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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 7, 2023 10:00am-10:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is the w and you slide from berlin one month since the hum us terror attacks on israel is there any crime forces are getting ready to enter god's assistance? the city is surrendered in grand bottles between the idea of forces of how much fighters are likely to be a new bloodier phase of the war. at the same time, the aerial bombardment of kaiser continues with i pause god's us how master on
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health ministry says the death toll in the strip has risen above 10000. and as germany agrees, new rules to finance the integration of migrants. we have a report from soon as you have one of the main locations for refugees on migrants trying to get to your if we speak to one of the countries of the biggest people, smelters, the pablo solely as welcome to the program. these radio army has stepped up, its operations in northern guys are pending. the area with air strikes ends in circling gaza, city. israel defense forces are expected to enter the city soon. they've been preparing for urban warfare with the is the midst minutes and group hamas, which is likely to lead to a sharp rise and casualties. these ready troops of already severed guys of cities from the size of the territory in an interview with us,
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broadcast or abc news is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu said that israel will take responsibility for the quote, overall security of guys. after the war. those who don't want to continue the way of home us. it certainly is not that i think is will for an indefinite period. we'll have the overall security responsibility because we've seen what happens when we don't have it when we don't have that security responsibility. while we have is the rupturing of a must or on a scale that we couldn't imagine. ernie or i spoke with our correspond to ben for susan in jerusalem, and i asked him for his assessment of netanyahu's remarks. its own responsibility is one word and occupation is a very different one. we know that is really truth withdrew back in 2005. we also know what, how much reaction would be a senior official 11 on saying it would never accept a public government. you also have to remember that the right wing religious
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government of benjamin netanyahu is under fire at the moment. uh that in yahoo himself. a dead man walking is he's being described to his career. sounds like it's already over protests he against him and his government only continues to visit. certainly a lot of pressure over here that would bring into the question whether or not israel does have any authority when it comes to the p a, the palestinian authority. and these are being the suggestion, so the font by us secretary of state entity, blink. and it has very little both or he and autonomy of the parts of the west bank at the bottom bids and to put it in place to govern the gaza strip. would also be highly problematic that has been top of a group of several governments coming together and international agencies. to perhaps galvin the gaza strip and provide security. but that is also one device
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that been at the israel defense forces are intensifying their focus on guides associated with the idea. gave much detail why specifically there and with one a. it's because the city is the biggest city. it's expected to be the stronghold of thomas. no one knows for sure exactly where they are in the tunnels of but the idea if or is great, the defense forces have managed to separate. they say the, i'm a strong culture of the north and south and a now operating at full force. they were being you plans approved by the health ministry. but if this next phase is to begin, then troops started entering goes to city, according to media, that could happen soon. then this would mean the oven warfare, and it could mean high casualties. on both sides. we're talking about high casualties as well as far as the billions go, with hundreds of 1000 staying
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a humanitarian card will remaining open but is ready. the troops only able to secure a part of that. the health ministry overnight saying that another 292 people have been killed, hits on hospitals, and will how much rockets flying towards is when? thanks pan dw, correspond to benson susan reporting from jersey. or while i'm at least expert and author, jonathan spire in jerusalem gave us his thoughts on prime minister benjamin netanyahu . his remarks about taking responsibility for the overall security of guys. what is being the stated position of the government of israel for a while? that the goal of it's a war effort in the gaza strip is to bring down to collapse. i'm us government in gauze or the one which of course launch the atrocities against israeli civilians. on october 7th, it's not been so clear until now what israel intended to but as a successor will start to the i'm so sorry,
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i think i think from the box has become clear. so what we'll be talking about if indeed of course is rather tree is it's mission, it's fixed mission because the strip will be a combination, something like this. and the westbank code suggests of a sudden, you know, thought of some kind or another company but to some kind. but with a continued his riley security presence and commitment within the cause of strips of that's the way that i would interpret nothing else for months. yeah, no, nothing. yeah. who also says he's open to pauses in guys. fighting for aid. do you think that's because of pressure from the united states? a very possibly i think that there is a, a sort of damage of opinion right now as far as you and i see was discussing the, yesterday, the issues these positive goals as the position of some of the members that china, i believe, and others was for a human, an open ended what they called you about a terry and a 65. the americans, somebody despite this call,
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according to what it calls to monetary impose as best as i see as far as the few days are they want to know is clearly positioning to do is to say, well, israel is not necessarily opposed to very brief. tactical pulls is, but i guess what the government's result will be trying hard to convey is it is always very seriously committed to the military mission, which it has sets itself, which the rates rise to bring down from us so far too. from that point to view a long ceased by suddenly, or even a long pause, allowing him us to recruit and re quit fits fights is, would very much not be on the agenda. so yes, i think that the problem is, so it is sort of seeking some position himself in order to continue to advance as well as agenda and intentions without risking you know, a risk in a certain sense or a decline in a certain sense of the car to close relations between israel and the us administration. that was made least expert and author jonathan spire talking to us a little earlier while the hamas controlled guys,
