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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 8, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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is now one to the, this is the w, there's why the from berlin tonight in the gaza strip more and more civilians fling to the south. israel's military says the high number of people leaving shows that a moss has lost control of northern gauze and also coming up the families whose loved ones were kidnapped by him off for asking european union lawmakers to help bring them home. israel says there will be no ceasefire in gaza until the hostages are released. the
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library golf is good to have you with us. the number of people fleeing from northern to southern gaza is searching as is really intensified since military operations. israel's military says the 15000 people left on wednesday alone, which it says it shows that homos has lost control of northern gauze of israel previously accused. the militant group of preventing civilians from fling, but the confidence who had sale. they are far from safe hoping for the protection of the white flag in the few hours allotted by israel for safe passage. thousands of people headed south on garza's main highway of these rarely military had been telling people to get out of northern garza since the beginning of their campaign against him. off the plan,
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we left the area due to the intense bombardment we'd been holding on there for $32.00 days. yesterday we made the decision to leave because the bombing was very intense. women and children were terrified and we couldn't bear it any longer. may god help us like women on pets, even on the road, educated for safe passage, the bombardment is not far away. the situation is davis things and i eat organizations such as the doctors without borders, say no where it goes. it's safe for the palestinians, displaced from the north. this is what the weights them in the south of the strait . in con eunice. and as strike broke down the mosque, several of the buildings in the residential area were also destroyed. by the way, we're sitting there when all of a sudden an f. 16 arrow striked landed on a house and blew it up. the entire block. 3 houses next to each other. without any
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warning, people were just coming and going all of them civilians and old woman and old man and there are others still missing under the rubble still haven't been found yet. so the 1st responders giving up type of funding survivor is not an option. but for many here, there's no hope and no escape. numerous n g o is accused israel of committing more crimes by attacking civilian areas, killing thousands of people. israel says that it is hitting him, us military targets. mark, well, there is a professor of international law at the university of cambridge. i asked him what the rules of war say about israel's strikes on gossen national or do you mind that any punch it to conflict must apply, which is called the principle of distinction. you must always be able specifically to target the combatants of the other side and keep safe as much as possible the civilians. what the un secretary general has just said is that on the face of
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age, israel has lost, let's say 30 or 40 overt service members of this conflict. and on the other and 10000 civilians have died. the balance that should exist between protection of civilians and military gain seems to be out of hand in this instance. we know that is real as use the right to self defense to justify the attacks that we're seeing. many western countries have also supported this. how far is the right of self defense, applicable. the right of self defense applies is clear that the attack of the 7th of october launched by how much entitled israel to respond even through the use of force. but that use of force must be targeted specific to add a mos edits fights us at the threat of the terrorism, which is ro,
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is entitled to remove if necessary, forcibly. the fact that how must itself will have committed a grateful crime through the atrocities of the 7th of october. does not mean that the civilians of palestine have lost the stages as people under the protection of you want to try and low. that means that israel must not undertake strikes against targets where the civilian injury is excessive in relation to the military gain, but this kind of attack brings that whole thing just the principle of purchase is that in this case, even if it is a ledge that there are uh how much i'll purchase hiding under buildings or somebody got somewhere else. uh that that doesn't relieve israel of the obligation still to minimize the damage to civilians. even if that means it will be more difficult for that. so just try and gauge that. how must fight us, but if it is true that
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a mazda is embedding itself in areas that have that are densely populated with civilians, that any attack is going to be an evidently result in civilian deaths, right? the most as long submitted trays. and this does certainly include, is ro, actually have target to lawyers who sits and to consider whether any particular attack is low full. and the balance in each case has to be made. if the, even if there's some sort of almost infrastructure under a particular target, we're not quite persuaded that let us or what is the case when buildings are targeted, sometimes it looks like retaliation. but even if that is the case that doesn't relieve as row of the duty of protection of civilian at comp, just say that these are human shields. they are not willing human shoes for placed themselves in this danger. the civilians will not lose the title meant to
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protection, or at least a israel has to ensure that the damage to civilian record, incidental damage or injury, is not out of proportion to the military gain that any particular operation frames . and that seems to be, i'm saying that becomes problematic as this conversely continues as the actions of the military. but on the side of his road go seem to be disproportionately affecting civilians. it was mark weller, a professor of international law at the university of cambridge speaking with me earlier. israel's military operation is concentrated on gauze of city. it says from us, has made the densely populated city it's terrorist base, building a bass network of underground tunnels. to hide out in, but the operation is complicated by the hostages seized by her mos on october 7th is really authorities believe more than $240.00 people are still be held in gaza.
