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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  August 1, 2024 11:12am-12:21pm EDT

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we go to chicago, monday, august 19 as the party puts forward their nominee. their vision for the next four years, as they fight to retain the white house. the dnc live monday, august 19 on c-span, c-span now or online at do not miss a moment. visit our website for scheduled updates and full coverage of the rnc. catch up on past conventions anytime on demand at or by scanning the code. ♪ announcer: since 1979, c-span provides complete coverage of congress, the house and senate, congressional hearings,
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briefings and meetings, c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are decided with no commentary, interruptions and completely unfiltered. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. 6 days until election day. this morning on the washington journal we will begin with your reaction to former president donald trump's interview at the national association of black journalists convention in chicago. here's how you can join the conversation. republicans, (202) 748-8001. democrats, (202) 748-8000. independent, your line this morning,. >> for american citizens to go back where they came from. you have used words like animal and a rabid to describe black
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district attorneys. you attacked like journalists, saying the questions that they asked are "stupid and racist." you had dinner with a white supremacist at your mar-a-lago resort. so my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that? >> will first of all i don't think i've ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner, first question. [laughter] you don't even say hello, how are you, are you with abc? because i think they are a fake news network, a terrible network. and i think it is disgraceful that i came here in good spirit. i love the black population of this country. i've done so much for the my population of this country. including employment, including opportunity zones with senator
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tim scott of south carolina, which is one of the greatest programs ever for black workers and black entrepreneurs. i've done so much and i say this , historically black colleges and universities were out of money, they were stone cold broke and i saved them and they gave them long-term financing and nobody else was doing it. i think it is a very rude introduction. i don't know exactly why he would do something like that and let me go a step further. i was invited here and told my opponent, whether it was biden or kamala, i was told my opponent was going to be here. it turned out my opponent is in here. you invited the under false pretenses and then you said you can't do it with zoom. well, where is zoom? she is going to do it with zoom and she is not coming. and then you were a half-hour late. i have too much respect to be late. they couldn't get their equipment working. >> i would love it if you would
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answer the question on your rhetoric. >> i have been the best president for the black population since abraham lincoln. >> better than president johnson who signed the voting rights act? >> you start off especially your 35 minutes late because you can get your equipment to work in such a hostile manner i think is a disgrace. host: the former president at the national association of black journalists convention in chicago. that was the first exchange of the day. on the implications the former president, the association president can limit productive statements saying that the association is in talks with the vice president's campaign for q&a, former president donald trump was set to appear in person. they have been in talks with both parties since january, and the invitation sent to
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candidates are not endorsements, he said in a statement and they align with the association practices to maintain 76. axios reports that the vice president was offered an in person interview but was not given the option to appear virtually when she became the presumptive nominee. a source previously told axios her campaign and organizers could not agree on a time. the republican nominee, the former president requested a different format for the conversation, a rally and been some questions, but the nabj president told axios they held firm that wednesday's discussion in chicago would be a panel. your reaction to the former president's interview at the convention yesterday, john in brooklyn, democratic caller. caller: people don't look at history.
