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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  November 8, 2023 7:15am-7:30am CET

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the lesson, yahoo has also signaled that the israeli military will remain in gaza after it illuminates problems. so the news for now up next year, paying companies re think of their investments in china, rob watts, is the business name. so i'm terry marketing. thanks for watching the eclipse someone else to the cd. hi, lots of selected for you. you every week in you a box, subscribe. now actually we don't have a choice. i think that we have little time list to save the product. so we have to do what we can as fast as possible. we only have one generation left just 25 years to increment the greatest revolution. since the tune of the industrial and replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy around the world.
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is this really possible documentary, the renewables revenue november 25th on the w. the european exodus from china. research suggests many here in multinational, considering shifting operations out of the country will ask what's driving them away, blockage at the board to find out why polish truck drive is a holding up traffic as a frontier with ukraine and business as usual, we visit the ukranian c factory that's trying to maintain production against the backdrop of the data be business on robots in, but then when come to the progress is staging. scattering away your opinion
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business. a survey conducted by the european central bank suggest over 40 percent of a multinational was planning to shift the overseas operations to politically friendly countries. the majority pointed to china as posing a particular risk. they're also looking to source materials elsewhere to be less dependent on the country on monday, trying to post this 1st of a course of the deficit and foreign direct investment as withdrawals and downsizing by farm firms outpaced best spending image i've been discussing this with so were 10 who is chat of finance at the university of hong kong. i asked him whether the china is becoming an increasingly hostile environment. the foreign firms, the welfare and geo political challenge, have taken really center stage as far as all the policy makers and the defense
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political leaders are concerned. they are really preparing a 1st opportunity show all the security for china as i have the secondly to protect china from uh, geo political uh, volunteer to, to say the least at least as read that sense. i mean, it's really not surprising that job or the only chinese piece of this is and the households. i'm making that adjustments. so should um, uh, following businesses in china as well. so given the welfare driven nature and uh, preparation for possible uh military. all the types of conflicts with uh, developed countries um the business environment are in china has turned to be uh more and more on friendly too far in businesses. uh so in other words, domestically in china, you know, government officials trust 1st and foremost,
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state owned enterprises. because the state, all the enterprises are controlled by the potty and other government branch and then uh, you know, when, uh they have to choose between domestic private businesses and foreign businesses doing business in china than they would 1st uh, you know, pick, i trust the message private businesses on top of the following business. it started, so i got sense um the operational will basically see my match. uh for multi national firms coming from the west. i'm dealing with a very different conte a piece of this context in china, especially a way to compare to your or, you know, the business environment in china 20 years ago or 10 years ago. it's interesting that the china is just place that it's 1st of a quarterly deficit in foreign direct investment from what you're saying you make
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it sound like that's not actually something that would consider engaging, particularly as well if they would like to have both. uh, you know, the forwarding basically says then following happened or to stay in china, especially given that uh, the chinese domestic and economy. uh, its, uh, you know, slowing down to say the least. uh, it may even be a real recession. uh that is uh being uh uh, formed uh so a year term. uh that they do. uh want you a cheap the comics uh growth situation from lot going down any further because uh they also are increasing unemployment challenge. i especially off or they use uh some other things uh considered. uh they would like to they, they would like to acknowledge slowed down to, um, slow down some watch. uh,
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not the accelerated and not too much for that sense. uh, they are concerned. so this is why the uh, us china relations, especially the us trying to acknowledge relations at the moment are really being um, improved uh through various offer you show in the office your efforts in trying to adjust, in particular to make sure that there's all coming up by then she median, you start from cisco and next week we're actually a b r conducted in a very user friendly environment. oh, you know, all of our backdrop on so in that sense, even though they realize that fundamentally the us, china relations are going to be very difficult to really uh, uh, be approved. uh, still at the moment they want to uh, create
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a more friendly atmosphere at least off to you and even for the next week after that meeting in san francisco than uh, the. busy the may be somewhat different. so 10 share of finance of the university of hong kong that and you can watch an extended version of that interview. if you go over to the w news, youtube channel that's data we. com. sorry do. tube dot com slash through the news . now, some of the other light isn't stories that i'm making the news. international monetary fund. this upgrade is 2023 economic growth forecast for china to 5.4 percent from 5 percent. so i think a rebound in domestic consumption, you all have f ones, however, that the weakness in property and in the properties x x would continue, while demand from a broad may remain locked. less than the work is filed for bankruptcy in the us. the office sharing companies restructuring is vast. that's costing paused by rise
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and people working from home we work with once the us as most valuable stopped up with a peak valuation. maybe $50000000000.00. give us a space that is best quarterly. last since 2017 is based heavy costs associated with its rescue. a fellow swift banking job credit suisse. us law 795000000 your as joined q 3. and industrial production in germany fell more than expected in september. as a recent slump in incoming orders gets told on production, output decreased by 1.4 percent capacity the previous month, which is the lowest level since august 2020 is the 4 consecutive monthly drum of the union has made clear its support for ukraine and its will with russia however, that doesn't mean that on points of tension between e u member states. and that is the neva many of those are related to economic concerns. and one of them is playing out on the border with port no way through.
