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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  November 20, 2023 3:00pm-3:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news line from funding. israel release is footage. it says shows how mazda militants bringing hostages to because as the largest hospitals are these images a set to shop people capture during the october 7th care attacks being brought to our chief a hospital, which is rough claims. thomas, as used as a command center, is nearly 30 premature babies in critical condition. arrived in egypt for medical care, after being evacuated from al. she's also on the program right wing. talk to this have a delay. when is argentine is run up for the essential election is promising drastic
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policy changes to address the country struggling to come the feel. okay, welcome to the program. we start seeing gaza, why? the high mouse run? health ministry says at least 12 people have been killed in an is randy asked strike, a spokesman for the ministry sent me, saw struck the indian easy and hospital in the north at the gaza strip. heavy fighting was uh the hospital and tanks of reportedly surrounded yet of this comes after israel is that ministry county about another 9th of operations inside garza explosions and flash was seen in the south of the region. israel's army says it's me, so i'll defend system. also shut down a number of law fits coming from guns, and we asked that correspondence, tanya, crime a juice and by the phase right?
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of the military have yet commented on this reported attack on the indonesian hospital. so you have not seen a statement yet on the strike of the hospital where we received the some footage that reportedly shows heavy fighting around the indonesian hospital that is in the north. heavy fighting has also been reported from other areas as israel army is reportedly moving uh you know, even deeper inside some of the neighborhoods. uh, broadening uh the uh, also the operation of the ground forces. but of course as strikes are also uh, continuing that also has been reported as strikes in the south of the gaza strip. uh, let me in a rough house. this is to city on the southern end of the gaza strip. and we also hearing you know about that, you money, terry, and situation by united nations agencies. the saying the about a 1700000 people out of the 2200000 of residents in the
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gaza strip. i know on the move has been displaced. most of them, many of them i have to say went to the sofa sofa areas. but evelyn bergman, of course, is also uh, ongoing. and that is also concern now uh for another matter because the, you know, uh the is called the weather. now we seen also pictures coming out of garza pouring rain and many people are the in shelters that are overcrowded. so this is of course, also a concern for the humanitarian stakeholders there, which is already very dia on to know. so tonya crave israel, his release video gate says, proves how must medicines use the guides? as i'll see for hospital in connection with the october 7th tire attacks. yes, that's the footage shows these really hostages being brought into the hospital. israel's ministry has also released a video of a tunnel that it says runs under the hospital. officials from the hamas run helpful
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far to deny i'll chief of sits on top of a homeless command and control center. these right, the claims that have not been independently verified. v as real defense forces have released this footage. they say it shows a tunnel under gases el cheapo hospital. the idea of says the 55 meter long shaft ends with a glass prove door, but did not say what is behind it. this footage has not been independently verified . the idea of also released the video of what it says are hostages taken from israel and during the hospital, the footage appears to be dates down to october, the 7th. the day of the high mass attacks. these real defense forces has a moral obligation to bring everyone, everyone of our hostages home. we will not risk them till we do come
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us was hiding and murdering our hostages in chief, a hospital from us was building 3rd tunnels. underneath she for hospital, a mass is designated as a terrorist group by the us and e. u, among others, military experts say the way how mass operates, makes it difficult for the i d f to provide proof of their operations. her math denies israel's claim that they have use the hospital as cover for a military command center. a claim that the hospital staff also deny the us of the whole. this footage was released by the high mouse run gas, the health ministry after the rate on all she saw since october 7th, thousands of gallons have fled to hospitals in the hope of finding protection from israel's bombardment. israel's attacks on all she, if i have drawn global condemnation, the world health organization has called it a dead zone. dr. say is really troops smashed medical equipment and are restricting
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their access to water. some of the unfortunate sick leave those to patients overnight dislike. yeah. so it's don't any like, you know, nothing different place to live in. they're still pretty full rubbish with a better way of what most of the building the green is, keep the, you know, just promising but do and provide us with more about the perfect cause of your house, your national groups, including the world health organization. i say israel's order to evacuate patients is a death sentence for some of those who have tried to leave the area have come under attack, including a doctors without borders, convoy. many patients and staff are still stuck inside el cheapo with little to no water food for medicine. but the griffith temperature of babies evacuated from ashley for hospitalized arrived in egypt for medical care. evacuation was carried out with the health of the world health organization. your
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thoughts, i nearly 30 babies of entered egypt, father ross of border crossing. the only way i was have guns of israel doesn't control. egypt has allowed a limited number of injured civilians into a passport hold us to have crossed from casa since the outbreak of the war between israel. and how much is roundup of some of the stories from around the world. it depends. government has condemned the high drafting of a japanese operated contain a shift by whose the rebels in the southern red sea, the vessels on buying these right. business man, seizure comes days after the run back to phase one day could target is right in the ships over the fighting and gaza studies rescue things are searching for 11 missing. same as after a condo ship sign came to the black sea during the storm. one body has been become an awful storm spots attack a over the weekend to leaving several people that climate change activists in
