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tv   Focus on Europe  Deutsche Welle  November 9, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm CET

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the. 2 2 should. 2 2 humans are close to a chimpanzee and vanishing. pansy is even to a dog. a dr. series about our complex relationship with animals. watch now on youtube. dw documentary, the hello and welcome to focus on your up. it's wonderful to have you with us. an increasing number of people are risking their lives and making, but real is doing even social from new life in europe. according to the united nations, more than a 180000 people, i, as in europe via the magnitude a new this year alone, others use land rules to reach the borders of the european union. last you bear with nearly 1000000 asylum seekers,
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many of whom also wanted to bring their families all hoping for a better future. here. the rise of numbers creating problems for europe in nations. bedroom, for instance, is dropping with a substantial spike and asylum seekers. in the capital, city of brussels, residents are increasingly coming across men sleeping on the streets. the countries fail to meet its obligations to see what we were to provide lodging for me. asylum seekers have given rise to this situation. as a result, those affected our wi thing, their protest. robin rodrigo, along with numerous others falls to sleep outdoors as window approaches the order. these man now becoming uncertain of the future. a dave breaking in the belgian capital. 47 year old for lincoln rubbing. rodrigo has been sleeping rough for a few weeks night, directly outside of belgium's asylum office. he's waiting for them to process his
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application. my us the room. then he's, he told me right now we don't have a room because too much people of this country. then he went to sleep for the floor of the floor, with nowhere to go. he waits here, like dozens of others, rubbing watches as every morning at 8 30 am the brussels asylum applications and opens for half an hour. women and children and families line up on the last single men on the right. belgium provide shelter for refugee women and children that taken away from here immediately. but since october 2021 meant arriving alone, i'm not given. housing sends buckeye with phones telling them to get on the know ready for a waiting list. it's volunteers who provide help every morning. the guys, if nothing, to do nothing to eat, no with to go. but nobody. according to the bedroom,
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know the bedroom with policies are compelled to keep a, to give a shikes to interview for to these people. and they decide not to comply with the know they don't get. all the refugees can do is wait. like nazareth teller, he was a soldier in the ass, down on the before the west pull died. you arrived in belgium 3 months ago, fleeing the taliban in afghanistan. mice that you had sent us a bad look at this. i live in. uh, 3 mine, 4151. live in this uh, 10. uh the there. is there any hour seduce and is where you bet. off to the asylum office closes at 9. am people just bus for the day? robin, his strong catholic faith brings him to brussels cathedral. he prays to find a way through this lovely. and the way it was the need somebody to get married.
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you some marketing opportunities. that's the is it, is it one of the problem is that because he's not seeing his wife and 2 young children into 3 was the 1st the robin says he had his possession stolen and that he no longer runs a passport. i want to move the family, then when i go to visa, then i can take my 2 kids and my wife that i like to stay the i want. i like to it'll be put, but i don't have money, but he's still on the certificates. he's received from jobs as a qualified, heavy duty construction well the you worked in a rock in 2005 in 2010 in cas tall and one year and a half in romania. according to the refugee charity flickering of ag, the average time it takes for an asylum requests to be processed in belgium is full $140.00 days on the you little people have the right to shelter jewelry mount weight and flexing of axes. this as a european problem,
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you see an overall race to the bottom and the whole of europe in union when it comes to the common asylum system, where every country that's been worst and the neighboring country because they want to be less attractive. so in a way, it is part of the overall european policy to be the least attractive country out there. belgium has a housing waiting list of a single man, which they cut off at $2700.00 names. so there are at least that many sleeping rocks, many hundreds more unable to even get the name on the list. the domestic belgian courts have ruled 8000 times against the government not upholding the right to reception. as did the european court of human rights against belgium over 1700 times, we received a written response from the office of the belgian state sex tree in charge of asylum. according to its belgium, faced a 40 percent increase in asylum requests in 2022 from 2021 and with 30 full size
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and 500 places. the asylum reception network in belgium has never been so large quote. nobody can say that there is a lack of will to support the homeless men, h r. a t 's have started occupying premises like this former office building and brussels. 350 men, mainly from burundi. so don, eritrea, i'm g m and live here. for a brief to pre leads, a 15 strong team and is having to reject around 20 new arrivals like this man. every day to day we have no no free place. so i can put the people like this relatively new into the cycle of homelessness. and waiting robin is still convinced that his family's future is here in europe. this my son kevin, this my door, the book see, isn't me. and so he keeps waiting with more more men sleeping in the passages