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like here near dural husk polish truck drivers have been blocking 3 important bought across things between poland and ukraine. they are protesting against the fact that ukrainian truckers are getting increasing order from poland, leaving them at a disadvantage. is they still dealt with that until now? all the price differences between polish and ukrainian transport companies were levels by a permit system. but once the system was abandoned, ukrainian companies were allowed to enter the market without being subject to the same rules that apply to european firms. 20. indeed, the european union has been waiving the need for permits since the russians full scale invasion of ukraine. the polish government says it can't do anything about it . meanwhile, increasing numbers of pull this truck or say their work is under threat across the loan, we're still trying to fight, but if nothing happens, we won't last until after the new year is your trained will take all of our public transport and then it will be germany's turn, so the bottom is, i mean,
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units in fact the menu cranium truck drivers work for less money than you companies have to pay at the minimum wage. and are you afraid? companies have to meet stricter regulations for vehicles and operations. nice. each year, we earn enough money to live on. it may not be as much as in poland, but it's in the same order of salaries and graphics is that it never disputed. there are 2 sides and each side wants to get facilities better conditions and financial discounts. i've seen. yeah. well that's fine. yeah. e with the i can. the coldest truckers are now preparing for a more extended location. if there is no solution, they intend to hold out at least until the end of the year. while it isn't just your training and folks that have been crossing the border into the you when the passage isn't being blocks that is. so have ukrainian seeds which the country continues to produce, despite the ongoing war. about 100 k,
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allow me to south of key of the small town put shriek, you have so 5, in all, most spirit from the wall. it even has work and food to offer this by ups and produces seats for ukraine. spec recapture more than $100.00 employees. some of them highly qualified process, coal, and hybrid, see it despite the war production. this maintains, in the event of an a. um, employees hunker down in bunk cuz sometimes for hours working hours they make up for by working overtime. and the thing is we do not plan to close our production. this motivates us very much here, and we're making major investments. by 2025. we plan to invest $60000000.00 euros to increase production capacities at the bias site in ukraine looking at the buyout of okay, e victoria and agricultural engineer comes one house on for 2 years,
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she lived on the russian occupation until she was able to escape. she felt work in the laboratory, a jump made possible by the plant investments, a new dealership to prove. i am convinced that this works of parts, not only me, but the whole of ukraine. ukraine can. we can all gain experience from foreign companies so that everyone can reach the level that they have to be within those include some leaving you for me because of the war sales of seats and ukraine have declined from us last fields to mines and russian occupation. they are buying less, but now is 60 percent of the seats produce to you. i exported to the you buy a group of leaves long to him in the side and ukraine and calls for support from the us political. but i would like to see investment guarantees expanded by the german federal government and that the conditions are attractive. and because i
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would also like to see what financing opportunities exist for companies to make new investments right now to taking investments that could be destroyed by a russian. the strike protection could come in the shape of financial guarantees and of costs. and the shape of the anti aircraft missiles, protection that would benefit the entire village. it's just time for reminder, there's the top business story that we're following for you this hour. the said i conducted by the european central bank just of a 40 percent to be multi national, trying to shift service these operations to politically friendly of countries. majority identified china as having elevated. right. and so for me, in the business team hand balance, i'm all have a c, w dot com slash business, or the thing to be news channels to next time. the
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in good shape is strongly immune system. yes, please. but viruses never sleep and they have big green changes. love an unexpected moment facing the box. that's the plan to make sure to do it right. because it's so much nicer to be healthy. in good shape. on d, w, does the world needs nuclear power more and more countries all assessing on that also for climate reasons. off of the international market is dominated by russia. how dangerous is this depends on atomic energy climates and russia and 16 minutes on d w. well then progress pop calls to everyone who wants to know
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more about the topics that concern us about this story is beyond the headline world in progress. the w caught caught the or this week double use health show is all about saturdays and village. no, i don't mean difficult neighbors, cranky, co workers for corporate sharks. we're talking pathogens, bacteria, funky and viruses as to these events and found out they can take you by surprise. welcome to in good shape the .


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