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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 18, 2023 5:00am-5:15am CET

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw news live from the been running out of c, d. u wins will 3 programs. there's people in gaza or on the verge of starvation. a trickle of humanitarian aid arriving via egypt is doing little to ease critical shortages as people battle power costs and the lack of fuel for generations. plus piling, pressure on israel is closest ally demonstrates into your waste stage. nationwide protest, i'm going to build a momentum for the 1st place,
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find the jared read. welcome to the showing the united nations agency full palestinian refugees says it has suspended idle for actions in gaza because of the lack of fuel and the collapse of communications networks. the world food program main time is warning that stop sanction in gaza could be immune and because of a lack of food supplies. you an official site that only 10 percent if necessary. food aid has ended garza since the beginning of the conflict. rough or near concert, southern border with egypt. the algebra by a family live here in the part of gauze that that israel said would be safe for civilians. but the family says their home was destroyed by an israeli bombardment on the 1st day of the war, or at night they sleep at
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a un school. but during the day, they return to the rubble of their old home. they say, every day is a struggle to find enough to eat. sometimes there's nothing but tea. but even worse than hunger, they say, is the constant fear of his really bombs. the whole world is danger all the time because there's no specific time for the bombing look at. it could happen at any time you could be hit at any time. it wasn't because you had to initially because we don't want food or drink. we just want to be safe with our children now, right, know off of the field, we have both on the destruction. we have seen just one safety and security, the motors for granted. let this be good because now there is none. the less he and then the bombing and the blockade have also pushed causes health system to the brink of collapse. staff at the turkish palestinian friendship hospital say they had to shut down cause was only cancer treatment center due to lack of fuel. also
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caused by israel's blockade. without medicine or chemotherapy. there's little the doctors can do to help dozens of cancer patients. yeah, i mean, how does the situation is not only tragic and when it's move and tragic to sort of on cancer, patients are fragile greeting they need to last have come from nurses for medical teams. the medicine as well as psychological supports, which we don't have now in the heavy and we smoke through the minute. the blockade on fuel hasn't just effected hospitals, causes communications network has shut down. and in a delivery by the un was cancelled both from lack of fuel is real says it will begin allowing to tankers of fuel per day to enter, which the un says there's only a fraction of what they need. well, margaret howard sees this books, person for the world health organization. we ask earlier where they use rouse
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stated intent to prevent disease and cause it could be achieved with just 2 trucks of fuel the day. it's this, let's say at least it's the sky, but it's certainly nothing off of the needs. we've assessed simply to keep the water sanitation, the hospitals going, i consider it be more the numbers i have said we need at least well considerably more than that. and the big issue is you've got people crowded together, they as you, you so graphically illustrated with your report. they then leaving in makes these conditions. i don't have enough to 8. thank they don't have water to wash with. there's only 5 percent of the water, but used to come into the turret. any areas coming, you know, and they, in high risk conditions, just affect the mental health of the constant bombing means that all the factors
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are there that will lead to massive outbreaks of disease. and we're already seeing outbreaks are already seeing more than $45000.00 cases. of diarrhea over 70000 cases of upper surgery tract infections. these are the outbreak diseases and it's only going to get worse unless something really, really big happens. and that the biggest thing, the best thing that happened is a ceasefire. margaret harris, the well israel sees it, has destroyed a major weapons. factories used by militant group policy, palestinian islamic jihad in casa, the army released this video, that it said, showing the destruction of the facility. according to the israel defense forces, rocket pots and drawings were found in the building, which was located in northern casa, as well. there's been more pro palestinian rallies in the us activist. talk to several said he's a to do mind presidential binding price for an immediate cease fire and gaza with
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growing numbers of americans of the same opinion. he is more now from mount washington correspondent venue. i mean, all of our as groupon, protests is calling for a ceasefire in washington dc central train station. it is just one of many actions happening nationwide as part of the set it down for palestine pro to then just demanding an immediate cease fire. but i hold to old u. s. a to israel. earlier health professionals met in front of the white house with a similar message. it's hard to be a physician, hard to be a doctor whose job is feelings patients every day. and then coming home and seeing all of these images and videos of patients being basically can, we are doctors. so we are horrified by what's happening to our patients and does that what's happened to our colleagues? thing goes on and the white house is condoning this. and the white house has pretty
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much given permission and supports the military attacks on civilians in up and so in the posting and territories and gods we are mobilizing the medical community to stand up against this and raise their voices and demand a ceasefire and demand saving the children's health best. so now asking for a ceasefire and is rolling gaza, they call themselves doctors against genocide, a group that is protesting in front of the winehouse, demanding that by no means to so sending weapons too as well. they're not alone. recent poll showed that a majority of americans, more than 60 percent, are in favor of a ceasefire. so we can see that not only here in dc, but many of a cities where they protest all happening, there is a shift in the mood and there's also a growing criticism of biden administration. holes also show a growing support for a cease for you. i'm on by the spell, the democrats, something that's putting additional pressure on the president. the stress there is