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somebody should check his, i don't know what they are talking about. he tried saying he was born in kenya, but this is something -- i wonder does he think people check out what he says? you've got to read history. the indian people and jamaicans, those are black people and anybody that is religious, read genesis fourth and fifth chapter. that is where that generation comes from. tell trump to check his history. thank you very much. host: teresa is a republican in tennessee. teresa? caller: good morning. i think donald trump did a good job yesterday. i applaud him for showing up. he knew that they were going to
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attack him. i mean, she had it planned, she had it written. i think they were very disrespectful to him. why would they invite him if they were going to be so disrespectful to him? and kamala harris, she is not doing any interviews. they are putting on a play like they did for obama. trying to make everybody believe she is the best there is, and i have seen so many pictures of her being an indian, not a black woman. host: where did you see that, teresa? >> it all over the internet. i have pictures of her in indian guard. she is on tv doing an interview with another indian woman in her kitchen where she says you are going to be the first indian
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president and she is like, yes. it is all over. why is she trying to hide it? is it that important to pretend to be a black woman to get the black vote? and one other thing, please let me say this. i remember when democrats attacked donald trump for having nothing but white people as his lineup for vp. and here is kamala harris, all white men is who she is picking from for vp. some people are racist. but the people she chooses, the white people and the white man she is married to don't seem to be racist. i don't understand the theory. host: teresa asks the former president rally after that interview at the convention in chicago, on the megatron they displayed this headline from business insider. the trump campaign is projecting
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this on the screen above the stage at a rally in harrisburg, pennsylvania, a headline that referred to her as the first indian-american u.s. senator. from the other side, teresa, that harris campaign democratic supporters point out that she has talked about her black heritage, her jamaican father, and she wrote about it in her book, it has been something that she has talked about in the past. philadelphia, democratic caller. caller: i don't know where to begin. the first question that that young lady asked was a basic question. i just don't understand what
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people see in this man. he is a racist from the neck down. i'm telling you. yesterday was an embarrassment and as a 76-year-old black man, there is no way that i would vote for a human being like this. thank you for your time. host: pennsylvania, democratic caller. this second journalist to question the former president at the convention yesterday was fox news'harris faulkner. here is how she framed her question and the former president's response. >> there is this question of in this moment where we are, why come here? what is your message to them? >> my message is to stop people from invading our country that are taking, frankly, a lot of problems, but one of the big problems and a lot of his
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journalists in this room i know and i have great respect for, a lot of the journalists in this room are black. [laughter] i will tell you that coming from the border, millions and millions of people happen to be taking black jobs. >> what exactly is a black job, sir? >> anybody that has a job, that is what it is. [laughter] they are taking the employment away from black people. they are coming in and they are invading. it is an invasion of millions of people, probably 60, 70 million people. i have a feeling it is much more than that. everybody has been seeing what has happened. the first group of people, the black population is affected most by that and kamala is allowing it to happen. she is the worst reporters are in the history of the world. she said she was there once, but not the right part of the border. host: the former president at
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the national association of black journalists convention in chicago, that with the second journalist to pose questions to him. there were three journalists on the stage with him yesterday. the former president putting out untruth social this post after the questioning which lasted a little over 30 minutes. the questions were rude and nasty, but we crushed it, he said. joe, independent. what do you say? caller: i say it was a good show, he put on a good show and that is all these things are is a show. as far as him making the comment about harris being from india and whatnot -- not from india, but nationality, i was wondering when they were going to start bringing that up. she keeps on saying she is black but she is saying that now because she wants to be the black votes.
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before she said she was from india but now all of a sudden she's not. she looks more indian than she does black. host: and why does that matter, joe? caller: it shouldn't matter but the democrats make a big deal out of it. they are saying black, black, black. it shouldn't make a difference. if you are going to vote for a person you vote for the person because he is doing good or you like what he is saying, not because he is black, catholic, jewish, female or male. it is stupid. host: new jersey, independent. joe, the vice president also called a show yesterday. she had a rally in houston yesterday where she talked to supporters. here is what her response sourf
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our country. host: the vice president, kamala
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harris are reacting to say when he appeared before black journalists at their convention in chicago. we want to know what your thoughts are in this first hour of the washington journal. jamie in wisconsin, democratic caller. caller: morning. i really feel like trump's appearance at the convention was very contradictory. i don't know if that is the right word to use. i don't know what he was trying to accomplish because i watched the beginning of the conference and the reporter asked him, you know, you said rude things to black journalists, why should they vote for you? in his response was essentially that. he called the question rude. he barely acknowledged the question, didn't fully answer it.
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it was really laughable when he said no introduction, you didn't even say how are you doing? it is just really funny to think if the reporter was excessively using all these nice gestures and then immediately jumping into let's get into how you are a dreadful racist and have a racist past. i don't know what his goal was. i don't know if he voluntarily was or he was invited but either way i don't know what his purpose was there. host: he was invited, the association has a history of inviting the presidential candidates before their convention. how do you respond to people like j.d. vance, the wall street editorial board this morning getting the former president credit for even showing up in that environment?
