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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 13, 2023 5:00am-5:16am CET

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the, the, the state of the news line from building coming up the sound more gas, a hospitals unable to provide care. world health organization pills, a w, the more than half the medical st. us in the besieged palestinian territory and not functioning properly. largest one at the center of the funding comp provide dialysis and other line saving treatment. also on the program opposition to a controversy of amnesty and spine. hundreds of thousands joined nationwide protests against the deal, often the cadillac and say, protects the kids of prime minister in power in football games. find that accusing
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return to the top of the bonus like a type of bi demolition. struggling with young berlin to go above the champions of buying munich once again, the math and the how it welcome to the program is rarely forces have surrounded several hospitals in northern casa, the biggest down she for says, it is run out of fuel and is closed to new patients is riley miller. trey released this video they saw just placing but by said with 300 leaders of fuel need of. she saw israel's prime minister, benjamin who says how much refused to accept the few hospital director says it would not be enough to powell, the hospitals, generators for even an hour. the world health organization describes the situation at l chief as quite dia and perilous. it says the hospital is unable to function due to finding nearby,
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and the number of patient dates has significantly increased. there is the right how must battle intensified around hospitals in northern gauze, making conditions desperate for the medical incentives running out of the essential supplies and electricity. so many dollars was displeased. family flat dealership, a hospital with her children, she described had experience at the city's major health facility. and then we thought the hospital was safe, but it wasn't. if we had stayed another 5 minutes, we wouldn't have been killed. they started to bomb us and we ran away from l. schieffer. my son got injured, so i left him there in the hospital to get treatment. i couldn't take him with me. hello, how did i was tired and afraid? i went to my nephew and told him to stay with my son, and then we sled. the 7000 displeased people have
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sought shelter in hospital medical this topsy hundreds of patients audit risk, including 7 newborn babies and even to be those that you as well as the organization exposed alarm at the situation. we understand there is still $600.00 to $650.00 inpatient citadels. she saw and between 20500 health workers. and there's a 45 patients who really need kidney dialysis, but they can't get it because the, the power is run out and the dialysis machine is not working with the hearing that the health workers don't feel they can leave that they, they don't feel they can they safely, although many are also saying they will, they want to study because they've got so many vulnerable patients that can't be moved as well. there's somebody there to say is, it's operation is against him us. it saves the islamic militant group responsible
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for the october 7th data tax on his right. as a come on post inside and under the hospital you compiled does violence. defense forces denied that the hospital was under siege and ugly to have it created babies from cause us main hospital for those somebody has managed to fleet it organization. see that is right. instructions to leave the hospital without any see if even make it unfair and impossible to recreate, especially for the sick and valid even patients. that insight i was going to assume the echo is a spokes person for the international committee of the red cross. she told me silly of what she's been hearing from her colleagues on the ground in gas high speed every day with those surgical team. there is now working in the south garza in regards to your pm hospital and the conditions in the south is supposed to be much
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better in the then the conditions and the most of cause the ends do they're facing in no one's challenges every day. the receiving new patients, patients with cynthia was a lot of terms, and they're running old sure, and tool for essential supplies link goals like i'm subjects to be able to treat them. many of the patients, a children, including very young children. the youngest patients they've treated was less than one year old and they knew this kids have lost every time families. so it is an extremely hard breaking situation that was out, you know, down sydney and go from the international committee for the red cross. now no me by you, all cough is middle east and the list, the chatham house in london, we asked her if she thinks is well, has a clear objective nga. a clear objective? yes, i think they do. the problem is, um that, um, how realistic is it?