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outside, but lives very tough here now. and it's not even when to yet china as far motion as i've seen as an extension of beings influence in europe. the country leaders bills harshly with critics of damaging, including those who have fled into exhausted. fin law who lives in london has been tirelessly advocating for freedom of expression and democracy in his homeland. for years, the chinese government has offered a bounty for inflammation that could lead to his of asked the hong kong chinese active is does not feel safe. even in a 5 of the freedom for hong kong from eggs island, london, fin low fights for democracy in his home country. despite the hong kong government offering a bounty of over 100000 euros for his capture. including myself, this token of the system has
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a price tag to my life. as well as my unwavering quest for democracy is essentially to transnational repression. the aims and crushing older voices as pro democracy across the globe. the hong kong authorities went to arrest the 30 year old and put them on trial in hong kong. they claim that's been low and 7 other active as there's a verse of elements working with foreign governments to infiltrate the state. we want to reclaim our destiny. we watch and reclaim all freedom, reclaim our rights to democracy. that's what self determination. hong kong has had a special administrative status since it's hand over from britain to china in 1997 . it's based on a doctrine of one country to systems. but this principle is showing cracks. beijing is exerting increasing influence. 4 years ago,
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hundreds of thousands of people from hong kong took to the streets to demonstrate against beijing's interference. fill out a surveyor by profession was one of the leaders at the time. he spent 2 days in police custody after which he fled to great britain, the former colonial power of these days. it's only a small representative group protesting in london in hong kong itself. hardly anyone dares to publicly criticize the chinese government withdrawing the free world one day after 9 and 10, somebody says, and we have witnessed a system at a version of our freedoms as well as democracy and autonomy. and, and right now we have more than 1600 prisoners surfing their lives. in the home comprises fin louse, speaks of intimidation, even an exile in london. peace cautious and believes it's quite likely that attempts could be made to kidnap him. he's spoken of an incident shortly after his
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arrival in britain, where he was brutally beaten up by a group of strangers. the british government does not want to extradite in laos, and the british foreign secretary says no attempts to intimidate and silence people will be tolerated. we've repeatedly asked the chinese embassy in london for a statement, but haven't received a reply. china town isn't epicenter of london's chinese community. hardly anyone here wants to comment on the situation in hong kong. it's too sensitive. those who do express and opinion tend to support the chinese government and its influence in hong kong. the hong kong should definitely have his right to make decisions. of course that is true because the separate policies, but i do believe that hong kong is in on separate both part of china. a 100 economy like is actually pretty bad as he is. so i think is good for home people as well
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also for me and then i think some connect the discipline, see it differently in march right through the middle of china town been low calls on the british government to impose sanctions on hong kong officials. and to detach itself economically from china. the me before regarding the issue, the on the other hand we have some ministers or maybe some, some other people would pursue for more trading with, with china, increasing our dependency on the chinese market. i would say, well, we must well change from this kind of inconsistent approach in london, venmo, and the other activist can express their opinions publicly in front of the chinese embassy. they dream that one day this will be possible again and hong kong to the front of the
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talent day. now addressing the highest authority of the catholic charge of undoubtedly a profound on both frances, along with numerous other choice dignities. 2 of us to walk with designer and multi talented philipo sourcing, natalie from rome, the design of gay dawn, with the tools, i'm extremely trendy. and even though he doesn't necessarily fit the conventional image of the vatican, he monitors to hold a crucial position and creating the vestments for the catholic church. the st. peter's basilica. filippo search and natalie makes clothing for some of the most important religious figures in the world. his stone cha, symbols and head gear for bishops are in high demand throughout the vatican, with orders coming in from cardinals, bishops, and even popes. pacific pacific us the are even on the go to see the i made by the office for the trogie cool celebrations of the
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supreme pontiff. it keeps telling me about when an order arrives, i start to work on the design yamma, then i make it the suggestions to the people, stuff of it before they make the choice slide on for lectures display. felipe, those stories in rome right on the border of the vatican city. it's not a fashion boutique, so mass garments are not fashion, he says, but rather garments for eternity. the 580 c. oh good. yeah. and the white stove with across of young kind of decor, a love seat at the table i style isn't spied by the early days at the church. the key is uh, inquiry chuck, when it was the symbol that counts attempted job and the not so much the ornamentation symbol in on the corner seat just creations are produced in santa condra. lo, not far from rimini. searching natalie usually uses silk or rolls his team,