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caller: of course they would. of course they would. again, i don't know what his goal was, so that question is kind of hard to fix lane because item think it helped him at all. every time he appears in one of these events, he takes himself into a deeper hole and validates my stance on who i am voting for more and more every time. host: these people with what voting block? he digs a deeper hole, but with whom? what group? caller: in terms of his whole belief that he is racist. he validates it every single time. when a reporter asked in the initial question of why are you so rude to black voters or to black journalists, you set all these terrible things about black lives matter,, his response was just back.
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he was blatantly rude to the reporter, he brought up these completely irrelevant things like kamala harris is not here, you weren't polite to me, you didn't introduce me. he just prove the point right away. he went into that convention basically on hot ground, if that makes any sense. host: ok, all right. the wall street journal editorial board does give the former president credit for going to the convention and sitting down for that interview. they also write this, that mr. trump called the question rude and disgraceful but he had to know this wouldn't be a lovefest. he also said oddly that, harris was always of indian heritage and he didn't know that she was lacking to a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. now she wants to be known as black. that is the identity politics trapped democrats want mr. trump to fall into any dove right in.
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harris is multiracial and was a member of the congressional black caucus as a senator, and went to howard university, historically black college. mr. trump's answer stepped on his own best campaign message they do want to say is the economy. and they write this. the national association of black journalists is working to schedule an event with kamala harris in september. miss harris originally declined the invitation to appear in person, and she is doing almost no interviews these days where she might get a hard question. give the nabj credit by standing by its invitation to both candidates and mr. trump for facing a hostile crowd. that is how the wall street journal frames it this morning. ed, ocean city, new jersey, independent. caller: yes, ed o'donnell, i applaud and congratulate the journalists further questioning, very good question.
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i don't support any politician in either party, but i think journalists should be more aggressive in questioning politicians because a lot of these politicians are in some serious -- host: let's stop there. carl, independent color. caller: yes. i didn't know what was going on yesterday, but the republican party let their crazy white uncle come to a black barbecue. he comes out and he just starts insulting them. you all are a bunch of dumb negroes. it wasn't just harris. he insulted of mike journalists -- the black journalists. this black people here, you didn't know this? it doesn't surprise me listening to those on the republican line
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trying to offer some excuse for what he fundamentally did. he just insulted an entire racial community. we are black americans. you didn't know we were black? you think we don't know that we are black? what is wrong with these people? you can't recognize what donald trump is? you know what, i'm going to go ahead and let these black negroes know where their place is. i don't know what to say other than that. host: chicago, democratic caller. the white house press secretary was asked about the former
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president's remarks, the one the caller and many of you have been referring to, that very first question given to him at the convention with the journalists, and here is what she had to say at the white house briefing yesterday. >> can i ask you about sending that is happening right now, donald trump is speaking to several reporters were assembled there and write out the gates there was what can be described as a contentious exchange where the former president said i'm asking for someone to represent the president or vice president, not someone asking a campaign question. he said that harris was always of indian heritage and i didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black he said, and now she wants to be known as black. i need to know is she indian or is she black? i respect either one, but she obviously doesn't because she was indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went black.
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your response to those comments? [laughter] >> he is a candidate so i'm going to be super careful. i certainly have more to say. as a person of color, as a black woman who was in this vision standing before you at this podium behind the lectern, what you just read out to me is repulsive, it is insulting and no one has any right to tell someone who they are, how they identify. that is no one's right. it is someone's own decision. i'll add this. only she can speak to her experience. only she can speak to what it is like. she is the only person that can do that. and i think it is insulting for
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anybody, it doesn't matter if it is a former leader, a former president, it is insulting. she is the vice president of the united states,, harris. we have to put some respect on her name, period. host: white house press secretary yesterday responding to the former president. we are getting your reaction, independent. caller: good morning. i think everyone is missing the point here. donald trump is a showman. he knows he wasn't in the news when kamala came out to get the democrats excited. if he is not on the news being talked about, he feels shunned. so by him going to this convention, now he puts himself back into the news, now people are talking about him. democrats, independents like myself, let's not lose track. we need to keep focused.