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austria have blocked a number of major no 2 ways. one of the protests blocked at traffics. more than an hour, creating a move in time killed over to traffic jump demonstrations according for a faster transition away from fossil fuels. boeing 787 has become the largest passenger plane epsilon and, and todd tickets. norwegian po, the institute says the address to the 12 tons of equipment and 45 researches they play the cell from oslo stuff enough in cape town, south africa before landing on big 3000 b to on talk to runway to audience. and it will have a 1000000 kind of so one, the countries will of presidential election the right we can populist as promised to implement sweeping economic reforms including replacing argentina as currency to pay. so with the us dollar, after years of economic crisis support us hope that his ideas will change things folder back to dad,
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celebrating the victory of dean as president elect. many of javion relates supporters of desperate for change. after years of sorting installation and rising full warranty, it was the only thing we want is that the changes for the federal course fund smell service during the it's incredible happiness. it's the end of the never ending the kind so to the corrupt she didn't get that. i believe there are many people here who gave this government to chat. i think that in the last elections exactly the same thing happened. they gave it a chance. well ok, that's it. now let them give a chance to millay. let him govern in peace because it's not going to end like this . but again, the me that i see the policies that have been described as a libertarian to the extreme. me label the presidential election surprisingly convincing much in the, in the headed country,
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people by us event economy crisis, closing audio, dean, i was sent to the bank and replacing the countries pencils with us dollars among the blanks of his highly an orthodox platform. i want to tell you something, we know we have the determination to print the fiscal or content check. we have the determination to fix the problems of the central bank. we have the determination to put art and tina on its feet and move forwards. village uploaded. so you must see the people plugged in tina to the end of the box after he conceded defeat the newly elected president boutique office on december 10. and pleased with the countries polarized politics and on the stable economy, the new leader, we'll have a chance to put his reading on solutions to the test. i had some more news
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from around the world. the us secretary of defense has made a surprise visit to the training and capital care. lloyd austin underscored washington's commitment to helping you try and find versus the invasion of the trip comes and make drawing divisions between members of the us congress over providing more age to pray. shakira has reached the settlement with spanish prosecutors in a tax fraud case. and she's of all the jail time. go to buffalo in order to pump start to pay a $7300000.00 your a fine single with johns, with failing to pay more than $14000000.00 euros in spanish income tax. 2 days after being fined from open a i, the former c e. o sam open has joined the artificial intelligence company, still backed up, microsoft, lead a new advanced research team for my twitch boss, and that she takes over, opens old jump. some of us 1st lady rosalind casa life,
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a former president jimmy costa has died at the age of 96. she was a passionate champion of mental health of public health and women's rights. the full, the president released the statement saying his wife had been his depo upon this, offered wise guidance and encouragement throughout his life. we'll start with australia winning the cricket world cup, coasting to a 6 wicked victory over tournament hosts. india. it was the only 6 that will come when they meant, but nearly a $100000.00 indian fans went home disappointed. they turned off and know tens of thousands. the so called indian army 3 being of another world cups heights, so on fine soil for time like in 2011. this tournament ended in disaster. india had 110 out of 10 met. she's heading into the final. it's australia. we're in opponents
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. we saw the unbeatable disregard. this is. i'm just needing. no no. we don't think this is india puts into that fast struggles against australia exposure. some field is even very poorly. so also in india is he writes, wasn't immune pulled out within the revenge. the dismissed the 240 different different types. so until the straight and endings became a traverse. head show, he smashed runs in silence. the product design heard crowds racking on to see perhaps any 3 just the 7th plan to do so when it woke up, fine, no. by now the match was a full grown conclusion. the winning run is coming courtesy of dr. maxwell,
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the main to see straight here, extending direct quote is the tournament most successful team in tennis. i know that john richards won't be atp finals for our records the 7th time . so they've been beat. it's an easy antics center in the final into me. so which lots to say that in the group stage this week, but he made no mistake here. winning in straight sets in front of us, sent out crowd majority of whom were firmly behind center. the win runs off a hugely successful gift for joe rich during which he also won 3 of the 4 grand slam titles. watching dw news line from the reminder of our top story of this, our israel has released the video. it says shows that thomas medicines use guns as i'll see if a hospital in connection with the october 2nd tire attacks. it says the 4th,
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it shows hostages being broken into the hosp. i'll be back at the top of the our, our business is up next, taking a look of why the international monetary fund needs more money to help with global prices. a good the diesel, the news. the news the mountain is increasing every so many and gone up watching on black silver stars. the only work that is holiday destination drowning in plastic white at the cost every year, you're exposed to over $1000000.00 tons of.


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