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the clear objective is to try to eliminate the owner of how mazda is military capability and to insure the time of the will no longer be able to govern garza and that no organization with the similar ideology to them. last will be able to govern goals. i think that's been the objective right from the start the problem and of course, to bring the 239 hostages boxes. and it is day $37.00 of the the will, and $37.00 days with very little information is any on the hostages plus 40, missing the genuine lives there and also the to ashes. so i think the angel quite clear from the is there any point of view? so the question is, the, how to achieve them without a political humanitarian and the humanitarian does often. and i think that's a challenge that seems impossible to achieve. that
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was nicholas analyst. know me by jacqueline speaking to us alia. all right, let's take a look now at some of the headlines. israel's military says it is carried out and strikes in southern living on in response to attacks by the militant group has by israel says has plus a so wounded several is riley's need of the border classes since the october 7 terrorist attack on israel had forced thousands of presidents and border towns on both sides to evacuate. johnson border officials say more than 800 people to lift the territory after its rapid crossing into egypt was reopened. for an passport holders were allowed to evacuate along with a few palestinians needing medical care. rafa think got a crow guys, a crossing not controlled by his route, had the thing closed for 2 days. when france lodge crowds of 10 doubtful nationwide rallies against anti semitism by the patient's code for the protest following a shop increase in anti jewish acts. since they come asked tara attacking his ro,
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prophecies home to europe's largest jewish population. taking his done against anti semitism with the addition of francis from national and to the march was attended by members of government and leading politicians from those parties including former presidents, francois known on nicholas. like, was he the march in paris alone to over 800000 people, more than 70 valleys were hold across the country. but the president did not take part a manual nicole said he was with the, demonstrates his insult. choosing instead, to publish an open letter to the french cooling, phys 0 tournaments of anti semitism office is yours. i'm french and i'm jewish. and i don't want to feel marginalized or rejected because i want the whole of friends to defend us. the we're default. i hope we bought a new account, just hide at home. you don't quite target. i see people haven't been attacked on
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the we've seen the anti submitting progression here. so the meaning of the conflict has already spilled over to front. these are the policies, the marine, the pen, and have fall, right. national riley also attended thought to criticism from some who see it as part of a strategy to re brand the policies image and shake off its anti semitic heritage. the fond left boy called to to much condemning israel's actions in garza from so seen a shop increase in anti semitic attack. since the start of the conflict with mold and $1200.00 incidents registered over the past month. hundreds of thousands of people have taken part in nationwide protest in spain against the planned amnesty full cadillac and say, protest, socialist to prime minister petra sanchez has offered the amnesty in return for the separate and supporting the formation of a new government in age. they backing in a problem entry vote due to take place in the coming dice,
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the conservative peoples polity known as the p. p. cool, the biggest riley in the capital and madrid. organizes say, half a 1000000 turned out to protest against the proposed amnesty. the policies leader once fresh elections instead the, we defend the rule of law. we defend democracy. we say no to the amnesty, no, to impunity, no 2 inequality. and yes, to a spain or free, an equal citizen. prime minister petro sanchez, has offered the amnesty to, to catch alon separate his policies involved in the fail declaration of independence in 2017 opposition to the deal as united the rights and
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some of sanchez's own socialists. they say the amnesty is unconstitutional and to undermine spanish values such as equality between all its regions. it's a mistake, it's creating 1st class spaniards and 2nd class spaniards. and that is the lack of freedom, justice, and social welfare media, even though it's putting all of us, all of spain in the hands of a minority. that seems to be a, for a payments of the amnesty also turned out in the capital and how plant across so no, not sanchez has until november the 27th to pullman new governments. otherwise snap elections will have to be held the football now. and by letting the keys and have surprised many by letting the buddhist like in the early stages of the season, but with rivals by munich winning on saturday, the pressure was on to seal 3 points. fortunately, full of accusing struggling when young berlin with the visitors on another
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satisfying day at the office by liver, cuz in court, shelby, alonzo new a 7 consecutive been just like a wind would see his sight leap frog rifle spire. at the top, we knew in berlin's players, meanwhile, was simply looking to end the run that had seen them slip to 8 straight leak defeats. it was no surprise that live of goose and g 1st blood. alex grimaldo, finding the top corner of freddy rentals net in the 23rd minutes. the stunning, straight from the spanish wing back to give his sight an early lead. it was to new early in the 2nd of wood or the lone casino. notice home. you want us huffmans corner far too easy, focusing new in the 50 sentence, minute leave. it goes and start came from another corner, tramodol phone unit into the back post. and the gym and the defender lash told
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an impressively improvised finish from the big sent it back to his team beyond reach in the 73rd minutes. and there was still time for one more. nathan taylor fired beyond bruno from a site tangled 7 minutes with me in the window with his 1st goal in german football since joining from south hampton in the summer for now the final score. another miserable day for a specialist who knew lin shelby alonzo is back sales returned to the top of the table. now elsewhere in the morning is like i'll be live sake moved into the champions league qualifications, places with the we know the tribal substitute for stuff from dr. randall's office. 31 victory to the highest, bishop took a bit of a deflection before flying past no volume in the front of the gulf, but they didn't care. the result saves lovesick moved about dalton into the 4th
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place finish. now millions of indians and hinders around the world have lead of evening skies to mock the festival of lights . the illumination of to wiley symbolizes the victory of light of the darkness. indeed is financial capital one by said of these 5 works, smart celebration, funds and lockers will take the right of of the electric lights and will latch the minority into community in neighboring pakistan. also lit up labs and visited temples for chris ramada. about top story, before we go, the world health organization says more than half of the hospitals and guys, it cannot function properly. squarely forces site, they have delivered, generated fuel to the besieged territories, largest hospital. i'm us, which governs casa, has reject run that tool for now. coming up next global ass
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examines why brazil as some of the highest rights of teen motherhood in the world. story coming up after shop. frank, remember, you can always get on these around the clock on their website if they definitely come now hand up with social media is that they dealt with the news. and don't forget that youtube channel is also a great way to catch up on hold. the best, the best coverage, go unlocking subscribed to take care of for me, lena anthony houses by the every jenny is surprises allowed to give you some of the right people in your northern most count the police the free time but still very much alive.


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