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tv   The Last Shelter  Deutsche Welle  November 11, 2023 11:02pm-12:01am CET

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the thoughts of hours when we say they're about never getting up every weekend on the wi fi, she's got any issues with a lot say what the
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the the,
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on the
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left you a message on friday the a big speak. our goal of input is you know, the what's the yeah, what would you buy your book, collect on this phone done. i know what to do here with the chip. absolutely. yeah . the quote you quote the quote, but we just have to get a quote from them to do, does i just need to pick one me to pick up inside with the sizes that message visits. what
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are these people? what is, what about the coverage of the people i went by who died yet, but some of the parents with the the substitution. i'm a trump, but that will give me a good manager fun, but it's also kind of close on re upped unplugged quote that i've enough. i me boss . good. yes i think got to yeah he's but example, did you come to the yeah huh. guntee loud event. one of them did not find me that the me going to keep us submit danella. becky pub is vicky. i will send it, keep up our thoughts on i used to fit pictures where that official model control
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the last time you called criminal law will be the one of the proper was a so put, you can see on the search, i'm a see the temperature was i could do to put a message that the put the on demand or why do you really the position of why don't report that was enough i'm it wasn't for me enough for me. the check on the the new the me cannot issue, but i don't want you to go on monday the
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system so she will find it until i don't see how the easy and it took less. no. see the back to the screen on the eastern. she only she meant if you do, the more floss designing the beauty shouldn't blanche's key in the go? i'm is one of them. you get all of the shoes. if you man see if i see any diesel. i send you the key little piece, the
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the letting me get on the advice didn't get on the
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surface of that is the level of the,
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the, the the
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one that i see this is the 2nd. let me just look at that. c. as in, in now we have what i'm moving out. if you need to, to the other pieces that are on the go. so you've got the level 2 new bloom and even the nurse because of the vin or the name, it doesn't let me see that. that's good to shoot me an i've been mid of the pinnacle door for the flight to the domain slash if that's it. okay. it might, it,
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was it asking me to go to the apple 975. see my old enough. well ma'am, it does. most of the stuff that i need to set up also gonna be the limited bidding process sign and send me some of the dna, swab books with somebody that's getting a thing of a phone call on a bus. well, some new people go to books. i've got to can be an expert in me do, let me do that. evaluated. the
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thing is go down to the get people we agree on the
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hope you're with the doctor. is it the one with no one on the middle of montana to go and it's about them and see the ones that i think just sort of the the, you know, the brother, the brother of matt duffy, who does that mean that we start off talking to support as well, like the, the appraisal, whatever, which is good to go for that the cheapest uh but the needs you guys looked at though, denise was like, you guys have more than you used to buy the vehicle,
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they'll. nobody's going to the window. could you defend the battery deposit, a sponsor, a scene? i did have a whole bunch of good to go for that. i gave you the do it the other this is when the device. yeah. you know, for a phone call, but i didn't vote in cities a bit until i got into the budget. my youngest on the front of a part to bring the biggest says nearby off i'm, you know, near the big back, you know, i've noticed the come on now if i just turn it off for me across the semester,
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him up in the front of the circle bolt, and some of us have done, we've done the us, the humans of the little beds minimum, which amount to let me off with the view of the producer above, you know, a light cohen indicated i'll come by the way in the summer when she was there how come what you thought you up on for tomorrow after i change the rest of the
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visit for most of the month to close enough sort of up to fit your much so what did the best step up to put them in the sauce?
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but if she didn't feel a little bit for me, so just to send us a little bit of as to the moment. so trump is it going to speaking? it comes with a just a minute. i buckled a couple of the switches upon purchase, both busy, instead of interest, pretty busy. emma finally, did you switch over by changing put them into the main domain. you also cook company like g e for informed me that moment obstacles i'm with you and i'm not sure was that sounds good for me to talk with you. i've actually been out of this. it wasn't the see like i just put the c
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c susceptible seat up in uh, let it go into the middle. so the people who says, when you do choose that, let's say we do this as you want to give us. if we don't, just as it is when you get to a different that doesn't yet, if you can, if you come on the status, i've got to pick that up on the wall shop. it posted by the developers of it. so let's see that it will be with us luck cause me to touch bases with you to the service yet, but as often as the bus, the sea city. ok. but salter to be easy because the what it was the efficiency ship up, was it the thing for my seal jamal, for jamal, deductible for the subsidy of a suite with them,
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will it be i do for you and that's easy because to us it. so look this up so you look it up to $62.00 to some limit i did you put the with mileage, but i'm going to be to come up with you to meet the truck. 51st. moved into the new place. possibly to just click next. he thought cuz he did, did the page for the full stuff is the bicycles that they have, unless it could be 50. as on the side the small to see that means the pc. so it'd be less than some of the the warranty should provide for the seat difficulty?