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then embellishes the pieces with religious embroidery all by hand. what sex is work a part is this my new attention to detail the 1st about the flux to see data for you. we are working on the final details of a chest people for an important customer already came in. this central pod is recently employed at the mazda c complaint. the. we also want them entering the entire edge in the same style. quad chain through the label has made around 20 garments for po frances and more than 50 for the late po benedict, the 16th including this miter and the one benedict war lying and stated saint peters basilica. stated the problem is to see a significant got into post benedicts style was based on the origins of the church
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. martin noticed one tradition or the better. so i simply took francis's style is not much different. yeah. and mean it's a little simpler and little like to and perhaps a little less bold than put benedicts was for them to leave. those spins up to a 1000 hours of work on some of his roads. prices go from $1.00 to $7000.00 euros. and today, the priest don't, gabriella is looking for a new chest. people see, it's so beautifully liked you can wear them to ordinary mass and also too high mass . pick the audio, they're putting this in the to search and narrowly offers a range of different products to which aren't intended for cardinals, right next door. his other store cells, cologne's with names like 2 s, pitts ruse. cyber 6 or cruising area intended for rose gate community. the catholic customers next door don't seem to mind. like you said, it wouldn't be as
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a church should be welcoming it shouldn't shy away from anything and be open to all aspects of our society to face everything without fear. because that is also a part of the christian message to his faith and sexual orientation or not. in contradiction. on the contrary, kind of odd joan caravaggio, michelangelo lee in other davinci and many other artists have shown us that the creation of beauty over comes old. so the church does not pass. judgment is a boss that we belong to. the key is on and and so in his pursuit of beauty and fine art, filippo has found a way to reaffirm his face. have you ever seen kids? why this excited about this school lunch, especially when it's full visit to move? well, the children in this friend school are given means that are remarkably heavy. and
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on top of that, that totally organic loss. i 2 is a small town and southern friends with a little over 10000 residents and perhaps one of the most equal friendly places in the country. they use the cane use us so fresh. they squeak when they cleaned. there's so many the left us till next week. no, it's awful. today. it's 8 am at the school cafeteria and was set to great credit. it gives in a great mood today. today we're making pizza. we prepared to do yesterday so that it could rise over night. that way it's nice and soft. they're all in the kitchen may be pretty cramped, but it runs like clockwork. the team is hot at work,
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preparing lunch space of 300 meals a day here and everything is completely organic. making this kitchen a great model for the rest of france. the season we only cook with vegetables that are in season. it starts with zucchini . piri chard, and then we also have dental just so much fun cooking with fresh ingredients. and at noon it's time for a lunch break. the children are already pretty impatient. i want more houses. no, i want the children, let me get as much as they can actually age. the idea is to avoid food waste. to them it goes without saying that it's totally organic to launch the costs
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between nearly $3.00 to $8.00 us peaks is the best it's still got me kindly food is healthy. do you eat organic at home to? yes, always. and here is with the vets. $310.00 to the crops almost all year at a price is for euro's and $0.50 per kilo. they may not be able to compete with wholesalers, but they have control over everything here. and as the delicate puppies show chemicals and pesticides to boot. the whole property belongs to the city, and it's basically self sufficient and producing fruit and vegetables. you pay well from them was sent to municipality is responsible for this project on memphis for data. we started this project because here at the cortez you farming has nearly
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disappeared from over the news. we wanted organic food and we wanted it from local news farmers, and we'll put the look, i don't know. which is why they bought the entire state from the who had inherited it and it costs the millions they also wanted to prevent luxury apartments from being built here. a good, there's really a book and there's a lot of real estate speculation along the quote as you we put together an ambitious plan aiming to preserve for us to sit and farm length away. it sounds like a good that's how the city has managed to retain its chum with its restaurants, shops, history and culture, enabling it's 10000 inhabitants to live a quiet life here. be a a scary is the man just like his father before him. and he's an ecological pioneer in the otherwise the deeply conservative region was set to is considered the model
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green city of southern france. the, the, the underlying idea is to create a place where people like to live and are happy to offer a high quality of life in an environment that remains as intact as possible you can receive that's why the city has for it to provide its own water supply to all households buying against powerful companies operating across regions. the next go to become self sufficient in energy production to the media center is just the beginning. us get, he has had solar panels installed on the roof because he had the sun shines $300.00 days a year. the ecological mindset isn't very present along the court as you, it's not much of a trend here, and there's really still a lot to do. fits of when you get with him. he has a point. there's quite a bit of catching up left to do,