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a health ministry says that more than 10000 people have been killed by his riley strikes since they become their campaign a month ago. many guys have been heading to the sides of the strip in the hope of avoiding his ready bonding, but nowhere in the territory territory is truly safe. in gaza, the human cost of this conflict keeps on mounting. as the smaller strip of land continues to be, pummeled the as well defense forces say they opened a humanitarian cover to this allowed palestinians to evacuate the nose. the bombardments are heavy at of them. it seems that no air in the street is truly safe and is ready as strike hits a residential building in a densely populated district of con, units in southern gaza. the old children not a single adults or children, the whole building collapse of them. these that you'll goes nothing, yahoo may go take revenge on you know,
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hundreds of thousands of disguised thousands and now living in make shift. shouts is in the south to district is rout intensifies. it's bombardments. for this hospital, the employee just one massage type, took everything away. well, some of the i was lucky my shift at the hospital when the casualty started arriving . to my shock. i saw among those method where my wife may soon as well as our 4 children, the youngest of which was 8 months old. it's an old too familiar story for many living in the gaza strip. the wall between isabel and her mouth shows no sign of letting out. and it's the people on the ground who are paying the heaviest price of all un secretary general, antonio guitar says again, cold for
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a cease fire and voiced the concern over violations of international humanitarian. little in the month of on conflict guides, a is becoming a good i have you out for children. get onto oppressions by these reality sales forces. i'm confused, bombardments, i think civilians hospitals refugee camps, most church and un facilities including shelters. no one is safe. at the same time, mazda and the meal incense you civilians as human shields, and continued to launch rockets indiscriminately towards israel. let's take a look now at some more stories making use to a secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived in japan for a g 7 summer with foreign ministers, the war between israel and how may i assist at the top, the agenda in tokyo, head of the summit lincoln said washington was working aggressively to expand to 84
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civilians and gas. former us president donald trump, has appeared in the new york core to testifying a civil fraud case involving his real estate and par trump. and 2 of us sons are accused of exaggerating the value of their real estate assets by billions of dollars to obtain more favorable bank loans and insurance terms. germany's federal and state governments have reached an agreement until for rules to curb migration. the measures will restrict the benefits of asylum seekers and accelerate asylum procedures. the agreement was reached. dr. morrison talks in berlin and months of dispute transfer will actually also set the number of migrants coming to germany is too high. is coalition is under pressure from the far right. a f d party who have made strong gains on an anti immigration platform. of germany is one of the top destinations for refugees on migrants coming to the u. bringing them to europe's shores can be a lucrative business for people. some others don't even see. i'm john set of
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shelves and my broke up could there follow this report from trinity to the ruins of an old fortress offer must move with the perfect view. he says he's one of the top people smugglers on this little island of care can not. and that he's taking more than $1200.00 people to europe this year already. he doesn't want to be identified and insists on being filmed well on the phone, finland, there's significant. hi has been doing this since 2011. i learn from others in the business, and things have been going all the time. somebody at one point i started to make $3.00 money, a few $100.00 more than a few 1000 more to get that. uh, i know my buck now. hang on, let me see if it does not select any thought. he said, look, uh he's on the phone all the time. the secret to his success quality. he says he doesn't simply feel boats with people and send them off to their feet. he captains the boats himself. it's an expensive option for his customers.
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the most from flooding notice in the nation fee is between $1502500.00 euro's but i charged for the notice of julian's balloting in small guns around $4000.00 euros per person. wonderful. that's too much for mohammad and his family from syria. a few months ago they spent most of their money on spaces on a boat about the coast guard, stopped it and took the passengers to a desolate spot in the south of tanisha. uh huh. they understood us and for us to come to its fix and then on the ben guns on the bottom of it, lead the a people instead of the let us get they would force us across the border. totally be us in the media. police officers who make such a rest seem to have changed their approach. nowadays, they've often dropped people close to places where people smugglers are known to operate. observers suggest this might be connected to the end of the migration deal
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with the you. the lack of stricter policing is good news for somebody. he smuggles people out of sues and even rents apartments to customers while they wait for a boat. it's an open secret. even the police no, he says. the. the, the ones who help us. uh like the security uh the security uh they had the one who used to tell us the good time, what time are we going to do the walk? i know what's the by time enough to do it. he specializes in moving people from west africa to europe. he says, it's a twist of history. we are going to have to be given as we just go there to change the situations. that's all the same way when you and the came to pick a stick up more stuff. that's the same. we are going back. they have to take all the stuff to get him back into the country. he says, the coming weeks will probably be busy on the beaches here. many migrants are
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likely to try their luck soon before the winter turns the ons against them. all right, you're up to date, atomic energy climate and russia are the talking points in close of after a short break. and don't forget there's plenty more new signed information on our website. you don't, you don't. com and you can follow is our social media kinds are handled, is people use like an offer. we'll be here from the top of the next hour. for me, the team take care, the person who's got issues with a lot say what the


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