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yes. yes it is. you searching to see to see see what was the purpose of this you predict? what was the type, is it good? yes. it's a it's a physical disability. this is like this when i calculate this up. so could you just talk to sort of balancing see ridgemont pro, but it should superstition so that i thought most of the samples. so this is actually a lot that it was, look,
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the jupiter got to choose a path to make you such a lovely chapman. i'm going to focus mostly what about the one to one with the local bro, but let me just get that done. but i was able to go out doing this as much as you see is the only one this is on its own with my health is so me get the
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fuck does blow does the job and my legs are busy. mm hm. it's about to book the book to where i live, but it is the visual possible is it is, i mean talk to the publish it, but the book did it, does it physically lucky? so the end of the month, the month to month i don't what the thing is, the yeah, that will you that i will give you the whole more you was you will be what you got this looking at the very beginning. and again, you know, really, you know why you force the subject to be view was like the
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the, the, the, the, the, the unit on it in the you for the new year for you to the the, the, the nephew in on that and they are doing again, on the message now for us in case that you found the
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dc. no, i thought i got it to you when we say i didn't and i sit in, they sit in on me and on and off will say the i literally thought i knew the city will get them. i was sitting the initiative. we weren't getting them for, you know, my rental, your call back june, and then you come in a new plan on new near fucking nadia initiative. morgan, i'm one of my gun into some news news news to communicate to my d new book the
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old. ringback will it be decent? black for the jessie, why they are able to i'm
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not with the summer. i live not the number that i'm a model because got it from talking to not on the or the dogs to clean the frontier creed. not doing it
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too long, so when you click on it, click, it will be in the
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the the
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people up to this or not id have to but it's okay so you won't have to meet with us. i knew that the only thing is in the loop as well. yeah, yeah. you too. buy
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a lot of them. well, not in the long as the photos you forgot to take up the photo. no, kazi, i just mentioned like i probably got enough one of us. you know, a lot of the split the animal and you go in menu who knows when a i was going to the no, no, no the
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where the good ones anymore. if it fits you best article to do to get the good. busy yeah, what is the mass of what guns use okey dc where they will be will be the for not being purpose of the decker. who that defies instead of what it is it
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contests we bought the the yes to today. that's the one to show. yes. every month to get us before jump on what the soul started. people look on teeth, look what you think. what you saw was that the discussion, the,
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the, the, the full, the, to the see, the setup will 1st preferred to the come to the some i don't need to you to come see if it is uh 0 to to know why should we move up to the cause of the other 2 are simple. hm, exactly sort of simple. if i the problem, the fact was you, it said how much it started. you've been such
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a good one. that's why that's the issue of it. so let's the new one. imagine that you come to the screen says so it says mofas's says says it says that the image that says uh no for me to do 12 uh, 2 seconds is closer to the easy i think of,
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of the city. so but these of the single don't of the closure duty to prove any issue with proven. she thought that the lead to seal the top is it possible to come to court conservative to contact the he's fine. so we'll see it's time to look inside. did this what he ended up? i mean this on so long as good this does. did this welcome. so it'd be fine. i think the file was i think the funny to see. so i'm going to pause. i can do is i've been to the, from you from the
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the, the
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one the news about believe it would be available when somebody's inside you go to setting up pretty, coming to the far right. doesn't pay off a lot of video from drugs. we never piece with those pharmacy. i'm pretty nephew to that one in the
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meantime. what does a bit of good the cost for the
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image to be done to somebody before because you but your machine. she says you next as you saw this now. so good show that we thought that was, it doesn't just the ship this it gives you the general funky body body, super room. most attention. would you be the most of the guys from the speakers
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policy will give you a policy to use it. for example, would that make your thoughts introduce a piece of this the most easy, very secure, but that's all you got to do with softball. much more. do you want me to apply the most often? so use it, but to get by the gotcha be that we should get, uh would you be most boxes, could you possibly if you know if it goes off so it gives you both. so if i go for you, i said also for the site that i did send you the 2nd you're gonna get a 70 sophie dog does have been so long distance. so thank you. talk you to feel these stuff on to secret shows on. come on, is that gold? no, not going on the floor. she would you be going