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especially when it comes to traffic cause roll through the city in the morning and off to work with not a bike path insights. but instead they have this a bike workshop for everyone. here you pay 5 euros a month to get your bike fixed up. the local government helps fund the project in the hope that more people will switch to biking decision yet. it's a brilliant idea. they always give you advice and help you, so you can get on your bike again, you know, solving the bike expos, give guidance, and help everyone in the past been, what is it working well now? was set to is especially attractive to families and young people. the city keeps drawing in you come those who appreciate the cities green policies. yeah. there's a real organic and sustainable culture here who's and that's the way it should be
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seen you last. you have to click with the 2 of them have quite some plans to reinforce more centers image as a green island fighting for a sustainable future in the middle of conservative southern france. godfrey is how quite the tradition in vienna its coffee house got it. so was even designated to, you know, school go to the headed stage in 2011. so it requires something unique and special to really stand out as a restaurant to you in the school fee house landscape. christy on towels has done just that. he has in populated his unconventional hobby and his profession. the historical elevator cabins make the coffee concept especially unique. the visa elevators may be in operation, but they're used in a different way than usual. in vienna as 1st elevator cafe, you can drink your coffee and historic art nouveau elevator cabins. you have that.
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here we have an elevated cabin from 1996, which was designed to be operated by personnel. 15000, i could stay on toes slips into the uniform of the elevator operator. the trained electrical engineer is now a cafe owner. he wants to share his passion for elevators with others as of him that just looked at it. so this model last known as a pot to no style mode, it was for the general public, for instance, in office building one. when people here to and here we have a contrast is this was the single person, kevin reserved for the wealthy by the high. instead of a ride to the 3rd floor, guests are served coffee and pastries. children, especially are fans of the somewhat cramped cabbage. they even know this was a none of rita new things every day. there are lots of little details to a place that really make it look better. chalisse, remove all the elevator cabins with his own hands from old,
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via these buildings in his restoration workshop he refurbish, has them for the cafe. with all the details that are unique to them, a, it's the thin lines, the embellishments as there was always this tightly waving grid of the end. neither all took this interesting. every elevator had one effect because it's so characteristic to them and i have re purpose the material in various pieces for the cafe boston leadership. chris john, tell us, has turned his passion into a profession. he's completed his maurice to training and received their certificate for working in distraught of me. you can still see he's new to the restaurant rate . in a city full of cafe is toast, has found his own each while his elevator stay grounded is cafe is reaching for this guy. it's time for some coffee and for the end of i shall. that's what the focus on you on this week. cancel out saying good bye. take care of the
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have you ever see your um, like we explore the planes of the time to place when millions of people will make it to each and the training grounds for the country's best women's shelter to iran. in 15 minutes on the w. entered the conflict phone with tim sebastian as the complex and got the intensity buys a public morning from the united states. this rattle needs to do to protect from city and something like this this week for these route is on the island for my head
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. the issue that the countries in terms of security service is where the us more come 6 in 19 minutes on dw, the how many platforms can you handle single tenuously without having the feeling that it's just too much you might see me. how much can we do simultaneously? multitasking these, the modern because if we do too much, we get it all wrong. we mess things up, risking brain damage. so let's stop this self sabotage,
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humans and multitasking watch. now on youtube, v. w documentary. no story is most powerful woman, little sister, of the dictate to mysteriously strategic. who is kim you'll jones? who did say she represents a mixture of expectation and a disappointment. it was as though she wanted to remain mysterious fear some strong, sometimes threatening, sometimes the charming, but i couldn't see behind her mad to disagree with. the red princess stops november 25th on dw, the
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the this is the, the news lies from ballot. the escape from northern gauze accelerates israel says another 50000 gallons have now fled the homes. the is really military claims people are leaving because they understand how boss has lost control of the know. also coming up america's top diplomat raises concerns about north korea's growing military ties with russia. john young as allegedly already supplied.


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