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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 15, 2023 12:00am-12:16am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the best since you've got the news life, somebody in a mass grave and guys of the biggest tossed off at all. she fuss a big bandage. patients inside the hospital ground. is that a false? as the closing in on the complex thing? her mouth medicine, a hiding bad. also coming up with john a u. s. and sorry, not to warm up prophecy. the nation. the leaders of the to drive of superpowers will be in the spotlight at an airship. it's a pick summit in san francisco. we look at what's on their agenda and iceland us out,
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allowed home to pick up essentially the presidents of the town and the shadow of an active volcano, connect some belonging, but i've now been told to leave and definitely find just one that could be an adoption at any time, the number such as while back into the program or for sure to save stuff and guides us main hospitalized have duck a mass grave to bury schools of forty's with jeff reservation out for days. hospital said they have no choice is ready, false as of all that surround the she for complex. and then the last few hours, the u. s. has back to israel's claim. the tomas militants have a c'mon center underneath the complex. i can confirm with you that we have
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information in the palestinian to use some hospitals including el cheapo and titles underneath the chicken. so you want to support their military operations. members, operator command control node from our city. they have stored weapons here and they're prepared to respond to an is really military operation against that. now how mass has responded to that statement from the white house saying that a mox would feel would quote more massacres and gotten that hospitalized at the biggest schafer, doctors are facing even more depth, a difficult choices with little fuel left of our life saving equipment. the un agency for processing and refugees also says fuel for the 8 delivery shocks has drawn out. the siding is intensifying in and around garza city,
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as is really ground forces pushed forward a few kilometers to the north. people in the w refugee camp. search for survivors following and it's really air strikes. the bodies are rushed away by ambulance to al. she's the only operational hospital left in northern gaza. but the facility itself is at the center of armed clashes and on the verge of collapse, we are a begging for a safe spot to happen. now you're bringing in people who uh will be on basic care. and um, now they can't do it because of the damage to the hospital. and because of the complete lack of fuel supply, the sprawling l she for medical complex has become a, make shift comp for the displaced as well as the sick and the injured israel claims that come off as built a command center under this hospital,
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an assertion repeatedly denied by medical professionals working there. it's part of the 2nd floor. israel's military recently released images of what it says are weapons stored in the basement of another nearby children's hospital, including explosives and suicide. vast amounts claims, the images are stage to explode. well, i mean it's, it's a known fact that from us is hiding among the civilian population and has also used, you know, do a use infrastructure which is civilian infrastructure for the operation. but we also need to be very, very careful about israel's use of information where in a war, over narrative. so the, the, the video in itself has to be, you know, kind of dealt with it so, so it has to be, you know, scrutinizing the same way that we would scrutinize russian information or how much information as well. she still continues to taking the wounded and the displaced hospital staff are also digging a mass grave officials. they're say they've been forced to bury the scores of dead
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patients on the premises. morano beside the is head of surgery at the hospital, we asked him about the mass graves that this is the, the well, it asks committee kind of stuff here to decide. so buddy, the good spot is here because the because out around for the honda, this brothers in the open space and they all sorts of follow to the x and infection . so we see that this morning. so all been a big hole as a mess. you go ahead and we brought it to me now 82 bed added by this in the a good day. so i'm tomorrow to continue. the little could still be on. uh yeah, he was number of the others outside in the open space and some of them be out and then it was you later. but unfortunately that it was yet that is not functioning because the flag hopefully yeah, we are, we are providing here. how does that mean and medicare for our patients? yes, we don't have it. it says be, we have
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a document yet. but the been declining solar energy. so we kind of the, provide some sort of energy and then we've been formed some so you said there was this 115 surgery for all vision without of seeing what you called. and so the idea anesthesia losing the f bomb things, the normal and, and laptops that you made. the ad for the vision decision you called at the it is that is people who get the chance to then enter the unit. but for the executive been in this position, this is not the idea of condition what the where to commit. but we can a little by this and also from the babies. we still keeping the service in the open space is not what i don't want you to do is um to take a channel this day. but okay, this is what we have because we are not, i know the folks in and also we are right now since we don't we have really good 160 at the in, oh uh now what are the amino but i think she is a to that was head of surgery at ashi false, but randa posada now us presidential biden as to what are the families of hostages
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being headed by how much to hang in there saying health is on the with us me do reporting but progress has been made on horses negotiations and a breakthrough could come in the next few days during this time is so cool in general, slim has more now and has drugs position on the adults. well, there's a cabinet meeting. this cabinet is to make a serious decisions as to the kind of the, the, where there is around with go ahead, then they agreed to they kind of being that's being discussed with them. well, duration of the cut out. of course also this, the junctions are also involved. we have the head of the should bit, these really security services is now in egypt. but it change the culture is playing the leading a role in peace and negotiations. and due to the kinds of the formulas, the according to one formula,
