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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  August 13, 2024 4:01pm-4:36pm EDT

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>> it matters who sits on the other side of the bargaining table. >> governor walz speaking in los angeles and heads to newport, california. and president biden and first lady jill biden will be live in tulane university. up to $150 million and watch that live at 4:30 p.m. here on c-span. the pew research organization with this headline. many americans find value in getting news on social media,
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but concerns about inaccuracies have risen. here they ask about what you like about getting the news from social media. and the top response by far at 20% is the convenience followed by the feed and being able to interact with people. when they are asked what do you not like the largest thing was that it's inaccurate. and here you can see it has grown from 2018 when it was at 31% saying they dislike that social media news is inaccurate to 40% in 2023. take a look at the portion of the interview with musk yesterday. this is audio only. >> sort of overnight is there rewriting history and making kamala sound like a moderate when she is far left, far, far left. >> she is considered far liberal
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by far than bernie sanders. she's a radical left lunatic. if she's going to be our president, very quickly you are not going to have a country anymore. she'll go back to all the things that she believes in. she believes in defunding the police. she believes in no fracking, zero. now all of a sudden she's saying no, i will -- really want to see fracking. if they got in, the day she got in, she'll end fracking. and by the way, if people didn't think that, the hraopb particulars that leave -- lunatics that leave in that they won't vote for her. like the palestinians and israel. she is so anti-israel -- she's bad for both. biden actually did something that was empossible. both sides hate him. you know. both sides. that was a hard thing to do. unification. >> i mean, i mean, netanyahu came to give a talk to joint
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senate and house. i was there. and kamala stood him up. what does that say? >> i think it's highly disrespectful. and i say if you are a jewish person or if you believe in israel, if you are a person that is very pro-israel, if you vote for her, it's worse than biden. and biden was bad. but if you vote for her you ought to have your head examined. host: that was from last night. during the interview the trump campaign posted this on x of the former president speaking to musk over a cell phone, here it is. >> biden actually did something that was *pl possible. both sides hate him. you know. both sides. that was a hard thing to do. unification. host: we'll go to calls now and start with eric in newport, new hampshire, independent, good morning. caller: good morning. i'm the lead guy a lot of
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pressure. anyway, social media obviously has a huge influence on everyone. i think more so maybe for the younger people. but my real question is, you know, why doesn't ms. harris come out and actually do media presence. this is the real question. why isn't she out with the media being like interviewed and obviously social media's different, for instance, trump on x yesterday. and she's obviously -- i have a new nickname for ms. harris, not kamala it's chameleon, she's changing every and wish she would come out on social media or any types of media and tell us what her views are. thank you. host: all right.
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elon musk did pose this on his platform, x, at 12:39 a.m. in the morning. saying happy to host kamala on an x basis, too. using the vice president's first name only there. and bill is in georgia, independent line, good morning. caller: good morning. host: go ahead, bill. what do you think about social media? caller: thank you. thank you so much for taking my call. i won't take a lot of time. i just want to say this if you don't mind. this election we kind of -- what you might say floating around out there in space. it's a simple decision. you got two candidates. one is running for president and that is vice president harris. we have another person who is -- does not want to be a president.
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he wants to be a dictator. you got a choice. do you want a dictator or do you want a president? it's very simple. i don't care what your background is. you have to make a choice. are you voting for america, or are you voting for dictator? i'm an old-fashioned man. 79 years old. and my life may not be much worth much longer, i will say this much. i am -- i'm a patriotic person. and i believe in a president. and donald trump is no president. host: bill, i wonder, do you ever look at social media? do you have an account say on facebook or on x or tiktok? caller: i'm sorry. host: no problem. talk to lee in kalamazoo,
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michigan, republican. hi, lee. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. hope your day is going great. host: it's just getting started. reserve judgment on that. caller: more coffee. any howe -- any how, my whole thing i don't do facebook, any of the social media stuff. i don't watch that kind of stuff. but all i have to say is if you consider yourself a christian, how could you vote for kamala harris and tim. they are both running on abortion. that's pretty much it. which freedom of choice. they are running on abortion. and you have a guy that is putting tamm ponce in a boy's locker room. i don't know where the crazy started, but i tell you when trump gets in that's when it stops. thank you guys. have a great day. host: and dennis in north carolina, democrat, hi. caller: hello. good morning.