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not every time he makes these outlandish statements, we need to keep it moving. we know the election is three months away, let's keep talking about the issues and not get sidetracked. once again he is a television man and he knows how to distract. host: do you think the association should have invited him and had him up on that stage for the interview? there is a debate within the association about whether that with the right decision. >> i mean, these are reporters. we are the people who are going to actually vote and put him in there. yes he should have been invited. kemal had other commitments, she knew what she had to do. trump is a showman. he doesn't have respect for people of color. they should have invited him and we see what he is for what he is.
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he even attacked nikki haley. he attacked barack obama. it goes on and on, that is all i'm saying. thank you. host: pet in alexandria, virginia, republican. caller: i am a black republican and i heard the interview yesterday and i thought the woman was absolutely rude. just like when he was the president and blacks were doing well and congress attacked him. can the patient please get well? i'm sick of this divisive black -- host: what would you point to that was rude about her questioning? caller: she was rude. she said to him what have you done for us lately? obviously she forgot.
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host: her words were "why should black people support you given what you have said in the past?" caller: i'm telling you as a black woman what she said to him in plain english was what have you done for us lately? host: will stop there. kevin, florence, south carolina. kevin, what do you say? caller: i'm here, hello? good morning. thank you for taking my call. first of all, i want to commend the national association of black journalists for providing content for us to discuss. even though it is not favorable, the result is creating media content and discussion. first of all, a black job is anyone at a trump rally holding a sign. that is a black job.
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american jobs are but we all aspire to. looking at the task at hand, i want to give credit once again for the professionalism of those black journalists as what they've been doing for the association. when do we wake up in america and get to decide where we are born or who we are born with or where we are born? she was born in oakland with an indian mother and a jamaican father. jamaican is not a race. it is a country. india is not a race, it is a country. with that said, what are j.d. vance's children? let's look at that. this is the point. you want to divide, discredit and do this, but here is something. be careful how you discredit black women, women in general. we are watching. this does not make america great again where you can use a paper bag to determine your race.
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we are in a new society here, blended families, blended people. when you look at the olympics, they are not picking winners because they are black. usa, americans. usa. host: kevin in south carolina, democratic caller. first, the national association of black journalists had a condition that has a tradition of inviting presidential candidates to their annual convention. want to show you from previous years, addressing the association was george w. bush who spokeand that is why there'3
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billion in the budget to help. host: then president in august of 20 -- two thousand four and seeking a second term, appears before the unity of years before the unity conference of journalists there showing in one of the questions he took before the jenna ellis, yesterday's appearance by the former president before the national association of black journalists in chicago. nbc tweets that this interview with the former president events started more than one hour late because sources tell nbc the former president refused to initially come out because of a live fact check. but i the fact was live factor -- fact checking the former president on x.
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fact-check and you can find that fact checking if you go online. from the president's war room account, president trump has been waiting backstage for them to fix their audio issue, is what they claim the holdup was, and an advisor to the former president said he was not late, he arrived on time and patiently waited backstage while they tried to get the audio up and running. there were a few wires crossed backstage. differing accounts of why there was a holdup of about a half an hour yesterday. the former president set to appear for an hour before the convention gathering in chicago and the interview after starting late ended after about 35 minutes. david in reno, nevada, democratic caller. caller: just want to make sure that you can hear me. host: we can.
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caller:-on hold for 18 plus minutes, which i completely understand. i've been trying to call for at least a month. i've never gotten more than 30 minutes of speaking time without getting shut off so let's try this again. i'm not a red, blue or orange die when it comes to politics. we the people must govern them, the government moving forward. millionaires and billionaires after 1500 plus days to flatten the curve of the 14 day virus that was and is a u.s. tax dollar funded -- man-made -- host: are you going to talk about the interview that the former president had yesterday? caller: sure, why not? i'm going to say that c-span and basically all mainstream media is just trying to divide and conquer. why don't you just call us american people, why does it have to be the left or the right
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or the center when you guys keep moving the goalpost on the right and the left and the center? i just want to we the people to start having a say in getting our words in to start talking to each other and getting the middleman which is the press, c-span out of the mix because you guys are putting your finger on the scale and forcing us to take on harris as a presidential candidate which she hasn't been put in as a presidential candidate. host: david, we are going to talk about that coming up here on the washington journal, about the democratic national committee rules for replacing president biden after he decided to drop his reelection bid. we are going to talk about the rules put in place coming up. david in atlanta, independent. caller: good morning.