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to be on a monday? do you allow me to come to the dealers, you stop with the solution. i had no issues to shimmer system for desktop. so i used to platform, could you tell me to do? the receipts is 000. and i'm going to, you're going to go most a cartridge. part of the boss actually shows it to them. who do some of the false. you'd probably be able to do something before they let you know that. yup. just tech. get that done? sure. do you know? because you said point, you don't want this to be honest because you are the should i disagree? the nephew on the different i don't to go get you any such good. you know this, that goes on a buffet to tie monday. the 12th, i'll get you bob. on debate, bob,
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to put me is what you do. so if you haven't done that, something that the visual might just be nice, you get this. all she can is that the simple say, because you put you need a city to put it on go for the new to finish up the printer and simple. have on this see know what the best when the she i see what you the memo brocly any suit you at the 2 percent on the cost of the guys don't people some dollar fee could be shifted and dr. purcell gives you the j. fish, i guess, is your message sheet shiver to show
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a see what you're so welcome. consortia. physical done for us here. in this case, is there a little didn't miss here to do the don't pass con condos except the pin and and i'm going to shift shows to it shows the me now. okay. gotcha. let me pull as actually picking the notes here. it shows me to
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listen to music, to be punitive, to stay and then we have to take this and so forth. is your thought, this is your partner patillo, just issue a person that guess who gets key, which is at the front door. she was given for time to process. so i'm going to nickel. so because i saw an and if i pay one minute, i can and while they should to petition of interest, so papa to show up was in a costume. plus k plus choice pushes this,
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i guess. okay, so i see the issues from the vanity fell upon the issue of the ship to to get the issue. so the last page and it gives us to the point to, to ship them to come started to but that's, that's past the ship. it looked based on booking i 7 percent of the biggest total different conditions of caresoft the
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effect that there should be. so as i say, that's really easy to see, to stick to put, to test it out there. a scale of the light to this guy here. for the tears she fled to the test when i remember dish, and if i didn't wanna ship this, it isn't the tesla and that that's the 2nd. so a total depicted asian interfaces. shackleton paper funded the tennessee for one of his 11 to see we'll just have to wait for that the so till i should send that back and should prove a closer consumer display me
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a public can seem to the to me to check the pictures almost as close to what time. so signal to turn in the follow it's going to put the
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escape a lot of people who are you closer to the you the money to say i'm a doctor, i've got another guy. i bought a kind of that i can, i bought a google closer to
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to the senior member center to move to the
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the the
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the i mean the,
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it's just a matter of time until the next 10 demick strikes but which animal will be the souls and what will cool if we can find out, we may be best to prepare a research team and kenya is looking for on service offices that could save many nights tomorrow today in the 1st few minutes on d w. let's see if we find
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a catastrophe. is this the good news a history of action or should we believe the prophecies when the n and everything in 60 minutes? delta g in good shape is that's name like a too much the thing. you little movements, and on top of that, too much, thrice to all this guy he understanding or call them connected. and what really helps to relieve the pain in good shape. in 90 minutes, dw, the
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theory is most powerful woman, little sister, of the dictate to strategic who is came you'll, joan, who did say she represents a mixture of expectation and a disappointment. it was as though she wanted to remain mysterious, fearsome, strong, sometimes threatening, sometimes charming to me, but i couldn't see behind her match to the red princess stops november 25th on dw. i wish i could have done more the same. you just click away,
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find the best document on you to really see the world as he's never seen it before. the drive, no dw dokey. imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burner, your dining companion says to you. actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retriever's. 2 2 2 should we. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify small handful of animals of edible, and all the rest of the classify as disgusting. w series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate. what's, you know, on youtube, dw documentary the
12:00 am
. this is data believe use coming live from the then coming up this l operation suspended that causes biggest hospital you have must run health authority, says all she for medical complex is out of fuel and it's being hit by his writing strikes as well. so i mean to nice the allegations, germany's foreign minister continues to mediation if it's in the middle east and the bay of both mates, which is why the officials intelligence of the talks with palestinian leaders in the west bank and hundreds of thousands of product palestinian support us gather from us through london police.


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