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i don't depend too much on social media. you have to decipher which organizations bring you the real news and you listen to those. of course there are lot of organizations that bring you your high percentage. i want you aware of that. you have to be very careful. with respect to the interview with elon musk and donald trump, i cannot understand my republicans, colleagues because they say trump speak lies, they admit he doesn't behave well, he case a -- says a lot of things you shouldn't really listen to. how can you entrust the country and all its business to a guy who behaves like that. you don't. and the guy who talked about
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being christians, not voting for kamala, because of abortion. well, that's one issue. how can you be a christian and vote for a guy who lies all the time, who has been found by his piers -- peers guilty of rape. found to be fraudulent. come on, my republican colleagues, open your eyes. be a good -- make a good judgment on this situation. that's all i have to say. thank you. host: the harris campaign did put out a statement on that conversation with elon musk. our statement on whatever that was, it says donald trump's extremism and dangerous project 2025 agenda is a feature not a glitch of his campaign which was on full display for those unlucky enough to listenver tha. trump's entire campaign is in service of people like elon musk
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and him sefplt self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class and who cannot run a live stream in the year 2024. dusty from myrtle beach, something. independent. caller: three things i want to talk about. number one, harris is running the campaign. she's not acting like donald trump. running all around willy-nilly. don't have -- don't know what he's talking about half the time. hairis -- harris has a campaign to run and she has a strategy. she's introducing herself to the public right now. to the voters. this week she's going to have a convention. next week she'll start doing her interviews and whatever you all want her to do in front of a
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camera and a microphone. number two, you republicans better read project 2025 because i'm going to tell you right now it's going to affect you just as much as it's going to affect democrats. and the things that are in that 2025 is going to -- if trump gets in there, you will -- in 100 days you will not even recognize this country. he will destroy it with 2025. and i will say thank you. i thought i would never, ever see the day i would tell donald trump thank you. but thank you for that partner you got running around calling a vice president candidate, j.d. vance. that is the biggest joke i have seen. i have been watching politics since carter. he is the worst i have ever seen. thank you. he's going to keep you out of
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the white house. thank you. host: and michael in pittsburgh, a republican, hi, michael. caller: yes. how are you? thank you so much for taking my call. i love c-span. i think it's such a wide cross section of viewpoints which is the problem i have with social media. i don't believe you get a good cross section of verifiable viewpoints. and i think it is to the left. you can find conservative things on it just as you can find conservative things on fox or newsmax or something like that. most of the media in general is slanted so much it's liberal. host: you think that even after musk took over x, twitter? caller: that really helps.
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that's a huge plus. just like there are people that will tune in to fox or tune in to news, max or different conservative -- more conservative viewpoints that x has helped a lot since elon musk took over. i saw a segment of that interview. it seemed like -- that's a real interview. he was asking him real questions. and you get all these softball questions from the mainstream media. when you have someone like j.d. vance on, who really made some excellent points and he went on face the nation, which ever one it was, not sure which -- host: he was on the sunday shows this past sunday. caller: yeah. and he was asking some questions. he says why aren't you asking -- why aren't you really having an interview with kamala harris.