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i'd like to say mr. trump yesterday, he showed a lot of chutzpah for showing up. i watched the whole thing and that kind of agree with the lady who spoke earlier. the number one moderator to me was very mean and how she greeted mr. trump and i think he used that to his advantage. everything that they used for him is an example where he was talking about why he had to wait 30 minutes or so to come on, but you just mentioned in that that he didn't want to come out because they had fact checked him. he wanted to make sure he didn't have that when he spoke. if the moderator had said we wanted to make sure we didn't have a fact-check, she could have used that. i think when he started really getting on her about the audio and the sound, that was donald
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trump at his best, to be able to take a situation that was there and extort it or make it so that it was their fault. at no point in time did that number one moderator excused or say i apologize. she didn't. the third chair moderator, she said how nice they had the interview before, and what i also saw with the ladies, they didn't allow donald trump to answer the questions that they were asking. even if they were trying to track him or whatever, they didn't allow him to answer. host: let's go back to what you first said. described with the questioning was rude. give an example. caller: in the very beginning when he had stepped out, she
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came out with the first question. my thing is always, and i look at it like this, if i come to your home, i'm your guest. i am in your home. you should show me at least courtesy. she could have at least greeted him and then go forth from there. host: but david, she thanked him for appearing and then she went into her first question. caller: mhm. and that is when he came back on her and said well, here you go. you couldn't say hello, you didn't. give me a greeting or do anything. that is when he tried to change up. if she had simply said i apologize, sorry about the holdup, and then move forward from there. when you show your clip and they did the interview, if you notice that martin allowed president bush to answer the question.
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these ladies weren't doing this yesterday. who i really look at our people like roland martin, who know how to talk to a person even if they have bad intent and be able to let them speak. and you can hear their truth. we know what donald trump is about. host: david i'm going to leave it there and get a reaction to what he said from other callers. democratic caller, john. caller: yes, thank you for taking my call. man, was he caught flat-footed. he just came in there with an opportunity to explain to the african-american, black people, citizens of this country that he just completely screwed that up.
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he said something he thought was clever or something and then they gave him a seat and he sat down in that high armchair seat. when asked a straight question, he went to use those catchphrases and words and they didn't work for him and he was asked a straight question. here is somebody that gave rush limbaugh a medal of honor and if you listen to rush limbaugh refer to black politicians, the different congresswomen and people like that, he was very disrespectful. the way that donald trump said black, with that little bit of, you know, bile in his voice. if he came to encourage, to explain why flack voters should vote for him because of their
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concern for disenfranchisement and police brutality and job discrimination and those sorts of things, if immigrants are going to come over here, what does it mean for black jobs? and he says anyone that has a job. so what he is saying is that if you work for a living, you are black, which isn't good. and the way this guy is used to standing up, he is caught flat-footed. somebody just tried to shoot him and now he has put in this platform. it was a bad decision by his campaign and his handlers. host: more of your calls coming up. happening today, a memorial service will be held for the late representative sheila jackson lee, blick congresswomen serve the 18th district for three decades.
