almost unquestioning support of netanyahu. i'm more interested in peace so let's look at going back to the iran deal, the crown of the obama administration foreign policy that was working despite rhetoric from the right. let's start actually looking at peace in coming to the table for negotiation. host: the people on the right say that the iran deal gave money and funds to iran that they were then using to fund proxies like hamas and hezbollah. >> it was releasing frozen assets that have been kept. those were iranian assets on frozen. because of them going along with investigations into their nuclear power program and allowing the iaea into their country, if we want to have peace and if we want to have negotiations, then it's not like
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we were pumping money into iran, we were releasing frozen assets from the revolution in the 70's. host: and they could use the on frozen assets to fund terror. caller: they could also use it to go for a peaceful nuclear power program or things in their own country. if we want to deter terror, maybe we should a, stop subjugating the palestinian people. that's another thing, the knesset just last week voted against the two state solution. if israel is going to be against a two state solution, they need to decide if they are going to go through with a full-fledged genocidal campaign of displacement and death, or if they want to turn their state into a pluralistic democratic state that will allow the palestinian people to live in peace within the israeli borders. they cannot have their cake and eat it, too. host: you said you were not a
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fan of the biden administration approach, what you think about what vice president harris has said about this? caller: i think that that rhetoric, i don't know if they are trying to show their hand, but i think that her rhetoric is clearly softer on the issue. i was a fan of the fact that she didn't go to the netanyahu address to congress. i don't understand. chuck schumer, who they themselves have said that netanyahu is the issue, why are we inviting him to speak to our congress? i'm a fan of her not going. i understand they spoke behind closed doors and i would be interested to know what was said , but i'm hopeful that the harris administration would try to clamp down on netanyahu a little more. i'm not entirely optimistic about that.
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definitely, i don't know truthfully, and i don't know if it's president biden, i don't know that many democrats would have been much worse on the position of israel and gaza. host: let's take a cat what "the times of israel" is saying, "harris vows ironclad support for israeli security, condemning the hezbollah attack that killed a dozen children on a soccer field over the weekend," according to her national security advisors. "the u.s. will continue working on a diplomatic solution to end all attacks once and for all in allow citizens on both sides of the border to safely return home." that was phil gordon, the national security advisor for
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vice president harris. here is a posting on x by mr. gordon that says --st mentioned that. he also says that the vice president has been briefed and is closely monitoring the attack . let's take a cat what vice president harris said following her meeting with netanyahu on thursday. this would have been before the hezbollah attack. [video clip] >> 2 million people are facing high levels of food insecurity and half of a million people facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity, what has happened in gaza over the past nine months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing to safety sometimes displaced for the second, third, or fourth time. we cannot look away in the face
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of these tragedies, we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. i will not be silent. thanks to the leadership of our president, joe biden, there is a deal on the table for a cease-fire and a hostage deal. it is important that we recall what the deal involves. the first phase would bring about a full cease-fire, including withdrawal of the israeli military from population centers in gaza. the second phase, the israeli military would withdraw from gaza entirely. it would lead to a permanent end to the hostilities. it is time for the war to end. and do it in a way where israel is secure, the hostages are released, the suffering of palestinians in gaza ends, and the palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom,
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dignity, and self-determination. there has been hopeful movement in the talks to secure agreement on the deal. as i just told the prime minister, it is time to get the deal done. so, to everyone who has been calling for a cease-fire, to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you. host: that was vice president harris on thursday. we will be opening the phone lines for open forum. certainly continue to talk about the middle east. anything else going on in washington and with public policy? democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. mike, pennsylvania, good morning. caller: glad i got on before
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open phones, it's pertinent to the topic. basically, it was caught abroad -- kinda brought out by the last caller. this is a calculated attack in response by hezbollah, proxy of iran, and netanyahu's provocative speech to the congress, an invitation from the right flank. obviously, you know, kamala's comments were in the back rooms. but the subdued response on the part of the administration, it was calculated to put a damper on the israeli response they have to do. that was curious. it is also curious that they targeted druze muslims.
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i don't know if that would make the israeli response less, even though they were israeli citizens, but that gets into the how arabs are treated in israel. host: you know, mike, it's actually, they are not israeli citizens, they are israeli residents, it's a difference. caller: i was just thinking about that when i heard the vice president's comments in terms of israeli -- anyway, netanyahu is weak. he was weak when he showed up at 70% disapproval ratings. so you know, this is not going to be a green light for netanyahu to open, open an attack on the northern front. i really think that this, this was calculated. it gets beyond just a terror attack.


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