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when he does -- host: michael, you said that you watched some of the interview with elon musk last night or listened to it? caller: i just excerpts from it on fox they had some excerpts. host: ok. do another excerpt. this is them talking about the department of education and mr. trump's plans. >> think of education, we are ranked at the bottom of every list of the top 40. we are ranked number 40, number 38. norway, switzerland, sweden different countries are rarpbges pretty close to the top there. top six or seven. but we are ranked at the bottom. almost at the bottom. 38, 39, 40. in other words horrible. yet we spend more per pupil than any other country in the world. we spend more. and what i'm going to do, one of the first acts, this is where i need an elon musk, i need
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somebody that has a lot of strength and courage and smarts, i want to close the department of education, move education back to the states, where states like iowa, where states like idaho -- not ever state will do great. because states basically aren't doing good now. you look at gavin newsome, the governor the california. he's dot a terrible job. he's not going to do great with education. of the 50, i would bet that 35 would do great. and 15 of them or 20 of them will be as good as norwayment you know norway is considered great. you can name them. they are so good. some of these countries are so good. if you go into some of these really well run states. we have states that don't know what dead s we have states that have low taxes, no debt. everybody -- they are really well run.
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maybe they have certain advantages in terms of location. in terms of the land or the sun and the water and the whole thing. there are a lot of advantages that some people have. if you moved education back to the 50, you have some that won't do well. but they'll be forced to do better because it will be a bad situation. host: former president trump last night saying he would close the department of education if he became president. send that function back to the states. we are going to take your calls on your views on social media and politics for about the next 15 minutes. then we'll transition over to open forum. whatever else is on your mind you can share that with us. here is mark on facebook who says this about social media. it brings out the nastiness in people. many adults don't comprehend that debating politics is a way to convince others to vote in favor of your issue or candidate. most people on here argue and insult others. theresa says president trump and
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elon musk interview was an awesome two hours, five minutes and 58 seconds of a raw, uncut, and frank conversation. it was inspiring to hear two global giants speak on so many topics that would benefit the american people. thank you, president trump, and elon for being so candid and open about everything. it was inspiring. here's jamie also on facebook. it definitely can be done well, but it still has way less guardrails in place than traditional media. and the regulations around it are still being developed. it's relatively new in the grand scope of the media landscape. i remember there was a really long time where youtube channels didn't have to show have their videos were sponsored which cased a conflict of interest for many. largely that's been fixed but still more needs to be done to be sure there are penalties in place for purposely knowingly
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spreading misinformation, etc. and back to the calls to prince, south carolina, democrat, good morning. caller: hello, good morning. host: good morning. you are on. caller: yes. i was calling because i -- i am he democrat and i was going -- wasn't going to vote for biden because i think that he was messing up. but i am going to vote for harris. but as far as trump is concerned, i do not understand why everybody keep calling him president trump when he's a former president. he's not a president. to me he's one of the worst presidents there is. it's like put ago child in the white house -- putting a child in the white house. he's fighting with everybody. causing so much confusion. i don't understand it. america is so caught up in it he's asking everybody for help. and at the same time he's pushing screens. i don't follow him. host: do you follow social media
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at all? do you get your news from that? caller: sometimes. i get a little bit from the news. from cnn. fox. different stations. i want to be neutral. host: all right. nate in franklin, indiana, republican. good morning. nate. caller: good morning. elon musk, donald trump, social media all have the same in common. all three sources of misinformation and lies. i think my republican party, the theme song should be "tell mi lais, tell me sweet little lies." i can't put my hand over my heart every day, pledge allegiance to the flag and to the republic and vote for someone like donald trump who tried to interfere and present false electors to the u.s. congress. that is against the republic.
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that's against my pledge to the republic. also, for my christian friends out there, psalm chapter 15 says a vial person is to be condemned not voted and supported for. we got a man that cheated on three wives. he is a convicted sex offender. he's convicted of fraud, which is just another word for lying, for his benefit. that's a vial person. he's not to be supported. host: getting back to social media. you said there is a lot of misinformation. do you find yourself fact checking the -- what you see on social media? or do you just discount it and say it's not true? how do you deal with that? caller: i do not do any social
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media. look, my information comes from multiple sources. the bible tells you that there's safety in the multitude of counsel. you don't listen to people you agree with. that's called an echo chamber. so i lensen to fox, cnn. these are people -- bible says things are established by witnesses not by people that's just repeating news. news is like food to your brain. social media's just taking news and chewing it up for you or preparing it so that you like it. but i like my news raw. and i get it from multiple sources. host: from "washington journal," right? and here is "washington post" article saying, the secretaries of states urge musk to fix a.i.