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she passed away earlier this month from complications due to pancreatic cancer. a live coverage of the service starts at 12:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. you can also watch on c-span now or online at florida, republican. caller: good morning. the interview, the real reason that donald trump should be reelected as president. the way he stood up to that interviewer is the way he has stood up to putin x,i and the fellow from north korea. that is why he had such success in the years he was president. he stood up to those people and he told them this is my side of the story. when they said they want to do this or that, he would stand up to these people the way he stood
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up to that reporter. and that if the reason he should be -- you know, we have a proven fact in him. we don't know what harris will do. i would say we should reelect him as president because he did the right thing. our economy was great, everything was great, we had no complaints. why wouldn't you reelect a man like that who has the capability of standing up to the presidents of these other countries? that is the way i feel. host: before you go, the former president was asked yesterday during that interview about his pick for his running mate, senator j.d. vance of ohio. here's a headline in the wall street journal this morning at a rally. fans brush off his controversies. what do you think of the pick by the former president of j.d. vance? caller: i think j.d. vance is a very good man. he's done the right thing. he came from a poor background
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and there's always something that these people are going to hatch onto. they have to find something about the weird or something. everybody is weird a little bit, but that is what the phrase is now. they must send this out because everybody that stands against the republicans, where did they get that? is that a memo that goes out to everyone? that makes you question your news media when everyone of them that is against the republicans, they are all saying he is weird. where does this come from? even speaker schumer, he is weird. if people with any intelligence at all can figure out -- and what is so bad about it? host: you are referring to talking points, talking points that go out by the parties officials. caller: why can't they have
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their own talking points? why do they have to be sent a little memo to start out with he is weird? host: florida, republican. let's listen to the former president when he was asked to respond to remarks made by his vice presidential candidate about women who choose not to have children. here is the former president yesterday. >> did you know that he had these views about women who don't have children before you picked them to be running mate and do you agree with him? >> no, he is very family oriented and he thinks family is a great thing. that doesn't mean he think that if you don't have a family -- i know people with families, people with great families, people with very troubled families and they also know people with no family, they didn't meet the right person. you go through life, you don't meet the right person. >> but he's not just talking about families here. people who don't have children. >> i think i'm speaking for him, to. he strongly believes in family,
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but i know people with great families, i know people with not great families who don't have a family, and the people without a family are fair better, superior in many cases. he's not saying they are not. what he is saying is that he thinks the family experience is a very important thing, a very good thing. but that doesn't mean that if you grow up and you grow older and you meet somebody that would be wonderful to meet and would have been good that that is a bad thing. he's not saying that. my interpretation, you would have to ask him, that my interpretation is he is strongly family oriented but that doesn't mean if you don't have a family there is something wrong with it. host: the former president at the national association of black journalists convention in chicago talking about his running mate. in the wall street journal, mark kelly, the senator from arizona, is border posture helps his resume.
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that is wall street journal reporting this morning. cnn was reporting that vice president harris will reveal her pic on tuesday. she is slated to have a rally on tuesday in pennsylvania. josh shapiro, the governor of that state is among the short list of potential picks. new jersey, independent. caller: how are you doing, good morning and thank you for having me on. i just have one quick comment about everything that transpired yesterday. being a black american, i think black americans have to start waking up and allow people 12 a seat at app platform's in our tables. trump was met with so much hostility yesterday, if kamala harris was invited, she would be
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met with the same hostility that trump was met with, even more, and she probably wouldn't even be invited on their platforms. i think it is very disingenuous for the black convention to invite former president trump on. i think a lot of people obviously are upset and we have to stop letting the vile people who think less of us be invited to our platform because if the roles were reversed, i don't think vice president harris -- first of all, she wouldn't be met with any kind of friendly question or any open arm if she was on a right-wing platform, so why would the same thing happened to president trump? we have to start opening up our eyes and be smart about who we invite on a platforms. thank you so much for your time. host: we are getting your reaction to the former president's interview at the convention of like journalists yesterday in chicago. take a look at how it played out
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across the country, trump, harris happened to turn black, quoting him there from the start. the chicago tribune, trump's appearance turns contentious. and then there's also the pittsburgh post-, full attack mode is their headline this morning on the interview before the like journalists. and then there is also the los angeles times, trump attacks harris identity. what do all of you think about the interview and what he had to say? richard in new jersey, republican. caller: good morning. let me start by saying to the gentleman in florida, the democrats, they've been doing this for 10, 20 years.
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your producers, they get the talking points. host: we don't get talking points. we don't get talking points, richard. caller: maybe you don't see them, but your higher-ups see them. host: and how do you know that? caller: because i know people that work for abc and cbs. every morning, certain democrats get them every morning. host: let me just clarify, certainly we get press releases if that is what you're referring to, all campaigns send out press releases with talking points in them. caller: too hard this morning. number one, the reporter rachel scott went out there and was proving with the media is today.