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it is really strikes, pound goes a israel says the next stage of it for and how mouse is underway. israel defense forces release this for to give it soldiers on the ground. in garza, they don't name specific locations. the ground troops are believed to be targeting the complex webb's of underground tunnels. situated strips gets go that integrates the city. that tunnel systems are going to be a real problem. and that big sleeve, you probably want to at least until they showed no hostages of that this is the number one, piracy, the is really minute tree could. and to drive home us milton south of the tunnels will blow the tunnels up. we'll even fuck them with sea water. now it's the lot. the thing is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says there's troops and making progress above and below the ground and gauze going into the home. but the home, i'm gonna come out of the lighting in the style i'm,
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it is advancing with the forest. that's a mazda, hasn't no w q because of city in circle that we are operating in it. and i hope for the evening or pressure on from us and every hour and every day, sort of from us the so far we have killed thousands of terrace above the ground. i took his hand under the great would probably look out for me to have look out as is really troops of on some goal is the city and the knowles. and the idea vehicles also gathering on israel southern buddha with garza and he is really navy released for 2 hours of operations of the coast of garza, as well as targeting him us by uh online and potentially soon bye. see i asked is really journalist semi circle is original of how the is really public and the army. how they are perceiving the goss offensive when it comes to the,
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to the gods. a strip of the public hearing is where it is differently supportive, over the aggressive approach and the even the then the guns who kind of like, what was the position is boeing, the war cabinet. he's in the same line together with the that's on the whole. and this is kind of like the bottom to the majority of the is riley public. and the, well they want to see is the kind of destruction of how mos, uh, they're talking about the illuminating this wraps and the they don't want to be stalled. and therefore, the talk about the ceasefire is, is something that they see is somebody that could threaten the forces around that was sandy soak with their reporting from jerusalem israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is refusing to balance a pressure for a ceasefire in gaza. he says the hostages being held by him oss must be released
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1st, families if some of the hostages have traveled to brussels to ask your p and lawmakers to help secure the release of their loved ones. a ton is just 12 years old. the last time he was seen alive was on the day how much the militants broke into his home and keep boots near us. on october 17th, he was driven into gaza on the back of a motorcycle. this is his aunt i and she has a special bond with him because he was born on his 30th birthday. he loves animals . all these pictures is the gentleman he sees the week. i hope that he gets the strength to head the week there. i know that the time is a life. i know i know a tons father,
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ohio has also not been seen since the day of the attack in the chaos of the violence. the family was separated. it's believed he's also being held in gaza. this is just one family story. at this all he had to, they've come to the european parliament to ask for help to get their loved ones released. you only ask his wife and daughters, who are full and 2 years old jim and citizens. is this passport the german passport? it's a piece of paper. it has any value. if it's just a piece of paper, why does people need it? the families delivered passionate, please. and the message was heard. they want also the institutions. our country has to be involved in the negotiations to release them. we have to be part of that. you'll be in for additions and members of the commission from the account so that
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we'll have to do our part or so in this versus why has not been doing that. the i thing that right now is these really government who is doing the these locations? i don't know, but i seen that we should us to be also part of the full i like every day that passes is a day too long. i can't even find the words words of what i'm feeling or how does my or the by them is. i had my are here, my best friend. i me same. and then just smart boy. that they can believe the t.
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v. 's monsters. and we are in the nightmare. but she still has hope. it's help. she's asking for the. let's take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines. you commission president or slip underlying and has recommended opening formal e membership discussions with ukraine and while dover, on what she called the store today. steve applied for membership shortly after rushes invasion back in february 2020 to the doctor, a former us president donald trump has testified in her father's civil. for all the trial, yvonne could trump told a new york cord that she did not recall details of real estate deals that she worked on that her father's company. donald trump is accused of falsely inflating the value of his real estate assets to get loans with better conditions. flooding and somalia has killed more than 2000 people and displaced hundreds of thousands of others. the east african nation has been hit by heavy rainstorm since the start of
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the month, triggering land slides and flooding. villages inform you watching dw news of next. rob watch has dw business news. i will see you tomorrow. the come have a few. she's out t v highlights you every week in your inbox, subscribe. now one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within reach. what do you see? it really is possible to reverse each.


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