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chat bot spreading false election information. grok is the a.i. search assistant. it suggested kamala harris had missed the ballot deadline in nine states. she hasn't. that is his a.i. bot it said he was urged immediately to implement changes to x's a.i. chat bot after it shared with millions of users false information suggesting that kamala harris was not eligible to appear on the 2024 presidential ballot. this is stacey in waldorf, maryland, democrat, good morning. caller: hi, how are you. host: good. caller:p i just -- i just think that social media -- it's a lot of misinformation. and that also comes from the actual news media. because people are watching the actual news then they post on social media and misinformation just gets carried over and over
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and over again. perfect example, trump i guess back in june what it was he said no taxes on tips. if you watch all the news media about that, everybody was putting it down saying it was unrealistics, blah, blah, blah. kamala harris came out if you watched the news regarding her announcing that, it's been nothing but positive feedback. i think the news media itself, either liberal or conservative, their running -- they push their own narratives. and that happens on social media as well. so it's misinformation on both sides. as far as project 2025, that's been around since 1981. for 43 years no administration has ever picked up any of those policies. it's just insane to me that why wasn't this brought up in 2016? 2020? why is it a big focus now? it's propaganda.
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and the media uses that as a fear factor. that's what they have always done to us. the government, the media, now social media because everybody spews the echo chamber, it's just a lot of misinformation. host: all right. got it. let's talk to harry in norcross, georgia, independent line. caller: hey, that's me. host: it is you. caller: harry is my name. ok. i'm just going to say look, we are coming up to a conundrum that we have had building since 19 is 76 or 1978. whenever the court started getting taken over, the supreme court started getting taken over. and it's built all this up to us and they have used it all this
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time to build up this christian nationalism system that most americans don't agree with. and now you find that you are getting folks put into elective positions in different states that control the elections. now i see we are really in a deep, dark tank here. and if we don't
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even my 87-year-old mother doesn't want to argue about it.
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so i don't break up what a democrat is or a republican is. it seems like we are splitting each other apart. again, you have to fact check. so my husband has gotten me into watching -- i don't even say some of their names or allowed where i get my news from and fact check. and i'm just wondering when is this bickering going to stop and bring out the true facts. why are we burning the flag? why are we upset by services, women's right. what is education, what is health care? i have all of that in my family. and we may not agree at least you can keep your mouth quiet
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for two minutes and yes, do the fact check because the more i look at it the worst it gets. >> and we are going to move to open forum and continue to talk to this issue of social media and politics the interview with elon musk or other things on your mind feel free to talk about that as well. numbers are on your screen. democrat. caller: i don't trust our social media for my political information. i seek it out and i usually don't listen to cnn or misnbc and never ever turn to fox. i don't know what that network
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is. and i just don't trust it. it's fun but not political news and i i don't always agree with the progressives but 90% of the time i do. >> i never watch anything with
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elon musk and nothing more than howard hughes and that tank that looks like a snake bug. host: independent line. good morning. caller: there have been so many comments dmow that i'm confused but i will say that i don't think social media is that bad of a medium for people to get information but i don't think it was. i think it was invented so people could converse with family and friends across the country or the world. and that's it should stay. i think as far as social media, i think it is confusing because we are only listening to one thing and at home or facebook
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and only listening to one version -- [indiscernible] [indiscernible]
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minuses we are experiencing is that social media is a tool and this tool is really harming a lot of people, especially our young people who are depressed, who are committing suicide at alarming rates and people used to communicate and looked at each other's eyes there was a person behind who you were communicating with, social media, it is easy to fire your opinions, whether it harms or hurts and whether it gives a boldness to express opinions in a harmful way. and it goes beyond social media. we have social media and then division --
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