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she went after them, she was disrespectful. and yet harris and the white house press secretary, did they give him any respect? they called him everything in the book for years and years. he doesn't get respect for that. rachel scott with this person out there, he always said from the question that he was asked. host: all right richard. atlanta. we will go to you, democratic caller. caller: good morning. boy, is this a discussion. i have five points i want to hit on, i'm going to do them quickly. first of all, rachel scott is a journalist. if you follow rachel scott, she uses the same lined of interviewing that she always has. she goes after people. if you noticed not too long ago
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she followed nancy pelosi down a hallway at the capitol, asking her if she thought joe biden should step out of the race. she followed her and followed her and followed her and finally nancy pelosi had to say i'm not going to talk about this on tv. she uses the same line of questioning for everyone. let's talk about roland martin who used to be president of the black journalist association. he was in the audience and he was screaming out every time trump said something that was controversial or not true. and he had several interviews afterwards where he talked about it. so people go on youtube to see what he really had to say. kamala harris, people, please stop mispronouncing her name. it is, love -- kamala. and people in politics, certain people are mispronouncing her name because it gives them traction.
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if you look at the interview, george bush was not confrontational, he was asked controversial questions. he took his time and he answered it. donald trump finally came out with the same posture that he always faced. he deflects and he offends. rachel greeted him when he came out. then she went into her line of questioning him. he did not do anything to endear african-american voters to him. completely alienated us. and if you look at some of the comments that were made by major social media and online african-american contributors, you will see a flaming, flaming commentary about him. so for him to say she is not
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black, he knows she is black. he knows she embraces both sides of her heritage, and why shouldn't she? she does it proudly. and for him to stay black jobs again, he knows that that is something that just gets black people up in flames because again, what is a black job? he didn't explain it. he just said they are taking black jobs. next they are going to take your jobs. so he knew what he was doing. he knew that it was not going to be a love fest, but they are journalists, and they should ask the hard questions. they don't have an allegiance to either party. thank you for taking my call. host: another question from the journalists at the convention yesterday, here is the former president responding to a question about his age and health.
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>> if you win, you will still be president at 82. which is older than biden is right now. >> but not mentally. [laughter] >> he is shot. most people, i know many people in their 80's and their 90's that are in great shape, some of our greatest leaders. you look throughout the world, world history, some of the greatest leaders in the world are in their 80's. >> would you consider stepping down if you felt that your health was declining? >> absolutely. i think i'd know. >> how would you make that decision? >> if i came onto a stage like this and i got treated so rudely at this moment treats me. >> my goodness. >> and i'm fine with it because she was very rude, sir. very rude. that wasn't a question. she gave a statement, that was the question. >> you said you would.
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>> if i thought i was failing in some way, i will go a step further. i want anybody running for president to take an aptitude test, to take a cognitive test. i think it is a great idea. i took two of them and i aced them. host: former president trump at the convention yesterday with the national association of black journalists. ohio, independent, we are getting your reaction to that interview. go ahead. caller: what i'd like to say is i appreciated the hard question in the beginning. it was his opportunity to say wait, let me talk about why i am here and i am trying to develop a relationship with the black community, to continue develop. so really it was a softball question, but i really appreciate the fact that she
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asked a question right off the bat, really got the conversation going. we need are journalists to be asking the tough and the hard questions. that is their job. is to have the candidates speak to us, whether we are black, white, blue or purple about who they are, what they believe, what they plan to do, what is their vision for the future. it is not for them to really kind of set it up and make them feel good like what happens over redd foxx. host: response to the caller to say he was rude. that she didn't say how are you, anything like that. the former president said it, too. response to that criticism. caller: actually, if you look at it and you go back and you just look at it without any emotion,
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she shook his hand. we don't know if they had a conversation behind the stage. maybe she said hello behind the stage. why make the assumption that she came out there to really kind of let him have it between the eyes? we don't know the whole picture. host: lauren, upper barbara, maryland, democratic caller. caller: good morning, greta. this is a great conversation. a lot of people have already hit the points that i wanted to discuss but i do have a couple of other things. the first thing is that trump does not like women. because when he gets those tough questions, he can handle it. and it seems like he got even more flustered because they were coming from a woman. he should be ready and used tough questions after having been president for four years. and i thought it was interesting about the fact-check that she provided with the wires that
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were crossed backstage or was it an issue with him not wanting to be fact-check? whatever it truly was, journalists should not have been criticized for the delay. they were not back there connecting wires. he should not have criticize them or attack them for the lateness. one other thing is nobody mentioned anything about the abortion question, and he once again mentioned that abortion happened in the ninth month which we know is not true. it's not a thing. host: if you were on at, "politifact" was fact checking and they did fact-check those remarks that he made. if you're interested, you can find them on x. one more last moment from this interview before the national association of black
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journalists, the moderators said the interview was supposed to last one hour but it started a half-hour late. so here is how it ended yesterday. >> i want to bring down prices, and i also have to stop the invasion. and remember, they are taking your jobs. these people>> i think we have t there. we will get that is the last word and thank you very much for coming and joining us. >> thank you very much. thank you everybody very much. >> thank you, mr. trump. >> we will emailed details about conversations with kamala harris in september. thank you. [end video clip] host: that was the national association of black journalists interview. if you missed it>> "washington " continues.