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no possibility of israel agreeing to receive higher because the defeat of comma pro does this on the streets of them and to the disagree. their demand is clear. they want to cease fire and they wanted to know well, the conflict in gaza has also cost a shadow over a controversial visit to germany by to the keys. president, red chip type 31 has been here in berlin for talks with german chancellor with off schultz, the teenagers voice softly different views on the war. and shake weatherstone looking jim and president frank found tush dying man. and then onto the chancellor rate where laugh schultz was waiting to greet the one with a friendly smile. the usual images from a visit between nato allies. but as the 2 leaders spoke to the media, just before the tools, it was clear there was
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a wide gulf between them on the wall between israel and thomas. that's to be up to the back to in conflict. i'm aware that we have different, indeed very different views on this conflict, and that's hardly a secret. and that is even more of a reason for us to talk. particularly you can difficult times how we need to speak directly face to face judy, so that will look 2 places of worship, a hit check and a hit hospitalized hit the shooting hospitals to getting children. these things are not in the target. you can't do that. there's not in the debt collection of human rights, you cannot do it almost and races which add one has made a series of inflammatory statements about the conflict cooling. how may i ask freedom fighters and israel a terrorist state bodies tone in the lane was more conciliatory.
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e, sony or tish, this is how can we solve this problem? how can we get a humanitarian pause in the fighting on money, on the call? kentucky and germany make a contribution model? and how can we take these steps together? what does the shelves concentrate on the positives, such as anchors, constructive role brokering a grain deal between russia and ukraine and the importance of trade between turkey and germany. but on the war and gaza is position was clear, production and kents devise if you know germany once, as you will know, are solidarity with israel is on wavering. it's very israel has the right to defend itself aligned with international law. at the same time, we say every life is equally valuable and this means the suffering of the people of cause us and then cause upsetting us as well and gaza. the doors on the to latest say there were plenty of other issues to discuss the steering ad one's very short
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visit migration. nato enlargement and turkey type of buying euro fight a war planes were all on the agenda for the remainder of the class of woods of garza was kept to a minimum that in itself. but thing over israel, particularly in many in the country that not only stresses israel's right to defend itself, but that has made the security of israel and its citizens and jews in this country and further afield. a cool principle of the very b of the german state. it's the kind of goes down like a he's a round up now of some of the stories, some outland, one of the founders of the company that develop the artificial intelligence tool. chat, the g p t has been sacked from his job as see are open eyes board post houseman hours often. they lost confidence in him saying he was quite not consistently candid in these communications with the board. a number of advertises including ibm . disney, apple, n,
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warner brothers have paused marketing on the social media platform. x, formerly known as twitter to companies found a long mosque is facing controversy or the height speech that he, after. he posted his endorsement of an anti submitted conspiracy theory on the platform. tell them that a i as a double edged sword, the you and the top code is on it as a by sean to allow the safe return of people to the contested territory of nicole in a car box box who sees the rage and the non offensive and safe, 10 bucks, international court of justice and austin as a by john to ensure the same for ton of those who laugh to during the conflict. by searching those tickets for the west african nation of liberia is set to welcome a new president, its former vice president joyce of boy chi, who beat incumbent george way with just over 50 percent of deval retain this week's tightly contested ronald selections. we are a former football champion, has conceded defeat the west has congratulated bubble chi on his victory. his
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support is in liberia been celebrated. the new president knew who supported the president to lex. joseph becaise took to the streets of the liberian capital among very via the bus to see moves instead of by the way. there was a time grace between the an incumbent president and from a international foot board of george wyatt conceded defeat. because i stood as a member of the unity party on the platform focused on agricultural development, improving road infrastructure and come back and corruption, the results, boot your magic or vessels from the last election in 2017 when via easily beat the kite in the 2nd round. this will be the 2nd as a democratic john, so i have power in my baby since the end of the civil war is the consumes the nation. 31989 in 2003. despite concerns eva eva peters
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violent incidents that occurred ahead of the 1st round devoted to international observers. say the 2nd round was last the peaceful involve some of his critics raised concerns about the 78. you know, because have on this night is supported in monrovia optimistic about their consist feature, and you're up to date more on the dw dot com. jared great in berlin, have a great day. the imagine that you're eating a hamburger. and as you're biting into this juicy murder, your dining companion says to you,
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actually that hamburger is not made from cows. it's made from golden retrievers.


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