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the 1st. ready of the of the dish that will be released would it be it children. so all the minors from a guns that wouldn't be released and isn't we also released at 1st thing in mind nursing and is there any presence? and then we're talking about the release of the women and the elderly people. and of course, the question will be, is ready to both, will it return? and there is also in the bank or the how long with the ceasefire be and whether it would be 5 days or a shorter period, which is what is what i would like to see. charlotte saw me so close to that. let's take a look now, some of the stories making news around the world. the 10s of thousands have rallied in washington in support of his route. the wrench was organized by jewish groups of condemned rising and symmetric violence across the us. marshal is also called for every israeli whole steps to be released immediately. russia has baldwin,
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the former detective convicted of the killing of a prominent investigative journalist because he faltered ukraine. housing so frivolous have been sent to the front line in exchange for presidential pardon crumbling project on the police to scave a shot dead at home in moscow in 2006, germany's opposition left policy says it is disbanding. it's volume and truthful. that's off to the parties most prominent politician less to form, hold on splinter group, sought out by them. connection announced last month, but she aims to form when you were left leaving faulty, bought with a more nationalist anti migration agenda. eventually, people in monte us celebrating the armies recap, so i forgot the stronghold and the not the talent of conduct was drawn by in search of the groups challenging the routing point, though, it's the 1st time the army has, has put down in the decade. recap to conduct as being seen as
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a brick tool from all these literature tools. now us president joe biden says he's determined to get relations with china. back on track. barton is due to meet china as the the siege and being at an airship pacific summit in san francisco. it would be only the 2nd meeting and the states, the high for both sides. this was the last time the leaders of the 2 rivals, superpowers met. a year ago, at the g 20 meeting involved the much has changed since that as the white house prepares for this long awaited summit between presidents abiding and she. it knows that it will be taking place against a geo political backdrop that has shifted significantly since the last time the 2 men met. the u. s. is now dealing with 2 wars, not just one. and it has every interest in preventing its most adversarial relationship from getting any more hostile. this includes tackling hold overs from past diplomatic disputes by say, presuming military to military dialogue that was suspended after
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a visit from then us house speaker nancy pelosi to taiwan, angered china. another low point in relations for us. take down of a chinese bible luna earlier this year, following months of diplomatic firefighting. analysts say the current climate has made it even more important for the us to minimize the chances of mishaps leading to more tensions. decision paying will undoubtedly want to talk about taiwan, president biden remained firmly committed to defending taiwan. and he wants to strengthen deterrence to make sure that cj and ping doesn't miscalculate, and that he understands if he tries to use force against taiwan. there will be a great cost for china, but at the same time, i think that he wants to convey to sage and paying that the united states supports peaceful resolution of the differences between the $2.00 sides of the straight through dialogue that it does not envision that the outcome of this is necessarily going to be an independent taiwan,
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but stabilizing communication won't be biden's only aim in san francisco. it's also expected that he will ask she to use his influence on iran to help prevent an expansion of the conflict in the middle east. something both washington and aging are keen to avoid. the china would not want to see a widening of this conflict. it depends on the middle east for about 50 percent of its energy and would not want to put that in jeopardy. and so they actually have an interest in preventing that water from widening if they think that that's unlikely, then they probably will not act. but if they see that risk is growing, then perhaps paging well at a back whatever she invite in achieve or don't achieve with the talks. it's the talking itself that both sides want to use to project a concerted effort to manage the world the most difficult. but arguably,
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most important bilateral relationship moving onto iceland and sign to save the risk off of what candid corruption there has been hired despite the decrease and seismic activity. some 4000 residents of the town of didn't require a loud back into the homes for a few minutes to collect the essentials. they've now been to was to leave indefinite to a state of emergency is in full collecting as many belongings as possible. and packing them into the cause, the residents of the ice klondike town of grinda, vic withdrawn to debrief window of time to return to the houses to pick up the possessions and animals. i was trying to save stuff from my home. that means a lot to me,
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like things for my parents. actually there's just like this tension loss because now i've actually gone and seen my house for the 1st time since the friday. so now it's just like a pension coming down and, well, i'm really emotional and that's basically how i'm feeling right now. the town has experienced hundreds of us quakes and recent days, caused by shifts and underground maxima of creating huge cracks and roads and buildings which could indicate that a nearby volcano is about to erupt. authorities restricting access to the area and telling people to collect the possessions quickly and then leave. i know that during the last option you can feel the mag my moving underneath the ground. and we're not feeling that yet,
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but i think interruption could occur very rapidly. so we shouldn't hang out many residents, the staying and shelters waiting to hear if and when it is safe to return home. and with that, you're up to date for to stay to on for the top, your business. what stephen beard, that software saw, don't forget this one, you won't be dot com and on, and scrap and x number such as far as the thank you for watching the words people have to say is too much. that's why we listen. because every weekend on w 3 is the most powerful woman,


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