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host: bloomberg was first with this story that the wall street journal reporter who has been imprisoned by russia is said to be freed in a major prisoner swap, along with evan gershkovich is paul whelan. a multi country prisoner swap. more on that coming up. we will get your reaction to that news in open forum. we are continuing our conversation, joining us this morning is the executive director of fix the court. your group has advocated for reform to the supreme court. did president biden go far enough? guest: it's definitely a good start. we were pleased to see the president is on board with these
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reforms, 70%, 80% of the country favors an enforceable ethics code with popular policies that make sense. it's very consistent with the where the american people want to see the court. they are acting more political, less ethically. certain guardrails should be established with more traditional background where they weren't serving for 30 years like they are now. the average is 16 years up until recently. i think anyone of us has been reading any article in the press , the ability lasted longer than that. it is a really important step for president biden to think about. host: nathan lewis is a lawyer,
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he writes the high term limits are a waste, alexander hamilton wrote in federalist 78 that the judiciary was the weakest of the three department. the periodical appointments could be fatal to their necessary independent -- independence. experience on the bench and with them that term limit would quickly eradicate. guest: opponents of term limits love throwing out federalist 78. to me, what we have here is the justices are exerting political power. the idea that you would take away their independence. if you read the constitution, it is a little bit more important than the federalist papers.
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you have the senate, all politically elected officials confirming the justices. maybe we have a kennedy, o'connor, in the middle. if you read the founding document, of course they will be political, based on what their political views are. you will not have a republican president. you will not have a democratic president, the random flips we have seen with stephen's, that is happenstance, that is the outlier. the court is a political body, how do you make it less political? by having turnover. host: you have proposed increased access. guest: c-span has been on top of
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that for years. ryan has been amazing on that. that is something i'm very excited we have live audio not just in the supreme court but every federal or of appeals on the shoulders of giants on that one. host: c-span has repeatedly asked the court to allow cameras into the courtroom to do what we do congress, show the process unfolding, uninterrupted and no commentary. 18 year term limit for justices, enforceable code of ethics, adopt financial disclosure rules , more openness around public appearances, what do you mean? guest: a lot of the justices are appearing and we only find out about them months or years
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later. just like when i worked for politicians, i would say governor asked -- x, the supreme court could do that too. justice breyer is an example. if you have justice sotomayor or justice thomas speaking at the federal society or one of these other groups, it is important for the public to know about it. i think the supreme court police could manage that. the justices meeting with people in their chambers. this is the historical society. if you remember 18 months ago, the historical society was being used to get to influence the
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justices. him and the political operatives use the supreme court historical society to get close to the justices to influence them on issues of choice. i think knowing a little bit more about who the justices are speaking with, i just found an appearance justice jackson made >> we take you live to the white house where president biden is speaking to the families of u.s. citizens released as a result of the prisoner swap with russia. president biden: good afternoon. this is a very good afternoon. a very good afternoon. today, three american citizens
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and one american green colored -- green card holder, all three unjustly imprisoned in russia, paul for three years, vladimir since 2022, evan since march of 2023. russian authorities arrested them, convicted them in show trials, and sentenced them to long prison terms. with no legitimate reason whatsoever. paul is a former marine. corruption in russia. assigned by the wall street journal. alsu was in russia to see family and all three work accused of being spies. vladimir was a russian citizen by birth holding an american green card, a pulitzer prize-winning journalist


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